What to marvel at, what to do at Vevey? Significant memorials of Vevey. Vevey, Switzerland

I’ll call a small, sweet Swiss town Vevey planted on the birches of Lake Geneva.There are only about 20 thousand inhabitants here.

We were passing through here, we caught only a troch to walk along the embankment.

Zaraz Vevey is a popular resort for foreign people, including many hotels, boarding houses.The place is full of leafy pagorbi with terraces of vineyards.

Peacefully b'yutsya about kaminnya khvili. The purity of the lake waters is added even by a lot of birds.

Veveybetween the places of Lausanne and Montreux.

The history of the place knows its cob from prehistoric hours. The Romans and the barbarians abandoned their traces here. The place was awakened at that place, the mandrills were destined for nothing, they went from Rome to Britain. In the middle of Vevey, having occupied an important strategic camp on the shores of Lake Geneva.

After the princes of Savoy, the place passed under the administration of Bern in 1536. The development of the place was sown by the influx of French Protestants from the 17th century.

From the XIX century to the Swiss Riv'єri z'їzhdzhalisapex of suspіlstva.Todi was fashionably "grape rejoicing". In case of bad ailments, the doctors prescribed a grape diet, so that two days it was possible to eat only grapes. In 1836, the poet Gogol wrote: “Mandriving people come here, and especially Russians, in order to speed up the grape jubilations.per kilka poundsnothing more than grapes. If the grapes fight so unacceptable, you don’t want to marvel.

Vlitka at Vevey to passAll-world holy winegrowers.

On the Rink Square, local winegrowers, dressed in national costumes, gather and serve freshly prepared wine to the vineyards.

Ernest Hemingway was the most famous chanuvalnik in Vevey, the English writer Graham Greene worked hereand the Frenchman Victor Hugo.Fedir Dostoyevsky wrote a copy of the "Idiot".Here, the Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz proved the rest of the rock.

At Vevey, Mikola Vasilyovich Gogol worked on the work "Dead Souls". A monument was erected on the embankment of youmu, a gift from Ukraine.

Vevey is the fatherland of children's food and milk chocolate.The Nestle company was born here.Henri Nestle having made a right coup at the eating house. In 1867, roci wines decided to propagate their product "Milk Boroshno Henri Nestlé" to the people. Since they didn’t criticize the piece of vigodovuvannya, it’s impossible to overstate the fact that a lot of children survived the vineyards of the vineyard.

In the photo - Alimentarium Eating Museum. The whole revolution at eating, the results of which may have happened in the 21st century, took place here - at Vevey.

Opposite the museum, right in the lake, standthe invisible monument of the seer,virnіshe, a monument to hedgehog, as a symbol of a seer.

Giant 8-meter stainless steel fork. Tsya is original today's work step by step became a recognized symbol of Vevey itself.On the fly, the bula was placed as a timepiece exhibit until 10 a.m. to the museum in 1995, in a row, a term for one r_k.

Then the fork was taken away for a long time, and in 2008, after the collection of signatures, that all-encompassing huge discussion of the fork was allowed to be left in the lake forever.

Vevey became the last buttress for the little Volociug – Charles Spencer Chaplin. Gnіy nіmogo kino provіv іn thіѕ resort іn thе hаd оf thеіr life.Not far from Vevey, having lived the rest of twenty-five years. The monument to Chaplin stands at the park named after him.

Howat Charles Spencer Chaplin had a girlfriend. Already for a few months after the funeral, the evil-doers dug up a string from the body of Chaplin, in order to take a ransom for it.

The Swiss police were far away to file a quick rozshukati and arrest the evil-doers. Suddenly, Charlie Chaplin was buried, having "stole" the beast's thorn with a six-foot ball of concrete, so that he could die in the future of similar samples.

On the riddle about the comedian, a festival of comedy films will be held near the sickle near Vevey.

At the roller - Maetok Manoir-de-Bahn is not far from Vevey. New Chaplin with his retinue and children lived a quarter of a century. Below are the photographs of the interior of the room (found on the Internet).

Chaplin was persecuted by the United States on the cob of the 1950s, and the sound of turmoil viikhati sounded.

Chaplin, singling out Switzerland for its neutrality in political sustenance, singsongly, this country recognized the least shoddy under the hour of Another world war.

The beauties of nature also played an important role. And you can afford the Swiss road wine.

Chaplin became a legend already for life: noble ladies talked about him from satisfaction, girls dreamed about him, they wanted to take him by the hand of richly strong world.

Zvichayno, boules and so, to whom the wines strongly "annoyed" their creativity and non-Gamov's ardor to justice. Hitler, for example, added the fearless comedian to the list of his special enemies for Chaplin's parody of wine.

Vіn zavzhdi vіdіznyavsya zayvoj lyubov'yu to the truth and richly once paid for those "for rahunki". For your time, I’m a successful person, like in creativity, so in finance.

Charlie was merciful: after a series of recent lovers in the wake of one and the same unrepeatable Una O'Neill, as she was young for 37 years and gave birth to eight years of depression.

Vevey (Vevey) - a small place on the Swiss river, roztashovan between Lausanne and Montreux. If Montreux is considered the most important city resort, then Vevey, perhaps, is a “lighter version”.

To that sense, Vevey is smaller, more compact, not luxurious, but at the same time it is more welcoming. If you appreciate the Swiss riviera, then not varto nekhtuvat Vevey - not without reason yogo tezh, like Montreux, loved Russian classics (Karamzin, Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Gogol, Dostoyevsky and rich others), but the genius at this resort, you will visit the sun of your life.

Vevey itself was the birthplace of the Nestlé company - in 1867, the pharmacist Anri Nestlé vinayshov produced milk powder for a piece of children. “Dairy Boroshno Henri Nestlé” was patented, it’s true, even for the sake of fate, Mr. Nestlé sold his share to a company of business partners. Vіm, navit tsgogo appeared enough to increase the name of the Swiss pharmacist nіmetskogo hozhennja.

The headquarters of this Swiss giant is located near Vevey, where it is sold and the Food Museum Alimentarium, founded by the company. At the process - a creation at the Vevey Museum, dedicated to Charlie Chaplin, who died at the same city of the Swiss Riviera and was buried at Montreux.

Father, what should we do at Vevey? It’s great to take a walk along the beautiful embankment, look at the famous “fork” in the lake and the monument to Charlie Chaplin (a statue in natural size), look to the Russian Church of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara (Eglise Sainte-Barbara). Tsei temple beyond the cordon was prompted by Count Pyotr Shuvalov to a riddle about dying at the canopy of his daughter - Varvara. The church was built near Vevey according to the project of the leading court architect Ipolit Monigetti and consecrated in 1878 by a priest. In 2005, the restoration of the church was carried out, in which a sprat of old icons is saved.

Vevey and the village of Mont Pelerin, roztashovane vishche, zadnuє funicular. Before the hour of the 20th trip to the new hill, you can swell the vineyards and the panorama of the countryside - Vevey, the wine-growing region of Chardonnay, lakes and mountains. The breakdown of the funicular operation and how it is, better check with the tourist office of Vevey.

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At the Old Town of Vevey

Vevey Switzerland photo

Monument to N.V. Gogol, who worked at Vevey over his creations

A giant 8-meter fork made of stainless steel (author - Swiss sculptor Jean-P'er Zaugg) was installed in the lake opposite the Nestlé Eating Museum. This original modern work step by step became a recognized symbol of Vevey itself.

On the fly, the bula was placed as a timchasovy exhibit until 10 a.m. to the Museum in 1995, a term for one river. Then the fork was removed for a long time from the eyes of a getaway, and in 2008, after the collection of signatures, that all-encompassing huge discussion of the fork was allowed to be left in the lake forever.

Monument to Charlie Chaplin, he has a natural growth.

The Museum of Eating at Vevey Alimentarium offers an insight into the selection of food products and the history of the Nestle company. Here is presented a permanent exposition, dedicated to various aspects of eating, as well as a regular exhibition of timings, master-class then. Until 2016, the fate of the 150-year-old company "Nestlé" - the museum will be completely redesigned, that part of 2015 will be closed for winemakers.

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Vevey was famous for its majestic popularity among the English and Russian aristocracy. Here Vyazemsky and Dostoyevsky, Karamzin and Nabokov, Tchaikovsky and many others came to live. In 1878, Vevey received a bula on the pennies of Count Shuvalov orthodox church Holy Barbarian.

Remains of the fates of life near the mist of the provinces of Charlie Chaplin, a monument was erected on the birch in honor of him. Let's face it, the Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz ended his days here.

Henry James, Oscar Kokoschka, Victor Hugo and a lot of other celebrities were also here, whose hearts were cheered by the Swiss Riv'era.

Weather in Vevy:

Distance from Vevy:

Check out the train schedule at www.sbb.ch.

Air tickets in Vevey:

  • Ticket Vevey - Montreux: cost 3.60 francs for 1 book 2 class on trains and buses (9 francs tickets for the day without taxation of the number of trips) and 12 francs on the ship.
  • Ticket Vevey – Lausanne: cost 10.80 francs.
  • Ticket Vevey - Geneva: cost 28 francs
  • Kvitok Vevey - Geneva Airport: cost 32 francs
  • Ticket Vevey - Bern: cost 38 francs
  • Ticket Vevey - Basel: cost 69 francs
  • Ticket Vevey — Zurich: cost 77 francs

Orientation at Vevy:

Vevey main station to be found 300 meters away from the pivnich view of the lake. Go down the Rue de Lausanne , and after 1-2 weeks you will come to the majestic central square grande-place , so you can see the place like Place du Marché, like go straight to the lake. old town to be known in the area.

If you go to the entrance to the entrance, then you will come to the church of St. Barbara, the church of St. Martin.

Addresses: quai Perdonnet


In fact, Chaplin is not alive near Vevy, but in the small old village of Corsier, where there are three more places. The village was already sleeping at the 2nd century, and St. Maurice. In the middle of the church you can have mercy on the paintings of the 15th century.

It is impossible to see the house of the great comedian, but you can make his grave on the cimetière de Corsier, which is known for three miles of walking down the hillside of the hillock from the village.

Corsier-sur-Vevey has the Charlie Chaplin Museum.

From Vevey to Corsier you can take buses 11 and 12.

Addresses: quai Perdonnet

Villa Le Lac

This elegant villa is located 300 meters away from Nestle. Vaughn was designed by the replaceable avant-garde architect Le Corbusier for yoga fathers in 1924 to replace the original furniture that lay in the homeland.

You can see the day with a sightseeing tour, which is held at the birch-zhovtnі at Wednesday from 13:30 to 17:00. Variety - 5 CHF.

Museums of Vevey:

Musée Jenisch - Museum of Art

Museum of budding in 1897 donated by Jenisch - Sim'ї emigrants from Hamburg. The museum has an exposition devoted to Swiss art. At the same time, Musée Jenisch has a handful of museums: Musée des Beaux-Arts - museum of arts and Cabinet Cantonal des Estampes - Cantonal Museum of Druk. Cabinet cantonal des Estampes has the largest collection of lithographs by Rembrandt in Europe, as well as numerous graphic works by Durer, Corot, Le Corbusier and others. small town Villeneuve, near Vevey.

  • Entry: Fallow view of the exhibition. Entry - adults 12 CHF, seniors 10 CHF, students 6 CHF, children under 17 - free of charge.
  • Robot hour: Birch-Oct Tue-Sun 11:00-17:30, Lid-Feb 14:00-17:30.
  • Addresses: 2 Rue de la Gare
  • www.museejenisch.ch

Musée de l'Alimentarium

Museum of foundations in the 1980s. and to take revenge on the main favorable collection of the Nestlé company, dedicated to the development of food products throughout the world. Stuffing in order of the statue of Chaplin, the largest interactive museum of the place: by pressing one of the museum buttons, you can smell the aroma of hedgehog. Viewers can also turn on a diorama, or play a computerized show, and you can also look at short films about the story.

  • Entry: seniors - 10 CHF, students and pensioners - 8 CHF, children under 17 - free of charge.
  • Robot hour: Tue-Sun 10-18.
  • Addresses: Quai Perdonnet.

Musée du Vieux-Vevey - Museum of Old Vevey

There are two museums near this great future - the Musée Historique du Vieux-Vevey (historical museum) and the Musée de la Confrérie de la Vigneron (museum of winemakers). The collection includes antiques from the 18th century and attributes of the wine trade, wrought iron work, ashtray, tin dishes, tools and accessories, connected with the regional wine festival. In addition, you can marvel at the paintings of local artists.

  • Entry: adults - 5CHF, students and pensioners and children up to 16 - 4 CHF.
  • Robot hour: Berezen-Oct Tue-Sun 10:30-12:00 and 14:00-17:30, Lid-Feb Tue-Sun 14:00-17:00.
  • Addresses: rue du Chateau 2.

Musée Suisse de l'Appareil Photographique - Museum.

Swiss Museum of Photography. The only museum of its kind near the country, presenting to the public the greater history of photography, starting from the first daguerreotypes and up to the present hour. On the top page there will be time exhibitions of contemporary photography. Let's stop the lovers of photography will have a large collection of cameras from the 1920s. up to our days.

  • Entry: adults - 8 CHF, students and pensioners and children up to 16 - 6 CHF.
  • Robot hour: Berezen-Oct Tue-Sun 11:00-17:30, Lid-Feb Tue-Sun 14:00-17:30.
  • Addresses: rue des Anciens-Fosses 6.

Excursions around Vevey:

Tour by mistom– arrangements by the travel agency are carried out from April to Spring (Wed-Fri about 10 AM, August – 10 CHF) and three and two years. It is necessary to know more about the presence of English language guides.

Chemin Fleuri- "Quick stitch". Trigodina promenade vdovzh roskishnyh 9 km embankment of the lake between Vevey and Vilnev (Villeneuve). At the tourist office you can find brochures with a description of the route and yoga reminders.

Poetic walk- at the tourist office for a couple of francs you can buy a brochure "Talking Benches walk", as if you will be taken to celebrity shops; skin lava is dedicated to one of the writers of philosophers, as if they appeared as a tribute to Vevey to this particular place. You can press a button near the skin lava and listen to short verses from their robots, enjoying the usual views. The whole walk takes about 3-4 years.

On the outskirts of Vevey:


VID Startsi VEVEY-FUNI, Yaka is known for the forefront of Budіlovі Nestlé (Zintsevo Stances bus 1) can be on Funi-Kuleri (Vid rule the leatherette 20 hwilin tilki in the heat of the Rock-Kvytny) Garni view on the outskirts. There is also a luxury spa hotel.

You can continue on the path to the top of the hill, and after about a year of walking you will reach the TV vein, you can go up to the yak for an additional lift - even up to a height of 1100 m. The lift costs 5 CHF? funicular and lift - 16 CHF.


You can climb up the mountain by train from the Vevey railway station to LES PLÉIADES at an altitude of 1364 m. Behind the village of Blonay there is a descent from the bik of Montreux, as well as an old road with trains for steam traction to Chamby with a rake transmission on the skis. The order from Lally's front station is to find a quiet old hotel Hôtel Les Sapins with a wonderful cuisine. Zvіdsi 15 hvilin pishki or 6 hvilin by train - and you are at the top. Directly in front of you will be the Dent de Jaman peak - a total of 1875 m of curtains, and a prominent and pyramidal flooring, which is called the Matterhorn of the canton of Vaud.

Cruise on Lake Geneva

On the bridge between Vevey and Montreux (Haut-Lac Supérieur), Mount Dent d'Oche hangs from one side, peaks beyond Montreux from the other side, as well as the snowy peaks of the Alps on the pivdni, which turns the cruise by the lake on an unforgettable trip.

Regularly replenished from mid-April to mid-Spring from 10 am to 6 pm between Vevey, Montreux, Château de Chillon, Le Bouveret and St-Gingolph. You can travel in one place, or choose a round-trip two-year tour (rate - 28 CHF, free of charge for Tageskarte tickets throughout Switzerland and Swiss Pass and Eurail series tickets, full price for InterRail).

Small boats pratsyyut behind them directly stretching out the mustache rock.


A small village is a mile away from the Chillon castle, opposite Roni (there is a cordon that distributes cantons in Valais). Vaughn cіkava with its attractions, orientated by family. Among them is the Swiss Vapeur Parc (open from May to Spring from 10 am to 6 pm; birch, tue, spring and midday Mon-Fri 13:30-18:00, Sat-Sun 10-18, admission 13 francs, www.swissvapeur .ch) is a miniature hall, to let you turn into a child and take you through a low miniature copy of the main Swiss monuments.

There is also a critical water park. A ticket for a drink of the day or a whole day costs 40 and 44 francs. Children and sim'yam are given small gifts.


Trips will be more rewarding. Їх podіlyaє less close 5 km. You can choose trains and cruise ships, in the fall at an affordable time and weather.

Holy is that festival at Vevey:

Serpen- Festival of street artists (www.artistesderue.ch). At this hour, the place reminds of all the clowns, acrobats, jugglers, mimi, lyalkovі theaters and others.

Reserve on tickets:

"Regional pass" from Lake Geneva to the Alps

This regional ticket grants the right to free transportation by trains, ships, buses and funiculars with a duration of 2 or 3 days, and a 50% discount on public transport on other days. Yogo can be bought at any tourist office, at stations and ports. Є also "junior card" - for children aged 6-16.

Є ticket "5 regional pass", which entitles you to 2 days of free transportation and 3 days of 50% discount. Vartist (2nd class) - 94 francs for adults, 75 francs for the presence of a halbtax or Swiss Pass - 75 francs, for children 6-16 - 47 francs.

For a 7-day ticket (3 free and 4 days with a 50% discount) - 114, 91 and 57 francs per day.

The Alimentarium is a unique museum of carvings on the birch of the Lake Geneva, the exposition of which is dedicated to such an important speech, like a hedgehog.

The museum is located in the town of Vevey, famous for being the headquarters of the world-famous Nestle company. The very "delicious" organization has planted the whole extraordinary museum here.

The museum as a whole can be called natural and scientific. Vіn vіdmіnno i suchasno equipment and clearly dividing into kіlka exhibition maidanchikіv, and itself: їzha itself, cooking, etching and purchasing and zbut. Найбільший інтерес у відвідувачів музею, як правило, викликає експозиція, присвячена фізіології харчування: так, тут туристів знайомлять з процесами засвоєння їжі, калорійному балансі, розповідають про формування смакових відчуттів, харчову поведінку, а також демонструють фільм про вплив їжі на людський організм. In addition, for a supplementary fee, you can have a delicious snack in a cafe that is not far from the tasted one.

Coordinates: 46.45876200,6.84686100

Monument to Charlie Chaplin

Walking along the embankment of Lake Geneva near the Swiss town of Vevey, you can see the monument to Charlie Chaplin. The famous artist spent his life here and died at Vevey.

Vevi lived, worked, and nurtured that many other people. For example, the writer Grem Green, the Polish writer-Nobel Prize winner Henryk Sienkiewicz, the pianist Clara Haskil, one of the streets of Vevey is named after her and international pianist competitions are held.

These people were loved by the visiting Russian poets and writers Gogol, Vyazemsky, Zhukovsky, Karamzin. In 1878, the brothers at Vevey founded another Orthodox church, at the same time they are known under the ceramics of the Russian Church Abroad.

Coordinates: 46.46173300,6.83892100

Have you been honored with Vevey's reminders? Order from the photo and icons, by clicking on them you can rate those in another place.

Embankment Vevi

The Swiss resort of Vevey rose up on the birches of Lake Geneva. The embankment stretched here for nine kilometers, the stars show a wonderful edge view of the lake, sharpened by mountains, especially at sunset.

Deyakі tourists, yakim were honored with tі mіstsya, buy here to build houses for long-term living. These are resettled by foreign European pensioners.

There is a mild climate, because the small town of Vevey is protected by mountains from cold winds. Alpine yalini є sushi with Mediterranean palms. Two other spa towns, Villeneuve and Montreux, adjoin to Vevey. There are a lot of cultural visits at these places - concerts, a jazz festival, exhibitions.

Coordinates: 46.46173300,6.83892100

The most popular mementos of Vevey with descriptions and photographs for any relish. Choose the best places to see the city of Vevey on our website.