Vikorist's hot buttons in Yandex Browser. Browser hotkeys Swedish commands in Yandex browser

Those hours are long gone when the cross-country student felt restless at the computer. Almost skin bumping on the right side of the table, which is equal to the cob programmer. As a result, having become part of the system, people are encouraged to use their time rationally and not waste it on all sorts of frivolities.

Such differences can be added by switching tabs in the browser. This problem is still relevant, even if everyone has access to the Internet and spends most of the time there. In this article we will talk about how to switch between tabs using the keyboard to speed up the work in Merezhi.

Consistent muttering

We also know how to switch between tabs using an additional keyboard. The assigned keys are easy to understand. This is indicated by CTRL+TAB. As soon as you click on it, the tab will switch to the right of the active one.

Continue pressing TAB, you go further and further, and so on. It is noteworthy that all hotkeys listed in this article are universal. Then you can use them in all browsers without guilt.

Mimicking on the singing tab

There is no other way to do this than to switch between tabs using the keyboard. It allows you to remix them sequentially, but it is not easy to add them manually, like the tabs are a splinter, and you need to focus on a specific one. Now let's talk about how to navigate between tabs on the keyboard in order to go to a specific one.

For whom there is something else – CTRL+1...9. By pressing a number from 1 to 9, you will be redirected to the main tab. The same number that is indicated is a serial number.

Mimicking on the stepping tab

If you want to go to the next tab in order, then the second key CTRL+PageDown or the better-designated CTRL+TAB will help you. How to navigate between the tabs using the keyboard on the next step, we decided to find out if anyone can ask about such diversity. Everything is very simple: on different keyboards you can manually change the differences.

Mimicking on the front tab

If you wanted to go to the front tab, then press the CTRL+PageUp keys. If you can't press these buttons manually, you can quickly use other options - CTRL+SHIFT. The essence of this layout of hot keys is simple. It turns out (as in the first case) that in some keyboards it is difficult to reach, for example, PageUp, and in others, for example, SHIFT. This allows the koristuvachev to choose, as it will be more convenient for him.


We have discovered all the ways to switch between tabs using an additional keyboard. The use of hotkeys can never be done manually. In addition, various additions to the browser were divided. You will get the smell one way at a time. Some allow you to independently assign hotkeys, while others make specific changes. It’s better for you to virilize, with which you are greedy.

The “+” icon means that you need to press the keys at the same time. For example, Ctrl+D you first need to press “Ctrl” and, without releasing it, press the “D” key.

Hotkeys, however, are configured for Google Chrome and Yandex browsers.

Windows and tabs


A new tab opens with a description of the main features of the Yandex browser.


Change the view mode, go to the full-screen view (all the borders of the menu are tidied up), if you press F11 again, you will turn to the full view.


A new tab with a sliding display will open.


Open the rest I'll close the tab, it’s really funny if you suddenly close the required side of the site. In this way, you can open the rest of the page, then press it again and the rest will open, etc.


Close the active tab to close the sidebar, as in Narazi openly.

Ctrl+ click the mouse behind the active entry, or drag the mouse over the item in the empty space for the tab

Vidkriti new tab From the side, because of the message. If you drag the message to the same tab, the page will open next to the specified tab.


Close the active tab or window.


Open a new browser window (do not switch from the tab).

Shift+ click on the bear after the active entry

Open a new browser to the side, as you know the message has been sent.



Technical support service.


Do not go to the browser yourself, otherwise korisne poєdnannya keys - mixing between subordinated windows(be it programs, folders or full-screen programs). By pressing Alt and pressing Tab once, a menu appears to switch between open windows and the desktop. Pressing the Tab key moves the cursor to the right.


The same ones that are in front, but the cursor moves not right-handed, but left-handed.


Open the Opera browser (Windows - the key with the Windows logo, between Ctrl and Alt).


  • Android add-on Yandex.Klaviatura, version: 18.3.4, price: Free

How many keyboards have I tried to use on my smartphones - all of them have become a bummer for me. I couldn’t see one of them from a host of others, but each one had some small flaw. And as a result, I started typing on the Gboard keyboard. Virb from Google controlled almost everything: not inappropriate design, comfortable placement of keys, adjustment of corrected text, continuous input, dictionaries of the user, the ability to change the height of the keyboard, etc. For the most part, I can only point out the need to switch to the additional blocks of the keyboard to enter special characters. Well, and the re-mixing of our entry by swiping behind the pass “wasn’t delivered.”

What kind of guy am I installing on "Aquaris U Plus" Yandex.Keyboard? Whether in search of something new, or after a splash of patriotism that has not been conveyed, I don’t know. But, having installed it, it didn’t show up, because, looking at the “Yandex” keyboard, there were no visible differences in Gboard. At least the button for changing the movie moved to the right hand side of the space (Gboard is evil), but in the latest version it moved to the left (although in settings you can turn it in the old place).

I especially dislike the writing on the spaces of both keyboards. Gboard can boast of ascertaining the flow of language input, which is sometimes a bit confusing: for example, the letters of English language from German language are not identical. And the Yandex.Keyboard axis says that this key is a blank! Otherwise we didn’t know...

But the importance of these keyboards is different: the skin key of Yandex.Keyboard is provided not only with the main letter of any alphabet (Russian or English in my opinion), but also with physical The personal desktop keyboard contains an additional symbol, a little more in gray font. When you press a key on the key, the additional symbol itself will be entered, as well as the main one (or any other character on the keyboard).

Another visual-tactile feature: Yandex.Keyboard has smaller margins, so there is less space between the outer keys and the edge of the screen. When a smartphone is placed in the bumper or case, the first thing that comes out is the inability to handle it: my finger often rests against the side of the bumper, and then there is a sound. And the axis on smartphones with a curved screen or 2.5D screen will be the same!

So, it’s time to compare the goods of different retailers; I will pay respect to the ham product.

Zagalom, Yandex.Keyboard is even more usable. Є continuous input, є input prompts (including dictionaries), present indication of the key that is being pressed (increased); Previously, there was a mix-up with a swipe after a gap, but in the remaining (extreme) version this feature was cut. Є voice input, which is activated by long pressing on the gap.

I haven’t used voice input before, perhaps because I didn’t need it. But for the sake of complete testing, I tried it, and put the keyboard in front of the folding mind: I mixed it and fixed two voices at once - mine and my daughters. It was funny. We laughed. Yandex.Keyboard was able to record our laughter in letters/words. We laughed even more. If it’s serious, I didn’t think that our voting would be so simple. Golovne - roll the hot porridge and speak less expressively. And don't whisper. Pauses are required between propositions, otherwise the keyboard will all collapse into one proposition. And as soon as you take a pause (a second or two is enough), then a point will appear and your words will blossom into a new proposition. If the pause lasts for five seconds, the microphone will turn on, otherwise the keyboard will be disabled in voice input mode. To turn down the microphone, you need to press the button with the microphone sign.

Let's go through the settings of Yandex.Keyboard. They are divided into two tabs: “Design” and “Customization”.

Under the richly descriptive word “formulation” there are only a choice, of which there are currently six:

  • light gray with black symbols without visible keys;
  • light gray with black symbols and straight white keys;
  • black with white symbols and straight dark gray keys;
  • dark brown with white symbols without visible keys;
  • black with white symbols without visible keys;
  • dark gray with white symbols without visible keys.

    What are they even saying here - the choice is too small, and if it is impossible to create the truth, it becomes completely unclear. If you want, you can always reassure yourself that it’s time for me to go, and not checkers.

    Zate in fine-tuned You can have a little fun.

    The image immediately falls into the eye of the choice - at the top of the p'edestal. The typing is not very rich, after all, the keyboard is intended for the journalists of the post-graduate countries.

    You can only vikorize no more than three languages ​​at a time. Or two movies and an additional digital panel. Or just two movies. Either way (possibly with a digital panel).

    There's a lot of fun stuff here, so there's a lot of automatic great letters and the dot at the end of the proposition (as well as spaces after division signs), and the vibration and sound of the keys, and the on/off key indication (increased), and the display/extension what symbols. You are immediately prompted to select the mode for placing divisional characters during voice input: automatically or manually (unfortunately, in auto mode I only add dots). You can also turn on/off the additional top row for numbers and increase/change the bottom height of the keyboard.

    Then we fail in the adjustment of continuous introduction, although there is nowhere in particular to fail. You will only need to select a method for swiping on the keyboard: to enter text or switch layouts. Until I enter it without interruption, I don’t even hear the dossier, so I swipe to switch between words and the additional numeric keypad.

    The next step is to adjust more information, and there is no need to correct the test. Automatic, subject to correctness. Here you can admire your own dictionary of koristuvach, so you can add it to it or correct it. With one hand (albeit, with confirmation) you can clear the entire dictionary of the koristuvach. Instruct the user to select the “Emoji for tips” option to set up the auto-correct settings.

    At navantazhennya before zagalnym tuned up This is additional adjustment. Here you can select the sound of pressing the buttons and the strength of vibration, as you use them. I'm not a vicorist. You can also click on the search row in Yandex on the notification panel (whatever you need, please; me search row Smart Launcher should be richer). Finally, you can activate the collection of input statistics to tell yourself: I entered one hundred and three (or fifteen million sixty) characters during this month.

    And finally - setting up the layout. There are just a few points here – just three. The first one is to select the position of the globe (movie changer). The other is to display the adjacent key with a dot (surrounding the key with a dot). The axis is an absolute plus, because you have to put it on often and therefore around the radio keys. And the axis around the keys for the letters “e” and “b” (the third) is less and less necessary.

    Where the adjustment is unlikely to end, even if you do not take into account such points " Gateway link" and "About the supplement."

    Additional capacity (doubtful according to demand)

    There are still a few moments in Yandex.Keyboard that don’t catch your eye. They started burning unconsciously - they needed the stench of these moments. I proponate the vengeance on the key with three horizontally arranged dots, placed in a horizontal rectangular pattern. When pressed on it, a bunch of emojis will appear. Well, everything is cleared up.

    It’s the same if you have a different keyboard. This particular emoji keyboard is only a quarter as important as the magic trick. What else? More gifs. Is it really necessary for any keyboard? Select a friend from the top row of icons - with a picture of sun over the mountains. Gifs, like emoji, are divided into categories.

    Rukhomi pictures - this is, of course, miraculous, but the result... is not mittevy, although it is transferable. For example, I chose a rabbit from the “Robot” section, and what did I eat? I took away the text message. For this request, a gif with a rabbit was selected to be displayed in the browser. Of course, it would be necessary to immediately remove the gif from the text, but... However, not every document supports gifs, and a potential extractor may not be suitable for such an insert. And so there is a choice: either simply ignore the message, or open it and... what you want to do (for example, write in the response: “Are you an idiot?”).

    The third quarter is the ability to value your own (and not just that) expansion and direction in the future. It is enough to select the item “My place” (GPS can be turned on) and, making sure that your coordinates are correct, press the Enter key. As a result, the text appears as “I am here - Russia, Kupetska province, village of Nizhni Vershki.” І plus sending for Yandex.Maps or other cards that you can register on your smartphone.

    You may still need this axle. There have been situations in my life when I was in an unknown place and could not explain where exactly I was. And then by sending a number of rows from Telegram or sending an SMS, the recipients of such notification will receive the mailing address and coordinates on the map. Handily, handily.

    Remaining possible is the transfer to the list on the list of languages. Initially, you look at the keyboard window, and after pressing the Enter key, the output text is erased character by character and also appears character by character, and then again by another text. The animation of the translation is beautiful, but not perfect.


    What do people talk about felt-tip pens? Movlyav, to relish the colors... all the markers are different. Well, I don’t know... As for me, all the felt-tip pens are a delight, though. Savor the plastic stench. So and virtual keyboards for Android, plus or minus everything, however. I have been using Hackers Keyboard and Gboard for a long time and recently a dozen others. If you don’t take into account all the synchronization (for example, the dictionaries of the koristuvach), throw it into the bin without interruption and forget about all the practically unnecessary additional features and chips, then for unskillful koristuvach which I, without any doubt, bring to myself) all the keyboards Functionally (am I correct in this word?) they do not differ from one to the other. There is only one difference - in color. Just like with felt-tip pens. Menu in Yandex.Keyboard does not show any diversity in design themes, but on the other hand, I tried to use the GO Keyboard keyboard and could not come to terms with the bright themes of the dad (I’m sorry to know that there’s nothing left to say).

    Thus, Yandex.Keyboard is not worse or worse than other virtual keyboards for Android. I recommend that you take advantage of this, until you called. You can install Yandex.Keyboard out of interest, and then remove it after becoming aware of the options. Or zalishit. On the right is yours.

    May there still be heaps of snow on the street, or may the sun be like spring, may your mood be joyful and spring-like. Read Helpix and don’t forget to take more walks in the fresh air - it’s good for your health.

  • Yandex Keyboard for Android is a cost-free alternative keyboard for Android devices from Yandex LLC.

    You can enchant Yandex Keyboard with a cost-free Russian one and it is recommended for those who standard program Entering letters and numbers does not work due to lack of manual operation and lack of functionality.

    A combination of essential core functions for listing and integration with popular services she also preaches Swedish translation text, display of modification, voice input and much more.

    Yandex Keyboard is of great interest to any kind of rich functional speeches, as well as the actual “Swiss knife” among such products. In addition, you can check the contents of all programs installed on the device. In this regard, your assistant can still help you.

    Main possibilities:

    • introduction to the text, zocrema. the one behind the voice;
    • automatic completion of phrases;
    • select emoticons to written words;
    • prepare a set of search for pictures;
    • geotags and geolocation;
    • translation of phrases in dozens of languages;
    • swiping between layouts;
    • Koristuvalnytska babies at dialozi;
    • A selection of themes to choose from.

    The Yandex.Keyboard is installed in a lot of ways, but the difference in the interface is still noticeable. When you first launch the program, familiarize the user with its functionality with the help of an impromptu chat that will appear on the screen. Behind the scenes there are three layouts: digital, Russian and English. Mixing between them can be done either using the additional “globe” button or using gestures.

    Nastupne, scho varto zvernuti uvaga, tse predictive dialing panel. You yourself will help the koristuvacheva, suggesting words and making it easier to introduce. And after finishing writing the word and pressing the space bar, you will need to replace the smiley. Before speaking, using a space when pressing in the morning, you can also move the cursor over the text.

    Let’s take a look at the buttons with three dots. 5 more people are after her additional possibilities to chat with Yandex.Klaviatura. Among them is a panel with emoticons, a catalog and search images, drawing pictures, maps with searches and geolocation, and a search engine for translating the typed text into foreign language. Of course, for all panels there are only company services View from Yandex LLC.

    Although it doesn’t care about its superior features and great functionality, which has no analogues among similar products, Yandex.Keyboard still lacks a few “simplified” add-ons with some insignificant, or even shortness.

    Even if they are not respected when leafing through, the stench still earns the respect of the prostitutes:

    1. Responsiveness of buttons. On some devices, letters can be produced with a little shading or not with the first pressure.
    2. Completed phrases. Varto vrakhovovat the very beginning of the program, the accuracy of the tips lies under the term vikoristanya.
    3. Autostart. After re-activating the gadget, you will need to make connections, and you will also need to set up the utility again.
    4. System resources In some cases, the pumping was prevented, as well as the work of the supplements was enhanced.

    Enchant Yandex keyboard for Android devices Smartphones and tablets are necessary for those who want to expand the standard functionality of the device program. An ARM version is available below, and for x86

    Hello, friends! Hot keys allow you to make your computer's work easier when you need to use these or other programs. So, for example, you will not have the opportunity to navigate through various menu items to select an instrument or select a song. Knowing the required keys, you can quickly enter the required command.

    In this article we look at different combinations of keys that can be used while working with the Yandex browser. They have a lot to eat, so they don’t need to memorize everything.

    Select from the list those that will benefit you, for example, quickly switching between tabs and opening a new browser window. If you select your selections frequently, you will quickly memorize them, and then you can memorize a couple more, once you memorize them, start moving on, and so on.

    Hot keys for various tasks

    Hotkeys are available in almost all programs, and the Yandex browser is not a culprit. In the browser when open context menu, or the main menu, on the contrary, you can access some items different combinations keys The stench indicates the point, contrary to what stench is stated.

    For example, if you often look at History, all you have to do is press Ctrl+H on your keyboard, and it will open what you need. As a result, you won’t have to click your mouse on various menu items, and you’ll save an hour.

    Now let's take a closer look at what keys can be used in Yandex.browser.

    Browser Tabs

    Browser window

    Browser address bar

    Browser bookmarks

    Browser history

    Working with a hidden side

    Go back to page Alt+left arrow
    Go to side forward Alt+arrow right-handed
    Re-enchant the page F5 or Ctrl+R
    Re-enable the page, not the vikorist cache Ctrl+F5
    Interrupt the favorite story ESC
    Go page 1 screen down Space (space)
    Scroll the page to the very bottom End
    Turn to the front side Home
    Vidkriti head side search Yandex Alt+Home
    Save the page Ctrl+S
    Stretch the side Ctrl+P
    Increasing the scale of the story Ctrl+ +
    Changing the scale of the page Ctrl+ -
    Rotate scale 100% Ctrl+0


    Search on the page

    For retailers

    Other combinations

    Open the dispatcher Shift+ESC
    Close your browser Ctrl+Shift+Q
    Select another cloud account Ctrl+Shift+M
    Viklik dovidki F1

    How to change hotkeys

    Hotkey assignments may vary for different programs. It is understandable that if you have been working with the program for a long time and have been using a few combinations to create new actions, you would like these combinations to be able to be used in another program.

    Unfortunately, the vendors of the Yandex browser do not give such an opportunity to their clients, and even if you didn’t want to change the hotkeys, it won’t work.

    Remember the hotkeys in the Yandex browser for those actions that you use most often, and your work with it will become much easier and faster.