Yak display statistics on youtube channel. De you can get acquainted with all the statistics of someone else's youtube channel. Development of the boom: the numbers are needed most

You know, there’s more information about the YouTube channel to be seen through the eyes of the earliest koristuvachiv.

How, in such a case, to conduct a clear audit of competitors and virobit an effective strategy of penetration ???

Rishennya є i tse - special services, Scho nadaut information about channels on YouTube.

Do not allow you to correct all the necessary data ↓↓↓

Diznaєmosya all about competitor's channels: better ways

A number of parameters are required in the competitive segment, including:

  1. dobova number of views
  2. pririst subscribers
  3. key words and rating of the opponent
  4. earnings for the change

In general, you can take all of the data on your own, but it is not necessary to fit into the set of employees more beautifully, less special services. Їх golovna perevaga - all the tribute to it is significant more often, not on YouTube ...

Let's see, for the help of which services you can take a look at the information about the channels on YouTube: ↓↓↓

Choose the service on your own, as it is optimal for you to use usability and zovnishnim viglyadom.

In the kintsevoy bag, if you correctly estimate the project, then you have a є chance:

  • increase in the number of views and front-end users on the channels;
  • increase conversion rates;
  • take a lot of positions on the required power.

Analysis of the project from "A" to "Z"

Kozhen service is of its own passages and shortcomings, ale є y ti, which can be enjoyed in your own brighten up…… ⇓⇓⇓

1) SocialBladebest analytics system

Uninvolved on those who use the English system, the intelligence interface is intuitive.

Perevaga polyagaє in the fact that it is possible to correct the data practically for all social framing.

Also є TOP-lists - for the help of which you can see the bloggers for the last hour.

Otzhe, how to correct information from YouTube:

  • It is necessary to copy the canal into a shape that is located in the upper right codend;
  • an onslaught of a mock and a check of obrob.

Now an avatar will appear on the screen, as well as basic information about the channel: ↓

  • number of videos;
  • the number of pereplatnikiv;
  • subject and date of expiration;
  • rating;
  • Partner program;
  • Rivne income and іnshe.

The beauty of the field is in the fact that all the data of the images are in the view of the graph, so it is possible to visually assess the parameters. Also, information has been expanded based on the results of postings and front-end users.

2) Vidstatsx -take away as much tribute

The price is also a foreign service, which is unaffected by its simple design, and has a good visual functionality. Information can be edited and added to a USB flash drive without special folding.

on headstrongє Dani about the last hour.

If it is necessary to analyze a specific project, then it is necessary to enter the name of the channel in the upper right corner. The system doesn’t give any information about earnings, and it’s not less important, there’s a lot of respect for the number of peering that іnshe ...

At the very top part of the information: ↓↓↓

  • rating for peer-to-peer and front-end users;
  • stop updateі number of videos;
  • There is a great number of views and front plates.

Uwaga !!!

There is one set of services, showing the weather statistics of the growth of front-end devices and views.

You can edit more detailed data like "Subscribers" or "Videoviews". Here you can see statistics for additional, 14, 30 and 90 days.

In general, there are enough parameters in all, to assess the growth of the channel, its potential and inshe.

YouTube channel statistics talk a lot about scho. If you really want to achieve success in video hosting, you need to spend an hour not only behind your channel, but behind the development of other similar or popular channels. At this statute, I will bring you first, and the other.

How can you marvel at the statistics of your YouTube channel?

For a whole lot of robustly simple manipulation. We go to YouTube, enter the login and password from your regional record. Let's take the onslaught according to the photo in the upper right corner of the side and in the menu select "Creative studio". (You can have a drink by squeezing on an olyvchik and naming the channel and vibravsha "Parameters of channels").

On the side, in the menu of evil, onslaught on the distribution of "YouTube Analytics" and those are astonished if they are needed. Yak bachite, there are a lot of pidpunkt_v here, so it’s possible to get information.

YouTube channel statistics to match your competitors

We go to the socialblade.com service (once I already guessed about it, if I wrote about the most popular channel on YouTube). On the sidelines, right-handed, there is a row of jokes with the words "Enter YouTube Username".

For Username, zrozumilo, virusaєmo on YouTube. We know the channel, the statistics of which one would like to wonder, and in the address row there are copies of the ones that are written for the word "user" and the sign "/".

As in the URL there are no words "user",

todi natisnit on the name of the channel with a banner. Posilannya maє changes. It means that the owner of the channel has not changed the standard URL of the channel to meanings for the koristuvach, and, unfortunately, you cannot read the statistics of the channel.

Alle, it is permissible, YouTube Username is still located, entered into a row on socialblade.

Bachimo nashne:

Here you can wonder:

  • country and date of restoration to the channel;
  • the number of front-end boards, peer-reviewed, over-the-top video clips;
  • the rank of the channel (as a matter of principle, there is little for you to tell);
  • number of views over the last 30 days, with percentage rates (which allow for the value of the channel);
  • number of payments in advance for the remaining 30 days (also the percentage of payments);
  • I will roughly make a money bag (here it is very much too much);
  • partnership proposal button.

As soon as you burn the trochies below, you can look in detail at a number of glances and give the front plates for the skin from the last days.

You know the graph below. YouTube channel statistics, Yakiy demonstrating the dynamism of its development on purpose.

How can you tell the statistics of YouTube channels?

If you look at the information on socialblade about that channel, navpaki of your avatar, you can hit the violet button "Compare". Klatsnіt on nіy - and you will be prompted to assign the channel, the statistics of which Vi only were looked at, more than two channels on your vibіr.

Well, just crank it up, just enter the YouTube Username as it was robbed.

And in order to make sure the statistics are ready for you, please add my video course " secret method Lawrence»First, propose your ideas soon!

Statistics for a channel on YouTube - all the information, which displays the rank of the channel, grows up, too, navpaki, when there is a drop in the number of front-end users, having looked at the videos, the channel’s received, as well as similar, as well as a lot of the same. However, the information on YouTube can only be looked at by the administrator or the owner of the channel himself. Ale іsnuyut special services, as to show everything. About one of these resources and let's go to the statistics.

To learn the statistics of the Vlasny channel, you need to go to the creative studio. Click on the end of your profile, and then click on the button in the dialogue menu "Creative studio".

Having overshadowed in it, brutal respect for the area under the name "Analytics". The statistic data of your channel is displayed in them. However, this is not the tip of the iceberg. There you can get a glimpse of the great hour looking at your videos, the number of views and the number of front-panels. To correct more detailed information it is necessary to make a decision "Show all".

Now, on the monitor, there will be more reports on statistics, which are looking for such nuances, such as:

Revision of the statistics of someone else's channel on YouTube

In the Internet, there is an informational overseas service, which is called SocialBlade. Yogo, the main function of the field is to provide detailed information from that channel on YouTube. Obviously, for additional help, you can read information on Twitch, Instagram and Twitter, and Alemova about video hosting.

Croc 1: Assign ID to channel

In order to know the statistics, you need to know the ID of the channel that you want to analyze. At the first stage, it is difficult to win, about those below in the text.

The ID itself doesn’t get used to it, it’s rough, it’s the very thing that can be done in the browser. Ale schob bulo bolsh zrozumilishe, varto about everything in detail razpovisti.

For the ear, you need to go to the side of that koristuvach, the statistics that you want to know. Writing a lot of zvernit respect to the address row in the browser. Vona is guilty of the viglyadati, approximately as it is, as in the images below.

At niy ID - tse ti symbols, how to go with words user, tobto "StopGameRu" without legs. Yogo you slid copy to the clipboard.

However, buvaє take, shho words user simply dumb in a row. And the substitute is written "Channel".

To the word, tse address of the same channel. In general, you need, perebivayuchi on the head side, natisnut on the name of the channel.

Pislya tsyogo vіn new. Visually, there is nothing to change on the side, but the address row will become the same, as we need, and then you can easily copy the ID.

Ale varto made one more remark - for an hour to go to the onslaught for the name of the posilannya not to change. Tse means, scho koristuvach, whose ID is copied to the channel, without changing the address for replacing it with sv_y koristuvalnitsky. It is a pity that the statistics do not fit into a wide range of misunderstandings.

Croc 2: Review of statistics

If you have copied an ID, you need to return without a second. If you are busy on the main site, you will need to pay your respects to the row for entering the ID, as you will be rooting at the upper right part. Insert this copy before the ID.

Importantly: I respect you for those who want to in a row in the vipadayuchuyuchuyu list buv referring to the item "YouTube", innakshe pochuk is not given to any result.

In addition, when you click on the icon at the viewer of the Zbіlshuvalny cliff, all the detailed statistics of the opposite channel will be displayed in front of you. It is divided into three regions - basic statistics, general statistics of views and sublists, visonana at views of graphs. Since the site is English, it’s just right to talk about the skin okremo at once, and you’ll be happy with everything.

Basic statistics

In the first region, you will get the basic information on the channel before you look at it. put in:

  • Total grade, de letter A is the target position, and the offensive is lower.
  • Channel rank (Subscriber rank) - position of the channel in the top.
  • Rank for number of views (Video view rank) - position in the top with the total number of views of all videos.
  • Views for the last 30 days.
  • The number of subscribers for the last 30 days.
  • Estimated monthly earnings.
  • Estimated yearly earnings.
  • Note: The statistics of income in the channel are not varied, since the number to reach is strongly envied.

  • Posilannya for affiliate pleasing (Network / Claimed By).

Note: Hits, which are known to be assigned with the number of views and sublists for the last 30 days, to indicate the nature (seen by the green), or else the fall (seen by the worm), apparently by the past month.

schodenna statistics

As soon as you go down the bottom of the site, you can post the statistics to the channel, in which everything is written similarly. Before the word, the information for the last 15 days is given in it, and at the very bottom the mean value of all the changes is added.

At the top of the tables, information is selected by the number of front-end devices, who have issued a subscription on the date (Subscribers), by the number of views (Video views) and by average by income (Estimated earnings).

  • How can I be a strategy of persuading, how can we not put concrete goals?
  • How to assess the quality of the content in an active way, if the analysis of competitors is not carried out?
  • How can you analyze the effectiveness of advertisements without dynamics behind the key indicators?

Introduced: indicators of quality in video content and efficiency of submission on YouTube

Mayte on uvaz: it is not possible to use only one type of popular indicator. Such folding processes, such as enhancing the business, monetizing the channel, ranking the video, lie among the ineffective factors. It is important to marvel at dynamism, as well as possible, in line with competitors for the whole range of metrics.

Number of glances and hour of glance

Earlier, look at the singing video / look at the channel bully as an indicator of success: everyone got magical enough to get it done in any way, including by wrapping it up. The infection will be taken care of not only shkidly, ale and bezgluzdo. Rule the ball for an hour and a glance, and not a few glances over a video.

It’s not important, as the video was amazed - it’s important that those who were in charge. For example, 1 pereview of a triviality of 10 hilin will be worthwhile for platforms, at least 10 pereviews in 30 seconds.

An hour to look at - one of the leading officials in the ranking, as it is written in the pre-news "YouTube"

True, there is often a good correlation between these indicators, it is worth mentioning in the YouTube Analytics sounds (the report on the tool is in the offensive section).

Peredplatniki, unique glades, hunting

Normal development of the channel is supervised to use the same growth in front of the platform. Risky streaks can be talked about in the distance advertising / promotional moves or cheating, and about the problems in the list - about the problems with the reputation, the view of inappropriate content.

At the same hour, there are a number of front plates in the future, you will see a number of glances. Some of the followers will not mark your new video, but the stink will screw up a completely new audience: with recommendations, jokes and calling resources.

In addition to unique glances and front-end platforms, they are also astonished at hunting (number of impressions) and CTR of icons (conversion from showing to peer-to-peer).

Chim is more than numbers, tim is more beautiful:

  • Zrostannya peredplatnikiv to talk about those who let you release yakisny content.
  • The number of people being shown, how many people marvel at your video.
  • Hunting demonstration, pictures of your videos were shown as a joke, in recommendations, in lines.

Geography і вік auditorії

It is important not only to wonder, but rather to wonder. Advertisers are ready to pay more for looking from Moscow, less for looking from regions. Behind the same principle - Koristuvachi Europe and the United States cost more dearly, lower auditoria SND.

Receivedness (likes / dislikes, comments, sheri)

Rates (ER) show how the eyes react to the video. For the data from the Backlinko, social reactions - likes, sherries, comments - positively infuse the rating of the videos.

Visoka is a natural reward - a straining signal for business representatives and bloggers who want to buy direct advertising on the channel.

Mіzh іnshim, dizlikі - it’s not shitty, it’s also fun. Tse is a good sign for YouTube, that video is not biased to auditorium, wiklicka emotsiyi. You can go to the "Trendy" i viyaviti, so that "furry" dislikes absolutely not zavazhayut rollers.

The butt of video with a large number of dislikes, yake, unaffected by the price, was consumed in the trend of "YouTube"

Number of videos and regularity of entries

The number of videos, the frequency and regularity of their publications are indirect, an indicator of alemia.

Firstly, without a sufficient number of videos, it is unlikely that it is possible to visit a monetization channel / participate in advertising birzhi or adverts. In a different way, peredplatniki will NOT be satisfied with tim, - the stench I want new. As a matter of fact, it was abandoned for an hour or so, the maidanchik is not revived by serious advertisers.

Here it is important to think about it, like the videos themselves are published. Just one topic was picked from a sprinkle, start painting on them. And if you are going to post with a chat, look around, then the "rozmovny" videos, then the clips, spend ER. Your auditorium will be amazed only by those who are very tsykavo, to a small part of the videos. For staring down on the canals, as they hang one topic.

Internal tools - for basic analysis of your YouTube channel

Third-party tools and services can be handy, but you can't use internal tools. Tilka stench (absolutely bezoshtovno) give report statistics on auditing, dzherel traffic, hour glance and in.

YouTube Analytics

Head, yaki virishuє Clever:

  • Analytics of tags and ratings.
  • Assessment of the positions of the video in the "YouTube" joke.
  • Збір semantics (according to "Yandex", YouTube, Google Trends).
  • Evaluation of results (likes, comments, shared in social media).

Also, the plugin will help you fold inventory to video (insert timecode, generate tags), add prompts and annotations using templates, etc.


TubeBuddy is a plugin for optimizing your channels and analyzing strangers, I can use VidIQ functionality. Pratsuє s Chrome and Firefox.

Tool options:

  • Display of statistics on likes / dislikes, comments, results of a video clip and in riddles in some social framing.
  • Visualization of views, front-end views and many video clips on the channel.
  • Express-audit vidblog from the point of view of SEO.

Also at TubeBuddy є additional tools for adjusting your channel / video with someone else's, for preparing and analyzing key words and tags, expanded in vbudovannya. It’s not enough, but more is needed - so you can buy a paid rate of $ 9 per month, you can see access to additional functions - updated video for the distribution, posts on Facebook, oil tests / updates

Required services for reporting analytics decilkoh social media

I am a business representative, a marketer or a blogger who can work directly from the decilcom platforms - it can be done easily, quickly and simply through special SMM services. The stench allows you to pick up statistics in one window and analyze your competitors from the maidanchiks: YouTube, social media / messengers. There are also often connected auto-posting functions.



  • Statistics on front-boards, rates, average number of views, number of videos.
  • Rendering of reliable data on demography and geography of auditing (information is loaded directly from the web analytics system, for example, Youtube Analytics when the blogger is connected to his own channel).
  • Displaying ads, ads, ads, content.
  • Pleasure is infallible.


LiveDune is a Russian analytics service for YouTube, social media and a joke of the leaders of the dummies. Крім YouTube, pratsyu from VK, Instagram, Twitter, OK, Facebook. Without re-staging, you can post the top 100 channels on YouTube with the number of followers and the number of views. More detailed statistics are available for restratsії.


  • YouTube statistics on audit (geography, article, wikom), dynamics of results (likes / dislikes, comments), joke results.
  • Zbir and vivantage of comments to accounts / sports goods.
  • Promotion of advertising campaigns of competitors, conversion of bloggers for cheating and ін.

Subscription to the service kostu from 300 to 9500 rubles per month.

Fanpage Karma

Fanpage Karma is a foreign service, like a simple analyzer Facebook sidelines viral into a multifunctional SMM platform. It is infected also from Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube.

Fanpage Karma:

  • to start krashti tipiі format the content, the optimal hour for publishing.
  • Assess the business account by KPI (front-end users, frequency of views, rates, etc.).
  • The number of sides is not interconnected, trends emerge.

The tariff for the customizable YouTube analytics is 150 dollars per month.


JagaJam is a Russian service for analytics of social media, like LiveDune brandy orders. Zbirak Dani from VKontakte, Facebook, Instagrama, Odnoklassnikiv, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest.


  • The rating is based on the dynamics of front-end platforms, performance, popular content, hunting.
  • Assessment of the efficiency and quality of the commune with the auditor of social welfare.
  • Indicators in retrospect - for folding SMM strategy and competitive analysis.
  • Prompt for the optimal hour for publication, export of sound and information.

The minimum tariff is 4900 rubles per month.


Popsters - Russian service for the analysis of 13 social media and maydanchiks. Pratsyu s YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, "Odnoklassniki" and інshi maidanchiks.

For a look at the statistics in the service, it is necessary to register. And then enter the URL of the required channel. The system will show:

  • Information about the channel - the number of likes, dislikes, pereviews, comments, pereplatniks, views of the audience.
  • Detailed skin video data - number of views, likes, dislikes, comments, ER views.
  • The headline data on the channel at the viglyadi grafikiv - activity on the days of the day, the hour to finish, the growth of the front-desktops and so far.
  • Rating of videos on channels by likes, dislikes, comments, results of shots, ER, ERview and in chronological order.

Ratings can be shown for the explicitness of the text in the inventory, according to the data, photos and other characteristics. And be it a graph from the far-flung tributes along the channel to nabliziti, simply squeezing on a new one. You can add a link in XLSX, PPTX and PDF formats.

Service cost is 399 rubles per month, according to the tariff. Є Post-free trial period up to 7 days - you can add up to 10 channels in one social media and add the result in XLSX format.

So viglyadaє the result is analyzed by the channel in Popsters

Ratings and catalogs of YouTube channels - for a message and an assessment of top and middle peasants

Schob novachkovi on YouTube steadily evolve, cinnamarly focus on more successful - middle peasants and topivs. It is not shy to follow the shortcuts from your theme, as well as intelligence, you can almost make money on your mission - you can help the rating services or catalogs of YouTube channels. Great business, focusing more on image advertising, you can also choose catalogs for the selection of advertising majdans in advance. І for an estimate of the fact that it will be approximately possible to pay for advertising integration.


Socialblade is a foreign service, based on 24.5 million YouTube channels. Also vіn zbiraє danі on Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, Instagram.

Schob marvel YouTube statistics, Navit is not necessary to re-structure - to enter the name of the channel or the URL in the field on the head.

Socialblade statistics includes:

  • Dynamics for front-end platforms, joke results, approximate the channel's earnings (relying on uvazi dohid from Google Adsense).
  • The channel is assessed by platform indicators (subscriber rank, video view rank, social blade rank, total grade).
  • Number of published videos, land and topics for the channel.

You can see statistics in retrospect for 2 rockets.


Whatstat is a Russian rating service similar to Socialblade. The base has close to 7,500 YouTube channels. More Whatstat is collecting data from Twitch.

For YouTube channels, you can know the offensive statistics:

  • Peredplatniki, look at a bit of video.
  • Date of restoration, rozrakhunkovy arrival.
  • Category.

Retrospective of tribute - 3 months. On the page from Socialblade, there are ratings of 100/250/500 top channels in Russia, as well as a breakdown of Maydans by topics (education, music, etc.).

And the axis for picking up in the middle and small channels, rejecting more detailed statistics on maydans, safe sports - more go birzhi. One of them is. The base platforms have 11,800 YouTube channels with a total of 500 million impressions. To analyze competitors, or to know a blogger for advertising integration, you just need to register. Any upfront payments and trivial moderation. You can quickly know the incoming channels for additional filters, marvel at the statistics, add content and advertising integrations.

Catalog of YouTube channels on EPICSTARS - with statistics and filters

Briefly about the smut

  • An hour to glance is more important than the number of glances; krim peredplatnikiv, it is necessary to wonder at hunting; it is important to assess the performance and characteristics of the audit; do not get a glance at the amount of content and regularity of your publication.
  • It is impossible to be indifferent when analyzing powerful YouTube channels with an internal tool - a creative studio (YouTube Analytics). Dodatkovo you can connect Google analytics: For the collection of semantics from a click on the channel, the creation of additional links, the conversion for the form of the subscription.
  • For express-audit of your video blogs and manual competitive analysis, it is good to use the following extensions: VidIQ, Clever, TubeBuddy. The majority of the possibilities are without kostevny.
  • Yaksho, krіm YouTube channels, where browsing through social media and messengers is a varied display of rich functional SMM services: for example, LiveDune, Fanpage Karma or JagaJam. True, the stench is paid and not cheap, on the view of - platforms of robots with bloggers. It is easy to find competitors for analysis and partnerships for advertising, as there are close to 40,000 majdans in the base.
  • In order to select a platform for advertising, to analyze competitors from the "middle" and "top" - kindly go to the ratings of the service: foreign Socialblade, Russian Whatstat. Їх ratings and catalogs of YouTube channels are available without credit and without re-staging.
  • Yakshko business shukak on YouTube, whether it is “novac” and “middle peasant”, aiming at Lady and ready-made only one from a safe place - the optimal option is to be birzhi. As a rule, stinks give more statistics, lower ratings and SMM services. Poshuk bloggers for advertisements or a competitive analysis for an immediately available re-structure: no paid entrance or a trivial view of the application.

All about those, like and de amazed at the statistics of the channel, by looking at the videos, sublists and sublists on YouTube, and most of the time it is necessary to work. Success!

One of the best minds in the career of a successful video blogger є motivation. Ale, if we are talking about browsing on YouTube, then there are more motivations here .................................. ...

Tens of thousands of bloggers stayed here for a while, and, if you wonder at them, you want to get started right away. ↓

I don’t ask you to pick up the career of a successful blogger, because we are famous.

Does it mean good?

For example, sum in $ 100 yew. Is it okay for you ???

All tsі danі are in outside access , I see them, you can get to know them, if you need to talk to them special services for collecting statistics.

So, the bottom line is that you can take a look at the statistics of the channels on YouTube, read the bloggers and get the most out of them. ↓ ↓ ↓

Development of a boom: is it necessary for a figure?

There are a lot of myth extensions, which will soon be easy.

So, in the mesh there are special sites, on which you can look at the data on all channels, including numbers, writing and quiet, who signed up ...

Here are some statistics on other people's channels:

  • to conduct an analysis of competitors and indicators;
  • sposter the dynamism of the development of your channel;
  • motivation and earning income;
  • for the development of the strategy of penetration.

Let's see the most popular services for viewing statistics on YouTube channels:

  1. Socialblade.Com- Allowing to peek over such data, such as income, number of front-end boards, peer-views, and a lot of them. Uninvolved on those who have an English website, an intuitively intelligent interface.
  2. Whatstat.Ru- a price-sensitive service, which can be used as a channel for getting information out of the way.
  3. Vspstats.com- another site for viewing statistics on the YouTube channel. Bagatomovny interface, you can reverse the channel at the rate of growth.

рівень income

For the bagatech, YouTube is not just a dzherelo glory and popularity, but a real way of making money.

You can turn around in a whole, as I am speeding with one of the proponated services.

Tse є one of the most relevant indicators.

Let's take a look, from the first hundred:

1) Take care, even one of the best bloggers PewDiePie earned nearly $ 15 million for 90 days. on Danish moment the new one has close to 37 million.

2) Also showing adversarial numbers Max +100500, Yakiy for the remainder of 90 days, having earned a donation of $ 500 thousand.

3) The fact that let-play can bring bad luck to the blogger, vidomiy by login eeOneGuy... You can beat the $ 20 thousand mark for the month of your return.

If you still don’t believe, then you can change your mind to your eyes, as you speed up the site to look at the statistics.

In such a rank, it is not necessary to be an actor, to earn the majestic sumi - to finish the leading channel on YouTube.

Front plates and peer-to-peer

There is one important parameter that you can read on sites with statistics on YouTube channels.

So, the information is presented by day: ↓

  • the number of front plates for the given moment;
  • number of new front-end devices per day / day / month;
  • the number of views;
  • number of views per year / 7, 30 and more days.

In such a rank, the review of statistics on the YouTube channel will be corny to the owners of the channels, as they want to know the dynamism of the development of their project.

Detailed analysis of the channel: the analysis is carried out by stages

Otzhe, more lightly, let's see the butt, as if to look over the statistics of someone else's YouTube channel.

So, below we will be vicoristovuvati Vspstats.com Naturally, you can find out what kind of service for assessing the parameters of the channels in Russia and the world. ↓

Golovna perevaga Vspstats- the price of the Russian commercial service, which gives the statistics not only on the basis of the information and the earnings of the skin blogger, ale and the image of the number of materials, the rating, the date of re-strata and the last.

→ On the main page, you can read information about the 100 best bloggers in the world.

To finish one click, to quickly look at the statistics on the skin of them.

If you need to analyze your YouTube channel, then it is necessary for the upper part of the site to publish a link to the channel and make a message.

Let me give you the following tales: ⇓

  • the upper part displays an avatar, the date of the restoration, and, the partner program, the number of front-end users, pereviews and a lot of them;
  • in the lower part there is a table, which will show information for the last 90 days (priority of subscribers, pereglyad, level of income).

By such a rank, as you can see, there are some foldable ones, as it is not guilty of knowing the statistics on the YouTube channel.

Just select the service that is optimal for you.