RK matrices of monitors of the order. Fundamentals of monitoring. Tipi Matrix: * VA. IPS is suitable for

It’s a lot of us today to spend a trivial hour at the computer, wondering at the screen of our monitor. Talk about those who are not very corny for the vision, the sense is not enough - there are not many of us who do not go to the digital capital.

However, in order to minimize shkidlivy in such a way of living for health, you can, as a minimum, competently go to the monitor's choice. For unprepared people, the process of selection and purchase of an outbuilding can be done to smart busy people, and at the same time the market presents a magnificent number of new models, which can be easily distributed without being "in those".

Now it is possible to pass to the decilkokh main visnovkіv.

  • Dzherelo lights.
  • Filter color.
  • Skin filter, which can be switched on and off.
About'єktom, which controls the electric charge, є transistor, is inserted into the skin shutter. Dress up the dance of soda and put it on your screen, with the upper side for viping, to stand in front of you. If you lean directly on the screen, hit the top side of the soda only. If you ruhaєte with your head, look at the warehouse of a soda can.

Soda can be imagined yak vastovanі crystals. Rip off the same gazed water, ale once, let the side of the dance turn up to you. Top and bottom guilty vkazuvati on lіva i the right of the party to the screen. Now, if you move your head around, the shape, like you bachite, call us not to change in the zagala, the same can be a part of a can, ale and the same curvature. It allows you to look around more beautifully bachiti kuti and more after the creation of the color through the lesser powers of the creation.

Parameters, on how varto beasts, I respect before buying to finish a lot, but one of the most significant parts of any monitor is a matrix. The very thing about those with a matrix is ​​more beautiful to vibrate the monitor and to see it in the statistics.

Matrix, mabut, and fairness is the most important characteristic when choosing a new monitor. It is because of the fact that if you see a change, if your robot's hand at the computer lies far away, I will look at movies or spend an hour at the games.

Screens with PLS matrix

Oh, the beauty of the powers that be, sniff, and drink from such fakhivts, such as surgeons, photographs or even the most important professions, and the transfer of the color is of great importance. Navigation without urahuvannya virobnichoy price of professional tools is often seen only because of the smell of drinking from professionals.

І vsezh

In order to maximize the transitions of the brightest powers of light in crystals, the accuracy of the results on the color canal will increase from 6 bits to 8 bits, so that I know more about the preparation rate. For the control of crystals, a larger transistor is used, which is to be produced before the price adjustment. The transistor can also block the light from the light.

It is related to the type of the monitor matrix in the first place. Knowing the part of the attachment that suits you, or simply adjusting the price on the monitor with small matrices, to simply finish it in the net. And the monitor, which is suitable for yourself according to your parameters, can be vibrated on the site of the Internet store "Foxtrot" (www.foxtrot.com.ua).

Bigger lightning often means more power, more power problems and more power problems. Manufacturers of twisting nematics, communication in the area and a large-domain or structured vertical display in Danish hour, three panel technologies are presented on the market, which are meaningfully developed for price, contrast, and turn around at once. Below is the introduction of new technologies, which can be explained and explained.

Tailoring panel technologies

All brands and trademarks that are guessed in our articles and, possibly, stolen by third persons, who do not fall under the provisions of the official legislation on trade marks, As well as the rights of the authorities of the newly established vlasniks.

Basic types of computer monitor matrices

At the zagalnyy vipad, all are presented at a time on the monitor market by the matrix of one of the three most extended types - TN, IPS and * VA. We'll talk about them in more detail.

TN matrix

Yaksho, protest, our rights to the third particulars are violated, we ask you to see us without any vitrates. We spend more than an hour in front of the computer screen, not TV, it's a fact. That is why it is becoming more and more important vrahovuvati, as a monitor vibrating for a robot or a device, but for some functions it is impossible to ignore: image quality, visual comfort or living.

Also, besides, your robot is vimag, so you have refined the images with the same detail and accuracy, for those who have not been serviced by any monitor, moreover you will need one more technology. However, for more than an hour, if you are choosing to buy a monitor, we don’t know if the technology is your screen.

TN technology (Twisted Nematic) is the most advanced in terms of statistics and revised by rock, as well as being well-supported, and from it there is a maximum of possibilities. Monitors with a matrix of TN type seem to be cheaper in price, and because they stink of great popularity and occupy a large number of police shops.

This type of monitor is installed in all state institutions, principal mortgages and a large number of offices are in charge of their own price. І tse, in general, logical, for robots in official supplements The effectiveness of the process is complete. For statistics on Danish moment Nearly 90% of all victorious monitors are of the male type.

There are a lot of glass panels, surrounded by thousands of small, rare crystals, which react and become opaque, if light comes from them. Tsya configuratize zmushuє crystals mati bogato mice for changing between oneself and quickly reacting to rapts of illumination, like in films for a reason or in scenes of great ruku, so that the hour is optimal; However, the space will grow into microscopic turns of light, as it will also increase the brightness of the image, and in some uniformity of pictures, it will become even more unstable.

The main advantages of TN:

  • low price,
  • low hour to see.

Main minusi TN:

  • transfer to color,
  • I’ll look around you filthy kuti,
  • old technology,
  • energy service,
  • low price of a defective monitor.

IPS matrices

Tse allow you to start to get more comfortable, to navigate the computer if you need to turn it on for a trivial period of an hour. If on the right you come to the purchase of a monitor for your computer, there are a lot of people who just follow the names, as they know the stink or sound for them, but the technology of the panels of current monitors is strongly seen one from one.

For a reason, from the explanation of the concept, yaku bagato hto rogue. On the offensive little one, my bachimo is graphically even clearer. On the picture there is a black shmatok, which is located in the center, but there are thousands of rare crystals, about which they spoke earlier. Distribution of them by such a rank is a guarantor, so that the crystals can make room for the change between them, and with such a rank they react more quickly to the sharp changes of illumination, for that the type of panel is by itself finest hour vidguk. It is ideal for fighting films or football matches, de-focusing the camera quickly.

IPS technology (In-Plane Switching) is also far from a new development, however, the available monitors on matrices of the same type of steel are on the rise more often than not. Monitors on IPS matrices at a time cost significantly more expensive than their analogs on TN and until the last hour were mostly vikorisovyvayutsya designers, photographers and businessmen Apple annexes installed the same IPS matrix).

An hour to see - the whole hour required for a pixel to go from one color to the other in fast-moving scenes. It's a rotten thought about the types of panels that are open in the fact that there is a "great" space, as they become filled with small crystal crystals, melt with light coils of a microscopic size, and at the same time, the brightness of the image is lost.

It should be done to the point where it is practically possible to see the light with the greater improvement of the image quality, but it will take at least an hour to see that there is a small space, which is necessary for changing the crystals. To that, the monitors may tend to create the so-called “halo”, which is a glimpse in the fact that in the quick scenes of the image there is a small slid, which is even more dramatic.

Given a technology that is unaffected by its high quality characteristics, I am intriguingly prodding, as a result of which there are different options - AH-IPS, P-IPS, H-IPS, S-IPS, e-IPS. The reason for them to reach insignificant and in favor of the direction is, for example, a decrease in the hour of the message, or an increase in contrast.

The main advantages of IPS:

This type of screen is invited to vibrate for video or video. Ridki crystals in the middle of the panels can also be spaced parallel to the panes, as in the two types of panels, but the manufacturers of their innovative technology of stink took the most beautiful from the earlier ones, for the same reason

The panels are the most innovative moment. Tsei material allows 40 times more electronics, and also allows you to choose less pixels for more high permissions. The whole type of panel can be very low hour to see, a little more to the public.

  • vidminna transfer to color,
  • good brightness and contrast,
  • good kuti I will look around,
  • realistic quality of the picture.

Main IPS minuses:

  • visoka price,
  • low hour to see,
  • contrast of the higher, lower in the * VA matrix.

* VA matrix

Also, once the explanations are sorted from the lowest to the highest quality, here you have all types of panels and I can help you, so a little guide will help you. If you want something that will react more and more, you will close your kuti zoru. The technical sheet of the annexes, which are victorious, proponents to us, to the last, that is, which are presented to the screen, which includes.

It is important to have a large number of screens, as they are commercially available in Danish hours, they can be included in two broad categories, as they are willing to grow. The stinks are stored, well, robots, in the light, which is blocked by pixels, so it shows a small size and, apparently, before the size of the composition, the image may be opened.

Technology * VA (Vertical Alignment), mostly seen in the provinces of SND like MVA or PVA (it is also known by the symbol "*" in front of "VA", so in the newer versions and in the provinces of the Persha, the letter can be seen). Not so long ago, a variant with the suffix "S", tobto "Super", was added to the abbreviation price, but there were no serious changes.

The technology itself was broken down like an extended TN and it was the fault of the bully that they were short-lived, but as a result of fighting with them, they wondered how they were. It is possible to say that the plus of TN is tse minusi * VA, and navpaki. However, consumers often have absolutely no problems with consumers, and those who use such matrices also know their own buyers on the market.

The active matrix type. The number of categories of skin food allow for a more beautiful setting up to a number of images, quick reactions, frequency of updates, cuts, and some other parameters, which in general paint the backward image of the image in the image In addition, we are aware of the main suppliers of panels of this type, as they are used to grow old, if they want to not be vicious.

These types of panels are often criticized for those that they smell like aberrations, you talk about how they smell unreal, overwhelmingly nasty colors. Є a lot of elements for analysis when buying mobile phone For the tablet, ala, in our glance, one of the most important screens.

Main pluses * VA:

  • take a look around,
  • vidminna transfer to color,
  • gliboky black color.

Main minus * VA:

  • low hour to see,
  • visoka price on yakisnі models,
  • not suitable for dynamic scenes (іgor, fіlmіv).

It’s possible to say that it’s not an ideal monitor until it’s a perfect monitor, but it’s a bi-skinny one and is suitable for any busy person - for igor it is more beautiful, for robotics, for multimedia third. Look, if there will be a basic direct link to your monitor, you will be grounded on the information and you will be sure to make the correct vibration.

The evaluation of the screen is unforgivable, there are some fragments of the technology of the panels, and the skin of them has its own positive and negative aspects, as it is not suspicious. In addition, there are some factors, such as size, tolerance and proficiency, as they also play an important role in the selection of one term.

The size of the display, the size of the display

At the same statistics, we will try to shed light on the development technologies and parameters, which are necessary for checking the phone or tablet. More screen, less time to read small texts, but more from more unbroken phone. We went from that hour, if the terms were getting less and less than one to one, in some terms there may be more changes for distribution great ekranіv... Happily, some phones grow in width and height, the stench is also thin in terms of skin new generations.

Fundamentals of monitoring. Tipi Matrix: IPS

At the moment of the opening of the first monitor on the rare crystals, it had already passed an hour, if the light was sighted, but it was impossible to see it so far, it was clearly not possible to see the TN technology. These innovations, as well as poklikanі and correcting the shortcomings of TN-matrices (reports and looking in the foreground articles), hid the situation out of the way. That is, until the mid-90s of the last century, there were active jokes of new decisions, who were ready to transfer the quality of RK monitors to a fundamentally new standard.

Now also TFT display

However, a good size for the screen without permission is generally not varied. Dozvіl - the whole number of pixels, how to make the screen, and the leather pixel is a color point on the screen. Obviously, when the size of the screen was great, the screen was also delivered to the screen, but it was not appreciated.

Wrong, inaccurate transfer of color

The scope of the pixels is shown, as it is close to the pixel to the screen, and is protected on the basis of the size of the screen and its permission. Tse maє tu perevagu, so you can share the screen with the others, ale, with the other side, and you will also be more pleasing for your eyes.

So, it’s already in the light of technology, but one whispers about the revision of emerging problems by the way of modernization of obvious boxes, and they don’t be afraid to fix everything from scratch. Proud Japanese people were amazed at all the noise, then they shut up, rolled up their sleeves; Named Vaughn Bula IPS (In-Plane Switching), You can translate yak "shuffle in the area". From the standard TN-matrix, it was seen that, in a persistent way, crystals in the matrix are twisted boules, and they were grown in parallel, one to one in the same area (name and name). And in a different way, offending contacts for filing the springs roztashovvali on one side in the middle.

Phone with a tsim screen - tse. The first maє nabagato bilsh wide kut look around.

Offensive technologies may be overwhelmed and short-lived.

The great range has a sense of what is more beautiful.

It’s not an hour, since I’ve found out about the touch screens for smartphones and tablets, it’s necessary to have it, because the stench is resistive or ominous.

Schematic representation of the middle in IPS-matrix

How did it work as a result? In IPS-matrices, when there was no light at all, the light did not pass through the polarizer; The first versions evolved into one more special feature - when looking at the screen from the side, a black color gave a violet view (this is the problem of a bug). The matrix didn’t let the light pass to the screen, so now, as the pixel came out, then, on the view from the TN-matrix, there was not a speck to light up, but a black one. Prior to that, the quality of color transmissions has grown by an order of magnitude.

Ale, yak zzvychay tse buvaє in such vipadki, the solution of old problems gave rise to new ones. In connection with the peculiarities of the "design", in order to turn the crystals, it began to run on more than an hour, apparently, the matrix became more "on the go". Distant, splinters of offense, the contact blasted out on one side, it did not change the surface area (insignificantly, but not less);

But not everything. Vitrata energії tezh zrіs - yak for rakhunok technical solutions, so for rakhunok vikorystannya more hard-pressed dzherel illumination. Yak result - the price of cich matrices to reach the temple.

In any case, the quality of the image has become overwhelming, which has allowed the decal companies to actively rush to the jokes of modernization with the help of changing the "shkіdlivі" parameters and polishing of the overhaul. Immediately from Hitachi, the technology itself became victorious and in (only the axis was called from them Super Fine TFT, abo SFT).

Already in 1998, Rotsi Hitachi modernized IPS matrices, Changing the hour to see. Technology, the yaku was named S-IPS, Immediately, they took such giganti, yak i. Varto mean that on the current day the IPS itself has the most modifications, since the first version has gone far. I want the momentous moments, to feel the matrices, to get lost, in the modifications of the actions of the parameters, the parameters are very polished.