We install CD-DVD software in Ami BIOS. Get your computer with a disk Get your computer with a CD

Perhaps, many unsatisfied merchants are starting to struggle for the need to acquire a computer from a disk.

This need arises for a variety of reasons, but most often, if you need to update or restore the system, run a special utility that does not work in the graphical mode of Windows, unlock the computer from the banner, etc.

If the uninformed customer senses that he still needs to go into the BIOS and adjust the priorities of devices, then he, having seen everything, will change his mind about working on his own. In the name of the well-known “in the subject” or go crazy to a computer service. I want some kind of treasure!

A little theory - just about folding

Well, there's a lot to be said about the rational essence of nutrition. At the hour of enchantment, the computer checks the directive for which device is ordered to be enchanted. The most common order is:

  • floppy drive (FDD, drive A:/, magnetic disk drive)
  • Winchester (HDD, hard drive)
  • CD/DVD-ROM (disk drive)

In this case, since the floppy drive does not have floppy disks, or there is no storage space, the computer will turn into a hard drive. If the operating system is installed on the hard drive, then it is necessary to read the information on the new partition, and the computer starts downloading from the hard drive.

In this manner, you won’t be able to reach the CD-ROM on the right. And if you need to download your computer from the disk, you need to understand that you first need to go to the disk drive.

For this purpose, the next section is setting up the BIOS.

How to enter bios

The biggest problem for homeowners is that the BIOS interface on different motherboards may differ. Ale blasne – understand the principle.

How do you make amends? Keeping in mind that you sometimes do things wrong, it is now possible to turn back the adjustments after the adjustments while working in the bios. F10 and confirmed.

So, if you're on a computer, in the first few seconds you'll see something like this:

There are instructions on the screen on how to enter the BIOS Press DEL to run Setup, then. we need to press the key Delete to start setting up the BIOS.

You can also write this at the bottom of the screen:

It often happens that another button is used to start BIOS setup. Most often vikorystvoyutsya Deleteі F2. The following can also be used:

Tobto. If you can't get by with standard keys, try this.

The report describes how to enter the BIOS.

How to capture a computer from a disk?

Well, now, the instructions are in order. It’s better to marvel at the video format, so I know this wonderful video for you:

Vibir dzherela zavantazhenya without configuring the BIOS

A lot of chips also support the selection of a device for attraction manually. To do this, starting from the first seconds of the computer warming up, you need to steadily press one of the keys at intervals of a second (for different BIOS chips, the stinks, as you have already realized, may vary):

If your motherboard supports this feature, you will see the following:

In our window we need to select the item CD/DVD, as shown in the screenshot Navigate through the menu using the additional keys and arrows, select the required key Enter.

Axis, power, and that’s it. If you have lost your food, put them in the comments, for everyone’s benefit.

If you're not interested in computers, why bother? This can happen to your system through various viruses, bugs in Windows, or installed incorrect drivers. Please don’t give up, I hope you learn how to get out of similar situations.

In the future, you can try to fix such rapt problems using the additional F8 key and the menu of additional options in Windows 7.

About the time to start the computer After entering the BIOS, press the F8 key, as you click on the menu with additional options for Windows 7.

About the modes of attachment: “Safe mode”, “Safe mode with the help of side drivers” and “Safe mode with support of the command line” you can find out about the statistics

Let's take a look at other parameters:

Journaling- here Windows maintains a protocol for storing all drivers and services by recording the file ntbtlog.txt, which is located in the Windows folder. After the system has recently started up in an additional mode, you will look at the acquisition protocol from the system update console and find the driver or service that is responsible for the acquisition.

Increased video mode with low resolution (640x480). Enables the computer to have an extended screen of 640 x 480. This prevents the monitor and video adapter from being configured incorrectly, for example, if the monitor cannot support the settings.

Ostannya dal configuration (additional)- when enchanted in this mode, the data will be saved on the computer after the end of the system, which involves changes made in the adjustments after saving. This allows you to uninstall any driver or change the settings of services or installed hardware. Use this mode to check installed drivers or change service settings.

Directory Services Update Mode- This option works on server systems and updates the directory service on the domain controller.

Lounge mode It is used by professional programmers to improve the robotic system. When this mode is selected, valuable information is transferred to another computer via a serial port.

Enable automatic re-enablement of all your systems- When adjusting the settings, when there is a critical change in the process of acquisition, the system will automatically restart the acquisition. When you select this item, the automatic restart mode will be turned on, which will help you read the notification about the reset in detail.

Enabling mandatory verification of driver signatures- This option allows you to turn on verification of the system of digital signatures of drivers. Sometimes such reversal can lead to problems of attraction. This option also allows you to install an unsigned driver. However, to install such drivers, you will need to select this item under Windows Installation.

Hello, I would like to write a report on how to install Windows, as I know that some people may have problems with it desire for disk. Therefore, in this article, I will tell you how to install data from the disk in the bios.

There are different types of bios and actions that rack your brain and leave you wondering about the disk. Now I’ll try to show you and after this article, I think you yourself can put the data from the disk in your bios.


How can I install disk backup in the bios?

Main views Award BIOS і on I'll show you the basics How to set the settings in the BIOS with CD-ROM To download Windows from a CD or DVD. So, having recently updated the article, your bios will also be available.

Award BIOS

Select here Advanced BIOS Features

The axis itself is installed here CD-ROM, then we save ( F10 yes).

AMI BIOS (American Megatrends, Inc.)

Select a tab BOOT.

Onslaught Boot Device Priorityі Enter.

Select CDROM. Then Saving (F10).

What other types of cr-rom installations are there?

So simply by selecting Enter, you will find other keys to choose from, for example:

If you don’t know English, I’ll explain that right-handedly it’s written: Press the Up or Down arrow to select a device, then press F6 for relocation, I’ll build it uphill behind the list or F5 to move the property down the list. Press ESC, to enter the menu.

Therefore, use the arrows to select the CD-ROM and then press F6 until the CD-ROM drive burns out. Sometimes you select using the plus keys (+) and minus (-). It also displays a list of active and inactive devices. Where you press the key R You put the CD-ROM active to install disk content. After all installations Save (F10+enter).

Current bios

In today's bios everything is simpler. There are a number of options to choose from. First, if you are interested in the bios, you can simply use your mouse to drag the disk in the first place and save the changes by pressing F10. If you do not have such a function, then go to the advanced settings (Advanced Mode) or the boot tab.

For advanced settings, go to the boot tab and go down the docks to see the rows of devices. Go to point No. 1 enter.

There are options available. Select DVD-rom and save F10.

So, just because you have a bios password, you can reset it by removing the battery on the motherboard, at least 10. If it didn’t help, you can quickly reset it. You can also try before downloading Windows Click on the dialogue to download the first device. For which, before installing Windows, you need to press the access key on the device, all smells may be different type F1 to F12, and you can also use the key Enter.

Don’t be afraid to earn something cool, you can get out of it without saving, but through experiments, evidence and knowledge, your only progress.

I think after registration the statistics will be set fascination with CD-ROM It doesn’t matter, but what do you think?

- an invisible part of the action before resuscitating the computer and carrying out diagnostic work. This knowledge is needed if you need to reinstall the system, recover it using livecd methods, or create a new backup using Acronis. In this article I will try all the methods as intelligently as possible desire for disk.

Important: first of all, proceed to the instructions described in the article, insert your backup disk and restart, most often the priority for downloading is given to the drivers.

All new versions of bios allow you to select the settings of the computer at the time of booting up the computer, without having to bother editing the bios.

Axis is a list of buttons that can be added under the menu of options ( Boot Menu)

This part is suitable for computers with older versions of bios, in which there is a boot menu. In this part, we will look at the bios items that are important and we will edit them.

In this part I will describe the two most extensive types of bios.

The smells are differentiated by the variety of colors and the variety of functions that can be edited.

The presence of the function and the method of its editing may vary depending on the bios driver.

Safe mode (English - Safe Mode)– diagnostic mode, which includes all unnecessary drivers and Windows functions. Be aware of the most problems that occur with your PC. All you have to do is launch the safe mode and set the settings, after which the PC will work again as required.

In what situations might you need to enter Safe Mode? For example, for the most important problem, if .

Also, using this method, you can remove viruses, reset your password, correct errors (including the blue screen of death), update the system, etc.

There are a number of ways. Plus, the stinks tend to be noticeable depending on the type of operating system you have. Therefore, we will look at all the available ways to enter Windows Safe Mode.

There are 2 universal methods that work on all versions of Windows – XP, 7, 8 and 10. Moreover, the smell is the simplest. Perhaps that’s all we can do from them.

Login through the msconfig utility

The first way is through a special utility. For which you need to follow the awkward instructions:

  1. Press Win + R (the button between Ctrl and Alt) and enter the word msconfig.
  2. In the new window, select the “Location” tab, indicate the required OS and check the “Safe Mode” item. There are a couple of points here - it is recommended to select either “minimal” (standard option) or “moderate” (in this case you will have access to the Internet).
  3. Click "OK" and restart your PC - you can now enter Safe Mode.

When you put in the settings, don’t forget to turn your computer to default mode! The only thing you need to do is to use the additional utility msconfig (now you need to uncheck the box).

There is a small nuance here: with this method, you can enable safe mode in Windows OS without having to worry about your OS. If you don’t want to go out and seize your work desk, try another method.

Sign in for help F8

This method is suitable for those who have a PC or laptop that does not turn on (the desktop does not work, the monitor goes off, etc.). What kind of thing do you think about this:

  1. Turn on your PC (or laptop) and immediately press the F8 key until the menu appears (in some cases you will need to press Shift + F8).
  2. If the Windows logo appears or the screen goes blank, it doesn’t work for you. Wait until the system is fully locked, then re-lock your PC and try again.
  3. If you do everything correctly, a menu will open where, using the additional arrows, select Safe Mode (the best option).

P.S. This method does not work in Windows 10! This function is disabled by retailers.

Special options for Windows 10

Once Windows starts, you need to log out like this:

What should you do if Windows 10 won’t start? If the PC is locked until the login screen, then “Special locking options” can be opened in another way. To do this, click on the end of the life button (in the lower right corner), press Shift and select the “Rewind” item.

Vikoristamo disk or flash drive

This is the most reliable way to start Windows 10 in Safe Mode. You will also need a DVD-ROM (they can be recorded on any PC or laptop).

Connect the USB drive or insert the disk, select it (), and then proceed to the next step:

  1. After being attracted, press Shift+F10.
  2. After opening the command line, enter bcdedit /set (default) safeboot minimal.
  3. Then close it and restart your PC. Let's get dry.

To turn your PC back to normal, write in the command line: bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot.

You can sign in this way (or by entering the administrator name ) .

You can turn off mode in Windows 8 in 4 different ways

The first two reports are written on the head of the article. The other two are similar to the options that are suitable for Windows 10, but we will still look at their reports so that it is easier for you to navigate.

Diagnostic features

Well, the first way is to activate the buffer format (only if the OS works normally). For whom we mean the following:

The PC will start in Safe Mode and you can carry out the necessary manipulations.

Another simple option for launching Safe Mode in Windows 8 is to use an additional flash drive or DVD with Windows files. The procedure is as follows:

Yak booti on Windows 7 and XP

You can enter safe mode in Windows 7 or XP using one of the universal methods described at the beginning of this article. The first option is suitable in these situations, if the OS is working normally, and the other is if the PC or laptop does not turn on.

It means that the operating system is in no way connected with the BIOS. It also doesn’t matter what brand of laptop you have - Samsung, Asus, Lenovo, HP, Acer, LG, etc.

Why bother if Safe Mode doesn't work?

Either PC or laptop stubbornly do not want to enter the safe mode. The reason is banal - viruses corrupted the Windows registry. In such situations there are only 2 options:

  • PC robot upgrade (system rollback to the control point);
  • installation of special programs.

The optimal method, of course, would be to update the computer's work from a control point. If you have not saved the information (for example, disconnections), then you will lose the option of installing programs to update the Windows registry. In this case you can choose either Safe Mode Repair or SafeBootKeyRepair.