Tut by entry. You may not have been able to save Google's public record data before the rescheduling

What opportunities are hoped for at the hour of registration of the mailed screenshot?

Free mailings of screenshots of TUT.BY mailers placed on the Yandex.Mail platform. The volume of postal screens is not enclosed.

Koristuvacham email hope:

  • short Postal screenshot with address in format [email protected];
  • access via mail clients for extended protocols IMAP4/POP3/SMTP;
  • support for SSL/TLS encryption;
  • access through mobile attachments;
  • handy web-interface, which can replace the mail program again;
  • filtration of unsolicited correspondence (spam) and viruses from the stagnation of innovative technologies;
  • support of documents and spreadsheets with the possibility of import and export of s / in family software Microsoft office(Word, Excel);
  • contact list, calendar, ability to save files to Yandex.Disk
  • and a lot more…

There are three ways to redeem: for an additional backup address, SMS or for confirmation on the back-up address.

  • If you have access to an electronic screen, you have indicated that it is a backup for oblіkovogo record on TUT.BY, those who need to send a message to enter a new password, it is enough to enter the login (name of TUT.BY correspondent) on the side, and then enter the backup address.
  • To remove the code to change the password when viewing SMS, you need to enter your login (name of TUT.BY correspondent) on the side, press the "SMS" button and enter the phone number again.
  • You can also enter a new password after you have confirmed it on the power supply system without intermediary on the side.

Please, respect those who cannot change the password using Yandex's own tools: all operations with passwords are only available on TUT.BY.

If you have chosen more than one method of inspiration, whether any of them can be seen. After seeing you on the secret question Danish way the update will be inaccessible, then I will reserve the address and phone number after the removal, I will be able to re-attach to the official record. A leather postal address can be vikoristan as a reserve only for one oblіkovogo record on TUT.BY. Similarly: a leather phone number can be tied to less than one physical record.

Service technical support the portal is also not involved in the development of software security and in no way is it distributed to the core staff. At the same time, do not run adding files to such lists and do not go for messages (especially if files are archived) - not safe viruses.

How did you take such a suspicious list with the address in the format im'[email protected], tell me about it, be kind, for the address [email protected], so that we could block the public record of the governor.

Single vision: koristuvachі TUT.BY near the field Im'ya Koristuvacha indicate not just a login, but mailing addresses of the screenshot at the format im'[email protected].

If everything is already sent, but the mail program does not accept or does not force the sheets, you can turn around for help for the address [email protected]- to the sheet, add a screenshot of the closing of that vikna with reminders about the pardon.

Single input: in the field "First name of the koristuvach" you will need to enter the address of the mailing screen in the format [email protected]. Of the two possible protocols in the input mail, it is recommended to select IMAP.

Crimea, on mobile outbuildings you can also send mail through the web-interface (login on the side https://mail.tut.by).

Possibility to install avatars on Yandex.Mail for TUT.BY correspondents, unfortunately, not forwarded. Sometimes, in rows with the overlay sheets, photos of the koristuvach are added, selected for the results of automatic data processing social measures. As you have shown a pardon (because the manager does not show your avatar), you can return to the Yandex support service through the form zvorotny zv'azku on the side https://yandex.ru/support/mail-new/web/preferences/about-sender-form.html#about-sender-form.

The collection of filters determines the order in which the mail will be processed, which should be at the address of the koristuvach.

How to create a new filter? Go to the page "Create -> Filters", set the name of the new filter and confirm it by pressing the "Create" button. Go to the yoga editing mode for the "Redaguvati" messages.
Filter in a logical way: yakscho Value Parameters satisfied wash away, then the viconati Diya from appointments Arguments.

In the yakost Parameters the following fields can appear:

From field Email addresses, from which the sheet was sent. Ex: *@*.by (be it the address in the .by domain) or ivan*@tut.by (be it the koristuvach on tut.by, who start on ivan)
Vidpravnik Im'ya people or the name of the robot, which nad_slav of the sheet
I'm a chief executive Name of the worksheet owner from the "From:" field
Return-Path field Instead of the service field of the sheet "Return-Path:"
To field Instead of the "To:" field. Ex: "TUT.BY User"
Field CC Instead of the "Cc:" field (Copy)
Be-yakі fields To or Cc Meaning that Dії over the sheet wash away I would like to use for one of the repaid in the fields "To:" and "CC:" address
Must fields To or Cc Tsya umova means what Dії over the sheet wash away for all rescheduling in the fields "To:" and "Сс:" addressees
Reply-To field E-mail addresses, where can I send the message to the whole sheet
Sheet Theme Sheet subject from the "Subject:" field. Ex: *exclusive offer*
Message ID Service field "Message-Id:"
Rozmir podomlennya Explanation of the completed notification in bytes. Ex: 1024 (that's 1024 bytes) or 100K (that's 100 kilobytes)
current hour The current hour in the format hh:mm or hh:mm:ss, where hh is the year, mm is hvilini, ss is seconds. It is possible to use the "timchas" suffix am or pm
Current date Current date and hour in the formats DD MM YYYY, DD MM YYYY hh:mm, DD MM YYYY hh:mm:ss, DD MM YYYY hh:mm:ss +ZZZZ or DD MM YYYY hh:mm:ss -ZZZZ. Here DD is the exact number of the month, MM is the 3-letter abbreviation of the month (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec), YYYY - рік, hh - year, mm - Khvilini, ss—seconds, ZZZZ—timchasal zone.
Ex: 20 Jun 2000
Current day Current day of Monday in digital format in 0-6 (de 0 - week, and 6 - Saturday) or 3-letter (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat)
The sheet does not look like a robot You can see what was created by the human machine. Doesn't care about prompts wash awayі Value, because rechecking of the list is carried out according to the frequency of the headings of the rows Precedence: bulk, Precedence: junk, Precedence: list, X-List*, X-Mirror*, X-Auto*, X-Mailing-List and the visibility of the sheet of the non-empty header "Return - path:"
Title field Rechecking the sheet header you specified. Ex: umova "Header field - one - X-Mailer: MyMailer*" check the presence of the header sheet "X-Mailer:" with the values ​​that originate from MyMailer.
List of encryptions It indicates whether the sheet is encrypted or signed for the assistance of an electronic signature. Revising wash away zdіysnyuєtsya for the help of advancing operands:
SMIME:encrypted - notifications are encrypted according to the S/MIME standard;
SMIME:signed - electronically signed notification according to the S/MIME standard;
signed - confirmation of the signature by an electronic signature;
In other valleys, the field Umov become empty.
Use the screenshot Zdіysnyuє reverification of the basis of the assigned folder in the mailing screen. Ex: Umova "Isnuє skrinka - rіvno - Friends" to interpret the presence of the folder z іm'yam Friends.
Leather from oberzhuvachiv;
Leather from oberzhuvachiv; Addresses of the proxy server
For professional koristuvachiv

To the greater part of resurrected fields, a scheme is being established Parameter - Umov - Value, de Umov can be inserted "equal" and "not equal" or "revenge" and "do not avenge", and Value it is a kind of text string-template, in which group special characters "*" can be used, which means the presence of a special character in a row, whether there is a sequence of symbols (0 pieces and more). If such a series of tasks is not, then in fact the presence or presence of this Parameters in the middle of the headings of the sheet, which is being processed.

Yakshcho Vikoristovuete wash away"equally" and "not evenly", then you will be asked to meaning vibranom rows Parameters. Well, you want to spar Parameters with a certain set of tasks you have in a row and check if you want one of them, then enter them meaning through whom (without zayvih clearings) and wink wash away"to avenge" and "not to avenge".

Before watering "Rozmir Advice", "The Current Hour"і "Flow Date" also stagnant wash away"less lower" and "more lower" іz designated yak Value according to the spread of the sheet, the hour to get that flow date.

How do the options "Field From", "Vidpravnik" and "Im'ya vpravnik" work?

    When using "Field From", Value compare with the address in the "From:" field of the input sheet (example: mind "From field - one - *@tutby.com" must be matched for any sheet from the tutby.com domain);

    When searching for "Vdpravnik", the heading "Sender:" in the list is analyzed;

    When choosing "First name" the name is analyzed in the "From:" field of the input sheet (butt: mind "First name - one - *Vasily*" will be selected for sheets, the field "From:" which looks similar to advancing structures - "From: [email protected](Vasily A. Pupkin)" or "From: "Vasily A. Pupkin" [email protected]"or" From: Vasily A. Pupkin ").

Yak "Diya" can perform offensive commands:

save Information will be copied from the box Arguments mail folder. The folder is assigned to be used in the box.
When Argument look at ~im'ya_koristuvach / im'ya_folder, copy the sheet to a specific folder of the indicated coristuvach, but only in that way, as you have on the tse є vіdpovіdnі
Save encrypt Die similar to the Save command, forward changing the encryption over the S / MIME standard format
Forward Forwarding notifications to field orders Arguments Postal address. If the address is a kіlka, then the stench is to blame, but they are separated by lumps.
Forward Arguments Postal address. At the same time, a koristuvach is presented as a leader. If the address is a kіlka, then the stench is to blame, but they are separated by lumps.
redirect It also redirects notifications to field orders Arguments to the address, alée at tsiomu, to the view of the command "Readdress", the sheet headers are practically not changed. Only the "Return-Receipt-To:" and "Errors-To:" fields are removed (as they are in the notification) and the "X-Mirrored-by:" header is added
Vidpovisti Form a letter on the confirmation and send it to the address indicated in the "Reply-to:" field, or, at the same time, indicated in the "From:" (Who) address. As the theme of the introduction is presented in the row "Re:<предыдущая_тема>". In the ranks Arguments the text of the reminder is set, in which it is possible to win .

How to say in the field Arguments If the text begins with a "+" sign, then the steps behind the cim row sign, for example, the additional fields "Сc:", "Bcc:" will be inserted into the header of the sheet that is being formed. The text will be taken into account in rows, in the middle of such a heading in an empty row.
When choosing such a substitution of titles, you will need to independently set the title "Subject:" (the subject of the sheet), because. VIN will not be generated automatically. Butt:

Subject: subj
X-Field2: 2

Vіdpovіsti vsіm Dіє similarly to the front option, but it also sends a note to all listings in the fields "To:" and "Cc:" addresses
Send a message Strengthen the message, sign the floor Arguments. The text is responsible for cleaning up the rows with the main headings ("To:", "Cc:", "Subject:" then), then the empty row and the full text of the sheet. Text notes can be tagged
Appreciate Install or drop the song near the floor Arguments nabіr praporіv for tsgogo povіdomlennya. The following values ​​are allowed: Read (read), Unread (unread), Flagged (signed), Unflagged (no flag), Answered (advice given), Unanswered (no warning given). Might be repaid the sprat value, divided by clods
Add title Add to the list of appointments in the margins Arguments headers. Titles are written in the format "Name: title_text"
Set the subject of the sheet Add to Topic of the sheet ("Subject:" field) is specified in the field Arguments text row.
Vіdkinuti Stopping the in-line filter and other filters with the lowest priority for this maintenance. Tsya diya maє buti is indicated by the rest of the rules. Notification of what is being processed will be given and the manager will be notified about the pardon of delivery. Yakshcho row Arguments vengeance, be it a text, there will be voicings from the helper. You can save the text of the sheet, which you see, vicorist Diya"Save" to "Vіdkinuti"
Zupiniti obrobka Stopping the in-line filter and other filters with the lowest priority for this maintenance. Tsya diya maє buti is indicated by the rest of the rules. Information will be saved at the screen of the Inbox (Inbox)
Vidality sheet Also, the appointment of the in-line filter and other filters with the lowest priority for this maintenance. Tsya diya maє buti is indicated by the rest of the rules. Notification of what is being processed will be noted, and the manager will be sent a notification about the successful delivery, as such confirmation was requested
Save the man For professional correspondents Choose the address of the manager to be notified ("From:") in a special text list, which name should be indicated in the field Arguments. The next step is to save data, for example, to reconsider the obviousness of the address of the manager in the list, it is used for the help of a filter and minds "revenge" or "do not revenge" (ex.: "Field From - revenge - #BlockedSenders")
Accept request, SendIM For correspondence "calendar" functions of the postal service.

Important: dії flow rule to be carried out only at vikonan all assignments to new minds and assignments to your sequence.
Important: rules with higher priority (for example, "9") win before lower rules (for example, "3"). As for the rules with the same priority, think for the flow sheet to be counted, their processing will be shown in this sequence, in such a way they will appear on the side of the list of processing rules. Obviously, the process can be interrupted earlier by issuing the command "View list" or "Upload file" in some rules.
Important: at the next hour of the day: "Save", "Forward", "Forward", "Notice", "Forward to all" and "Send a notice" is not visible. If you want to see yoga, then add one more Dia "Visibility sheet" to the rule book.

Contacting Google's possible closures of all services of its electronic mail, which are located under the domain gmail.com, TUT.BY contacted the company "Yandex" about the step-by-step transfer of mail screens and all the listing of koristuvachs "Yandex.BY" on the TUT.BY service. Post. We will be transferring over 2 million accounts.

What will become?

Not later than April 15, 2015, change the design of the @tut.by postal screenshot, become more similar to Yandex.Poshta, and continue to improve your functions with more archives and more folders.

E-mail addresses become redundant.<…>@tut.by. The mail robots will automatically transfer the listing of that folder to new service in safety and security.

Vrakhovuyuchi the fact that "Beltelecom" can be the most visionary channel for "Yandex", TUT.BY announces that the postal screen will become the best and the best.

Update of the TUT.BY mail service is commented by the General Director of TOV "TUT BY MEDIA" Oleksandr Chekan:

“We understand that the rich coristuvachi will have to call again to a new old-fashioned lookїх box, the pro product of the company "Yandex" - the price is the best possible solutions for mail TUT.BY today. Our bagatorship with this company allows you to be sure that the quality of the service will be on vishomu equal and the leaves, as before, come and are delivered to the mittevo.

In 2015, the popular Belarusian portal TYT.BY switched to using the Yandex mail service, as a result of which the iOS-appliances felt a lot of discomfort, and they had a chance to re-launch the mail client.

It's a pity that the update doesn't appear automatically, like in Gmail. The problem is solved by the fact that when you set it up, you will need to manually enter the addresses of the POP and SMPT servers, as well as go through the registration process on the site. In case of unacceptability, all coristuvachi resources are both essential and new. In the instructions below, we report on the procedure for installing TUT.BY mail on iPhone and iPad.

How to get the TUT.BY mail screenshot on iPhone or iPad after switching to Yandex.Mail

1 . Go to the TUT.BY website in a browser on a computer, smartphone or tablet, enter your login and password, click "Poshta".

The resource will automatically redirect you to the completed registration page, where you need to enter additional data about the physical record. Save the required fields and press Complete the registration.

2 . Go to the Web-interface Yandex.Send for help, click on the icon with the gear in the right box for the name of the oblique record and select the split Other.

3 . Choose a section Mail programs at the column of evil.

4 . Place checkmarks next to all items and press the button save the change.

Respect. Without the description of the description above, the correct work of the tut.by robot on the iPhone and iPad may not be possible.

5 . For iPhone or iPad go to distribution Nalashtuvannya —> Post —> Cloud records.

6 . On the next ecarni choose " Add a physical note". Since there is no list of requested services, press " otherwise«;

7 . Transition to distribution "New Face Record", enter the data of the oblique record and press "Dali". It is necessary to introduce it again, for example [email protected]

Select protocol IMAP or POP for a little more customization, send it to iPhone or iPad.

8 . Below, fill in all the middles in this order:

We have chosen the IMAP protocol:

  • input mail server imap.yandex.ru
  • external mail server smtp.yandex.ru
  • Enter Passwordі Im'ya Koristuvacha. Important! save in the upper right fold.

Yakscho V chose POP:

  • input mail server pop.yandex.ru
  • external mail server smtp.yandex.ru
  • Enter Passwordі Im'ya Koristuvacha. Important! It is necessary to introduce it again, for example [email protected] Do not forget to confirm with the button save in the upper right fold.

If you have problems, try manually setting the ports for the servers in the input and output mail (for most outputs, it is not necessary):

Incoming mail (POP3):
Server name: pop.yandex.ru;
Wicoristy SSL: So;
Port: 995.

Outbound mail (SMTP):
Server name: smtp.yandex.ru;
Wicoristy SSL: So;
Port: 465.

For shortlisted people who use IMAP4:
Server name: imap.yandex.ru;
Wicoristy SSL: So;
Port: 993.

For whom, the installation of TUT.BY on the iPhone and iPad is completed.

Belarusian portal Tut.by proponing to speed up non-shelter mail with a domain that is located in the national zone of Belarus .by- i for today no-cost serviceє the leader among the non-kostov postal services at Belarus. Obviously, varto signify that the registration of coristuvachs with non-shelter postal screens is open not only for the merchants in the center of the miracle land, but also for the us coristuvachs of the Internet without borders. By registering on the portal, you will not only deny the opportunity to become a postcard-free screen, but also deny the opportunity to take part in the projects of the portal: jobs.tut.by, acquaintances on love.tut.by, catalog of resources catalog.tut.by and forums TUT.BY .

Create a free-of-charge "Belarusian" (.by) mail-order screenshot: http://profile.tut.by/

Email addresses that are created, will be the next parameters:

  • on the cob 50 MB, and farther away, you can easily increase the size of the box as needed;
  • Maximum sheet size - 10 MB;
  • Email address mind [email protected] ;
  • Encourage joy postal clients(Outlook, The Bat! and in.) for protocols POP3, IMAP4, SMTP
  • web-interface (Russian and Belarusian languages)
  • Possibility of access to mail mobile phone for the WAP protocol.
  • Selected mail from other mail servers,
  • Antivirus and anti-spam zakhist
  • Rules for automatic processing of sheets (filters, automatic submissions)
  • Spelling check.
  • And a lot more!

Screen stitching @Tut.by in Outlook Express and other mail programs

If you have installed special folds, more parameters are lost by grinding, it is only necessary to correctly set the parameters for access to the mail server:

Incoming alert server POP3: mail.tut.by(port 110)
Weekend alert server SMTP: mail.tut.by(25 or 2525)
Server IMAP4: mail.tut.by
Name of the koristuvach: Identifier of the koristuvach, which you entered at the time of registration
Password your password
SMTP Authentication Notified in "Like an incoming mail server" mode