Once again for tension: active, reactive, external (P, Q, S), as well as the coefficient of tension (PF). Electrical exhaustion

Electric pressure- a physical quantity that characterizes the speed of transmission and conversion of electrical energy.

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    ✪ Lesson 363

    ✪ Active, reactive, the same tension. What is it, I will give a practical analogy.

    ✪ The work of the electric jet. Robot Strumu Physics Grade 8 # 19 | info lesson

    ✪ Why is there a difference between STRETCH and STREAM

    ✪ Watt Joule and Kіnska power


Mitteva electrical pressure

The mitteva potency is called the increase in the mittevich value of the voltage and the power of the stream on the electric outlet of the electric lance.

The pressure of fasting strum

Scattered values ​​of the struma strength and voltage are constant and equal to mittevim values ​​at some point in the hour, the tension can be calculated using the formula:

P = I ⋅ U (\displaystyle P=I\cdot U) .

For a passive linear lancet, in accordance with the law, one can write:

P = I 2 ⋅ R = U 2 R (\displaystyle P=I^(2)\cdot R=(\frac (U^(2))(R))), de R (\displaystyle R)- Electrical opir.

Like a lancer to avenge the EPC, then the electric tension that is seen by him or swears at the new, more expensive:

P = I ⋅ E (\displaystyle P=I\cdot (\mathcal (E))), de E (\displaystyle (\mathcal (E)))- EPC.

If the strum in the middle of the EPC is opposite to the gradient of the potential (leakage in the middle of the EPC from plus to minus), then the tension is slumped by the EPC core from the barrier (for example, when the electric motor works or the battery charge), it is co-directed (leakage in the middle of the EPC in the minus sa to the plus), then it looks like a dzherel in a measure (say, with a robotic galvanic, battery or generator). With the rotation of the internal support of the dzherel, the EPC is seen on a new tightness p = I 2 ⋅ r (\displaystyle p=I^(2)\cdot r) dodaєtsya to poglanaєsya or vіdnіmaєtsya z vіddanї.

Tension of the snake struma

In the lancers of a changeable strum, the formula for the tightness of a fasting strum may be zastosovan only for rosrahunkus mitt's tightness, as it changes greatly at the hour for more simple practical strums, it is not necessary without a middle ground. A direct rise in the average value of tension will require integration over the hour. To calculate the tension of the lances, the tension and strum change periodically, the average tension can be calculated, integrating the tension over a long period. In fact, the most significant is the increase in tension in the lances of the sinusoidal voltage and struma.

In order to understand the understanding of active, reactive tightness and the coefficient of tightness, one can easily go back to the theory of complex numbers. It can be taken into account that the tension of the lance of the snake strum is expressed by a complex number such that the tension is active as the third part, the reactive tension is the obvious part, the total tension is the module, and the cut (zsuv-phase) is the argument. For such a model, all statements below are considered fair.

Active pressure


Reactive tension - a value that characterizes the voltage that is created in electrical outbuildings by coliving the energy of an electromagnetic field in the lances of a sinusoidal snake stream, which contributes to the improvement of the mean-square value of the voltage U (\displaystyle U) and struma I (\displaystyle I), multiplied by the sine of kuta zsuvu phases φ (\displaystyle\varphi) between them: Q = U ⋅ I ⋅ sin ⁡ φ (\displaystyle Q=U\cdot I\cdot \sin \varphi )(because the strum is different from the voltage, the destruction of the phases is considered positive, as it is viperedzha - negative). Reactive tension is associated with total tension S (\displaystyle S) and active straining P (\displaystyle P) spіvvіdnostnyam: | Q | = S 2 − P 2 (\displaystyle |Q|=(\sqrt (S^(2)-P^(2)))).

The physical sense of reactive pressure is the price of energy that is pumped from the dzherel to the reactive elements of the receiver (inductance, capacitors, motor windings), and then rotated by these elements back at the dzherel for a duration of one period .

It is necessary to indicate that the value for the value φ (\displaystyle\varphi) from 0 to plus 90 is a positive value. Value sin ⁡ φ (\displaystyle \sin \varphi ) for meaning φ (\displaystyle\varphi) vіd 0 to -90 ° є negative value. Vіdpovіdno to formula Q = U I sin ⁡ φ (\displaystyle Q=UI\sin \varphi ), Reactive tension can be both a positive value (as the effect may be active-inductive character), and negative (as the effect may be active-inductive character). Tsya furnishing is blaming on the fact that the reactive tension does not take part in the robotic electric jet. If there is a positive reactive exhaustion, then it is customary to say that it will calm down, and if it is negative, then it will vibrate, but it’s also pure intelligence, due to it, that there are more electric appliances (for example, asynchronous motors), as well as purely active ambition , which is connected through a transformer - active-inductive.

Synchronous generators, installed at electric stations, can vibrate, so and slow down the reactive pressure in the fallow, depending on the magnitude of the shock wave, which flows in the winding of the generator rotor. For rahunok tsієї osoblivostі synchronous electric machines zdіysnyuєtsya reguljuvannya vіvnya vpruzі merezhі. For usunennya revantazhen and increase the coefficient of tension of electrical installations, compensation of reactive tension is required.

The use of modern electrical switching devices on microprocessor technology allows for a more accurate assessment of the magnitude of the energy that is rotated inductively and impulsively.

Povna tightness

The unit of total electrical pressure is volt-ampere ( Russian sign: V A; international: VA) .

Povna potuzhnіst - the value, scho dobrivnyuє dobukku dіyuchih value of the periodic electric jet I (\displaystyle I) in lanceugs and tensions U (\displaystyle U) on її grips: S = U ⋅ I (\displaystyle S=U\cdot I); connected with active and reactive tensions S = P 2 + Q 2 (displaystyle S = (sqrt (P^(2) + Q^(2))),) de P (\displaystyle P)- Active tension, Q (\displaystyle Q)- reactive tension (with inductive tension Q > 0 (\displaystyle Q>0), and when єmnіsnіy Q< 0 {\displaystyle Q<0} ).

Vector staleness between new, active and reactive tension is expressed by the formula: S ⟶ = P ⟶ + Q ⟶ . (\displaystyle (\stackrel (\longrightarrow )(S))=(\stackrel (\longrightarrow )(P))+(\stackrel (\longrightarrow )(Q)).)Complex tension

Potency, similarly to impedance, can be written in a complex view:

S ˙ = U ˙ I ˙ ∗ = I 2 Z = U 2 Z ∗ , (displaystyle (\dot (S))=(\dot (U))(\dot (I))^(*)=I^ ( 2)\mathbb (Z) =(\frac (U^(2))(\mathbb (Z) ^(*))),) de U ˙ (\displaystyle (\dot (U))) is the complex stress, I ˙ (\displaystyle (\dot (I)))- complex strum, Z (\displaystyle \mathbb (Z) )- Impedance, * - Complex match operator.

Complex pressure module | S ˙ | (\displaystyle \left|(\dot (S))\right|) better new tightness S (\displaystyle S). Diisna part R e (S ˙) (\displaystyle \mathrm (Re) ((\dot (S)))) more active tension P (\displaystyle P), but obvious I m (S ˙) (\displaystyle \mathrm (Im) ((\dot (S))))- reactive pressure Q (\displaystyle Q) from the correct sign of the fallow due to the nature of the venture. The tightness of some electrical appliances

The table shows the value of the tension of the electric shock absorbers of the electric jet:

Electric attachment Exhaustion, W
light bulb 1
mesh router, hub 10…20
PC system unit 100…1700
server system block 200…1500
monitor for PC ELT 15…200
monitor for pc lcd 2…40
fluorescent lamp 5…30
pobutov's roasting lamp 25…150
Refrigerator pobutovy 15…700
Electric pump 100… 3000
Electric Praska 300…2 000
Cleaning machine 350…2 000
Electric cooker 1 000…2 000
Zvaryuvalniy pobutovy apparatus 1 000…5 500
Tram engine 45 000…50 000
Electric locomotive engine 650 000
Electric motor of the mining machine 1 000 000...5 000 000
Rolling mill electric motors 6 000 000…9 000 000

to dobutok vectorіv forces on swidkіst ruhu - and є tuzhnіst. Why is she fighting? For the international system CІ, the only thing given is the value of є 1 watt.

Watt and other units in the face of tension

Watt means pressure, which means that in one second a robot is reduced to one joule. The remaining one was named so in honor of the Englishman J. Watt, who was a vinaishov and arguing the first steam engine. Ale wins at his own victorious in size - his strength, as it stagnates and today. One chinese power is approximately 735.5 watts.

In such a rite, Crim Watt, the tension is overcome by the metrical strength of the Kinsk. And with a small value, Erg is also victorious, which is more than ten minus the seventh step of watts. Powerful and vimir in one unit of mass / force / meters per second, which is 9.81 watts.

Constriction at the engine

Named the value of one of the most important in any motor, which is a different kind of tightness. For example, an electric razor may be hundreds of parts of a kilowatt, and a rocket of a spacecraft is available in millions.

For a different vanity, a different tension is needed to save the singing speed. For example, the car will become important, as if to place more vantage in it. Todі force rubbing on the road zbіshitsya. The one who wants to improve the same swedishness that an unvanquished person needs a lot of effort. Evidently, the motor makes more fire. About this fact is known to all waters.

But with great speed, the inertia of the machine is important, as it is directly proportional to the mass. Dosvіdchenі vodії, if you know about this fact, you know when you travel more often the fire and speed, so that the gasoline went less.

Struma tightness

Why does the strumum contraction vanish? At your own loneliness behind the CI system. You can use the direct or indirect method.

The first way is implemented with the aid of a wattmeter, which saves energy and greatly nurtures the struma. With the help of yoga, you can overcome ten Wat and more. The indirect method of vicariously, if necessary, subtracts small values. Appliances for this are an ammeter and a voltmeter, delivered to the rescue. The formula in this vipadka matima looks like this:

With a visible support of tension, we control the size of the struma that flows through it, and we know the tightness as follows:

P \u003d I 2 ∙ R n.

Behind the formula P \u003d I 2 /R n, the tightness of the struma can be butivised.

It's not a secret why she's fighting in a triphasic strum. For whom you should stop already knowing the attachment - a wattmeter. Moreover, it is possible to overcome the problem, by which the electrical exhaustion is mitigated, with the help of one, two or three fittings. For example, three outbuildings are required for a four-way installation. And for a trippy with a non-symmetrical navantage - two.

From the client's sheet:
Suggest, for God's sake, why the tension of the DBZH is indicated by Volt-Amperes, and not by the primary ones for all kilowatts. Tse is very tense. Aje, everything has long been ringing to the kilowatts. That tightness of all accessories is indicated in kW.
Oleksiy. Thursday 21st 2007

In the technical characteristics of any DBZH, the same pressure [kVA] and active pressure [kW] are indicated - the stench characterizes the navantage building of the DBZH. Example, div. photos below:

The pressure of not all accessories is indicated in W, for example:

  • The intensity of the transformer is specified by the VA:
    http://www.mstator.ru/products/sonstige/powertransf (TP transformers: see addendum)
    http://metz.by/download_files/catalog/transform/tsgl__tszgl__tszglf.pdf (TSGL transformers: see supplement)
  • The tension of the capacitors is indicated by the Varah:
    http://www.elcod.spb.ru/catalog/k78-39.pdf (capacitors K78-39: see supplement)
    http://www.kvar.su/produkciya/25-nizkogo-napraygeniya-vbi (KK capacitors: see supplement)
  • Apply other navantages - div.

Tension characteristics of tension can be precisely set with one single parameter (active tension W) only for a steady stream, as in a steady stream, the only type of support is the active opir.

It is impossible to specify precisely one single parameter for the tension of a swinging struma, since in the launching of a swinging struma there are two different types of support - active and reactive. There are only two parameters for this: active tension and reactive tension accurately characterize the tension.

The principle of active and reactive support is different. Active Opir - irrevocably transforming electrical energy into other types of energy (thermal, light only) - apply: heating lamp, electric heating (paragraph 39, Physics 11 class V.A. Kasyanov M .: Drofa, 2007).

Reactive opir - alternately accumulating energy, then looking back at the line - butt: capacitor, inductance coil (paragraph 40.41, Physics 11 class V.A. Kasyanov M .: Bustard, 2007).

Dalі in any handyman of electrical engineering You can read that active tension (rising on the active support) vanishes at vata, and reactive tension (circulating through reactive opir) vanquishes at vars; just to characterize the tightness of the tension of vicorist, there are two more parameters: the actual tightness and the coefficient of tightness. All 4 parameters:

  1. Active tension: sign P, loneliness vimiru: Watt
  2. Reactive pressure: a sign Q, loneliness vimiru: VAr(Volt Amp reactive)
  3. Povna tightness: recognition S, loneliness vimiru: VA(Volt Amp)
  4. Tension coefficient: value k or cosФ, unit vimіru: undefined value

Qi parameters related to spіvvіdnennia: S * S = P * P + Q * Q, cos Ф = k = P / S

Takozh cosФ called the coefficient of tension ( power factorPF)

Therefore, in electrical engineering, in order to characterize the tension, two of these parameters are set, but the shards of others can be found from these two.

For example, electric motors, lamps (discharge) - quiet. given data P[kW] and cosФ:
http://www.mez.by/dvigatel/air_table2.shtml (dviguni AIR: div. supplement)
http://www.mscom.ru/katalog.php?num=38 (lampy DRL: div. supplement)
(Apply the technical data of the various div. supplements below)

Those same and with dzherelami eating. Tension (navantazhuvalna zdatnist) is characterized by one parameter for the life of the steady stream - active tension (W), and two parameters for ist. life of the snake strum. Select between the two parameters - pressure tension (VA) and active (W). for example, the parameters of the DGU and DBZH.

More office and auxiliary equipment, active (reactive opir per day is not enough), so their tightness is indicated by Watts. In this case, with a rise in tension, there is a sign of tension in the BJV in Wat. For example, a computer with life blocks (BP) without correction of the input pressure coefficient (APFC), a laser printer, a refrigerator, an air conditioner, an electric motor (for example, a priming pump or a motor at the warehouse of the worker), a fluorescent ballast lamp and other. - when rozrahunka, all vyh are woven. IBP data: kVA, kW, changeover characteristics and in.

Div. assistants from electrical engineering, for example:

1. Evdokimov F. E. Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering. - M: Viewing center "Academy", 2004.

2. Nemtsov M. V. Electrical engineering and electronics. - M: Viewing center "Academy", 2007.

3. Chastoidiv L. A. Electrical engineering. - M: Vishcha school, 1989.

So div. AC Power, Power factor, Electrical resistance, Reactance http://en.wikipedia.org
(Translation: http://electron287.narod.ru/pages/page1.html)


Example 1: the intensity of transformers and autotransformers is specified by VA (Volt Amperes)

http://metz.by/download_files/catalog/transform/tsgl__tszgl__tszglf.pdf (TSGL transformers)

Single-phase autotransformers

TDGC2-0.5kVa, 2A
TDGC2-1.0kVa, 4A Latr 1.25 AOSN-4-220-82
TDGC2-2.0kVa, 8A Latr 2.5 AOSN-8-220-82
TDGC2-3.0kVa, 12A

TDGC2-4.0kVa, 16A

TDGC2-5.0kVa, 20A
TDGC2-7.0kVa, 28A

TDGC2-10kVa, 40A
TDGC2-15kVa, 60A

TDGC2-20kVa, 80A

http://www.gstransformers.com/products/voltage-regulators.html (LATR / laboratory autotransformers TDGC2)

Example 2: the tension of the capacitors is indicated by VAR (Volt Amperes reactive)

http://www.elcod.spb.ru/catalog/k78-39.pdf (capacitors K78-39)

http://www.kvar.su/produkciya/25-nizkogo-napraygeniya-vbi (KK capacitors)

Example 3: technical data of electric motors to measure active pressure (kW) and cos

For such innovations as electric motors, lamps (discharge), computer blocks of life, combined navigation and other. - in the technical data, indicate P [kW] and cosФ (active pressure and pressure coefficient) or S [kVA] and cosФ (full pressure and pressure coefficient).

(combined vanishing - plasma cutting steel cutter / Inverter Plasma cutter LGK160 (IGBT)

http://www.silverstonetek.com.tw/product.php?pid=365&area=en (PC live block)

Addendum 1

If there is a high tension coefficient (0.8…1.0), then the power is approaching to active ambition. Such an idea is ideal as a line, so it is a source of electricity, because do not generate reactive streaks and tensions in the system.

Therefore, in rich countries, standards have been adopted that normalize the coefficient of tension of possession.

Addendum 2

The installation of one-vantage (for example, BP PC) and rich warehouse combinations (for example, milling promislovy verstat, which can be in the warehouse of a few motors, PC, lighting and other) may have low coefficients of tension (less than 0.8) of internal units (for example, vipryamlyach PSU PC or electric motor may have a tension coefficient of 0.6.. 0.8). Therefore, in this hour, more possession may be the input block of the corrector of the coefficient of tension. And here the input coefficient of pressure is 0.9 ... 1.0, which corresponds to normative standards.

Addendum 3. It is important to respect the coefficient of tension of DBZH and voltage stabilizers

The navigability of the DBI and DGU is normalized on the standard precondition of the navantage (tension coefficient 0.8 with inductive character). For example, DBZH 100 kVA/80 kW. Tse means that it can live more actively energized with a maximum intensity of 80 kW, or less (actively-reactively) energized with a maximum intensity of 100 kVA with an inductive intensity factor of 0.8.

At stabilizers, the voltage on the right is different. For the stabilizer, the tension coefficient of the tension is baiduzhi. For example, voltage stabilizer 100 kVA. Tse means that you can live actively energized by a maximum intensity of 100 kW, or be it another (purely active, purely reactive, shifted) voltage of 100 kVA or 100 kvar inductive character. Show respect, which is true for the linear drive (without the strongest harmonics of the stream). With great harmonic creations of the struma tension (high KND), the tension of the stabilizer decreases.

Addendum 4

Naochnі applied pure active and pure reactive navantage:

  • A 100 W heating lamp is connected to the 220 VAC wire - a spark at the lance and a wire (through the conductors of the darts and the tungsten hair of the lamp). Characteristics of the power supply (lamps): intensity S=P~=100 VA=100 W, PF=1 => all electrical intensity is active, which means that it is more absorbed in the lamp and is transformed into the intensity of heat that light.
  • To the measure of the changeable stream 220 VAC, a non-polar capacitor of 7 microfarads is connected - in the lances of the conductor - the stream of conductivity, in the middle of the capacitor there is a stream of displacement (through a dielectric). Characteristics of the voltage (capacitor): voltage S = Q ~ = 100 VA = 100 VAr, PF = 0 => all electrical voltage is reactive, which means that it is constantly circulating from the core to the voltage and back, back to the voltage, etc.
Addendum 5

For the significance of the most important reactive support (inductive chi mnіsny), the coefficient of tension is assigned a symbol:

+ (plus)- as a total reactive inductive opir (butt: PF=+0.5). The phase of the struma is in the phase of the voltage cut F.

- (minus)- as a total reactive opir є єmnіsnim (for example: PF = -0.5). The phase of the struma viperedzhaє the phase of the voltage cut F.

Addendum 6

Supplementary nutrition

Food 1:
Why do all the workers of electrical engineering during the development of the lance of the snake struma have vicarous numbers / magnitudes (for example, reactive tension, reactive opir that іn.)

So, all okremі values ​​in the navkolishnom world - diysni. Including temperature, reactive opir, etc. The choice of manifest (complex) numbers is just a mathematical trick, which makes it easier to calculate. As a result of the calculation, the obov'yazkovo deisne number appears. Butt: reactive tension of the voltage (capacitor) 20 kvar - tse real energy flow, so that the real WAT that circulates in the lances of the dzherelo-navantage. Ale schob vіrіzniti qi Watti vіd Watts, irrevocably absorbed by the pressures, qi “Watti that circulate” was called reactive Volt·Amperes.

Previously, physicists were victorious only one by one, and during the development of all mathematical values, they corresponded to the real values ​​of the superfluous light. For example, if you want to multiply the speed by an hour (S = v * t). Let's work with the development of physics, so that we can develop more folding objects (light, wind, change electric strum, atom, space, etc.) such a large number of physical quantities appeared that it became impossible to heal the skin. This is the problem of manual calculation, and the problem of folding programs for EOM. To complete the task, close single values ​​began to be combined into folds (include 2 and more single values), which follow the rules of transformation in mathematics. This is how scalar (single) quantities (temperature and in.), vector and complex doubles (impedance and in.), vector life (magnetic field vector and in.), and more collapsible quantities - matrices and tensors (tensor of dielectric penetration , Ricci tensor and in.). For the sake of understanding the rozrahunkiv in electrical engineering, the following doubled values ​​are used:

  1. Last opir (impedance) Z=R+iX
  2. External tension S = P + iQ
  3. Dielectric penetration e=e"+ie"
  4. Magnetic penetration m=m"+im"
  5. that in.

Nutrition 2:

On the side of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ac_power, S P Q Ф is shown on a complex, that is, apparent / uncertain plane. What kind of stosunok is everything possible to reality?

It is difficult to carry out rozrahunki with real sinusoids, therefore, for simplicity, calculate the vicorist vector (complex) manifestation as in fig. more. Ale tse means that showing a little S P Q is not a hundred years before reality. The real values ​​of S P Q can be presented at the absolute level based on the simulation of sinusoidal signals with an oscilloscope. The values ​​of S P Q F I U in the lance of the chrystal strum "dzherelo-navantazhennya" lie in vіd vnutrzhennya. Below the indications are the butt of real sinusoidal signals S P Q і Ф for the voltage drop, which is added to the series of active and reactive (inductive) supports.

Nutrition 3:
With the help of the most common strum clamps and a multimeter, the strum voltage is 10 A, and the voltage at the voltage is 225 V. We multiply this and take the voltage at W: 10 A 225V = 2250 W.

You took away (raveled) the total tension of the tension of 2250 VA. Therefore, your opinion will be fair only, as your drive is purely active, even though Volt Ampere is more expensive than Watt. For other types of navigation (for example, an electric motor) - none. For vimiryuvannya all the characteristics of any kind of pretentiousness, it is necessary to victorize the measure analyzer, for example APPA137:

Div. additional literature, for example:

Evdokimov F. Y. Theoretical ambush of electrical engineering. - M: Viewing center "Academy", 2004.

Nemtsov M. V. Electrical engineering and electronics. - M: Viewing center "Academy", 2007.

Chastoyedov L. A. Electrical engineering. - M: Vishcha school, 1989.

AC Power, Power factor, Electrical resistance, Reactance
http://en.wikipedia.org (translation: http://electron287.narod.ru/pages/page1.html)

The theory and development of transformers in low pressure Yu.N.Starodubtsev / RadioSoft Moscow 2005 / rev d25d5r4feb2013

If you need to bring one and the same tension into one system, you need our tension translation - converter online. And below, you can read who is suffering from fatigue.

Exhaustion is a physical quantity, which is a long time for work, which is celebrated for a certain interval of an hour, until this interval of an hour.

Who is suffering from fatigue?

Alone in the world of fatigue, like a skin schoolboy and accepted by the international spivtovaristvo - wati. Named in honor of the great J. Watt. They are denoted by the Latin W or Tue.

1 watt is a unit of tension, when a robot is fired in a second, which is 1 joule. A watt equals the intensity of a stream, the power of which is 1 ampere, and the voltage is 1 volt. At tehnіtsі, as a rule, megawatts and kilowatts are stuck. 1 kilowatt is 1000 watt.
Extinguishing and erg per second. 1 erg in sec. dorivnyuє 10 minus the eighth level of wat. Vіdpovіdno, 1 wat dоrіvnyuє 10 in a somomu step erg/sec.

And yet, alone in the world of tension, the systemic "kinska force" is brought into play. Vaughn was introduced into the society in the eighteenth century and continues to stop at the car. It is signified like this:

  • L.S. (At the Russian),
  • HP (English).
  • PS (German),
  • CV (in French).

When shifting the tension, remember that in Runet there is a neumovirna plutanina with the conversion of the Kіnsk forces at the wool. In Russia, the lands of the SND and other powers, 1 hp. more expensive 735, 5 watts. In England and America 1 hp dove 745, 7 watt.

Good day! For the calculation of the physical value, called the tightness, the formula, the physical value - the robot is divided timely, the stretching of which robot was carried out.

You look like this:

P, W, N=A/t (W=J/s).

Falsely, in the form of workers and divisions of physics, the tension in the formula can be denoted by the letters P, W or N.

Most of the tension is found in such divisions of physics and science as mechanics, electrodynamics and electrical engineering. In skin depression, tension may have its own formula for calculation. For a change and a fast strum, there is also a difference. For vimiryuvannya sweating wattmeters.

Now you know that tension is subdued in vata. In English wat - watt, internationally known - W, Russian abbreviation - Tue. It is important to remember that all butt fittings have such a parameter.

Intensity is a scalar quantity, it is not a vector, it is a matter of force, as you can direct. In the mechanics of a deep look, the formula for tightness can be written as follows:

P=F*s/t, de F=A*s,

From the formulas it can be seen that, as a substitute for A, we represent the force F, multiplied by the way s. The result is tightness in the mechanics, you can write it down, as the force is multiplied by the speed. For example, a car can light up the tightness, reduce the noise of the speed for an hour uphill, the shards will require more strength.

The average exhaustion of a person is taken as 70-80 watts. The pressure of automobiles, aircraft, ships, missiles and industrial installations, often, vanquishes the Chinese forces. Kіnskі forces zastosovuvali sche zadovgo to provodzhennya vatіv. One chinese power is 745.7W. Moreover, in Russia it is accepted that l. With. good 735.5 watts.

How do you rapt vipadkovo energize you through 20 years in an interview between mid-terms about tightness, but you forgot that tightness is the same as working A, thoroughly for one hour t. If you can say so, please greet NATO. Aje in tsomu appointed, smut, remember that the dilnik here is the robot A, and the hour is t. At the result, I can see the work that hour, and having divided it first on a friend, we take away the tension.

When choosing in stores, it is important to pay attention to the fitting of accessories. The hotter the kettle, the hotter the water. The tightness of the air conditioner indicates that the expanse of wines can be cooled without extreme pressure on the engine. The more exhaustion of the electrical appliance, the more the strum of wines will be saved, the more electricity will be spent, the greater the payment for electricity.

In vipadku, the electrical tension is determined by the formula:

de I - struma force, U-voltage

In other words, they vibrate at volt-amperes, recording, like V * A. In volt-amperes, the same tension is reduced, and in order to calculate the active tension, the same tension should be multiplied by the coeficient of the brown line (KKD) of the device, then we take away the active tension in cotton wool.

Often such accessories, like an air conditioner, a refrigerator, cleaning work cyclically, turning on and off with a thermostat, that average exhaustion for a hot hour of work can be small.

In the lancers of the snake struma, the cream understands the mitteva tension, which escapes from the deep physical, is active, reactive, that tension. Povna tension is more expensive than the sum of active and reactive tensions.

For mitigation of vicarious tension, electronic accessories are used - Wattmeter. The unity of the death of Watt, got its name in honor of the culprit of a well-finished steam engine, as it had created a revolution in the middle of the energy installations of that hour. The dawn of this wine-growing industry, the development of the industrial sector soon arrived, steam-boats, backwaters appeared along the way, to beat the power of the steam engine for the transfer of that virobnizstva of virobivs.

All of us richly stumbled from the understanding of tightness. For example, different cars are characterized by different engine tightness. Also, electrical appliances can cause a difference in tension, instill that stench may be the same recognition.

The pressure is a physical quantity that characterizes the firmness of the work.

Vidpovidno, mechanical tension - the physical value that characterizes the speed of mechanical work:

That is, Potuzhnist - tse robot in one hour.

Tension in the CI system subsides in vata: [ N] = [W].

1 W - robot in 1 J, finished in 1 s.

Іnshі іnshі odinі vіmіru natuzhnosti, for example, so, like kіnskaya strength:

Itself in the forces of China, the fatigue of the engine of automobiles is most often overcome.

Let's turn to the formula for tightness: The formula for which the robot is calculated, we know: Therefore, we can transform viraz for tightness:

Then the formulas are approved for moving the module before the hour. Tse, as you know, swidkist:

Just a little respect, what in the formula, what happened, we won the speed module, the shards for an hour did not share the movement itself, but the yogo module. Otzhe, the pressure is more expensive to increase the power module, the modulus of speed and the cosine of the kuta between their direct lines.

The whole thing is logical: let's say, the tightness of the piston can be moved to increase the strength of yoga diy. Applying more force, you will win more work in that very hour, so that you will increase the pressure. Ale navіt to deprive the force of the present, and zmusit the piston collapsing faster, vin, without a doubt, to increase the work that zdіysnyuєtsya in one hour. Otzhe, zbіlshitsya tightness.

Apply rozvyazannya tasks.

Task 1. The exhaustion of the motorcycle is 80 liters. Rushing along a horizontal board, a motorcyclist develops a speed of 150 km/year. At the same time, the engine works by 75% due to its maximum tightness. Vyznachte force rubbing, scho the motorcycle.

Task 2. Vinishchevach under the influence of constant traction force, straightened under a 45 ° cut to the horizon, is spread from 150 m/s to 570 m/s. At the same time, the vertical and horizontal speed of the vinischuvach increases to the same value at the skin moment. The weight of the winemaker is 20 tons. If the winemaker is torn apart by a stretch of one whiff, then what is the tightness of the yogo dvigun?