How to check the speed of your computer to find out what it is capable of. How to check your computer's performance to see what it can do Windows 8 1 system score

Users familiar with the index Windows performance 7 wondering where he went to operating systems Windows 8.1 and 10?

To see an estimate of the computer's performance under Windows control 7, it was enough to press right click mouse click on the "Computer" icon in the "Start" menu or on the desktop and select the "Properties" option from the context menu. In the window that opens, in the "System" section opposite the "Assessment" item, you could see the overall assessment of the system performance.

In fact, in Windows 8.1 and 10, the system performance assessment function has not disappeared anywhere, the developers have simply removed its graphical representation. However, this is not entirely true. Read more below.

Overall score

Most likely, the performance assessment has already been performed automatically on your computer with installed Windows 8.1 or 10. To see the result, press the "Win + R" key combination and type the command in the "Run" window that appears:

Shell: games

The window shown in the figure below will open.

In the lower right corner of the window, the overall score for the computer's performance will be displayed, the one that was previously displayed next to the "Windows Performance Index" link in the properties Windows systems 7.

It should be noted that starting with Windows 8, the maximum performance rating has increased from 7.9 to 9.9.

System component evaluations

Also in Windows 8.1 and 10, you can see the assessments of the system components, although their presentation will not be as beautiful as the overall assessment.

Go to the directory "C: \ Windows \ Performance \ WinSAT \ DataStore", there you will see the system performance reports. Find the most recent XML file by date of creation that contains the phrase:

"… Formal.Assessment (Initial) .WinSAT…"

"… Formal.Assessment (Recent) .WinSAT…".

Open it with any browser by right-clicking on it and choosing the browser using the "Open With" command from the context menu. Find the "WinSPR" section in the open XML file. To speed up your work, use the search (usually the "Ctrl + F" keys).

You will see estimates of the performance of your computer components. The following list contains conventions that correspond to the names of the component ratings in Windows 7:

  • SystemScore- overall score, determined by the lowest score;
  • MemoryScore- memory (RAM), memory access operations per second;
  • CpuScore- processor, calculation operations per second;
  • GraphicsScore- graphics, desktop performance for Windows Aero;
  • GamingScore- graphics for games, performance of 3D graphics and games;
  • DiskScore- the main hard disk, the speed of data exchange with the disk.

Running performance tests manually

If you do not see the performance report files in the C: \ Windows \ Performance \ WinSAT \ DataStore directory, or if you want to update the score, run the benchmarks manually.

Open a command prompt with administrator rights. To do this, click on the "Start" button, in the list of programs, find the "System Tools - Windows" section and in it find the "Command Prompt" item, right-click on it. In the opened context menu select the sub-item "Advanced> Run as administrator" and confirm the action.

Enter the command:

Winsat formal

or if you want to re-evaluate your computer:

Winsat formal -restart clean

and press the "Enter" key to run the tests.

After some time, the testing program will complete its robot and display real data on the performance of computer components in the command line window.

Also, performance evaluations of computer components will be written to the "C: \ Windows \ Performance \ WinSAT \ DataStore" directory. Follow the instructions in the System Component Evaluations section of this article for detailed information on evaluating the performance of your system.

Selective performance check of computer components

Console utility WinSAT can perform partial checks on individual computer components and display actual performance results on the command line. To do this, after the command winsat after a space you need to add the command of the desired test. Below are the commands for randomly testing computer components:

  • formal- Performs a full set of evaluation tasks and saves the data to an XML file in the "C: \ Windows \ Performance \ WinSAT \ DataStore" directory;
  • dwm- Performs evaluation of the desktop window manager;
  • cpu -encryption or -encryption2 or -compression or -compression2- Performs processor performance evaluation;
  • mem- Performs bandwidth estimation random access memory;
  • d3d- Performs Direct 3D evaluation for games;
  • disk- Performs an assessment of the hard drive or SSD;
  • media -input "path to video file"- Performs multimedia assessment: video encoding and decoding (playback) performance using Direct Show;
  • mfmedia -input "video file path"- Performs video decoding (playback) performance evaluation using Media Foundation;
  • features- Displays information about system components.

For example, to find out the memory bandwidth, run the command:

Winsat mem

To learn more about the program's features winsat, call the help command.

Hello site, tell me how you can find out Windows 8 performance evaluation? In Windows 7, this was done very simply, in the "Control Panel" in the "System" tab there was an item "Windows Performance Index", with the help of it it was possible, but how can I find out the score in Windows 8? I rummaged through the entire control panel and did not find anything like it! It is very interesting how the new operating system will evaluate my hardware.

Windows 8 Performance Assessment

Friends, despite the fact that the developers of Windows 8 have hidden far away the opportunity to assess the performance of the system, we will do it with you anyway! To achieve this, we will use a unique scripting tool built into Windows 8 - the command shell PowerShell... And the second way to evaluate the performance of Windows 8 is to use the utility ChrisPC Win Experience Index... I show both ways.

I assure you, it is very simple and in a couple of minutes you will know Windows 8 performance evaluation.

Move the mouse to the right hot corner and select Search,

We type PowerShell, below appears Windows tool PowerShell, right-click on it and select Run as administrator from the drop-down menu.

The PowerShell command shell starts.

We type the winsat formal command and press Enter,

Windows 8 performance evaluation begins.

After the end of the assessment, you need to enter the command Get-CimInstance Win32_WinSAT and we, in fact, will see an assessment of the performance of our Windows 8.

As we already know, the overall performance score of Windows 8 is based on the lowest score of any component. In our case, the overall score is 5.9. Why is it so low?

CPUScore (CPU score) - 8.2

D3DScore (3D Processing Capability Score - 8.1

DiskScore (score hard disk)- 5.9

GraphicsScore (video card score) - 8.1

MemoryScore (score of RAM) - 8.2

WinSPRLevel - 5.9 lowest rating of all categories, in our case it's simple HDD SATA (this is the highest rating for a simple hard drive), if there was an SSD, then the rating would be higher.

How to Assess Windows 8 Performance with ChrisPC Win Experience Index

In Windows Vista, for the first time there was such an interesting utility as Performance Index... With its help, you can see the assessment of the Windows system according to various criteria. Subsequently, this function migrated to Windows 7 and Windows 8, but then the developers decided that it was not needed and therefore in Windows 8.1 you will not be able to find it so easily. However, many users liked this feature, partly to measure their pussy to find out who is cooler. In this article, you will learn a little more about the Windows Performance Index (assessment), as well as consider how you can still find it out in new version Windows 8.1.

Windows Experience Index (WEI) is an assessment of the Windows system itself of the basic characteristics of the computer on which the OS is installed.

The main characteristics are:
Graphics for games
Disk subsystem

As you can see, it considers all the most important characteristics required for performance.

Each of these characteristics is given its own index (number), which is calculated using a special formula. Minimum value 1 , and the maximum depends on the OS version: in Windows Vista it is 5.9 , in Windows 7 7.9 , and in Windows 8 9.9

From all these ratings, the minimum value is selected and indicated as the base rating. Why did they do this, I do not know, maybe that users try to increase it, paying attention to the minimum value.

How to find out the score (index) of performance in Windows 7 and 8

Click RMB on To my computer and choose Properties.
In this window, pay attention to Evaluation in category System:

click on the link Windows Performance Index for more details.

We get such a picture, in which everything is already painted:

It happens that the assessment has not yet been made, then it will need to be done. You can also double-check if something has changed in the system.

How to find out the score (index) of performance in Windows 8.1

As I wrote above, in this version of the system you will not be able to find performance, but it is still there.

We follow the path (Windows_Drive_Letter): \ Windows \ Performance \ WinSAT \ DataStore and in this folder we are looking for a file that contains the letters Formal.Assessment.

(drive_letter_with_wind) is usually C... You can navigate through the folders along the way, or you can just copy and paste it into the address bar of the explorer.

The file we need starts with numbers. They mean the date and time of creation, as well as other "nonsense". Roughly his name 2014-03-21 Formal.Assessment (Recent) .WinSAT.xml
It opens through (usually Internet Explorer).
If there are several such files, then it is better to open the most recent one by the date of creation.

An open file looks like this:

We need to pay attention to the characteristics that are between the WinSPR tags.

I will decipher a little what is so and how it is indicated.

SystemScore- overall performance
MemoryScore- evaluation of RAM
CpuScore- processor performance
GraphicsScore- graphics performance evaluation
DiskScore- disc rating

There are a few more, but they are not particularly needed. You can translate it yourself if you like.

If this option seems unnecessarily time consuming to you, then you can use and enter into it
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_WinSAT
resulting in a performance score in Windows 8.1:

It happens that you cannot find this file or the index will not be displayed. This may mean that it has not yet taken place. If in Windows 7 and 8 this was solved simply, then in Windows 8.1 you will need to enter some commands in the command line from the administrator. Namely:

winsat formal-evaluation of the overall performance of the system;
winsat formal -v- assessment of the overall performance of the system, detailed output;
winsat formal -xml file.xml- output of the check result to the specified xml file;
winsat formal -restart never- when re-checking, to evaluate only new components;
winsat formal -restart clean- when re-checking, to reset the history of checks and a complete check again.

Better to use the first one.

In the end, the window will be something like this:

There are also programs to help check the performance index.

ChrisPC Win Experience Index


The second one I liked even more, because it does not require installation, it is Russian-speaking, and also shows another additional necessary information system and hardware.

How to increase or increase the Windows performance index (score).

The answer to this question will be given to you both by the system itself and by ordinary logic.

As a rule, it all consists in replacing the "spare parts" of the computer. If the processor index is small, we change it to a more powerful one, if there is not enough RAM, we increase it.
It rarely happens when everything seems to be normal, but the index is small. Then you have to produce.
If there is a small evaluation of the disk, we delete the unnecessary, produce, etc.

That's it. On the one hand, performance evaluation is a necessary thing, it helps to understand what you need to pay attention to, based on a low index, and on the other hand, it is not needed if you already know that your computer is weak or there is not enough disk space =)

The reasons why Microsoft developers decided to get rid of the "Performance Index" component is no longer a secret to anyone. This alternative benchmark simply turned out to be unclaimed. Game developers and software preferred third-party, and as practice has shown, more effective tools, as for ordinary users, most of them did not even have any clear idea of ​​the performance index.

All this together led to the fact that the "patience" of the creators of Windows was exhausted, and they decided for the best if this component was not at all. However, they didn’t bother, and to begin with, they removed the graphical interface of the module, while the component itself remained intact.

Winaero WEI Tool

A program from the domestic developer Sergei Tkachenko, well known for his utilities for customizing and optimizing user Windows interface 8 and 8.1. The utility is simple, free and does not require installation. At startup, it reads the necessary data, and then displays it in a window that matches the color of the current color scheme.

TO additional opportunities utilities include creating screenshots of the received tests (pictures can be uploaded to Imgur) and saving tests as an HTML report. The interface language is also English.

Metro Experience Index

The simplest and most original utility for reading performance index data. What is its originality, guess for yourself.

The base score of the Metro Experience Index system displays in the most recent buildings that differ from others in color.


Yes, if getting everything we want would be as easy as getting WEI data.

Although, you know, it would surely lead to a terrible disaster. As for the utilities we have considered, the benefits of them are obvious, and, I suppose, no one will dispute this statement.

The creators of Windows 8 provide a special service that evaluates the performance of a computer. It tests the most important system components and shows the speed of their work. This service is called the Windows 8 Performance Index. It was first used for Windows checks Vista in 2006, then it was adapted for the seventh version. With the release of Windows 8.1, the creators abandoned the graphical interface of the index, leaving only the software part of it in the system.

Checking system operation

The service tests the main components of the system:

  • hard drive;
  • random access memory;
  • disk system;
  • graphic and video processes.

After verification, estimated scores are set, the indicator of which can range from 1 to 9.9.

Using an external application

To explore the data as you know it, you should install one of the programs that can measure the performance of Windows 8, such as ChrisPC Win Experience Index. This utility available for free download on the internet. After installation, launch the program and analyze the result.

You can also use the analogue with the Russian-language interface - WSAT. This utility does not require installation. It is enough to download it, run it and see the test results. To receive a repeat test, click on the "Repeat assessment" button.

Analysis within the system

Test results can be seen without downloading special programs... But since in the 8th version of the OS there are no options with counters and Windows 8 performance tools in the "Settings" item, as in the "Properties", the test of system components can be performed based on the data of the WinSAT file, which is located in the C: WindowsPerformanceWinSATDataStore folder and opens with a browser. The document shows the value of the OS performance index if testing was carried out.

Explanation of some values:

  1. SystemScore - shows the final Windows assessment 1 (the value must be the lowest);
  2. MemoryScore - displays the result of testing the RAM;
  3. GraphicsScor - testing a video card;
  4. CPUScore - processor test result;
  5. Dx9SubScor - the result of the video card test for games;
  6. GamingScore - testing of components for games;
  7. VideoEncodeScore - video conversion testing;
  8. DiskScore is the result of the system segments test.

Start testing manually

But it may also happen that you will not find any files in the specified path. In this case, the only way to find out the results of the performance index is to test it yourself.

Moving down from the left, through the right key:

  1. We enter the menu.
  2. We choose " Command line(administrator)".
  3. Enter "winsatformal-v" in the window that appears.

Storage location

If there was no saved data with test results in the system, then the performance of the system components will be evaluated. To start testing, type “winsatformal – restart” again.

You must wait for the message with the total execution time to appear, then close the window.

Completion of the assessment

All test results will be reflected in C: WindowsPerformanceWinSATDataStore. How to view them has already been described above. The PowerShell helper will also work. It is launched through "Start", then "System Tools - Windows - Windows PowerShell".

After starting it is necessary to enter the command "Get-CimInstanceWin32_WinSAT" and familiarize yourself with the obtained values.

Decoding of values:

  1. CPUScore - reflects the processor test;
  2. D3DScore - shows the result of the video card performance test for gaming processes;
  3. GraphicsScore - shows the video card test;
  4. DiskScore - testing the hard drive;
  5. MemoryScore - reflects the test of the RAM;
  6. WinSPRLevel - Shows the final result of the system test (should be the smallest number among the rest).

Windows 8 Performance Index: Video