3 million views on YouTube.


Smart TV


With a lot of valuable Internet resources, it is reasonable to download food rather than pay YouTube for 1,000,000 views.

This is perhaps the most popular platform in the world, hosting, according to various data, from 500 million to 1.5 billion videos.

Here you can find material on any topic, starting with animated films, music videos and ending with various television programs and political talk shows.

  • It is necessary to say that there is still a fake on this resource, and for this there is an explanation: people make money on YouTube both for watching their videos, which have advertising, and for advertising for products or services of so-called partners.
  • In fact, there are a lot of unscrupulous profiteers who don’t give a damn about giving their video files posted on their channels intriguing titles, even though they don’t actually give them the same attention.
  • Below we will describe how the profits are tied up.
  • What is the theme of the Vibrati channel?
  • It’s important to say that no one will pay you just for watching the material posted on your channel.
  • The ability to earn money now comes down to advertisers.

It is possible to get them before the deadline because your video channel receives constant prepayments and regularly receives the least number of views on YouTube, but it is also necessary for vpratsi.

The rollers are made to be brown, colorful and original.

Those covered at different levels and groups of the population:

finance and economics;

  1. children are excited about programs;
  2. In the menu, in the “Channel” section, select “Status and function”.
  3. In the "Monetization" section, increase this function.
  4. Once you are familiar with this, please accept the Youtube affiliate program.

Now you need to link your channel with your AdSense account. All information about how to earn it is described in detail on YouTube. You can learn about it in the process of connecting all these functions.

Create AdSense account record This is required on the YouTube website, otherwise you will not be able to link two types of records.

Go to www.youtube.com/account_monetization and follow the instructions.

After you are redirected to the Adsense site, make sure you avoid the address

by e-mail

  • with the address of your cloud account, which is how your channel is linked.
  • Having confirmed the linking of one area record to another, enter your contact information and submit your request.

After which you will be informed about those connections between the regulations.


Foreign advertisers, both European and American, pay much more for posting information than Russian advertisers.

An important point: clicks or clicks on advertisements are monetized.

The more popular the video or channel is, the greater your chances of reaching an agreement with reputable partners.

For example, YouTube’s record will certainly not be lost by unmarked advertisers.

  • Zvidsi y rіznitsa u vartosti.
  • Among people who talk about how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views, some pay 300 euros for 400,000, and others pay 100 euros for 1,000,000. in simple words, copies your videos) and blocks stolen videos;
  • Withdraw your earned money starting from 5 dollars, while Youtube now pays only when you reach 100 smart units on your balance.

Disadvantages for the fact that third party programs Taking a portion of your profits and the minds of the contract that you place with them is true health.

Then, after 12 months, you will not be able to terminate the contract with them.

How much does YouTube pay for 1,000,000 views?

To be aware of the price of food, it is necessary to understand the specific features that lead to earnings.

For example, depending on the size of the audience of your prepaid subscribers and the type of their activities, the channel can bring in $10 per thousand views (advertising!), or maybe $1.

Bloggers who highlight the world's economics, then it's clear whose sense they win.

However, their videos clearly do not attract the greatest number of views on YouTube.

It is important for important and music channels to compete with them at a rate of hundreds per click on advertising.

On the other hand, channels aimed at children and young audiences most often gain views a thousand times more, less important.

Here you can choose to use simple arithmetic.

It turns out that in one case you lose 1000 dollars for a million views on YouTube, and in another case - 10,000 dollars.

Rub your hand on the pulse

There are still a lot of problems all over the world, including in Russia, when something like blogging has become popular.

People who run their channel dedicated to song themes regularly produce new releases.

Their bloggers talk about these and other ideas, new products that attract our prepaid payers. Today, a blogger is a full-time profession, so many people devote all their time to it and there is no other income other than the channel.

Although we get stories about the road from different parts of the earth, people are respected for digging deeper into the politics that appear on the TV tower, and still others remove stories about sports, who know the viewers from the rest their results and forecasts. Essentially, you just need to choose those that you are really good at, and you can try yourself in that genre. The head of the brain is here - you will benefit from it.

Food, no matter how much you pay YouTube for 1,000,000 views, you have to come up with a different plan. 1 000 000 Turning back to the television station, you must respect that for the rest of the time it is essentially creating a position.

Youtube, which has played an important role, is thought to be rich, and continues to strengthen its positions, constantly increasing television channels from the position of the main ZMI.

If you have run out of information about how much you pay for watching YouTube, re-read the article again. Would you like to try to earn money from such a person? Todi "YouTube" is looking at you! YouTube video hosting is known to skin diseases on the Internet. There are millions of people who are vikors: here you can watch the untold number of videos, and post the original videos yourself on your YouTube channels.

And I want more people to perceive YouTube as a purely gratifying resource, for the rich people of power popular channels.

This means a stable and high income.

YouTube is growing even faster and there is active vikory advertising: it is logical to assume that there are a lot of money involved here.

So, what do you need to earn in order to start earning income, vikory and YouTube?

How many views does 1,000, 10,000, 1,000,000 views cost on which channel? Far from all this, people will never understand what kind of income this is?

What is sold on YouTube and who pays for it?

How much work is required for good results?

  • Vlasnik's earnings for the channel become 68% of the profit paid by the advertiser for the same views and clicks; reshta - commission YouTube.
  • Below we will look at what types of advertising are on YouTube, how they are paid for, and also about other options for making money on this resource.

You can see a number of officials who have the opportunity to seize profits.

  • Main factors number of ad views and advertising clicks.
  • If people, when watching the video, watched the advertising insert until the end, the rewatch is respected by commercial interests and paid for by YouTube. By pressing the button
  • "skip"- Not paid.
  • For other types of advertising, it is important to skip the advertising instructions..

You also don’t have to pay anything for prepaid YouTubers, but the channel’s rating is determined by its performance.

And then, prepayers, in the name of video distributors, this is your “army”, so we can turn to the channel and watch your videos more or less regularly, thereby ensuring the channel’s owner’s income.

  • YouTube is becoming a global information machine. Vіn pays for content that may be high and has high viscosity.
  • And we must pay fairly for the price. See advertisements on YouTube InStream. One of the most popular types of advertising, which ensures the number of views of advertising inserts before the video.
  • Almost all channels run this type of advertising: before the start of the video, an advertisement is displayed, which can be turned on after 5-10 seconds after the start of re-watching. Overlay
  • - it “vizhs” under all the videos near the banner that is located in the lower part of the video. This advertising is not paid for by YouTube video hosting.
  • Payment will be charged only if people clicked on them, went to the site, received instructions from the advertiser, and stayed there for an hour. Well, having visited the advertiser’s website, the koristuvach immediately left him,
YouTube channel I wouldn’t pay for it, as if there were no such visits.

The terms of advertising are completely independent from the advertiser.

In which type of earnings can’t be found on YouTube itself - you directly discuss the amount and take it from the advertiser.

There is no way to feed thousands of views, perhaps, but the old algorithm will not speak up.

Some go out to earn a dollar per thousand, others more.

The average income from thousands of impressions becomes one to a few dollars.

The amount is insignificant, and since the channel has over 10 thousand prepayments, earnings per month can be decent.

At the same time, with the popularization of YouTube, services began to appear that help collect statistics on channels in one place.

  • This includes financial matters.
  • For example, the SocialBlade service can show profits from any channel.
  • Foreign bloggers, according to statistics, charge $250-4,000 for 1,000,000 views
  • When you enter the name of the channel in the search row in SocialBlade, the service will recognize the approximate amount of earnings.

These statistics are shown by SocialBlade on the channel of the most popular YouTuber in the world, Swede PewDiePie, who may:

over 57 million prepayers on YouTube,

217 million views in the last 30 days

The total number of video views for the entire hour is 16 billion. Income per month - from 54 to 868 thousand dollars.

It is impossible to determine a specific amount of earnings on YouTube, but in order to earn decent money on this resource, you need to get at least a million views over the course of a month.

Youtube Affiliate Program

  1. To start making money on rewatches, you need to connect to a partner program channel. You can create it if the channel has been active for at least 10 days and you want 5 videos. You can activate monetization at the “Creative Studio” of your channel, by connecting to the YouTube partner program
  2. How to increase your income on YouTube?
  3. Remember that any success is a combination of many factors Sweet and fruitful content. Robit
  4. video
  5. good juiciness
  6. , choose your favorite stories


Sometimes channel owners need to watch a large number of video views.

You can buy a re-view from this place - it’s called a video post. There are a number of options for the video:

Would you like to know how to launch a top channel without paid advertising?

get rid of the plan of jet 🚀 launching your penny machine on YouTube on your own and other people’s videos!

It is necessary to understand that while the potential for such a video post may be greater, the potential earnings from YouTube are lower.

And if the service moderators suspect cheating, they can turn off monetization or block the channel. This method may be good at the initial stage, if you need to collect a large number of views/payments from the first year or month of the channel’s establishment, in order to facilitate the promotion of the channel further, and even better And people are extremely reluctant to subscribe to channels. If you want to use video posts to earn money, it is important to carefully manage your expenses and balance them with the size of your earnings from YouTube.

If you want to know more about making money on YouTube and other ways to make money on the Internet, here you will find it yourself

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Ale is written in the distant year 2015. 1 373,12$
That’s why I started to feel sad, but what has changed in the past three years? 157,04$
Next, I’ll give a breakdown by region, so to speak frankly, I can’t pay for one million views, because my traffic is too mixed, half of the USA, and half of the cheap Asian countries, so there’s a breakdown, in the middle of medicine , it turns out to be even great and does not depict the same dirty pictures, except for the statistics of the channel itself. 173,82$
Please note that the data below shows the actual profitability per million views. 81,59$

This is the top country in the world on my channel.

I now understand why I don’t want to spoil the secret statistics of my evidence. 179,13$
Dali: 159,29$
Mexico traffic: 206,79$
Traffic Indonesia: 185,02$

Traffic Thailand: Traffic Argentina: Now let's move on to a very (for us) delicious meal - but how much should we pay for a million views on YouTube for Russia and Ukraine?

Important! 215,72$
For the first one below, the statistics for 1 million are relevant, but for the other one, I simply don’t have that much traffic for 2018. 93,74$ / 10,65$

Therefore, I contributed there the profit for 1 million, which accumulated over the entire hour until the end of the day, and for 100 thousand, which were collected in 2018, so that it could be equalized.

Traffic Russia:

Traffic of Ukraine:

Look from which countries and what roads are there? 287,88$
Naturally, traffic from the USA is high throughout the year, on average it costs more than 1 dollar per 1 thousand views on a ten-length video. 209,54$
Alas, there are many countries that bring in more money than the American ones. 207,61$
It’s very difficult to see such traffic. 162,30$
Ale, maybe these numbers want to motivate you a little! 127,28$
Norway: 103,45$
Denmark: 98,30$

Canada: Australia: Japan: France: Nіmechchina:

Finally, let's equalize the tribute for this river.

Come out, because there are three reasons for this, Russian traffic, in the middle, has been 20 cents per 1000 views.

Contagion is 21 cents, so is stability.

Well, you yourself know what a miraculous land we live in.

Ukrainian traffic has been deducted

I don’t know whether through this or through anything else, but the vicious YouTube received a sharp cut to the shitty content (I’m fighting for the virus).

Kozhen, having shown himself to be a willing and original YouTuber who would create a channel, would receive prepayments and live “at chocolate.”

That’s why we have a lot of unclear videos, but I’d like to talk about this in a different way, since the topic is truly global. But as a result, if people collected 1000 or 10,000 views, then it was clear that we couldn’t talk about any dollar or 10 dollars. Even if I took off 20 cents, or even 6 cents, or even a pivbak, there were no results at all.

And now let’s take a look for the sake of interest (from now on I’m taking the Russian ones, not the world ones) and take a look at the number of looks from some of the top channels.

For example, let’s take +100500.

At nogo on


1.5 billion views.

Divide this number by a thousand and subtract another million dollars in earnings. Stop this show for the whole hour of sleep, do you really think that this is possible? Previously, a number of fates had been entirely possible, but the crisis played its role.

Advertising prices are falling, which is significantly reducing the income of YouTubers and webmasters.

As you have already realized, there is a lot to be found in the region from which the views go and in which advertising is broadcast.

In the Russian segment, as well as in the SND countries, the price of advertising is very low, so they have to work a lot and hard to get a lot of prepayers that will give you millions of views.

Other countries, including those from the USA, Canada, Germany, England, etc.

In these countries, 1 million views can easily cost 1000 or 2000 dollars.

But there are different prices for advertising. Recently, one person from the USA came to my social project, clicked on the advertisement and was charged 6 dollars..

The person just tapped the bear once and got me 6 dollars.

And in our country, even 100 pressures won’t give 6 dollars.