Keyboard blocking on Nokia phone. See the blocking of telephones, how to set them up

Perebuvayuschie in the swarm of pants, cosmetics or bags, fleeting pressure on the keys of a mobile phone can lead to comical, but most of all, unimportant nasledkiv. Blocking the keypad of a mobile phone overrides the strength of the SMS-alert, external calls and changes are made.

you need

  • - mobile phone;
  • - SIM card is active.


  • Any mobile phone may have the function of blocking / unlocking the keyboard.

    Blame it on the telephones that look like "rozladachki", which does not prevent the blocking of keys, shards of protection from the sudden unplanned onslaught on them. Phones from open keyboard number dialing is performed on physical and sensory.

  • As a rule, to remove the blocking of keys from the physical keyboard, you need to dial a single combination. This combination works with the combination needed to block the keyboard. Most often, to unlock it, you need to press and press the first key, it is applied on the yak special character keyboard blocking. Abo tsyu funktsiyu vykonuє combination of two keys. As a rule, these keys are *, # and the “Menu” key in different variations.
  • Touch phones are characterized by the presence of only three keys - "Receive call", "Menu", "Remove call", or the presence of one key "Menu". The buttons are blocked in order of the mobile phone screen. To unlock the touch phone, a visual key is transferred to the screen. As a rule, this key may have little symbols of blocking (mostly “lock”). On some models of telephones, press and hold this key for a few seconds. On others - push the key up. Also, a mobile phone can remove insults given the mind of blocking. With such a vipadka in "Nalashtuvanni" you can choose whether it is one of the suggested species, which one will be the most convenient for you.
  • Some modern brands of mobile phones with a touch screen to show their coristuvachs a serious way of turning on the blocking of the phone. For whom on the screen it is necessary to paint a singing figure. You can also use a zigzag-like line, for example. Tsey view blocking touch phone the most nadіyny, to that which includes the vipadkové onslaught.
  • Porada added on 6 December 2011 Porada 2: How to remove the blocking of the buttons To unblock the voice calls or change the phone, it is necessary to install the blocking on the keyboard. In the fall, the type of phone blocking is installed and it is known differently.


  • Read the operating instructions for your mobile phone. There obov'yazkovo can be written, how to remove the blocking of buttons. Ring out on phones with a physical keyboard, the unlocking of the zdіysnyuєtsya by way of the onslaught of the singing keystroke, or the pressing of that primuvannya, as if alone. All fall in the type of model and picker phone. Ring out to block or unblock the keyboard, sing the keys * and #. The "Menu" key is also victorious. Press number keys at the song sequence, for example: *, #, "Menu". This keyboard will be unlocked.
  • To do this, to unlock the phone from the touch screen. Sound, navit on such phones є kіlka buttons, but the stench is also blocked when the phone is blocked. To remove the blocking of the keyboard, as a wave and serve as a screen, it is necessary to press or draw along the singing part. Sound on the required part of the screen you can see the picture from the lock. The very same part and may buti piddan manipulations to unlock the phone.
  • As there are no instructions near the phone, it is respectful to look at the screen - there may be some hints, for the help of which you will singly understand how to unlock the keyboard. For example, an arrow may be depicted on the panel with a lock.
  • Swipe your finger in a straight line, in which direction the arrow points, then the keyboard will be unlocked. On some phones, unlocking allows you to see a folding figure, like, before speech, you can choose on your own.
  • Show on the screen of the touch phone the laman line at the back of the inserted form. What is the method of blocking touch screen take into account the most important. Vіn protect and vіd nebazhanyh onslaught, і vіd nebazhanyh intrusion from the side of other people.
  • How to remove blocking buttons - version for others Evaluate the article!

    Perebuvayuchi in the gut, a stylish phone can be carried out untransferred: vipadkovі dials, go to the Internet. Understanding, everything is charged on the balance of the subscriber. To get rid of similar incidents, on mobile outbuildings blocking was implemented telephone.


    Blocking the telephone keypad. To block the buttons on the phone, you need to hold down the * key for a few seconds. Also, some models of telephones convey the possibility automatic blocking keyboards appointment hour. To activate the automatic block of keys, you need to go to settings telephone. If you enable this option, you can set the hour after which the keyboard will be blocked (5, 10 or 15 seconds of inactivity). Such models of attachments, like sliders, can be adjusted in such a way that the keyboard will be automatically blocked at close time top panel telephone– a similar function can also be activated in settings.

    Unblocking the telephone keypad. More models style telephones Mayut on the uvazi znyatya block from the keyboard like this: the current hour is reduced by a star, after which the “OK” key is pressed. As we are talking about sliders, unlocking the keyboard is done in this very way. You can also fix the phone on the block of keys for the hour of opening the slider. Additional parameters can be set in the settings of the mobile extension.

    Find out how to protect data on your mobile phone: The first one just attach the files, and the other one - put the phone on blocking (password). It’s better not to be shrill and even though you already said you should go to your mobile phone, eat very carefully and respectfully. Prepare all your passwords and write down the next new ones in a notebook before the introduction, so that you will be inspired by tomorrow (and don’t think about the next day).SIM card blocking - pin and puk. Zim looking, I think, sticking leather, who bought a new SIM card. When the phone is turned on, a 4 (maximum 8) digit password is requested - a pin code, 0000 is given for locking, and if you enter the wrong password 3 times, you will have to enter the puk code, which is added up from 10 numbers. If an incorrect password is entered after 10 attempts, then the SIM card will be blocked again, so that you can turn it to access it and go to the salon of your steward operator. Having offended the passwords, they add up to the SIM card, if you buy it, don’t blame it for problems, save the smut once and for all and don’t inadvertently forget it all at once! You can either take away your zahist vzagali, or come up with your own new password.How to win pin i pukFor this, you need to go to the “zahist” branch in the phone, select the pickup sim pickup item, the phone will ask you to enter another code, and after entering the pin when the phone is turned on, you will not be prompted.On Sony Eriksson: "Parameters" -> "Zagalnі" -> "Blocking" -> "Blocking SIM" -> "Zahist" -> "Wimm." (after the onslaught, it will be necessary to enter your pin)

    On Nokia: "Menu" -\u003e "Setup" -\u003e "Zahist" (or "Setup security")-> "Kodi access"

    On Samsung: "Nalashtuvannya" -> "Security" -> "Change PIN".

    How to renew pin and puk.As if you were zabuli, there is nothing terrible in it. You just need to call free service your operator, or go to their nearest salon, explain the situation, then ask you to name your passport data, or tell the passwords, or give a new SIM without a cost. After reading here, you can install pin, pin2, puk, puk2 on Siemens yourself. What do you know, how do you know forgotten passwords in other grades, then I will be radium, so that I can share information.

    How to change pinon Sony Ericsson: "Settings" -> "Signal" -> "Block" -> "Block SIM" -> "Change pin" -> you need to enter your current pin, and if the pin is correct, then enter a new one.

    On Nokia: div. "How to enable pin and puk" for Nokia.

    On Philips: "Settings" -> "Security settings" -> "PIN-code" -> "Turn off", if you need to turn it on, then "Unmute." and introduce your new one.

    On Samsung: "Nalashtuvannya" -> "Security" -> "Change PIN".

    Phone blocking. This password is already similar to the front one, only the password will be prompted when the lock is turned on - independently, since the symbol is inserted, and you can enter it as many as you want until you guess, or you don’t guess the way through the combinations.How to block a phoneOn Sony Eriksson: "Parameters" -> "Signal" -> "Blocking" -> "Blocking phone" -> "Zahist" -> "Uvіmk." (after pressing it is necessary to enter a code, whichever you come up with)

    On Nokia: "Menu" -\u003e "Nalashtuvannya" -\u003e "Zahist" (or "Nakashtuvannya security")-> "Riven zakhistu" -\u003e "Phone".

    On Phillips: "Nalashtuvannya" -> "Nakashtuvannya security" -> "Blocking the phone" -> "Uvіmk."

    On Samsung: "Security" -> "Security" -> "Block phone".

    How to change the phone blocking codeOn Sony Ericsson: div. “How to remove the blocked phone”, go to the “Change code” branch (it is necessary to enter the current one, and if the wine is correct, then enter a new one.)

    On Nokia:

    On Samsung: "Setup" -> "Security" -> "Change password".

    Keyboard blocking. It’s a more corny thing, it’s squashy itself - it’s possible to save it from vipadkovy dialing and dialing, if the phone, for example, is in the gut.How to increase / decreaseOn Sony Eriksson: you can just "*", and then "block. key" (rights function. button) or automatically set "Parameters" -> "Highlight" -> "Block" -> "Block key." -> "Wimk."/"Wimk."

    On Nokia: "Menu" -> "Setup" -> "Phone" -> "Auto-lock keys" -> "Uvimk."Also, the "Keyboard lockout" function - the password will be requested to turn on the keyboard lock: "Menu" -> "Settings" -> "Phone" -> "Keylock lockout." -> "Uvimk."

    For Samsung:

    Also, on Samsungs, blocking access to call logs, phone book, update and files: "Nalashtuvannya" -> "Safety" -> "Protection of special data".The function of notification about the change of the SIM card - Send a message for the specified number at the hour, try the phone with another SIM card, as the service is supported by the operator of the merezhі. style tie: “Nalashtuvannya” -> “Safety” -> “Information about SIM change”. Use the same code to remove blocking from Samsung.