Prey: Productivity testing. Video: Prey for PC radically overhauls the console versions Monitoring of virtual RAM and video memory

Back in 2006, Human Head Studios presented a good badyard shooter Prey, for a boy of Indian descent who wins his kohan from aliens. Long time A legal expert at Bethesda Softworks was trying to develop original ideas, and we started seeing lots of trailers for Prey 2. As a result, the continuation was frozen, and work began on a completely new project and restart. The recession has lost all thought about the recent contact with aggressive aliens, but otherwise - absolutely Nova gra. The developers from Arkane Studios did not disappoint and gave us a damn miracle game. And although there is a lot to be said about Prey 2017, we will not forget about this topic and we. At the same time, an additional review of the regular testing of video cards.

Prey gently swells the respect of the gravel from the first hulks, quickly twisting the intrigue and bringing him into the circle of wondrous events. As the introduction progresses, it becomes clear that the hero is taking part in some kind of experiment, and the scope of which experiment is rapidly expanding when the scale of life turns into a simulation. Behind the broken rock, a wide laboratory setting and real reality is revealed, and an unknown voice over the radio signal directly suggests the hero in his favor.

The hero of the game, Morgan Yu, appears in the middle of the great space station with a lot of knowledge about himself and a lot of confusion about what is to come. To understand the complex situation, we rely on the help of unknown tipsters, our own animals from the past and the instructions of our brother-director. Transtar Corporation is developing advanced brain modification technologies. All this activity is connected with the implanted alien form of life. The essences under the name of typhony remained in isolation until the hour of singing, or, as they say, when everything went awry. The aliens broke free and caused the station to be buried, causing chaos and death. In such a situation, it is necessary not only to know the sources of nutrition, but also to survive.

Prey will ensure high rhubarb exhaustion due to the supply of injection and the way we know the game. Without an obvious plot line with singing freedom of action, we want to share information about our world through numerous audio recordings, reading mail on special computers that other dzherela. From various corners a hidden mosaic is formed. In the world, the storyline is filled with details and details. And the more you respect the world, the more you know about the station and its personnel. It is necessary to show effortlessness in investigations, and to increasingly acquire additional information that expands the main usefulness.

Initially, real people are represented mainly by twisted corpses. And at any moment we will come to the meeting with those who have seen how they never again pass into a situation of complete understanding and joy. We may be faced with dilemmas, where shares lie in the final choice specific people. The same game brings us to the variable ending that develops from the final actions and the lanyard of the front parts.

The gaming process will also be variable. Prey at first resembles a shooter with the last part stuck through and pumped up by BioShock. The plot and visual plan have no analogies, but in the world they are buried in the station of understanding, which is absolutely original with other accents in the game mechanics. Prey stimulates the careful and gentle learning of skills, which is indicated by the game settings and the characteristics of the enemies.

The simplest opponents are mimics, which can be created on various objects. These data can be clogged with a simple key, but through the process of mimicry their dissatisfaction can be well received. It is more important to note the sharpness - a light sound, a falling cup on the table and noise can be considered a threat.

Great things do not demonstrate great importance, but can quickly change their position and break up in the wind. The most secure phantom enemies demonstrate excellent survivability and lethal combinations of energy strikes. Various types of alien creatures are being discovered that can create their own sidekicks or control people. Physical damage is often combined with a psychic or telekinetic infusion, which makes it more important to control the hero and aim. Therefore, it is best to deal with unexpected blows, hang out and do not forget about drinking alcohol to normalize your mental state.

The best fighting partner for us will be a special gypsum-harmata. Vaughn allows you to fill the enemy with foam and instantly kill him. Indeed, this technique can be detected both by other mimics and by serious enemies. All the stinks will quickly escape from the caydan stumps, but grind a little to get a couple of blows. The equipment requires special repairs, as it is necessary to quickly block the electrical panel in order to short-circuit it, or fix the fire in the half of the broken pipe.

It’s a deadly weapon – a pistol, a shotgun, a promeneva harmata. The stinks give more impact than a simple key in the hand, and in order to separate the ammunition reserves, work carefully. It is important to knock a lot of enemies into the ground with a banal shotgun, leaving only a small portion of valuable cartridges and a great waste of cleaning methods. In order to ensure the survival of the first strike, the repaired turret is fueled by fire, and the accumulated gas cylinder transforms into a projectile. If the strike does not guarantee success, you can avoid enemies and try to slip through unnoticed.

There is a huge amount of illegal production, as you can tell from the stagnation of the highest orders. For example, a dart thrower allows you to press a button on a remote control without having to go through the doors or other barriers. Shocker allows you to calm down violent people, who have become puppets in the hands of special typhons.

The Great Rivne with its collapsible internal architecture will now demonstrate a wide choice for activities. The station is divided into a number of large sections with a tangled structure, where the internal spaces move among themselves, like the doors of the subdivision, many passages are blocked. In essence, there are only a few sandboxes available for real training. We choose different paths, relying on our ability and special tactics. Here it is easier to crawl through the ventilation duct, here, due to the additional difficulty, you may find yourself reluctant to go to a new location. For us, the closed sectors at the forefront of development are either unsafe or simply closed. You can look there during a repeat raid on this location, if you are able to unblock the passage again or if you have enough strength to withstand the pressure of enemies. The story of the game is such that it is often necessary to return to the old place, although within the framework of the main story everything looks logical and not cumbersome. If you are going to resolutely approach the completion of absolutely all side tasks, then you may spend more than an hour and tedious pursuit of the ranks.

The hero’s abilities in the process of play will be reduced for the level of pumping. Upgrading your skills only works when neuromods are installed, and new skin enhancements will require more power. Right now, we have access to three channels of pumping up scientific, engineering and security directives, which will allow us to improve health, damage to diseases, develop skills in disease and repair, and much more. Some of the beginners infuse the possibilities of pursuing the world. At your discretion, you can dig through the rubble and open new passages, allowing hackers to hack various computer systems.

At the moment Prey shows the capabilities of the hero of a new level, revealing specific strengths of psychic skills. By pumping them up, Morgan will be able to beat typhons with energy, learn mimicry and learn how to control publicity. It is important to expand combat and follow-up capabilities. When combining a shotgun and an energetic strike, it is easier to defeat a civilian opponent. And having turned into a cup, you can roll into a lot of crevices and previously inaccessible rooms. As a result, we will become close to the cob gates, which can push into the positions before us. computer system be safe. Having increased his psychic strength, the hero will be afraid to resist the security turrets, as they will begin to mistake him for an “alien.” And all this will result in the ending and plot development.

Connected with the pumping of non-human abilities is the need to scan typhons and remove the evidence. It is clear that it is very difficult to work in an open battle, so it is important to be even more careful and even more swift in your actions.

An important role is played by the collection of ingredients and the creation of consumable items. On the skin table or in the screen you will soon find some kind of moth that you can throw at your equipment. At special stations, the motor is processed into components for the creation of ammunition or upgrade methods. And this is already required, the fragments in the tense situations of the reserve are quickly dispersed. And if you don’t focus on collecting items and crafting, then the ammo and grenades you find will obviously not be able to defeat all serious opponents. It is convenient to find different chairs for a new model, if you want to obtain ready-made copies without difficulty in stock.

From time to time, Prey reminds us about space, moving out loudly from open spaces or manipulating people with discomfort. Such walks are no less unsafe, but also the development of internal stress from aggressive sources. Once the gateways are unlocked in different sections, they can be used to manually move between distant parts of the station.

The original style plays an important role in creating a special atmosphere and a feeling of deep oppression. Arkane Studios now shows that without striving for heightened realism, it is possible to create compelling images and shifting light. The ideas of Prey are developing in the 30s of the alternative mayday, while the developments of the world followed a little different paths in the 60s of the last century. And the surroundings are more reminiscent of the spirit of retro-futurism, reminiscent of old science fiction films. It looks stylish and beautiful. As a matter of fact, local electronic music fits naturally into this style.

Tsikaviye design is the same to be the technologist Vikonni Vikannam Zhdyaki Dvigun Cryengine 4. Prey is demonstrated by detailed izhlichi gleamed rot, pushaly, the out -of -the -line lure of Svitla.

The received picture does not hang between the GPU and the GPU. We decided to open up the topic of productivity and conduct regular testing of video cards from Prey. Our standard test platform for examining video cards was tested. The test scene is aimed lower.

The profile of the highest graphics quality (Very High) is selected, which transfers the smoothing of SMAA T2X. The test results for a separate building 1920x1080 are presented below.

Behind the pouches you can see what's on budget video cards GeForce GTX 960 and GeForce GTX 1050 Ti can provide 40-50 fps, the old Radeon R9 270X is noticeably worse, but still produces more or less pleasant results. You'll get the best results on a model with 3 GB or higher memory. Most class video adapters can see more than 60 fps. The Radeon RX 570 and GeForce GTX 780 Ti are on the same level, and the Radeon RX 580 is weaker than the GeForce GTX 1060 in the 6 GB version.

Older models are additionally tested in a separate building 2560x1440.

Radeon RX 580 and GeForce GTX 1060 can handle this mode well, and the advantage of the NVIDIA representative is saved. The importance of video memory in such separate units is 4 GB or more.

Prey - another one chudova gra View from Arkane Studios. Although it came out a few years after Dishonored 2, it feels completely different. Another kid took up the task of creating something more original, and the authors were crazy about it. Prey is close in spirit to BioShock and Deus Ex, but with a mix of familiar ideas, it comes out unique and original. This is an atmospheric, fantastic game with a great story, original style and thoughtful gameplay that gives a lot of possibilities and ensures variability in the player. Prey can make you happy only those who see a banal shooter in a terrible situation, even the game is clever and cunning. Ymovirno, the most fantastic action movie of 2017. DON'T miss it!


IN this look Testing of video cards and processors from Prey will be carried out. You can get acquainted with the review behind it by following this post.


System benefits

Minimal system benefits:

  • Operating system: Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 (64-bit version).
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-2600 or AMD FX-8350 BE.
  • RAM: 16 GB.
  • Available on HDD: 20 GB.
  • Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 4096 MB or ATI Radeon R9 290X 4096 MB.

Testing of video cards

Test configuration

Tests were carried out on a stand:

  • Processor: Intel Core i7-7700K (Kaby Lake-S, L3 8 MB), 4200@4800 MHz (HT-on);
  • Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z270X-Ultra Gaming, LGA 1151;
  • CPU cooling system: Corsair Hydro Series H105 (~1300 rpm);
  • RAM: 2 x 8 GB DDR4 Kingston HyperX Savage (Spec: 3000 MHz / 15-17-17-32-1t / 1.35 V), X.M.P. - on/off;
  • Disk subsystem No. 1: 64 GB, SSD ADATA SX900;
  • Disk subsystem No. 2: 1 TB, HDD Western Digital Caviar Green (WD10EZRX);
  • Life block: Corsair HX850 850 Watt (standard fan: 140 mm inlet);
  • Frame: open test stand;
  • Monitor: 27" ASUS PB278Q BK (Wide LCD, 2560x1440/60 Hz);
  • TB: 40" LG 40UF670V (Wide LCD, 3840x2160/60 Hz).

Video cards:

  • Radeon RX 480 8192 MB - 1266/8000 @ 1340/8700 MHz (Sapphire);
  • Radeon RX 470 4096 MB - 1206/6600 @ 1330/7600 MHz (Gigabyte);
  • Radeon RX 460 2048 MB - 1206/7000 @ 1350/8000 MHz (PowerColor);

  • Radeon R9 Fury X 4096 MB - 1050/500 @ 1150/500 MHz (Sapphire);
  • Radeon R9 Fury 4096 MB - 1000/500 @ 1100/500 MHz (Sapphire);

  • GeForce GTX 1080 8192 MB - 1734/10000 @ 2000/11500 MHz (Gigabyte);
  • GeForce GTX 1070 8192 MB - 1683/8008 @ 1964/9500 MHz (MSI);
  • GeForce GTX 1060 6144 MB - 1708/8008 @ 1940/9400 MHz (ASUS);
  • GeForce GTX 1060 3072 MB - 1708/8008 @ 1920/9300 MHz (MSI);
  • GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4096 MB - 1390/7012 @ 1750/8000 MHz (Palit);
  • GeForce GTX 1050 2048 MB - 1455/7012 @ 1770/8000 MHz (Palit).

Security software:

  • Operating system: Windows 10 x64;
  • Video card drivers: Nvidia GeForce 382.33 ta AMD Radeon Software Crimson ReLive 17.5.2.
  • Utilities: Fraps 3.5.9 Build 15586, AutoHotkey v1.0.48.05, MSI Afterburner 4.3.0.

Instrumentation and testing methodology

For a better comparison of video cards and processors, the game, which is being tested as a test supplement, was launched at resolutions of 1920 x 1080, 2560 x 1440 and 3840 x 2160.

The utilities Fraps 3.5.99 Build 15618 and AutoHotkey v1.0.48.05 were installed as a way to freeze the speed code. We froze minimalі middle FPS value. VSync It was turned off during the hour of testing.

Test video clip:

Monitoring of virtual reality and video memory


The following components were tested for the latest graphics adjustment:

  • Version 1.03.
  • DirectX 11.
    • Zgladzhuvannya – FXAA.
    • Anisotropic filtration – 16x.
    • The detail of the objects is very high.
    • The brightness of the shadows is very high.
    • The vibrancy of the textures is very high.
    • Direct light partitioning (SSDO) - completely separate building.
    • The display in the screen space is completely separate.

First we will begin testing video cards and processors, and we will monitor the memory and video memory of this game.

Vikoristannaya video memory RAM

Video memory


Turn down JavaScript to improve graphics


Test results: equalization of productivity

Now let's move on to testing graphical shortcuts.

Here are diagrams of test results for single video cards



Turn down JavaScript to improve graphics


Turn down JavaScript to improve graphics



Turn down JavaScript to improve graphics


Turn down JavaScript to improve graphics



Turn down JavaScript to improve graphics


Turn down JavaScript to improve graphics

Minimum and average FPS

With separate settings of 1920x1080, the average FPS of 25 frames was shown by video cards similar to the Radeon RX 460 or GeForce GTX 750 Ti. A minimum FPS of no less than 25 frames can be achieved by video cards like Radeon RX 460 or GeForce GTX 750 Ti. A comfortable average FPS of 60 frames can be achieved on par with the Radeon R7 370 or GeForce GTX 1050 Ti.

Video memory testing was carried out using MSI Afterburner. The results were taken from video cards from AMD and NVIDIA at resolutions of 1920x1080 and 2560x1440. with different adjustments smoothing. They themselves display the graphics current solutions. Other video cards are available and taken from the graphics card for the reader.

When allowing 1920x1080 video memory, video cards with three gigabytes of storage memory become 2800 megabytes, with 2 gigabytes 2900 megabytes, with 6 gigabytes 2800 mega 0 ha 0 ha 0 ha 0 ha 0

With a separate version of 2560x1440, the combined video memory for video cards with three gigabytes of storage memory becomes 3000 megabytes, with 3200-3500 megabytes of gigabytes, with six 3300 megabytes 3 hectares gigabytes 3200 megabytes.

With a resolution of 3840x2160, the video memory capacity of video cards with three gigabytes of storage memory becomes 3000 megabytes, with several gigabytes 3600-3900 megabytes, with six gigabytes 3900 megabytes 3 g igabytes 4100 megabytes.

The testing was carried out at a separate building size of 1920x1080. From the processor test, you can select and add any processor positions. You can also select any tested video card from the list in the drop-down menu to improve the performance of the processors compared to it (the most productive solutions from NVIDIA are used).

When vikoristanna NVIDIA video cards An average FPS of 60 frames can be achieved on par with the FX-4100 and Core i 3 2100.

When vikoristanna AMD video cards A comfortable average FPS of 60 frames can be achieved on par with the FX-4100 or Core i 3 2100.

Prey vikorist supports up to 10 counting streams. All in all there are 6 processor cores.

The test was carried out on the basic configuration of Core i 7 [email protected] GHz with a large amount of pre-installed memory 32 GB DDR4 2400 MGz. The whole of Vicoristan's operational memory was taken into account. The RAM test for the entire system is carried out on different video cards without launching third-party add-ons (browsers, etc.). You can add to the schedule and tidy it up whenever you are allowed to do so.

With a resolution of 1920x1080, the total RAM of the system with a video card with three gigabytes of storage memory becomes 4000 megabytes, with 3700-4000 megabytes of gigabytes, with six gigabytes of 3800 g igabytes 4300 megabytes.

With a resolution of 2560x1440, the total RAM of the system with a video card with three gigabytes of storage memory becomes 4500 megabytes, with 3700-4000 megabytes of gigabytes, with six gigabytes of 4100 hectares 3 g igabytes 4600 megabytes.

With a resolution of 3840x2160, the total RAM of the system with a video card with three gigabytes of storage memory becomes 5300 megabytes, with 4400-4600 megabytes of gigabytes, with six gigabytes of 4060 g igabytes 4600 megabytes.



With separate settings of 1920x1080, the average FPS of 25 frames was shown by video cards similar to the Radeon RX 460 or GeForce GTX 750 Ti. A minimum FPS of no less than 25 frames can be achieved by video cards like Radeon RX 460 or GeForce GTX 750 Ti. A comfortable average FPS of 60 frames can be achieved on par with the Radeon R7 370 or GeForce GTX 1050 Ti.


Video memory testing was carried out using MSI Afterburner. The results were taken from video cards from AMD and NVIDIA at resolutions of 1920x1080 and 2560x1440 with different smoothing adjustments. When you click on the chart, the latest decisions are displayed. Other video cards are available and taken from the graphics card for the reader.

When allowing 1920x1080 video memory, video cards with three gigabytes of storage memory become 2800 megabytes, with 2 gigabytes 2900 megabytes, with 6 gigabytes 2800 mega 0 ha 0 ha 0 ha 0 ha 0

With a separate version of 2560x1440, the combined video memory for video cards with three gigabytes of storage memory becomes 3000 megabytes, with 3200-3500 megabytes of gigabytes, with six 3300 megabytes 3 hectares gigabytes 3200 megabytes.

With a resolution of 3840x2160, the video memory capacity of video cards with three gigabytes of storage memory becomes 3000 megabytes, with several gigabytes 3600-3900 megabytes, with six gigabytes 3900 megabytes 3 g igabytes 4100 megabytes.


The testing was carried out at a separate building size of 1920x1080. From the processor test, you can select and add any processor positions. You can also select any tested video card from the list in the drop-down menu to improve the performance of the processors compared to it (the most productive solutions from NVIDIA are used).

With selected NVIDIA video cards, an average FPS of 60 frames can be achieved on par with the FX-4100 or Core i 3 2100.

With the right AMD video cards, a comfortable average FPS of 60 frames can be achieved on par with the FX-4100 or Core i 3 2100.

Prey vikorist supports up to 10 counting streams. All in all there are 6 processor cores.


The test was carried out on the basic configuration of Core i 7 [email protected] GHz with a large amount of pre-installed memory 32 GB DDR4 2400 MGz. The whole of Vicoristan's operational memory was taken into account. The RAM test for the entire system is carried out on different video cards without launching third-party add-ons (browsers, etc.). You can add to the schedule and tidy it up whenever you are allowed to do so.

With a resolution of 1920x1080, the total RAM of the system with a video card with three gigabytes of storage memory becomes 4000 megabytes, with 3700-4000 megabytes of gigabytes, with six gigabytes of 3800 g igabytes 4300 megabytes.

With a resolution of 2560x1440, the total RAM of the system with a video card with three gigabytes of storage memory becomes 4500 megabytes, with 3700-4000 megabytes of gigabytes, with six gigabytes of 4100 hectares 3 g igabytes 4600 megabytes.

With a resolution of 3840x2160, the total RAM of the system with a video card with three gigabytes of storage memory becomes 5300 megabytes, with 4400-4600 megabytes of gigabytes, with six gigabytes of 4060 g igabytes 4600 megabytes.

Therefore, cross-platform games are created first for consoles, and PC versions are based on the following principles: increased frame rate, support for high resolutions, high-quality textures and, for good measure, expanded graphics adjustments. Also, Digital Foundry researchers who analyzed the PC version of Prey were very impressed. At this point, it’s all about the fact that Arkane Studios saw the PC itself as a key platform, and then decided on a game for consoles. Moreover, journalists have indicated that they want to reject the repeated allegations about the game being played only on the PC version.

The key elements of the game are clearly fragmented with a view to 60 frames per second, something that consoles cannot provide. Fighting with aliens is also much easier to handle when playing with an additional keyboard or mouse, or a gamepad. The Steam Controller support is clearly implemented.

In addition, the game is highly optimized and on budget gaming PCs today it is possible to see a full 60 frames/s in some 1080p versions. As a result, Prey is absorbed better, less Xbox One(without permission of 900p) and the principle is perceived differently in the same version as the version for PlayStation 4, which is noticeably worse for others in terms of smoothness (perhaps through the resolution of 1080p).

After the release of the demo, it became clear that productivity on the PS4 was losing a lot of time. Since then, Arkane has optimized the most problematic areas, otherwise the version for the Sony platform will clearly require further improvements. Well, although they wanted to write about PS4 Pro support on the game box, the journalists didn’t reveal the truth: the separation is the same, the frequency, as before, is fixed at 30 frames/s, and the filtering is really bad the textures are gone. It's amazing that Sony allowed such a high-end game to enter the market by advertising the hype of improved performance, which in reality is absent.

On a PC, especially with SSD storage, the game demonstrates the popularity of its peers more than once. This is important because the game process encourages the great space station connected together to follow the trail and often turn back. On consoles, the attraction of equals often outweighs the evil spirit.

Prey will likely provide the smoothest polish of any CryEngine-powered game released on consoles. To achieve a consistent 30 fps, Arkane developers have turned on a number of visual effects, with which PC vlasniks can enjoy themselves. The most important thing is the presence of screen-space reflection technology on consoles, which greatly affects the depth of the world. On consoles they have been replaced with simple cube cards.

The distance of shading, the intensity of shadows, the level of detail of objects and, of course, the intensity of lighting - everything is noticeably brighter on consoles and shows more variations in adjustment m "high" or lower. On the PC, the adjustments are “very high” to add to the Glibin scenes, especially in the great open spaces. Also on the PC you can install more detailed settings for full-screen smoothing (on consoles, only an option is available, close to SMAA 1Tx on the PC).

Users of current gaming PCs won’t have much of a chance to adjust this: on average gaming systems, Prey can easily achieve 60 frames/s without much difficulty, and the CPU performance of the game is not a big deal. However, to run on “high” settings you will need a video card with 4 GB of memory, and maximum settings with separate 4K settings will require even more video memory.

Zagalom, Prey is a unique phenomenon in today's world: the PC version of the board is superior to its console counterparts, which reminds us that games on the PC often felt completely different and demonstrated a very high acidity.