How to create a new frame in adobe flash How to create a flash animation. Understanding Action Script

Dosі mi looked at Flash-films, yakі vіdtvoryuvalis without vtruchannya spying from the cob to the end. However, Flash allows you to create interactive programs, in which case you can curate the demonstration of content. At this level, we should be familiar with the elements of the Action Script movie description and see how you can create interactive programs for help. Like a butt, we create a photo album with elements of an interactive interface. First, let's proceed to the description of the Action Script, next, there is one more type of symbols, which we did not care about before, - these symbolic buttons. To create an interactive interface, stench is simply necessary.

Folding buttons

The button is an interactive movie clip. When we enable the "Button" type, Flash creates a timeline for the new symbol with four frames:

Up-stand - the whole frame, which shows the situation, if the button is not pressed and the mouse pointer is not over the button;

Over-frame frame, which illustrates the appearance of the button, if there is a mouse over the button, but the button is not pressed;

Down-mill | This frame shows the appearance of the button when pressed;

Hit-station defines the area in which the button reacts to the click of the mouse; this area near the clip is not visible.

To create a button, select the command Insert => New Symbol (you can type the keys Control+F8). In the Create New Symbol dialog box, enter the name of the button symbol (for example, but1) and select the Button symbol type.

Flash goes into character editing mode by pressing Up, Over, Down and Hit frames. The first frame, Up, becomes an empty keyframe. There are few buttons that look like buttons on this frame (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. UP-frame button

We see another frame, marked as Over and I will become clear if the cursor is above the button. Insert a key frame for this frame (following the Insert => Keyframe command), the result will have a key frame, which repeats the change of the Up-frame again. We change the color of the button, as shown in fig. 2.

Fig 2. Button over-frame

In the same way, we add an advance frame (Down-frame) and a slight pressure on the button (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Down-frame button

At the Hit-frame, nothing is small yet, but let's turn to the first frame a little less.

Let's move on to the main scene, call the library after the Window => Library command and create an instance of the button symbol by dragging yoga onto the stage (Fig. 4)

Rice. 4. Create an instance of the button by dragging it from the library

As a result, the coming film is taken away. As you can see from this film, the pressing of the button is not less than the same, if we press the mouse on the central (working) zone of the button, and then when it is pressed on the frame, it is close to it. This is due to the fact that the Hit-frame is not labeled, then the working area of ​​the button will match the Up-frame.

In order for the button to be pressed only in the working zone, it is necessary to select the zone in the Hit-frame, in order to paint the button without a frame (div. Fig. 5)

Rice. 5. Hit-frame button

Since we add the necessary Hit-frame, we take away the upcoming movie, in which case, when pushing the button on the frame, the button does not appear.

In order to create an interactive button, it is necessary to show the fact of pushing the button from the last commands in order to describe the song scenario. To create scripts, Flash uses a special language called Action Script. In this way, we have only an insignificant part of the possibilities of moving, but we have turned to the structure of the Action Script syntax in the world of simplified applications of creating interactive films on Flash.

Understanding Action Script

Action Script is my own written script - a set of instructions, like elements of a Flash movie. Action Scripts can either be used with movies or saved with an external text file with AS extensions.

With the help of a script for yoga films, you can work with different parts of the movie. More specifically, Action Scripts can remove keyframes, button instances, and movie clip instances. Typically, scripts are called Frame Action scripts, Button Action scripts, and MovieClip Action scripts.

Action Script scenarios are commingled after the present of the songs, initiated by the system itself. Mechanism that indicates Flash programs, which operator next vikonati pіd the hour of the day tієї chi іnshої podії, is called the obobnik podіy.

Action Script has a powerful syntax that is somewhat similar to JavaScript syntax. Flash MX 2004 supports Action Script all earlier versions flash.

One of the main things to understand Action Script є Actions - commands, like you see instructions for the hour of watching a SWF file. For example, gotoAndStop() sets the playback head (Playhead) to the song frame or label. Like the word Actions and look like the name of the movie - Action Script (literally - scenario dіy). To better understand the meaning of the movie, we can recognize it on specific butts.

Interactive photo album

We will demonstrate the selection of buttons for turning into a photo album - we will create a set of photos and add two buttons, which will turn the photo forward and backward.

We put on the main assembly line before the photo and add the button for the standard set. For access to required folders next vikonati Windows command=> Control Panels Common Libraries => Buttons (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Add a button for the standard library

As a result, the team will see a panel appear, which will take revenge on the great set of labeled buttons. different types. Select, for example, Key Buttons (buttons similar to keyboard keys), select a folder, select the key-left button (Fig. 7) and create an instance of the button (by dragging it onto the stage).

Rice. 7. Key Buttons Folder Items

To pay attention, if you place a button (key-right) on the stage for a friend and move it, to place it on the same level as the first button, the program will suggest (dashed line) that it allows you to accurately position the button (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Automatic mapping of buttons on the same level

To add a script, you need to click the Action Script editor with the command Window =>Development Panels => Actions or by pressing the F9 key. If you choose to write scripts often, remember the keyboard command. As a result, the Action Script editor will appear (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Action Script editor panels

As you experiment, seeing different elements on the stage, at the same time commenting on the panels of the Action Script editor, then you will see what the program suggests, on which element you can “hang” the code. If you see a frame on the stage, then the text Actions - Frame appears at the top left corner of the editor panel, if you click on the button, then the text Actions - Button appears, so the program tells you that the code to be entered will be placed before the button script . And if you see a photo, then in the field, recognized for the introduction of the script, the following will appear: Current selection cannot have actions applied to it

We will press the script button. At other versions ActionScript is the ability to write centralized code, that is, the code, which is placed in one place, and this ability allows you to better understand great programs. However, simple butts(as we can see) the use of the script by the button is entirely acceptable.

Also, for the button with the arrow to the left, we need to formalize the next scenario: "If the button is released on the next frame, then from that frame it is necessary to go to the front frame." Appropriate to the syntax of the Move Action Script (Fig. 10), it would look like this:

For the first row of entries, the on () button has a general description, which may have the format:

Now we add a few key frames so that they contain the creations in the first frame of the button, and instead of the creation of the frames, the necessary photographs.

If you launch a movie on the screen, then the frames will be uninterruptedly programmed one by one, and also, we need to give the “Stop” command on the first frame. For the first frame, add a second command (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Scenario given to the first frame

Return respect: the team hopes not for the button, but for the frame. The fact that the frame has been assigned a script is reflected in the main editing line - in the marked frame above thick dot z'is a small letter "a".

As a result, we took away the upcoming film.

If we have a photo album of a whole bunch of shots, then two buttons - “Forward” and “Back” - are quite enough, and if there is a great number of photographs, then it’s the mother of the button, which will push the film on the cob. The stepping butt has additional buttons: "To the first frame" and "To the remaining frame". You can select the buttons for a specific mnemonic from the standard library of buttons from the Circle Buttons folder (Fig. 12).

On the proponated butt, we recognize one more command gotoAndStop (), as it allows you to go to the required frame with an offensive tooth.

Rice. 12. Buttons from the Circle Buttons folder

On the button to go to the first frame (the third one in Fig. 13), we will change the code, as shown in Fig. 13.

Rice. 13. Scenario for the button "To the first frame"

In the pop-up window with a photo album, five frames before the remaining button, add the script for the transition “To the remaining frame”:

Automated script writing

Dosi mi typed all the commands manually, pro panels of the ActionScript editor give low services for automated writing of the script. Let's look at the possibilities.

Rice. 14. Get automated scripting

The Action Script editor panel allows you to select, drag, re-arrange and view commands.

Let's show how you can write the same script for the "Forward" button in an automated mode. By selecting the Movie Clip Control folder (upper left window in Fig. 14), you can take access to the on button, and then you can either double-click on the button, or drag the window to the script writing field in Drag and Drop mode.

Rice. 15. A hint for completing the viraz

As a result, a necessary prompt will appear on the working field (Fig. 15): you choose from the menu I'll need a team and the screening is completed automatically. As you can see from the menu, you can select not only the mind, connected to the screen buttons - you can also select from the menu in fig. 15 point keyPress “ ”, or keyPress “ ”, which pushes the pressure of the keyboard keys (arrow to the left, arrow to the right), so that it is possible to create a photo album, which is to “rewind” for the help of the keys of the keyboard.

Rice. 16. Return to keyboard button

Let's run the keyPress command " (small 16), then go to the Timeline Control folder, select the nextFrame command and drag it onto the working field (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. The nextFrame command can be found in the Timeline Control folder

For the button, how to transfer the movie to the photo album on the cob, in the submenu you can select the Home button from the menu, and then (Fig. 18) drag the gotoAndStop command onto the field, as a result of which one more hint will appear about the possible syntax of the command.

Arrows at the prompt allow you to look at different syntax options. The program gives two options (Fig. 18 and 19), so that it prompts you to set a scene that frame or just a frame. Our viewport has more than enough to choose a frame (Frame). As the name of the scene is omitted, there is a transition to the frame of the streaming scene after the promotion.

Rice. 18. Suggestion of possible command syntax

Rice. 19. Trickery arrow allows you to review syntax options

Since then, it is significant to all buttons keyboard buttons, we take away the upcoming movie, de throating the photos will be taken from the keyboard, and pressing the mouse on the screen buttons will not call out the next day.

How can you secure a scenario, for which different podії it will lead to quiet diy? It seems that it is possible - for whom it is necessary to rewrite the list of names of the names in the collection of pods. If you put someone on the list after the first one, then the program itself will prompt you for a menu (Fig. 20).

Rice. 20. At the start of the introduction of Komi, a menu of additional commands is automatically displayed in the list of subdivisions

Dodamo to the first input (pressing the keyboard button) of the other input (admission of the screen button):

on(keyPress" ", release)

We repeat the procedure for other buttons and as a result we take away the photo album, in which case the photos are taken as a help mouse, so for the help keyboard (the original FLA file can be taken at your request).

At the examined butt, the transition to the number of the frame began to change, but this method is not always reliable: as in the process of editing the film, the numbering of the frames changes, then the logic can be destroyed. More easily to win the transition for the mark of the frame. Let's look at the butt, for which it is necessary for an album to be gutted, and we move on to different divisions, so that the navigation is folded.

Let the album be folded from little ones, computer graphics that photo.

The first frame was labeled “little one” with the label Pictures, similarly to the first frames of other divisions with the label graphics and photo.

Let's create a ball for placing labels that is called Yogo Lables. To put a label on a frame, in the Properties panel, you need to select the label type Name and write the name. Have different Pictures (Fig. 21). Similarly, the labels were placed in frames 5 and 10 (Fig. 22).

Rice. 21. Stock assigned to a frame label

Now dodamo new ball ta is called yogo Actions. At the first key frame of the Actions ball, call the Actions Frame panel (pressing the F9 button) and type the stop () command (div. 22)

Rice. 22. Scenario of the first frame

Add one more ball under Subjects (subjects), in which case name the appropriate frames: "Baby" (Fig. 23), "Graphics" and "Photo".

Rice. 23. The name for the staff of the division "Malyunki"

Now we have added a menu button on the side with similar names, as if it were placed on a new ball under the name Menu.

It is against the left edge of the first menu item "Baby" that is translated into a button symbol. Behind the additional Arrow tool, you can see the text block “Baby” and select the Modify => Convert to Symbol command (this command can be typed after the additional F8 key), on the Convert to Symbol panel, set the type of the Button symbol and signify its name like pictureButton (Fig. .24).

Rice. 24. Significantly the button on the cob split the little ones named after pictureButton

Let's create a couple of frames for the "Baby" button: the first one is just an external text (Fig. 25), the other one is the same text only in a blue color, the third frame is skipped (the Down-frame will have the same one, like and Over-frame) , and in the Hit-frame there is a slightly rectangular area, so as to designate the area of ​​the push button (Fig. 26).

Rice. 25. Up-frame button pictureButton

Rice. 26. Hit-frame of the pictureButton

Now we need to script the newly created button. For whom the button is visible in the Scene 1 scene and pressing F9, click the Actions panel, and then enter the code, the indications in fig. 27.

Rice. 27. Scenario for transition to frame from label

I live everything!
So, for the hell of it, I'm writing a lesson about the simplest animation in flash. We start, as it seems, from small things. Let's promise to add more (by pop-up it's impossible to write like that).

Vіdkrivaєmo Flash MX.
Before us is our working scene, menu, toolbar, etc. Below is the same from the end: Properties (Power). There are the main adjustments to your cartoon (Fig. 1).
We are there to click FRAME RATE - the speed of scrolling your cartoon. Otherwise, 12 fps means that 12 frames (frame) of your cartoon will be processed in one second. The quality is standard and, in principle, those that are required. If you need to improve your cartoon - change it, if you need to improve it - increase the figure.

Now let's move on to the animation itself.
Flash has two main methods: shape tweening and motion tweening.
Let's look first. Shape - (English) shape. You already know what to think about changing the form here. We create a form, for example, a blue square. Vgorі, at about an hour (timeline) we have a mug on the first frame Syrian background- we created a key frame (keyframe). Now let's create such a frame at the 10th frame. You can do it in two ways: point the bear at frame 10, click (the frame becomes blue) and select in sequence in the menu: Insert->keyframe; otherwise you can: hover at frame 10, press, press F6. In a row, we have 10 frames per hour. Chervona line shows on the very personnel we know. (Fig.2)

Let's go to frame 10. We can see our square (with a bear or pressing ctrl + A, - all keys can see everything that we have in the working area). We move our square kudis ubik (simply, you are in the 10th frame!) and change the color to, for example, yellow. Now go back to the first frame. The Properties row has the Tween option, where the default attribute is "none". That's a welcome animation. Change yogo to "shape". For a number of hours, our frames are filled with a light green color with an arrow. If everything is broken, press "enter". BEAUTY! The square is collapsing, the same color is changing! Let's start again at frame 10. You can see it (ctrl+A). І press the delete key (to see it). On the space of the square, there is a tiny little red mug with a thread. Again we move to the first frame and press enter. The square is now becoming a kitchen and a chervonim. You have already realized that you do not need to paint the skin frame - it's all for you to flash the flash! If you want to need special accuracy, otherwise you can cheat. Add the file to the size of the expansion. If you need a smooth transition between the squares, before, for example, kuhol - increase this process not by 10, but, say, by 25 frames. If you need more cunning ruhi and relocation - for whom you need to wear ball masks, but about them like an offensive time. Baby 3 show how your animation looks at the line. Now you can create the simplest movie with a snake shape!

Now let's look at another way to create: motion tweening There will be three more folding. Anew vіdkrivаєmo new file flash.
What do shape and motion look like? Tim, that in another way we practice over forms, but with prepared objects, that is. symbols. The symbol is so bimovie, the simplest single animation in flash. The most extensive way of painting. I repeat everything again - the first frame has a small blue square. you can see that it's pressing F8 (otherwise it's sequential: Insert->convert to symbol). Before us is a dialogue window (Fig. 4).

What is it? Flash has three types of symbols: movie (moovie clip) - additional animation in the middle of the symbol. Tobto, tsey symbol to take revenge on his own as an animation toshcho. maє such lines to the hour, like the main scene; button (button) - an element that reacts to the onslaught, the presence of a bear from a new one, etc. In short, button і є; and the third element, the most static - graphic. It's just a graphic, like an image. We pracyuvatimemo s stop. As if yoga is called, pressing "OK". A circle is placed on the square - otherwise the center of our symbol (the center can also be set in that dialog window). All our symbols are brought to the library. We can see them, edit them, insert them where necessary and where not required, see, add. To look at your library, press F11 or type in: Window -> Library. At the 10th frame, we create a key frame (F6). Now we can move our square anywhere. Let's make it invisible: for whom is it visible in the 10th frame. On the propperties panel, in the color section, set alpha (transparency). Let's set it's attribute in the windows: 0. Let's turn by 1 frame. Vikonaemo tі sami diї, scho і for shape tweening, only zamіst shape is significant motion. The frames in the hourly row become purple and an arrow will stretch through them, as shown in fig. 5. Press the enter key.

We have a viide effect "a square to fly empty". I live! You know how to work with primitive graphics in flash!
Another important feature is that we can see an ocremic ball (Layer) on skin animation. If you need to add one more ball, hurry up with the command: Insert->Layer.
І zovsim trohi about a row to an hour.
As you already understood - light green with an arrow - shape tweening, purple with an arrow - motion tweening. Light green or violet with lines - you set the animation, it was impossible to create an ale tsyu animation - they were done incorrectly. Syrian color - all frames with such an exact copy of the front key frame (keyframe). More busy lines mean that there is nothing in these shots. The black mug is the key frame. White mug - empty key frame (blank keyframe). Well, nachebto everything. (Fig. 6)

For now, everything is for now. Tse that minimum, with which you can practice. Let's continue to add to the sound, control over the sound and go ahead - write to Masyan. :) I promise that I'll write one more lesson in no time - from the flash animation. About those, how to grow the "drop of a pen", about masks, about control over the change of shape in shape tweening. Let's write some more later.
However, it did help some people - it seems to be the case for the entire site FLASHER.RU. The price is the best, which is in the measure.
Radium buv i radium isti! For more food - I ask the forum or: [email protected]
(c) view St. Dimitryi aka Nirva to

Victory of scenes

Apparently, Flash allows you to create collapsible films, which can include interactive elements, animation, clips, and so on. As you work on a great and collapsible project, break it up into a sprinkling of ceramic fragments, leather for which you can avenge the sequence of podias (animation, interactive dialogue with a short, thin line). Tse give I can significantly ask the robot. The role of such fragments in Flash-film plays the role of a scene. They are logically completed miniature films, which in totality add up a single Flash-film. Under the hour of the creation of great projects of victorious scenes, it is possible to significantly save the hour.

What is the scene

The creation of the stage is an efficient technique, which allows you to divide your project into stone-ceramic fragments. The skin scene, as already mentioned, is a miniature film. The number of scenes of the Flash-film, which are scored, is limited only by the memory of the computer. The scenes appear sequentially, in the order indicated on the Scene panel and, being independent, at the same hour are closely related to each other. Under the hour of creation between them, we can’t blame the commemorative hustle and bustle. Mozhlivostі vikoristannya scenes raznomanіtnі and practically boundless. For example, when working on a website project, you can implement splits and upgrades at a glance scenes. In the rest of the hour, more and more popularity on the Internet will win short animated Flash-films, instead of which you can divide them into logical parts for additional scenes.

Scene panel

Access to the list of scenes that can be found in the movie is located behind the additional Scene panel (Scene

on), what is shown for the hour of the weekly command Window> Design Panels> Scene This panel allows you to review the list of actual scenes

and set the order of their creation in the movie - the order in which the scenes are sorted in the list is determined. In addition, behind the additional Scene panel (Scene) you can duplicate, add, see and move scenes between the list.

The Options menu (Nalashtuvannya) of the Scene panel (Scene) has more than three commands: Maximize Panel (Zrobiti rozmir panel і maximum), Close Panel (Close the panel) and Help (Dovіdka).

Scene panel

Edit Panel

Panel Edit (Editing) roztashovana above the hour scale, below the smut of the program menu. To open the panel, the victorious command is Window > Toolbars > Edit (Window > Toolbars > Edit Panel). You already hacked this panel for an hour of work with the Symbol Editor window to exit the symbol editing mode (div. section 6). Whom did they share the language of the pide about functional possibilities panels Edit (Editing), scho stosuyutsya robots zі scenes.

Panel Edit (Redaguvannya) to replace the name of the streaming scene (on a small streaming scene Scene 2). You can switch to another scene by using the additional button Edit Scene (Redaguvannya scene), roztashovanoy in the right part of the panel Edit (Redaguvannya), with which the chosen scene will be shown in a row. About the functional power of the Edit Scene button (Redaguvannya scenes) is discussed in the "Switching between scenes" section.

Edit Scene button menu

Creation of scenes and manipulation of them

As already mentioned, the Scene panel (Scene), as shown by the additional command Window> Design Panels> Scene (V_kno> Rozrobka Panels> Scene), is recognized for work with scenes. For whom you have divided, you know, as for the help of this panel, you can add, duplicate, change scenes, and also change their order.

Adding a scene

The world has an increasing complexity of the project for arranging logical fragments, instead of you will gradually be able to add new scenes. Robiti is possible, vikoristovuyuchi panel Scene (Scene). To add the scene, hover below the dії.

Perekonaytes, scho need a document vіdkritiy. Selecting Window > Design Panels > Scene (V_kno > Rozrobki > Scene), open the Scene panel (Scene).

Click on the Add Scene button (Add the scene), as it is in the lower right corner of the panel, or select the Scene command from the Insert menu. After tsikh dіy vіknі Scene (Scene) to appear im'ya new scene. For capturing the skin of the new scene, one hopes for a name with a serial number, which is one more, lower in the name of the scene, taken on Narazi(for example, Scene 1, Scene 2 then). I am placed on the list with the highest rank.

Select a new scene from the Scene panel and create it instead. When a new scene is created, Flash will switch to it automatically.

Switching scenes on the Scene panel

View scene

You can view the scene in this way.

Open the Scene panel (Scene) by pressing the command Window> Design Panels> Scene Choose a scene, you need to see it.

Press the button Delete Scene (Vidaliti scene), pinned in the lower right corner of the panel. To confirm the end of the scene, click on the OK button at the dialog window.

Dubbing the stage

At the front divisions, we already spoke about the creation of duplicates of various elements. What is the cost of copying animation, and more collapsible project with a great number of scenes, this process can be cumbersome without the function of creating a duplicate, which allows you to create exact copies of a scene by pushing one button.

Open the Scene panel by activating the command Window > Design Panels > Scene (Window > Expand Panels > Scene), and select the scene, a duplicate of which you need to create.

Click on the button Duplicate Scene (dublyuvati scene), roztashovaniy at the right lower edge of the panel Scene (Scene).

At vіknі Scene (Scene) z'appear іm'ya duplicate of the scene. Catch the respect that comes from the name of the scene of the scene and the word smitta (copy).

Duplicate scene

Rename scenes

Oskіlki іmenya, like for promotions, are assigned to duplicates and new scenes, they are given only a serial number; Therefore, in great projects, it is dotally to give the scenes special names, which characterize them in their place. The process of renaming the scene will not take a lot of time.

Open the Scene panel (Scene) by selecting Window > Design Panels > Scene (Windows > Panels of expansion > Scene), and then double-click on the scene name, as you need to change it. It's possible to redagulate im'ya stage.

Enter a new name and press the Returt/Enter key, or double-click outside the Scene panel.

Rename a scene in the Scene panel

Changing the order of scenes

The order in which the scene names are placed on the Scene panel determines the order in which the scenes appear in the movie. The names of the scenes on this panel can be moved, setting the order in which the scenes are created, regardless of the sequence, in which stink they were created.

Open the Scene panel by choosing Window > Design Panels > Scene

Install the mouse's destination on the scene, as needed to rearrange it, press the mouse's left button, priming it, move the destination's destination at the desired location on the panel. To pay attention, that when the indicator is moved, a black line appears, as it shows on the possible new position of the stage name in the list.

Moving a scene in the Scene panel

Interplay between scenes

For reminiscence between different scenes of the film for an hour of work on a Flash project, you can highlight such navigational features.

Panel Scene (Scene). To go to the desired movie scene, click the scene name on the Scene panel. Guessing that the selected scene is displayed in the Edit panel.

Edit Scene button. When pressed on this button, which is located in the right part of the Edit panel, you will be denied access to the menu with the names of all scenes, which is in the movie. To go to the desired scene, select the menu item.

Movie Explorer panel. This panel, which can be used for the additional command Window > Other Panels > Movie Explorer (Windows > Other Panels > Movie Explorer), serve to display the archive structure of the movie (div. section 8) and allow you to search for scenes, characters, and instances of characters, and also change the text and fonts.

The scenes are presented in the Movie Explorer panel as a hierarchical element in the highest order. To go to the song scene, find the name in the Movie Explorer panel and click on the new one. Behind the promotions on this panel, it appears instead of the chosen scene. To view all scenes at once, activate the Show All Scenes command in the Options menu (Nalashtuvannya) of the panel.

Movie Explorer panel with scene list

Scene testing

To test the created film, you need to press the Return / Enter key in the middle of the Flash distribution, and in any case, you will be surrounded by the selected scene. After the creation of all the scenes, it is possible only after the publication of the film, the middle of Flash is no longer needed. To conduct a test, hover over below.

To test a scene, select її on the Scene panel and press the Return/Enter key, or after selecting a scene, open the Control menu and activate the Test Scene command.

To test the film, select the Test Movie command from the Control menu or use the Cmd/Ctrl+Return/Enter key combination. Whenever you see a new one, in which all the scenes of the film appear in sequence, assigned to the Scene panel (Scene).

You can also play all the scenes in the movie by choosing Play All Scenes from the Control menu.

Seeding scenes for help scripting in ActionScript

For the help of scenes, you can significantly forgive global organization instead of a movie. The sequence of scenes is set to zoom the linearity of the films. Ale krіm perevag (for example, turn off one hour in the creation of two scenes), linear films may have shortcomings, due to the impossibility of changing the order of the scenes. To solve this problem, ActionScript scripts (zocrema, dії kadіv) are used, which allow you to use scenes.

A report about the scripts of the ActionScript movie and the choice of scenes will be described in section 13. In which section there is a story about action scripts, for the help of which you can scrutinize scenes.

gotoAndStopO - when vikliku given there is a transition to the song scene and the frame and the sound of the film.

gotoAndPlay () - repeat the cycle until the transition of the animation head to the song scene frame (movie playback continues from the first frame).

play O - tsya diya allows you to continue making the film after the teeth.

stop Pro - for help you can make a movie.

Get flash from the site possible, possible different ways. Ale deyakі from them dosit cumbersome, deyakі vymagayut vikoristannya plugіnіv program and sites. Time is an elegant and simple way, the implementation of which does not take a lot of time.

The back of the head is significant, the flash has come to us, and so it is. Flash- all multimedia presentation, broken down by additional software Adobe Flash or . Such files are called flash-rollers, although they can be much larger, lower roll.

They can be big mini-programs: banners, like reacting to the movement of the bears in the air, small games, so called flash games, with tests to see the results just fine.

And you can be smart just video, or audio clips.

Standard extensions for flash files є SWF. And if we see such videos on sites, we can’t download them so easily, like pictures with the right mouse button. Get a little help.

Get flash from the site

Go to the side of the site, where you need the required flash file. What's next:

Enter the party code

Click on the side with the right mouse button and choose Side code review . Two more options to enter the side code: press Ctrl+U, or write before the address of the side view-source:

Shukaete in the code to the address of the SWF video

For whom you want to ask for additional hot keys ctrl+f, and enter a query in the field .swf. Potim onslaught Enter .

Know the address itself, yak matime looked:
but this look:


If you have another option, then the addresses are visible, not absolute. You need to put a left hand to the address head side site.

Check the address

Paste the address of the flash movie into the address bar of any browser in the new tab. May z'appear video.

Robite to the address

As soon as the video appears, copy the address to a notepad, and work hard to add the valid code.

At the result, write in notepad, look like this:


Get your flash video on your computer

Save the file in the browser. The middle of the new will be strong. Click the right mouse button, choose Save the message like... or Save the message..., and save the flash-movie on your computer.

To marvel at, chi do yoga in the browser, chi vikoristovuet flash player, for example Macromedia Flash Player .

Other options

Although I want to describe more options, I’m going to find them, but I’ll still show you other ways to save flash on my computer.

  • For help site Enter the address of the side, where your flash video is located, that press Save from site . Lower z'appear possilannya on the roller. Right click and select Save the power of... or Save for the help... .
  • For additional browser plug-in, for example, downloadhelper for Firefox .
  • For the help of program-zavantazhuvachiv, for example, download master. For the cob it is necessary to know the address of the flash movie, and then insert it into the header.

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Tse do not take a lot of time. Just click on the message below:

Haven't you wondered what you want for the garnier animation of banners on the Internet? Abo for newfangled cartoons, created for help computer technology? Most of the time, the “flesh” lies in its basis, or rather, this is how it is translated from the English name of the Flash technology. Today we will talk about flash animation for the site:

Flash technology

The multimedia framework was developed by Macromedia. Ale after її poglinannya (zlittya) all the rights to the technology were transferred to a new vlassnik - Adobe Systems.

Area of ​​current occlusion of Adobe Flash:

  • The creation of web addenda - dosit new directly. May be on the outside or often zastosuvannya Flash for the creation of sites. In case of frequent blockage with the help of this technology, other design elements are created: different interactive menus, animated buttons.

Paired with great resources on html basics flash sites may have some special features that surround them. Here you can see the great versatility of expansion, the ability to reach server resources, long hour interest at to the right with the Internet and other aspects:

  • The implementation of multimedia capabilities - for listening to audio and playing videos on sites, media players are often used, created on the basis of Flash. The expansion includes a selection of one of the three scripting moves (mostly JavaScript):
  • In Internet advertising, most of the technology is used to create animated banners. The stench may not only be used for multimedia advertising, but also for interaction with a playful basis.

Basics and Tools for Flash Development

For creating flash animation, the traditional Adobe tools are most often used:

  • Adobe Flash Professional - a program for creating interactive animation (animator);
  • Adobe Flash Builder - a framework for creating a web add-on interface;
  • Adobe Flash Player - browser player integration for Flash.

Cream new, creating multimedia in this type can be a number of third-party addenda. The most popular of them are Gnash, QuickTime and others:

This technology allows you to display any type of graphics ( raster, vector, 3D). And also support the streaming relaying of audio and video data. Especially for mobile outbuildings bula rozroblena relieved Flash version Lite.

The main standard for flash files SWF extension. The abbreviation stands for Small Web Format. Video recorded with Flash, file extension FLV, F4V.

The basis of the development of interactive animation on flash is vector graphics. The very zavdyaki tsomu far away to realize the support of the multimedia platform and the independence of the quality of the animation in the form of a separate building to the screen.

Expand the file of the flash-programs of the conditions for all coristuvachs independently technical characteristics screen (dialled).

Interactive animation in Flash is based on morphing (vector type), with which it is more likely to interlace between keyframes. For the implementation of these victories, a flash player is used, the robot is somehow rich in what it is similar to a robot virtual machine JavaScript. Software warehouse technology is implemented with the help of ActionScript.

Before the lack of technology, you can see the following moments:

  • Stronger desire for central processor client machine. This is due to the low efficiency of the flash virtual machine, which happens at the same time from the programmer of the browser;
  • The high quality of pardon vindication – the creation of flash animation can be related to the high merciful pardon vindication. Moreover, failures in Flash programming negatively affect the work of the entire client add-on (browser). This is due to insufficient control of water resistance program code when creating flash programs;
  • Inability to index - all text content, which is displayed in Flash, does not take part in the indexing process. This exchange is especially problematic for these resources, as they are created on the basis of this technology.

Overview of Third Party Software for Flash Folder

As a confirmation of the program, on which we will demonstrate the basics fold Flash Takes Sothink SWF Quicker. On the thought of rich professionals, the program is the most sensible and simple for education.

Created and edited by the flash editor "smart" to work with other types of web animation (GIF, HTML and other standards):

After the installation, we go to the friendly interface of the program. Unfortunately, we did not know the interface of the movable interface after bluffing through all the nooks and crannies.

In order to understand how to create flash animation in your program, quickly using templates. The New From Template dialog box appears as soon as the program is launched. In addition, yoga can be clicked through the main menu item "File". In the midst of the proposed options, we took a banner fold:

In the upcoming vіknі maistr from the list, you need to choose a template, for which you want to create an animation. Under it there is a small frame, in which the vibrating template is played:

At the next stages, you need to set the banner expansion and enter 5 phrases to the text, which will be programmed in the animation. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the address of the resource, click on the banner for any kind of coristuvacha:

After the compilation of the project and the close of the week of the master, you can look over the video, which you see, from the programmer. For whom it is necessary to click on the green arrow in the mountains:

After closing the program, let's make a presentation about the program interface. To increase the respect that wines are made up of two main vicons: the upper one is recognized for editing the time interval of the video, and the lower one is the main one. graphic editor. Leather from the elements of stitching on a creamy ball, which is available for changing with the help of standard tools, stitched on a white panel.