Pay expansion with PCI-E interface. How does the PCI Express interface look like PCI? Expandable pay pci express

First quarter 2006

Kriga rushila, gentlemen of the jury

As if you were a enlightened person, Ostap Ibragimovich Bender knew the chotirist methods of honestly collecting pennies from the population. At that hour, if, behind orders, the Great Combinator is alive and working, he could call out the pombagu. Prote z visot today The son of a Turkish citizen can be less than those who are alive long before the release of the IT industry. Modern companies have demonstrated that, by shaking the Criminal Code, one can still extract pennies from the guts of clients in a few thousand ways. I know the same - Bender is the same, I can't even dream of today's cooperation of companies. A blessed work allows you to earn a penny over and over so that no one is guilty of anything, but one and the same river can be sold more than once. A koristuvach of satisfaction. :) It’s especially handy to do it in the era of change, if you don’t have time to make up your mind and see through all the possible vitrati - you’ll have to take what to give. Spend finances Let's cheer up the analysts, and the buyers will get away with the unenviable share of the troch frown at the forums about those, how beautifully they rose.

The same situation develops at the link with the transition from the PCI bus to PCI Express. There is nothing terrible at the very passage, moreover, the wine has long been necessary. Only the picture that the winds of the sleepy days of the virobniks are shaping up, do not be quiet. If so, it should be noted that the transition may have occurred two years ago, and the number of problems not only does not change, but grows. In the world of modernizing the computer park, more and more coristuvachiv are sticking with it, because the old ones can no longer be expanded, but there are still no new ones (the situation is like in the "Golden Calf" - with him and sound cinema). With any investigation, it will show to the market that no one is guilty of anything. For this reason, the situation was itself such, as it were, to establish an absolutely objective change of mind. But the purchase is not easier. What's the problem?

Cookers of chipsets: our hut from the edge

Claims to the companies, if they are able to expand and modify the microcircuits of the support, at first glance, there are none, but they can’t (actually, but not the most). The stench of the very koristuvach in the light of the future is supposed to do it softly, not wasting senselessness with old decisions. Hiba scho AGP was found “in one go”, but it’s not known. ULi (none bought by nVidia) released a chipset with a full PCI-E support and an AGP slot, and VIA came up with a combo AGP/PCI-E chipset. І not high line PCI-E there is not enough for the full support of modern video cards, the proteosity of them is є, and 5-10% of the productivity is not the highest price for the total sumsiness. In fact, the PT880 Pro/Ultra is said to be not very popular, but the remains of the main ideas on the chipset market, which allows victorious dual-core Intel processors in full memory of the DDR and AGP video cards, without the possibility of further upgrades (below, we cannot boast of the i865PE, which in the remaining revisions removed the support for dual cores, but not PCI-E). Also, on the other hand, everything is not so deplorable. Since video cards have been upgraded to the new standard, few people will shed tears with an AGP drive. Bigger on the right with PCI and oriented to yoga replacement with low-width PCI-E options.

However, again, don't blame the chipset builders. Navit Intel, even though it is obligatory to push new standards, PCI types are not selected. It is already known that the company's new chipsets, which were announced in 2006, will support up to 4 PCI slots, as well as, for example, Parallel ATA support, some of them will be introduced more often. The plans of other companies are less innovative, so you can talk about 5-6 PCI slots potentially. Ale navіt chotiri - tse already good and more coristuvachіv enough. No more food, de stink?

Mother's payments - irrepressible progressivism

Also, the chipsets allow you to easily replace old PCI adapters with new PCI-E. However, there are few PCI slots on today's boards. Possibly, wine-growers? І so and nі.

The AT format allowed for up to eight expansion slots on the board, ATX shortened this number to seven. To fix the fact that the system has a whole pair of expansion boards, and more three-chotirokh in a larger mass computer can’t be more than nicole, exchanged with a whole rozumne. І navit those who, due to the increased folding of modern boards, a lot of virobniks cannot expand these slots, as a result of which six and navit pyatma are interleaved, and for most of the hour they don’t call problems of their boards great number of additional controllers, which significantly reduces the need to pay for expansion). Crim, hiba scho, era of change.

Chipset builders are guilty of guilt, if the reference design is expanded. Looking back at those who today, in the light of the day, you can swear at the skin of the tenth payment, even if not at the twentieth, this clerk is important. І scho proponovala, for example, nVidia? For non-SLI boards, the design is even more inconsiderate, despite the fact that it is possible, according to the standard, seven slots: three PCI, three PCI-E 1x and one 16x. At first glance, everything is wonderful, at another - zhah, shards of a slot of 16 folds in the middle! As a result, you can easily use one or two PCI-slots (depending on the expansion of the cooling system of the video card) and with a tight guard for absolutely free (albeit not necessary) PCI-E 1x. Deyakі virobniki, vtіm, the number of the rest was shortened to two - they didn’t respect, but it didn’t get any easier. No wonder one of the most popular boards on nForce4 Ultra is ASUS A8N-E. Taiwanese breeders spit on the reference. More precisely, the board was built on the basis of the reference, but for another chipset - on the A8N-E Ultra, stand on the PCB for SLI. As a result, you may have your own PCI-E slots (and, moreover, with a short cut under the line - if you can’t see the “head” one, then you should decide to go out or two 1x and one 2x, or one 4x, moreover, I drank it in the rear wall, sum and with 8x or 16x cards; full versatility) and three PCI, the pro video card is installed in the next slot, so all PCI slots sound in our full order. Power - something nVidia has done a reference design for nForce4/4X/Ultra, why would it be better to have one for SLI? Remaining optimal.

If you care that in other chipset selections everything is richer and richer, then you will have mercy. VIA and Intel urged the virobniks just like before they killed ASUS. As a result, the first payments on the chipsets of these vibrators looked bad. For example, my kohannya Albatron K8X890 Pro II. There are a total of three PCI slots on the board, but you can hack them. The chipset supports 20 lanes of PCI-E, which are divided into two slots, after which motherboard easily accept an adapter that supports PCI-E 4x. Wanting, maybe, varto was cooped up and 2x, “hanging” on one of the lines fencing controller 3 PCI gigabytes cannot be changed. On the other hand, in 90% of corystuvachіv qі "gigabit" controllers work in modem zі swidkіstyu 100 or 10 Mbit/s, so it's not the problem, I'll seriously discuss it. Vtіm, "povnotsіnna" merezha є on ASUS boards and Gigabyte also provided three additional PCI slots and a pair of PCI-E 1x (if one of the slots could be used in this case, it would be 2x). But in the sim of motherboards based on the K8T890 there is a twist - Abit has recently installed three PCI-E 1x slots, changing the number of PCI slots to two! Can Abit engineers know the store, de blockage of boards with PCI-E interface? Do they often write sheets to complain about the lack of two PCI-E slots and ask them to tidy up the obsolete PCI slots? One explanation, in my opinion, those who compete as if required. For example, declaring about their predilection for promising formats, and demonstrating their ability. Like, competitors have two current expansion slots and three old ones, and we have them now. And if you need them at once - who do you praise? That ASUS has recently managed to make friends, remembering the groups of slots for the K8V-XE. Let's say, firstly, a good board - the connection between K8T890 and the VT8251 pvdny bridge miraculously manages with passive cooling (pvdenny bridge is not necessary), install an eSATA support, three PCI slots are present, but ... results which can easily spare you one or two of them. Then two PCI-E 1x are dbaily inserted to the bottom of the pay.

Write about Intel chipsets but ATi has no strength - everything is the same there. If you pay for a 915/925 small socket with a pair or three PCI-E and at least three PCI slots (one of the remaining ones is large and hot, moreover, at the “locomotive of the industry” itself - Intel), then the number of PCI-E slots has increased over the years, and PCI - changed. Not the ones that needed to be requested - just advertise better. I know the same - the virobnitstvі is cheaper. Plus to misfortune the rest of the hour - SLI/CrossFire. Offended by technology, the demand is often demanded, the proteoadvertising is stronger, the demand is lower. Chipset builders are used by many video cards, motherboard builders are taken care of by themselves. This one has its own pluses - for example, the development of such boards is often more beautiful, lower in their simple sisters, and sometimes there are new PCI-E options, which can be better with the hour. However, there are minuses. Two PCI-E 16x slots equals minus two slots for the maximum. A couple of 1x/2x virobniks in these vipads all the same get drunk, so the PCI space is not rich enough. The shorter one has three slots, more often two, moreover, it is often possible to speed up only one of them. There are also similar clinical fluctuations, like the Gigabyte G1975X. A PCI-E fan card, but if you don't have a PCI slot... For now, if you install one video card, it's still easy to block one of the available PCI slots. If you put two, then blame the power: how do you feel between them such an extension, like a tuner or an audio card?

In the meantime, the prize "Plastic teapot" Gigabyte engineers won't take away from me - more contenders will get in. In my opinion, no one can compete with Apple in the "Best solution" nomination - the new top-end PowerMac G5 Quad ... no need for a PCI slot! The machine turned out to be generally bad and cheap - similar to the working station in HP, for example, in a similar configuration (three more) push processors and wider choice software we won’t pay - not everyone needs it) we can cost $500 more. But the one who bought a friend can win the payment with PCI, PCI-X and PCI-E interfaces, and the first one is left with only the remaining interface, so in fact there is nothing for the time being. As a result, if you searched Google for PCI-E, then maybe half of the found ones were sent and bought Quad and tried to add it to the basic configuration. Judging by the tone of the posts, the stench is already ready to pay a couple of hundred dollars, only to no one. For forty years they have been jarring, that there is no meat in the shops, that we are moving so fast to communism, that thinness does not come after us - history repeats itself. All the rakes are dbaily placed on the very same place, and it’s too much to step on them like that. It is not up to an innovative computer to support outdated standards, but new ones cannot support expansion boards - no one, as usual, is not guilty. Vtіm, tim, who professionally works with sound, we can say I was spared. To say the least, Digidesign moved Pro Tools | HD i to a new hardware platform. Naturally, there were no new possibilities - PCI-option to create three universal cards, shards to support more than three cards.

Otzhe, the problem would have been localized. I think it's because motherboard manufacturers can't, or don't want to install more than two PCI slots on current models, so you can't speed up all the slots. As a result, PCI slots become a very scarce resource, so it is more likely to be transferred to PCI-E, or to the board itself, looking at the integration controllers. Stop, vtim, don’t be afraid - not so much more boards, for example, can integrate the FireWire 800 controller. All the same, it’s fair to take pennies from the population - try to know the board with rich functionality for Socket 754. So, I understand that the platform is respected by the budget, but it’s more robust, because the processor is not needed, but the functionality is needed on? Pay more for Socket 939, and then pay for a top-end board with such a rose? Let's go, let's go. Tim is more, that the idea of ​​a statute is not at hand with the skargs of the All-world - as practice has shown, it is already possible to buy something for a new tire. Not everything, it’s true, to know about it is also informable. Just in time, I happened to work a series of articles, telling people that stench can be removed today from non-required USB ports, so it seems that PCI-E can be done.

What are the new products today?

So, maybe in two years after the start of sales of motherboards with PCI-E roses in the roses themselves, you can already insert them! Have fun and please all the people. :) Yakshcho without hot, better pіzno, nіzh nіkoli. That and zavdyaki for smart-watchers, we can still take it in the most basic variant to look at the “naked” mother, which is why it was possible to survive two fates without special shocks. We wonder what we can upgrade to PCI-E today to upgrade PCI. Let's talk about more or less mass options for low-speed control - everything is simple with video cards. With them, once everything was simple.

Merezhev cards

To be honest, I thought that this one was divided in the “pose of the competition” - only nVidia shards failed to introduce a gigabit controller in the chipset, and the maker’s team decided that the best one with the PCI-E interface. The latest chips appeared for sale overnight with motherboards (Intel pressing :)). Protesting the list of propositions of Moscow firms showed that everything is so good.

There are actually two options. May the dream of a state employee - ST-Lab N260. A neat board with a PCI-E 1x interface is small. Singing the world of "dark horse" - the Agere ET1310B chip is won, about which one knows only those who still don't know anything. The rate of payment is 20-25 dollars. From one side, not a lot: if you want PCI adapters to cost $15 each, you can’t win a “full gigabit” from them. On the other hand, not so often the wine is needed - often 100 Mb / s pidide: you just need one more card, and for a PCI card you can take less than 3-4 dollars for this. So the price of a free PCI slot (or a fee for progress) is close to 20 dollars. Tolerable. If you are a chip in Agere, for any reason, then help Hewlett Packard. EA833AA this company is based on Broadcom chips and costs about 55-60 dollars, which fully confirms the prices of branded possession.

Zagalom, singing vibir є. Small, for different price categories. From the other side, the installation of a few wired adapters in the cost is rare - for the improvement of what I want to be already installed on the skin of the modern board. Ah know u sale droto-free adapters With a PCI-E interface, I still haven't gotten around to it. In principle, no one needs a USB adapter, since there are enough USB ports - 8-10. But you want to be different, so that nothing comes out of the corps, krim antennas, but no! We continue to check back. Abo, fiyno, take USB.

Video cards

Video card I said not to roll, but I’ll say it anyway. Not about options with a PCI-E 16x interface, like they came to replace AGP, but about such a specific area, like cards with PCI-E 1x sockets. On the right, in the fact that PCI adapters were actively promoted until the last hour as supplements, or on platforms, AGP slots were added. The first sphere of zastosuvannya greatly shortened the output of SLI / CF - a side effect was the possibility of a simple installation of several standard video cards with support for several monitors. However, it is possible for someone to need six. :) If there is another, then sometimes it is necessary to win as soon as I try to work on the server platform, and then there are PCI-E 16x slots. Even if it stinks, then you can blame the situation, if the “wide” slot will be needed for some highly productive specific controller, and it’s easier to get rid of the video card.

In a nutshell, it wasn’t there, but Matrox was wrong that the market for graphic cards with a PCI-E 1x interface is based on, so you can earn money on such products. The result was the release of the Matrox Millennium G550 PCIe - a full-blown double-headed video card with a PCI-E 1x interface, almost identical to the good old G550 otherwise. Of course, you can forget about trivimirna graphics, then you can forget about 2D and for a long time the drivers have been up to glare, at the same time you will be safe for noiseless cards (revealing passive cooling). How and the possibility of connecting a pair of monitors, however, at the link with the summer century of the original distribution of the apartment - digital connection the maximum resolution is 1280x1024, for analog for the presence of two monitors, one can be used with a separate building no higher than 1600x1200 (the main one is 2048x1536). In our area, I don’t know the adapter for sale, in bourgeois wine stores it is found at a price of about 120 dollars / euro. The price, arguably, further reduces the scope of the adapter's congestion. If you just need to plug in a couple of monitors, then the most optimal purchase is a board with two PCI-E 16x slots and a couple of inexpensive standard video cards (fortunately, Dual DVI is on them, moreover, there are no surroundings, but the D-Sub connector has everything much better), however, in special modes, such a video card is quite good for good.

Disk controllers

It's not surprising, but on the mass IDE controllers with the PCI-E interface, it happened to check for a long time, regardless of those that PCI has become a bug on the Shii for a long time. In front of those, who for a long time had a chance to check for the appearance of new chips, after which, and on the mother's pay until the last hour, the workers integrated PCI-RAIDs, the productivity of which was already not enough. The reason for this is that the functionality of today's chipsets was taken into account, which is why a "home" RAID array could be easily taken up by the forces of a private bridge. Interest in additional controllers remaining versions the standard is all the same buv present. So, for example, pay on the basis of i915/925 chipsets supported only a couple of ports of SATA150 with NCQ, and long hour vikoristovuetsya VIA pіvdenny mіst VT8237 - only two such ports without NCQ support (the same with the remaining SATA300-hard drives, contrived and some glitches). nVidia, trying to fix the hard disk controller, won it not for all chipsets, sometimes for supporting the SATA300 chip, but sometimes for a couple of ports. I realized that switching from SATA150 to SATA300 can provide more moral satisfaction, and not more productivity, but NCQ support or additional disks inodі need. In addition, the current version of SATA has been finalized, and new versions of the VZD have begun to appear. The eSATA port doesn't always sound on top-end motherboards, so it's possible to use it for rich people.

Silicon Image came to the rescue by launching an inexpensive 3132 chip. This is a two-port SATA300 controller with support for RAID 0 and 1 and PCI-E 1x interfaces. It is often integrated on the motherboard, that other products were released a little, moreover, for any relish - two internal ports, two external, internal plus external. And to create such a supra-universal option, like 2 + 2 (I guess, with a lot of ports, you can win only two at once)! Prices for the same cycle of vessels - from 20 to 60 dollars fallow from the picker, moreover, they are already for sale in the Moscow distribution.

In this way, if you need to connect a couple of modern hard drives or secure your computer with an eSATA port, you don't need to take a PCI slot anymore. If you need a highly productive solution, if you want to have one slot on the board, the sum of PCI-E 4x (don’t try to physically try it out like 1x), and in the gut to crunch hundreds of evergreen human values, then the company is ready to come to the rescue ia Promise. Image side by side SuperTrak EX8350 is a hardware eight-port SATA300 RAID controller with sub-trim modes 0, 1, 5, 6, 10 and 50.

Another line like Areca, inspired by the same, in fact, the main processor. Includes several models that support 4, 8, 12 or 16 discs. Older models are considered seriously, like a mass decision, not worthy of a sense, young, maybe, they would be cicavi, prote ... First, cost expensive (in our area, it’s more expensive to pay for Promise), in a different way, it’s too much for home functionality, -third, interface. Navigate to a younger model with PCI-E 8x (Navigation 2 GB/s chotiryom hoarders? I don’t say so), to know the mass fee, you can beat it with some kind of yoga, it’s foldable. With the help of Epox engineers, I have such a booth already, but what about you? :) At the time of the server, such solutions have appeared, like a balm for the soul, hello.

And everything - either a simple, two-port, inexpensive and for whatever the mother's payment, or a hardware monster with absolutely not home prices and excellent capabilities (and foldables with installations at the same flooring). There are still no intermediate solutions - only vicorate chipset controllers at times, if possible. How to compare different options for PCI - the sky is the earth! І for functionality, and for the number of ports, and for the price. In an hour everything will be available for PCI-E, but how many more checks? And deshcho, maybe, and not to show up. For example, with PATA-controllers, chipset hackers start to fight step by step, just as coristuvachivs have a lot of adequate solutions for tasks of hard drives or optical storage devices. What is being lost? Either SATA-PATA adapters (at an average price of 30 dollars apiece), or ... Otherwise, you can win PCI-controllers earlier. PATA with the "native" support for PCI-E is unlikely to be allowed, the problem can be solved for the sake of solving the already announced PCI-PCI-E 1x bridges, a protege on the right of the future.

Modern interfaces

Would you like an adapter from SIIG Inc? Appearing in literally days at Moscow for a price of about 60 dollars. From one side, it's expensive - you can get a similar one for PCI for 10-15, and for such a penny you can become a master of an IEEE1394b controller with a PCI interface. From the other side, the road is a spoonful of insults - take at least one FireWire adapter for sale when it appears. Such, as richly needed - with supplementary meals, a couple of ports, a PCI-E 1x interface, and on a Texas Instruments chip: the de facto leader of this market, which rarely sins with problems of sanity various outbuildings. Already good.

Good, we don’t know. 1394a to do it often zustrichaetsya and on motherboards (moreover, not the most expensive ones), so the problem can be eliminated "in the bud". correct fee. In addition, as far as the expensive Sound Blaster Audigy/Audigy2 is concerned, which does not hesitate to make the Audigy SE as cheap as possible or the ultra-fashionable X-Fi, your computer has one FireWire port without rewiring the PCI slots. That's why I added another accessory in the assortment of the company - a three-port adapter with a FireWire 800 support (two of these ports and one six FireWire 400 contacts for the totality). Koshtuvatime, however, will be better for everything, over 100 dollars; one-hour vikoristanny It's easy to overwhelm the entire 32-bit PCI bus, which is why all adapters are 64-bit in practice, and the PCI64 slot is not cracked. It's wonderful to come out - it was found that there was a real need for PCI-E, but it was found in two years after the beginning of sales of motherboards with such slots, and far from being widely sold.

Please note that this year the list of SIIG products available in our area will become wider. On the right, on the website of the company (that one, actually, already in the database), it was possible to reveal and access exotic features - COM-port adapters, obviously, with a PCI-E interface. If the “standard” last interface gradually becomes exotic in different modern motherboards - if there were two such ports on them, then the payments are trapped, as if they weren’t happy. Zagalom, and mass attachments with such an interface are not viable, the pros of the rich have lost their hands on the DBZH and the mimicry attachments that connect themselves to the COM port, that one analog modems in rich spheres of activity there is practically no alternative. It is necessary to respect that similar PCI-adapters have been checked for a long time, so on which background there are boards with a PCI-E interface, you are already happy at once. Prices, it's true, it's hard to call them low - chotireport, for example, the fee costs close to 100 dollars, while PCI-options can be installed with six ports if it costs more expensive for 30 dollars. Ale, you can pay for progress :)

Aaxeon, in my own hands, is proposing to dosit tsіkavy pay, such as combinations of the controller IEEE1394b + USB or USB-controller (chotir external port and one internal). From one side, it would seem, USB ports are more and less enough at a time (current chipsets are trimmed 8-10), from the other side - all one can show up a little - as in light of the lack of PCI-slots, actively select components with USB-interface. Also, these adapters can come in handy.

Too rich 1x

Never mind that in practice all payments are covered by the lowest PCI-E option. The faults are less video cards and more guesswork than hardware RAID controllers. In a number of vipadkіv tsey pіdkhіd a whole bunch of truths, but do not lie. On the right, it’s not that one more SATA300 channel is theoretically built for greater data transmission speed, lower PCI-E 1x is not so much more significant data transmission speed itself for the interface with the improvement of everything vpiraetsya in the mechanics (even if it appears in current hard drives 16 MB of buffer memory at once with the reduced algorithms and її robots as a whole, the situation is less unambiguous). And yet, the speed of reading information from the plates in some models has already reached 75 MB / s, so a 250 MB / s PCI-E 1x chotiport RAID controller will be small. However, I do not greet, as if such controllers are the first, they drink like hell on bezrib'ya. And then we’ll show up for an extension, insured for 2x, about which it’s directly and clearly stated in their advertisement :)

Why can't vibrators be more active in victorizing the PCI-E variants? For the sake of telling the motherboard builders, for example, three-chotiri in the PCI-E lines, you will put three-chotiri PCI-E 1x slots, for example. As a result, there is a great number of boards on hand, which support only the most popular cards (which, obviously, do not separate from the video card for the 16x slot). Obviously, the expansion card makers are guilty of protecting this situation. Vtіm, zgodom vіnyuvatimetsya - vіlnі іnіy PCI-E іnіnіy іnіy іnіy PCI-E іnіnіy vіlі vіlі more, so virobniki nav_nі for bazhannya not vdassya їх usі slots 1х. Ale, it's still better for top motherboards.


The hour has come to pick up deaky pidbags. We localized the problem - we see it in the fact that motherboard manufacturers, within the framework of the competitive struggle, are ready to splash out of the font of that child at the same time. Modern chipsets support significantly more PCI-slots, lower on boards. With all the hard work, it is possible, without a hitch, to upgrade the computer for the first time, without having to speed up the same PCI-E slot, and install a video card. Vtіm, it's awkward to switch over, but in this hour you can already get an adapter with a modern interface. More food, which is not so often left to be needed. If the location of the current chipset can allow you to organize a RAID array from several disks, then what is the cost of a dual-port card? One or two wired interfaces are already on any board - rarely if you ever happen to mesh cards bathe. Although the controllers of external interfaces may be highly correct, that is not the case for everyone. At the same time, there are practically no massive and necessary outbuildings for rich coristuvachas, such as sound cards or TV tuners. And, better for everything, there won’t be a lot of time - for low-width attachments, the transition from PCI to PCI-E does not carry any practical corrosiveness (sometimes it’s hard to see), so the virobniks don’t feel particularly stressed. Vtіm, for the installation of such outbuildings, it is often possible to get by with PCI slots, which are on the board, in an extreme outbuildings with USB interface. Also, there have been no problems for a long time. For more food, you should hear them at the complex. In such a rank, as if it were more common, at the time of modernizing the computer, it’s not enough to save the old outbuildings, in order to rob private modernization with little truth.

When stacking farms with one of the current power supplies, the maximum possible number of video cards per system is installed, which depends on the number of available PCI-Express sockets on the motherboard. When storing your first farms with actual components or buying used components, often the motherboards are not satisfied with at least 4-5 PCI-Express ports for installing video cards. This problem can be solved by installing a special PCI-Espress port expander in such a motherboard, which allows you to take 2.3 or 4 ports from one port and add-on, which, if possible, may be some kind of miner-pochatkivtsya.

I would like to express your respect to Varto, because it is not standardly equipped that the processor does not guarantee the operation on all motherboards.

You can get a PCI-Express Multiplier expansion port on Aliexpress.

For a long time, payment expansions were available for purchase only from unknown Chinese manufacturers, recently the BIOSTAR company released a similar CryptoMining Card DCBTC2 add-on with intermediary blocking and only for its motherboards: RACING H170GT3, GAMING H170T , Hi-Fi H170S3H, Hi-Fi Hi- Fi B150S1 D4, TB150 PRO.

If there is no doubt about the practicality of the DCBTC2 from the designated motherboards, then the robots will use other mats. the boards are filled up with little more food.

Given the availability and availability in the stores of the new BIOSTAR extension, it just didn’t fit.

Even though great companies are just beginning to master the market for mining, the Chinese companies are already proposing a few options for such expansions. You can subdivide into 2 groups: pay for an extension with a microcircuit and without it.

Unfortunately, there is too little information on the specialized forums about the choice of such expansion boards and the information about the choice of such boards is not unambiguous, so we cannot 100% recommend such an add-on for the purchase of that turntable. But still, we’ll let you know that we’re far away from understanding - it’s better to use expansion boards with a soldered microcircuit, it’s better to work with old NVIDIA video cards based on Maxwell chips (750ti, 960, 970 and 980), with why AMD cards there were no such problems for mind that operating system showed a rozshiryuvach like a new attachment.

If you already know about such expandable boards, share your experiments on the forums, you will be richer about other people's knowledge of robots with such possessions.

The PCI Express standard is one of the fundamentals modern computers. PCI Express slots have long occupied the same place on any motherboard of a desktop computer, according to other standards, for example, like PCI. Alternately, the PCI Express standard has its own differences and the nature of the connection, which is one type of one. On new motherboards, starting around 2010, you can work on one motherboard with a variety of ports, which are known as PCIe or PCI-E, yakі can be challenged for the number of lines: one x1 or x2, x4, x8, x12, x16 and x32.

Also, it is clear why such a swindle in the middle was given to a simple peripheral PCI Express port. Is it recognized by the skin standard PCI Express x2, x4, x8, x12, x16 and x32?

What is a PCI Express bus?

In the distant 2000s, if there was a transition from the old PCI standard (extended - interconnection of peripheral components) to PCI Express, there was one great thing left: the replacement of the serial bus, which was PCI, the two-point access bus was won. This meant that the skin-on-the-wall PCI port that was installed in the new card could completely win the maximum throughput of the building, without respecting one to the other, as it happened when connected to PCI. Your hour has a lot peripheral buildings, which were inserted into the expansion cards, was sufficient. Merezhevі cards, audio cards, TV tuners too - all required sufficient amount of PC resources. Ale on vіdmіnu іd іd PCI standard, which vikoristovuvav dаnіh transmission іn аlіnіm bus with іn parallel іn parallel kіlkoh pіstroїv, PCI Express, yakscho look zagali, є packet merezhey with topology єyu type zіrka.

PCI Express x16, PCI Express x1 and PCI on one board

From the look of a non-professional, imagine your floor PC as a small store with one or two sellers. The old PCI standard was like a grocery store: all the checks were in the same bag, they were served, and there were problems with the maintenance of the service with the exchanges of one seller behind the counter. PCI-E is more similar to a hypermarket: leather buyers rush to buy products on their own individual route, and at the checkout, cashiers take orders.

It is obvious that a hypermarket for a quick service wins at a small store at a great store, it’s a shame that the store cannot afford to pass through more than one seller with one cash desk.

Also, with visions of transmission for the skin card expansion, or with the help of components of the motherboard.

Inflow of a number of lines to the throughput capacity

Now, to expand our metaphor with a store and a hypermarket, to show that the skin has served the hypermarket with its own cashiers, reserved only for them. Axis here and vinikaє ideya kіlkoh smoug peredachi і data.

PCI-E has been silently changed from the hour of its creation. In this hour of the new mother's board, it's already the 3rd version of the standard, moreover, the 4th version is becoming more and more expanded, and the 5th version will be updated in the 2019 rotation. ale different versions vicorist one and the same physical semesters, and tsі spoluchy can be victorious at some of the main dimensions: x1, x4, x8 and x16. (x32-porty is known, but it is rarely used on motherboards of high-end computers).

Different physical sizes of PCI-Express ports allow you to clearly separate them for the number of one-hour days motherboard: the bigger the port is physically, the bigger the maximum connections can be transferred to the card or back. Qi z'ednannya still call lines. One line can be used as a path, but with two signal pairs: one for correcting data, otherwise I will receive it.

Different versions of the PCI-E standard are allowed to different swidths on skin smoothies. Ale, vzagali kazhuchi, chi more smog znahoditsya on one PCI-E-port, tim more data can be transferred between the peripheral and the other part of the computer.

Turning to our metaphor: if there is one seller in the store, then smuga x1 and you will be the only seller, who serves one client. At the store with chotirma cashiers - already 4 lines x4. And so far you can write cashiers for the number of lines, multiplied by 2.

Various PCI Express cards

Type of attachments that can convert PCI Express x2, x4, x8, x12, x16 and x32

For the PCI Express 3.0 version, the maximum data transfer rate is 8 GT/s, but in fact the PCI-E 3 rate is less than one gigabyte per second per smug.

In such a rank, the attachment, that the PCI-E x1 port, for example, a low-power sound card or a Wi-Fi antenna, can transmit data from maximum speed at 1 Gb/s.

A card that physically fits into a larger slot - x4 or x8 For example, a USB 3.0 expansion card can transfer data to chotiri or more easily.

The transmission speed of PCI-E x16 ports is theoretically limited by a maximum bandwidth of about 15 Gb/s. What is more low enough in 2017 for all modern graphics cards, expanded by NVIDIA and AMD.

More discrete video cards with PCI-E x16 slot

The PCI Express 4.0 protocol allows for 16 GT/s, and PCI Express 5.0 for 32 GT/s.

Ale, in this hour, there are no components, which could have won such a quantity of smog from the maximum throughput building. Current top graphics cards sound vicorist x16 to the PCI Express 3.0 standard. There is no sense to win the same smog and for the border card, as on the x16 port you will only win one line, so the Ethernet port of the building will transmit data only up to one gigabit per second (which is close to one eighth of the throughput one PCI-E smuga - remember : all bits in one byte).

On the market you can find solid-state PCI-E storage devices that support the x4 port, but stench, it seems, will soon be approved by the new M.2 standard, which is rapidly developing. For solid-state storage devices, yakі can twist the PCI-E bus. High quality cards for enthusiasts, such as RAID controllers, can be used in x4 and x8 formats.

Port expansions and PCI-E line can be upgraded

This is one of the most confusing problems with PCI-E: the port can be larger than the x16 form factor, but there is not enough smog to pass data, for example, for example x4. It is due to the fact that you can use PCI-E to carry on your own an unobstructed number of ocremi spoluk, yet it is still practical between the bandwidth of a smug and chipset. Cheaper maternity pay for more budget chipsets You can use more than one x8 slot, so that each slot can physically fit a card to the x16 form factor.

In addition, motherboards geared towards gamers include up to four additional PCI-E x16 slots and line insoles for maximum throughput.

Obviously, you can cause problems. If the motherboard has two x16 slots, and if one of them is smaller than x4, then connecting a new graphics card will reduce the productivity of the first one by as much as 75%. Tse, obviously, is only a theoretical result. The architecture of motherboards is such that you will not experience a sharp decrease in productivity.

The correct configuration of two graphic video cards can be assigned to two x16 slots, so you want maximum comfort in tandem of two video cards. Z'yasuvati skіlki linіy on your mother's platіy maє that chi іnshiy slot, dopomozhe kerіvnitstvo at the office. virobnik site.

Other typographers are used to indicate on the textolite of the mother board the order of the slot number of lines

You need to know that a short x1 or x4 card can physically fit into a larger x8 or x16 slot. The configuration of contacts in electrical contacts can be broken. Obviously, if the card is physically larger, the lower slot, then insert it and not see it.

Therefore, remember that when buying expansion cards or upgrading current ones, you need to remember how to expand the PCI Express slot, and the number of necessary services.

If you want to try connecting your old GA-X48-DQ6 motherboard to a shvid SSD drive. The motherboard is old, it has less than SATA 2.0 and PCI-E 2.0. I already have a 120GB Intel SSD installed to the SATA 2.0 standard. І I thought: what about using PCI-E to get a swedish hard? Considering that PCI-E 2.0 x1 firmware can be upgraded, you can upgrade to SATA 3.0 firmware. Having fixed my payment. Otrimavshi її, pochav viprobuvannya. This board, as I understand it, should not be left alone in order to designate BIOS chi n, but also the correct AHCI driver. As I know, I’m still sensible, the fee is connected hard drive only in AHCI mode. Below I will bring the results of my tests.

First motherboard GA-8I945PLGE-RH (SATA 2.0, PCI-E 1.0). When connected through a board, what is being tested is another hard drive Win7, installed on the first HDD, stuck on the Windows logo. Trying to re-install Win7 (to connect a DVD-ROM and one HDD via a PCI-E card) also caused it to freeze after copying files.

Another motherboard on the remaining AMD chipset (A88) is GA-F2A88XM-DS2 (SATA 3.0, PCI-E 2.0-3.0). PCI-E x1 socket, where I inserted this board, it says Gen2.0. Roz'em under the video card buv 3.0, but until the mitigation of the security and the closure of the PCI-E 2.0 vіd 3.0 on the right, all the same did not work. Like the first drop - everything was ringing on the Windows logo. But on the first test, since before the PCI-E board there was no hard disk connection, then Windows was still zavantazhuvalas (it didn’t change the price of the first one - stupidly hung on the logo). Tobto. it is possible to install the AHCI driver itself from Intel (without installing it, because the computer is a worker, and I didn’t want to have problems with it). Install Windows from scratch without messing with your motherboard via PCI-E. As I understand, AHCI is still working on my computer, because absolutely accurately, the Trim command automatically worked on the SSD (after reviewing TrimCheck for help).

The third motherboard is GA-H110M-S2 (SATA 3.0, PCI-E 3.0). Didn't have any problems. AHCI is allowed on this motherboard, and hard drive (SSD) is also allowed for AHCI mode. Tobto. Perhaps this driver has given the opportunity to work out the payment as a follow-up. So, as far as I was interested in using a hard disk, connected via PCI-E, I protested the availability of the same disk, connected back to back through the PCI-E board, and then up to the SATA 3.0 rose on the motherboard. It was close to 400Mb / s via PCI-E and close to 550 via SATA 3.0 It can be seen that the speed through PCI-E is still worse, lower than SATA 2.0, although it obviously does not reach SATA 3.0. If you take into account that the board is inserted into the PCI-E x1 socket, then the speed will be three times lower, the bottom one should be inserted into x16 (if the board itself is x1), and a little higher - by 1-2%. In the pictures, the port is through PCI-E and through the SATA sockets on the motherboard.

The fourth motherboard, for the sake of which the board was bathed, was GA-X48-DQ6. Windows started up normally, SSD, connections to PCI-E pay were normal with Windows. Prote testi swidkosti unfortunately showed that there is no sense in this board. The speed seemed to be lower than SATA 2.0 - close to 200Mb / about 280Mb / s when added to the motherboard, although I figured that through PCI-E 2.0 x1 in one day I could get 400-500Mb per second, and on the road it was twice less - SATA 1.0 . In the pictures, the port is through PCI-E and through the SATA sockets on the motherboard.

As a result, I don’t understand what the authors thought, the robloxes x1 the speed of the transmission. Judging by the tests, the board can reach higher speeds, lower than SATA2.0, which is why I work with visnovoks, but in a narrower space, there is a connection x1. Zastosuvannya tsієї pay can be true less when connected to the PCI-E slot of the third generation great slot SATA 2.0 on motherboard. And on motherboards with PCI-E 3.0, sound your own SATA 3.0 controller, which gives you more speed. Motherboards with PCI-E 2.0 and SATA 1.0 are not available, but if you want to buy a yakbi and buli, then buying such a payment is already economically unreasonable - too old a motherboard and windows. In principle, as a plus, you can add to the system do not get enough, ale rose mSATA. If someone has an mSATA SSD lying around, then you can connect it with such a rank. Ale requires memory, scho vikoristannya tsієї pay trohi zbіlshuє hour zavantazhennja її opROM - about 5-7 seconds, nebhіdnі іnіtsіalіzatsії іnіtsіalіzatsії pay іt vіbrаzhennia іїї opROM.

If someone has non-destructive ones:) ideas, how can I pay a fee now and even if I want to get a penny deposit - radium їх sluhati. I still think about the idea of ​​putting it on the motherboard, de є PCI-E 3.0 and in this rank just the mother of the add-on roses "SATA 2.5" (under SATA 3.0). Well, resell it to such a teapot like me. :)))

Plan to buy +10 Add in the frame A look worthy +21 +31

I’ve installed this power supply more than once, so at once I’ll try it as accessible as possible and briefly advise on something, for which I’ll show pictures of the PCI Express and PCI expansion slots on the motherboard for a scientific socket and, obviously, I’ll show the main specifications in the characteristics. Nezabarom, You know what the interface is and how the stench looks.

Also, for the sake of the cob, let's briefly review the power supply, which is based on PCI Express and PCI.

What is PCI Express and PCI?

PCI- the entire computer is parallel to the I/O bus for connecting peripherals to the computer motherboard. PCI cards are used for connecting: video cards, sound cards, wire cards, TV tuners and other attachments. The PCI interface is old, so you know, for example, today's video card, as it connects via PCI, without fail.

PCI Express(PCIe or PCI-E) - all computer last bus introduction-visualization for connecting peripherals to the motherboard of the computer. Tobto. under which already victorious bidirectional last day, as well as mothers of lines (x1, x2, x4, x8, x12, x16 and x32), the more such lines, moreover, the throughput of the PCI-E bus. The PCI Express interface is used for connecting such devices as: video cards, sound cards, media cards, SSD accumulators and others.

The current version of the PCI-E interface: 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 (coming soon and version 4.0). This interface is indicated, for example, so PCI-E 3.0 x16, which means the version of PCI Express 3.0 with 16 lines.

If you are talking about those that will work, for example, a video card, if you can have a PCI-E 3.0 interface on the motherboard, if you can support only PCI-E 2.0 or 1.0, then the axis of the retailers declare that everything is practical, only cheer, what a building pass be surrounded by the possibilities of mother's pay. To that in the future, pay more for a video card new version PCI Express I think not varto ( like in the future, tobto. Are you planning to get a new motherboard with PCI-E 3.0). Also, it’s acceptable that your motherboard supports version PCI Express 3.0, and your video card version is say 1.0, then such a configuration is also to blame, but only with the capabilities of PCI-E 1.0, tobto. there is no exchange here, the shards of the video card are at different times of their capabilities.

Vіdminnostі PCI Express vіd PCI

The main characteristic of the characteristics is, of course, the throughput, for PCI Express it is significantly higher, for example, for PCI at a frequency of 66 MHz, the throughput is 266 Mb / s, and for PCI-E 3.0 (x16) 32 Gb/s.

The older interfaces are also open, so plug, for example, a PCI Express video card into the PCI expansion slot is not visible. PCI Express interfaces with different numbers of lines are also tested, I will show everything in the pictures at once.

PCI Express and PCI expansion slots on motherboards

PCI and AGP slots

Slots PCI-E x1, PCI-E x16 and PCI