Prospects for the development of windows OS. Perspectives on operating systems and

· Tendency to OS integration (not only on a par with graphics

tunics, and th lest on the level of the stalked nucleus); development of families

· OS on the basis of modules of the main code

Significant promotion of arrogance, safety

Vіdmovostіykosti OS; rozrobka OS on kerovany code

abo yoga analogues

· Further trend to projects with OS with approved code

(requires new ideas - opportu- nity for

young programmers)

Development of virtualization: It is necessary to secure

the possibility of vikonati or emulsion be-yak

addition to the middle OS

· Get ​​closer to OS capabilities for

desktop computers and OS for mobile devices

· Further OS integration

· Transfer of OS and basic tools in the middle for

gloomy count

OS is being actively developed,

one of the most common in the galusa of the systemic


Kіnets roboti -

This topic should be divided:

The concept of the operating system. Appointment. Main characteristics and classification

The concept of the operating system is recognized by the main characteristics and classification.. ms dos architecture the core of the system.

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All topics of which I divided:

The evolution of operating systems. Paths for the development of modern operating systems
The first period (1945 -1955) The first lamp counting outbuildings. At that time, that very group of people took part in the design, in the operation, and in the program

Process management concept
In a rich-tasking (rich-processing) system, a process can be changed in one of three main stages: VICONANNYA - an active process station, every hour of which process can not

Flow concept. Streams on the river of koristuvach and on the river of the core. Combined fit
The skin process is provided with an address space and a single flow of commands that need to be addressed. In cases of insurance on rich coristuvach systems, with skin lesions up to one and the same service, it is necessary to create an al

Rivne model of the operating system
OSI Model 1. physical tie 2. channel tie 3. mesh tie 4. transport tie 5. session tie 6. appearance tie

Monolithic core
The monolithic core provides rich collection of abstractions. All parts of the monolithic core work in one address space. What is the scheme of the operating system, for which all components

The microkernel provides only elementary process control functions and a minimal set of abstractions for robotic control. A large part of the work is being done for the help of special

Process concept. The creation is completed. 3-stand model
Reasons for closing processes Reasons for closing processes

Flow concept. Potokiv mill
Potik is a lonely vikonannya. The whole day is the middle of the process, which encourages planning. Tse okremy lichilnik teams. Potik displays one of the possible rich subtasks of the process. Potik can nah

Flow concept. Characteristics of streams. Rich flow as power of the operating system
Potik is a lonely vikonannya. The whole day is the middle of the process, which encourages planning. Tse okremy lichilnik teams. Potik displays one of the possible rich subtasks of the process. Rich flow

Understanding the process
A process is a system that implements a single function in an enumeration system. The whole logical unit of the robotic OS. OS vikonu vyshennya zavdan, connected with processes, such as management, pl

Type address and address space
For identification of changing commands at different stages of the life cycle of the program, different names are chosen: Symbolic names are used when writing programs for the algorithm

Logical organization
In fact, the main memory of a computer system is organized as a linear (one-dimensional) address space, which is composed of a sequence of bytes or words. WTO is organized similarly

Features of the "client-server" architecture for the OS (systems with a microkernel) and for the middle
The world can be called a turn to the "host computer + terminals" model, since the core of such a system is a database server, which is a program that

The concept of virtual memory as a function of the operating system. Organization and principles of work
Virtual memory - the totality of software and hardware features, allow koristuvachs to write programs, rozmir of such transferring real operational memory; for which virtual memory

Vvid vivid
The main idea of ​​the organization of software security for the implementation of the introduction is based on the distribution of yoga on a sprat of equals, and the lower equals ensure the screening of the features of the equipment from the upper ones, and so on.

Memory Defender
Memoryprotection - a way to manage access rights to four memory regions. Vykoristovuetsya more richly tasked operating systems. The main method of zakhist memory is


1. May all operating systems have become merezhimi:

1.1. Merezhevі functions ї vodovuvaetsya in the core of the OS, being an invisible part.

1.2. The operating systems took away the needs for the work with the main technologies of local (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, ATM) and global (X.25, frame relay, ISDN, LTM) merging, as well as facilitating warehouse merging (IP, IPX, AppleTalk, RIP, OSPF, NLSP).

1.3. Computers can support one-hour merezhno work with different clients and servers.

1.4. The hackers of operating systems have sharply stepped up the pace of work with the Internet.

1.5. The delivery set began to include utilities that implement such popular Internet services as telnet, ftp, DNS and Web.

1.6. The influx of the Internet was also evident in the fact that the computer turned into a day of counting outbuildings for zasіb kommunіkatsiy іz rozvinennymi counting abilities.

2. Special respect was attached to the last ten years corporate operating systems

2.1. The corporate operating system is invigorated by building goodness and steadily working in great cities, which are typical for great enterprises that can be found in dozens of cities and, perhaps, in different countries.

2.2. Corporate OS can seamlessly interact with operating systems different types that practice on different hardware platforms.

2.3. Three leaders in the class of corporate operating systems are Novell NetWare 4.x and 5.0, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000, as well as UNIX systems of various hardware platforms.

2.4. For modern operating systems, the need for centralized administration is based on for a single development service, which allow in a single data base to save public records about tens of thousands of computers, computers, communications attachments and software modules that are in the corporate environment. (Buttstock, NDS)

3. At the stage of development of operating systems, safety concerns came to the fore. This is due to the increased value of information that is processed by computers, as well as to the increase in the level of threats that occur when transferring data across measures, especially public ones, such as the Internet. Rich operating systems Volodiyut today rozvinennymi zakhist.

4. Current operating systems have power rich platform, so that the building is practiced on absolutely different types computer.

5. A lot of operating systems may have special versions to support cluster architectures, which will ensure high productivity and vіdmovostіykіst.

6. Developing a trend to advance work efficiency people with a computer.

7. The success of interactive work with a computer is constantly moving up to the operating system various graphical interfaces, what is the order of graphics and sound and video.

In the future:

1. Further development corporate OS represents one of the most important tasks in the nearest future.

2. The creation of a richly functional scaled pre-serviceє strategic direct evolution of OS. With the success of this directly rich in what to lay a further development of the Internet. Such a service is necessary for the transformation of the Internet to a forwarding network system, (for example, for the provision of the necessary quality of service to the traffic of coristuvachs, support for great expansions of addenda, and encourage an efficient postal system, etc.)

3. Corystuvalnicky interface The OS becomes all intellectual, directing people in typical situations and accepting new routine decisions.

4. Operational systems of the future can secure a high level transparency merging resources, taking the wines of the manager of the organization of distributions, calculating the merging, turning the merging into a virtual computer. The very sensation is invested at the laconic "Merezha - ce computer" by the fahivtsy of the Sun company, but for the transformation it was extinguished for the life of retailers of operating systems, it is necessary to go through more paths.

At this final lecture, the course will look at the following: a look at other current operating systems, which are not reviewed in the course (IBM, HP, Oracle/Sun etc.); current trends in OS development; OS graphic shells; subdivision of rozpodіlenih, parallel, gloomy calculation in the OS; Merez development: 3G, 4G, WiMAX; prospects of OS that merezh.


    Operating systems of other great companies

    Solaris - Oracle/Sun operating system

    Current trends in OS development

    New OS of the Windows family

    New trends in OS development

    Graphical OS shells

    Support for parallel calculations

    Rozvitok bezdrotovy merezha

    Prospects for OS development

    Key terms

    Short pіdbags

    Recruitment for practice


The lecture is given to complete the course of modern OS. There are some trends in the development of current operating systems, a look at the OS is given, as it is not looked at in the course, there are prospects for the development of the OS there.

Operating systems of other great companies

In this course, both the theoretical foundations of modern operating systems are examined, as well as the widest operating system families - Windows and Linux, as well as an overview of the OS for mobile devices and the OS for hard computing. Є tsіla is low arc tsіkavih і broader linіy development OS, yakі znayshli detailed vіbrazhennja at the course. Here are the operating systems of great companies:

    IBM- in the 1960s - 1970s. mm. rozrobil OS IBM 360/370; potim - OS for personal computers OS/2; At the present time, the most current operating systems of the firms are z/OSі z/VM;

    Apple- From the beginning of the 1980s, developing the OS family macOS, which is characterized by a reduced graphical interface of the coristuvach (div. razdil macOS);

    Oracle/Sun– from the beginning of the 1980s. Sun develops OS Solaris, UNIX development (div. rozdіl Solaris);

    Hewlett Packard– developing the master dialect of UNIX – the HP / UX system (div. division HP-UX);

    Novell– one of the leading firms in the gallery of mesh technologies; developing a family of networked operating systems: NetWare; at the given hour - Open Enterprise Server(OS border, which includes all NetWare capabilities and the capabilities of the extended Linux dialect - openSUSE).

This is far from the latest copy of commercial and previous operating systems, which includes hundreds of names.

Solaris - Oracle/Sun operating system

It is a development of UNIX (the Solaris 1.x line is a development of the UNIX BSD dialect, the Solaris 2.x line is a development of the UNIX AT&T SVR4 dialect). Author May 10th update of work in the Solaris system, yak, in our opinion special certificate, even more handy that nadіyna and maє zruchnі іnstrumenti rozrobki prog. In other parts of the course, we already had a lot of Solaris features, such as an improvement in richness of flow. Hardware platforms supported by Solaris OS, SPARC, x86, IA-32 and x64. In the 1990s rock. A lot of firms-koristuvachіv volіl vikoristovuvat Solaris itself as a server OS, and as a server - Sun's SPARC computers. An important achievement of Solaris is the family of optimizing Sun Studio compilers (C, C ++, Fortran), which were developed in the 1990s. the author taking an active part. Many Sun Studio compilers work on Linux OS as well. Alternatively, using the hard tool available on the Solaris system, there is a DTrace add-on retrieval tool. New Solaris file system - ZFS (Zetabyte File System) scho support great file obsyagi and the possibility of crypting information in files with a method of protection. The Solaris system can work on rich threading and thread synchronization, as well as manually support symmetric multiprocessing (SMP architecture). Graphical shells that are embossed in the Solaris system - Common Desktop Environment (CDE), GNOME, Java Desktop; in the 1990s. graphic wrapping was also victorious open windows.

For students, graduate students and vikladachiv the project is supported OpenSolaris– academic research project from the OS based on the critical output codes of Solaris. These results will give you the opportunity to improve the new versions of the commercial Solaris OS.

The MacOS retailer is the Apple company - a trendsetter in the GUI gallery, dating back to the 1980s. The key idea of ​​MacOS from the very beginning is the development and development of the OS only on the basis of a graphical interface - "OS without a command line". MacOS hardware platform - all the Apple Macintosh computer families (the most popular among working stations in the USA), as well as PowerPC - a RISC-architecture workstation, split by Apple, IBM and HP. Dialects (versions) of MacOS are differentiated according to their approach to implementation, although for a hard worker the visual interface may be unremarkable. Classic MacOS (classic MacOS)- Original distribution by Apple; new line macOS X- a development of MacOS Classic OS and NeXTSTEP OS (UNIX-like OS), both. won - UNIX sum.

Hewlett-Packard HP-UX OS retailer. This is a UNIX-like 64-bit OS (one of the first 64-bit OS in history). Її hardware platform - robotic stations by HP. The HP-UX system has the original virtual file system: Veritas File System (Vx-Fs) scho vikoristovu yavlennya files on the basis of extensions (extents) - div. "Virtual File Systems (VFS). Implementation of File Systems. NFS File System".

Current trends in OS development

For pіdаkami dоsvіd vіkoristannya rich of modern operating systems, we can name such main tendencies in development.

Graphic shells. Be-yaka a modern OS may have a graphical interface of a coristuvacha, moreover (with a number of reasonable reasons for the fierce competition between retail companies) graphical shells for all operating systems are approximately the same in terms of capabilities. Sometimes it’s important to look at the OS, in such a way the OS of wines works, although for the last ones, it’s possible that such a unification is handy.

Support of new mesh technologies and Web-technologies. Merezhi and the Internet are actively developing. New protocol standards are emerging - IPv6, HTML 5 (for the dark ones) just so. Modern OS are developed at the direct support of all new meshing technologies.

Strengthened respect for security mechanisms and protection. Why are the beginnings of the Trustworthy Computing initiative, started by Microsoft in 2002? (it was reportedly reviewed in the previous lectures), as well as through cybersecurity, which is all being strengthened, all modern operating systems attach importance to security: when browsing web pages, browsers swipe their reverberation; zavantazhennya that іnstalyatsiії programs from merezhi vykonuyutsya only for obvious ї zgodi koristuvacha stingy.

Support for rich threading and rich core processors. Knowing the wide breadth of rich-core processors, all current operating systems can create software libraries that enhance the capability of hardware. The very beginnings of a rich nuclear architecture are becoming really possible in parallel with threads.

Subdivision of divisions and parallel calculations. Modern operating systems can store high-quality libraries in their warehouse that allow the development of parallel algorithms for decoupling tasks - for example, that support OpenMP and MPI parallelism standards.

Virtualization of resources and equipment. Modern operating systems can store virtualizations in their own warehouse, which allow adding add-ons for other platforms in isolated virtual machines, so that they can install other operating systems.

Development of file systems for the protection of information and a significant increase in the size of files (for multimedia). Sometimes the processing of multimedia information can lead to the fact that old file systems (for example, FAT) are not sufficient for storing multimedia files. For example, the maximum file size in FAT systems- 4 gigabytes - you can easily transfer 10-15 minutes of digital video playback to a computer during the census. Therefore, new file systems are being developed that allow saving large files, for example, the ZFS system in the Solaris OS. In addition, it is the security of confidentiality of information, which makes it necessary to implement cryptography in file systems (as is implemented, for example, in the ZFS file system).

Pіdtrimka gloomy calculus- There is a new trend in the development of the OS, the cob of which was laid by the "gloomy" OS Windows Azure by Microsoft (div. "OS for cloud computing. Windows Azure").

New OS of the Windows family

Let's take a quick look at the capabilities of the new Windows operating systems, since we didn't know the details in the course.

Windows Vista may still be new: new GUI style ( Windows Aero); the .NET Framework 3.0 toolkit, which ensures that the hacked code is written. a single system for searching information WinFS; make sure to manage the safety of add-ons (zocrema, the launch of installation add-ons only for obvious reasons); subsystems Windows Presentation Foundation(Pidtrimka of today's broken GUI), Windows Communication Foundation(Promotion of modern communication technologies for additional services); Windows Workflow Foundation(also called CardSpace) - support for authentication of coristuvachs, planning and organization work.

Windows Server 2008- The most recent server OS of the Windows family. Vaughn nada: podtrimku new version Internet protocol IPv6; I have repaired the lining of the merez; support for parallel programming; brand new command processor Windows PowerShell; make virtualization and emulation of add-ons for additional technology Hyper-V.

Windows 7- the most new on Narazi(2010) OS series Windows. She's giving a new look to the interface of the coristuvach - multitouch; save internet traffic cache ( Branch cache); a unique set of background little ones on the working table of the skin margin; I have improved the support of the drivers of the extensions more gnuchki nalashtuvannya security and firewall; A development of the Aero GUI-interface, previously implemented in Windows Vista.

New trends in OS development

Midori project. Midori- Microsoft Research project, which is rozpochat on the cob of the 2000s. under the name Singularity. Midori- previous OS, implemented on kerovanu code (managed code which is the basis of the .NET platform and secures the latest type control, security and security, which significantly increases the security of the code. However, before Midori, OS retailers gave priority to less superior, but more efficient ways of implementing OS with C and C++ movs, so, in our opinion, Midori is a rather daring experiment. The core of the OS, and the drivers of the add-ons are implemented on the kernel code of the OS Midori. Midori is giving an effective approach to the development of the paleluvannya, which is especially important for the current trends in the development of hardware platforms. To improve the safety of the Midori software, it will protect your skin on the basis of the skin care program in your environment "sandbox" (sandbox One of the main features of Midori is those that won є Internet-oriented OS. The future does not include the transition of the Microsoft OS development from the Windows platform to the new Midori platform.

Graphical OS shells

As it was intended, the graphic shell is in the skin of the current OS. The graphical shells of the OS give such basic possibilities.

Handy graphical interface of the koristuvach.

Possibility of a viscount be-yak systemic adjustment for help GUI. Following, for our special notice, especially in the context of the graphical shell of the Linux OS.

Support for new trends in the development of interfaces- Multi-touch, Tablet PC etc.

Unification graphic shells for different OS. Various operating systems have graphic shells CDE, KDE, GNOME. Possibly, in the next hour, their list will expand.

Significantly, shells for various operating systems are practically not disturbed (all stinks can be, for example, the Start button, the My Documents folder, etc.), which is handy for end-of-life coristuvachivs, the shards are easy to understand the development of the working environment.

However, in our opinion, using only graphical shells (without the removal of command moves and configuration files) reduces the preparation time for system programmers. Pіd hour vvchennya OS programmers, especially - system, next. For those who are familiar with the knowledge of the specialist, they give the choice of OS to UNIX type - we have knowledge of command mov and configuration files.

Support for parallel calculations

Current operating systems provide libraries for the development of parallel algorithms with additional hardware capabilities. They introduce the following main types, standards and tools for parallelism:

    openmp- pragmatics for parallelization of programs for compilers of different languages;

    MPI (Message Passing Interface)- Parallel vikonannya program, which is mutual for additional assistance.

Microsoft's operating systems support the OpenMP standard. The MPI.NET libraries supporting the MPI standard, as well as the ParallelFx libraries. Microsoft has released a special version of the operating system - Windows High Performance Computing (HPC) 2008, which supports parallel programming.

Rozvitok bezdrotovy merezha

An important current trend is the development of more and more highly productive non-dart meshes, like to know one's own development and development of operating systems. We see such promising merezhev technologies.

WiMAX– regional dartless merezhi based on Wi-Fi technologies(droneless radio communication according to IEEE.802.11 standards) productivity up to 1 Gb/s.

3G– third-generation mobile communication based on CDMA and UMTS standards (speed up to 14 Mb/s); Russia has a "perspirant" 3G company SkyLink; In Denmark, all mobile phone providers will switch to 3G standards.

4G- new generation mobile networks call for speed of transmission up to 1 Gb/s, which also increases the quality of the voice call. Formally, the standard on 4G networks has not yet been adopted, but on the right is the closest one.

The current trend is the choice of digital television channels for access to the Internet for additional special outbuildings set top boxes.

Prospects for OS development

As you can see from the time of this lecture and the entire course, operating systems are being directly developed, which are actively developing, one of the most famous systems programming in the gallery. We can list the characteristic tendencies of development.

Trend towards OS integration(not only on the level of graphic shells, but also on the level of the central core); development of the OS family with the improvement of the modules of the main code.

Significant increase in reliability, safety and viability of OS; rozrobka OS on cerovany code chi yogo analogues.

Next trend to projects with OS and code; tse tsіlkom ozumіlo, shards to firms-retailers need new ideas, which you can show yourself miraculously for young programmers.

Development of virtualization: It is necessary to ensure the possibility of vikonati, or to emulate whether there is any addition to the middle, whether it is a modern OS.

Away from the possibilities of OS for desktop computers and OS for mobile devices.

Further OS integration.

Transferring the OS and basic tools to the middle for bad billing.

"Kuzbass State University named after"

Department of electrical supply of maids and industrial undertakings


Kemerovo 2013


1. The main direct development of promising operating systems.

1.1. microkernels

1.2. Object and object-oriented technologies in OS

1.3. Applied medium

2. An overview of current promising operating systems.




What is the operating system (OS)? Tse software security (P. O.) or the whole complex of P. O., which is permanently known in the memory of the computer, as well as organizes the overall management of the outbuildings of the machine and in cooperation with the coristuvach. Ensures the launch of the robot of all other programs. Zokrema, vykonuє: cheruvannya memory, introduction-vivod, file system, interchange of processes; dispatching processes; zahist that appearance of vikoristannya resursiv.

The OS, without a doubt, is the main warehouse of any computer. Nowhere without her.

Axis, an approximate list of currently operating operating systems: Solaris, QNX, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Net BSD, DragonFlyBSD, OpenBSD, as well as various experimental compilations of closed and open types.

The era of "personalization" of all the lands, for sure, has been lost in the past, and the adherents and opponents of the UNIX OS, which are included in the super system, the fahivtsy's wives all the more often show their prestige to the system. As the argument wins over, the UNIX has nabula twenty years ago. In this case, as a rule, they are not taken to the point of respect for concepts that have been recently formed by computer theory, but even today they establish the foundation for more promising operating systems, which can be known from beta and early commercial versions, or for previous precautions.

1. The main directions for the development of promising operating systems

1.1. microkernels

Already at once there is an obvious tendency to transition from monolithic to micronuclear systems. Active companies, for example, QNX Software Systems and Unisys, have been producing microkernel operating systems for a number of years, which are successful. QNX OS may hit the real-time market, and Unisys' CTOS is popular with the banking industry. microkernel- the minimum functional part of the operating system to serve as the basis for modular and portable extensions. It is truly remarkable that the skin OS of the new generation is the mother of the microkernel. Ale є impersonal thoughts, how to organize the services of the operating system by extension to the microkernel. The post-masters of the OS allow technical problems in a different way.

The common understanding of the microkernel has become the light hand of Steve Jobs.

Microkernel Mach, Started at Carnegie Mellon University and served as the basis for a small, privileged OS kernel for Next computers, how much the subsystems were developed to work in the core mode, theoretically it was not enough to secure the necessary flexibility and modularity of the system. In practice, the success of being a monolithic server that implements UNIX BSD 4.3, I will consider Next as a wrapper. However, the reliance on Mach made it possible to include in the system the transfer of support and object-oriented services, on the basis of which it was possible to create an elegant interface and to push through the software development.

The upcoming micronuclear OS was Windows NT. Among NT, owing to were the programs written for DOS, Windows, OS / 2 and systems, following the Posix standards; The power of the micronuclear approach, modularity allowed Microsoft to create a structure that does not duplicate any of the overhauled operating systems. Vtіm, for Microsoft, perhaps, portability has become an additional argument for the cost of the microkernel. Correct, in day time and for various reasons, before the first-ever support for NT architectures, one-and-a-half-processor platforms on Intel processorsі Mips, ta buv і Alpha.

Today's micronuclear architecture is open to Novell/USL OSF, IBM, Apple and others. Interest in micronuclear architectures is fueled by the emergence of clear leaders in the OS market. Skin from the postsachalnikiv zmusheniy zabezpechuvat mozhlivіst vykonannya "foreign" application programs. Micronuclear modular architecture can help to simplify the stacking of components and the creation of numerical operating environments.

Expandability- the power of modern operating systems is also needed. On the basis of the equipment, which is made in two or three years, operating systems can be victorious for a decade. Therefore, the moment comes for the life of the skin OS, as it needs to introduce functions that do not lay in the outer structure. The microkernel organization promotes expansion, as a result of the spiraling of the environments of the set of microkernel interfaces. It is more correct to speak not only about expansion, but also about the scalability of micronuclear operating systems with the possibility of adopting an operating system variant, which best reflects the features of the hardware platform and application area.

Sub-functions. When organizing microkernel operating systems, only functions that need to be checked in supervisor mode and in memory protection are included before the microkernel warehouse. Sound the microkernel to be turned on by machine downtime programs (including processing rich processing), basic process control functions, processing of retransmission and support of transmission support.

For rich options, the microkernel turns on the function of planning processes, but for implementation Mach IBM company for the upcoming OS Workplace scheduling of processes placements by the microkernel, and the microkernel is used only for direct process management.

On Workplace OS The Mach 3.0 microkernel has been upgraded, with OSF extended by means of parallel processing and real time. The microkernel manages the functions of mutual processes, manages virtual memory, processes and threads, processors, inputs and outputs, and rewrites. File system, process planner, services of a measure and security of guilt from a microkernel.

OS OSF/1 also based on Mach microkernels. IBM takes the lot of OSF, and offending companies have traded microkernel technologies for the microkernel. However, why should IBM and OSF differ.

The first for all server OSF/1 is again working in the space of the core and vicorist function Mach. Why did OSF choose a microkernel implementation of a monolithic Unix server? It seems that the earlier versions of OSF / 1 were good on the flooring, that it was just a shame to kick it out and start all over again. As a result, OSF/1 is not as modular as Workplace. In addition to becoming a significant part of OSF / 1, OSF could earlier IBM take a microkernel OS (in breast 1994 Workplace has not yet been announced).

Windows NT. Windows NT programs are connected with "improvement subsystems" that work in the open space and are similar to the application environments of the Workplace OS. These subsystems are supported by NT Executive, which works in the space of the kernel and is never written to disk.

1.2. Object and object-oriented technologies in OS

A microkernel with a clearly defined minimal set of interfaces provides a foundation for a modular operating system. However, at the same time, it will be necessary to set up some kind of disciplinary approach, which will organize the process of modular expansion of the microkernel. Today, the most popular object-orientation is PIDHID, which also has strong support in micronuclear technology, or rather, in the case of an optimized transmission mechanism.

In terms of object-oriented OS, both systemic and applied programmers, as well as end-users, are attached. Objectivity allows programmers to penetrate the holy of holies of the OS and attach them to specific powers, select various workmanship, without damaging the integrity of the system. Vicoristannya ob'ektiv vіdkrivaє slyah to rozpodіlenih calculate. Ob'єkti to communicate with your programs and data and mutually, exchanging notifications. Properly organized objects are easily replaced, which ensures visual simplicity and transparency from local objects to remote ones. Obviously, in order to achieve such an organization of distribution systems, you will need supplementary susilla of retailers, and ale stink of attachments of coristuvachs.

Leading companies develop their systems directly from anyone. OLE (Object Linking and Embedding - Linking and Embedding of Objects) by Microsoft, common OpenDoc standard by Apple, IBM, Novell and Borland, DSOM model (Distributed System Object Model - Distributed System Object Model) by IBM, PDO (Portable Distributed Objects - Portable Distributed Objects) Next and Frameworks companies Taligent to promote their own, larger and smaller world coming canons of object-oriented technology model of distributed objects for current and future operating systems.

CORBA standard. The consortium OMG (Object Management Group), which has acquired the knowledge of almost all leading companies, develops standards for the exchange of objects. OMG CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture - Global Object Request Broker Architecture) provides the basis for the distribution of the calculation with different object approaches, standardizing the methods of querying objects and calling their methods.

1.3. Applied medium

Micronuclear organization and object orientation strongly change the internal architecture of operating systems, or may become opaque for corestuvachiv. Prote cannot see one important legacy of the new architecture: the natural organization of the development of "foreign" application programs.

In the advancing generation of OS, the presence of multiple application environments for the development of other people's programs will become a standard power, and the choice of operating system will not be interchangeable with the choice of available add-ons.

Efficiency of applied media. Although the application medium works like software, and hardware features of another platform, the main problem of efficiency is the need for emulation. Lastly, up to the skin command of the processor, modeling the behavior of one architecture on a different scale could not be seen as a practical pidhid. Luckily, today the severity of the problem is often raised by the daedals of the most advanced processors. And especially important are those that most programs are intensively coded (functionally close and numerically collapsible) with graphics interfaces (GUI) such as Windows, Mac, OSF / Motif or Open Look

The implementation of such programs is essentially transformed into a non-stop low-click GUI-library for manipulating windows and other applications for managing the interface. (After some estimates, it can take up to 90 hours per hour.) Relatively expanded application environment includes libraries that imitate internal GUI-libraries, but are also represented in the codes of a victorious processor. Sometimes such a pidhid is called a broadcast. The butt can also be a separate SunSelect application, the Wabi middleware, which is similar to Windows. As rozrobniks hold firm, zavdyaks are highly optimized libraries, while Wabi tests themselves are quieter, they can outperform Microsoft Windows.

Wabi (Windows Application Binary Interface - dvіykovy _interfeys і Windows program) vіdіlennya SunSelect іn the company Sun Microsystems comes with a variety of workstations. It uses the original X-protocol for creating images called by Windows programs and standard Unix tools for working with files that store memory and other resources.

In addition, instead of launching a new sharpening of Windows in the seen future, how to break SoftWindows, Wabi launches a new standard X-display for Windows skin software. Such a file allows transferring text and graphic data between Unix and Windows programs.

2. An overview of today's promising operating systems

Designated directly for the development of the HelenOS operating system. The leading HelenOS retailers were chosen as a vector for the development of a promising micronuclear operating system. In the published report, it can be seen that earlier HelenOS was considered by retailers as an operating system of a secret recognition. However, the retailers found out that they did not have sufficient resources to turn HelenOS into a real competitor to Windows, Linux and Mac OS for the most outstanding koristuvachiv, which was to be directly corrected for that development.

HelenOS has a low score: won't be released (the main publishing code is under the BSD license, partly under the GPL), a portable, swedish and lightweight system with a microkernel. Descriptions of the advantages of making HelenOS an ideal candidate for low performance, in which the firmware is needed and the system is ideally set up for the execution of exactly one task (retailers suggested the term One Application OS for such systems). HelenOS is planned to be deployed in automated service systems (ATMs, pay-for-service machines, vending machines, payment machines, etc.), on information boards, as well as in a number of control systems (including the "smart house" system). In addition, Giri Svoboda (Giri Schvoboda) has reported that one of the Czech banks (in connection with the extension of the operating system and the extension of the OS, aimed at stealing pennies from cards) infects in the operating system based on HelenOS (Live-Live) , recognized for safe work with internet bank

Zavdyaki pіdtrimtsі impersonal architecture and portability of HelenOS is ideal for descriptions of tasks. Moreover, the modularity and microkernel allow you to “turn on” when you have installed those and only those modules of the OS, which are actually necessary for the implementation of a specific task, so that you can make up to an extremely high swidcode solution based on this operating system for the damage to the environment.

The retailers are able to understand that through a lot of ATMs and payment terminals, they work not on Windows, but on the Swedish and Android HelenOS.

I don't care about those who left Windows XP on the market mayzhe 12 years ago, a large number of enterprises and kіntsevyh koristuvachіv prodzhuyut vykoristuvat tsey product. According to statistics from Net Applications, the share of Windows XP on the cob was 38.73%. And although the popularity of this OS continues to change, it is overrun by one of the most popular OS, less than 6% behind Windows 7.

On April 8, 2014, it was Microsoft's turn to release an update and a security update for core users, as they put a contract for an extended support for Windows XP. Microsoft regularly rewards its customers about the imminent end of support for Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2003. In addition, the company in the Windows community called on its customers to continue to beat the outdated software, before switching to new products, for example, Windows 7.

Chastka Windows 8 the market reached 3.2% and comes with Vista. Behind Net Applications, which analyzes data from 160 million unique customers from 40,000 websites of its customers, Microsoft Windows 8 operating system was released on the 26th day of the year, growing its share to 3.17%, occupying the fourth largest operating Vista . systems.

In a serpnі past fate after three fates presence on the Windows 7 market, it took away the first place from Windows XP, but it was still insignificant. The operating system of 2001 is not going to be released so easily to give up its positions.

It seems that Windows 8 may repeat the share of the recently criticized Windows Vista, some of which has shrunk to 5%. However, later, even though it is inactive growth, it is still possible to get through the young phase of the Windows 8 life cycle.

The whole Windows ecosystem, behind Net Applications, has 91% of Internet traffic from PCs, and the rest of the month, some of it may have changed. The presence of Mac OS X on desktops and laptops dropped to 6.94%. Just like a third, but far from bad, the Linux space is estimated at 1.17%.

Windows phone improve your position on the market of mobile operating systems

The market of mobile operating systems is in a permanent molding process, although two leaders have been identified for a long time. Google Android that Apple iOS. Їх incrementally nazdoganyaє Windows Phone like Microsoft, moreover, the pace of growth is often markedly increased.

Standing at the end of the fierce Windows Phone vpevneno tremaєtsya on the third row of the rating, not letting other operational operations and pragnuchi nazdat its main competitors. The undisputed leader, according to the statistics of the analytical company Kantar Worldpanel, was the Google Android OS - which accounts for 51.2% of the American smartphone market.

The previous version of the operating system with the Windows Blue code names may be presented to the public international conference Microsoft for retailers BUILD, as we pass from 26 to 28 pm at the exhibition center Moscone Center, retailed in San Francisco (USA). About tse povіdomlyaє merge vydannia TheVerge.

It is clear that the new product will become a kind of comprehensive updates to Windows 8 and introduce a number of improvements, including a complete interface, integration Internet Explorer 11, expanding on Bing's technology versatility, more advanced interoperability with Windows Phone, and support for 7- and 8-inch tablets. Windows Blue provides a deep integration from Windows Phone. Windows Blue is now developing as an independent project. The main task to stand before the retailers will be the unification of the operating system for PC from the mobile OS.

ubuntu April 8, 2013 vypovnilos pyat roki - won debuted in the distant 2008 roci. However, Canonical announced that it would upgrade the desktop versions of the system for three years, and the server modifications for five years. All in all, desktop 8.04 stopped being updated in early 2011, and now it's time for the server edition. Previously, Canonical called for the buggy version 8.04 to be updated before 10.04, but now it’s free technical support. Also, all Linux users are recommended to install at least Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin).

Before the end of Thursday 2013, Canonical will release a new release of Ubuntu with index 13.04. The system itself has been used since 2004, so that the advancing fate will celebrate its 10th anniversary.

Lenovo, HP and Dell will release computers from Chinese Linux OS

The largest computer makers Lenovo, HP and Dell announced their plans to release computers with a special version of the Ubuntu Kylin operating system, as well as a Chinese version of Linux.

Recently, Ubuntu Kylin was praised by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China. The release of the operating system will be due this month.

The Linux Foundation published a publicity note about the wiki Linux operating system in the business segment, from which it is possible to produce visnovoks about the popularity of OS among corporate clients. Over the years, investments in Linux grew by 12.7%, although other popular server platforms ended 2012 with better results.

Ubuntu will become the basis of the national OS for China

The government of China does not deprive China of the idea of ​​rozrobki that creation of a national operating system, and now, it seems, has broken the dead center from the right. As a helper of the People's Republic of China, having hired the company Canonical, for which you are arguing that the basis for the new operation will be the same for all types of Ubuntu.

Ubuntu is one of the most popular alternative operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Fakhіvtsі Canonical regularly, dvіchі on rіk, release new її versions, and її recently її okrema modification for tablet computers - Ubuntu Touch.

The Chinese version of Ubuntu can be seen better, lower can be seen - literally in early 2013. It's called Ubuntu Kylin and, surprisingly, comes with a valid code. Soon China will release an OS for desktop computers and laptops, and a little later, a server version will come before it.

The head office in the standard "Ubunt" Kylin from the Middle Kingdom is a non-standard set of add-ons, which includes all programs that are popular in this country: for example, Baidu navigation cards and the Taobao trading system. Of course, the system should be translated into Chinese language and completed with the support of all dialects.

The release of the appointment system on a whim is not just like that: Canonical is going to release Ubuntu 13.04, and Kylin itself is based on it. I'll name China by releasing another OS based on FreeBSD. The project did not gain popularity and, in fact, won only in the Chinese army. It is possible for the Chinese military to switch to Ubuntu Kylin.

Toshiba has released a new energy-efficient operating system for budding systems

Toshiba Corporation told about the development of a new operating system, created for maximum energy savings on rich-core processors for systems that will be installed in cars and smarter electronics. The company estimates that an OS running on a high-powered, rich-core processor achieves energy savings of 24.6% versus a "standard OS" running higher-density software that scales from 1920 x 1080 to 3840 x 2160.

The company determines that it could grow to electronics before the appearance of highly productive processors, the number of cores in which reach up to a dozen in an hour. As a result, the increase in energy supply will be fed to the operating systems, which will maximize the hour of operation of mobile devices in the form of a battery and repair the device.

Within the framework of the current OS methodology, the processor life is based on the history of innovation. Ale cei pidkhid is inaccurate for lowering the energy supply and can not be tampered with with short haircuts - the result, as Toshiba means, is the consumption of energy. The evolution of Toshiba's multi-core operating system to save energy even more, and based on the analysis of the nature of parallel computations. The OS is more accurate in transferring the vanity, as you need it in the next hour, so that energy can be saved more efficiently and without productivity. Toshiba plans to introduce a new operating system to the system, which will be aimed at analyzing and processing high-resolution images.


Microkernels, objects of architecture, multiple cores - three whales, on the yak, maybe, all the operating systems of the future will spire. And yet, modern OS allow us to learn about these concepts.

L. Azimov “Suchasni OS, the whole cob, and not the end of the middle, I think it’s too rich. Modern OS cannot work much more. The stench is still taking away a lot of time from us. Їhnya stability overwhelms the best. The stench is at the stage of birth. I mine a lot of fates, persh nizh persha OS, welcome your first master: "Hello. I am your new Operating System and I will help you with your tasks. I think we will become friends;)". And it will not just be a phrase written down far away, there will be її words that come from the very heart of її zalizny body. This marks the beginning of a new era - the Epoch of the Confused Hour.


1. Operating systems:, - Moscow, Academy, 2010 - 64 p.

2. Applied informatics:, - Moscow, Vishcha school, 2010 - 328 p.

3. Linux self-reader for koristuvach: Viktor Kostromin - Moscow, BHV-Petersburg, 2005 - 658 p.

4. Merezhevі operating systems:, - St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, 2007 - 544 p.

5. Supercomputer from your PC. Like one hour pratsyuvati in a number of systems on one computer. Launching one system in the middle of another program (DVD-ROM): , - Moscow, Science and Technology, 2011 - 224 p.