Drukuvati document u file.



In this section you will find information about installing local printers, printers shared on the network, as well as Internet printers. A local printer is called a printer that directly connects to one of the computer’s ports.

A hidden printer is a printer for which the server will provide full access to the other. (A printer installed on a computer in a work group can also have shared access from other computers in a work group. An Internet printer is a printer that connects to a computer, server, or other server, and before any connection is made Greater access for I will help you connect to the Internet. Installed

local printer

Windows XP Professional automatically detects a new local printer as soon as it is connected to the computer.

When something new is discovered

Windows printer

If you already have another printer installed on your computer, you can select which one will be the standard printer.

The printer can be configured as a double-mounted printer with other borders.

Note. To launch the Add Printer Wizard, you need to double-click Add Printer in the Select Printer group, which is located in the main Print dialog boxes.

In this section you will find information about installing local printers, printers shared on the network, as well as Internet printers. border printer

The procedure for installing a network printer varies depending on whether your computer is part of a domain or a workgroup.

In any case, you need to stop the coming days.

1.Run the Add Printer Wizard by selecting Start/Control Panel/Printers and other Hardware/Add a Printer.

2.On the Local or Network Printer page, select the option A Network Printer or Printer Attached to Another Computer.

Installing a border printer in a domain

To install the edge printer at the middle of the domain, click the icon below.

1.On the Specify a Printer page, select the Find a Printer option.
3.On the Printers, Features and Advanced tabs, select information about the printers you need to know.

For example, you can find the search for printers in the singing place, using the Location field on the Printers tab.

Or you can search for color printers by placing a sign next to the Can Print Color box.

You can also leave all fields blank to scan all printers that are allowed.

bachiti. 4.Press the Find Now button.

The list at the bottom of the Find Printers window will contain a list of known printers.

5.Select the printer you want to connect to and click OK. 6.If you have a number of printers, you can choose which one to work as a printer at a cost. Then close the maistri.

1. On the Specify a Printer page, select the Find Printers option if you have a printer connected to it and activated.

■ Check Connect to a Printer if you know the names of the printer and computer before making any connections.

Enter name and route. ■ Check the option Connect to a Printer on the Internet or on a Home or Office Network. home measures

or in intra-running), as you know the URL of the printer (div. next section).

2. After selecting the Find Printers option, the wizard will display the Find Printers page (division small 1).

3. Select printer. 4. If, in addition to the printer, other printers are installed on your computer, select which one you want to use as a printer. Handle

I'll try the page and close it, master. Rice. 1. Select

big printer on the Browse for Printer page Add Printer Wizard U operating system Windows XP printers can be accessed via the Internet.

For example, if your company has access to certain printers via the Internet, then clerks in other offices or in advance can handle other documents in the head office.

If you establish private access to a printer via the Internet, it poses a threat to the security of your company, such printers must be strictly controlled and therefore limit their capabilities.

You can also install a printer for

behind-the-scenes access

via the Internet at home. There are two ways to install an Internet printer. A more formal method is used by the Viconnian offensive actions.

1.On the Specify a Printer page, select the Connect to a Printer on the Internet or on a Home or Office Network option.

In the text box, enter the printer URL.

Setting up a printer for each other's file

Friendly File allows you to create a file that you or anyone else can edit for another without having to edit a program to read the document.

This ability may come in handy if you need to forward files you have prepared to each other to other people.

For example, you may need to send a file to a friend at a distant office, so that you can immediately decompress him.

You can create a file from any printer by seeing the Prim to File proportion window in the Print dialog box, which is displayed in most programs when you select the Print command.

If you often change files, you can set up the printer so that you can delete each file one by one, so that you don’t forget to set the order in the Print to File window.

To set up a printer for permanent use of a file, create the printer using an additional procedure.

In the Properties dialog box of your printer, in the Ports tab, select FILE from the list of ports. To show that the printer is configured for each file, Windows XP displays the printer icon on the disk. Installing a text printer for another file

If you need to save the text output from the program, but if you have used the program to use only the Print command, then in which case you will need to create a text printer and use it to create another file.

To add such a printer, please do so. 1. Launch the Add Printer Wizard. 2. On the Local or Network Printer page, select the Local Printer Attached to This Computer option.

Clear ensign Automatically Detect and Install My Plug and Play Printer (

Automatic assignment

To delete a printer, select it and enter Delete, for example, press DEL or press the message of a remote printer in the list of Friend's friends.

Windows XP Professional will display a window to confirm that the printer has been selected.

Once you have removed the printer, Windows XP Professional will save the driver from the printer if you want to reinstall the printer.

Carrying out printers and servers A friend server is a program that controls friends on your computer. The printer's Properties dialog box has a large number of options for customizing it.

Note. If the printer is installed locally, or you are an administrator, you can configure all or more of these options. If you are using a printer that is managed by someone else, you may not have access to these options. However, you can select two buttons on the General tab of the Properties dialog box: Print Test Page and Printing Preferences.

To display the Printer Properties dialog box, select it from the Printers and Faxes window, and then click Set Printer Properties from the Printer Tasks list.

You can also enter the Properties command from the File menu or context menu for the printer.

The options available in this section are the same as the standard options for

laser printer


To set your printer preferences, display the Printing Preferences dialog box.

You can do this using one of the following methods.

1.In the Printer Tasks list, on the Printers and Faxes page, click on the Select Printing Preferences button.

2.Use the File menu or in the context menu on the Printer and Fax page, enter Printing Preferences.

3. On the General tab of the printer's Properties dialog box, click the Printing Preferences button.

4. Finally, click the Preferences button in the Print dialog box, which appears for most programs when you use the Print command.

The tabs of the Printing Preferences dialog box provide options for selecting the orientation of the paper, inserting the order of the sides, the number of sides of the document for each side of the paper, the size of the paper, etc.(If you are a printer administrator, you can select settings for these options by clicking the Printing Defaults button on the Advanced tab of the Properties dialog box and the Printing Defaults window ( The ability to configure parameters in the middle domain, but it is unlikely that you are allowed to withdraw from the activities described in the following sections.

Entering the printer name, location

that comment

The General tab of the Properties dialog box contains fields for entering the printer name, information about its location, and a comment about what administrator would like to assign to this printer.

If you administer the printer, you can make changes to these fields, but in the middle of the domain you cannot make changes.

The General tab also contains information about the printer model and its capabilities (including printer speed, printing capacity, and color capabilities).

Increased support for two-way data exchange

In most cases, you will not be able to add a port to the printers you administer.

bachiti. Devices that need to configure ports must run installation algorithms that allow you to create and configure ports automatically. Most often, you may need to add a TCP/IP port that allows you to communicate with another device connected to the network. To click the Add Port button, in the Printer Ports dialog box, select Standard TCP/IP Port and click the New Port button.

Windows XP run the Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port Wizard, which will help you enter the IP address of a friend and create a port.

The master will check the connections to the port and see the information about its effectiveness.

You can also create a port to redirect the task to a friend from a printer that is not working at all times. To open the Printer Ports dialog box, select Local Port, click the New Port button, and enter the UNC printer name in the Enter a Port Name dialog box, for example \ \acmeheavyO71\ laserjet. The message to the wrong printer will be redirected to the printer you specified.

When seen

The printer access hour can be changed using the Available From option on the Advanced tab of the Properties dialog box by entering the start and end hours in the appropriate fields.


To wrap a document, enter Print and select File/Print, or press CTRL+P (the standard key for handwriting) or an equivalent key.

To add to this, display the Print dialog box (Baby 2 shows the example of such a window).

Select the printer, select the required options and click the Print button. Many programs can also place the Print button on the toolbar. Using this additional button, you can print documents without displaying the Print dialog box. You can also print directly from Windows Explorer by dragging the document onto the printer icon (for example, in the Printers and Faxes window or on the desktop). These documents can be wrapped by pressing

right buttonclick on their icon and select the Friend command from the context menu or (in

Windows Explorer

) from the File menu.During spooling, scanning a document one or the other, Windows XP Professional displays the printer icon in the notification area.

When you hover your mouse over a new indicator, you can view information about how many documents are being checked.

For both sides, tap this icon to display a window that shows your other hand.

Friends with the regime


If you are using a local printer rather than a web printer, you can take it offline.

To use a local printer in offline mode, enter the Use Printer Offline command from the File menu or the context menu on the Printers and Faxes page.
To switch to online mode, enter the Use Printer Online command from the File menu or the context menu.

For a local printer, you can easily print your documents directly.

For the interim printer, the domain administrator, who pays for everything, protects your hand with the treasures, but in which case you, of course, are allowed to save the property, and, of course, to reduce and revive the property. As a printer administrator, you can access and update your settings, access all your existing information from the Printer and Fax page by entering commands from the File menu or the context menu. Today, in the computer world, there is such a huge amount of expansion available to identify file types that rich people are simply dizzy.

One of these is

PRN format


Whatever you open it, you will immediately take a look at it (moreover, there are not so many options anymore).

What is a file with extended PRN: basic options

For the cob, it is important that this format, in its cob appearance, is universal for many systems, as we have already noted briefly, the English word print is the most reminiscent.

Such files may exist in Windows and Mac OS X. However, it’s worth one more medal. In fact, such extensions can be used in many office files created using non-standard packages.

They are also assigned the PRN extension. We will look at how to open such objects later. For now we are sticking to the main, basic option. Extended PRN: how to open it up from the standard view? Therefore, as soon as the property was designated, we can confirm the other documents. graphic stasis with recognition elements I'll look back in advance instead of the file before running on your friend.

PRN file: what else can I open it with?

That's not all. On the right, the PRN format is used to save the files created using the Lotus 1-3 office package. In this version, instead of just formatted text, but


, which was exported to a text file, for example, for exchanging data between programs.

How to open it?

Naturally, a solution is asked about the stagnation of the “real” table processor.

Rather than spend an hour installing it (not many people use it), the easiest way is to open the file in your favorite Excel editor.

Such data can be displayed without any problems. Visnovok As a matter of fact, the PRN format itself appears to be widely known, even though users did not know before that the program itself has such an extension.

Well, using the editing technique, you can first try to unzip the document, since it is the very object intended for the printer.

Otherwise, it is recommended to use Vickory or Review, Acrobat or Excel.

8. In any case, there will be a solution. The widest is the printer format.

For the sake of efficient vikorystany scaling shading

First of all, the type of printer driver you need to use is victorious. Many PCL6 printer drivers and HPGL tools support shading scaling and allow for cross-hatching with this parameter. The difference between what you view on the screen and the padding may be that the shading scaling is turned on.

We will gladly enable the scaling of hatching, which is adjusted by the printer driver, and select ours.

We have thoroughly refined our method, which will make it easier to reach the type of image displayed in the window of the World.

You can increase the scale of hatching by setting the ensign

Scale hatching

2. in the "Display Settings" dialog box. Turn off our scaling and turn down the scaling mode in the printer driver and straighten the results.

Our tests show that using our method allows us to achieve a better appearance of the screen imprint, in addition to improving the color vibrancy of the imprint.

At the same time, through the PostScript drivers, which are used in 2 and 3 levels of this language, we discovered that the Microsoft drivers do not support shading scaling.

4. Therefore, our method can help you. Microsoft recommends installing level 1 of the PostScript language and removing the boundaries.