Preparing the number of orders. Lithium aluminum wheels. Aluminum wheels: cast or forged

Disks to disks - vorozhnecha ...

The widest width of the steel discs is stamped. Structurally, the stench is formed from the disc (plate) and the rim itself. The disk (plate) is stamped from sheet steel according to a special profile for increased hardness. The wheels are also stamped from steel. Offend warehouses to work with each other for help of point contact zvaryuvannya. Apply something to the surface zahisne pokrittya(Enamel, powder coated ...).
Plus steel stamping
Most of the cars are equipped with steel disks, which go off the conveyors in the world. The secret of such popularity, as always, is trivial, and lies in its cheapness and simplicity of preparation. But on the other hand, stamping discs won’t end: in case of a strong blow, the stench doesn’t collapse, but crumple, which helps to improve the safety of the transport system, without seeming even about the possibility of reinforcing a deformed wheel. In addition, let's guess the physics, and the very fact that for the deformation of any material it is necessary to spend a single part of the energy. So the axis, as if on the wheel of a car, the impact is stressed, then the steel plastic disk, deforming, takes on a significant part of the energy of the impact, at that hour, as the details of the suspension and steering control, there is minimal damage.
Minus steel stamping
The names of such discs do not pretend to be original, so they are covered with special covers. Obviously, as a working car and vikoristovuєtsya for the transportation of vantazhіv from important areas, and disks for new. Ale, as you have a garniy car, which will not only serve you, as a transport zasib, ale and zmіtsnyuє your image, steel stamping will be all the same. The head of the steel disk is not big enough, which is negatively signified on the operational characteristics of the car. To change the vag, it is necessary to change the thickness of the walls of the disk, which is unacceptable for the intellectual preservation of a sufficient support for deformation (i.e., for the intellectual mentality). Another minus is the weak resistance of the disc material to corrosion, as it slowly progresses when the coating is ruined

Another method of forming light-alloy wheels is forging, or, as it seems fakhivts, hot stamping. Therefore, forged discs are often called stampings (do not confuse with steel stampings).
pluses forged discs:
When forged, the material reaches higher, lower when litt, shards of finer grains appear, their deformation and retraction in the required straight line - as a result, the structure of the metal becomes fibrous. For a change in the thickness of the walls of a forged disk, approximately 20% in the same time is possible. The high quality of the disc material ensures good characteristics: the mass of a forged disc is 30-50% less than that of a steel disc and 20-30% of a similar cast one. With high plasticity, such a disk does not collapse after a strong blow, but deforms like a steel one. Magnesium stamped discs can have a garn of corrosion resistance, and aluminium, and aluminium, can be victorious without lacofarb coating. Zagalom, the forged disk removed all the advantages of the cast and steel stamped brothers, while avoiding their shortcomings.
Cons of forged discs:
Even a low coefficient of variation for the material, which becomes 30-40%, which significantly increases the versatility of the work.
Technology of forged disks manufacturing:
Let the workpiece be heated to a temperature, when the alloy gains the highest plasticity (about 400-470 ° C), then the ingot is heated to a special shape, and at the exit, the wheel comes out on the wheel - forge. Disks prepared in this way may or may not be thermally processed. Everything is attributed to the warehouse of the alloy. Often, the mechanical characteristics of discs that have undergone thermal processing, and without such, made from different alloys, are practically not cooled. If thermal processing is carried out, then it will include hardening with the coming old days. After the forging is applied to the mechanical processing, then a decorative coating is applied. This manufacturing technology allows you to remove discs, the material of which can be made of steel, and the plasticity is at least 20-30%. When manufacturing forged discs, alloys based on aluminum and magnesium are widely used.

Lithium wheels
Light-alloy wheels are subjected to the technological process of production on lithium and forging. Fallow in the form of vicorous materials - on aluminum and magnesium. If you want, in your time, try to make wheels made of titanium alloys. The rest are characterized by a high minerality, good plasticity in combination with a high corrosion resistance. However, due to the folding nature and high price, the titanium discs did not become wider. The majority of light-alloy disks (approximately 95%) are produced by the casting method.
Advantages of lithium discs:
The smutty advantage of this method is due to the high coefficient of variation of the material, which reduces the compatibility of viability and is the primary factor when molding the price. The lightness of the alloys is the main advantage, because in this way the weight of the springless parts of the car is reduced. Through tse, in Russia, due to the roughness of the road, less shock is added to the body, which means that the exploitation of the car’s power is increased, like a smooth ride. At the same time, the robotic suspensions get smarter: springs and damping elements take on less stress, and thus the terms of their service are more common. The lighter wheels make more contact with the surface of the road when hitting a crossing, which increases the stability and curing of the car on high speeds. Changing the weight of the wheel is positively signified on the dynamics of the car, because To accelerate and galvanize the smaller inertial wheel, it is necessary to use less power, which in the final bag should lead to an increase in the term of the service of the engine, transmission and galvanic system, as well as to the cost of the change. Zagalom, a small vaga is a serious problem of lithium aluminum disks, but not one. A hundred pluses of such discs are also their familiarity and variety of options for vikonnannya. Today, the company presents on the market more than 100 designs of alloy wheels for any type of car.
Cons of lithium discs:
A hundred and a half є \u200b\u200b of the fork, metal with some kind of volume with a free non-directional crystalline structure, which reduces the disc's minerality. Therefore, in order to save the mentality of the disk, the tovshchina of yoga walls should be reduced. At the link with high vimogami to the quality of production, not all methods of casting can be stagnant in the case of wheel disks. The main ones here are the methods of casting under a low vice or with a protitis. These methods ensure the improvement of the characteristics of the mechanical properties during the preparation of bulk thin-walled parts.
Technology for the production of lithium discs:
The melting of the metal is poured into a special mold, de vin is achieved, then the blanks are taken off to undergo thermal processing. It includes heating the fork above the temperature of the phase transformation (500-550 ° C), the vitreous at this temperature with further cooling down at the water center. As a result, a structurally non-stable mill to the alloy is taken off. In order to bring the alloy closer to the structural alignment of the fork, it is necessary to go through an old piece process, which is carried out at temperatures below the temperature of phase transformation (150-220 ° C) and vitreous at this temperature for a day (3-9 years) with the onset of cooling on the surface. At the onset stage of forking the forks, a mechanical processing is to be carried out, then a drying coating is applied. Mitsnist livarnyh alloys, as well as their ductility, after such processing is less, lower in sizable structural steel. Moreover, although the plasticity is lower by 30-40%, the plasticity is lower by 4-5 times.

If you want to try to resurrect the most profitable and promising areas for doing business, then one of them will definitely appear in the automotive niche. Tobto, all comrades or services, so chi іnakshe pov'yazanі z cars and transport vzagalі. Moreover, the variety of views of business in this sphere is simply hostile. Practically be a person, regardless of the level of training, the obviousness of the beginners, the knowledge and the sum of the cobs, you can know here for yourself.

Htos, yakscho novice that dosvid є, vіdkrivaє or STO. Others become agents for the insurance of transport benefits. The third is opening car washes. Quarters stack contracts for the purchase and sale of transport facilities. P'yatі try razroblyat design avtomobilіv. Shostі - viroblyayut spare parts. And so far. I like that. So, if you may be some kind of newbie, you can know that they are stuck in the automotive environment. I earn good money on whom.

Today we are talking about the seriousness of the automotive business. Itimetsya about the creation of the vlasnogo. And the publication is coming, as we will see the world already soon, to acquaint you with the process of manufacturing forged disks.

The relevance of this business

The head of the world of relevance, whether it be a business idea, is a good drink from the side of potential customers. І axis here, at the vipadku with disks, manage to go even better. The number of cars grows with skin day. None of the crises do not respect our mothers for one, two, three cars in the homeland. І leather from these machines will require spare parts and accessories. And looking at the fact that car dealers infrequently pamper their customers with front factory wheels, then rich car owners, early in the morning, blame the bugger for dressing their fair friend. Virnishe - "acquire", having bought a set of classic lithium disks.

Aesthetic warehouse cream, good alloy wheels carry in their own and іnshі korisnі authority. As a rule, the stench is more expensive, more durable and lighter than standard disks, which cars are equipped with at factories. Fortress and dovgovіchnіst allow you to stretch out the bagatioh rokіv not to think about the replacement of the kolіs. And it is easy to allow the car to be more chippy and keratinized on the road, and also to save a lot of liters of fuel for the fates of exploitation.

Add to this affordable price, which can boast a lot of models of alloy wheels, and you will take a practically ideal car product.

A single minus (or, rather, a nuance) for the business on the production of lithium discs in the great penny deposits. Regulation, technology, sirovina - everything is expensive to finish. And yet, a lot of current entrepreneurs go to the rescue of investors or business angels. To give these people a clear business plan, so many of them can be impressed with your idea and see what is necessary to start a business.

Until then, this minus is a plus. Despite the high financial threshold of entry into your business, competition in the market for the production of lithium discs is not so high. A leather maker can know your target audience by propagating a cicada design, or by understanding the value / quality.

Why start?

From the request of a good land plot and roztashovannyh budinkov there. Everything is guilty of being handy for the production of decal cases in your future factory for the production of lithium discs. The minimum area of ​​land required for the distribution of all the houses is 1000 m². there will be roztashovuvatisya administrative premises, budіvlyu workshop, warehouse, parking and so on.

As for the transportation of finished products, you will be engaged independently, you will need cars for the transportation of disks. Fury or light vantage, everything is left in the scale of variation.

The next stage is the recruitment of spivrobitnikov. You need technicians, designers, plumbers, administrators, accountants, typists, water operators, riggers, technical employees.

Lithium discs vibrate with different metal alloys. Mostly, aluminum, less magnesium. And it's rare to beat expensive titanium. Here you have a choice. You can create wet alloys. But for whom you need a laboratory, technologists and a couple of pennies for experiments. The advantage is that you can create a unique alloy in no time, which has no analogues on the market, and become fantastic authorities. For example, an easy one and a mitzny. The other route is a variety of finished alloys, which can be easily bought from third-party companies today. The most simple and affordable way to extract syrovin for future lithium discs.

Technology of litho discs

At the heart of technology is the production of lithium car disks - bringing the alloy to a rare level. To that, even before starting a business, you need to accurately swear, with any metals you will practice. Simply, in the staleness of the metal, you need a different settling.

Aluminum and magnesium melt at temperatures of 660 and 650 degrees Celsius. That is why there is a standard equipment for melting metals. And the axis for titanium needs more pressure, even if the melting point is 1720 degrees. It is important to vrakhovuvati to the cob of activity.

A mold is installed in the livarna machine. In fact, it's just a steel livar form. She herself is signing old look(Design) of a possible alloy wheel. Dali metal meltings are fed into the livar machine. Under the pressure of the wines, the chill mold is firmly frozen and it is harder there when it is cold.

Dali is ready for the fork (blank of the disk) to be cut from the mold and sent for re-verification. The skin of the forks is visually examined by a special person (controller), after which the workpieces are sent to the X-ray unit. However, at this stage, microcracks appear, or the structure of the metal is smaller, and the disk is sent for remelting.

In some cases, liti discs are processed and turned into a fermentation. As a rule, it is necessary to fight with the method of adding a non-standard outward appearance and in no way appears on technical characteristics virobi.

Axis, vlasne, and the whole process of virobnitstva. All you have to do is stick a barcode, pack the disc and send it to the warehouse. Abo on the shops.

Implementation of the finished product

You can sell lithium car wheels through third-party stores. You might be able to sell lots for wholesale prices. Another option is to sell discs through local stores.

We all know that alloy wheels are better than steel (stamped), so many of us know that forged wheels are better than lower alloy ones. Ale is far from leather knowing how to forge forged wheels. It’s a pity that there are no anvils and tricks in this right do not stagnate ...

Small video entry, for educational purposes. Vlasne the whole process:

Now, let's read an article from the Popular Mechanics magazine about how to make forged wheels.

We are standing in the forging and pressing shop of the Stupinsk Metallurgical Company, above us is a towering giant press, which develops a susilla of 10,000 tons. A team of workers is changing the equipment of the stamping press, and Oleksandr Lovchev, the intercessor of the head of the manufacturing of disks for automobile and motorcycle wheels of the Stupinsk Metallurgical Company (SMYA), reveals to us the secrets of manufacturing forged wheels. “For some reason, 'forged' - I don't know exactly from the technical point of view, it would be more correct to call them discs made by the method of hot volume stamping in closed matrices, - Oleksandr laughs. “Ale, I’ll put the name of the sheets for the first time, there are few people in the building, so the word 'forged' has taken root.”

“Thy disks are distant relatives of litakiv,” Oleksandr continues. - At the beginning of the 1990s, impersonal enterprises, which were used for radian hours for aviation and space, with unique possession of that technology, appeared without power. I, to survive, zmushenі buli go to the goods of the people's welfare. Htos becoming a robiti kastruli, and QMS - including wheeled disks. The technologies are victorious in a realistic manner - as in the case of the development of certain power elements in the design of gliders. In this case, Russian motorists were lucky: such presses are far from being in all countries. And navit de є - like an overhead road, possession, as a rule, works mainly on aviation and space (but not on automobiles) industry.

Fork to wheel

Livarny workshop - the first stage of any metallurgical production

For disks vicoristuetsya alloy type AB on the basis of aluminum with alloying additives of magnesium, midi, midi, silicon and manganese. Vin is not only high-strength, ale and plastic. Behind the cordon, an analogue of this alloy is called "aircraft grade Al 6061". Ready forks - a cylinder with a diameter of approximately 20 cm - are cut into shmats of the necessary dozhina (in the fallow in the future, they are stored), stored at the cat and driven into the forging and pressing shop.

Sector stamp. With hot volume stamping, the axis of such stamps is embossed, which are made up of ten sectors. With the residual molding of the disk, the upper part of the stamp is lowered, and the sectors converge. When metal overflows, they are seen through the cracks, making the flash

There, qi blanks, until they are far away, do not guess the wheel disks, they play and, for the help of the press, "siege" - flatten, turning into "milk" with a tovshchina of twenty centimeters and a diameter close to a pivmeter. The process of a distant transformation into wheels is being carried out in a sprat of stages. The back of the "milk" is rolled up to 430C and, after the additional front stamp (heated up to about 350C), is converted into "kastruli" - front blanks for car wheels.

After heat treatment, the wheels are sharpened into the machining shop

"Castruli" are re-adjusted to the pich for printing, and then a special conveyor delivers them to the press with a smaller inserted stamp - a residual one. “The pause between the exit of the workpiece from the furnace and the heat of stamping is not to be blamed for more than 11 seconds, otherwise the workpiece is colder than the critical temperature,” Oleksandr explains. One of the workers smears the stamp with a special oil, the other two grab the “casserole” with long tongs and transfer it to the mold. The upper part of the press is lowered, lifted - and the axis of the press is ready, so do not take the flash (extra material, pressed during stamping), the wheel. The first few stamping wheels after mastering a new stamp go to the geometry control - only after that it is allowed to produce a stamp for serial production of disks.

Cylindrical rollers - future wheel blanks for motorsport

A press from zusillim of 10,000 tons (there are two of them in the QMS) makes it possible to produce large-diameter disks. “We are the only enterprise in Russia, who has mastered the production of disks with a diameter of up to 22 inches! - with pride, like Oleksandr. - Smaller susillas simply can’t sell them - they can bring the alloy to a rare turn, but it’s not already bulky, but 'rare stamping' - that's what we call a littya under a high vice.

Heat treatment and control

Irrelevantly, a similarity appeared, the mechanical power of the wheels is still far away in the quiet marvelous wickedness, for which the “kuvannya” is famous for. And to be famous for its high materiality (outweighing the materiality of lithium disks with a lighter weight), plasticity (on the surface of lithium disks, forged at high stresses, they deform, and not collapse) and springiness (when they die, the stench deforms springy).

For otrimannya vsogo tsgogo akraz і need a heat treatment. The back of the wheel is put on the hart - evenly warmed up by stretching for a decade in the oven up to 515C, and then cooled down quickly, zanuryuyuchi near the water. After a hard alloy, the alloy may also need a fine-grained-fibrous structure, but in order for the wheels to add mechanical power, they need “aging” - kidney, while the structure is vibrating, and clean up the internal mechanical stresses. In typical minds, at the same time, you can spend five months, but if you don’t spend an hour, the blanks are individually aged: they are aged in an oven at a temperature of 150-160C for about 12-14 years, after which they are cooled down properly.

One of the workers for the help of the brush covers the stamping equipment with special oil, so that the part is ready and does not stick to the mold

After thermal processing, not less than 10% of the blanks from the skin batch are subject to control. Їх the surface is tested: on the light rubbing surface, it is good to remember defects and stamping and folds. And one wheel of the party is mercilessly sawn, looking at a new special fragment - so the titles are a template. The template is polished and tested, and then carefully twisted in the laboratory for the presence of defects in deformation, heat treatment and homogeneity of the alloy. “Most of the defects are in the hub parts,” Oleksandr explains. - There is the greatest folding from the metallurgical point of view of the nature of deformations and thermal stresses. At this stage, the control of the mechanical power of the alloy is also carried out - the marks are fixed in a special opening machine, for the help of which the boundary of the material, the boundary of fluidity, the liquidity of the lowering and the hardness are determined. Even though defects and characteristics of the material are not included in the tolerances, one more wheel per batch is added. As a result, repeated re-verification confirms the quality of the visnovka, which means that there is little space for the destruction of the technological lancet - and the entire batch is rejected. Well, all the parameters are in the norm - the batch is going to the mechanical processing.

Zrobleno in Russia

From the blanks, already guessing the shape of the future wheel, on the turning bench, take the allowance for the metal, drill the nipples in the round, and in the hub parts - open the bolts. Let's install the wheel on a CNC milling machine, which will allow you to program the design.

“What is the difference in design? In general, it doesn’t matter - the little ones can be like, the wheel can be made even lighter and openwork, and the only thing is connected with the vanity, it’s the fault of vitrimuvati, - Oleksandr responds to my supply. - Axis, for example, this 15-inch disk is three times more than 5 kg, may be half as much as a stamped steel counterpart. І with this parameter, it is significant to overturn the vimogi of the Russian GOST. Before speech, such a mass is not a record one - in our time we made a 15-inch wheel easier for the Japanese market - it cost 3950 r.

The wheel is practically ready - only a locksmith and a milling machine are left

“The deyakі disks after mechanical processing are additionally polished. For discs of the M & K brand, as our premium segment is represented, these operations are carried out behind the cordon, - continues Oleksandr. - For others, a special slusarna processing is carried out - the hot edges are taken, and then a residual control is carried out for the fit of the geometric dimensions of the armchairs, the beaten rims and imbalance.

The remaining parameter according to GOST is not necessary to control, but it is necessary, moreover, our 'internal' standard is twice as strong, lower Russian GOST. At the QMS, the system of quality control has been improved and well adjusted - it is indicated in the aviation past: at the skin stage, from forging to the finished wheel, the details are checked by marking. Bachete, is there a number on the wheel? After packing, residual re-verification, and the OTK’s clearance, the wheel will be packed, and the factory passport will be saved from us for another ten years. How many hours does it take to rotate a disc? It’s close to a clean hour on Monday, ale, as if to vrakhovuvat the virobnichiy schedule, to go out close to the month.

Russian technologies in the field of manufacturing forged wheels with full recognition and overseas. “At the last time at the German 'Motor Show' in Essen, the leading European show in the field of car tuning, a few tuning studios exhibited even more expensive cars - Bentley and Aston Martin - on our M & K disks," says Oleksandr. “Did the watchmen know about those that these discs are Russian?” - I feed. "It's so wonderful! We don't get the stigma 'Crushed in Russia'. We write about it."

To say the word in Russia, to finish a lot of forged disks, but they have one great shortfall, which is explained by economic storage. Tsey nedolіk - design, and tochnіshe povna povna yoga vіdsutnіst.

Look at VSMPO disks, good wheels, ale design is heavily amateurish.

Look at Slik - there are too few designs ...

This situation is practical for all culinary cultivators.

Litі p_dkovi for car horse

Selection of the best car wheel disk is an infrequent procedure for an ordinary car driver. After the purchase of a new car, we have installed the right disks for an hour in operation. Ale, everything wears out and lamaetsya, zastarіvaє or come into disrepair with the hour. The reason for the choice of new disks may be the need to win a different set of disks for winter or summer gumi, so as not to work regular seasonal tire fitting. Or you want to change the design of your car horse, and replacing disks is one of the most requested solutions for car tuning.

According to the manufacturing technology, the disks are divided into chotiri types: stamped, cast, forged and selected. The widest and most affordable stamped steel discs. Forged and selected wheels may be highly varty, but they cannot achieve popularity among car enthusiasts. Litі disks є the golden mean and for the price, і for the design, and for the quality of the preparation of the middle of all the main types. Zavdyak to their own advantages over stamping disks, and even more low weight and the ability to buy, be it design forms, alloy disks have become a fashionable attribute for any car. In addition, the car on lithium disks looks thinner and more comfortable, it is more comfortable when changing, and the desire to change the car is less.

Lithium discs are popular and among the makers. And the market is so majestic and impersonal that it’s easy for a car driver to choose the best of the many rich rows. We can imagine our rating of the shortest selections of lithium discs that ruled the Russian market.


Price range, rub. *

short description

Experts confirm that these are the best alloy wheels. In the process of preparing vicory, special varnishes are used, which protect the reagents, which sip the roads of the collection

The legendary Italian brand, which occupies a leading position in the gallery for more than 40 years. A rich selection of models, different design solutions for any taste.

Size range from 13 to 20 inches, great range from classics to exclusive models. Products may have a TUV international quality certificate.

The products of the German brand are aimed at lovers of an active, sporty style of water. When virobniztvi vykoristovuetsya patented processing technology CPA (Ceramic Polished Acrylic).

Yakіsnі nіmetski disks. at prepared cover for discs zastosuyutsya nanotechnologies. As a result, the stench is self-cleansing power.

10 out of 10

Famous Japanese company. Conduct monitoring of all your selection bases. It is possible to reach the level of virobnitstva, which is in the factories of the USA, which is in the factories, for example, Philippine. A supplier of OEM discs for such brands as: Toyota, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Suzuki, Ford, Subaru, Mazda.

All Lithium Replica discs are exact copies of the original disc models.

A Japanese company that has a great background in the aviation industry, which has transferred its innovations to the process of making lithium discs. Products of the Volodymyr company with performance characteristics

The production is carried out at factories in China, Taiwan and Singapore. Maizhe 15 rocks on the Galuz market. A wide range of models, a wide variety of packaging, a low price made discs of this brand become popular in Russia.

Worthy of a Taiwanese company for the Russian market. The line of types and modifications makes it possible to change discs practically on all popular cars, from Lada to Porsche. The products have passed the certification of Rosstandart.

9.0 out of 10

SCAD lithium disks are produced at the factory in Divnogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, more than 10 years already. The plant is considered one of the largest high-tech factories in Russia. The plant vibrates over two million disks per river. A wide range of models, the same vikonannya and low price have been made available on the Russian market

K & K discs are vibrated by the German company GIMA. A plant for packing in Krasnoyarsk. It took 20 years for K&K to take a leading position in the Russian market. More than 1.5 million discs are widely rotated in accordance with GOST standards

9.4 out of 10

* - “Range of prices” - may be affected by the interval of prices for performances in Russia

The best European litho discs



7 900 rubles.

The disks of the German company Alutec among experts are recognized as the best. Let's consider the presence of the international TUV certificate, and the companies successfully pass various trials, for example, for the cyclical bias according to the ZWARP method, the shock test for the redistribution bias by 60% and others. The line of lithium discs is different and will please any motorist. There are also specially developed models for cars of auto giants, such as Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen. Navіt farbuvannya proponuyutsya summer and winter. In the winter seasoning, vicory is coated with a special lacofarb coating, which promotes anti-corrosion power and changes in the harmful effects of reagents.


  • mysticism;
  • already easy;
  • a wide range;
  • great choice of types;
  • nadiyne lakofarbove cover.


  • high price.

Suggestions: “Correct German quality. When you take the Alutec disc in your hands, you marvel at its lightness. Ale, with whom I am guilty, there are mitznias. Nіyakі yami i vyboїni could not yogo zim'yati, bend or split, wanting it to be different. The tires were spreading, but the disk is hot. The price is cheap, but there are better alloy wheels, and the correct quality cannot be cheap.”

O.Z. Racing


Average price for this model: 17 500 rubles.

Pure elegance, elegant style, exclusive design, new technologies, wide range - all this allows the Italian company OZ Racing to be at the top of the light alloy wheel market. To love products and respect not only cross-country motor vehicles in the whole world, but also Formula-1 racers, different races and sports brands.


  • high quality of materials;
  • light vaga;
  • awesome design;
  • visibly pass through the pits and nervousness;
  • minimum poshkodzhen;
  • arrogance.


  • only a high price.

Suggestions: “By buying your own OZ Racing Ultraleggera wheels. Pleased with a really light vaga. Mіy 15 "disk is worth a total of 5.4 kg. For an hour, having flown into pits more than once on our beloved roads, there are no dents on the disks, no squeaks.



Average price for this model: 13 000 rubles.

AEZ is a part of the world-famous German holding ALCAR. High technology developments, innovative developments, and technological quality control have allowed this company to produce superlight alloy wheel axles for over twenty years. A million discs of size 13 to 20 inches to go off the assembly lines of the German giant. The design solution of the building will satisfy the practical needs of any motorist. Ale smut, tse miracle quality of virobiv, confirmed by the international certificate of quality of TUV - the German Independent Testing Institute. Thanks to the patented "Nano tec®" technology, AEZ discs have an anti-static effect, which in turn helps the surface of the disc to self-clean in mud and water.


  • in the presence of superlight discs for marking "Lite tec®";
  • antistatic coating, which allows water and ford;
  • lithuania technology, which ensures the uniformity of the metal structure without pores;
  • medical discs;
  • a wide range of models and types.


  • price.

Suggestions: 'Stand drives. The best car wheels - the name of the axis is just a little bit of bentezhit. Lacquer coating also shines. Really vіdshtovhuyut nonsense. The machine itself is sometimes more breezy than discs. Balance normally. At the tire fitting, they didn’t call out for balancing. Look more stylish. Whether it’s a passable animal, respect and wonder at the logo.”



Average price for this model: 11 900 rubles.

The products of the German company Dotz are aimed at lovers of active style. All lines have sporty notes. for example, popular model Specially designed for drifting drifters. If you want wheels with the effect of light, then the Dotz Touge Blaze is just for you. The chimerical design of the company's lithium discs does not respect its mother's most important criteria: intellectuality and superiority. At the factories of the company, the CPA (Ceramic Polished Acrylic) processing technology has been introduced, the essence of which lies in grinding the disc with the most important ceramic bags. As a result, the surface will come out smooth and shiny. Dali, the virobi groan with acrylic zahist. Directly at the factories, DOTZ disks are tested for mechanical properties. Singing peculiarity of Dotz discs is a variety of different color shades: yellow, green, orange and white, which gives the discs an additional charm.


  • privileged, chimerical, vishukanian design;
  • mіtsnі, mіtsnі;
  • great choice of types;
  • suitable for sports water;
  • yakіst vіdpovіdaє tsіnі.


  • big price.

Suggestions: “I have truly German . There were no problems at Tire Management with them. I didn’t have a chance to skate once, I wanted to ride them for three seasons already. On our, so-called, roads, the disks were repeatedly brought up, that the stench is better, better, and more expensive. Ale, beware of feeds and do not write then a fool, riding in Chinese.



Average price for this model: 4 000 rubles.

Dezent discs are in the light of their high quality, while the price for them does not go off scale. When prepared, the vicarious nanotechnologies are used, which allow the virobs to bathe the self-cleaning effect. Brood does not stick, but slips from the surface. Dezent disks have proved themselves during operation in the winter period. More than 20 design modifications, a range of sizes from 14 to 22 inches, various decorating options. These discs have everything, so riding them was prestigious, fashionable, and, smut, superb.


  • fair price;
  • vikoristannya in the winter period;
  • practically do not impair balancing;
  • safety;
  • longevity.


  • not found.

Suggestions: “I ride discs. The disc is considered the flagship of the DEZENT line. What made me happy in Persh Cherga - it was equally low price. Navitku zasumnіvavsya - chi is not a pіdrobka. They put me at the tire shop without any important things, they said that they should not change the balance. After 2 years, the situation is the same. Didn't have to roll. Pokrittya didn’t buckle up, wanting to take a bribe, but be it chemistry on the roads, I want to row the gati. Lightweight, yakish, German discs and at a normal price. Satisfaction, like an elephant.

Best Asian writers of lithium discs



Average price for this model: 5 000 rubles.

Enkei is a Japanese company with light names. The company's manufacturers are located in Japan, India, Vietnam, and the Philippines. According to the statement to the company's management, the amount of virobiov cannot be found in the country-virobnik, so as in the corporation there is a program for monitoring all virobnicheskih bases. Cars of such brands as Toyota, Mitsubishi, Nissan go from assembly lines on Enkei wheels. The McLaren Mercedes Formula 1 team also has Enkei's winning rims.


  • garne lakofarbove pokrittya;
  • mіtsnі;
  • wide choice of design;
  • well balanced.


  • not heavy, ale and not too easy;
  • in our market, Chinese production is more important.

Suggestions: “Having bought your own model to Kalina. We got up like nothing else. Look gorgeous. Balancing was not necessary. It is a Japanese brand that wants to be built in China. I strongly recommend."

Replica (Replay)


Average price for this model: 4 450 rubles.

For a long time, under the Replica brand, black discs were produced at factories in Turkey, Taiwan and Italy. Ale, through a great number of children, the company has made a rebranding trademark And now її products go under the Replay logo. All disks of this company are the exact copies of the original disks, with which you can achieve high quality. The value of these discs lies in the fact that they can easily replace the original discs without overpaying at the same time and saving the guarantee for the car.


  • pass a shock test with reversal and a test for cyclic reversal;
  • an exact copy of the original, which allows you to beat the right bolts;
  • as a rule, the replacement is performed without additional staging rings;
  • the widest choice, the easiest pick for a car
  • to finish the surplus.


  • and still a copy.

Suggestions: “By stupidity, one red disc was split onPassat B7. How to recognize the price for the original - very embarrassed. Surprisingly, the manager of the car dealership himself recommended choosing a Replica, saying that it was not seen under warranty. Replace, open, don't tell. Neither visually nor functionally. I'll wait and forget that one disc is a copy of the original. Farba has not peeled off, there are no complaints about Tire mantazh until the disk.



Average price for this model: 5 050 rubles.

Since the beginning of the 50s, the Japanese company Kosei has been actively working on the aviation industry market. Accumulations dosvid won could transfer and in the automotive industry, if it was engaged in the production of light-alloy disks. Japanese elegance and superiority characterize the company's products. Kosei alloy wheels and their high performance characteristics were appreciated by the Japanese car giant Totota, which took them on the “rebuild” of their cars from the assembly line. The ISO 9001 international quality certificate, which is used to designate Kosei products, once again confirms the durability, quality and safety of Kosei's lithium discs.


  • lightness;
  • yakіsnі materials;
  • st_yke paintwork;
  • mіtsny insult;
  • easy centering;
  • at a glance, you can get confused with forged.


  • narіkannya on the oxidation of the caps that close the bolts.

Average price for this model: 1 900 rubles.

IWheelz is a leading brand on the market of car discs. Even though it was not so long ago, it could win the sympathy of Russian motorists with its products. The company's symptoms are being sold in China, Singapore and Taiwan. Vikonan models with guaranteed accuracy. And for a range of standard sizes and designer little ones, we allow you to install them on an impersonal car.


  • spіvvіdnoshennia tsіna yakіst;
  • priemny zvnishnіy look;
  • dosit mіtsnі i mіtsnі;
  • richly widened types;
  • for the parameters match the original.


  • help balance;
  • no fastening included;
  • fixed nuts with internal hexagon.

Suggestions: “Remembering your stamping in liti Iwheelz Shark. The price dominated, and the visual quality. Look stylish, silent. They installed it at the service station, so the troubles about nuts, fastenings, balancing didn’t bother me. After the installation, the car behaved differently, the management became much easier. 7.5 thousand rubles for a set of 16-inch alloy discs, a popular brewer. Vіdverto, scho not natіshitsya".

LS Wheels

Photo: xn ---- 8sbxheocaa7a7e7c.xn - p1ai

Average price for this model: 3 300 rubles.

A Taiwanese company whose products are heavily oriented towards the Russian market. Zavdyaki raznomanitnosti styli, indecent bitterness of littya and farbuvannya, as well as affordable price LS wheels are very popular among Russian motorists. LS Wheels products are certified by the German expert organization TUV.


  • low price;
  • high stasis on popular brands and models of cars;
  • products are certified;
  • majestic choice of types.


  • in tandem with top brands, the quality, unfortunately, is not up to the mark;
  • the price of the troch is dependent.
  • Average price for this model: 3 300 rubles.

    The first disk of the Scud of 2004 in the city of Divnogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory. From that hour, the company could become a priority supplier of Ford Motor and Volkswagen, increase the number of released wheels up to two million in the country and increase the demand in its products not only from a domestic supplier, but also from Europe. Scud discs have passed independent TUV examination, which allows and allows their operation in the lands of Western Europe and the USA. The design of Scud's discs is all classical, strict, striman vzuttya without vyshukuvan, but at the same time shouting out of favor. Tse not nailegshі, but then finish the mіtsnі, scho vіdpovіdat chinnym standards of the wheel.


    • available price;
    • superficiality;
    • mysticism;
    • the quality of preparation;
    • good balance;
    • strict design.


    • important in pairing with analogues;
    • metal m'yakuvaty.

    Suggestions: “For a long time I was tormented by the choice between K & K and Scud. Not a moment to be appointed. A friend reminded me, I pleased the yak. First, for the price of the stench, they appeared cheaper than the similar Kik, and for the reviews they struck. Now I have my own opinion and opinion: the design of the garni, rozmіr pіdіyshov without problems, balanced with a bang! Traveling has become more welcome. For such a price, beautiful alloy wheels - I don’t waste money.”

    K&K (K&K)


    Average price for this model: 4 650 rubles.

    The company K & K was founded in 1991 as a joint Russian-German enterprise on the pressures of the Krasnoyarsk Metallurgical Plant. The basis for the selection was once again chosen the release of wheels from aluminum alloys. The technology of casting under a low pressure, widely stagnant in the world, has allowed the growth of volatility and in this hour the range of K & K is available for over 60 designs and 400 types, and the scope of versatility reaches over a million wheels per river. The release of original wheel disks for the Volzky and Gorky Automobile Plants has been adjusted. Products Before & To have passed the state certification of quality and are highly popular among the Russian spy.


    • SAM-technology (intelligent molecules) is used when fermenting vicor, which protects the disk from corrosion;
    • 36 months warranty from date of sale on lacofarb cover;
    • additional guarantee for the metal and construction of the wheel;
    • the widest choice of design and standardization;
    • nayvischa stagnation.


    • It is named for the softness of the original OEM disks installed at car factories (Priora, Lada-Kalina).

    Suggestions: “Just 4 years on Kik, without mentioning any particular problems. It’s not good to strike a blow and give statements of ambition. Dealers in discs sing that the ship's roaming at Kik is less than at Scud, but the stench is close for the same. Lakofarbov's coat was normal, a couple of underwear only showed up, but they didn't strain.

    Is it better to buy better lithium wheels?

    Krіm described in the article by the shortest companies-virbnikіv litih diskіv, so varto zavruti respect and on such brandy, like Italian MAK and Momo, German BBS, Enzo, Rial and Borbet, Japanese Yamato, American Vossen, ADV.1, HRE Wheels. When choosing a disk, varto vrahuvat, that, regardless of the guesswork of the design, a lithium disk through its granular structure can accumulate microcracks, invisible to the eye, like at a very early moment, or at peak pressure, it can lead to a disk split. Naturally, a greater risk of rozkolyuvannya may be cheaper non-certified models of disks. Therefore, be careful when using lithium discs. In addition, respect for those who have a disk on the shop window and the disk itself on your car - it’s absolutely different words, so you can add shapes, wraps and colors to your car. Don’t forget and change the important characteristics of the disk: width and diameter of the rim, size and diameter of the opening of the fasteners, forks (ET), bolt length.

    Let's hope that this article will help you find the right choice.

    Away shopping!

ring out to separate steel wheel discs and light alloy wheels. Wheel disks made of light alloys have only aluminum and magnesium alloys. Magnesium discs in the best cars are rarely worn on the edge through their road, and more smut, with low corrosion resistance.

The main advantage of lithium aluminum discs over steel discs is the ability to optimize a different design, high accuracy of measurements, as well as optimal static and dynamic mechanical characteristics.

The lowering of the shafts of aluminum wheel disks in porous and steel ones is one of their advantages, but often not vicious. In some cases, alloy aluminum wheel disks are more expensive, or only a few trochs are lighter than standard steel ones with the simplest design.

Aluminum wheels: cast or forged

Most aluminum discs are cast or forged. A small number of disks, mainly for "elite" and sports cars, are made from stock parts and different technologies from the best methods of casting, forging, stamping, pressing, rolling, welding and others.

Lithium aluminum wheels

If the language is about lithium disks, then ring out toiling on uvazi only aluminum e lithium wheels. Steel wheels are made not for casting, but for stamping, and magnesium alloy wheels are only used on exclusive cars for reasons that are more obvious.

Malyunok 1 - Air Force lithium wheel disk

Litya aluminum disks

For the production of aluminum wheel disks, there are different casting methods. According to the method to deposit the quality of a cast wheel disk, ovnishn and internal. The selection of the casting method is mainly determined by the quality of the cast microstructure (for example, porosity), by the stagnant types of aluminum alloys and by the modes of thermal processing. All this does not only signify the greatness and supremacy of the wheel disks, but also pours on the level of the quality of their splendid look.

Basic methods of wheel disk casting

The main methods of casting, yakі zastosovuyt when virobnitstvі kolіsnykh diskіv, є podnіnі:

  • littya under a low vice - the main method;
  • littya in kokil - zastosovuetsya rіdshe;
  • littya z protitiskom - more common.

May we apply the zastosuvannya tekhnologii, scho to join the literal forgings and stampings.

Litta of wheel disks in chill mold

Vzagali seeming, littya under a vice, if the metal is pumped into a livar form, we shorten, lower it is simple to fill in it under the force of gravity. However, the mold in the mold is still full of the relevant brewing process for the production of wheel disks. Littya in the kokil є cheap, yogo stop in the main thing, if you don’t marry for lowering your vag, but want to take it off original design. Since this process, when filling the livar form, relies only on gravitational forces, then the livar structure sounds more defects (for example, porosity), lower than that, as it should come out with littі under pressure. That's why the disks, vidlitі in the mold, sound to be more important in order to secure the necessary mіtsnіst.

Litya of wheel disks under a low vice

Most of the cast wheel discs are made using the casting method under a low vise (little 2). The method of pouring under a low vice requires a low pressure (about 2 bar) in order to achieve a smooth filling of the liquor form and to take away a larger gap microstructure, and, also, a higher mechanical power, in the case of poured casts. Until then, the technology will be secure and cheaply increase productivity (Figure 3).

Malyunok 2 - Aluminum wheel disc by BBC, made by casting under low pressure

Malyunok 3 - Scheme of the casting method of wheel discs under a low vice

Other methods of casting wheel discs

In the classical method of casting, under a low pressure, numerical technological options are developed, as well as optimizing the selection of wheel disks. For example, it is better to build more light and small wheel disks, if there is a special obladnannya, it will ensure a greater high pressure of light.

Empty wheels

With the new development of patents, the “air inside technology” method of the BBC company. The main idea of ​​the field lies in the design of the wheel disk of empty chambers and the spoke for the replacement of sucil metal. As a result, it is easier to get out the wheel with better dynamics and water comfort. This technology includes cream casting such operations as molding and welding.

Malyunok 4 Aluminum wheel disc from BBC company with empty elements, made using Air-Inside technology

Capacity control of lithium wheel disks

Lithium leather disc is subjected to x-ray control, and then thermal processing and mechanical processing are performed. After that, the surface of the disks is given a special preparation for the preparation and apply the farb or the coating. Then, from a statistical selection of disks, we will go through a three-dimensional control of the expansion, a re-check of the dynamic balance, and a test for the volume and impact strength.

Vimogi to aluminum alloys for wheel disks

Before materials for wheel disks, there are a number of people who can superchit one to one.

Livarny alloy is guilty of good livar authorities:

  • bezdoganno zapovnennya livar form,
  • the presence of metal sticking to the livar form,
  • minimal stiffness to hot cracking and shrinkage.

The material is due to the mother

  • high building vitrimuvat mechanical impact (plasticity, shock impact).

The material of the wheel disk is the mother's fault

  • high resistance to corrosion, both in normal and salty atmospheres.

The material of the disk is due to the mother

  • high mіtsnіst vіd tired.

Aluminum-silicon alloys for wheel disks

Vіdpovіdno to tsikh vimog for the preparation of wheel disks zastosovuyt preeutectic preparation of aluminum-silicon alloys with a mixture of silicon vіd 7 to 12%. Qi alloys can also add different amounts of magnesium to ensure the burnt increase in minerality and plasticity. In addition, tsі rafting can be low in the hall of those other houses.

Aluminum alloy AlSi11Mg

Until the 1980s, an alloy AlSi11Mg with 11-12% silicon content, close to the eutectic warehouse, was produced in Germany and Italy. Tsey alloy can be even more livar power, especially when set to full livar forms and minimal shrinkage. From the other side, the entire chemical warehouse of aluminum alloy is not safe to achieve high value and between volumes, as if it were allowed to further change the weight of the wheel disk.

Malyunok 5 - Lithium wheel disk made of aluminum alloy AlSi11Mg (Borbet)

Aluminum alloy AlSi7Mg0.3 (A356)

At the present time, the standard alloy for the preparation of wheel disks is the livar aluminum alloy AlSi7Mg0.3, which is the most powerful alloy A356, with additional modification of strontium. First, this alloy was stagnant for the preparation of wheel disks in France, and the thermal processing was not stagnant.

However, the advantage of this alloy AlSi7Mg0.3 is the same, which is thermally stable, and allows the discs to be safe from additional thermal shock. In the United States and Japan, the alloy from the cob itself was zastosovali with thermal processing T6, so that in the mill after the harta and piece antiquity.

Thermal coating of aluminum wheel disks

The charts of little 6 show the degree of mineralization of the power of the alloy AlSi7Mg, modified with sodium, mixed with magnesium. Characteristics of the alloy AlSi7Mg0.3 give the best performance in the volume of the alloy and the water pressure. With the increase in the place of magnesium, the volume of the volume is practically not increased, but the increase is significantly reduced.

Malyunok 6 - Between the thickness, the thickness between the thickness, the thickness of the air and the volume of the thickness of the aluminum alloy AlSi7Mg-T6

Analogous findings were vikonan for different silicon replacement. It has been established that the ductility of the alloy decreases with the increase in silicon, especially with low hardness in the areas of sweating. Prote, alloys with a mixture of silicon 11-12% continue to stagnate in quiet valleys, if the plinth of the aluminum melt is needed.

Great value for the intrinsic value of AlSi7Mg alloy is equal to the same porosity in Lithuania. On the little 7 shows the volume of the volume of the aluminum alloy AlSi7Mg0.3 according to the maximum size of pir in the materials of the last samples.

Malyunok 7 - Fatigue rating of aluminum liquor alloy AlSi7Mg0.3
in fallow vіd rozmіru