How do I know if the computer was turned on while I was on duty? What is the AHCI mode?

A video card is one of the most important components of any PC or laptop. It generates a graphic signal and displays the finished image on the screen. Sometimes, when the computer is turned on, I get a black screen with the message “no signal” or there are interruptions (the screen is scratched, images suddenly disappear, colors are blurred). In such cases, first of all, suspicion falls on the problem, either with the monitor itself or with the components.

And in this article we will talk about how to check what the video card is doing, and how to find out that it is correct and the reason is not in it, but how to identify and fix the problem. Let's look at a number of ways.

Before printing the verification, it is necessary to reconfigure the components so that they are out of order.


We need to check the monitor first. Take it and connect it to another PC or laptop. If the image appears on the screen, that means it’s correct.

If not, check the connection cable to see if there is any damage. Connect the monitor to the computer using a new cable. If it didn’t help, then the right is not in any way.

Let's start the computer

Check to see if the computer starts when the computer is turned off. You can work on your hearing, for which you need to remove the main cover of the PC and reconnect it so that all the fans spin. However, if nothing comes up and the fans don’t spin, it means it’s collapsing.

Life block

Failures occur if the vitality block goes out of order, or you just don’t feel the strain. To check, take the new life block with great force and carefully connect it to motherboard. If the problem persists, then the cause is found.

Anyway, we conclude that way.

Video card

Carefully remove the video card from one PC and connect it to another PC. Whatever she asks for, she will inquire. It wouldn’t have gotten so bad that it would have caused problems as a whole. If the image, as before, is not there, then, suddenly, the capacitors on it were swollen.

Look at them respectfully and change their minds to avoid the stink of a normal person. If you find just one swollen capacitor, more than everything else, the problem lies elsewhere. In this case, it is recommended to bring the card in for repair.

Damage to the processor socket

If you independently carried out preventive maintenance on your PC and removed the processor from it, it is possible that when installing the processor back, you damaged the socket and bent the legs to wash it.

Motherboard failure

It is entirely possible that the video card is not working due to a malfunction of the motherboard, but that the original or external part itself is damaged, or perhaps the capacitors are blown. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to verify the usefulness of bridges on your own, but you can’t look at the capacitors again.

Yak tse robiti:

Once you find a problem, the motherboard still requires professional repair at a service center.

Additional diagnostic features

However, as long as your computer or laptop is fully functional, it doesn’t matter whether it uses a discrete video card.

First method:

In this manner, we know, the payment is being made.

Another way:

To check what your video card is doing, you need to entice Then launch the GPU-Z utility. Vaughn is absolutely catless. The program will show us all the information about the card.

Let's go through the reporting process:

So, we have identified 8 ways to help you find out what the video card is doing on your laptop or computer, and how to troubleshoot problems. I'm sure the information was wrong.

Tsikavist, as we know, is an unchangeable human tragedy. So today we’ll talk about something new. I have to ask the same questions more than once: how to find out if I was using my computer if I didn’t have any instructions. The most useful thing is to keep a log on your computer that records the work of your PC, including a record of turning on your computer or laptop. I think that since you didn’t put food on, you also felt the need to know that you used the computer on your day and that you yourself worked on it.

To ensure that we are fully aware of this issue in the future, I am planning to write an entire article on this topic. As soon as the computer turns on, the entry to the “log” is published. It will display all the operations that take place on the computer. In more scientific terms, the entry “log podoy” is created. Here will be the date and hour of the operation that will be carried out. Whose crime is being recorded running processes operating system.

How do you know who used the computer?

To understand this, you must open the magazine. For whom do we go to "start" and prick row we write the phrase “Perspective”. We open the knowledge file.

In the window that has opened, you need to know in the menu "Win Log"dows”, and then “system”.

You will find a list of the same as presented in the table. Here you will find the name of the category, the time and date when this topic was displayed, and the code of the category and category is also displayed here.

Having looked at the table, you will see if the computer was stolen or if it was hidden. If I have considered the rest of my understanding, I have not used a computer during my employment.

Thank you, this simple method will easily and simply allow you to understand whether your computer was turned on without you. Well, if the vikorist is using your computer without your knowledge, I recommend setting a password on oblikovy record, Then definitely no one can access your PC without your knowledge. That's all. What are you doing with us!

Proper computer operation is only possible if there is good interaction between the computer and the operating system. Technologies are developing, and the rest of the time there are more and more people in the hoarders' minds. Suchasni hard disks And SSD storage devices are much faster than those that were installed in computers 5-10 years ago. To transfer data you need to login SATA interface Through some kind of storage device it connects to the computer. The SATA interface operates in two modes: IDE and AHCI, and depending on your current settings hard drive Or SSD, you can speed up your computer by turning AHCI mode.

What is AHCI mode?

As stated above, AHCI is one of the data transfer modes behind the SATA interface. Apparently, through the SATA interface you can transfer information at a speed of 1.5 to 6 GB per second. Maximum fluidity is achieved in AHCI mode, which may be subject to constant accumulation. What's the fuss? IDE mode However, the SATA interface supports the compatibility with older hard drives.

Getting dressed in the operating room Windows system Make sure the AHCI mode is enabled, and route the storage connections to the motherboard via SATA. Through this process, the computer's productivity is wasted, and the disk's performance is limited programmatically. By setting the AHCI mode, you can increase the speed of your computer by 20-30%.

How to find out if AHCI mode is activated in Windows

Most computer users do not suspect that it is necessary to enable AHCI mode in order for computer productivity to become a priority. In this case, Windows will not always work with HDDs and SSDs, most recently in AHCI mode. To check whether AHCI mode is enabled in Windows, you need to do the following:

Restore respect: Also, the shortness of the list of devices that operate in AHCI mode may be due to the fact that there are old storage devices connected to the motherboard that do not work in the new mode.

Also check whether you can operate the SATA interface in AHCI or IDE mode through the BIOS. To do this, you need to restart your computer and press “Del” or F2 when starting up. Launch the BIOS, where you need to find the SATA Mode item and look at whether to install the AHCI or IDE option.

Important: As you noted in the BIOS that the SATA interface is installed on the robot in IDE mode, there is no need to switch to AHCI mode, as there will be no cost.

How to turn on AHCI mode in Windows

Microsoft in operating systems Windows has started Support AHCI mode in Windows 7. If you enable it, you can also use it in Windows XP to enable necessary drivers on the Internet, collected by enthusiasts, and install them. However, please note that Danish method does not always give an increase in productivity, and better yet, on Windows XP, consider the idea of ​​using the AHCI mode and processing storage through a standard IDE.

To enable the AHCI mode itself, it is enough to set the configuration option for SATA in the BIOS. However, it is necessary to do this before installing the Windows operating system, otherwise, if the computer is locked, you will see the error 0x0000007B INACCESSABLE_BOOT_DEVICE or you will enter the stage of permanent re-locking. This is why you need to override the IDE mode in AHCI when installed Windows, it is necessary to make certain changes to the registry, below we will look at what changes to make for each version of the operating system.

How to turn on AHCI mode in Windows 10

In the current operating system Windows 10, Microsoft did not provide any configuration that would allow support for the AHCI mode “on the fly,” as previously the SATA interface was processed through the IDE. To correctly switch to AHCI mode, you need to do the following:

After installing the computer, the Windows operating system prompts you to install the necessary drivers for working with AHCI mode, which is all you need to do.

How to turn on AHCI mode in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1

To switch the Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 operating system to a robot with AHCI mode, you need to carry out the following steps in command line. You need to do the following:

If the computer runs on an Intel CPU, you can use the company's standard utility, which allows you to carry out the necessary adjustments to switch Windows to work with AHCI. Try it like this:

Restore respect: Guidance is a better method for computers on Intel processors, for AMD of a similar solution Narazi no.

How to turn on AHCI mode in Windows 7

In the Windows 7 operating system, the method for enabling AHCI mode is similar to that in Windows 10. Here you also need to make changes to the Registry in this way.

Telephone operators are looking to offer their clients a new opportunity to easily log in with their number. What are subscriptions for options that may be paid for? Connection to the content can be done by the client or independently at the time of the promotion by the operator. Therefore, for information about how to find out if an employee has connected to Megafon without the help of a customer, you can use a short command or call a consultant. For ease of use, use a special cabinet.

Sometimes, when the service is connected to a mobile phone, a connection appears until paid subscription option. Often clients are not interested in obsessive content, but subscription fee is getting worse every day. A paid service could join independently through a promotion, and singing hour few cost-free functions. Therefore, the client can find out about his subscriptions to content that money has begun to be collected.

To verify the truth paid services There are a number of ways to use Megafon. Before doing this, the client needs to know what subscription directions are associated with his number. When you look at Megafon's connected services, you see the following groups of content:

  1. Additional functions that help make the robot easier to work with.
  2. Rozvazhalny content.

To check the authenticity of connected services, use several methods. Invite the client to call for a short three-digit number. Otherwise, you can quickly access Megafon’s special account or call a consultant Stilnikovy bond.

Methods for verifying paid services

How can you find out about a paid service on Megafon, since you can’t quickly access a special account? There are a number of options available for customer operators. All methods for additional numbers use the combination *105#.

To check the availability of paid services on Megafon, you can quickly use the command to immediately display on the screen Stilnikov phone connection options. For this there are 2 ways to enter a digital value:

  1. Koristuvachs need to dial Megafon *105*559# .
  2. Another combination is the introduction *105*11# .

These are the ways to allow images to be displayed on the screen mobile phone prepay. Often, subscribers are enabled with the “Live Balance” or “Automatic Submission” options. If the client only adds a SIM card, the service does not charge a fee for the first 14 days.

USSD command

Megafon gives its clients the ability to quickly use codes to determine the balance of other functions. Commands in the USSD format are typed through 2 stars, between them there is a combination of numbers. To display connected content on your number, you need to enter *105*11#. After the subscriber finds a response, the connection options are displayed in the list view.

Korisno nobility! By dialing *105*5032#, the subscriber will be shown other services on that number.


Besides commands in the USSD format, Megafon customers can receive notifications to a special number. To find out about paid additional content on your phone, you need to send an SMS with the text saying “info”. The number for notification is a short four-digit code 5051.

After sending the command via SMS, you will receive a confirmation message. This will indicate that paid options are available. Additional information will be provided on ways to contribute to the content.

"Service Guide"

The Megafon operator provides customers with manual connection functions. For whom is the login required? special office, and click on “Service Guide”. This helps subscribers easily deal with excess payments, notifications and Internet traffic.

It's great! The service informs customers about new promotions and bonuses. All new items and new items tariff plans Immediately come to the number where you can see the notification. The function is activated when the balance of the SIM card is replenished.

To register in the service, you need to go to the official Megafon website in your area. In the required row you need to enter your data, and then remove the password. For help, dial the command *105*00# for help.

The service provides a one-time password to the skin input. To remove it, you need to write a message, where it says “00”, and send it to the number 000105. Otherwise, you can click on the message “Remove code”, which redirects the customer to the website.

Respect! To find out about enabling prepayment in the service, you need to go to the “Options and Services” tab.

Call the online consultant

You can find out about paid options on Megafon numbers by calling contact center. To dial to the operator, enter 0500 or dial 0500559. The subscriber is immediately connected to the auto-informer, which provides options, in the middle of which there will be a number to speak with a consultant. This is a way to spend an hour disconnecting the connection option.

Management of paid services

To use connected functions on your numbers, use Service Guide. The “Options and Services” tab contains all the information on how to enable or enable prepayments. Otherwise, you can send a notification that says “STOP” in the text. The phone is equipped with this ability to send out unnecessary information.

You can disable unnecessary functions through the operator’s office or by calling the company at extension 0500. When the subscriber returns, the operator will disable the activity of unnecessary options. To go to the office, you need to have your passport with you. For consumption, doctors can redeem the money that was written off without the knowledge of the ruler.

Paid functions of Megafon can be activated independently, if the subscriber has used another service or the client itself. When it comes to writing off the cost of the warp bond, this is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, users try to turn on unnecessary functions. For which you need to use commands for the USSD format, notification, special account and “Service Guide”. If the client does not understand this, it is recommended to go to the operator’s office.


Use the icons in the panel area to assign instructions at the designated time. Anti-virus programs will place their icons in this window. If you are configured to select panel shortcuts automatically, you will see the entire range of icons by clicking on special buttons near the sight of the tricutaneous.

Launch "Process Manager". The main purpose of the system utility is to display all processes currently running in the operating system. Find out the process that is behind the name of your antivirus. If it is on the list, it means the antivirus is working. It is also important to note that current anti-virus programs are configured in such a way that one to three processes can be running in the task manager at the same time. Be careful not to turn anything off manually, as this could lead to serious damage.

Open the antivirus program window through the Start menu. Install an anti-virus program to scan your external drive or folders on your hard drive. As soon as the program opens and exits the main settings, it means that the antivirus is working. Try scanning everything local disks personal computer. At this point you can drink for a number of days up to a number of years, subject to the obligation to save data.

If you want to check whether your antivirus is responding to a bad file, create text document and add X5O!P%@AP to the next row)