A lawnmower for brains: television, as the invention of the Goebbels. Television as an invention of the Goebbels

Back in 2012, the Russian TV channel REN told an interesting story about the first experience of using television in general in Nazi Germany and cable television in particular.

I personally could see this film only today, and before that I simply did not know about its existence! What I saw and heard made a strong impression on me. The material is sensational! Therefore, I advise everyone who is interested in the "unknown" and the history of our civilization to watch this film.

Video: "LIVE with Adolf Hitler!":

And just yesterday, one of my readers, having read my early article "The original table of DI Mendeleev included ETHER. Why was he excluded from it?" decided to contact me with a question:

Good day, Anton! I read your article today at the link: https://cont.ws/@antonblagin/676062 To be honest, I haven't heard much about ether theory, but, in fact, I had no idea about it before. Everything in your article is written quite intelligibly, but it rather explains the structure of the Universe, Space, etc. I also watched documentaries about Nikola Tesla, where it is clearly stated that the scientist used ether energy on practice. Someone says that fireballs appeared over his test site, which he created and could control, or that he had an experimental car with an electric motor that worked with his new technology (no batteries!). I would like to know your opinion on all this, and how to apply such knowledge in practice? Is it possible some kind of practical embodiment of all that is said about Tesla, or is it all fiction? Can you somehow explain Tesla's inventions, if it does not bother you, and your further vision of the implementation of new technologies that are based on such a theory?

Yesterday, due to my busyness, I answered this as follows:

Hello Andrei! Now I have no opportunity to write much. Therefore, I will answer very briefly. The ether, the idea of \u200b\u200bit and knowledge about it, as well as the entire technical side concerning the practical use of energy and the properties of the ether (with the exception of radio communication) are CLOSED for humanity today. Closed primarily because the theme of God is associated with this area of \u200b\u200bnatural science... And these gentlemen, who have long ago put a stop-valve on science, and who own the world's finances and the media, have a "monopoly on God." They are "chosen by God", or rather, they consider themselves to be such! The main thing I told you. Further, understand how you want!

And today I came across this film "Live with Adolf Hitler!"

Who will watch it, pay attention to the obvious inconsistencies sounding from the lips of commentators: the "Aryan race" praised by the Nazis is mentioned, it is said that the Nazis visited Tibet and some "guardians of humanity" living there in mountain caves, and at the same time it is said that "the SS expedition interested ancient Bon religion , it was professed in Tibet long before the advent of Buddhism. This cult is based on communication with the evil spirits of the "kingdom of Darkness" and worshiping them , and many of its adherents are ranked among the magicians and sorcerers. Numerous mantras, ancient texts described in diaries and filmed magic rituals and sacrifices , such was the scientific research baggage of Schaeffer's expedition "... (Quote from the movie).

An obvious discrepancy is that the Aryans preached from ancient times, as the esoteric lover Eduard Schure wrote in 1914, and the Nazis subordinate to Adolf Hitler, who, as it turned out recently, was present jewish and even African blood , established in 1939 "cultural contact" with those who had a cult, communication-based with the evil spirits of the "kingdom of Darkness" and worshiping them ".

This is truly said "Not every Jew is a bad person, but in every bad deed you will definitely find a Jew!" And he was found in Hitler!

Today, it is already obvious that Hitler's Nazis, among other things, in addition to putting into practice the idea of \u200b\u200bworld domination, which is spelled out in the Jewish Torah, along the way, solved the problem of denigrating the Aryans (the Aryan theme and Aryan symbols) in the eyes of the world community of today and future generations. They had to present the Aryan race by all means as a demonic race bringing evil to humanity. At the same time widely publicized Hitler's "anti-Semitism" was then a purely political stunt. Even a part of the Jews was sacrificed for this deception. Those whom the Zionists called "dry branches" went to the expense, while not a single rich Jew died at the hands of the Nazis!

Why the "Aryan theme" was denigrated in this way, I recently explained in an article "Who will save the Jews when the world finds out what they have done?"

By the way, the head of the USSR, Joseph Stalin, foresaw that the new world war, for which the entire Western capitalist world was preparing then, would have a distracting ostentatious "anti-Semitic" character. This is probably why the following message appeared in the Pravda newspaper in 1936:

"National and racial chauvinism is a relic of the misanthropic mores inherent in the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism , as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous remnant of cannibalism.
Anti-Semitism is beneficial to the exploiters as a lightning rod, leading capitalism out of the workers' blow. Anti-Semitism is dangerous to workers as a false path leading them astray and leading them into the jungle. Therefore, the communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be implacable and sworn enemies of anti-Semitism.
In the USSR, anti-Semitism is strictly persecuted by law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Active anti-Semites are punished with the death penalty under the laws of the USSR. "
I. Stalin
First published
in the newspaper "Pravda" No. 329,
November 30, 1936

Hitler's anti-Semitism was this very "lightning rod", then leading out of the blow of the sharks of capitalism and zionism ... As for Stalin's attitude to zionism , you can learn about him from this poster:

Friends! I have to turn to you. If you like my work, please support it with a ruble! Sberbank card: 5336 6900 7295 0423. "With the world on a thread - naked shirt!" You can write one word there: "help".

Guess who owns these words: “Oppositionists throw mud at our country, working off the money that the West pays them. These oppositionists exist on US money and are obedient dogs of their overseas masters. All the so-called oppositionists - enemies of our people - are financed by the plutocratic West, living on its handouts. " Putin? Prokhanov? Biker Surgeon? Far from it! This is from a 1938 talk by Joseph Goebbels.

When the power blockade of Crimea began, the first thing that was done by local officials ... Do you think they installed an independent source of energy in every house? Organized free mobile power plants? They grabbed their heads and shouted "Crimea is not ours!" No, they let trucks into the cities of the peninsula, in which instead of a body there was a huge TV screen. Needless to say, all televisions were tuned to federal Russian channels, where vigorous Putin and half-asleep Medvedev explained to the Crimeans how soon it would be warm and light.

Television as an invention of the Goebbels

It is unlikely that the initiators of this popular action knew who was the first to think of the propaganda role of television and immediately to serve the state. In 1938, two years after the official opening of the first television channel in Germany, Magda Goebbels dawned on the idea of \u200b\u200bputting televisions in laundries so that housewives would not get bored while waiting for clean linen. The money for this case was given, of course, by Joseph Goebbels, the Reich Minister of Education and Propaganda, the man Magda. True, having put forward a condition: TV people must strictly adhere to his instructions and always remember about the interests of the Reich. Magda, a fanatical follower of Hitler and the Nazis, was both in favor. Therefore, the television program, which she directed behind the scenes, being the wife of the first ideologue of the state and an extremely active woman, contained only that material that strengthened in the souls of viewers the belief in the rightness of Hitler's undertakings. The program schedule of those years looked like this:

12 January 1938. Third Reich Television Program

20:00 - current messages
20:38 - SS assault unit 8/75
named after Edmund Behnke sings an old soldier's song against the background of a curtain with the SS runic symbol
20:39 - "Word about the main thing." Is talking
SS assault unit soldier
20:40 - "The German past lives on."
Film, shot by order of the Reichsfuehrer SS
20:45 - SS 8/75 assault unit named after Edmund Behnke sings another soldier's song
20:48 - "Word of the Fuehrer." Movie clips
20:49 - "In the fight - to victory." Film, shot by order of the Reichsfuehrer SS
21:00 - repetition of the program

At that time, television had already begun to take possession of the markets and minds of Europe and America, but with the outbreak of World War II, none of the belligerents had regular broadcasts. In addition, let us note, Germany, which turned off its beloved brainchild for only two days: on the eve and on the first day of the invasion of Poland. In the future, TV worked smoothly, never ceasing to strengthen the faith of the Germans in the ideas of the Nazis.

Who knows, if Germany had turned off this newest media, Hitler's collapse would not have come sooner? This is most likely what would have happened.

That is why Russian ideologues-propagandists have nothing to be particularly proud of: their entire set of tools has already been tested 80 years earlier by their teachers in the matter of brainwashing.

About 20 years ago, scientists - sociologists and psychologists - envisaged a rapid "curtailment" of television, replacing it with a more powerful, accessible and cheap means of communication - the Internet. As practice has shown, they were wrong. Television as it was and remains the main source of information, as well as a means of entertainment and pleasure for the clear majority of people, and not only among the victims of aggressive propaganda, which are residents of the former republics of the USSR, but also among citizens of quite prosperous and well-fed countries of Western Europe.


Probably, those scientists who predicted the departure of television into the shadows, did not take into account human inertia, ascribing to the brain a desire to choose sources of information that did not really exist. Not a single print media, radio, or even the Internet will compete with television for suggestion. It is the TV that has the unique ability to blur the line between truth and falsehood, reality and fantasy. In front of his screen, a miracle happens to a person: her psychological defense is practically completely turned off. Moreover, even those who know everything about TV and who have a hundred times more ideological knowledge than the average citizen.

Recently, a lady acquaintance, a convinced liberal woman, colleague and longtime friend of Nemtsov, complained: “I had to spend five days with my mother. She has Channel One all the time, and, you know, I got scared because I suddenly began to doubt the correctness of the chosen ideology. " It is not known what happened to her if she had stayed with her mother for a month. Do I need to explain what happens in the brain of a person who is generally not prone to analysis, when she spends all her free time in front of a blue screen and even during the rest of the hours the TV remains a constant background?

Two things form the basis of television, giving it the opportunity to be an irreplaceable instrument of propaganda: obsession (i.e., the absence of the need for the person himself to choose news in the colossal flow of information) and the picture. The principle “it is better to see once than hear a hundred times” makes TV the king of propaganda, which is ahead of not only radio, but even the Internet. Although, it would seem that it could be easier: choose a few sites that you believe, cross the network - and you will find a lot of alternative information. But TV people know their business: the followers of the unforgettable Magda Goebbels continue her work so diligently that it is no longer necessary to talk about even a minimal craving for analysis among the average TV viewer.

Hate program

Using the example of, say, Russian television, it is easy to see how, in the shortest possible time, a blue screen can evoke in the viewer exactly the emotions that the authorities need to maintain the required level of trust. In January 2014, realizing that a free Ukraine is dangerous for Putin's dictatorship, the authorities directed federal channels to incite banal hatred of the “brotherly” people. It turned out that nothing could be simpler: a Russian who, and so did not really suffer from kind-heartedness, forged in himself a phenomenal hatred of everything Ukrainian in just a few days. Television is not too concerned with inventing new methods of intimidation; it has just used old ones more concentratedly and shamelessly. Whoever watched the news from Kiev on Russian television will forever remember the disgusting faces of the people on the Maidan, their evil grin, the slogans "Who does not jump, he is Moskal" and "Moskalyaku on a branch!", Harsh paramilitary groups under red and black flags and curses of Russian speakers addressed to Stepan Bandera, who was declared the main fascist of all times and peoples. It turned out to be impossible to explain even to clever people who believed in the victory of fascism in Ukraine that from the avalanche of events on the Maidan they were kindly offered to pick out, taken out of context, second pictures that had nothing to do with the general panorama. The exclamations “Don't believe TV” run into “Who can you believe?”.

In the light of events, such a question could only be regarded as rhetorical. The state, every second deceived its citizens, which was cursed for lies by all except the deputies and corrupt officials, suddenly turned out to be worthy of trust in a single story - about the situation in Ukraine. It would seem a paradox? No, everything is easy to explain: state television turned to a psychic attack, using all the weapons in its arsenal. We started by filtering the picture, from the words of the Maidanists taken out of context, to the place of the bloody episodes from the life of Bandera under the same picture (the gait of groups under red and black flags and tridents), to create a devilish image of the then tiny “Right Sector”. The Russian viewer, warmed up in this way, willingly swallowed the sequel: a ridiculous, even in spite of all its danger, a tale about a boy crucified by Ukrainian security officials in revenge for his father, a “militia”. Against this background, even the brilliant story of the "bloody rabbit" Yatsenyuk, who in the 1990s killed and tortured Russian soldiers in Chechnya, was seen as an innocent childhood fantasy.

A scene from the movie "The Tail Wags the Dog"

All this could cause laughter if, having practiced hatred of Ukraine, the Russian did not take up inertia to hate everything that does not fit into his scheme: the "fifth column", "liberals", Tajik migrant workers, "Pindos-Americans", "Gayrop", gays, good books, smart movies, classical music ... It would seem a trifle - a few weeks of shameless professionalism of propagandists from federal channels. But these few weeks have changed life in Russia beyond recognition.

There are very few methods of psychological influence on the viewer, the fingers on the hands are more than enough to count them. But multiplied by the main components of television - obsession and picture, they become murderous. The main method is editing. In this case, the choice from all available video materials only those that show the situation in the right light. If we turn again, for example, on Russian television (what can you do: now this is an example of the work of rabid television propaganda), then recently the audience watched a very revealing picture. Putin addressed the Federal Assembly. Of course, I talked a lot about corruption, about the fact that it really exists in certain places and in certain cases, although, of course, the authorities successfully eradicate it. As soon as the president uttered the word "corruption", television cameras snatched out of several of his listeners in the hall the faces of the Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika. Considering the fact that he became incredibly popular among the people after Alexei Navalny's investigation of his family's ties with the underworld, and also that federal channels would never allow themselves to be so entertained without special orders, it can be assumed that this Seagull will soon be in grief. Or, say, a reportage about New York before Christmas is accompanied by a video sequence where sad obese Americans or beggars wander. Like, everything is not so well, see for yourself. An old, like television, method, perfectly used by Soviet media people in all news and International Panorama. Ancient but immortal.

Another powerful way of hammering in the information you want is to label it with specific vocabulary. The oldest method.

Dr. Goebbels as the ideological inspirer of Russian propagandists

Guess who owns these words: “Oppositionists throw mud at our country, working off the money that the West pays them. These oppositionists subsist on US money and are obedient dogs of their overseas masters. All the so-called oppositionists - enemies of our people - are financed by the plutocratic West, living on its handouts. " Putin? Prokhanov? Biker Surgeon? Far from it! This is from a speech in 1938 on TV by the same Josef Goebbels. Find 10 differences with speeches by Putin or Lavrov. Does not exceed? That's the same. The vocabulary of the Cold War ("external enemy", "spiritless Europe", "American external debt", "crisis of the Western economy", "stretching out other people's ideas") returned to Russian screens, rising from the grave, where, as we thought, she was shoved Restructuring.

From "herring" to "elephants"

Television people around the world are very fond of, among other things, such a widespread lever of influence on humans as the “smoked herring method”. It is known that the smell of smoked fish can deceive a dog's sense of smell, let it go on the wrong track. This is an irreplaceable, simple and very effective way to divert the attention of the population from a really difficult problem, to deprive them of their sense of smell. This method was best described in the American film "The Tail Wags the Dog" ("Fraud") by Barry Levinson, where a team of PR professionals rivets a story about some kind of war, which does not exist, and successfully distracts the world's attention from a sex scandal that is about to explode around the President of the United States. The success of this tape in the world was tremendous, but it did not go to the benefit of the brain: most of the viewers, incapable of generalization, laughed and admired the brilliant plot, but they did not realize that this was not an isolated funny incident in one country and that the consciousness of everyone of them sometimes becomes the backstage for the same performance.

Made in the first lines of all the news of all TV channels, for example, the next wedding of Alla Pugacheva can overshadow the rise in energy prices, the fall in Russian oil prices and the jump in the dollar. And if "smoked herring" is also seasoned with the right vocabulary, then the viewer gets one less problem. After all, one can say “the ruble has collapsed again in the auctions”, and “the strengthening of the ruble has stopped today”. That's how good it is!


Another favorite method of instilling the right thoughts in your audience is to use elephants. It is the easiest way, because it does not require a special script or hard work on vocabulary and images. "Elephants" are the leaders of public opinion, famous and popular artists, directors, show business stars, athletes, that is, those whose word for a naive layman has a special meaning beyond any criticism. If the TV news anchor says, “Most citizens condemn the US attempts to dictate its rules to the world community,” it will be a voice crying in the wilderness. But if Nikita Mikhalkov tells that he is shocked by Obama's last speech at the UN General Assembly, and after him Joseph Kobzon will be included, who will tell about the evil Americans who do not let him to their children in the United States, the viewer will understand what is there things are really bad. A very simple method of using anonymous "elephants", that is, non-existent authorities. "A source from the American White House told about the crisis of power in the United States", "International experts concluded that the Malaysian Boeing was shot down by Ukraine", "Scientists from one of the leading UK laboratories claim that meat is harmful." Then you can chat as much as you like: charm to any authority, even if not supported by a name, but foreign and "leading", will certainly do its job. In addition, the method is absolutely unpunished - there is simply no one to sue for libel.

News is, of course, the heavy artillery of television. But do not forget that they take up about 11% of the airtime, the rest is given to entertainment: TV shows, talk shows, humorous programs, and the like. Not all entertainment is the same. On Russian channels (except for the tiny "Kultura" in terms of coverage) today one cannot find either classical music, or worthy films, or theatrical performances. Serials and talk shows became the main rest for the viewer. During the day, TV shows for housewives are shown, where another Cinderella with the face of an illiterate whore is looking for her love in a big city, in the evening - a more qualitatively cobbled product from the life of decent cops and brave special forces. The more serious isolation Russia finds itself in, the more acutely the authorities feel the need to tighten the screws, the more epics about siloviki dukes appear on television. And recently, endless series from the lives of movie stars who have passed away (Lyudmila Gurchenko, Lyubov Orlova, Valentina Serova) and odious personalities of Soviet times (Ekaterina Furtseva, Galina Brezhneva, Wolf Messing, Dzhuna) have been added to this set. No matter what the TV series, the consumer is immersed in the Stalin-Khrushchev-Brezhnev times, while the Soviet background, against which the fate of the heroes is shown, seems to be pretty cute. "Oh, what are you, what a policy here!" - The authors are smiling and continue to wash the Soviet regime of blood, dirt and lies. They probably think that she will return to them clean, unblemished.

The educational and entertainment role of television usually recedes where the concern for maintaining power comes to the fore. Then the main task of the leaders, and at the same time of television, becomes to paralyze the will of the electorate. And the TV turns to huge lawnmower for brains... A huge army of lawn mowers every day, hourly, every minute makes sure that not the slightest sprout of independent thought crawls to the surface. They will begin to break through, and we are behind them - zip! - Petrosyan's new show. Again a liberal thought will break through, we are fucking on it! - New political talk shows, where the word "liberal" will be the main abuse. Discuss, dear viewer!

Remember the naive dialogue from the Oscar-winning Soviet film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears"? “Over time, television will transform the life of all mankind. Nothing will happen. No cinema, no theater, no books, no newspapers - just solid television. " - “Well, it’s you that got excited. The theater, here I agree, will really die out soon, but books, movies? "-" But you will remember my words in 20 years. "This dialogue was not so naive.

Ekaterina Barabash

Translation from Ukrainian "Russian Monitor"

From the very beginning of the television era, Joseph Goebbels did not doze off, appreciating all the power and propaganda capabilities of the modestly emerging new media: “The superiority of the visual image over the auditory image is that the auditory image is translated into visual with the help of individual imagination, which cannot be controlled: anyway, everyone will see your own. Therefore, you should immediately show how it is necessary for everyone to see the same thing. "

Historian and writer Elena Syanova talks about how the era of television and the era of fascism were simultaneously born in Germany.

The article is based on the material of the program "The Price of Victory" by the radio station "Echo of Moscow". The broadcast was conducted by Vitaly Dymarsky. You can read and listen to the full original interview here.

Let's start with a dream. The desire of people to see what is beyond the bounds of sight has a rather long history. For example, in the Middle Ages, a magic crystal was invented - a pyramid, in each of the four faces of which people hoped to see what is happening in every part of the world. But, of course, they came to the realization of this dream only somewhere at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. eks by learning how to convert light into electrical signals. However, at the very beginning, this consciousness, which was lagging behind thought, nevertheless strove to see only reality, not yet realizing what powerful means a person had already possessed to create this reality. This is exactly what the Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels did, who, as you know, used various means. And it was in this regard that he developed the concept of German television. No, not technological, but, as they say now, content, meaningful. It is impossible to say exactly when he started doing this. Somewhere around 1937. But in general, let's start with the first broadcast.

March 22, 1935 is considered to be the birthday of German television. And the first such "talking head" that appeared on the screen was the head of a Goebbels official, chief of the radio service of the Third Reich, Eugen Hadamovsky. A rather vague image and a few laudatory phrases in relation to the Fuhrer - that's all that they could then give out. The first attempt at telecasting is the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Not entirely successful, but still ...

And now we come to 1937, the period when Goebbels begins to actively engage in this, namely: to build up his ministry, to form new departments. Somewhere before the war there will be fourteen of them, and so far only two - the radio department and the cinema department. But it is interesting that in 1937 Goebbels said that filmmakers should not be involved in television, and a television department was created under the radio department. Question: "Why?" Apparently, there were already some propaganda technologies developed by the radio department that he wanted to use on television.

Radio Goebbels used very actively. Then it was, in general, the main technical means of propaganda. (Within the framework of the Labor Front, free receivers were even distributed to the population.)

There is one very interesting moment in 1937. Who do you think Goebbels instructed to do the leisure of citizens and especially women? Well, perhaps someone knows that his wife Magda worked in the Committee of German Women and was engaged in the leisure of workers, but, as she herself said, "it turned out to be much more difficult to solve the problem of properly occupying the time of housewives." Here is a small excerpt from a letter written by her friend Margarita, sister of Rudolf Hess: “It was Magda's idea to arrange special rooms at the new laundries (household factories in our opinion), in which 30-50 people could gather, for example, around the telefunken ". (Telefunken was the name of the then television receiver). “Here,” she writes, “you can place books, newspapers, you can watch, talk, discuss and so on. We liked the idea, and we started to implement it ”.

Then Margarita writes that the Labor Front refused to allocate funds, and Magda turned to the Ministry of Propaganda. “Joseph promised at least a million marks if we strictly follow his guidelines, and wrote such instructions that another scandal is brewing in the Goebbels family. Anti-Semitism is unusually boring ... (From this phrase, one can conclude that there was a lot of anti-Semitic propaganda). German women will not want to gather around telefunks in order to hate their Jewish neighbors. German women want to love, raise children, learn how to spend leisure time with them correctly. "

And now it is interesting that this idea of \u200b\u200bMagda to create telecoms was very quickly "grabbed" by Goebbels in order to extend it to men.

In general, it must be said that in 1937 Goebbels still looked at televisions as something with a vague perspective. Maybe with a good perspective, but in the future, because the audience was very small. He was also afraid of live broadcasts, since it is impossible to establish censorship. He even had such a statement: “Something else will be blurted. You can’t be so free to give your opinion ”. But nevertheless, since 1937, Goebbels began to think about television as a new instrument of propaganda. “The superiority,” he writes, “of the visual image over the auditory one, is that the auditory image is translated into the visual one with the help of individual imagination, which cannot be controlled: all the same, everyone will see his own. Therefore, you should immediately show how it is necessary for everyone to see the same thing. " That is, he already puts his paw on the imagination. Whatever one may say, but an outstanding PR man! ..

And here he develops clear instructions according to which this TV department needs to work. Its essence, Goebbels writes and emphasizes all the time, is "the correct picture in every house." What does “correct” mean? This means that all people should see the reality that we need.

Goebbels "grabbed" the idea of \u200b\u200btelecom rooms from his wife Magda

In 1939, Goebbels still allocates funds, gives the German Women's Committee an opportunity to develop these programs for women's television rooms, that is, he agrees to dilute this gleichshaltung (propaganda concept) with some artistic fantasies. “On the technical side,” he says, “don't worry. We will soon get our hands on such devices! We can show anything. We will create the reality that the German people need. Your task, - he writes to his wife and her employees, - is to teach German women to live in her. Doesn't it look like anything?

And so, look what his priorities were. First and foremost, news; then reports from workshops and farms; in third place - sports (four times he has: sports, sports, sports, sports); further entertainment programs. Moreover, he writes that over time, entertainment programs will need to be done more when the consciousness of the people is prepared. As for the Fuehrer: “With television, the live Fuehrer,” writes Goebbels, “will enter every home. It will be a miracle, but it doesn't have to be frequent. We are another matter. We, the leaders of the party, must be with the people every evening after a hard day and explain to them what they misunderstood during the day. "

More about the participation of the German people in politics. Goebbels believed that the people should participate in politics, but in the form of rallies and votes. Clause 7 of his instruction reads: “One should not be afraid to plunge the viewer into a political dispute, into the struggle between the good and the best ... (Goebbels' formula). And the next day, provide an opportunity to express your opinion at your company by voting, for example. " So how do you like it?

But Goebbels goes further. In the same, paragraph 7: “If some kind of discontent is brewing in society, one should not be afraid to personify it and display it on the screen. As soon as we can provide at least half of the population with telefunctions of the fifth model, we need to put our working leader, Leia, in front of the TV gun, and let him sing his songs about the hardships of a working man. " Well, that is, letting off steam that way. Great design, isn't it?

And here is point 9: “The Film Department did not take into account the female contingent well. Housewives need television programs to get women to influence their husbands in the evening when they return from work. ” How do you like that? I watched TV during the day - in the evening I talked to my husband.

And interestingly, Magda Goebbels took this issue very seriously. In general, little is known about Magda, about her professional activities, about social activities. And since 1939, when Goebbels very well singles out this propaganda direction, it is the Committee of German Women that sets the so-called artistic direction. But they do not interact in any way, they are in violent conflict. Let's take two programs as an example. One was drawn up by Goebbels' direction, this propaganda one, the other - in the Women's Committee.

October 26, 1940. Program schedule for this day (development). Propaganda direction.

14.00 - news reports.

15.00 - newsreel of military victories.

16.00 - SS Cologne choir performs an old song against the background of banners with runic symbols.

16.15 - news reports.

17.00 - "The People's Police are looking for them."

18.00 - news reports.

18.30 - 19.30 (just everyone usually comes back from enterprises) - "The word of the Fuhrer".

19.30 - SS Cologne Choir sings the same song (repeat).

19.45 - news reports, newsreels of military victories.

20.00 - "Word of the Fuehrer" (repeat).

21.00 - news reports, newsreels of labor victories.

21.30 - poems and songs to the words of members of the German Youth Union.

22.00 - prayer of the members of the German Youth Union "Fuehrer, my Fuehrer, given to me by the Lord."

14.00 - news ("My Germany"). (Probably news of some panoramic nature).

15.00 - "Hour of the Young Mother".

16.00 - Views of Paris. History. Game scenes from the times of the Great French Revolution. French folk songs. (And this was already the occupation of France!)

17.00 - news (Germany and Europe).

17.30 - music hour, piano concert.

18.00 - Actors Emil Jannings and Lil Dagover about work in a new film, a report from the set.

19.00 - TV historical film.

20.00 - news ("My Germany"), abridged repetition of the program.

20.30 - national folklore holiday, newsreel.

21.00 - half an hour of music, excerpts from operas and operettas.

21.30 - "Before going to bed: reading to our children."

Goebbels' television formula: 25% propaganda, 75% entertainment

Returning to Magda. Still, the phenomenon of her personality is not clear to many. Not a woman, but some kind of monster that fell from an unknown underworld, poisoned his children. Magda Goebbels is a truly monstrous person who has invested more in National Socialism than in the birth of her children. Therefore, when this state perished, everything perished for her.

But the most fantastic thing that shocks in this whole television story is 1938-1939, Schaefer's expedition returns from Tibet, a Berlin-Lhasa radio bridge is being installed. We have even received an invitation to Hitler from the regent Reading Hutuktu "on the 18th day of the 1st Tibetan month of the Earthen Hare Year." And it was broadcast on the radio. But there is a great suspicion that not only a radio bridge was established with Tibet. What is it based on?

In 1940, several employees of the Goebbels ministry, who developed this artistic direction, which emerged from the depths of the Committee of German Women, were sent to Ahnenerbe, as the document says, "to listen to the course read by Genosse El." (“Genosse El,” “sahib,” or “the man in scarlet,” as Skorzeny calls him, is a certain Tibetan lama). This group consisted of 20 people. What did she do? She mastered runic writing in order, as Skorzeny writes, to start working with some kind of supernova equipment. It is known that after a while 16 people from this group were expelled and sent, by the way, for treatment to the same doctors of Ahnenerbe. Then two more were expelled, replaced by the Japanese.

In parallel with this, Goebbels, who is in opposition to the artistic direction, also instructs one of the developers of his propaganda direction to prepare material for him about "laying some hypnotic elements in the tele-picture." “The employee did not complete the task,” the report says. Then Goebbels entrusts the same task to Walter Bruch (the one who carried out the first broadcast from the Olympic Games).

The question arises: “Where did Goebbels get this idea about“ laying hypnotic elements ”at all?” He appropriated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe TV rooms from Magda. And this one? Maybe in the “Sahib” group?

On the other hand, he could have thought of it himself: if he considered propaganda to be mass hypnosis, and television as an instrument of propaganda, then why not stuff this instrument, stuff it with such hypnotic elements?

And now we come to 1942. (We missed 1941, because during this period all the technical means that were, fell into the hands of the military. Television began to play a leading role as a means of tele-guiding missiles).

During the war, telefunkens were produced in very limited quantities. Of course, they were supplied to the highest hierarchs - party, SS. There is interesting evidence of Hitler's telecommuter, Himmler's telecommuter in Wewelsburg. Members of the Labor Front had the opportunity to watch some programs. Basically, these were replays of footage shot before the war.

So, in 1942, Goebbels, having apparently collected everything that he had, created the fifteenth television department with a staff of 42 people. On November 23, 1943, his undertaking died in the Bose: the Allies completely bombed the Wehrmacht transmitter in Berlin. That was the end of the first series of a soap opera called "television".

And here (attention!) Is another program guide from May 14, 1944. (This is one of the developments that were carried out in the bowels of the Ministry of Propaganda).

6.00 - "Germany, wake up". March, morning exercises.

6.30 - news, chronicle.

7.00 - "Letters from the front". Read by Werner Kraus and Annie Ondra.

8.00 - repetition of the evening film show "Day of Love".

10.30 - meeting with the actors of the film "Love Day". Employees of the Robert Ley chemical plant are taking part in the discussion.

11.30 - "We and our children". Today: learning to cook together.

12.00 - working half day news, reports from the shops.

12.45, 14.00 - specific films: Madrid, Vienna, Athens.

14.00 - chronicle.

14.30 - film show "The Old Castle". 1st part.

16.00 - criminal chronicle "People's police are looking for them."

16.30 - "Old Castle". 2nd part.

18.00 - hour of music, scenes from the opera "Valkyrie".

Then the news, then an evening show called Atlantis.

21.00 - "Letters from the front", repeat.

21.30 - crime chronicle, repeat.

22.00 - "Mosaic", family hour.

23.00 - specific film "My Germany".

If we talk about what was really on the screens, then let's stop at Himmler's telecom room. He really watched TV. Want to know what exactly? SS General Berger (the one who stuffed the bunker with wiretaps) worked for a long time in the anti-fascist magazine National Europe after the war, and so he left such evidence that his chief Himmler sometimes observed the experiments that were carried out in the secret laboratories located in the castle Wewelsburg, but did it not directly, because he was squeamish, but on the telefunken screen. These are the broadcasts.

Germany invested colossal money in the development of television

And let's say a few more words about these very lamas, which, probably, did not just install a radio bridge. Here's another piece of evidence. Materials of Nuremberg. Interrogation of a certain Hauptsturmführer Kurt Schulzmeier, who participated in the execution of Hermann Fegelein, son-in-law of Eva Braun, on April 28, 1945. And this is what he writes. The investigator asks him a question, to which he answers: “At this time, a shaking Fegelein in one white shirt pressed his back against a tree and closed his eyes. And all this was observed from the trees by a Tibetan, one of those who came from Lhasa and did not wear swastikas. This Tibetan pointed out a strange little oblong apparatus. We haven’t seen anything like this yet. ” Further, Berger's comment: "Himmler wanted what is happening here (in the Reich Chancellery) to be seen in another place." "What place do you think we are talking about?" - the investigator asks. No answer. The protocol says that in response, Schulzmeier only smiled silently.

And all this would be ridiculous, and all this could be considered nonsense, but here is the last quote, a letter from August 2, 1972, Rudolf Hess from Spandau prison: “Hitler shared with me his impressions of the appearance of Hutuktu (this is the name of the regent of Tibet, with whom a radio bridge was installed). A straight steel gaze, irony throbbing at the corners of the lips. Soon I myself had a chance to be convinced of these incomprehensible oriental overflows of the most diverse expressions on his face - from fanatical spirituality to the sweetest cynicism. " There is a strange dynamic in these words. What is this "pulsating", what is this "overflow"? One can only guess.