Editing firmware bin. Programs for editing firmware globally similar

Tsya program recognized for editing software (software) for deyakih Global-like receivers. All the advantages of the program are not changed, but the principle of work with it is to make changes to the software in the Maincode file.
Download the program itself Ali Universal Fixer v 1.4b, get it ready before launch (read the comments when downloading). In the folder where the program will be, copy the software file (PZ), which will be edited. We start the program and press "Vidkriti", insert the software (PZ) from the folder we copied, press "Vityagnuti", It is possible, it will come forward, we press "OK". At the new window, the program is pressing "Unpack", then "Unpack". After that, we go into the folder where our program is located and marvel. For a better look at Total Commander, there may be two new files. Just before the hour of unpacking, one maincode (AV) file appears, which means that the unpacking did not go into the program. de vikno komentar englishskoy write what you can not unpack. In such a way, I will quickly name the file, or change it, I will name the file more shortly. For example: Dump ALI. Even if it doesn’t help, it’s still possible to work with this program and software (PZ) there’s no sense, because the maincode file is not expanded. Shukaymo another option for unpacking or another program. We see the maincode (AV) file, restart the Ali Universal Fixer v 1.4b program, the work is as described above. As if you were lucky after changing the names and in the papacy there are instructions for the future work and two new files, radio. For further work, we need a Hex-Editor. For example, qiu axis: Hex Workshop v 4.23. The program Ali Universal Fixer v 1.4b is never closed and launched by Hex-Editor. Click "File", then "Open", select the file Lzma-Unpack.BIN. To search for what you want to change, you can use the buttons "Search", "Come on". At the vikni we write a joke, what you want to know. Press "OK". If you correctly asked the search, Hex-Editor will know those places that we need. Let's get to editing. All new values ​​edited by you will be of red color, after all have been entered by you required changes click the "Save" button. Hex-Editor will ask you to save an unaltered BAK file when saving. If you remember your changes, you can type "Ні" and then you will not save the file, but save the file with BIN extensions. Close Hex-Editor (we don't need wine anymore). Let's go to our close the program Ali Universal Fixer v 1.4b. Pressing "Squeeze", "Come", follow the process. After the completion of the process, we will change the software (PZ) with the addition of MOD. Now we can hack the software for uploading to the receiver. As if everything was done right, and your receiver opened up those that they wanted, with the help of a victorious robot.
Advance! In order not to drive your receiver through incorrect editing in the software, when flashing it in the program-wanting, it is possible to change the maincode option, even if you did not edit the software correctly, the receiver can gradually go into re-advantage, hang, not vmikatisya. Reverse flashing with normal software is recommended.
* * *
To open the Dump file *abs*, the Ali Universal Fixer v 1.4b program will be installed, but at the beginning you need to run the program itself:
1. Extract the Ali Universal Fixer v 1.4b folder from the WinRAR archive to the desktop. This folder contains 5 folders, one of them is Ali Universal Fixer v 1.4b.
2. Open the Drivers folder, we know the registrar OCX program, robably pushing mice. The screen will show.../system32/cmd.exe and RegSvr32 with the "OK" button.
3. Click on "OK" here 4 or 5 times, all the docks are not found.
4. After that in the folder Ali Universal Fixer v 1.4b, like on the desktop, there will be a single file Config (Configuration Settings 4KB).
The program is ready to work on your PC.
Now you can open Dump file *abs* taken from the receiver:
1. Program Ali Universal Fixer v 1.4b opens Dump file *abs*.
2. Go to the Extractor option.
3. Tisnemo on Unpack. Let's Uncompress and Edit.
4. Please show up for the mini_ps_hd_1.1.27_maincode(AV)_Lzma-Unpack. Vіdkrivaєmo that radiєmo...
5. In the section Tools=>File, Tools=>Find in File, we ask what we need, then we write down what we need.
6. After the robot is closed by Hex-Editor and in the Ali Universal Fixer v 1.4b program, Compress and Attach are pressed. The work is finished. We download software from the receiver.
Try to enter the key like this:

Some products include the auto-update feature to enable automatic upgrade. In the case of other subdivisions, the updates can automatically be set independently in the parameters of the automatic update. For example, we can give automatic update, scho usuvaє damage to security, or the inconsistency of your merezhі. We can also send you updated software data files automatically to help you, for example, send you updated information about attachments for identification of new additions at the border.

0500 3787 0B5C 0CE8+16 digits of the private key; SexOnTV Gold (13.0E)

Firmware Decrypt 7.2. This program will stop if we need to unpack the software (software) for Eurosat receivers and it will be similar to Ali 3329B and C processors. !!
Zavantazhuemo Firmware program Decrypt 7.2, create a folder with this name, copy the unzipped exe file. to the folder where the software (software) for Eurosat is copied to the same folder, we start the program, we choose to copy the software (software) by us. The program will tell us which file to unpack for the processor Ali 3329B or C, press "OK". The program presses the button "Extract MainCode". Pide the unpacking process. After the program is completed, write down what the unpacking file is. Press "OK". The Firmware Decrypt 7.2 folder will have an unpacked maincode file with the abs extension. At this stage, you can close the Firmware Decrypt 7.2 program and open the robot directly with the maincode file in Hex-Editor. After all the changes made to the maincode file and saved by the Hex-Editor, as soon as the Firmware Decrypt 7.2 program was closed, it was launched. Select our copy file from extension bin., repeat step 2, click on the "Insert MainCode" program, select our change maincode file from extension abs. Pide the process of packaging, after completion at the vіknі it's pressing "Out". Once you have selected the correct maincode file, the program will write the name of the packaged file, press "OK". If you have not chosen the maincode file for this software, the program will write that you have pardoned and the file will not be packaged correctly. After packing in the Firmware Decrypt 7.2 folder, your software changes with the bin extension will appear. and the date if the program is packing the maincode file. All. We can change software changes (PZ) into the fill, into the receiver!
Advance! If you change the software you have changed (software) in the program-zavantazhuvachivachivaet "maincode" option, so as not to drive your receiver!

These data files do not update your firmware, but are stored in software files that are cached for your product and re-bind old files. Good luck with your favor, You will be fine with automatic updates. This license is not extended to the Software Security with a valid code, as it is to the Software Security. Shvidshe, please understand that the license provision for the software with an open code will zastosovuyutsya before the software with an open code. Nothing in this Ugod does not interfere with your rights, or does not give you rights, as if replacing a security software license with a valid code.

Іsnuє kіlka ways іv chim vіkriti bin file, i in given material TOP-5 programs are presented in the TOP-5 format.

Buvayut nayriznomanіtnіshі types of such files, scho mayut vmіst.



What is the format. Speaking briefly, such a combination of letters is the cob of the word "binary". It’s not worth talking about those that all data is given to such a file in a double format.

You know that the license for the security software with the valid code is exclusively known to you as the licensee for the software security with the valid code. It is your responsibility to try the minds of your current licenses for software security with a valid code, as such.

"Software security with open source code" means whether any software or software component or technology, for which licenses with open source code are being extended. Licenses with a valid exit code, ring out as licenses to work exit code available for cost-free modification and rozpovsyudzhennya, but can also be zastosovuvatsya to technology, otrimano and rozpovyudzhuvannya all-inclusive from the form of the object code.

And that's all, so this type of document should not say anything about it, even if we can change it.

Such documents do not have the same independent meaning. In a wild way, there is an additional software tool that is necessary for typing those other commands on the extension.

These materials are not guaranteed for change and change your mind (accept an ordinary short-haired, and not a retailer of the program).

To that you are to blame to look at Program security, as if it were some other material, theft by laws and treaties that stosuyutsya mezhnarodnyh Maynovih rights, that is visibly to the point Please. These functions are relied upon exclusively as a success for you. Linked sites are not under the control of Bєlkіn, and Bєlkіn did not bear responsibility and did not bear responsibility for smіst or the practice of such Linked sites, including, whether or not, information or materials that may be found on such Linked sites.

You will need to develop an independent mind about your cooperation with these sites. After accepting tsієї Pleasing tsya Pleasing is secluded to the point of deed. The license is exchanged in this Ugodi, it will be automatically pinned, as if you do not reach the minds of Ugodi. Please wait, after such an application, you will find all software and documentation related to Software security, including all extensions or removal of copies by you, and in a different case, attach a license Software security.

on modern computers, Most often, files of this format are accepted up to one of the following types:

<Рис. 3 Nero>

3rd place. Daemon Tools

Which is most suitable for game bins. So, as such data appeared in the disk with the image, or in the folder with it, it was possible to display them better through the whole software.

If the Software is installed on personal computer or mobile extension You are guilty of negaly vidaliti software security. As well as software security or software security or software security caused by the Product, you are responsible for attaching the name to the Product. Please, for the wine of Rozdil 1 and the obmezheny guarantee at Rozdil 12, get rid of the chinnymi.

For an addendum to tsikh zabіv zakhistu "spozhivach" can claim to be a reasonably predicted waste, yak blaming the post-cob problem. Tsya Obmezhena garantiy nedіysna, yakscho vіdmova ZMI caused by an unfortunate depression, mischief or wrong zastosuvannyam.

The program may be cost-free trial period with practically indispensable functionality and stable operation.

In order to open bin, use the following algorithm:

  • Get the version of Daemon Tools that suits your computer;
  • Install the program, dorimuyuyuchis kazіvok installer;
  • Run the program;
  • At the top left corner of the main window of the program, in the menu header, find the File button;
  • Click on it and select Enter in the menu;
  • After pressing the Open button, start the standard Windows Explorer;
  • Through the new one, enter the path to the file, which you want to open;
  • After that, the main window of the program will show up in the file.

If necessary, you can not only get to know him, but also make changes.

Whether or not spare parts will be guaranteed for a part of the cob Warranty period or thirty days, whichever is longer. In quiet situations, if the guarantees cannot be turned off or turned off, the stench is surrounded by the trivality of the Guarantee period.

p align="justify"> The actual saving of energy and whether it is due to it, pennies profits vary in the fallowing of factors, which should not lie in the control, but knowledge of Belkin. Hour after hour, Belkin can win software security, so that you can give you information that is unique for you and victorious energy and offer you the opportunity to save pennies on electricity bills, so you will accept the proposition of the software for the function. Please note that this information is not a guarantee of actual savings, and please do not share the cost of other costs in Belkin, as your protection will be confirmed.

The program works more stable for everything, more refurbished. Vaughn supports bin rich types and allows you to correctly display your choice.