Permanently ask to re-enable the computer to install the update. Usunennya of mercy during the installation for Windows systems. Yak do you need to check

There is a singing pomp, wikklican not far away at the hour of update, the stench can be seen through the occupation of sites, the overwhelming of the line connection to the Internet, or of the bureaucrats. Tsi problems can be used for an hour through re-updating.

schob I will reconsider the appearance of the update, visit the offensive.

  1. Open the service Windows Update.
  2. Vibrate in Lviv oblast Revision of new check it out, leave the Windows system vison the last change for a computer.
  3. As soon as the new thing is known, vibrate renovation.
  4. Get to know and wait for the license and press the button Done, if necessary.

Note: You may need to re-install your computer to complete the installation of any of the upgrades. You will be able to uncover the tribute, then you should save and close all the displayed programs.

Visitors from licensed minds

Reinstall the update and read it again and wait for the license.

  1. Open the service Windows Update.
  2. See more details about any clemency.
  3. If you come to know about a pardon, if you want to get a license, or if you have a new update, press a button repeat again If you get a peek and a license please do it.
  4. Wait a bit on the license ground and get over it, but the update has been successfully installed.

There is enough disk space on computers

As long as there is not enough space on the hard disk, it is possible to see the programs, time files to the Internet, or to clear the files or to clean the "Koshik", and then repeat the update with the installation.

You skipped the installation process or connected to the Internet

It's not terrible. Just change the appearance of the update again, and then set it up as it is, or is it wrong.

How can I get away

As long as the feed does not open up the problem, you can read more information by looking at each other about the notes displayed by the Windows Update service.

  1. As soon as a pardon has become, it will be visualized with a pardon code and if you wish, you can be victorious for a joke. As soon as there is no reason for this, it is possible to use the pardon code for a joke on the Internet.

Windows will not need to be updated

You can get some new updates, because Windows Update will not be updated unless you want to update them.

The yak axis can be adjusted:

  1. Open Windows Update service.
  2. Viber update, as it is necessary to get ready, click right button Misi and Vibrate welcome update... Repeat the whole croc for skin renewal, as well as to get prikhovati.
  3. Press the OK button.

Yak get up prihovanie new

Slide update the update in the list of updates that will be installed in Windows, then re-install it.

Try to do it this way:

  1. Open Windows Update service.
  2. Vibrate in Lviv oblast Renewal of new developments.
  3. Viber update, as soon as you set up, and press the Update button.

Windows will automatically follow the update and install the update if the update is available.

Computer buv vimkneniya pid hour renewal

As soon as the computer notifies you before the hour of the planned update, the system will change the appearance of the update. It is possible to get an update secretly anyway from the power of the person. As soon as the computer is working with the offensive planned update, the new update will be installed.

As soon as new updates are available for installation, you can install them in front of your computer. If new settings are cleared, the shield icon will appear on Windows buttons Completed robots.

Permanently renewed due to the power supply for re-supplying

Deyak_onovlennya zastosovovayutsya to files or services, vikoristovuvanim Windows. This type of update cannot be installed while Windows is running. Slide to save the files and close the programs, and then restart the computer to complete the update installation process.

The installation of the new settings is not correct

There may be such reasons. As far as your computer comes with add-ons, the driver of what you can see, a list of ways to reconfigure the driver's presence on the virobnik website.

For some vipadks, the virobnik can propose modified drivers, todi yak third-party virobniks add more universal drivers. installation universal drivers add, navit in times, if the stench of a virobnik I add, you can get some problems.

One of the reasons can be used in the version of the driver, as it can be functioned by a proper order with an attachment or a computer. Apparatus attachments often look at each other, or rather become overwhelmed by the same images. You can vikoristovuvati stop driver However, it may not be correct.

For such a vipadku, it is possible, it will be necessary to turn to the front version of the driver for the whole attachment. Revise the website of the computer wizard, or I will add it, so that I know the version of the driver for this attachment, or see the driver and reinstall the computer and install the previous driver again.

Інші ways to solve problems of modernization

As soon as the Windows Update service displays the pardon code or, if you ask about the pardon, contact the Center for pardoning and pardoning, or for the punch, the pardon code or pardon.

Visit the Windows Update website... You can, if you are the first to see the problem, and you can speed up the solutions, or try to get help from Windows.

View the Education Center windows services Update, just know the additional information about the pardon code or call for help from the e-mail address.

additional views about usunennya malfunctions, connected with the installation update, wonder in the articles of the base of knowledge on the site. Poshukov word for the center of add-on and support: WindowsUpdate_dt000

"," Center Windows update»Bully delegated practically all the necessary changes in the selection and installation of the software security, including the key component of the robot and large attachments and large software - drivers.

But on the other hand, the functionality of the renovation is unstable operating systems For us, we are sorry for the products of the Microsoft company, we see for a long time already, and we cannot name it.

Intrusion and installation of innovation is a dependent and laborious process, which is supervised by small pardons, hung-ups, and most of the time it is intrusive to the process of updating, at the most unacceptable moment for a whole moment.

As part of a series of statistics on the broader problem of a computer freezing due to the appearance of such a wizard “We have not been able to fix (complete) Windows update. Skasuvannya zmin. Don't wimp your computer. "

What is the reason for the given situation, and the smut, how to understand the ways of correcting? About the change in food and nutrition and for the future.

What is the reason for the freeze

For the pardons in the procedures for updating Windows, the folding of the causal link is usually characteristic, so as officials, who in theory can lead to this problem, there is a great number, for example:

  • Files renewed boule Zavanazheno in the general community;
  • The files are renewed to take revenge on the pardons approved by the distributors;
  • on the system disk koristuvacha lack of vіlnogo volume for the installation of innovations;
  • Internet connection is not stable;
  • Koristuvach carried out the manipulation of the system components of Windows.

The Danish list can be continued, ale the key will be left alone - in the solution of this problem, you will get a complex of entries (many of which are radical) and fight for the inheritance itself, and not for the reason.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to be reasonable not to talk about those, when the computer is frozen, to navigate as the computer is in such a state of five, ten or twenty quills. All to lay off the obsyagu of the established update. Great option- tse just pochekati!

IMPORTANT! As soon as the computer is frozen, you will need a "PRIMUSOV RELOADED"! All the events that will be described below, may be on the basis of the assigned operational system, or go to bakeless mode, For the victorious image of the operating system with the enticing nose!

Clearing the "SoftwareDistribution" folder

As a result, all files of the operating system update are stored in "C: \ Windows \ SoftwareDistribution \ Download".

In the case of a large number of vipads, which are linked to incorrect downloaded files in the update, clearing the given directory or renaming the folder (for updating Windows root the new catalog) allows you to check your feed.

It is necessary to clear / rename the file before downloading the files again.

The order is simple - to walk along the designated path, see all the objects and press the DELETE button with the confirmation.

If you do not interrupt the operating system, for example, if the computer is in the cyclic reloading, then it will be necessary to start:

Vikoristannya zavanazhvalnogo nose with the image of the operating system

  • Enable Windows Update service by clicking "sc config wuauserv start = disabled";
  • Close the command row console and restart the computer;
  • Now open the command line and select the command "sc config wuauserv start = auto".

Vikoristannya of the staffing functionality of the operating system

If you don't want to re-enable your computer and reconfigure the Windows status.

Vikoristannya standard diagnostic utilities

As a matter of fact, the developers have inserted into the operational system a system of innocuous diagnostics tools, as they poklikani to independently carry out a reversal of faults and vibrate the most optimal solution.

Within the framework of this problem, it is possible to see two utilities, the launch of which can be stuck because of the fact that the operating system is locked up or it is permanently reloaded.

Successful entry to work steel

The computer will be permanently re-coded

Here it is necessary to enter into a safe mode for clearing / changing the folder, so that you can view it for saving the updated files.

  • msdt / id BitsDiagnostic - won for the launch of "Background Intelligent Transmission Service BITS"
  • msdt / id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic - Windows Update Center

For what, rewrite your computer and rewrite its status.


As part of the completion of this statute, there are several additional options that can help you in solving problems due to the hanging installation of the operating system upgrade, as well as:

  • revise the integrity of the system catalogs and files with the "sfc / scannow" utility;
  • for an hour of installation, try the anti-virus software;

The first stop, the basic method, which is to transfer the noise of duplicates of the profiles of the koristuvach, which, in theory, can fix the negative input to the update procedure.

Push to transferє to edit the reєstroy in the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ ProfileList" folder + the folder of the keystore, with the "ProfileImagePath" parameter setting.

A whole lot of options to finish off some of the best, so that you can get it all and more to lay down all of your solution and the obviousness of the necessary tools.

Without any hesitation, I drank from the skin we will win Windows... To install the updated operating system, the system is violated, and you are guilty of restarting the computer, transferring the splicing ones, if you are going to be able to wait until you quietly, if you don’t visit those who want Windows. As soon as you see the computer and skip quickly, Windows will automatically restart the computer, and if you turn around, you will see that all your programs are now closed, Windows has helped you to restore your Windows successfully.

Restarting the computer for the installation of the new version of the guarantor, but all the changes to take effect, but Microsoft went back too far - the operating system is not guilty of tormenting its own users and restarting the computer without permission. In Windows 8, the situation with the common primus re-entangled trochas has changed, but the OS has changed, and the OS will be used to educate us earlier and in the final re-entailing of the computer automatically.

Vimikaєmo primusovі re-entangled through the registry

Vimknennya of automatic re-engagement can be made by way of introduction of changes to the re-register. It works on all versions of Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP. when introduced Змін Windows If you want to reboot, you will forget about the automatic reboots of the operation once and for all.

Open the Resource Editor. For a whole load of Win + R, to display it, enter the command regedit and press Enter.

In the editor window, go to the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ WindowsUpdate \ AU.

Shvidshe for everything, you don't know the folder "WindowsUpdate" and "AU" behind the said way. It’s so, it’s necessary to set it up independently.

For all, press the right mouse button on the papa "Windows", in context menu vibrate "Stvority", and then press on "Rozdil". now enter WindowsUpdate and press Enter. Then I know to click the right button of Misha, or even on the newly opened papa “WindowsUpdate”, select the command “Create” and press on “Rozdil”. Enter AU and press Enter. Now we need a structure for the distribution of the register.

Go to the folder "AU", click the right mouse button in the right part of the editor window, select "Create" -> "DWORD parameter (32 bits)". Enter NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers Press Enter to set a new parameter.

Two click on the currently set parameter and enter one in the "Value" field. Let's press “OK”.

If the changes have come into force, you can re-enable the computer, if you don’t need to rewire your mind, so it’s possible to re-enable the computer without re-enabling.

Just open the command row window with administrator rights. As long as you have Windows 8 (8.1), click Win + X and select "Command row (administrator)". As long as you have Windows 7, open the "Start" menu, know there a shortcut to the command row, click on the new right mouse button and in the context menu, select "Launch from the name of the administrator".

V command line enter the following command and press Enter, but the changes took effect in a secret way:

Vimikaєmo primusov_ re-engagement through policy groups

The whole way is simple and quick, but it’s okay to go only to the team who has a professional, the maximum is the corporate version of Windows. The bugs koristuvachiv have a Windows version installed without the “Local group policies", So it їm get to know the method of editing the register, which is a description of the site. However, offense is a way of working in the same way, ale tsay is more effective.

First, we need to see "Local group policy editor". To download Win + R to display the Viconati dialog box, enter the command gpedit.msc and click Enter.

Now go to the next folder: Computer Config \ Administrative Templates \ Windows Components \ Windows Update Services

At the right side, know the policy automatic installation improvement, as in the system of cleaning koristuvachi ". Two click on the policy by clicking the mouse button, then choose “Enabled” and press “OK”.

Now, either the computer is re-zapped, or the command gpupdate / force is displayed, yaku we have guessed it.

Manual installation of new Windows

Replace the one to mess around with Windows registry For the group policy, you can automatically re-secure the computer with a greater tradition. Everything that needs to be done is to change how it can be used for Windows. For the whole in the control panel of the computer, open the parameters of the "Windows Update service" and enable the option "Update the update, but the solution about the download and the installation will be accepted by me."

Thus, Windows will inform you about the appearance of new updates through the icon in the system tray and appearance. If you want to set it up, click on the end and press on the first button to start setting the update. Updates will be added and installed in background mode And when the process is complete, you will be prompted to restart the computer.

With this method of installing the update, you can inform yourself about the appearance of the update until quietly, as long as you want to install it for a second time.

Good day to you!

Read about those how robiti the computer hangs on the phrase "Do not use the computer" pid hour Windows update. It will become, as soon as you rewrite the computer at the same time, or if you correct the pardon. system "Windows"є the most common operating system in the light. The price has become possible due to the simplicity of the victorian, the high flexibility of the processing of the tribute and the friendly interface of the system "Windows".

The result of the creation of new systems and creators of the system is the release of new innovations, in which the system is instilled and corrected, as well as the addition of new functions and supplements.

Dealers of the operating system and release of the update "Windows" in the world of fixing problems, or in the introduction of new functions, which have gone through the revision to the correctness.

The process of installing the update is centralized. The system will independently change the availability of available updates, and, if necessary, add them from the servers of the vendors and install them on the computer without the participation of the client. At the end of the stage, the computer will only be cleaned up due to the passing of the computer, after the completion of the installation and adjustment of the operational system. chime "Windows" I will quickly complete the whole process, if you will see your progress and give you the necessary hour. If the process of setting up the computer is delayed and it’s three years old, then you can know to carry out the primus rewiring of the computer.

It's okay, okay, as long as the system completes its update process. Alas, unfortunately, the ochikuvannya is magnificent for an hour. corporation Microsoft stverdzhu, which is close to 700 million annexes to the operational system Windows 10, І scho update for April 2018, the loan is from 10 to 30 hvili. In such a rank, if the average hour of renewal is 20 minutes and multiplies it by 700 million computers, then more than 26,000 times of the collective hour of the people will go into the bag, it is dull to clean up, the system will leave the operation. Windows 10 I will establish my own condition.

What will become, how do you rewrite the computer?

The process of installing the updated operating system "Windows" it won't be finished soon, if you rewrite your computer before the process. Is it very important for the performance of the system? Do you have any problems with your computer? I’d know how to become, we have carried out a series of tests.

We've got a handful of the operating system "Windows" set the standard update from the Windows university "Windows"... At some point, we were told that we had no reason to re-enable our computer before the hour of installation, and we re-enabled the stove. The personal computer was locked up, and we were promptly pushed to the very standard screen for entering the system.

For that, as they were logged into the system, "Windows" Having seen the appearance, the installation of the new boolean has not been completed. Uninvolved on the operating system, the system was still working properly. system "Windows" I just showed the installation and tried it out.

In another vipad, we restarted our computer at that hour, if the screen was updated, when the robot was working on the updates to the operating system, it would be deprived of 28% and it wasn’t safe to use the computer.

system "Windows" I re-enlisted absolutely normally, and I saw that every time I didn’t let my computer go, I didn’t skasuvati all the changes, as the installation was not updated until the end of the day. Upon completion of the voiced process, the operating system "Windows" zavantazhilas correctly, і vona pratsyuvala, yak ochіkuvalosya, without any kind of sickness.

We also carried out a test for an hour during the installation of the main Windows 10 Fall Creators Update... We rebooted our computer, if there was a message on the screen, the new setting for Windows 10 completed by 10% lees.

When the computer is overhauled and a small amount of cleanup appears, a special screen appears for logging into the system. The system also prevailed upon us, but the installation of the refurbishment was not completed.

Nareshty, we rewired the computer, if the robot installed the Viconan's bullet by 48%. renewed system before the front version "Windows" She told us about her occasionally, because our computer got locked up and started working absolutely normal.

The skin test performed on the computer did not experience any problems, as would be seen on the basis of the operating system. system "Windows" I just pinned the installation update and turned it into the front frame of the file, like the update. Operating system "Windows" If you do not need to be bothered to re-lock it, you will not be able to get up to it again, you will be able to avoid any problems. Then the security update will be installed by the system in a special mode.

What do you need to check?

Be patient and give the operating system "Windows" One day for the completion of the installation of your own upgrades, as the system also looks at you on the screen as well. It’s because of the fact that there’s a lot more "Windows" It is necessary to set up the productivity of your computer and its internal system, the whole process can take a decade.

Expect the installation and setup of a new one, supervise it for every occasion, and borrow no more than five pounds. However, if it happens that the computer does not rewire your computer because it lasts for an hour, then you can know the viconati Primusov to rewire your computer. We recommend that you check out two years, for vipadok, yaksho "Windows" viconuє great robotic debate. systems "Windows" it may take a decade for the process to be completed again, especially if the update is great, and your hard drive povilny abo zanadto memorials.

If you want to buy a percentage feeder on the screen and if you add up, then fill it up "Windows" in calm, even the installation process collapses and needs to be completed. Yaksho will drop by singing meaning if you do not change for an hour, then the process of updating can "Hang up"... Prote, for operational systems "Windows" it's ok to watch "Stuck" in the singing point, lasting an hour, if you want to continue the process, don't be impatient.

So, we are guilty, we’ll get the computer, I’m sorry. "Freeze"

Yak they showed me, the primus will be safe from re-entangling the personal computer. Pislya rewiring, operating system "Windows" stop namagatisya stand up to the update, skasuє be-like snakes and go to the phone screen to enter the system. "Windows" I will try to re-install the update all at once. The price is not obov'yazkovo, but in the system "Windows" There may be pardons present, and if you need to re-install your computer, you need to fix it. It’s good to go to that kind of fall, if "Windows" tell you not to vimikati computer.

Just press the live button, whether it be a stationary personal computer, laptop, tablet, or just press the live button. Put it in this position for about ten seconds. Such a step will bring your computer to a hard plug-in. Check out for a few seconds, and then I know your computer. The viciousness of the harsh zakritta nikoli is not ideal, but you can be your only option in such vipads.

overwhelmed: Do not marvel at those who successfully protested the process of turning on the computer before the hour of installation, update, there is no guarantee that your operating system "Windows" If it is correct to write it, you will be able to read it correctly. However, if the process of updating is actually freezing, then the display of a hard zakritt is the result, you can change it. About all kinds of vipadoks, we recommend that you make your mother backup copies your important special files.

Yak viraviti "Windows", Yaksh won’t be a proper rank

Just rewrite the computer, and stick the problem. In fact, if your computer still doesn’t start up properly, it means that you have a system problem. Reinventing the computer in a whole vipad can not put the problem down. Anyway, your computer is stuck on the stage of removing the update, the fragments in the Windows operating system have been overwhelmed.

You can choose the system update tool at startup to update the operating system "Windows"... To transfer, when the menu of parameters has been extended, "Windows" you can’t get a proper rank. Viber "Shock and usunity of injustices", Poti razdil « Dodatkov_ parameters» , And then a little "Renewal when locked" The menu of additional options is added to your image. In the first place, you can take Instalation disc operating systems Windows 10, Customize your computer, and then in the expanded menu of settings, you can choose to customize the settings for your computer.

If the description does not correct your problem, you may want to visit the Viconati I will reinstall "Windows", Schob otrimati new operating system.

Yaksho operating system "Windows" bounced, ale the computer, it looks like it’s not a proper rank, then you can also try to update the system files for the additional command System File Checker ("SFC") Replace reinstallation "Windows"... You can also try to start the process "System update", Turn the operating system into a working station for the additional, established earlier, the point of renewal.

If your computer doesn’t work well if you reinstall the operating system Windows systems, Then you, ymovirno, have a problem with possessions, and not with software security... In any case, you will need to be quick with the services of all kinds of faults.