Vivantage of accounting information from 1s 8.3. Vivantage of sounds from the electronic view. New mechanisms of loudness. Check with auto-refill data

It works very well with the 1C volume reduction system. For this purpose, in the 1C program, which is used to formulate the volume, it is necessary to install special add-ons.

Please note that the transfer of volume from 1C to SBIS is only implemented for version 7.7. Transferring information from the 1C program version 8.0 is not yet possible. Please change the version of your installed 1C program.

As a result, in 1C, the window for visualization of data will appear as a setup for visualization of data " SBIS++ Electronic News":

Small 14-11 – Adjusting the visualization of 1C data

Installation of necessary additional features will be completed automatically at the time of system installation." SBIS++ Electronic News(details in the section " Installation and launch"). If necessary, additional additions can be installed in 1C at any time, it is enough to quickly use a special command" Add-ons for 1C" ("Main menu/Service") and indicate the basis for which additional additions are required:

Small 14-12 – Installation of add-ons for 1C

The location of 1C information databases installed on your computer or server is determined automatically.

After installing new forms of regulated information in 1C or updating them, it is necessary to reinstall the additional one for 1C.

Formation of information in 1C

In the 1C program, electronic information is formed in the configurations: " 1s Accounting", "1C: Taxpayer", "Complex configuration For all configurations, the principles of forming electronic brightness are the same.

In order to formulate the call:

1. Open the 1C program and select “Main menu / Call / Regulated"The window opens" Regulated calls Here is a list of words that can be printed electronically:

Small 14-13 – List of regulated information

2. In the list of sounds, open the corresponding folder, and then select and open (<Enter>) this is what you want to create.

3. After that, a window will open with a list of sections, which will indicate the shape of that name.

Small 14-14 – List of subordinate information

Sequentially open the skin section and enter the data. A form window with fields for entering data appears if you have opened the section. After completing the form, save your information.

So, formulate all the calls you make in this filing period in electronic form. Once everything is formed, proceed to them Vivant in SBIS++.

Transmitting loudness to SBIS ++

After the necessary information has been formed in 1C, you can proceed to their transfer to " SBIS++ Electronic News".

In the 1C program in Vikni Vivantage of data(little 14-11):

1. Select the forms that need to be transferred to SBIS++.

2. Choose a period during which the forms will be reflected.

3. Place the ensign near the field " in the program "SBIS++ Electronic News"".

4. For further help buttons " Look around Instruct to uninstall the directory from the SBIS++ program.

5. Turning to the data window, press " Vivantize your data".

6. Sounds are displayed in the electronic news files. Information about the process is displayed in the notification window, 1C.

Small 14-15 – Talk about highlighting the volume of files

Once the collection of sounds is completed, the SBIS is launched and the collection of calls in the SBIS begins.

In this regard, the following may be to blame:


Adjusting the vivantage of information from 1C: “Accounting of the sovereign installation 8”.

1) To enhance the regulated information, select the menu “Accounting” – “Regulated information” – “Accounting”

2) On the “Log of Sounds” tab of the “Regulated Accounting Report” form, when you click on the “Vivantation” button, the “Export of Setup Record” is displayed.

To enhance calls, only calls that have the status “Prepared” or “Confirmed” are available.

If you need to select the “End” or “Scheduled” status, click on the “Turn Select” button, then all your savings will appear in the list

4) To improve the quality of the data, adjust the export. In the window “Setting up export”, by clicking the select button, the “Setting up export of information” dialog box opens.

5) In the “Adjustment of loudness export” adviser, when you click on the button, a new element opens

6) In the “exchange format” field, indicate the format for which the settings are configured. From the “Exchange format” field, use the button to go to the “Adgorates that are connected”

7) In the “Algorithms are connected” adviser, when you click on the button, the current processing file is indicated. Depending on where the volume is located, the required file is selected.

Having selected the required file, click on the “Open” button

8) When you click on the “OK” button in the “Algorithms are being connected” advisor, a new row will appear with the selected algorithm

We press the two in a row and in the “Exchange Format” field the necessary modification will appear.

9) In the “Name” field, specify the name of the setting. The name can be whatever it is. For example: Vivantage at the crypt 7.7.

To save the results of the display in the database, set the command “Save files in the database.”

The field "Vivantation method" indicates Catalog.

In the "Vivantage Paths" field, indicate the folder on your computer where you want to animate

10) Press the “OK” button. Now the window “Adjusting the export of news” has been adjusted again.

11) Click on the name of the setting.

The window "Adjusting Export" in the section "Exporting the value of settings" requires adjustment. In the left processing window, indicate the code for reporting. The information required for recovery is indicated by checking the box and pressing the “Vivantation data” button.

The book “Accounting and budgetary information of state and municipal institutions in “1C: State Accounting 8”

Vidavnitstvo LLC "1C-Publishing" (ISBN 978-5-9677-2743-6), page 298, format 60x90 1/8 (A4).

Series "1C: Accounting and financial consulting. Basic materials."

The book “Accounting and budgetary information of state and municipal institutions in “1C: Accounting of state authorities 8” is addressed to a wide range of readers whose professional activity is related to the accounting and budgetary information of state and municipal authorities. universal installations.

The book examines the rules and procedure for the formation and submission of budgetary information by state and municipal authorities (Order to the Russian Ministry of Finance dated December 28, 2010 No. 191n), as well as accounting information (Order to the Russian Ministry of Finance in id 25 Bereznya 2011 fate No. 33n). Practical recommendations are given for the formation of various forms in the program “1C: Accounting of the State Establishment” (edition 2), which is included in the monthly, quarterly and daily reporting.

The book will give practical guidance to accountants, consultants, payroll providers, as well as applicants for the certificate “1C: Professional”, “1C: Specialist Consultant” for the promotion of applied solutions “1C: Accounting of the State Establishment 8” (edition 2).

The handbook is divided on the basis of the materials of the seminar “1C: Consulting” - “The importance of state and municipal institutions for 2017 based on the principles of “1C: Accounting of state institutions 8”, which was held from early 2017 to the present day 2018 rock company "1C" together with regional partners nizh in 80 places in Russia (


Practical aspects of work with a set of regulated information in the program “1C: State Accounting 8”

How can I retrieve the files and update them?

For programs on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform:

  • Entertain yourself on the 1C:ITS Portal (
  • Set up automatic updates of 1C programs via the Internet
  • At a partner of the 1C company
  • Output files onto DVD release of IC “1C:ITS”

How to check the relevance of the kit?

BDU 8 (ed. 2)

Menu “Appearance and Accountability” – “1C-Accountability” – “Customization” – “Accounting Accountability” – “Installed Accountability Sets”.

When you select this menu item, “Keep track of kit versions” will be displayed.

Interest in a set of regulated information

Detailed information about the importance of the set of regulated soundness up to BDU 8 edition 2 is posted on the Internet resource “ITS Budget PROF” in the same article

Vivantage of information

One of the stages of preparation of regulated accounting information is the enhancement of information. Vivantage of accounting information will be carried out in different formats.

Setting up the export of loudness and connection to the visualization format

Samples of visualization of different forms are updated immediately with the updated release of programs.

Adjustment costs a few dollars.

Krok 1. After preparing and confirming the accounting (budget) information for generating trace files, click the “Vivantage” button in the “Account and Accountability” → “1C-Vity” menu on the toolbar. Then you can select a separate command for individual or group call recovery.

The “Regulated accounting information” form opens.

The central part of the form displays the stars, ready to be disassembled.

Croc 2 The parameters that may be subject to change are set by selecting the appropriate adjustments in the “Basic adjustments” item, which can be selected in the right panel of the “Regulated accounting items” form.

The choice of adjustment is made from the “Format of accounting reporting format” adviser. Before selecting the animation format, you need to update the settings by pressing the same button.

New mechanisms of loudness. Swede selection

The program has a new mechanism - a quick selection of the sound shape, which can significantly save time when analyzing the sound.

The form of the confirmation form for the application form looks like this:

  • Selection methods:
    • Revenge- search for any place in the field, it is checked if the sequence of symbols is assigned
    • Begins- Look at the cob of the row;
    • Will end- Search for the end of the row;
    • Don't take revenge- the search is important not to interfere with the selection of the designated row;
    • Rivne- Exact match of the selection row and field value;
    • Doesn't compare- All values ​​of fields, except row selection;
    • More, Less, More than one, Less than one- The alignment of row rows and the significance of the selection of fields is determined.
  • Note:
    • The register is not covered by insurance in Swedish offices;
  • The search follows the values ​​that appear on the form (30225 – 302.25).

In BDU 8 (rev. 2), there is a mechanism for quickly expanding the toolbar, like the “Change selection visibility” button.

New mechanisms of loudness. View of the flow form inExcel

The program now has the ability to create a flow form in Excel. Information is provided:

  • Resolution of selections;
  • To get out, you don’t need to save a call, as if you were an emergency friend;
  • The book was divided into different bookcases.

The BDU 8 (rev. 2) program has a button to open the call in Excel:

  • at the form of sound;
  • in the list of people

New mechanisms of loudness. Select a budget classification from the browser

In addition to the new mechanism “Select a budget classification from the KPS adviser”, a customer can independently select:

  • Complete the classification of other elements;
  • Select a budget classification from the KPS indicator.

In the BDU 8 program (ed. 2), the choice of budget classification from the KPS indicator is also carried out using the “Select from KPS” button, located on the toolbar.

New mechanisms of loudness. Check with auto-refill data

The mechanism allows you to adjust the volume formed automatically using the “Fill” button and change the volume by the user.

Report description at the point “Functional alignment of the value form with the result of auto-filling”.

Operations of the inter-century period

  • Starting with the release of
  • At the time of forming the information, there is no need to translate/compile the documents “Zakrittya rahunki”;
  • All rules for filling out calls in 2017 will support the mechanism.

The reporting procedure for the closing of the report and the formation of reports can be found in the article “The procedure for the formation of the forms of the report before closing the racks”, posted on the Internet resource “ITS Budget PROF”.

Creation of control systems in relation to format-logical control

In the standard version of the program 1C: Accounting of the State Establishment, 1C: Accounting of the State Establishment, ed. 2, 1C: Zvіd zvіtiv, 1С: Budgetary zvіtiv include the control report (CS) of the Federal Treasury, which is published on the website of the Federal Treasury.

According to the CS of the Federal Treasury, in addition to verifying the values ​​of the indicators of the sound and checking the indicators of different sources among themselves, when the information is formed, the verification of the budget classification codes may be completed for the tables of appearance.

To implement such tables, a special sound verification mode, Format-Logical Control (FLC), has been developed.

Detailed information about the implementation of control over format-logical control can be found on the Internet resource “ITS Budget PROF”, in the same article as sent: .

Regardless of the fact that 1C is the most popular, manual and reliable information system, which has its own line of solutions for automating and processing absolutely all business processes in the enterprise In cases of any scale and galus of activity, all the same, the koristuvachs today feel the need to vivant their data z 1C third-party programs have files. In this article, we will look at how to work with 1C and show how to work with 1C and what problems can arise from it.

Data that can be extracted from 1C

1C, any configuration routinely supports the analysis of such data as:

  • Drukar forms;
  • Call;
  • Tables and lists.

Vivantazhennya data from 1C 8.3 Mozhlive in many popular formats:

  • Microsoft Excel;
  • Microsoft Word;
  • Vivantazhennya at CSV;
  • HTML and others.

Vivantage of other forms and sounds

Either way, the form or sound in 1C can be saved in the required format. For this you need to open the form or call, then select in the Main menu File - Save the Yak.

After this, the saving window will be opened for the file in which the file name and type are indicated:

Possible problems when dismantling from 1C

This is due to the fact that the form is either designed or not activated at the moment. To make the created form available for saving, you just need to click the bear in any place on it:

Visualization in Excel

Processing data in the most popular tabular format will require extensive processing. To save the required data in the Excel format, it is necessary in the saving dialog to specify the file type Arcush Excel2007-...(*.xlsx). It is necessary to save data in the old Arkuš Excel format (*.xls):

Similarly, by selecting the required format, you can create visualizations from 1C PDF, 1C WORD, 1C CSV, and also in other formats.

Vivantage of additional tables from 1C

In this section it will be shown how you can extract any money from your mind that you have the right to do.

1C has a built-in mechanism that allows you to visualize any list (for example, a list of documents and document elements). For which there is a list in the command panel, in the group "More" command available "View list":

The information will be displayed in a special tabular document. This document looks like it would be another version of 1C, and it can be visualized just like that by the vikory team File – Save your money:

How to highlight data that is not visible on the list

Most often, the destruction of a certain list is accompanied by the need to add columns there that are in the document (advisor), otherwise they are not visible in the flow list for any reason. Example: in the “Clients” list, add the “Phone” field for display, which is no longer displayed in the add-on panel:

Although the phone can be transferred from 1C, it still needs to be added to the list right away. For what you need, click the command "More - Change the form." Then we will have to find out what we need from the list of columns. There is one trick here: in most cases, developers of typical configurations add a field "Posilannya." Why don't you, and then press the button We will use all possible fields of this representative. Known field "Telephone" And put a tick in the vikoristanny box.

After this, the client database with telephone numbers can be downloaded from the file through the regular command "Vive list" and sell it to competitors.