How to turn the old VKontakte design: three working methods. How to turn back the old version of the PC on your computer? New contact, how to turn old one

Most users have already noticed that the design of the popular social network VKontakte has changed. This “nightmare” became early on September 17, 2016 and now all VK accounts have a new updated design. At the moment, no one can turn back the old version of the resource, some parts have not been officially transferred by the distributors.

At the moment, there is ongoing discussion on the Internet about the drive for a global redesign of the Russian social network, despite the fact that some people are dissatisfied with the new changes. However, the distributors have deprived users of the old version of the site of the following notice: “We have eliminated all the details and created a simpler resource for your convenience.”

Major changes affected the font, icons, navigation bar, and avatar design. According to the words of the leading researcher V. Dorokhov, the work on the new design of the social network was inspired by the author's fate. In the spring of 2016, retailers launched testing a new type of site, and any greedy person could take part in it. Over the course of the entire hour, over 2,500 minor and significant corrections were made to the code of the resource, to the satisfaction of the correspondents. The main goal is to improve the stability of the site, as well as switch from the outdated Flash technology to the new one - HTML5.

I repeat once again, in the official way rotate old VKontakte design It’s a pity, don’t be surprised by the dissatisfaction with the indifference of the prostitutes of the social system. There is currently one way to rectify the situation. Below we will look at how you can turn over the old version of VKontakte on your PC with a few clicks.

How to turn the old VKontakte design in a couple of clicks

So, in order for the design of the website to look the same, we will quickly contact you with special extensions for the Google Chrome browser. The extension is called “Rotate old VK design”. For now, she’s alone in her family, but I’m guessing that with time there will be more analogues. Today there is one caveat: the version of this extension is still gray, which can cause some bugs when surfing on a social network, but the retailer often releases updates to this extension, which is known Koristuvachami amends. To change the design of the site, go to the Google store and install the extension.

Click on the “Install” button, it will appear at the end, and click “Install extension”.

After the extension is installed, press the icon once with a bear:

and update the VK page. Below you can see how the side of the new design looked:

and the axis looks like this after installing an extension that replaces the new version of the site with the old one:

In about an hour, such expansions will be sufficient. Find out what is the best way to get a rating from Google. However, I respect that many users simply call up the new design of VKontakte and the need for the old version will disappear automatically.

How are you saying, friends? change the new version of VK to the old one It’s really simple: you can do a few simple things. If you have received instructions, share it with your friends using the social buttons below.

For several days now, the social network on VKontakte has had 10 fatalities, so, in honor of such a platform, the developers could not sit still and for several months they organized a new design for VKontakte, which, unfortunately, was not suitable avsya.

In 2016, the beginning of the month, the design of the VK was transformed and became visible to absolutely everyone, and not just to the koristuvachs who took part in the testing. You, by the way, could have pressed on the treasured “Return to old design” button, but now it’s not there. What to do? How to turn around the old VK design?

For this reason, I have identified a number of options that allow you to rotate the design. I think that this feature is not available for a long time and sooner or later you will have to switch to a new design.

Respect! Having scoured the information on the Internet, I discovered various scripts, shortcuts, etc. that would help me switch to the old design. It’s true, it used to be like this, but the methods are already outdated and don’t work 100%, so you can’t help it. The method, the guidance I have given below, is a little siruvaty, but allows the world to vikorize those old designs that we loved.

Old VK design, how can I switch over?

Well, one very kind developer created a plugin for the browser that allows you to switch to the old design. To install the extension, proceed to the instructions.

If you find yourself on the site, click on the message "Install Stylish" After this you will be prompted to install the Stylish extension.

Click on the extension on the browser panel and go to the VKontakte website.

Click on the plugin icon and select “Looking for different styles for your website”, I will transfer you to the very same site where you need to select first. "Old VK design".

You will be transferred to the side where you need to press the green button "Install With Stylish". Confirm that the extension is installed.

Go to the VK website and click on the extension icon and check the box "Old VK design". Bottom tick "Turn all styles off". We update the page and voila, we have the old VK design.

Tse tsikavo:


For me, the new design was suitable, although it was not great, for some people it was greedy. At the moment, this method of transition to the old design is the same, because everyday scripts and shortcuts no longer work. There is not much of this expansion that has not yet been completed. You will have a lot of shortcomings, but in general VKontakte will be similar to what it was before. Long journey to you.


Since the design was updated by 100% of the users, now there are no working ways to turn around the old VKontakte design, having lost only one way, that Method No. 5, so vikorist yourself yogo.

If there are any other ways to help turn around the old VK, I will immediately update the article. In the meantime, be content with this, accepted statistics!

Having already started a beta test of the new VKontakte design a long time ago, I wrote a few looks at the new VKontakte design 2016, seeing all the pros and cons of the new style of social networking. Today, VKontakte began to massively change the design of all members, and not least those who subscribed to the VKontakte blog for a new style.

I didn’t recognize it completely casually, but it was like that, all beta testers, including me, had a button in the new design “ Revert to old design“Having pressed the yaku, you could switch to the old design. The old design had a button that could switch you to the new style and set it as the main one. Today, for whatever reason, I no longer remember when I decided to switch to the old design, pressing the button and I was transferred to the new design style, and the button went away.

That’s how I found out about those that VKontakte changed the old design to a new one, already 10% of its users, at the time of writing this article, may have increased.

Before speaking, at the time of editing the article, the design of the inclusions is already 100% customized, so that VKontakte will completely switch to a new design, and VKontakte will no longer change the old design, it will no longer be necessary to use these scripts and browser extensions!

Changing the design to a new one was not to the liking of the rich koristuvachs, as I said, that changing the design, which is an important requirement for VKontakte, many koristuvachs cannot work in the new design, gravitating towards those who already used the old one , and the new design similar to the nearby design of classmates, and I really want to turn the old one around. I don’t know what they don’t like, like me, the new design is tough and modern.

A petition has appeared on the Internet, which is collecting signatures from those who would like the contact to give the opportunity. choosing between old and new designs. You can sign the petition for the following: Social network Vkontakte. Possibility vikoristati old design.

The petition was sent to Volodymyr Volodimirovich Putin and in May there are already 11,660 signatures out of 15,000 required to send this sheet, I think it will soon exceed 15k signatures and the VKontakte administration is looking at the possibility encourage the choice of design for social media, and you can only switch to the old VKontakte design For another method, which I will describe below, the method is working and not fake.

Once submitted, the petition will be delivered to the Mail Group administration.

I especially didn’t sign this petition, because the new design that was installed on VKontakte seems to satisfy my needs as a design for a popular social network.

Way to update old design #5!

Why did I start the article in the fifth way? It’s simple, all the methods listed below stopped working after today’s update, so try this very method, because at the moment there is only one way to reverse the old VKontakte style!

So, to reverse the old VKontakte design this way, we need the following:

  • Stylish extension for Google Chrome, for Opera, for Mozila Firefox

  • We install an extension for your browser, all for your convenience.

  • Let's go to the site where we install our old VKontakte design: Old design - style

  • That’s it, now I can’t go to the VKontakte page, click on the Stylish sign in the upper right corner and activate the old VK.

As a result, you will end up with this VKontakte style, good luck!

How to switch to the old VKontakte design (Method No. 1)

Under this method there is 2, the more effective method, read below!

Immediately after the new VKontakte design has appeared, the site has appeared, and after sending for help, you can switch to the old VKontakte design without being surprised by those who have turned on this function.

In order to turn around, or rather, reverse-engineer the old VKontakte design, just follow the instructions I wrote below.

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To switch to the old design, a new message is available, after switching to the one you have already downloaded, do not download the new design, but if you update the page with the new design. Posilannya I qiu znayshov suto vipadkovo, I don’t know who the author is, but the idea is good. On the opening page there was a notification about those who are going to update their page on VK, otherwise those who have created the old design will lose their place and will not go anywhere.

As a result, after installing this extension, the old design remains as installed and does not disappear anywhere after restarting the laptop.

Method No. 3 to rotate the old VKontakte design.

This method is as simple as method number 1, only in this case we will have to create a shortcut on the desktop for a quick transition to the old VKontak. For this reason:

There are still no extensions for browsers that you could use to help turn the old VKontakte design on your computer on a steady basis, so that we can steadily move on to our goals. As soon as this expansion appears, I will immediately add it to my blog to give you the opportunity to enjoy the old classics.

A way to turn the old VKontakte design No. 4

Today I have created another way to turn the old design back on us, well, like the old one, perhaps, because in the new one there is still a presence of the new design in VKonakti 2016 rock.

And such a wonderful site called, which has a lot of different styles for VKontakte, so that’s why I’m hanging out there today and I know the redesign of the VKontakte design for the old VK. It looks like this.

As you can see, it reminds us of both the old design and the new one, two in one. But this version is still sir and has a lot of benefits, if you are so impatient to enjoy the innovations of VKontakte distributors, then feel free to include this style, and you can earn money this way.

Respect, the script is still at the development stage, so it is possible to update and refine it!

The new design does not turn on, what should I do?

Now, in fact, the food is not correct, because the new design of connections for 100% of the VKontakte social networks, good luck in your shopping!

Since you haven’t already signed up for the beta test of the new VKontakte design 2016 and haven’t started selecting the design yet, then immediately, if the design starts to be included in everything, you still haven’t included it, why? It’s simple, the VKontakte service includes a new design of VK in stages, several hundreds per day. It is simply impossible to immediately include a new design in such a large number of customers without some glitches in the system. There are also over 350 million registered customers in Contact, and this is not a small number. To be precise, I’ll post statistics on VKontakte members.

And if you are worried that you may not be able to turn it on, there is something wrong with your side, that the design will not turn on, I will calm you down, but all this time. The time will soon come and you will become the creator of the new design of the wall and the entire VKontakte site. You will only have to wait for the inevitable, and even if you don’t bother to change the design, you can send a VKontakte petition about the new design.

I want to write a lot on the Internet that it is no longer possible to go back to the old VKontakte design, but you know what’s wrong. And many “rummaging” buyers will soon find ways to bypass the new design and a way to return to the old one without the need for complicated manipulations.

And so, I hope that the VKontakte administration will still consider the petition about choosing designs between new and old and still introduce such a function. The new design is really so important for some money-makers. But, unfortunately, not me. 🙂

I will be glad to comment on this article.

How to turn the old VKontakte design on your computer in 5 seconds? In the spring of the month, VKontakte changed the design and address from to, which became an unacceptable disagreement for wealthy people.

Hello everyone!
Today, after hanging out on VKontakte, as a result of the search, it became clear what kind of articles you can write on.
Today we had a chance to confirm the nutrition, tasks in different word forms, but the sense has not changed).
For example, there was more food.
How to switch to the old version of VKontakte?
First things first.

On September 17, 2016, the social network of VKontakte changed the website address from to, and also cleaned up the old design, which became a seemingly unwelcome surprise for the rich.
Well, to be more precise, the old design began to be replaced with a new one not immediately for everyone, but gradually.
For example, I just recently updated the design of my VKontakte page.

I’m sitting at my laptop, like before, I have a bunch of open tabs, you sleep there, you marvel here, you read here... then I click on the tab of my VKontakte page, a new version is airing... the first thought was there - that’s it It’s a mobile version, I’m amazed at the address, another thought – it’s a phishing site. Vzagali potikav, I potikav, my problem was that I don’t have 1 account in contact, well, I love the contact and freeze the pages, for what reason, people are openly scattering advertisements on the hidden walls of groups about cheating and selling accounts of the norm, here you send a thematic message and they miss you... Vzagali, the sense is that passwords for accounts are saved in the browser’s memory, well, along the way, if I change the new design to the old one, for VKontakte security, I don’t leave the site I can't come in).
Let's sum it all up.
I don't like the new version of the contact.
So who the hell knows from the right side in design, but I don’t want this design, I like an old VK on a computer.
Needless to say, the new design is incredibly similar to the design of Facebook.

Okay, I won’t bother you with my everyday life), let’s get down to business.

Yak turn the old VKontakte design

For now, this is the best way! There are simply no others. Watch the video and repeat.

It's really easy to turn the old design around. I feel like I’ve irrevocably changed into someone, I feel like I’m making a mistake, I’m making a mistake). The control driver, for example, only recently appeared).
I will show you 2 ways to change the new VKontakte design to the old one.

First method.

Scroll your mouse to the very end of the VKontakte page and click on the new version.
You will reverse the old design of your contact page.

If this didn’t help you, let’s move on to another option.

Another option.
Includes adding the number "0" to the URL
Just write before, add 0, you may have it like this: give your id.

I hope everything worked out for you.
Anyway, follow the instructions this site
That's all.
I’m going to get some rest, don’t worry about the day).
Good luck to everyone, see you soon, 14 linya;)

Reading 5th century Pereglyadiv 2k. Published 10/26/2017

Regardless of those who strive to perfection, new updates of the well-known program will not always bring satisfaction to the faithful. I want more and need food. Tim, no less, who would like to deprive himself of such an addition as before making changes and seeks information about those.

Varto note that VKontakte will completely update its mobile app in the fall of 2017. This is one of the most significant changes, as having recognized the program interface for the rest of the time, before this, a similar upgrade of the presentations by the distributors of the past fate. Almost everything has changed, starting with the new capabilities of the worker, to the out-of-the-ordinary organization of the work space. And the likes have now become the color of red.

It doesn’t matter to those that optimization is a pain in the ass and the program itself has become more manual, many of whom (like last time) want to continue to use the old, more basic version.

The whole problem is with PlayMarket

All Android users welcome the PlayMarket service for downloading and installing new programs. After installing this program, it is important to install the program on the device in two available modes:

  • Manual - if PlayMarket simply lists and recommends available updates, and the gadget’s owner independently decides which ones to install and which ones to ignore.
  • Automatic - just as a new update appears in the Market, the installed program automatically accepts it and is updated. In this case, you need to log in to the program and get a new design and interface (as is the case with VKontakte).

In connection with this, the first step, because you have to create a repository of the old software for VKontakte, is to turn on the auto-update program and put it in manual mode.

To do this, you need to go to the PlayMarket program menu, for which click on the “sandwich” at the top left corner, in the menu that appears, go down and find the “Settings” section. In the group of advanced settings, select the item “Auto-update of add-ons” and select “None” for three options for setting up.

At this stage the adjustment is completed. This is the first meal of the world's food,How to turn the old version of VK on AndroidNow PlayMarket does not automatically update installed programs, and users can safely use the old program without fear of auto-change. If you need to download a new version of the program, you just need to go to the program installation section and check whether there is an update, and also run the upgrade if necessary.

Once the current settings have been updated to the new versions, you can start working with the program on the device itself.Why doesn't the Market update programs automatically? In this case, all you have to do is simply divide the process into two steps, which involve uninstalling the updated program and installing the required version.

Addendum updates are available

This procedure is extremely simple and sensible, you just need to get it out of the way. If you are a misunderstood customer and are worried that you will be able to lose information or access to your account, then there is no need to worry. The old version will contain all those that are on your page at once, since the vikoristan PZ will not be stored.

You can install add-ons in a number of ways:

After updating the version, you can further clear the cache and delete application files on your phone. The procedure is not obligatory, but it won’t be a problem.

We install the required version

After the memory of the smartphone has been cleared of excesses of the latest version of the program, the time has come to complete the final deadline for the latest version of the program,How to turn the old version of VK on Android.

The main step at this stage is to take the distribution kit of the latest version of VK. Nowadays on the Internet you can find out about the possibility of downloading and installing any program, not just VKontakte. Before you become angry at any kind of danger, you must first check its trustworthiness. Installing software for mobile access on a special page of VK or a third-party resource can lead to unacceptable consequences, and VKontakte itself does not support the latest versions of the program.

First, download the package of files and install them on your phone, then search for videos about the device. Today's older versions of VK can be found on TrashBox and UpToDown.

Before installing the distribution kit, you must install settings on your gadget. To ensure greater safety of the device, the settings are set to protect the downloading and installation of programs from third-party resources. To install the old version, you need to change these settings. When you try to install the required program, a pop-up window will pop up. In advance about unauthorized actions and the proposal to defend or allow the process.

Installation is allowed and the process is completed. As a result, koristuvachturn back the old version of VK on Androidand continue using the program in the old interface. If necessary, you can update from PlayMarket. Still, it is more common to change the supplement for a better one, just call before changing.