How to order a vision server? Server rent: virtual chi physical? Installed server for orandi

Koristuvachi, who want to host their project on a physical server, often run into the problem of high varsity. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to own the possession for the implementation of the storage of information and management of it. I have a vipadka for help to come to rent a server. Tsya servant give masu functionality, which will be available in remote mode. In fact, the most accessible and most practical analogue of the orendi of the real server hosting. Prote in this vipadka, you can spare a significant sum of pennies with tsoma. On the back of the varto it means the day-to-day binding to software security. The provider's client can independently select software for his server. Also, renting a server includes the need for an expensive acquisition, thereby saving your budget when developing a web project. For the help of such a kind of service, a great number of coristuvachs global network could successfully encourage commercial resources on the Internet. It's not surprising that there may be a majestic drink at our hour.

Renting a server allows you to be on the whole list possible problems, yakі can be blamed at the time of extended guarantees of possession or without any damage to the hall. Of course, you will take advantage of the flexibility of interoperability with functionality and innovative utilities. Previously, such a possibility was available only on servers of the physical type. Fine payment for services is another important criterion, which gives respect to modern coristuvachi. You can easily pay for the services of the provider via the Internet, so you will never have to go out of the house to pay the bill. Now the physical server goes into the background, the shards of the koristuvachs can take away all the advantages of the remote mode. From the above descriptions, you can sympathetically remember, how much you can see the server rent. Vrakhovyvay large number of companies-pochatkivtsiv in the Internet, it does not matter to guess that for them there is simply nothing more effective way maidanchik's support for the development of his personal web projects.

Server rent: visible service is available

Through the available price range, server rental is rightly considered one of the most requested services in our hour. Hosting companies will give you all the necessary information, so you will take the most detailed description, which will help your robot. Renting a server will cost you more cheaply, lowering the cost of a full server. However, in order for the service to be ideal for the support of your web project, it is recommended that you first check with the provider company for some key moments. Nasampered, you are guilty to clarify the price range of the service. Oscillki prices at the provider's price may change, but on the site - not. To that you happen to pay a richly larger amount, lower than the one that came out of your rozrahunka. Do not forget to also mention the speed of transmission of information. Your server rent is to blame for turning into a swedish and manual exploitation, for this, hourly hustles are simply unacceptable here. In the other case, your clients can outperform competitive projects, stink stinks to check the completion of the processing process and stained glass a lot of time to celebrate the most important everyday tasks.

Renting a server is a practical solution for businessmen who want to develop their business in a global environment for an optimal financial investment.

To finish milk often we are faced with the choice of whether there is any solution and, as a rule, this process is a little troublesome. To minimize the timing of the hours and spend on the search for food, sort out the essence of nutrition, dividing it into sprats of stages.

Stage 1. Which server is required?

It is necessary for us to understand what kind of physical server you need. Useless impersonal applications, if a person is tormented by thoughts about a cold server, wanting that you are not needed. On rich forums, you can find information about the series “required server for a site / online store”, but websites are different and far from all need such a more difficult solution. I have another story: “I need a server, the one who told me so / pleased me.”

Which types of physical possession will be a cost-effective entry?

Great Internet projects

Poshukovі, igrovi that social services, Internet ZMI,

uryadovі projects - great online stores.

Portals with a large amount of content

Before this type see online cinemas, video hosting,

Photo galleries portals with audio content online data base.

Sites with high regard

Internet resources be-like directness with the main feature

a great flow of traffic to the site.

Server for a business manager of a company

To encourage infrastructure, save/reserve data,

global bases, corporate portal, robotic mail servers and software.

If your Internet resource does not fit into one of the listed positions, you can use a virtual VDS server or hosting for everything. And a great alternative to physical possession for business can be cloud computing. At this time, a business solution can be taken okremo (programs, data collections) or look at the option of renting resources in the dark for a full-fledged infrastructure - IaaS.

The project virіs for intervirtual resources, you will need a full-fledged administrative machine chi You just vyrіshili, what better way can you get a little more? Wonderful! Having shown the obvious need for the physical server, having seen all the possible incomprehensible situations, we move on to another stage of making a decision.

Stage 2. Colocation & Dedicated

It is necessary to clearly understand the difference between buying and renting.

Buying a server, as a rule, it is accompanied by distant accommodations at the data center. Winyatok become a company that builds and maintains a server with independent possession of the minds attached to it. Great organizations to acquire their own server rooms, which, if necessary, can be added to the status.

Placement of servers on a technical maidanchik data center is called colocation. This service is responsible for the installation of the server at the counter, connection to high-speed Internet channels, security. uninterrupted life and according to the temperature regime.

What you need to know about Colocation:

  • The data center cannot be hosted by a server of any format, or it will be too expensive. The widest form factor is for the factory. This special format is hosted in the server station, de one station = 1U (unit). Also, the more units occupy the server, the more expensive the placement.
  • When buying a server, you should also pay more attention to the pressure, so that you will have the same food quotas for one unit, for the transfer of which you will have to pay extra.
  • Especially greedy data centers can charge a fee for installing a server in a rack.
  • Representatives of the data center in the same rank do not hang around in place of the server and yoga internal work. The maximum interdependence of technical support to the data center with a hosted server is the whole re-advantage. Vlasnik server independently responsible for the administration of the server, the installation of new updates. In times of breakdowns, the sergeant can carry out repair work on his own and with all his might. Upgrading the server is also zdіysnyuєtsya by the authorities.
  • For additional payment, you can get a job remote care server - KVM.

As a result, you have more control (in the usual senses of the word) over your special server, which only you can “spend” on.

Seen server rental(dedicated server) - a facility for a full-fledged physical possession located on a technical maidanchik data center with uninterrupted living, cooling systems, monitoring, and high-speed communications connected to channels.

What you need to know about Dedicated:

  • At the service of the orendi of the seen server, it is also possible to enter the same location at the data center (tobto colocation).
  • Representatives of the data center in the same rank do not stick with the server instead of the same internal work for the blame of re-advancement of the possession to the power.
  • At the staff of the administration enter pervinne nalashtuvannya the server is installed operating system at the choice of the client, all further work is carried out by the deputy independently. Special administrative staff can be assigned to the technical service of the data center as an additional service.
  • At times of breakdowns physical machine, the data center at the shortest term and in full power to carry out repair work. If you need a server, the upgrade is carried out by the facsimiles of the data center for an additional fee.
  • For an additional fee, you can get the service of a remote service server - IPMI.

As a result, you become a hard-working server without the actual purchase, tobto. for the period of rent and deny the possibility of implementing the planned projects on your own individual strains, be it PZ and create self-written solutions.

Stage 3. Buying or renting a server?

At what stage it is necessary to choose, on which one to add such factors, like: consume the project, hours and budget.

The budget is the simplest and most insane show

Renting a server as a service is worthy of great popularity through its availability. For the availability of money for the purchase of wealth, it can be quickly and easily rented, having taken away the necessary resources for the acquisition. If you don’t stand on your financial support, then it’s necessary to pay attention to other aspects.

An hour, and then more, yoga is not enough, and sometimes it suffocates rashly crocodile.

If the situation rests on the time frame and the dead-line is “vchora”, it is necessary to get used to the terms. At the same time, renting a server can be done for the most recent decisions, lower price. Winyatok can become a server of an individual configuration, which can be stored for up to 5 working days. For such minds, you can catch a few times, buy and host a server independently.

The second temporal aspect is the period of exploitation. If the server is taken for a specific period, if such a wine is not needed, then renting will be the most correct solution. In the other case, when looking at the server on a permanent basis, it would be better to bring your own.

As needed, exactly

To choose the right server, you need to know the bazhan configuration: you need system parameters, Perebachuvane navantazhennya on zalizo, kіlkіst "reserve" resources and so on. If there is not much difference in the exact parameters of the server, then your rent will be less risky, even if you can “finish” it to the required indicators, or switch to a harder car.

If you need to own non-trivial things, or you need special equipment, then forget about renting a server. The chance to know the company, which is somewhat non-standard, and therefore commercially invisible, is equal to zero.

Let's take a look at other situations, such as to deposit a solution:

Project launch

Today, the purchase of a cloud server for a start-up is not considered the most cost-effective solution. Zavdyaki wide open gloomy services, Creating a web-project has become much easier. However, the project may be very difficult, however tight and the prospects for development are serious – everything runs into the “Zalizo”. At the stage of launching the project, where is it easier and calmer to take a server from a hire. In times of failure, you will indulge yourself in the prihilnosti to the "scorching vantage", and override the power supply of the old server.

Transferring a resource

Є working web-project chi corporate virtual server, for some reason, that kind of possession is taken. As a webmaster, which organization can manage the full administration of the power, it doesn’t matter anything to the server. In a different way, it’s better to go into the service of a dedicated one, that they will help you with the improvement and transfer of data, and in the future, those other servants of the administration, for the truth, for an additional fee. Moreover, data centers rarely proponuyut administruvannya osobistih servers that are located on colocation.

The project is rapidly growing

If your resource is growing not by the day, but by the season, it means that you need more space for life. The reasons for the increase in vanity can be related to the growth of the resource or the growth of content. For such environments, the smartest solutions will be a viable alternative for your project. It is necessary to choose any of the options that will be cheaper and more efficient - move from one server to another, or re-buy / “re-order” additional machines.

For a large-scale resource with greater prospects, it is smarter to win your own possession, incrementally popovnyuyuchi yogo kіlkіst for necessities.

Additional server needed

You already have the services of colocation and dedicated, but the resources are left behind. When it comes to renting a server with a basic or an average configuration, you can look at the option of moving more and more hard. It's cheaper to buy and rent an accommodation in a data center and pay more for everything else to rent a supplementary server.

At the time of hosting the server in the data center, it is necessary to take care of the project tasks. Critical services, for example, are better implemented on the power servers and conduct self-administration.

Stage 4. Know the clue

It's time to take a decision. Up to this stage, we have reached the assessment of the situation and the importance of all the strengths and weaknesses of the parties, reveal the real consumption of resources, financial feasibility, temporal terms, crazy, the prospects for the development of the project. We have tried to help you to make this important choice a little easier and let us know that we didn’t care.

P.S. Small, but important is the joy of the rest.

Depending on the decision you made, you should order a server or rent a server, and take the car from the reserve. Moving to a tighter state of possession, or yoga upgrade, will take time for that strength. The reserve of resources is allowed to win time and spare the nerves.

  • Dedicated server, or a physical server, is the most productive way to serve hosting. Renting a video server will be a miracle solution for your business websites, corporate resources, game servers, and foldable web add-ons.
  • On top of shared hosting and VPS, if you happen to share resources with other providers, with Dedicated you will take away all the pressures that are expected within the framework of the service. Renting a server in a data center is the only way to get a productive computer on Windows or Linux with a special set of programs for the song term. We are safe server for smart connections with the Internet, permanent connections to electricity and professional technical support, to help you get behind the hardware and software folds. The price of such a service, as a rule, is higher for VPS and virtual hosting.

Seen servers based on Intel Xeon E3 processor

  • On the site you have a few options for choosing the optimal server configuration:
    1. Get ready server. For additional filters, you can choose the right car for your budget and needs.
    2. Use the configurator and independently select components for the server.
    3. Write us a request and change the unique configuration of the server.
    Also, give respect to distribution.
  • Another reason for renting a server to the site is the current protection of the data center in which the servers are hosted. The stench of roztashovani in Moscow and vvazhayutsya one of the most important in Russia. They have victorious security systems with biometric identification, uninterrupted life, fire extinguishing systems and air conditioning. Tse secure uninterrupted work servers and your projects.
  • Before the Dedicated-servers are overwhelmed, you can add new freedom to the choice of the installed software, as well as control over the server's possessions: bus bandwidth, disk memory.

For example, renting a choti-core AMD Opteron 2344 HE (1.7 GHz), 4Gb RAM, 2x250GB HDD will cost $ 100, which can be compared with renting a port and a place from a station and a server in our country.

American hoster with two data centers in Seattle and Washington.
Plans from $119 (Core 2 Duo E4400 2GHz, 1GB RAM, 160Gb) to $299 (2 x Xeon 2.0 GHz, 2GB RAM, 500GB SATA)
Plus, I appreciate the possibility of configuring the server. You need 1GB more memory - no problem $15 per month. 1TB HDD required - $90.00 extra.

single processor dual core #1 - $119
Conroe E4400
1.86/2.00 GHz
2048 / 800

American hoster with more than 2,000 servers with a data center in Chicago.

Special Offer Core2Quad 2.83GHZ 12Mb L2 Cache - $129
Intel Core2Quad Yorkfield 2.83GHZ12MB L2 Cache
500 GB SATA Drive
5,000GB Bandwidth
Wonderful option.

P.S. I want to share the same proposition - from the satisfaction of the list.
P.S.S. I also thought to choose my server. Can you take cob row for $1000, which is really possible to compare with rock orendi. Ale rent to the port and the placement of 1U more than 3000-4000 rubles. Is it equal to the rent for 3600 per month? Looks different, doesn't it?