Leaking information to competitors, as it is called. It has become clear how spy agents are leaking secret information to competitors. Pour in technology


Most often, the flow of information is stolen through flash drives and disks
Few companies would be afraid of the flow through ICQ, or even worse.

Among the companies, it is important that it is easier for the security forces to “leak” the commercial secret to competitors for additional flash drives, CDs and DVDs. This is according to the investigation carried out by SearchInform, a specialist in domestic flow protection programs. Based on these results, we put together diagrams that show how information resources themselves are routinely protected from industrial fishing.

BEFORE THE SPEECH. Based on survey data from www.hh.ru, 20 hundreds of respondents would like to “lead” information to competitors. The average cost of such service is 1.5 million rubles (in the capital - for 2.3 million rubles, in the regions - for 696 thousand rubles). Men are more likely to be informants than their wives - 24 percent versus 13.

Commercial espionage, which involves illegally seizing information about a competitor’s business, operates through its own agents. They either recruit the necessary organization or recruit their spies. They are more likely to be victorious, and they trust their people more. Methods, for the help of some spies, obtain information, mass. For example, it is not difficult for people to treat illnesses by installing “bugs” there or inadvertently throwing in a device that can listen in (laser microphone, voice recorder, etc.).

If the required letter data is sent to the Internet and electronic media, they are also being interconnected by the Internet of many companies. virus for rik mayzhe u pіtor times. Distrust of Skype is growing. It seems that it is difficult to get information from Skype. In addition, cybersecurity workers are more likely to focus on new information on the job, which increases the risk of the flow of information to competitors from their peers and from the view of files for downloading. The third most popular channel is Vitoku - forums, blogs, social measures that electronic mail.

And the axis of protection from espionage through other programs of meeting information exchange (aska, kvip etc.) has decreased. It is important that the spyvrobitniki are the most likely to use resources for “splitting”.

Obviously, the simplest way to reduce the risk of flux is to block all spies from coming and going: block Skype, allow only people corporate mail, turn off the Internet, close the ports for flash drives, etc. However, even these methods of life are necessary in work, for example, through Skype it is easier and cheaper to conduct term negotiations with a foreign counterparty, clerks of regional offices. A USB port is required to provide information to funds and taxes. Therefore, it is possible that such drastic approaches are complicated and it is enough to install special dry programs.

How the flow of information is most often blocked by companies

Congratulations to colleagues

Valentina Kovalova, financial director of Salyut LLC, Yekaterinburg:

“We installed a special filter program that “screens” all output graphic files, scans and sheets of paper.”

Ksenia Lavrova, head accountant of Argotex JSC, St. Petersburg:

“Everyone has closed the flash drive ports on their computers. And if you need to copy it, we write a service. The funder contacts, the system administrator checks the information and grants access.”

Anna Trifonova, chief accountant of Vesta LLC, Novosibirsk:

“Remote control of the computer allows you to view which sites are connected to the browser you are scrolling through.”

Maria Ivanova, head accountant of SMT LLC, Moscow:

“Our company has no restrictions on spilkuvaniya on social networks, on social networks, on email browsing - we trust. In particular, I have the keys to the “Client Bank” for three Russian banks. I treasure their axis like the apple of my eye, I don’t trust anyone and I always carry a flash drive with keys with me.”

The article was published in the newspaper "UNP" No. 39,

Establish data protection systems that recognize a confidential document, intercept transmissions across organizational domains, and prevent information from being written to a flash drive. There is another “upload” scheme: unzip the document, copy it or take a screenshot of the computer screen. What is needed to get rid of the wine-prone “mole”.

We'll crush the paper

This market is now beginning to grow, and even now products (for example, ILD solutions, Safeguard PDF Security) provide copies of confidential documents. Learning from the corporate system electronic document management, the program designates the skin with special rank electronic version document. The specialist creates an individual copy for the work with invisible changes between words or inter-row intervals. It’s easy to find out if you have uploaded the information, or if the document was photographed on a smartphone. In this case, the company’s document processing algorithm is no longer immutable.

1. In 68% of the fallouts there are winery rows, in 8% there are vineyards of the organization;

2. In Russia, payment information and personal data are most often stolen.

Is it necessary to put pressure on the healthcare workers?

This food supply may be managed by the security service together with the top management of the company.

If you want to be open and inform the spyers about the system’s damage, the credibility of the “flood” is falling: what’s the point if the hospitals are immediately destroyed?

Since the spy squads don’t know anything, the security service takes away carte blanche for reconnaissance and immediately identifies the mole.

Pour in technology

At the end of 2017, the American Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) called seven people with information about the upcoming troubles and destruction, as one of them was accused. To transfer the vikory, a mobile messenger with a function will notify you that they are self-deleting.

Shukaemo document

If you have found a fragment of a document in ZMI or you are “walking” around the market and have sent you an evil file, put it on hold at any time to look at the criminals and gain access to the commercial secret chamber. It is first necessary to understand how “evil” the document itself is.

It’s important for the great document management. However, the systems (for example, ILD), which support the flow of paper media, operate a full-text document search mechanism, which allows the security service to easily find out the original of the compromised file. It will take up to two years for the original photographed on a smartphone to appear (you will need to edit the image in the editor first). Rozshuk will be successful, let us know in Private access having damaged even a fragment of the original document or otherwise there will be damage - a mischief of destruction and blots. Such functions often conserve human resources required for investigations.

Shukaemo blame

It is easy to find the original if you are accessing or working with the document. The system matches the characteristics of the compromised document with copies previously generated for spies. Everything is simple here: if the detection is detected, the security service specialists are ordered to hunt down the mole without mercy.

Then you will have to get rid of the wine - you won’t be able to get better insurance. Things have already become worse. Prepare a serious evidence base based on the data of the chemical system and in the application of the one who has done wrong, conduct a conversation with other security officers, remember that it is not possible to divulge the company’s internal information. And let me tell you, for the best of my sake, about the lack of discord, since you haven’t raped this before!

Head of an American company Facebook Mark Zuckerberg stood up to the social media activists for a round of data: “We are going to live now so that we can sing of something that will not happen again.”

It is likely that the Facebook scandal began after it became known that the British company Cambridge Analytica illegally denied access to the information of about 50 million Facebook members to develop an algorithm for analyzing political likenesses of voters.

Hasn't Facebook become such a great and unprotected barrier?

Mark Zuckerberg himself spoke with CNN correspondent Laurie Segal, pointing out that the company is losing control, regardless of the scale of its activities.

It is not surprising that Facebook itself is at the center of respect: this company has a billion-dollar audience and has a strong influx into media and advertising channels. In addition, Facebook practically has no direct competitors.

As a “Great Four” company, Facebook can not only create new industries, but also create a partnership itself. It is therefore possible to rely on the company’s influx both on the presidential elections and on the underlying political situation in the world.

Zuckerberg says he senses the insecurity of the situation: “I wouldn’t believe that after 14 years Facebook would see such an influx,” he said, saying that problems with disinformation are Fragmented news cannot be shared by just Facebook.

“For those involved in social security, the current situation is not of particular significance. Of course, this has a negative impact on the company’s image. After all, billions of people today are profiting from Facebook not only because of its image, but because of its functionality! This is a guarantee that this problem does not lead to serious long-term consequences for Facebook,” Vyacheslav Fokin, a venture analyst at ILAG, comments on the situation.

News about the leakage of confidential information - either the massive disclosure of email passwords of merchants or the leaking of internal documents of companies - is no longer a rarity for the media space.

Based on recent research from Infowatch, the number of confidential data flows in Russia has grown by 80% over the past year, and over 120 million documents have been compromised. These figures become even larger, as a result that the share of all Russian traffic flows becomes less than 4%, which is equaled from the illegal ones.

So, no matter how, with “surges” all important areas of business are affected. According to the same investigation, from internal and external attacks that resulted in the loss of confidential information, in 2016, organizations in the high-tech sector suffered the most, And establish, banks, no longer seeming to be government bodies.

Paradoxically, even though the currents are not protected from those corporations, which, after all, information security May stand in the first place. Why, for example, is a recent case, at the center of which I stumbled. Thus, The Guardian's report denied access to the internal rules of social media, which described the complex - sometimes for the light giant's spies - record moderation policy. And since Zuckerberg’s brainchild is not insured against the currents, what can we say about not so global companies and especially about ordinary corporate investors.

Personal data itself was the most beneficial for the evildoers of the past fate. Passwords for accounts, identification numbers of transport vehicles, and passport data, which are often sent unknowingly through social networks - all these are very useful tips for those who switch to dark brown.

The scale of the revolutions connected with the commercial prison is also striking. This part in our region is less than twice as common, less than according to light statistics - and perhaps 4 times more often, less than in light practice, the culprit of which is due to the fact that the computer anii.

Who cares?

Moreover, it becomes even more pro-fatherism if you understand that confidential documents are “leaked” by their own people in most cases.

In Russia, over 65% of the turnover goes to the ordinary systemic koristuvach, another 8% goes to the kerivniks. And since in the world less than half of the attacks are caused by an external attacker, then in our country the frequency of attacks is less than 20%.

However, it is impossible to say that in the skin company, which has come into contact with the flow of confidential information, they tend to warm up on the breasts of the snake. In some cases, the coronavirus does not suspect that, for example, they are crusting special mail Instead of corporate, there is a threat to the preservation of documents. Or he just wastes it, throws out the paper version at once from Smith.

This is the name of the qualified threads, if the evildoer illegally steals information from him, unfortunately, this is not at all uncommon for our country.

How can you fight?

It becomes obvious that a business can survive without financial and reputational losses that cause their spillover information systems, is practically impossible. But maybe there will be an antidote. And systems that can protect companies from flows of confidential information are no longer rare.

Data Leak Prevention (DLP) systems are one of the most advanced solutions in this industry today. The operating principle of DLP is that the software prevents theft of the digital “perimeter” of the company, which analyzes all the output that includes information.

The solutions to the DLP class have mechanisms that ensure the level of confidentiality of the document. To be clear, the system decides who can and who cannot overpower each other document. If you try to send a confidential file, for example, by electronic mail to a foreign authority, the system will block the transfer and notify the security service.

Of course, evil-doers are focusing on the principles of robotic DLP. Use encryption or change the layout of documents: Cyrillic “a” or “s” are converted into Latin and other.

In addition, DLP is despised maximum power channels that may be in flux, and it is important to control not only email and web and file operations - for example, try to capture a document on external disk. Importantly, most of these programs are aimed at actively protecting confidential information. This means that DLP systems recognize an attempt to “upload” a file and block it.

What about papir?

And everything would be miraculous, but it’s just “alle.” Data Leak Prevention is focused on protecting digital information. Why lose the ability to work with paper documents, which I already thought about?

Controlling the distribution of documents is very simple - you can record all types of distribution, and you can only allow distribution through the security service. How can you control the movement of a paper copy? Just put the sweatshirt in your bag, take it out of the office, and then you can do whatever you want. Such revolutions occur in Russia in about a quarter of all such surges.

Fortunately, in present moment Technologies for protection have been obtained from analogue devices, even before insurance and paper. There are solutions emerging in the market that will help to stop the flow from paper noses. Its underlying principle lies in the fact that a document processor that processes a document in an electronic document management system produces an individual copy that is visually in no way different from the original (for example, , the interspace may be changed or the point may be changed). At the same time, the system remembers the hour when such a copy was made, the main parameters and the data of the doctor.

It works like this: the document “leaks” early and late – it is published by ZMI and begins to circulate in the market. Having taken a copy of it, the security service runs it through the system and, behind microscopic details, reveals guilt. Although it “leaks” a fragment of a document or a wrinkled copy, the system, however, knows exactly who is behind the leak.

What is possible prevention against flukes?

This system does not provide 100% security to the flow of information. For the most powerful villain who has infiltrated the organization, you will always know a way to get around. It is important that most of the threads resemble either the lack of writing, or at random - “well, I’ll send the document that I will.” As soon as the security forces know that the emergency system is in place, incidents are miraculously recorded.

Raising awareness of security personnel, creating comprehensive security systems and conducting stress testing for them is a guarantee of reducing information waste. If we are talking about mischief, industrial spying, important artillery comes into play in the form of DLP systems, programs for protecting paper documents and a solution for analyzing the behavior of investors.