How to repair SMART pardon hard drive or SSD. What's the deal with Smart status bad backup and replace? What does victoria smart status bad mean

Acts of corruption of personal computers or laptops during the next hour of computer notification can be a warning to alert smart status bad backup and replace. For HP laptops, there may be a little bit of a different look - smart hard disk error 301, but there may be the same sensation.

The reason for this was the appearance of two furnishings:

  1. S.M.A.R.T. hard disk;
  2. The S.M.A.R.T. Hard disk may notify you about problems.

What does Smart status bad backup and replace mean?

If you keep your notes on your computer or laptop, it means only one thing - a hard disk (Winchester) with a great opportunity in the next hour or a change.

First of all, if you want to work in this particular situation, copy everything important for you from a hard drive to any other wearable, such as a flash drive, gloom or a better hard drive.

Coming soon will be the revision of that same S.M.A.R.T. such a kind of information system of a hard disk, which displays all the pardons and problems that are blamed.

Most often, pardons are blamed on some position. The number of reassigned sectors has exceeded the allowable value. That's why a lot of BAD blocks appeared on the hard drive.

Obviously, you can continue victorious winchester with such an increase in S.M.A.R.T. But save on new important data is not recommended in the region, for those who, if they are mitigated, can still get out of tune, so I will threaten them with a waste of all data or their expensive renewal procedure.

How to get Smart status bad backup and replace?

If you don't want to change the hard drive and continue with this trick, you can try turning it on in the BIOS settings.

S.M.A.R.T. appear on the BIOS pop-up screen, which shows all IDE and SATA connections.

How to clean Smart status bad backup and replace

Here it is necessary to select your hard disk with the “Enter” button and turn off the S.M.A.R.T., turning it into Disabled.

Enable Smart status bad backup and replace in BIOS settings

You can also change the price of the upgrade from the “advanced” deposit

Enabled smart hard disk error 301 hp

Whether it be the case of the inclusion of the latter, there is no problem. The most correct way is to change the hard disk, the shards of how to inform about the filth of the SMART camp will appear when you turn it on, it will be the only correct one.

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Hello admin, food! Having asked me a friend to carry out diagnostics of the yogo hard disk, skarga on the motor galma of the robot. I came yoga"hard" to your computer, but the computer, when turned on, saw a pardon:S.M.A.R.T. status bad backup and replace.

I'm pushing F1 and zavantazhivsya in the operating system, but in nіy nothing zrobiti not zmіg through zhahlivі zasannya.

After reading your statistics about the Victoria program and having changed the disk in DOS mode, having created a flash drive with the program, but in my BIOS it is impossible to switch the AHCI option to IDE, because IDE simply does not work. Axis I think, what kind of program can convert a hard disk into a random sector, so that the system is not vandalized?

Hello friends! You all know how the computer is entangled.

We will control the microprogram BIOS, as a result of re-verification for the manufacturing of all components of the system unit, the screen and the hard drive.

On all HDDs without a blame, a self-analysis system was installed under the name SMART, so SMART itself and tell the BIOS about those that the hard disk is faulty and the fault is critical. Pardon when zavantazhennі S.M.A.R.T. status bad backup and replace, meaning literally: " The mill of the hard disk is not sufficient, copy the data and replace the HDD", so in simple words, do not revise, but the gwent needs to be changed. I will not be late, as I ask you from the same hard drive.

In the first place, as if the pardon "S.M.A.R.T. status bad backup and replace" makes it enter the operating system, then press F1 and Windows becomes entangled.

If it doesn’t help, then check the BIOS option SMART Monitoring And set it to Disabled, then save BIOS settings and reboot, after rebooting you must go into the operating system.

If you still want to convert the surface of such a hard disk into bad blocks, then you can do it for help, but if you have a new computer with the most modern motherboard, then you can completely Victory, we are speeding up with other programs.

To check the hard drive for the presence of bad sectors in the Crimea of ​​Victory, you can test: MHDD, as well as Exciting Portable Live CD AOMEI PE Builder, for the help of which you can get involved in a special interesting medium, in which you already know, for our previous articles, programs, for example: AOMEI Partition Assistant, AOMEI Backupper Standard, WinNTSetup and others. For a joke of filthy sectors, you can speed up AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition.

Let's just put it on the bad blocks of my hard drive, smash it right on the cob directly into the working Windows, and then into the exciting middle ground.

Bachimo, that in my computer there are two hard disks, it can be reversed, for example, another HDD with a volume of 400 GB.

Click on the new one with the right mouse and select it Surface test.


The test of the surface of the hard disk for some bad sectors is being started. The very process of representations in the mind of a sensible graphic artist. All good sectors are green, and bad sectors (bad blocks) are red.

After the end of the scan, it doesn’t matter, in what way your hard disk, like the red sectors of the day, means accumulating in a good place,

If there is only one red sector on the graph, then on the right it is filthy and it is necessary to access the HDD with a special program for diagnosing Victoria hard disks.

What is a SMART HDD (hard disk) and what is the performance, how the computer can see the message “smart status bad backup and replace”.

In all the current accumulative fates of the remaining fates, the SMART system (self-monitoring, analysis and reporting technology) of the hard drive is closely related to the functioning of the accumulator.

Modern SMART technologies are designed to: monitor various parameters of the disk, scan the surface of the hard disk with a further automatic replacement of sectors that are not readable, and enter them in the error-log, sov. the list, de numbers of these sectors are taken from the table, periodically re-scanning "inappropriate" sectors in the error-log and thus the system shows that the given sector of the reference is turned off from this list and the wines become available on the surface for information is indicated for further re-verification in case of an advanced scanning surface), otherwise, if the sector is not read a few times later, it is not rewritten, then the fault is corrected in the offensive defect-list, which is called by other virobniks in a different way, but is recognized as valid as an intermediary between the error-log table and the final G-list, the defect will already be entered to the G-list forever, it will appear in SMART, in the current pending sectors/offline UNC sectors row.

After the current pending status of the sector after the second re-verification for "survivability", if it was not read / written, then it is still restored to the status of reassignment and there it is already abandoned. The disc of the remote robotic yoga is no longer victorious, it is not tested again for reading / writing.

In the reallocated sector count row, the value of N is changed to N+1.

If you have accumulated some serious damage, you may see the following message behind your computer: “smart status bad backup and replace”. This means that the SMART status of the hard disk has changed if it becomes GOOD in the BAD state, on the disk there are at least BAD blocks and the disk state continues to go down. Koristuvachevi it ​​is recommended to save your data, as it stinks more accessible for reading and replace the hard disk with a new one.

It will appear in the table view with the following entries:


Name - the name of the parameter to be displayed by the program

VAL - the normalized parameter value (normalized means, in this case, that the internal (RAW) parameter value is transformed by a certain algorithm for a more convenient and understandable viewing of the value. For example, the internal parameter always increases and can take a value of several thousand units, and the output value CHANGING THE VIEW 100 TO 0 I DISPLAYING THE INTERNAL RANGE CHANGING THE PARAMETER ON THE WIRE ІЄ, FOR THIS TIME, NORMALIZATION)

Wrst - the highest value of the parameter per hour to the hour

Thresh - marginal value, when reaching a disk, it is recommended to replace it


SMART attributes:

1 Raw read error rate - the number of pardons when reading sectors from plates.

2 Throughput Performance - total disk productivity in external units.

3 Spin-up time - hour of spinning plates from zero to nominal spin-up speed in milliseconds

4 Number of spin-up times - the number of cycles of spinning / teething of the plates; vіdobrazhaє mechanical resource of the disk through the interchangeable number of cycles in the start / teeth.

5 Reallocated sector count – parameter displaying the number of spare sectors; if the disk knows the pardon for reading / writing / re-verifying, it reassigns the bad sector to the front from the spare zone; normalization of the value of the attribute changes in the world of changing spare sectors; RAW-value shows the number of recognized sectors, which normally can be zero; on SSDRAW, the value indicates the number of bad blocks in flash memory.

6 Read Channel Margin - this attribute is not selected in current storage channels.

7 Seek error rate - the number of pardons for the position of magnetic heads.

8 Seek Time Performance – average speed of positioning the magnetic head drive on the designated sector; in SSD, the parameter is not checked

9 Power-on time - an hour of the life of the disk, based on the hour spent at the switched on station; the normalized value changes from 100 to 0, due to the disk resource; Changing this parameter can be used to talk about the mechanics of the disk

10 Spin-up retries - the number of samples of the rotation of the plates for the mind, that the first sample was not far away; vvazhetsya on the cob vikoristannya; on SSD is not vicariously

12 Start/stop count - counting the hour of life, which is based on the number of starts / teeth of the plates; the leather disk can be sized by the number of starts / teeth, the parameter changes from 100 to 0; RAW value shows the number of turn on/off

13 Soft Read Error Rate - in some descriptions this parameter is described as showing the number of pardons, not ECC renewals, and in others - renewals

100 Erase/Program Cycles – total number of read/write cycles for all flash memory for the entire service term; SSD can be exchanged for the number of read / write cycles, specifically the value of the deposit according to the type and type of flash memory chips

103 Translation Table Rebuild - the number of sub-tables to rebuild the internal table of the address of the blocks in case of later renewal; RAW values ​​show the actual number of given data

170 Reserved Block Count - describes the pool of reserve blocks in the SSD, showing how many blocks are left; RAW value sometimes shows the number of different backup blocks

171 Program Fail Count

172 Erase Fail Count

173 Wear Leveller Worst Case Erase Count

178 Used Reserved Block Count - describes the pool of reserved blocks in the SSD, showing how many blocks are left; RAW value sometimes shows the number of different backup blocks

180 Unused Reserved Block Count - describes the pool of reserve blocks in the SSD, showing the number of blocks that are unused; RAW values ​​sometimes show the number of non-various standby blocks

183 SATA Downshifts - shows how often it is necessary to reduce the speed of transfer over SATA (from 6Gb / s to 3Gb / s or 1.5Gb / s) for successful data transfer, if the value of the trace attribute is changed, replace the cable

184 End-to-End error – number of pardons that were vindicated in the disk buffer; part of HP SMART IV technology; Can you tell me if the disk's RAM buffer is faulty?

185 Head Stability - there is no reliable information behind the attribute

186 Induced Op-Vibration Detection - there is no reliable information behind the attribute

187 Reported UNC error

188 Command timeout - the number of commands that have not been received by the disk in the end

189 High Fly writes

190 Airflow temperature - temperature in the middle of the HDD

191 G-Sense Errors

192 power-off retract cycles - the number of unsuccessful retract cycles, if the first power-off was lost, then the command to turn on the disk was canceled; hdd service term is less significant if unplugged, lower if normal; ssd maє risik spend the tables of the internal camp in case of unsatisfied eating

193 load/unload cycles - the number of times the BMG moves between the parking zone and the data zone; value changes from 100 to 0, raw

194 hda temperature

195 hardware ecc recovered

196 reallocation events - large number of reassignment of sectors, including off-line scanning and real work

197 current pending sectors

198 offline scan unc sectors - the number of bad sectors found by the disk during background self-scanning; the deterioration of this parameter to talk about the degradation of the surface

199 ultra dma crc errors - the number of pardons when transferring data between a disk and a motherboard; if the next parameter is degraded, replace the cable

200 write error rate - frequency of pardons when writing

202 data address mark errors

203 run out cancel - number of pardons caused by an incorrect check sum when pardon correction was tried

204 soft ecc corrections - the number of pardons, corrected by the correction code

206 flying height - deviation of the height of the head above the surface of the optimal value; if the head is too low, if it’s too high, if it’s too high, there are more pardons to read

207 spin high current

209 offline seek performance

220 disk shift - see if the package of plates is shifted to the theoretical position due to mechanical failure or overheating

227 torque amplification count - show how many times it is necessary to supply more jet to spin the plates

230 gmr head amplitude

233 media wearout indicator - excess memory resource in ssd

240 head flying hours value changes, ring, id 100 to 0

241 total lbas written

242 total lbas read - number of 512 byte blocks

250 read error retry rate

The foldability of the interpretation of the meaning of smart is determined by the fact that neither for the quantity, nor for the type, nor for the value, nor for the same number of parameters that are considered, there is no single standard. Therefore, the implementation of Smart must always fall in the form of a specific breeder. normalization of the raw value of the indicator of attributes can be changed in its own way, and the result is the status of rechecking smart good or bad. For this, a reliable visnovok about the camp of the disk can be obtained only by reverifying its surface as a diagnostic program. Ale, it is necessary to quickly assess the size of the disk and possible problems, it is necessary to pay attention to the sprat of the main, most informative attributes.

The most important smart attributes:

5 reallocated sectors count - number of reassigned sectors; increase in the value of which attribute to report about the deterioration of the surface of the disk

If you need to start the computer, the appearance of a black screen can lead to a shock state, especially if there are unacknowledged coristuvachiv. First time more if the black screen is supplemented by the system notifications “S.M.A.R.T. status bad backup and replace error".

Let's just say that it's like a reminder of a serious problem. The computer ahead of us is signaling us about those that the current mill of the hard drive is in a filthy state, and that it should be possible to make a backup copy of all HDD files, which are being saved for a new one, so replace it.

What is S.M.A.R.T?

To understand the problem, first of all, to understand what is S.M.A.R.T? In a nutshell, S.M.A.R.T is a special intelligent system utility that helps to implement an early warning about a serious problem. The utility essentially controls the flow mill of the hard disk, and for the least doubt, the system utility reacts and signals a problem. Without a doubt, the troubles of the utility are not only about the problem, but about the potential waste of data on the nose. The main advantage of the utility can be taken into account in advance of the warning about the need for such a preventive approach, as a terminological backup of information, before the Winchester has left the flight.

Well, the main tasks of the S.M.A.R.T. є:

1. Evaluation of the one who has a hard disk;

2. Appointment, in which one begins to know the surface of the disk;

3. Scanning and automatic replacement of sum sectors.

Avoid using S.M.A.R.T. not necessary at any time. Obviously, with the appearance of some advance, you can “freeze” and do nothing, but such idleness will sooner or later start to sound, and if the disc itself is left out of tune. Moreover, it will be sooner, sooner, lower late.

Tim is no less, in front of S.M.A.R.T, one more lakayuschie and goofy fool wrote: Primary Master or Secondary Master. Tsey wrote on the merits of a specific prejudice and especially the truths of a number of hard discs. Zavdyaky to whom I write a koristuvach can be signified - with the same disk, the new vinyl has problems, so it’s such a bad disk.

What is next for the pardon of S.M.A.R.T. status bad backup and replace error"?

You’ve already heard about such a “charitable” button for everything, for the help of which you can zavantazhit the system, like a systemic pardon. It's obvious to see the F1 button. Is this button helpful for different problems with a hard drive? For the help of the button, you can ring if the operating system is busy, you can skip ahead. Tim is not smaller, he has a hard disk, his number may not pass, the shards will be blocked by the vanity.

Just for the help button F1 However, the computer’s attention is still far away (because of the early S.M.A.R.T alert), but it doesn’t mean that you can relax and calmly continue the robot in the zvichny mode. In such a time, you are guilty of understanding that you have at least an hour to save information, and the account is not for a year, but for a second. To save information, use an alternative wearer, there is no guarantee that the disc can be useful. If the warranty service of the HDD is still relevant, then return to the service center, otherwise you will have to replace the disk. However, it seems that the problem is not with the hard disk, but with the S.M.A.R.T. In such a case, the problem may be updating the BIOS or removing the utility. In another case, it is necessary to replace the hard disc.

As if the computer's entanglement from the front of S.M.A.R.T did not go away

Even though our “enchantment” button F1 did not help and the computer did not get carried away, you can still save the files. Hurry up with an alternative wearer at the sight of an exciting disk or a flash drive, for the help of which you can create an alternative to an interesting system. In addition, you can transfer a failed disk to another PC and save the necessary information on a new one. Also, the S.M.A.R.T. signaling about small nedolіki, oskolki in tsomu and polagaє її main function. The disc can be proprated to navit a kіlka mіsyatsіv, however, it will definitely be in harmony - food is only if it is. And even then the wines will not be schile until the anniversary, as it will be impossible to remember your carelessness at the hour of the day.

Do not forget to look into our division, assignments.

Winchester Seagate Barracuda even more popular among coristuvach personal computers. A lot of discs will be practiced for 5-10 years and may be with such a state of health. Under the word "healthy" I understand as the very functioning of the hard disk, its stability and stability, and the indicators of its self-diagnosis system and its renewal S.M.A.R.T.. Most of all, for many years of work, indicators of the self-diagnostic system S.M.A.R.T. zminyuyutsya from the cob vikoristannya zhorstkogo disk. In these cases, the hard drive itself remembers the following parameters: the maximum temperature of the hard drive, the hour of the hard drive's operation (years of work), the number of turns on that vimknen, the number of heads parked thinly. However, the most important indications, which can appear at the time of the bugatory work of the hard disk - ce number of bad sectors.

Reasons for appearing bad sectors there are differences. The main reason is time. Every year on the disk, which is more like a stale one, there may be cases with unstable readings of recorded information, as if the information was recorded a long time ago, and the disk has not been victorious for a long time. Among the reasons may be the low density of the plates of the hard disk, the lack of selection or the choice of cheap materials when preparing the HDD with a vibrator.

Prote buvayut vpadki, if beaten sectors z'yavlyayutsya not through hard drive. I may be on the verge of failure, if there is a malfunction at the time of writing information to the disk, or a defect in the SATA cable, or a pardon in the SATA controller on the computer's motherboard, or the operation of the PC's life unit is unstable (voltage lines 5V and 12V). In these cases, the self-diagnostic system can be found on the surface of the hard drive from tens of thousands of pieces to tens of thousands of such names "software beds", then. dіlyanok, de can not be read, tk. control sums with information that is recorded in q blocks are not collected. The system of diagnostics most often shows that it is unstable or bad and changes the indicators of the system S.M.A.R.T. not shorter. System S.M.A.R.T. You can replace these blocks with good ones and show them as Realocated (relocated) in your showcases, although the blocks themselves can be even better. Take it often, but don't worry.

Below in the photo of the testimonies is a screenshot of the Victoria program with displays S.M.A.R.T. problematic disk You can run over a thousand already moving sectors and hundreds of quiet ones who are ready to move.

So, what can we do to try out the showcases of S.M.A.R.T. at the norm? We can reset the S.M.A.R.T. or transfer the bad sector to the attached area of ​​the self-diagnosis system, so the titles are P (Slip)-list. This operation does not guarantee that after zeroing of the indications and indications in a few days or later they will not appear again. If the disk is defiantly bad sectors, the self-diagnosis system will detect and mark the disk after a certain hour. So you better not see the truth of the "killed" zhorsk hard disk for everything.

The procedure for dropping S.M.A.R.T. for hard drives Seagate Barracuda 7200.11, Seagate Barracuda 7200.12, Seagate Barracuda ES, Seagate Barracuda ES.2. On other hard disks Seagate Barracuda I didn’t overdo it, the procedure could be similar.

For starters, we need an RS232-to-TTL adapter. You can choose an adapter based on the MAX232 chip as shown in the diagram:

Note to the scheme: If it is possible to connect to a stabilized voltage of + 5V, then you can simplify the circuit by adding a 7805 stabilizer with two binding capacitors.

Alternative RS232-to-TTL adapter scheme:

Alternatively, you can use a USB programmer on the CH341A as a USB to TTL adapter. Allow to connect to a computer without a COM port. The connection will be via USB, which is more convenient. it is possible at our store with delivery in Ukraine by delivery services.

Respect! Everything that you have given to work, to fight by you on your fear and risk. Tse mozhe prizvesti yak before wasting іnformatsiї, so і until the hard drive breaks!

1.) If the "SATA I robot mode" jumper is installed on the hard drive, then you should remove this jumper in order to transfer the disk to the SATA I robot mode.

2.) Connected controller 232-to-TTL to the COM port. (If you use a USB converter or programmer on the CH341A as 232-to-TTL adapter, the driver is to blame for the installation of the backlog. I will not describe the installation of the driver.)

3.) Launch the HyperTerminal program (log in to the Windows XP warehouse). If you have installed Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or new, then HyperTerminal is not included in the standard delivery. You can get the English version of HyperTerminal from our website. Launch HyperTerminal and enter the name of the connection. I’ll name the connection, it’s possible, be it, I’m vviv " 1 ".

4.) At the hyperterminal, select the COM port. I have COM3, you may have a different one. All fall in the way that you plugged in the adapter 232-to-TTL.

5.) We install port security 38400 , flowing by the stream - no, otherwise for the lock, as shown below on the screenshot.

6.) Before connecting the controller 232-to-TTL to the hard drive, I recommend re-verifying the link robot HyperTerminal and the adapter 232-to-TTL. To re-verify the practicality, close the Rx and Tx wires between themselves and at the HyperTerminal window, charge the key on the keyboard. At the end of the day, the symbols - "moon" for the terminal may be introduced. Whenever you enter a symbol, it will appear on the screen (turn via Tx-Rx). If the "moon" is silent, it means that your device does not work, or the COM port is incorrectly set. It really looks like this: connect the cable - start the teminal - connect it to the required port - try to overcharge - the terminal is quiet. So, don't work. It’s like Tx-Rx is muting - it’s possible to abuse me - at the terminal those who abused us show up. Visnovok - the “moon” is working and everything is ready for us until the HDD is connected.

7.) Trioma wires connect the controller 232-to-TTL to winchester. Tx and Rx are connected, as shown in the photo (GND can not be connected, but in which case it can appear in the HyperTerminal of the reverse symbols - see). I connected all three darts.

8.) Let's serve food for Winchester. As a result, you may have the same connection:

9.) HyperTerminal has the following warning:

Rst 0x20M
(P)SATA Reset

10.) One time tisnemo CTRL+Z and more tolerantly check on the request from looking:

Note: To get a list of commands and descriptions before them for a hard drive, you need to enter /C that "Enter", and then Q and "Enter". Do not forget after reviewing the commands again to switch to the mode T team /T.

11.) We are recruiting /1 embossed "Enter" (jump to line 1). Sposterigaemo on the terminal:

F3 2> /1
F3 1>

12.) We are recruiting N1 Press "Enter" (clear SMART and remove blocking "CC"). Sposterigaemo on the terminal:

F3 1> N1
F3 1>

13.) We are recruiting /T embossed "Enter" (transition to root rіven). Sposterigaemo on the terminal:

F3 1> /T
F3 T>

14.) Included is the life of the hard disk (everything else is included) for 10 s. A hard disk will begin to chirp in 8-10 seconds.

15.) Include the roses of hard disk life. The disk spins up. Bachimo information:

Rst 0x20M
(P)SATA Reset

16.) Tisnemo ctrl+z. Sposterigaemo on the terminal:

17.) We are typing a command to transfer from the G (Alt)-arkusha defects to the factory P (Slip)-list m0,2,3,22 and emboss "Enter". And then m0,2,3,22

F3 T> m0,2,3,22

Gvint in a deyaky hour (from piv hvilin to dekіlkoh hvilin) ​​write a note on kshtalt tsygo:

F3 T> m0,2,2,22

Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 14, Max Certify Rewrite Retries = 00C8
User Partition Format 4% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00004339,
User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 30 secs

18.) This point can be skipped. Now you can re-format the entire disk. The formatting process can be carried out from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. We are recruiting m0,8,2,22 and emboss "Enter". Sposterigaemo on the terminal:

F3 T> m0,8,2,22