Winamp old version Russian mine. Winamp download free Russian version. The main features of the Winamp media player

Winamp is the remaining Russian version of the popular audio program for Windows. Winamp has a built-in manual library for working with multimedia files, supports the ability to change skins, and works with file creation lists. Vinamp also transfers the ability to connect different modules to expand the functionality of the program and other functions that are present in almost all similar products. Ale smut, perhaps, those who Winamp with little gain system resources There is a miraculous sweetness to the sound.

For everything, through the dedicated sound itself, as well as those who run Winamp in a simple and easy way with Vikoristan, for this reason they probably choose millions of koristuvachs around the world. Before speaking, it is now very popular, and Winamp is often compared to each other due to its similarity, both in terms of the functionality of the programs and in the sound quality.

From the very beginning, Winamp was ahead of the idea of ​​greatness as the brainchild of Nullsoft, which Narazi install AOL. Unsurprisingly, after Nullsoft acquired the AOL company in 1999 and built up Nullsoft with one of its structural subdivisions, the developers who were engaged in the development of Winamp, one by one, from 1999 to 2005 . AOL was deprived, including the author of Winamp - Justin Frankel.

Winamp now supports a large number of popular and other multimedia file formats, including several of them:


However, before the development of the Winamp program, it is possible to bring up such positive aspects of the program as the remarkable sounding clarity, the simplicity of the choice, even a small reduction in system resources, support for the creation of a large number of multimedia file formats, as well as the possibility of expanding the functionality of the program using additionally installed plugins.

Well, to mention a few things about Vinamp, for example, it is possible to create various file formats without special additional plugins. It also happens that Winamp does not always work correctly with the WMA format, but sometimes there is a bug that appears to degrade the sound quality after even troublesome creation of audio files. Prote Winamp is now one of the number one multimedia players in the world.

Use Winamp cost-free, without registration.

Winamp is the remaining Russian version of the popular audio program for Windows.

Version: Winamp 5.666 build 3516

Size: 16.3 MB

Operating system: Windows

Language rossiyska

Program status: Bezkoshtovna

Retailer: Nullsoft

Official website:

The player has a large number of different functions. These include playing all popular audio formats, recording music from basic audio discs on a computer and recording discs on a floppy drive.

In addition, the Winamp player displays video, contains a large number of parameters and settings, allows you to change skins, equipped with a visualization module and a media library.

Persha Winamp version was a standard media player that has evolved over many centuries. As always, the main goal of the distribution of popular programs is to create the most customized program possible. Over the course of its development, the social library has accumulated nearly 20,000 skins from users and 416 plugins.

Once you download Winamp player free of charge, you get a universal tool for creating a whole range of file formats, which works seamlessly on all PCs. The simple and compact Winamp player has a large library of plugins with extensions for any taste, incl. for the media library on iPod.

The main features of the Winamp media player:

  • The simplest interface rich in all functions. Get easy access to your media library , creation list, downloaded videos and visualizations, equalizer and original skins. In addition, the program allows you to change the colors of the window design of the program;
  • Manual creation list: drag media files from Windows Explorer or Winamp media libraries . You can sort the list by title, file name, song author, and so on. The list manager button will help you quickly open and save your lists;
  • media library. Take and save all your favorite files in one place. Possible recording of files from a CD to a PC, etc. Edit audio file tags, change titles, tracks, albums and other attributes. Vikoristannaya Internet radio and TV. The media player will provide additional information about your favorite Vikonians and groups (biography, discography, album covers);
  • Creation of a large number of video formats: WMV, NSV, MPG and many others. Easily change the size and format of your Winamp screen. . There are close to 100 wonderful visual images and the ability to watch screensavers in casual mode. Function full screen one button;
  • inserted equalizer: it has a balance regulator, a function of smooth transition from one track to another without any meaning standard adjustments. Koristuvach can independently create and save power.

The Ukrainian version of Winamp is available everywhere, so you can now download Winamp freely in the Russian version operating systems Windows 7.8, XP

Winamp, or popularly Vіnamp, is a music and video programmer, developed for Windows, Mac OS and Android devices by Nullsoft.

Install Winamp seamlessly in the remaining version on your computer for Windows, Mac with plugins and different skins. Listen to music from Winamp on Windows or Android and listen to your favorite songs.

Download Winamp to your computer for Windows, Mac or Android smartphone and enjoy music forever and ever.

old version Winamp has extensive localization; upon installation, more than a hundred different language packages will be available to you, including Russian localization. The software program will delight you not only with its exciting capabilities, but also with the additional extensions that you can connect after downloading them from the Internet.

Winamp 5.666 Full in full Russian language is the latest release of one of the most popular, popular and in-demand players for audio and video files.

The main advantage of Winamp is the ease of operation of the program. In addition, the software can be easily modified using different skins, and can also be used without any plugins. The remaining version contains a small collection of songs by some foreign Vikonavians.

Winamp allows you to process files in any audio formats, such as MP3, CD, Audiosoft, Audio Explosion, MOD, WAV and others. And support for video files, it is also necessary to independently adjust the parameters of the programmer itself.

With skin new version The covers can be easily modified, their functions can be corrected and navigation improved. But all these are standard developments, so every skinny user can freely download for Winamp any cover with thousands of endorsements from other hackers, who are happy to post their skins on a special forum.

The program today is the largest in its class, adding to the great number of koristuvachs around the world. Recently, the player has become widely available everywhere, and the audience has grown even larger.

In connection with this paid campaign, there is confusion as Free software, and there is a great war for leadership on the Internet, with more and more competitors appearing every day.

Winamp is a cost-free popular player for creating music and video compositions in various formats. The programmer records music from discs to the PC and back, synchronizes the playlist between devices, allows you to use Internet TV and radio, as well as various functional capabilities.

Within an hour of creation and step-by-step improvement of the program, the media gained wide popularity, accumulating over 400 plugins and nearly 2000 skins. Winamp has a clear visualization module and a media library that saves all the content you need in one place.

For easy creation, it is enough to drag the file from the media library to the software or Windows Explorer. Multimedia can be sorted by name, author and title, edit tags, album name or song. Additionally, the utility informs about the file (album cover, author’s biography, discography, etc.).

For easy on-screen viewing or listening to multimedia, just press one button, and you can adjust the balance with the tools of the richly functional equalizer. smooth transition and much more. Once you can easily install Winamp on your computer, you will become the master of programs for clear multimedia creation. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with analogue players