Distance trading center: Registration. Center of distance trading: Registration Center of distance trading

For the cob of work on the electronic maidanchik, click on the following:

  1. Get an electronic signature in one of the trusted centers (CA)
    For arbitrators and auction organizers (sellers): are accepted whether they are electronic signatures, seen by reference centers, accredited by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications.
    For bidders (buyers): Electronic signatures are accepted only in the new format (which include OID: 1.2.643.6.18.2 - “Bidder (buyer)”), so you can take it to the Trust Center, which you can tell. A participant in the auction can take the ECP certificate from any other CA and win it for the minds of the ceremonial legislature and the minds of the work on the ETP.

  2. Set up your computer to . After configuring the computer, it is recommended that the config be correct.

  3. Create physical record Koristuvach (special office).
    For whom, press the button and fill in the form for setting up a special cabinet, stating in it:
    • Im'ya Koristuvacha (login),
    • Password (it is strongly recommended not to tell the password to third persons!),
    • Key certificate electronic signature, which will vikoristovuvatsya on the electronic maidan,
    • Email addresses,
    • Contact phone number in federal format (without number)
    A sheet with a code for confirming the specified address will be sent to the email address you specified. To confirm the e-mail address, go to the request, how to take care of the sheet, using the Internet Explorer browser.

  4. Go to the special account (log in) and enter the details of the Participant of the electronic maidan(information about a legal or physical person), in the form of the name of which you speak on the electronic maydanchik.

  5. Submit an application for registration of a participant on the electronic Maidan. For someone in a special office, form an application ("Personal data" => "Registration for the UTP" => "Submit an application").
    Complete the application form and attach to it (zavantazhte) the following scanned documents:
    • Vityag or a copy of the transcript from the Unified State Register legal issues(for legal entities), seen no earlier than 30 calendar days before the date of filing the application for registration;
    • Vityag or a copy of the hero from the Unified State Register of Individuals (for Individuals) seen no earlier than 30 calendar days before the date of filing the application for registration;
    • Copies of establishing documents (for legal ones);
    • Copies of documents certifying a person (for physical cases, if they are applicants for registration on an electronic maidanchik or representatives of applicants, zocrema certifiers of legal osіb, if they are applicants for registration on an electronic maidanchik);
    • Vіdomosti about the identification number of the payer of taxes (for legal and physical osіb);
    • Copies of documents confirming the renewal of the identity of the applicant for registration on the electronic maidanchik (for legal entities) or the renewal of another individual on the basis of the name of such an applicant (for legal and physical entities);
    • Information about the main state registration number (for legal and physical registrations, if they are individual enterprises), information about the insurance number of an individual special account (for physical registrations, if they are not individual enterprises);
    • The proper order of certification is the translation of my Russian documents, which were seen clearly before the legislation of a sovereign state, about the state registration of a legal entity (for foreign legal entities), state registration physical individuals as an individual admission and (or) documents that certify a person of a physical person (for foreign physical objects).
    Information about confirmation of registration on the electronic Maidan will be sent to you email, as well as at the special office, with a stretch of three working days to submit the application. By pressing the button "Start registration" you will be smarter

Maidan name: Distance trading center
Website: cdtrf.ru
Rate: Electronic signature Basic

Only for arbitrage brokers and auction organizers.

List of all systems, portals, where this electronic signature is stored:

Portal of Sovereign Services

Official website of the Unified Information System in the area of ​​purchasing

Portal Rosalkogolreguluvannya

Portal for data submission (FSS, Rosstat)

Portal of the Territorial Authority of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Bashkortostan

Portal of FSUE "Head radio frequency center"

Roskomnaglyad. Unified registry of domain names, showing on the side of the site in the "Internet" merezhevyh address, which allow identifying sites in the "Internet" area, which can contain information that is wider than in Russian Federation fenced

Roskomnaglyad. Registry of domain names, showing the sides of the sites at the “Internet” merger and the merger’s address, which allow identifying the site at the “Internet” merger, which can avenge information that can be violated due to the violation of vinyatkovy rights

Rosmaino. Interstate portal for the management of sovereign power

Rospatent FDBU FIPS

Derzhavna information system in the energy saving room and the improvement of energy efficiency

Rosfinmonitoring - Federal Service for Financial Monitoring

single system exchange of money with participants of the financial market

FDMV Rosacreditatsii

FDMV Territorial Planning

Portal of Rosprirodnaglyadu

Bulletin of state registration

Portal of the Moscow City Court for the Protection of Intellectual Rights

Sovereign information system of housing and communal state (DVS ZhKG)

Group of electronic Maidans OTC.RU

Trading system "GazNaftatorg.ru"

Distance trading center

Electronic trade maidanchik UDMK

Exchange "St. Petersburg"

Automated system electronic buyers(ASEZ) to Gazprom

Electronic trade maidanchik "Eltoks"

Trading system "OBORONTORG"

Electronic maidanchik of the Administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk

Universal electronic trade maidanchik ESTP.RU

Portal "Komersant Kartoteka"

Electronic trade maidanchik BAT "Rosseti"

Trading system "Spetsbudtorg"

Portal of state programs of the Russian Federation

Portal of my services m. Moscow

Regional trade maidanchik

ETP "Center for the Development of Electronic Trading"

Portal of the Federal Notary Chamber

Official website of the Russian Federation about the placement of information about the auction

EDAIS "The appearance of the village that pleasing from it"

ETP State Unitary Enterprise "Moskollektor"

ETP "Ugra"

Crimean e-commerce maidanchik

Eurasian trade maidanchik

Federal information address system

special office Koristuvacha of the federal information address system

EL-TORG auctions and purchases

Electronic trade maidanchik "Kommersant KARTOTEKA"

Electronic trade maidanchik "223"

Electronic trading platform PropertyTrade

Electronic trading maidanchik "BudTorgy"

Electronic trading platform "Tender Garant"

Electronic trading maidanchik X-SOLD

System for the receipt of binding copies drukovanih see in electronic form

The system for submitting documents to arbitration courts in the electronic mode "My Arbiter"

United state information system in the field of health care (EDISZ)

Electronic trade maidanchik of DC "Rosatom"

FDMV "Unified information and analytical system FST-REC - subjects of regulation"

Portal of the task in the Ministry of Communications of the Statistical Number of Operators of the Communications

The system of electronic passports for transport services (PTZ) has been automated

Department of municipal purchasers of the administration of the city district of Voronezh

ETP Electronic trading systems

ETP NVO "Verkhnevolzka Torgovaya Spilka"

Federal state information system of pricing in everyday life (FDMZ CZ)

Automated system "Mercury"

Electronic trading maidanchik "Galuzeva trading system"

Electronic trading platform ELECTRO-TORGI.RU

Electronic trade maidanchik "SETTIME"

Electronic trade maidanchik TOV "Avtodor-TP"

Electronic maidanchik FINTENDER.RU

Information and analytical system "Derzhava Online" (issuance of bank guarantees and other credit products)

Tendertech (financial products online for participants in state purchasers under 44-FZ/223-FZ/185-FZ)

Electronic trading maidanchik "Ru-Trade"

Pivdenna ETP

Electronic maidanchik "VTB Center"

ІС "Electronic voucher"

"Center of remote trading" - electronic trading maidanchik from bankruptcy., de є mozhlivіst sell pridpriєmstvo chi svoє mino z hammer

About those, yaki auctions are held onauction maidanchik, you can recognize on the sitecdtrf.ru. The range of services is even wider: the site is ready to take on all the difficulties, with which the skin side sticks to the hour of the auction. However, you have to pay for the skin of the servants.

For example, we hope to help with the registration and the accelerated examination of both the bidders and the organizers (arbitrators). In addition, on the website of tradingcdtrf dіyut:

  • a helper in the process of obtaining a valid qualified electronic signature required for participation;
  • legal advice;
  • vіddalene nalashtuvannya computer;
  • lane evaluation;
  • help in participating in Bidding through an Agent.

Moreover, on ETP Distance Trading Centerє mozhlivіst otrimati podpomomu navitat nakhtnyah vysvetlennya probable torgovіv zmi z metoyu zauchennya pokuptsіv.

To select a tariff forauction maidanchikyou can get a cost-free consultation. For whom it is necessary to complete the form zvorotny zv'azku and check for confirmation. Spivrobitniki to clarify, if the servants themselves call the organizer, she will help you choose a unique proposition, like to deposit in the predicted frequency of placement of lots and the frequency of participation in the auction. In addition, stinks can help with the search for buyers.

Distance trading center- practically one electronic maidanchik, as the average increase in the starting price of the lot at the auction For example, in the spring of 2018, the value of the auction “cheat” added up to an average of 359% of the average rank vartosta of the lane.

On a live butt, it looks like this: 09/22/2018 auction was announced, Lot No. 1 -a/m Lada Priora, sale price - 55,788.00 rubles. Salary average price increase in the course of the auction, the car is better for all the "pride" for 55788 + 359% = 200279 rubles.