In lance, the resonance of the voltage is determined by the reading of the voltmeter. Colival circuit LC. Heating of conductors with an electric jet

Resonance electric lancet It occurs when there is a sharp increase in the amplitude of stationary vibrations when the frequency of the external influx approaches the singing frequency of the resonant system. This is the case if two elements of the same character compensate for the effect of one another in lancus.


RLC circuit - a chain circuit with elements connected in series or in parallel:

  • resistor,
  • inductor,
  • capacitor.

The name RLC is due to the fact that the letters are based on the basic symbols of electrical elements: support, inductance and capacitance.

The vector diagram of the sequential RLC-Lancet is presented in one of three options:

  • inductive,
  • Amnesty,
  • active.

In the remaining case, with zero phase damage, the balance of the inductive and amnesic supports, voltage resonance occurs.

Electrical resonance

In nature there is a resonance of currents and a resonance of tension. The stench is observed in the parallel and subsequent connections of the elements R, L and C. The resonant frequency is the same for both lancets, it is located in the direction of the supports of the reactive elements and is calculated using the formula below.

The vector diagrams are almost identical, only the signals differ. The sequential circuit has voltages resonating in the parallel circuit. If the resonant frequency gets too far, such symmetry will naturally break down. The first one experiences growth, the other one changes.

Resonance voltage that reaches maximum amplitude

Below is a vector diagram of the Lanczug sequential contour, de:

  • I - Vector of the halal struma;
  • Ul - vibrates I by 900;
  • UC - stands in front of I at 900;
  • UR - in-phase I.

Three vectors of voltage (Ul, UC, UR) the first two mutually compensate each other. Stink among yourself:

  • bed sores directly
  • equal in amplitude,
  • vary in phase on p.

It turns out that the voltage, according to another Kirchhoff law, is applied only to the resistor. In brief:

  • The impedance of the serial circuit at the resonant frequency is minimal and simply R;
  • the fragments of the lance support are minimal, then the amplitude strum is obviously maximum;
  • also approximately the maximum voltage on the inductance and on the capacitance.

If you look closely at the subsequent LC circuit, it gives zero support at the resonant frequency:

Important! When a harmonic mode with a resonant frequency is established, an attack occurs in the circuit: the device will ensure the amplitude of the sound that has established; The tension of the core is lost due to heating of the resistor.

Resonance of streams through reactive elements

Diagram of a parallel circuit at the same frequency. Since all the elements are connected in parallel, the diagram will be quicker to start from the ground voltage.

  • U – vector of the halal struma;
  • Ic - advances U by 900;
  • IU – increases from U to 900;
  • The flow of the resistor (IR) is in phase with the starting voltage.

Fragments of the reactivity support behind the level module, then the amplitude of the streamsIc іIu:

  • however;
  • reach maximum amplitude.

Enter, following Kirchhoff's first law IR ancient struma dzherela. Otherwise, it seems that the flow was only flowing through the resistor.

If you look closely at the parallel circuit LC, then at the resonant frequency of its operation it is even greater:

When the harmony mode is establishedc resonant frequency, the circuit has the following:

  • dzherelo will ensure the amplitude of the kolivan;
  • The tension of the dzherel struma is spent less than the increase in spending on the active support.

Subdivision of RLC circuits

In this way, you can make a permanent document:

  1. The serial RLC lancer has minimal impedance at the resonant frequency and is similar to the active circuit support;
  2. In a parallel RLC lance, the impedance is maximum at the resonant frequency and is similar to the so-called support coil, practically the same as the active support circuit.

In order to prepare the mind for the resonance of the current or voltage, it is necessary to check the electrical lance with the method of determining its complex support or conductivity. Moreover, this obvious part must be equated to zero.

For information. The voltages in the serial lancus are very similar to those in the parallel lancus at the resonant frequency, in which two RLC circuits appear.

Zastosuvannya of the resonant phenomenon

A good butt for constructing a resonant box can be an electric resonant transformer, built by winemaker Mikola Tesla back in 1891. Tesla carried out experiments with different configurations, which are connected to two or three resonant electric coils.

For information. The term “Tesla coils” is applied to a number of high-voltage resonant transformers. Devices are used for removing high voltage, low flow, high frequency zminnogo struma.

This time, as a primary transformer for efficient transfer of energy from the primary to the secondary winding, a resonant transformer is used for time-to-hour saving of electrical energy. The device uses the resonant core of a resonantly tuned transformer to remove high voltage at low currents. The skin winding is capacious and functions as a resonant circuit.

To produce the highest output voltage, the primary and secondary circuits are adjusted to resonate one by one. Original schemes The winemaker will be used as simple arresters for breaking the kolivan with the help of tuned transformers. In folding structures, transistor or thyristor devices are used.

For information. Tesley transformer based on the vicoristan of resonant standing electromagnetic coils in coils. Unique design of the cat dictates the need to reach low level resistive energy consumption (high quality factor) at high frequencies, which leads to increased secondary voltage.

Electrical resonance is one of the most widespread physical phenomena in the world, without which there would be no TV, diagnostic medicine. apartments One of the highest types of resonance in an electric lance is the resonance of streams and voltage resonance.


The tension coefficient cosφ at resonance is a voltage unit.

2. Umova, this is a sign of stagnation of voltage resonance. Which type of voltage resonance is weak? Why?

The mode in which the voltage at the input is in phase with the strum, voltage resonance.

The failure of the resonant mode in lances of great tension can cause an emergency situation, lead to breakdown of the insulation of wires and cables and create insecurity for personnel.

3. In what ways can voltage resonance be achieved?

When connecting a colivatal circuit, which consists of an inductance coil and a capacitor, the energy may generate a resonant phenomenon. There are two main types of resonance: when the coils and capacitors are connected in series - voltage resonance, when they are connected in parallel - stream resonances.

4. Why with voltage resonanceU 2 >U 1 ?

De R – active opir

I – strum strength

XL – inductive coil support

XC – amniotic support of the capacitor

Z – the back support of the change strum

At resonance: UL = UC,

De UC - coil voltage,

UL – capacitor voltage

You can know the voltage:


Where UR is the voltage of the coil, to which the voltmeter V2 is connected, means voltage V2 = V1

5. What is the nature of voltage resonance? Explain її.

Also, the resonance mode can be achieved by changing the inductance of the coil L, the capacitance of the condensate or the frequency of the input voltage ω.

6. Write down the expression of Ohm’s law through the conductors for the lance with parallel connections of the capacitor and inductive coil. Why is the durability so important?

Ohm's law through the conductors for the lancet of the alternating strum with parallel connections of the pins.

7. Umova, a sign of stagnation of the resonance of the streams.

so that the inductive and amnesic conductivities are equal.

8 . In what ways can the resonance of the strings be achieved?

The mode in which the lancet is placed in parallel with the inductive and eminent elements, the flow of an undisturbed piece of the lancet comes out of phase with the tension and resonance of the struts.

9. Why during the resonance of streamsI 2 > I 1 ?

Therefore, based on the vector diagrams of strumas at resonance, the graph will be a rectilinear tricutaneous structure, de strumas I and I 1 will be legs, and struma I 2 will be a hypotenuse. Therefore, I2 will be larger than I1.

10. What is special about the resonance of streams? Explain її.

With the resonance of the striae, the striae at the nails are significantly larger than the struma of the unopened part of the lancet. This power of the strum is the most important feature of the resonance of the strums.

11. Explain about vector diagrams.

This method is used to determine the value of the active and reactive storage voltage on the coil and the phase between the voltage at the input of the lancet and the strum



    Electrical engineering and electronics. Book 1. Electric and magnetic lancets. - B 3 books: book 1/B. G. Gerasimov ta in; Per ed. V. G. Gerasimova. M.: Vishcha School, 1996. - 288 p.

    Kasatkina A. S., Nemtsov M. V. Electrical engineering. M: Vischa. school, 1999. - 542 p.

    Electrical engineering / Ed. Yu. L. Khotuntseva. M.: AGAR, 1998. - 332 p.

    Borisov Yu. M., Lipat D. N., Zorin Yu. N. Electrical engineering. Vishcha School, 1985. - 550 p.

    GOST 19880-74. Electrical engineering Basic concepts. Terms and meaning. M: Publishing House of Standards, 1974.

The stench in its own way flows onto the generator, the living lance, and the phase relationship between the stream and the voltage.

The inductance coil introduces a change of phases, at which point the voltage rises for a quarter of a period, and the capacitor, however, causes the voltage in the circuit to rise in phase with the flow for a quarter of a period. Thus, the action of inductive support on the flow of phases between the strum and the voltage in the lancus is the same as the action of emnestic support.

This should lead to the fact that the underlying phases between the strum and the voltage in the lancus lie due to the ratio of the values ​​of the inductive and amnesic supports.

If the size of the amniotic support of the lancug is larger than the inductive one, then the lancug is of an amnestic nature, so that the voltage rises in phase with the stream. If, however, the inductive support of the Lancug is more ambiguous, then the voltage advances the strum, and therefore the Lancug has an inductive character.

The general reactive support of the lance we examined is indicated by the way of adding the inductive support of the coil X L and the inductive support of the capacitor X C.

If the action of these supports in Lancus is protile, then one of them, and Xc itself, is assigned a minus sign, and the final reactive support is given by the formula:

Having stagnated to this point, we reject:

The qiu formula can be rearranged like this:

In the Otrimannosti I X l -the venerable of the storage of the poddlegs of Lantsyuga, the sofa yade for the subolabed support of Lancyuga, and the I x s -the validity of the storage of the nipple of the lantsuuga, and the scho for the subalannius of the єmnist support.

Thus, the voltage of the lancet, which is formed from the serial connection of the coil and the capacitor, can be seen as consisting of two additions, the values ​​of which lie within the values ​​of the inductive and amnesic supports of the lancet.

We respected that such a lance does not provide active support. However, in these cases, if the active support of the Lancjug is not enough so that it can be seized, the active support of the Lancjug is indicated by the following formula:

de R - zagalny active oper_lance, X L -Х С - її zagalny reactive operіp. Moving on to the formula for Ohm's law, we have the right to write:

Resonance of the voltage in the lancet of the alternating strum

The inductive and eponymous support, connected sequentially, produces a smaller phase change between the strum and the voltage, as if the stench was included in the interchangeable strum.

Otherwise, due to the one-hour action of these two different ones, due to their nature of the reactive supports, the lancus is compensated (mutually reduced) by the phases.

Full compensation will occur if the inductive support appears equal to the identical support of the lance, then if X L = X C or the same ifω L = 1/ωС.

The Lanzug in this case is considered to be a daily active principle, so that there is neither a coil nor a capacitor in it. The size of this support is determined by the sum of the active supports of the coil and the associated wires. In this case, in Lancus the greatest i will be expressed by the formula to Ohm’s law I = U / R where Z is now set to R.

At the same time, the voltages that act both on the coil U L = I X L and on the capacitor Uc = I X C will appear equal and will be as high as possible. With a small active support of the lancet, the voltage can often exceed the original voltage U on the clamps of the lancet. This is obviously called in electrical engineering voltage resonance.

In Fig. 1 induced voltage curve, flow and tension when the voltage resonates in the lancet.

It is important to remember that the supports X L and X are changeable, which lie under the frequency of the stream, and if you want to slightly change the frequency of this, for example, increase it, as X L =ω Lgrowth, and X C == 1 / ωС change, and thereby the tension resonance in the lance will immediately be destroyed, with which the order of the active support in the lance will appear more reactive. This will happen if you change the value of inductance and capacitance of the lancet.

During resonance, the tension of the jerla struma is exerted only on the heel of the active support of the lance, in order to heat the conductors.

Indeed, in a lance with one inductance coil, energy is generated, so that energy is periodically transferred from the generator to the coils. In the case of a lancus with a capacitor, the same, but not for the energy of the electric field of the capacitor, is generated. The Lancug has a capacitor and an inductance coil at voltage resonance(X L = X C) the energy, once stored by the lancet, periodically passes from the coil to the condenser and back, and the part of the jet stream drops out without wasting energy, which is necessary for the active support of the lancet. In such a manner Energy exchange occurs between the capacitor and coil without the participation of the generator.

Varto can't be destroyed voltage resonance at price, like energy magnetic field The coil will become unequal to the energy of the electric field of the capacitor, and in the process of energy exchange between these fields, excess energy will appear, which will periodically flow from the dzherel to the lancet, then turn around with the lancet.

The phenomenon is very similar to those that appear in the one-year mechanism. The pendulum of the year could swing continuously and without the help of a spring (or the force in the timers), so they couldn’t rub it to galvanize its movement.

The spring, which transfers part of its energy to the pendulum at the required moment, adds tension or rubbing force to the pendulum, which ensures uninterrupted swinging.

Similar to how it is in the electric lance, when it exhibits resonance in the new, the body struma expends its energy only on the heel of the active support of the lance, thereby promoting the piercing process in the new.

Well, we are coming to the top, so The lance of the exchangeable jet, which consists of a generator and a series-connected inductance coil and a capacitor, for the singing minds X L = X C transforms into a colivat system. Such a Lanzug, having taken away the name Colival circuit.

Equalities X L = X Z can be significant generator frequency values ​​at which voltage resonance occurs:

: the input input circuit is adjusted with a variable capacitor (or variometer) in such a way that voltage resonance is responsible. It is necessary to reach this normal work receiving a large voltage shift on the coil in line with the voltage in the lancius, creating an antenna.

When the voltage resonance in electrical equipment is given to the earth, faults often occur if the voltage resonance is weak. A large increase in voltage on several parts of the lancet (on the coil or on the condenser) in parallel with the voltage of the generator can lead to the failure of other parts and vibration devices.

Description of the box

Let the kolival circuit iz the frequency of the loud kolivans f, and in the middle of it, a generator of alternating current of the same frequency operates f.

At the initial moment, the capacitor is in the discharge circuit, the generator does not operate. Once the voltage on the generator is turned on, it begins to rise, charging the capacitor. The cat in the first place does not pass streams through the EPC due to self-induction. The voltage on the generator reaches its maximum, charging the capacitor to the same voltage.

Further: the fragments of the magnetic field cannot be stationary, they begin to change, shifting the turns of the coil in the opposite direction. At the coil terminals, EPC induction appears, which begins to recharge the capacitor. There is a leak in the lance collateral circuit, only along the flow of the charge, the fragments of the turns fray in the direction of the field. The capacitor plates are recharged with charges similar to those of the cob. At the same time, the voltage on the electric sign generator increases, and this is due to the same fluidity as the coil charges the capacitor.

Vinikla such a situation. The capacitor and the generator are connected in series and on both voltages, which is equal to the voltage of the generator. At sequential connection The vitality of their tensions is taking shape.

Also, at the current stage, a voltage is supplied to the coil (both from the generator and from the capacitor), and oscillation in the circuit is generated when the voltage on the coil is increased.

In circuits with low quality factor, the voltage on the coil will be lower than the voltage, some of the energy will be dissipated (for vibration, heating) and the energy of the capacitor will not be completely converted into the energy of the coil). The generator and part of the capacitor are connected in series.


Colival circuit which produces tension resonance in mode and does not increase tension. The voltage that flows through the elements is due to the charge of the capacitor during the first quarter of the period after switching on and is detected when selecting a high voltage circuit.

The phenomenon of voltage resonance must be corrected during the development of the equipment. If the voltage is too high, it can damage the elements that are not protected by it.


When the frequency of the generator drops and the voltage drops in the circuit on the coil, voltage appears at the terminals of the generator. It is possible to use voltages in sub-warses that operate on high-voltage frequencies, or dark filters that react to the desired frequency.

Div. also


  • Vlasov St. F. Radio engineering course M.: Derzhenergovidav, 1962. P. 52.
  • Izyumov N. M., Linde D.P. Basics of radio engineering. M.: Derzhenergovidav, 1959. P. 512.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Wonder what “Voltage Resonance” is in other dictionaries:

    voltage resonance- voltage resonance; galuz. Sequential resonance A manifestation of resonance in the electric lance, which takes place in successively connected sections, which may be inductive and amniotic in nature. Polytechnic terminological dictionary

    voltage resonance- Resonance at the edge of the electric lance, which accommodates the sequentially connected inductive and amnesic elements. [GOST R 52002 2003] Topics of electrical engineering, basic concepts EN series resonancevoltage resonance ...

    voltage resonance- įtampų rezonansas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: engl. acceptor resonance; series resonance; voltage resonance vok. Reihenresonanz, f; Serienresonanz, f; Spannungsresonanz, f rus. last resonance, m; voltage resonance, m… … Automatikos terminų žodynas

    voltage resonance- 255 voltage resonance Resonance at the point of the electric lance to accommodate the sequentially connected inductive and amnesic elements of Dzherelo: GOST R 52002 2003: Electrical engineering. Terms and meaning of the main ones to understand the original document... Glossary of terms of normative and technical documentation

    voltage resonance- įtampų rezonansas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. voltage resonance vok. Spannungsresonanz, f rus. voltage resonance, m pranc. résonance de tension, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

    Sequential resonance, resonance in electrical. lances connected in series with an inductance coil and a capacitor. At the resonant frequency, the reactive support of such a lance is close to zero, and its stream is out of phase with the applied... ... Great Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

    Voltage resonance- 1. Resonance in the division of the electrical lance, which places the sequentially connected inductive and amnesic elements Vikorist in the document: GOST R 52002 2003 Electrical engineering. Terms and meaning of the main ones to understand... Telecommunications dictionary

    circuit, tuned for voltage resonance- - [Ya.N. Luginsky, M.S. Fezi Zhilinska, Y.S. Kabirov. English-Russian dictionary of electrical engineering and electrical power engineering, Moscow, 1999 r.] Electrical engineering topics, basic concepts EN series oscillatory circuit ... Adviser of technical translation

    Stream resonance is the resonance that occurs in a parallel collateral circuit when connected to a voltage source, the frequency of which is similar to the flow frequency of the circuit. Place 1 Description of the box 2 Respect... Wikipedia

    Resonance- 9 Resonance Per GOST 24346 80

In electrical engineering, when analyzing the operating modes of electric lancets, the concept of a bipolar network is widely used. Bipolar network It is customary to call a piece of an electric lance of such a configuration that it can be seen in two visible pins (poles). Bipolars, which act as a source of energy, are called passive. The passive bipolar circuit is characterized by one value - the input support, then. a support that is measured (or calculated) between two pins of a bipolar network. Input support and input conductivity are mutually inverse quantities.

Do not let the passive two-terminal network place one or more inductors and one or more capacitors. Pid resonant mode The operation of such a two-terminal network understands the mode(s) of the two-terminal network, in which the input support is always active. According to the current principle, the double pole behaves like an active support, as a result of which the input voltage and flow are out of phase. There are two types of resonance modes: voltage resonance and flow resonance.

Voltage resonance

In the simplest case, voltage resonance can occur when the inductor and capacitors are turned on in series. In this case, changing the capacitance of capacitors at constant parameters of the coil induces voltage resonance at constant values ​​of voltage and inductance, frequency and active support of the lancet. When changing the capacitor capacity Z It is planned to change the reactive amnesic support. In this case, the additional support of the lance also changes, which also changes the flow rate, voltage coefficient, voltage on the coil inductance, capacitors, as well as the active, reactive and constant voltage of the electric lance. Deposit of the strum I, Coefficient of tension cosі full support Z The lanyard of the changeable stream of the function of the emnes support (resonance curves) for the analyzed lanyard is shown in Fig. 9, A. The vector diagram of the strum and the stress of the lantzug at resonance is presented in Fig. 9, b.

As can be seen from these diagrams, the reactive storage voltage U L on the coil at resonance the old voltage U Z on the capacitor. What is the voltage on the inductance? U in case of resonance due to the fact that the coil has a jet support X L may still be active R, The higher the voltage, the lower the voltage on the capacitor.

Analysis of the presented viruses (2), and see Fig. 9, Aі b show that the voltage resonance is low in Fig.

1. During resonance, the voltage support of the electric stake of the exchangeable strum takes on minimal values ​​and appears equal to the active support, then.

2. What is it that, under constant stress, the rate of life ( U= const) with resonance, the voltage of the stream at the lantzug reaches its highest value I=U/Z=U/R. Theoretically, the flow can reach great values, which are determined by the tension of the circuit and the active support of the coil.


3. Tension coefficient at resonance cos= R/Z=R/R= 1, then. takes the highest value, which is indicated by kut = 0. This means that the vector of the flow and the vector of the tension of the boundary at which they run straight together, since they are equal to the cob phases i = u.

4. Tension is active during resonance P=R.I. May 2 is the most significant, which is due to increased tension S, at the same hour the reactive tension of the Lancug Q=XI 2 = (X L - X C) I 2 appears equal to zero: Q=Q L - Q C = 0.

5. During voltage resonance, the voltages on the capacitance and inductance appear equal U Z = U L= X C I=X L I And in the concentration of the stream and reactive supports can take on great values, which often outweigh the stress of life. At whose voltage the active support appears to be equal to the voltage of the life span, then. U R= U.

Voltage resonance in industrial electrical installations is an unsafe and unsafe phenomenon, and damage to it can lead to an accident resulting in unacceptable overheating of the surrounding elements of the electrical lanyard or breakdown of the insulation of the windings of electrical machines and devices, insulation of cables and capacitors in case of possible overvoltage on adjacent sections of the Lancug. At the same time, voltage resonance is widely observed in various devices and electronic devices.