How to pay off your Internet with happy hour bonuses. How to check the pile of bonuses on Beeline. How to find out how many bonuses there are on beeline. Vikoristannya narahovanyh balіv

The operator offers each subscriber a program with special bonuses. Participation in this may involve not only the accumulation of bonus points, but also the expenditure on high-quality products and low additional options. You can become a participant if you are interested. Let's talk about what is needed and how to get the balls?

After linking this option to your phone, the customer will deduct a number of points for all spending that occurs within the operator’s limit. Indemnity is provided on a permanent basis. The amount of bonus benefits depends directly on the period of employment that is provided by the operator.

They must be properly stored up to date:

  • 1-6 months – 5%;
  • 6-12 months – 8%;
  • 12-24 months – 10%;
  • 24-36 months – 12%;
  • 36 months and more – 15%.

The longer you have been a subscriber to the operator, the more health care you have transferred to them. To find out the time of your stay during the period, you should quickly use one of the methods that are available to you. Read about the services that are provided in a special office, using the operator’s programs or special visits to the subscriber service center. Each method has its own characteristics and advantages, and the choice of a particular one depends on the individual.

How to activate Happy Hour on Beeline?

Activation of this proposition can be carried out in several ways. There is not enough time for what is needed. You can send your request using the format *767#. Similar activation options are given by number 0767. You can go to a special account and perform activation there. And you can quickly use the services that the operator’s program conveys to clients. The skin itself chooses the best option for itself.

After completing the procedure, a special shell will become available. Bonuses will accumulate on your own. To obtain these data as quickly as possible, you can send a request using the format *767#. You can also work in a special account or on the program’s pages.

How to use Beeline bonuses Happy hour?

The accumulated money can be spent on household chores and justice. The opportunity to make payments for services and goods that are supplied by the operator has been extended. They can also be used to minimize special expenses for carrying out telephone roses or Internet surfing. Moreover, this capability is available not only within the base region, but beyond its boundaries. To carry out the procedure, dial the number 0641868.

There is an opportunity to take advantage of collected bonuses for goods purchased at customer service centers. For this you need to make a special trip to the nearest office. However, you can't pay for the entire purchase. The maximum amount of bonuses becomes 10%. You can transfer all bonuses or some of them to another subscriber of the network. For this purpose, use the format *767#. Next, write down the number of the owner and the amount that will be transferred to you. Shchodobovo you can transfer bits of more than 3000 points. The smallest amount is not to blame for the smallest amount for 10 bonuses.

Many people have called us before what most operators have mobile connection The exciting program will now have a name associated with the word “bonus”. The Beeline company simply does not have any necessary information related to this drive. The whole point is that this operator has a bonus program for its subscribers in Russia that has a different name - “ happy hour».

How to register for the Beeline bonus program

Registering your number with the bonus program is very simple and can be done using one of the following methods:

  • send USSD command *767# ;
  • call us on no-cost room ;
  • go to a special office and connect Beeline bonus(Instructions for registering in a special Beeline account).

How can you redeem your Beeline Bonus balance?

Since you are already a participant in Russian programs, you can easily spend your money at Rizni Vinegorod:

  • activate the “My Country” service for 25 bonuses for 30 days per number;
  • activate the “My Mizhgorod” option for 55 bonuses with a term for 30 days by calling to;
  • add the “My Planet” service for a total of 25 bonuses for 30 days -;
  • connect to “100 SMS for international roaming” for 295 bonuses/30 days per number;
  • Internet lovers will enjoy the “1 GB data extension” option for 100 bonuses - ;
  • another service for Internet users - “3 GB data transfer” can be activated per number for only 200 bonuses;
  • take a discount of up to 10% from salons with a Beeline connection by exchanging your bonus points for it;
  • send your bonuses to another subscriber of the company. To do this, dial *767#, enter the number to whom you will send the amount in points (from 10 to 3000 per addition) and confirm the operation with an SMS code;
  • If you do not pay wine to the city, then the Beeline Bonus will be spent on the main call, SMS, MMS or on mobile internet, They are spent the same way as pennies are on the main balance.

You can now find out your remaining Beeline Bonus points using the combination *767#.

Like all mobile telecom companies, Beeline has a core program to attract its customers - the “Happy Hour” bonus program, which allows subscribers to receive bonuses for renewing their mobile phone. The number of bonus points depends on the length of service of the subscriber and the amount of money spent on the card. You will receive additional bonuses on the next day of each month if the bonus program is activated.

You will be able to take advantage of additional benefits through payment links, additional services, as well as the opportunity to pay for their possession in the salons of the airline operator Beeline.

The number of bonuses that can be redeemed will become a hundred-fold ratio to this amount, once you have replenished the account. Also, the amount of bonus sums is calculated: with a subscriber experience of less than six months - 5 hundreds; from 6 months to 1 month – 8 hundred; from 1st to 2nd day – 10 hundred units; from 2 to 3 rocks – 12 hundred units; more than 3 rocks – 15 hundreds.

The more you serve Beeline, the more bonuses you get.

As it was predicted earlier, additional clients are using services to contact Russian numbers, the Internet, SMS notifications, mms, etc.

If you haven't signed up for the Happy Hour loyalty program yet, read on to find out how to get started.

You need to call number 0767 (there is no cost). You can also speed up the process by dialing *767# on your phone.

You can check the number of bonuses by logging into your special account on the official Beeline website. If you are unable to access the Internet, you need to dial the combination *767# on your phone’s keypad – the amount of bonus sums will appear on the screen.

What can you do with Happy Hour bonuses and how to use them? Many people are interested in similar foods, and the results are quite simple.

If you do not benefit from additional services, then additional points will be debited automatically from your account for the use of contacts, the Internet, SMS, etc.

Prote, Beeline subscribers have the opportunity to pay for other options with these fees. Such as “100 information about international roaming”, “My Planet”, “My Country”, “My Intercity” and others. Its value ranges from 25 to 295 points in thirty days. To connect to each of them, you need to dial the extension number.

Beeline subscribers also unique ability transfer your bonus points to the account of another subscriber (he must be a participant in the bonus program). For this you need to dial the combination *767# on your phone subscriber number in 10 digit format I'll tell you the amount. After this, confirm your request.

When you send bonuses, there are exchange rules - you cannot transfer less than 10 points and more than 3000 points until bonuses are sent for 30 days.

Subscribers who have already received Happy Hour bonuses from Beeline are already satisfied with such additional bonuses, and even spend a lot of money on their services - apparently, reject the bad “compliments” from their Stilnikov operator.

Take advantage of bonuses and make your money worthwhile.

Important! Beeline encourages its clients to transfer money from their mobile phone to a bank payment card.

On the tenth of the month, bonuses will be awarded to all subscribers who have signed up for the “Happy Hour” program (except for clients with a postpaid system). How early did you start to get involved? Stilnikov operator Beeline, the higher the percentage of money you spend per month. If you added a current beeline SIM card, you will receive 5% of the money spent, from 6 to 12 months - 8%, from two to three months - 10% 2%, more than three rocks - 15%. In this way, the oldest clients of Beeline can take back more than a tenth of the money spent.

Bali doesn't charge much for:

  • The money you spent on services to other organizations;
  • Important information and information services of the operator;
  • International calls and information;
  • SMS and Wikliki, whatever you are.

How can I redeem bonus points?

Bonus eyepieces “live” as long as you don’t burn them for six months. When you use the “Happy Hour” service, bonuses that were previously withdrawn are spent on us in advance.

You decide how to manage the accumulated points. There are three options:

  1. Vitrata for services Stilnikovy bond.
  2. Pick up discounts for purchase in Beeline offices.
  3. Bonuses can be transferred to another subscriber.

Payment for calls, Internet and SMS

To sign up for a service call, dial *789#. When the stink ends, the amount that was lost will be debited from the mobile phone balance forever. If the eyepieces cannot be inserted and run out, the option will automatically turn off after a month. To check your bonus balance, speed up with the command *767*2#. The option can be activated again, in which case all unspent points will be saved.

“Happy Hour” allows you to redeem accumulated bonuses as payment for your work. To connect, simply call the number indicated in the table.

Get discounts on tablets and smartphones

For the additional “Happy Hour” program, you can get a discount of up to 10% on purchases at Beeline official offices. To make your purchase safer, provide your consultant with information about your bonus balance.

Transfer of points to other subscribers

If you don’t want to spend bonuses, transfer them to another subscriber who is using the program, so that the stinks don’t just disappear. For whom:

  • Dial *767# from your phone and press the call key;
  • Indicate the employee number of the person you are doing the translation without weight;
  • Indicate the amount to the transfer. There may be 10 to 3000 bonuses per addition;
  • Confirm the operation by typing the code you received from the SMS.

Subscribers with a postpaid system will receive a discount

Subscribers who pay with a fixed-rate operator once a month can use the additional “Happy Hour” program to deduct a discount on monthly expenses. To get the job done faster, you need to dial *805#.

The book will only become stagnant until it costs money to pay for the service. Its size depends on how long you have been a customer of the Beeline operator.

For three months since then, they have been paying for the service of a stipend. to full size, then you will receive an SMS on your phone with notifications about a gift from the operator. You will be given 60 coins per connection in the middle of the region, 500MB cost-free Internet or a 10% discount on bathroom equipment in beeline offices.

As you know, using this program is already available to all Beeline clients. So don’t call and join in!

Almost everyone has it mobile operators You will find interesting programs in the form of bonuses, discounts and regular promotions. Beeline is not a culprit: the operator charges hundreds of dollars spent on the subscriber's account in the form of bonuses that can be spent on services and the Internet of its operator.

How to use Beeline bonuses - connections, checking your balance

If at the time of reading the article you have discovered that you are not yet interested in this service, dial the USSD command on your phone:

  • *767#Vickey key,
  • or call the short number 0767 and follow the instructions of the automatic informer,
  • You can also go to your special account on the company’s official website and select the “Beeline bonus” field.

This system of discounts from the operator is called “Happy Hour” and there are hundreds of discounts due to the fact that you have been checking in with your number for a long time:

  • less than six months - 5% is charged on the amount spent,
  • up to one roku – 8%,
  • from one to two centuries we get 10%,
  • from two to three rocks – 12%,
  • and subscribers with a number over three years old will receive 15% bonuses.

You can check the number of bonuses in special office or for the command *767#Ring key. Also, the company will always enforce this data on email subscriber

How and why to use Beeline bonuses

If you yourself don’t have anything to spend your bonuses on, the company will automatically write them off from your calls and SMS notifications. To manage them yourself, take note of the overflow of fruitful grapes in the city:

  • dial the number 06740457 and write off 25 bonuses for the service “My Country”. An option is given to allow speaking in roaming on leading minds,
  • number 06740459 you can connect 100 cat-free SMS in roaming for 30 days for 295 bonuses,
  • call 06740465 to add 1 GB Internet traffic for 100 bonuses,
  • 06740466 extend traffic up to 3 GB for 200 Beeline bonuses,
  • service "My Planet" number 06740458 for 25 bonuses for 30 days.

You can send your bonuses to a friend’s account. For whom enter:

  • *767#number of one number of bonuses. Without spaces or any symbols.

After a few seconds, you will see confirmation of the operation, which will require confirmation. Essentially, you can send a minimum of 10 points and a maximum of 3000.

By returning to the nearest salon, you can exchange bonuses for a 10% discount on Beeline services.