How to enable rotting on a windows 7 computer. How to turn on the roaming in browsers

If you think about how you can turn on the roztashuvannya, then you spent the address.

This is the need to blame those who win, and computers on Windows OS.

Well, geolocation- arc core function, Ale, in such vipadkas, doesn’t really want to see the “great brother” lashing after us (see the work of “1984” by J. Orwell).

Then, let's proceed to the procedure for switching off on various outbuildings.

Smartphones and tablets on Android

You can turn geolocation on the back for an additional menu of functions, like swiping for a swipe to the beast. Pokrokovo, this process looks like an offensive rank:

1 Open the function menu. For whom to swipe the animal down, then just stick your finger.

2 There will be points for the Internet, the regime of health, likhtarika i, vlasne, mіstsya roztashuvannya. Just click on the item "Geolocation". Vin stop glowing. Tse i bude mean, scho vin inclusions.

Important! This point may be called "Miss-exploration", so i "Geolocation". All fall in version operating system.

3 Whatever you want, then it’s time, de vie tried it, it is necessary to press the item in the function menu. Vіdkryєtsya vіkno nashtuvan lokatsії. There you can also enable or disable this function. To fight the whole way with the shifting of the jumper into position "On"(Koli peremikach greens) or "Wickl."(If wine is white). Below there will be an item "History...", Which gives the ability to erase data.

Ale given the procedure, all the same, you won’t overstep the Google corporation to follow him, you know and follow him, what do you do.

Sob I will get rid of the inflow of the "evil" company, it is necessary to increase the axis of what:

1 Go to the office. This yarlik is on the work table. For some versions of the wines, there is also a menu of additional functions, like swiping down to the beast (at the visible gear in the upper right corner).

2 In nalashtuvannya find the item "My place of roztashuvannya". Vіn know in distribution "Data specifics".

3 There will be two inscriptions - “For the coordinates of the series” and “For GPS satellites» . It is best to tidy up the ticks of the skin from them. Only in such a state of mind, no one will have the opportunity to follow you in some kind of rank.

Warto means that deyaki devices do not think it is possible to work with companions. That's why you can see all the entries in the list more, if you don't know the menu item, it's completely normal. You don’t have a trace of yoga in some other places and divisions.

Now let's move on to the same procedure, but on "apple" smartphones and tablets.

Smartphones and tablets on iOS

Varto say that everything here is richly cіkavіshe. To the right in what is in the rich more supplements vikoristuyut the position of the koristuvach on the map, lower c.

Ale, turn on this function here, it's easy. Root the axis like this:

  • Go to the office. At the same time, the yarlik is also on the working table.
  • In customizations, select the item "Naturalization". To whom they divided the selections of all nalashtuvannya, consecrated special data of the koristuvach.
  • dali vіdkrite "Geolocation Services".
  • At the vіdkritu vіknі bіl such a letter will be remikach. You need to work so that you are in position "Wickl.", Tobto mav white color. As if it’s not so, press on the switch and the appointed place of the roztashuvannya will turn.
  • Z'appear for the vikonannya given dії. The new one will have a warning about the possible traces of the inclusion of the location of the koristuvach. Let's turn to another one. So the axis, in which request you need to press the button "Vimknuti".

  • Close settings. Change immediately to enter into force.

If there are traces of the descriptions of the other, about how the language is in the request for inclusion, then the stink is brought to the fact that the function "Know iPhone" become unavailable.

Vaughn is recognized for vipadkіv, if a koristuvach spends his addictions or steal from a new yogo.

Find if you can easily find out where the device is, and find it on the map. In addition, some programs will not work, or some of their functions will become inaccessible. Really, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. To that boldly emboss "Vimknuti" in inquiry and practice far away.

The procedure described above was proroblen on (yak), but on the way it will be vikonuvatisya in the same way.

In this case, Apple Corporation may be able to follow you, so that the location is enabled.

To that, it is necessary to viconate a number of deeds, and to itself, erase “often seen the month”, clean up the Spotlight search and so on.

The latest process of including geolocation indications in the video below.

Computers on Windows

In Windows 10, the feature is turned on behind the lock. The meta of the virobnik is the same as in other types - a selection of information about the koristuvach.

System vіdstezhuє, de vin boov, scho robiv, ask for deprivation of advice and so on.

In principle, there is nothing terrible in it, but the deacons of the coristuvachi violate the function of turning it on - either for the sake of it, or through those who are afraid of the "great brother"'s stubbornness.

Yak bi was not there, you can turn on the service fight in this way:

1 Go to the menu "Start" and open there "Nalashtuvannya". How do you have an interface on English, then the settings will be named "Settings".

2 Go to branch "Confidentiality" or "Privacy". It’s new, it’s necessary to go to the section “Misstsenakhodzhennya” or “Location”.

3 There you can disable this function for specific add-ons or for all OS. For this, a list of programs and a tag for skin care from them, as well as one tag under the letter "Miss-exploration" or Location. Їx can be put in position "On" otherwise Off.

Important! All the same, it is important to work with an account, which has the rights of an administrator. To restore respect, what to instill as you practice with one and the same oblіkovogo record postiyno, tse zovsim does not mean that you are an administrator.

You can learn more about the rights of the administrator from the video clip below.

Like Bachimo, it’s easy to try to finish everything, but the process of inclusion can look different.

Small number 5 shows the inclusion of geolocation on the "ten". Looks at her the same way.

And the axis is worth Windows 7, where the location is possible, only if the computer needs a sensor.

Apparently, in order to turn on the service, it is necessary to turn on the sensor itself. Robe in this way:

  • Open the menu "Start" and enter in a row a search query for “sensor”. So it will be simpler than anything.
  • The list is more likely to show all programs and services related to this word. You take "Enable sensor expansion and other sensors". In principle, you can start by typing a request for a search for this service instead of typing the word “sensor”.
  • If there are no sensors in the system, the list will be empty. And if so, you will stand on the right side of the skin (otherwise, don’t stand), so you can tell about those who use this sensor. Well, you just need to uncheck the checkbox for the geolocation sensor.

Varto say what it means, what kind of sensor to rob for the name, it can be far from the skin of the most outstanding coristuvach.

That's why you have to wonder on the Internet for the name of the yoga functional sensor. Most often on the official website - all the necessary information.

To check which function works, it is necessary in the menu "Start" enter the “sensor” input and open the program "Reviewing diy placement". Well, I know, you can immediately put in a row a search for the name of this service.

At the vіdkritom vіknі it is necessary to marvel "Dії roztashuvannya". If there will be 0 podіy, it means that the position does not apply and is not included in the corporation.

Obviously, as if it were, you can look over the list of diy.

Such a service does not have it, so as virobnikov does not need data about those who are known to be coristuvachi and that they stink. So it’s impossible to turn it on there by any order.

"Do not enter me!"

In this vipadku write to us. Also, if you are out of food, feel free to ask them in the comments.

To ak and more popular Mozilla browser Firefox victorious geolocation - a function that allows you to determine the locality of the geolocation. Sites, as you can see, can ask for information about your physical location, and sometimes it can be even more corny, shards of danmarks pidhide allow you to sound the geographic area of ​​the site, and at the same time, they are friendly to the world community required information or the goods.

To determine the physical location, the distribution of your IP address, information about the nearest points jetless access and deakі іnshі, less significant data. How safe is this technology? As usual, the Firefox retailers, the daily confidentiality violate the privacy of the data source when geopositioning is not allowed. Tim more scho roztashuvannya koristuvacha zatuetsya only in that case, as the site itself manages the request.

But still not all. You have the right to inform the site of your data, and moreover, you can at some point in the future, if you wish, you have allowed it. However, you should be aware that using Firefox's geolocation system may be violating your privacy in some way, or you just don't mind that sites have warned you, you can turn this feature back on. For whom in the browser row enter about:config and click the transition.

After that, you press the button I promise that I will be protective, The browser will redirect you to the settings page.

Joke parameter geo.enabled and to the bottom clicks set the value false.

In the capacity of additional entries, you can block browsing by sites in the browser settings (in terms of privacy). Fence for the appointed place of roztashuvannya poke systems carried out okremo, in the settings by a joke, for example, to fetch the geopositioning by Yandex, it is necessary to go for the address i choose Building a place.

Inclusion of the designation of the physical distribution є і in other browsers. For example, in Opera it is possible to work in different ways Website.

IN old version Opera for whom it is necessary to go for the address opera:config, in retail Geolocation uncheck the box and clear the geolocation service address field.

It’s good for someone to know not to know that they are constantly being reviewed and that their distribution space is being permanently recorded on the Google servers. Skin place, as you see, look for help Wi-Fi, mobile networks and GPS. This option is enabled for locking and ring out to work the robot more handy.

Іsnuє impersonal programs and services, yakі lie down in your place of roztashuvannya, for example " Google Now”, or show your movement in notifications on Tweets, Facebook, etc., so your movement is constantly shown.

Irrespective of those who are aware of your mission, there may be a lot of trouble, those who talk about their privacy, do not like this function. And it’s logical, because not everyone wants to reveal their own more precisely, the place of roztashuvannya. In this case, it is possible to turn on the function of displacing the position. In addition, you can also see the entire history of the past history of scientific knowledge.

If you want to turn on the function of the detashing place and save the confidentiality of your in-line detashing, hover below reporting instructions, How to show you how to turn on the Google Location feature, as well as show you how to clear the previous history of local lore.

Note! Use an anonymous program, which will require data about your roztashuvannya for nadannya services, and in most cases, it is possible of greater importance, Lower protection of confidentiality. First turn on this function, change your mind, so you don’t lay aside in additions, like vikoristovuyut your place of distribution for the assignment of services, otherwise you happen to work in them. In addition, the effect is not permanent, following the same procedures as described below, you can turn on this function again at any convenient hour for you. That's why you don't have to be turbulent, as you vimknіt the function of the roztashuvannya.

How to turn on the roztashuvannya month on a PC in Windows 10

If you don't like the idea that Windows 10 knows exactly where you are, you can quickly change your settings and turn it on. You can turn on the roztashuvannya month only for your own coristuvach cover or for your skin cover coristuvach.

How to turn on the roztashuvannya month for one oblіkovogo record koristuvach

How to turn on the rollover period for all cloud records in Windows 10

Like you have a sprat of oblіkovyh Windows records, Vimknuti roztashuvannya is possible for all vіdrazu. You can do it in this way..

Blakitny kolіr peremikacha at tsomu is guilty of zniknuti.

Video - Yak in Windows 10 enable rotashuvannya

How to set the computer's wake-up timer

If you want to switch the computer through song hour, For example, after the render is finished, but you need to go somewhere else, you can adjust the computer's timer. For good luck third party programs for whom it is not necessary.

Іsnuє kіlka ways to turn on the computer for an additional timer.

Method 1. Using the command "shutdown -s -t N"

Note! Maybe it's because you've changed your mind about the Wimicati Computer. Type “Win ​​+ R” on the other side of the window and insert “shutdown -a” on the other side of the window. In this rank, you will throw off the front command by saying turn off the computer.

Method 2. Create a shortcut with the command "shutdown.exe -s -t N"

How to turn on the roztashuvannya on Android & iOS

The function of maintaining the position of the mind can be more complex. For example, you can recommend a cafe nearby, but this option can lead to inaccuracies.

Yakshcho pіd first hour to launch your Android Appliances, For food about those who want to see your place of roztashuvannya, you answered “So”, then you have a history of misfortune. You won't be able to collect data about all your movements, added to Google in automatic mode. You can marvel in your own Google accounts. Such a story can give a more accurate result, if you ask, or if there are any other clues.

However, even though you are not comfortable and you don't seem to have any protection (because all your babies are in trouble), you can turn on the position detection function. І axis yak tse robiti.

Turn on the roztashuvannya on Android

Note! You can also stomp your feet. Check out There you can read “Istoriya mistseznakhodzhen”. Put a jumper to turn it on.

If you want to see the history of your misfortunes, look for steps forward.

It is also possible to go to the settlement of the settlement through Google Maps.

Turn on the restocking fee on iPhone and iPad

Location services in iOS do gnuchki. You can turn them on with an offensive rank:

How to turn on the roaming in browsers

Іsnuyut service that addition, yakі vymagayut your in-line roztashuvannya pіd hour reconsider. So, if you don’t know if the stench knew about the miscarriage, you need to turn on the tracking release yourself in your browser.

Below you can see the instructions on how to turn on the checkout in different browsers.

Turn on the rostering month in Chrome

Your roztashuvannya will no longer be considered. In your future, you can also add a site, which is allowed to follow your roztashuvannya.

Turn on the roztashuvannya month in Opera

Your roztashuvannya will no longer be considered.

Turn on the roztashuvannya month in Mozilla Firefox

Tse means that your roztashuvannya will no longer be considered.

Turn on the taxation in Internet Explorer

Your place of roztashuvannya will no longer be considered.

Turn on redundancy in Microsoft Edge

browser Microsoft Edge bandages for surgery Windows system, To that nalashtuvannya in vіdstezhuvannya mіstsezhuvannya in the new inaccessible. Ale, yakshcho vy vimknіt roztashuvannya in Windows settings for a PC (like in the instructions on the very cob of the article), then in the browser your space will not be expanded.

Video - How to fence all sites to determine the location

In the wake of such people who love to see “horror stories” on TV, geolocation services are nothing special. Stinks just create minds for the correct robotic add-ons: navigators, maps, weather forecasts, etc. background mode, And according to your request. Still, it’s important for you to know how to turn on the roster in Viber - we kindly ask you before reading the article.

Basic information about the service

If you want to tell one exact data about those who are trying to change, just push "Give us a roztashuvannya." The system quickly stores a map with your geolocation data and is ready to correct it. You are left only to confirm the transfer. Spivrozmovnik takes a small piece of card so that I can marvel at the way to you (mayut badges).
And now the most important thing: there is no such button in Viber, which would enable the function "Give a place of roztashuvannya." I is logical. As it is already said, the service does not work in the background mode, i.e., it is not included permanently. Roblyatsya only one-time requests on your command. For the rest of the hour, geolocation in the messenger is inactive.


Viber has nothing, but the possibility of installing a fence on a designated geolocation with an annex is available. How to turn on the roztashuvannya in Viberit on Android:

  • Open phone settings.
  • go to "Confidentiality Policy". Abo in the new OC is an okremy item, like on the screenshot;
  • Emboss on the button "Allowed additions".

  • Now the tab "Mistsenakhodzhennya".
  • A list of programs is displayed. Find in the new Viber and break the buzzer opposite the new one to the left.

And now, how to clean up your space in Viber on Iphone:

    • Go to settings.
    • Scroll the screen to the very bottom.
    • Tap on the viber icon.

  • Now "Geoposition".
  • At the menu, choose "Nikoli".

I think that when you go to some kind of site, you noted more than once that you are angry in the mountains, white of the address row, you are informed, as you ask for your place of distribution (geolocation). Hell, you may be asked to turn off the power to wake up, turn on the webcam, activate the JavaScript code. Obviously, if you trust the site you have a garne, then you can disable these functions.

When such notifications appear on suspected sites, it is more likely to turn on the clues.

In a moment I'll show you how to do it in some browsers, so that you didn't inadvertently click on the "Allow" button.

Google Chrome

This feature is available in Chrome's privacy settings. Virushaemo in the browser menu and click on the fix. We go down and press on the link “Show additional improvements”.

Order with the item "Special data" press the button "Content improvement".

Scroll to the section "Misseznakhodzhennya" and select an item "Forbid all sites to respect my place of roztashuvannya".

Crimea, you can block the notification, access to the microphone and camera. All in the same vіknі.

Mozilla Firefox

Open the browser and enter the following command in the address bar: about:config. shout hobbies of opportunity browser, changing any of them is not necessary, but in this situation, nothing terrible will happen. At the window, we press the button "I'm taking risik".

Please enter a phrase geo.enabled. 'is the result. Dvichi klatsaemo on a new one, sob vіn changing into position "false". After that, restart the browser.

Microsoft Edge

At the browser itself, setting the settings is not available, but since the browser is connected to the OS, you can set everything in the Settings of the operating system. pressing keys Win+I. Let's go to the section "Confidentiality". Zliva select the tab "Miss-exploration". Included for all supplements.

Internet Explorer

Go to "Nalashtuvannya" and select the item in your deposit "The power of the browser".

Finally, in which we go to the tab "Confidentiality" and put a tick next to the item "Never allow websites to inquire about your waste".

Apple Safari

Let's go to Safari, and then to "Nalashtuvannya". Let's go to the section "Nalashtuvannya" (Privacy).

So that the place of roztashuvannya on the sites was turned on, select the item “Deny without prompting”.

Axis and everything I want to show. If you want to turn on some other functions, then independently dig into the settings of the browser and you will know everything. There is nothing complicated there.