Special office of Ulan. Special office Ulan - control of housekeeping services Yulan entrance to the special office

In order to make it easier and speed up the procedure for attracting state and municipal services, it was divided special service— services with a special office, you can go to the special physical office near Ulan-Ude (Buryatia) after self-registration on the portal and verification of the entries. We will talk about this in more detail below.

Methods of authorization on the portal

Login to your personal page, accessible from the main section of the website Derzhposlugi.ru or by direct mail to https://lk.gosuslugi.ru/. To view information and perform operations, you need to enter your login secret code(Unique password), removed as a result of registration. Cream standard way There are two alternative authorizations available - through the SNILS insurance number and through a mobile number.

An alternative to the standard entrance to the portal through SNILZ

For evidence of standard (standard) or verification that has passed regional registration(exit through SNILS is not possible for those with a simplified account) on gosuslugi the entrance to a special account can be obtained through the insurance number of the citizen’s personal account. To do this, when you arrive at the site, you need to select the “Log in via SSNILZ” option and enter the required information.

Login to the government service for a telephone number near Ulan-Ude (Buryatia)

At the time of registering a new account, instead of the standard login, a mobile number or e-mail is used. Therefore, you can log in to the Internet resource using the route mobile number, attached to the cloud record.

The world of authorization difficulties

Otherwise, due to a bad Internet connection, problems with the robot service cannot be successfully accessed, so to resolve the problem you need to contact technical support.

You can earn money in the following ways:

  1. Z landline phone- number 8 800 100-70-10 (Bezkoshtovno in Russia and near Ulan-Ude (Buryatia)).
  2. Z mobile extension- for numbers +7 495 727-47-47 (depending on the operator's tariffs) and 115 (Cost-free within the territory of the Russian Federation).
  3. Via the Internet - write a sheet by email [email protected] .

The support service will help you resolve any problems of the banker associated with the withdrawal of government services online.

Features, capabilities and advantages of the personal account of a koristuvach

Residents of the Russian Federation can remotely access the website of government services and a special office at the place of residence or relocation. This means that a person who is constantly in the Moscow region with a residence permit in Novosibirsk can turn to the Moscow office for help. An advanced, ultra-modern resource allows you to create an online application for a foreign passport, consistent water, put the child on the drawing board at the preschool store.

Advantages of www.gosuslugi.ru and a special office for residents of Ulan-Ude:

  1. Possibility of wholebean peeling.
  2. Prompt review of filings (in accordance with the regulations of the department).
  3. Unique feature and saving of personal time.

The innovations are especially relevant for people with limited abilities, women on maternity leave, and elderly pensioners. Both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners can access the government service portal, the individual account of the customer, after the registration procedure.

Possibilities for physical persons

The first thing people notice when accessing an online site report description service, services and departments that give them. Once a gosuslugi.ru member logs in to a special account, the following options become available to him:

  1. Compilation, direction and review of the status of animals for the removal of service services from the state, ship calls.
  2. Careful attention to the special history of interaction with government agencies will require service assistance.
  3. Verification of unpaid items (penalty invoices, ship and tax debts), their payment online.

There is also a special account on the Government Services website for individuals who live in Ulan-Ud, which makes it possible to collect pension savings. For a comfortable experience, people can independently adjust the information.

Improving the work of a special office

The portal of government service is an official website, an individual account of a clerk can function for the benefit of the people. To ensure that the cloud record meets the needs of the customer, you can customize the options:

  1. Secure the side.
  2. Limit access to third-party resources to a cloud record, as well as access to personal data mobile programs and electronic devices.
  3. Connect or turn on information about logging into your cloud account from other devices (for more information, see SMS information or as a sheet for email).

Also, residents of the city of Ulan-Ude on the website gosuslugi ru can go to a special office after two stages of verification or with an additional electronic signature. To make this possible, you need to tick the fields when setting up the cloud record. As on other similar portals, social measures, a citizen can add (change) a photo (avatar), delete an account record.

Security option on online portals

On the government service resource, an individual account can be protected as much as possible from unauthorized access.

What is needed for:

  1. Check the box for the “Log in from someone else’s computer” option if you are entering an individual page from a personal account PC (for example, a computer club).
  2. Do not share your login and password with others.
  3. Use wiki to authorize devices from licensed software.

Also, to ensure the security of the portal of state services, and also the individual account, it is necessary to run your PC with a proper anti-virus program. About those that personal information was lost in the wrong hands from the site due to ECIA's fault, the people may not worry: federal state information system protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation. You can seize the page from the evil government of the Russian Federation, your private account at any time.

Remaining activities

A special section of the site allows you to check the entrance to your private account on government services, or more precisely, check the history of the portal from the authorized page. This helps to know that the evil side of the world has not been involved. If a user enters an unknown IP address in their history, they will need to change their password.

Features and advantages of integrating an account on State Services with ECIA

The Internet portal of the State Service allows residents of the Ulan-Ude metropolitan area to use a special account not only to confirm payments and the status of applications, but also to transport official data to other sites. This could be a tax service portal, a bank, or a medical facility. So, when entering a specialized website, you must enter a login and password for a special government service account, in which personal data is automatically transferred from one resource to another. This option does not require you to enter data dozens of times.

Clean up a special office for legal affairs in Ulan-Ude

Registrations can be accessed through the government service portal to the special office. legal entities- Companies, organizations. Therefore, a representative of the company (an individual) must carry out the registration procedure, and then be granted the right to act in the name of the business. How to enter Volodya electronic signature, then it is possible to confirm the peculiarity of a private (physical) person and the relevance of the enterprise.

I, the subject of personal data, certifiably Federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “About personal data” I instruct the Operator LLC MKK “Agora” (IPN 5210001698, OGRN 1145254000693, which is located at the address: Russian Federation, 630112, Novosibirsk, ska 4, Novosibirskaya on top 18, office 5) and to the Operator TOV MKK "Avantage" (IPN 5402001331, OGRN 1155476000855, which is located at the address: 630099, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk metro station, Ordzhonikidze street, d. d. d. d. data entered by me in the forms and web chat either in the form of ordering a gate call on the Internet site, the authority of which is the Operator.

1. Warehouse of personal data that I hope will come: PIB, addresses by e-mail that phone number.

2. The purposes of processing my personal data are: secure exchange of short text messages in online dialogue and secure functioning of the gate call.

3. Here we rely on the implementation of ongoing actions (operations) from the personal data assigned here: collection, systematization, accumulation, saving, clarification (updating, changing), recovery, transfer (data, access), blocking, deletion, , what It operates both with the use of various automation features (automated processing) and without the use of such features (not automated processing).

4. I understand and accept that any information provided to the Operator about myself is not contact information and is not intended for this purpose, as well as the information provided to the government, any commercial secret, information about race /or national independence, political views, religious and philosophical changes, health, and intimate life are suppressed.

5. Once I decide to provide the Operator with any information (any data), I undertake to provide reliable and up-to-date information and do not have the right to mislead the Operator on my own behalf, suppress untruthful or inaccurate information about yourself .

6. I understand and accept that the Operator does not verify the accuracy of the personal data that I provide, and is not able to assess my validity and conclude that I provide reliable personal data. I trim such data in the current context.

7. The period is valid after the achievement of the purposes of processing or once the necessity for the achievement of these purposes has expired, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

8. This may be called upon by me at any time at the submission of my written application.

U-LAN is one of the most reputable providers in the capital region. Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region are actively bidding for the services of this company: connect high speed internet, digital TV, video security, telephone, etc.

A licensed provider in the optical network region. Vikoristannya new technologies allowed U-LAN to increase the power of services. Another initiative to reduce the interaction between the company and the subscriber was the implementation on the official web portal of the technology provided to the customer service of the special Ulan account.

u-lan.ru- Official website of the U-LAN provider


To register a special account for Ulan on the website u-lan.ru You must fill out the electronic form. The form contains the subscriber's personal information, contact details, exact address and name of the employee. In addition, mark the trace:

  • the name of possession, which bathes;
  • tariff plan;
  • number of the account manager's contract, which was recommended to a potential U-LAN client.

The electronic form should be sent to the provider’s database, where it will be downloaded and registered. After registering, the clerk will call the number specified in the form, ask to confirm the information entered in it, close it, and ask to connect services.

https://stat.u-lan.ru- Special office Ulan

The agent instructs the potential subscriber to acknowledge the connection term as having been owned and signed into the contract. After completing these procedures, the client receives a reminder with a login and password for a special Ulan account.

Entrance to a special office

  1. browser is open head side web portal;
  2. At the top menu you can find the “Subscribers” item, click on it;
  3. on the side that has appeared vertical menu, at the bottom part of any expansion item “ Special office»;
  4. Having opened the authorization page, enter your login and password.

Entrance to the special Yulan office

The procedure for updating access to your personal account is quite simple: for this you will have to visit the company’s office center and present a passport or other document identifying the person.

Possibilities of a special office

The individual cloud recording tool allows you to supply 90% of the power that goes out on its own, without requiring technical assistance. Having opened his special account, the client receives the following information:

  • special shells;
  • the number of pennies on the balance sheet;
  • activated services: their name, description, subscription fee;
  • terms of payment for services;
  • Information about promotions carried out by the company;
  • number of bonus points won;
  • details.

In addition, with the help of a special Yulan office, you can independently carry out the following procedures:

  • submission of an activation application new service or options;
  • payment for services in remote mode using bank cards “Visa”, “Maestro”, “SVIT”, “Mister Card”; from e-gamants "Web Money", "Yandex Groshi", Pay Pal; payment terminals “Kivi” and “Europlat”;
  • printing and disbursement of payment receipts for the bank on the printer;
  • reservation IP address for accessing the Internet;
  • fine-tuning digital tower, otrymannya reporting program broadcasts 120 channels;
  • Subscription to the “Turbo-Knight” tool, which allows you to increase the connection speed by 2 times (the service starts at night);
  • the ability to redeem all service connections until after the penny resources have been exhausted on the balance sheet (the “Bill payment” option);
  • monthly deactivation of all services to save money;
  • Receive SMS notifications about all events in a special account;
  • news on the site u-lan.ru.

By connecting to the special Ulan account, the subscriber is denied access to numerical promotions and bonus programs companies. U-LAN regularly offers discounts, bonuses for connecting a friend, instant deposits, and rewards with these and other services. Bonuses can be spent on connecting to any options, paying for their additional Internet, telephone or digital TV.

With the additional option "Billing payment" the subscriber will not have to pay until the account is cleared. The company responded to clients who implemented the advanced payment instrument. You can quickly connect to services free of charge: you can find out what time it will take to repay the debtor.

Ulan’s special office is a wonderful treasure information support client. The subscriber permanently cancels messages about new products, changes to tariff plans.

For an individual account on the U-LAN website, you can quickly contact a subscriber support specialist. Call this if necessary, if the client is not able to independently navigate the system settings and settings. The responder will provide the reporter with reporting instructions online.

Okremo varto means raven zakhist koristuvalnytskaya information. U-LAN web masters vikorized the most popular plugins, antivirus programs This code: the subscriber may request that his particular data will not be exploited by hackers.

"U-LAN" is a licensed commercial provider that provides connectivity services to the public and businesses wide internet, digital telephones and interactive TV tower, from the cover zone that surrounds Moscow and the Moscow region. The operator provides immediate interaction with clients - the first application for connection can be made through the company’s website, accessed through a special Ulan account, which also allows you to pay for services in an unprepared way and view statistics.

Possibilities of a special office

The main task of maintaining a special U-LAN account is to provide subscribers with up-to-date information about services without the participation of customer support. Once you have entered the section of the cloud record, you can now find out:

  • Number of a special account for payment of services and participation in the affiliate program.
  • Too much money in the rakhunku.
  • Variety and description of connected services.
  • Lines of payment made.
  • Promotions that are being held.
  • Bonuses earned.
  • Payment details.

Vikoristuyu special account Ulan, the subscriber can also perform operations:

  • Sign up for new services without filling out the form again.
  • Pay for services with bank cards, including the Maestro system, and with the help of Gamanians online systems Europlat, QIWI, Rapida and WebMoney.
  • Form a receipt for further payment at the bank office.
  • Reserve an IP address.
  • Set up IPTV and watch it on your computer 120 digital channels in test mode.
  • Increase your Internet connection speed at night using the additional “Turbo Night” option.
  • Continue your service for another 24 years after resetting your account balance by activating the “Obligation Payment”.
  • Block your services for up to 30 days to cancel the write-off of expenses.
  • Subscribe to SMS notifications and mailbox about news and balance sheet.

Registration and entry to a special office

New clients fill out an electronic application on the operator’s website, providing their connection address, their name on their passport, contact details and the name of the employee being contracted.

The applicant has the opportunity to additionally indicate:

  • Poladnannya, scho bathe.
  • Rate.
  • The package that is being connected.
  • The number of the special recommender who will take part in the “Refer a Friend” program.
  • Dzherelo information about the provider.

In the process of reviewing a provider's application, his particular data is registered in the provider's database. After which the company's representative contacts the client by phone to confirm the connection request and discuss the terms and details of his contract.

For the Internet service “Subscriber Account” via U-LAN, a standard login is required using the login and access password assigned to the user’s memory, as shown on the day of connection.

U-LAN (Ulan)- Licensing authority for telecommunication services that serves subscribers in the Moscow region. The company offers to connect to the Swiss Internet, digital telephone, cable tower. The operator hosts the official website, where you can independently apply for connection. It is important for the potential subscriber to call back the company's telephone number to confirm the possibility of connection and wait until the specialists arrive.

Cream pre-modern materials, on the official U-LAN portal there is a special account. Here, subscribers remotely use connected services without the presence of a company representative. It’s easy - now to pay or change the tariff, you just need to turn on your computer and log in to your personal section of the site. Because of this kind of ability, koristuvachs protect the special hour and hour of sickness workers.

To log in to your U-LAN account you will need:

  1. Open the portal;
  2. Find the “subscribers” tab;
  3. Enter your login and password and confirm.

Functions of a special office

The main task of the special U-LAN office is to review statistics without the need to update technical support. Having logged in to the portal, the client can:

  • Marvel at the contract number;
  • Check the balance;
  • Review the list of connected services;
  • Find out the terms for making payment;
  • Become familiar with salient propositions;
  • Accumulate bonuses;
  • Pay for services with a card;
  • Leaf with support.

The personal section also has the following options:

  1. Independent connection of additional services;
  2. generating payment receipts for payments at bank branches;
  3. Static IP address armoring;
  4. Setting up an interactive TV channel and viewing more than 120 channels on a computer;
  5. We would like to quickly speed up Internet speed for the additional “Turbo Night” function. Allows you to easily capture large files;
  6. Timing of the hourly service for a month. The write-off of expenses is completely slow. Suitable for rustlers who regularly break down on the road or are damaged;
  7. Increased postal distribution.

Registration of the special office of ULAN

To register in a special account, you will need to connect to the Ulan provider. For which the agent submits an electronic application on the official portal. Here you need to indicate the connection address, your name, and telephone number.

The applicant must fill in the following points:

  • Obladnannya;
  • Bazhany tariff plan;
  • Necessary types of services;
  • Dzherelo, the stars found out about the provider.

After reviewing the application, the servers will protect confidential information to the database. Then contact the potential subscriber to clarify important connection details and wait until the right time for a specialist to arrive.