Іnfrasonic vipromіnjuvach for galaslivyh susіdіv. Ultrasonic harmat Ultrasonic harmat at home for people

Such a science is a shkіdnik. Skіlki people would not find any faulty brown, sooner or later all the same zastosovuvatimetsya at Skoda.

Ultrasound has long been victorious in some species right cars, locators, signalizations, in industry. Ale to the main confessions I will build thisє zavdannya poshkodzhen. Bagato hto chuv about methods of fightingultrasound from crits, mice, mosquitoes. And at the same time mi robitimemoULTRASONIC Garmat to attack the people. Engaged in audio engineering - adjusting acoustic systems, I have shown cicavi effect: according to the hour of the signalon the tweeter, and step by step increase of this frequency, the moment comes, if the sound (whistling) is not accepted by the ear, but the head starts to feel sick. That thin whistle is no longer strange (neither dzherelo, nor nayavnist), but spitting in even more unacceptable. Navit after turning on the ultrasound of harmony for a certain hour is saved by the unacceptable.The scheme of ultrasonic harmonics does not avenge expensive parts and is collected for the evening.

Respect! On the diagram, the transistors are labeled incorrectly - as a connection is required:

The basis of the add-on is a digital microcircuit - 6 logical inverters СD4049 or HEF4049. To replace K561LN2 with Radiansk, you need to change the connection pinout. Yak tight sound and prominuvachultrasonic harmatitake the HF speaker from the column, for example 5GDV-6, 10GDV-4, 10GDV-6, or be a different type of old radian speakers, lower one.The whole structure fits into a metal case like a lamp, lives in a 5-10 V dzherel, with a stream of 1 A. For example, 4 finger-type or one 6-volt lead-acid battery.

Yak bachite, ultrasonic harmataappear more compact and autonomous. Victory can be done for the most obvious entrance of inappropriate guests (they will have a headache), sabotage in classrooms, dispersal of the company of drunken jackals under the windows, "remembrance" of the authorities in your working area ... obov'yazkovo know zastosuvannya. Tim more at once, with the current summer, an urgent problem stubborn - Komariv. Catching a couple of pieces and placing them at the jar (why a couple? It wasn’t boring), properly changing the frequency of generation was influenced by ultrasound. If їх are more cowbasity - remember the frequency and put it on the windowultrasonic harmat, yakzaslіn vіd tsikh vampіrіv. One more scheme

Ultrasonic viprominuvach is a generator of straining ultrasonic waves. Apparently, the human being does not feel the ultrasonic frequency, but the organism does. In other words, the ultrasonic frequency is perceived by the human ear, but it is not possible to decipher the sounds of the brain, which is recognized as hearing. Those who are engaged in audio systems are guilty of the nobility, that the high frequency is already unacceptable for our hearing, but they also increase the frequency high rіven(US range), then the sound is not, but it’s true. The brain tries unsuccessfully to blow the sound, which is blamed on the head, tedium, vomit, confusion, etc.

Ultrasonic frequency has long been zastosovuєtsya in the various galleries of science and technology. For the help of ultrasound it is possible to weld metal, to carry out training and much more. Ultrasound actively zastosovuєtsya for the examination of grizzly bears in the silkogospodarsky tekhnіtsі, shards of organisms of rich creatures sticking to the connection with their own similar to the ultrasonic range. Є data and about the introduction of coma for additional ultrasound generators, a lot of companies produce such electronic repellents. And we suggest to you independently choose such an attachment for the induced scheme:

Let's take a look at the design to achieve a simple ultrasound harmony of high tightness. Microcircuit D4049 works as a signal generator of ultrasonic frequency, there can be 6 logical inverters.

The microcircuit can be replaced with a replacement analogue of K561LN2. The 22k regulator is needed for frequency adjustment, її can be reduced to a reasonable range, so replace the 100k resistor by 22k, and replace the 1.5nF capacitor by 2.2-3.3nF. The signals from the microcircuit are fed to the output cascade, the impulses are all on 4 bipolar transistors of medium intensity. The choice of transistors is not critical, the smut is chosen as close as possible to the parameters of the complementary bet.

As a viprominuvach, you can vikoristovuvat literally be-like HF heads with tension in 5 watts. From a domestic interior, it is possible to vicorate heads of the type 5GDV-6, 10GDV-4, 10GDV-6. Such HF heads can be found in acoustic systems virobnitstva SRSR.

It was too much to formalize everything at the corps. For the directness of the ultrasonic signal, it is necessary to use a metal reflector.

For the generation of ultrasound, special viprominuvacs of the magnetostrictive type are installed. Before the main parameters of the outbuildings, there is an opir and conductivity. The frequency value is also guaranteed. Behind the construction, the annex can be refurbished. It also means that the models are actively occupied in echo sounders. In order to get acquainted with the representatives of the industry, it is important to take a look at their scheme.

Scheme I will add

The standard magnetostrictive viprominuvach for ultrasound consists of a stand and a set of terminals. Bezperedno magnet lead to the capacitor. At the upper part I will add a winding. The basis of viprominuvachiv is often established as a tight ring. The magnet is more suitable than the neodymium type. The upper part of the models has a haircut. For yoga fixation, a ring is fixed.

Kiltseva modification

Kіltsevі pristroї pratsyyut for the conductivity vіd 4 mk. A lot of models are prepared with short stands. It is also important to note what modifications should be made on field capacitors. To pick up the magnetostrictive vibrator with your own hands, the winding of the solenoid is fixed. With this clamp, it is important to set a low threshold voltage. Feritovy shearing dotsіlnіshe pіdbirati small diameter. Zatyskne kіltse put in the rest of the cherga.

Priest with yar

It is easy to milk the magnetostrictive viprominuvach with your own hands. We are preparing a stack of haircuts for us. Dali importantly swear by the introduction. For which you can use a metal disc. Fahіvtsі to talk about those that the support in diameter is not more than 3.5 cm. If necessary, you can wind the electrical tape. Indicator of support for viprominuvachivs this type be in the region of 30 ohms. Pratsiyuyut stench for conductivity is not less than 5 microns. Winding in which direction will not be necessary.

Model with underwire winding

Attachments with underwire windings are vibrated with different diameters. The conductivity of the models is on the 4th mark. Large outbuilding in May To build a magnetostrictive viprominuvach with your own hands, vikoristovuetsya only a steel stand. An insulator is not needed for this person. Feritovy shearing is allowed to be installed on the lining. Fahіvtsі recommend zazdalegіd to prepare a kіltse ushchіlnyuvach. It is also necessary to indicate that a field-type capacitor is required for the selection of viprominuvach. Opir at the input of the model is responsible for becoming more than 20 ohms. The windings are installed with a shear.

Viprominuvach on the basis of vidbivacha

Viprominuvachi of this type are seen as a high conductivity. The models are operated at a voltage of 35 V. They are equipped with floor condensers. It is problematic to milk the magnetostrictive viprominuvach with your own hands. We need to pick a short haircut with a small diameter. With this adhesive, they are prepared from a conductor of 4 microns.

The hvilyovy opir at the annex can become 45 ohm. The plate is installed on a stand. The winding in this vipadka is not to blame for the clamp. At the lower part I will build a buti round stand. For fixation of the ring, a special electrical tape is often used. The condenser gets drunk on the manganit. It is also necessary to designate that rings are sometimes victorious with overlays.

Attachments for fish finders

For fish finders often vikoristovuetsya magnetostrictive viprominuvach US. How to prepare a model with your own hands? Self-contained modifications viroblyayutsya іz provіdnіstyu vіd 5 mk. stench in the middle air is 55 ohms. To prepare a tight ultrasonic shear, zastosovuetsya 1.5 cm.

Fahіvtsі to talk about those that are made of stainless steel. At this point, the glue will stop with little conduction. Capacitors are suitable different type. Viprominuvachs have 14 watts at the sign. For fixation of the haircut, humic rings are used. At the base, I will build an insulator. It also indicates that the magnet needs to be installed in the rest of the board.

Modifications for fish finders

Attachments for fish finders are selected only with conductive capacitors. For the cob, it is necessary to insert a rack. Dotsіlnіshe vykoristovuvaty kіltsya diameter vіd 4.5 div. The winding of the solenoid must be firmly attached to the shear. Often the capacitors are soldered in the basis of viprominuvachiv. Active modifications vibrate on two clamps. Feritovy shear is guilty of fixing on the insulator. For zmіtsnennya kіltsya vikoristovuєtsya іzolyator.

Models of low quill support

The extension of the low quill support is operated at a voltage of 12 V. Bagatioh models have two capacitors. In order to choose an attachment that generates ultrasound, with your own hands, you need a 10 cm haircut. With this, the capacitors on the viprominuvach are installed in a wire type. The winding is wound into the remaining line. It is also necessary to indicate that a clamp is needed for folding the modification. In some types of vicars, poly capacitors of 4 microns are used. The frequency parameter will be high. Magnet dotsilnіshe stand over the glue.

Add a high loft support

Viprominyuvachi ultrasonic high support is good for priymachiv short hairs. The choice of independent attachments is possible only on the basis of transitional capacitors. At this point, adhesives are taken up to high conductivity. To finish often the magnet is installed on the station.

The stand for the vicarist is of small height. It is also necessary to designate that for the selection I will attach one hair cut. For insulation of the first base, a special insulating tape is used. At the exact part of the viprominuvach may be buti kіltse.

Strizhnevskiy outbuildings

The shear type scheme includes a conductor with a winding. Capacitors can be mixed with different capacities. With whom, the stench can be charged for the conduct. If you look at a simple model, then the stand is prepared in a round shape, and the clamps are set to 10 V. The winding of the solenoid is wound into the rest of the circle. Also, note that the magnet is of the neodymium type.

The cut is fixed at 2.2 cm without centering. Also, you need to guess about those that need to be modified to 12 V. If you look at the attachment with high-capacity field capacitors, the minimum diameter of the shear is allowed 2.5 cm. At the upper part of the viprominuvach, a zahisne ring is being established. Stands can be worked without lining.

Models with single junction capacitors

Viprominuvachs of this type can see the conductivity only at a level of 5 microns. At tsimu oskanik khvilovy support stench maximum sagaє 45 ohms. In order to independently prepare a viprominuvach, a small stack is prepared. The upper part of the stand may have an overlay with gumi. Also, note that the magnet is prepared neodymium type.

Fahivtsі recommend installing yoga on glue. I will attach the clamps to 20 watts. The condenser is installed directly above the lining. The sheared vicorist is 3.3 cm in diameter. At the lower part of the winding there is a ring. If you look at the model for two capacitors, then the shear is allowed to be twisted with a diameter of 3.5 cm. At the lower part of the drain, adhesive tape is glued. The magnet is installed at the middle of the rack. Klemy, with whom you are guilty, are on all sides.

The ultrasonic harmonica was selected by one's own hands on two logical inverters and there is a minimum number of components. Do not marvel at the simplicity of folding, the construction is strained and can zastosovuvatisya against drunken alcoholics, dogs or pidlіtkіv, yakі zasidzhuyutsya and sleep with other people's pіd'їzdakh.

Diagram of the ultrasonic harmonica

For the generator, microcircuits CD4049 (HEF4049), CD4069, or domestic microcircuits K561LN2, K176PU1, K176PU3, K561PU4, or else standard logic microcircuits with 6 or 4 logic inverters are used.

Our scheme of the ultrasonic vikonan harmonica on the HEF4049 microcircuit. As it has already been said, we will need to supply a total of two logical inverters, and if six inverters are required, you will be lied to.

The signal from the output of the rest of the logic is potentiated by transistors. For the development of the remaining (power) transistor, in my case, two low-voltage transistors KT315 were installed, but the choice is great, you can put either NPN transistors of low or medium intensity.

The choice of the power switch is also not critical, it is possible to install transistors from the KT815, KT817, KT819, KT805, KT829 series - the rest is foldable and practicable without an additional power switch on low-power transistors. With the method of increasing the output pressure, it is possible to use the hardened storage transistors of the KT827 type - but for this purpose, the additional switch will still be needed.

As a viprominuvach, you can vikoristovuvat be-like midrange and tweeter heads with an intensity of 3-20 watts, you can also use piezo emitters in the form of sirens (like in my opinion).

With the selection of a capacitor and the support of a substring resistor, the frequency is adjusted.

Such an ultrasonic garmat, selected with your own hands, as a whole pidide for the protection of the dacha territory or a private booth. But you don’t need to forget - the ultrasonic range is not safe! We can’t do yoga a little, but the body is very sensitive. On the right, in the fact that the ear receives a signal, the brain is not built to blow yoga, that is the reaction of our body.

Choose, test, listen - but be careful, and I say goodbye to you, but not for a long time - AKA KASYAN.

Hours of scientific and technological progress do not pass in vain. Technique works, get out of tune, get lost. In other words, you can continue the term of service to the robot by simply cleaning the parts in the woods. Therefore, ultrasonic baths are gaining more and more popularity.

The main place of choice for these accessories is a car service. And yet, in the riches of other galuzes, the stench is needed. In computer repair shops, such a thing can come in handy for cleaning the heads of dried-up printer cartridges. At the clinics for the help of an ultrasonic bath can clean surgical and optical instruments and also fix it. That home is the mother’s need for such an attachment, zavzhd under the hand. The axis and blames many people for nutrition: where do you get the scheme of an ultrasonic bath, so that you can use it with your hands?

What is an ultrasonic bath?

High-frequency sounds, which can recognize human hearing, are called ultrasound. The frequency of such hvil begins at 18 kilohertz. When injected with ultrasound, a large number of small bulbs appear on the radii. Moving vice you can access the cavitation process- if bulbashki mend vibuhati. The bigger the vice, the bigger the expansion, the bulbs can be. The phenomenon of cavitation was taken as a basis by winemakers of an ultrasonic bath.

As the name suggests, an ultrasonic bath is necessary for cleaning objects that are contaminated by ultrasound. The bath itself is a bowl made of stainless steel. The volume of such a bowl becomes one liter. To that it was already understood that small objects can be cleaned at the bath. Ale tse yakscho go about pobutovy apparatus. For industrial needs, the volume of the bath can reach a few dozen liters. The range of temperatures that can be set in installations from 18 to 120 kilohertz.

Scheme I will add

The main element can rightly be called a viprominuvach, which is necessary for the transformation of colivan electric struma at the mechanics. Mechanical knocking through the walls of the container, touching in a small middle, vplyvayut on the object to be cleaned.

Schob viprom_nyuvach moment of work of descriptions of the process, the necessary frequency generator. The generator forms ultrasound for the help of electric coliving, which is necessary for viprominuvachs.

To improve the effect of purification, the metal storage is gradually increased. Under the bowl, the heating elements are placed, which raise the temperature of the home. so yak viprominuvach pratsyuє impulsively, then in the intervals between impulses, it is necessary to stimulate stable processes that are being washed.

The purification process looks like this:

  • in a special capacity, rozchin is poured, which is cleaned;
  • at retail, appointments for cleaning the subject are omitted;
  • the attachment is turned on, which generates a whiff, bulbs will appear on the surface;
  • cі bulbashki vplyvayut on the detail so that nіbi z'їdayat ford. Moreover, it is necessary to navit at important places.

Scope of ultrasound

Today, the spectrum of bathtubs based on ultrasound is wide. Although in industry the principle of ultrasound has been known for a long time, now there is a change of areas, devine victoriously growing steadily. It can be said with certainty that ultrasonic cleaning has become common for the advancing galuzy of industry:

How to choose ultrasonic baths with your own hands?

You can come up with a technique with ultrasound, or you can work it out yourself for the scheme. The need for do-it-yourself ultrasonic baths is blamed on the fact that Chinese models are more important on the market. If it is worthy, then the price will change the Chinese analogue.

To choose an ultrasonic device for cleaning yourself, you need it Trochs disassemble from the physicist. Tim, who at school picked up radio receivers, it’s much easier to make such an attachment with your own hands.

Then, let's proceed to the selection of an ultrasonic bath. The scheme of the accessory, chosen with a handy hand, is due to the presence of the offensive components:

  • steel frame for fastening at the bottom of all elements;
  • a pump for pumping water at the bath;
  • іpulsny transformer podvischennya naprugi;
  • be like a pot of ceramics;
  • magnetism from the old speaker;
  • a cat with a ferite haircut;
  • a small tube made of steel or plastic;
  • And, of course, motherland, like vikoristovuvatimetes in robots.

As for all the details, you can proceed before folding. Pokrokove folding ultrasonic baths with your own hands, especially if you are newbies, it takes less than a few steps.

  1. A coil is wound on a plastic (curse) tube. Feritovy shearing does not need to be tidied up anywhere, but wound up: the wine is so hanging. One end of the ferite shear can be viable. A magnet and a speaker are put on the new one. In this order, there is a magnetostrictive transformation or viprominuvach to ultrasound.
  2. The ceramic vessel is fastened to the steel frame. Tse i will be our bath.
  3. At the day of ceramic dishes drill open, a magnetostrictive switch is inserted into the yak, which is viishov.
  4. At the bath (ceramic dishes) there are two openings for the inflow and the zlivu of the river.
  5. Depending on what is needed in an ultrasonic bath, you can install a pump with your own hands. In great capacities, the pump can be installed to speed up the birth of the motherland.
  6. Oskіlki napruga in mezhі postіyno, you need a pulse transformer. Such a transformer can be found in an old computer or television.
  7. The scheme is ready - it has lost її testing. How to blame the underdogs, you can suck them up right away.

What do you need to know about the hour of work with ultrasonic baths?

Do-it-yourself ultrasonic baths can be taken and practiced. Ale, like a vapadku with the folds of a factory folding, don’t forget about the deaki rules.