Dropbox is a great service for saving and synchronizing your data. How to synchronize files between computers? How Dropbox synchronizes contacts

Vibration synchronization allows you to save space on your hard drive without deleting files from the Dropbox cloud storage.

How does vibration synchronization work?

When you download a file via , it is automatically saved both in your storage location and on your hard drive. With additional selection synchronization, you can select folders that will be deleted from hard disk, otherwise you will lose your account record on the Internet.

If you have a Dropbox Plus, Dropbox Professional or Dropbox Business cloud account, we recommend speeding up, which is a more advanced version of vibration synchronization.

Video: How to use sample synchronization

Watch this video tutorial to learn how to use sample synchronization.

How to turn off sample synchronization

By turning on sample synchronization, you can determine which files you want to delete from your hard drive.

  1. Reconfirm that you are victorizing the Dropbox computer program itself.
  2. Click the Dropbox icon in .
    • On Linux, you may first need to click on the up arrow (“”) to see the Dropbox icon.
  3. Click your profile or initials on your photo.
    • Skip this section if you are a Linux vikorist
  4. Click the “Options...” button next to the menu.
  5. Click "Synchronization".
  6. Select “Selected synchronization...” (on Linux and Windows computers) or “Select folders for synchronization” (on Mac computers).
  7. Select the left-hand checkboxes from all folders that you do not want to save on your computer’s hard drive.
    • Return to: all folders marked with a green checkmark, present moment downloaded to your computer.
  8. After that, press “Onovity”.

What will happen if you put a check mark in order from the sleeping folder?

If you uncheck the box for a separate folder, this folder will no longer be synchronized with your computer, as well as all the subfolders that are in it.

You, as before, will lose your participation in this sleeping folders, and it will appear in your account account on the website. In this case, the folder itself will no longer be active for all other users who can access it.

Smart synchronization is a Dropbox feature that helps you save space on your computer's hard drive. You will have access to all files and folders in your Dropbox on your computer, without taking up space on your hard drive. Smart synchronization is available for Dropbox Plus and Professional members and Dropbox Business team members. With Smart Synchronization, you can:

  • Set up settings for all files and folders in such a way that they will be available either online or saved on your device (offline mode)
  • Set up synchronization settings for programs for new files and folders that you will be given access to.

When you start using Smart Synchronization:

  • Files that are already saved in the Dropbox folder on your computer will not be changed.
  • new files created on the site or on another device will be displayed online and will not take up space on your device

When the Smart Sync feature is enabled, the data on your computer is available either online or offline (saved on the device’s disk), or in folders of both.

Data is also available online

The data is no longer displayed online in the Dropbox folder on your computer, but does not take up as much space as the original files would. You download the files, but they will continue to be attracted to the computer only as you need it. In the meantime, you still need more information about the file (for example, its name, modification, date of last change).

Data offline

Data for offline mode is downloaded to your computer and saved on your hard drive. They can be edited directly from programs on your computer. In addition, this is also saved in Dropbox.

Folders with mixed status

Folders with mixed status contain both data for online mode and data for offline mode.

Start using Smart Synchronization

To start using Smart Synchronization, you need to. If you are prompted to turn on Smart Sync at the time of installation, follow the on-screen instructions to enable system not expanded via Dropbox. You can also enable system extensions later.

To enable system extensions:

  1. View your branch account on the website.
  2. Stamp your profile photo on the top corner of any page.
  3. Press Setting up and, if necessary, select Zagalni.
  4. Scroll screen to item Dropbox system extension.
  5. Place the peremikach at the position Uvimk.

How to make sure Smart Sync is enabled:

  1. Click on the icon using the Dropbox program
  2. Click on your profile photo or initials in the top right corner.
  3. Press Parameters…
  4. Select Zagalni.
  5. If you see the notification “Reasonable synchronization is not indicated”, press take a bite.

Regain respect: as you are a participant work group Dropbox Business, your admin can enable Smart Sync for your entire workgroup.

Click on your operating system to find out how to use Smart Synchronization:

    1. Click on the menu row.
    2. Click on the folder icon.
    3. Select Open folder.
  1. Select Reasonable synchronization.
  2. Select Live TV.

You can always open any file through an external program or Finder, or Dropbox and transfer the entire file to your computer.

  1. Open the Dropbox folder on your computer.
    1. Click on the menu row.
    2. Click on the folder icon.
    3. Select Open folder.
  2. Find the data you need to synchronize with your computer.
  3. Click on the following file or folder right button mice, or press on them, pressing Ctrl.
  4. Select Reasonable synchronization.
  5. Select Auto. mode.

  1. Click on the menu row.
  2. Parameter... the menu is collapsing.
  3. Press Synchronization.
  4. :
    • Administrator for cleaning
    • Auto. mode
    • Online TV shows

    1. Click the Dropbox icon in .
    2. Click on the folder icon.
    3. Select Open folder.
  1. Find data that you need to make available online.
  2. Select Reasonable synchronization.
  3. Select Live TV.

How can I synchronize data that is only available online with my computer?

You can always open any file through an external program or Windows Explorer, and Dropbox download the entire file to your computer.

To synchronize a file or folder without opening it, you can take it offline:

  1. Open the Dropbox folder on your computer.
    1. Click the Dropbox icon in .
    2. Click on the folder icon.
    3. Select Open folder.
  2. Find data that you need to make available online.
  3. Right-click on the selected file or folder.
  4. Select Reasonable synchronization.
  5. Select Auto. mode.

How to vibrati parameters for promotions for new tributes?

  1. Click the Dropbox icon in .
  2. Click on your profile photo or initials and select Parameter... the menu is collapsing.
  3. Press Synchronization.
  4. Select your Dropbox account.
  5. Select required option in the section Reasonable synchronization for the mind:
    • Administrator for cleaning: settings for settings that are defined by the administrator of your workgroup.
    • Auto. mode: All data will be downloaded to your computer.
    • Online TV shows: You can manually download files to your computer if you need it.

Video: How to use Smart Synchronization

Watch this video to learn how to use Intelligent Synchronization.

How to automatically save space on your hard drive

If you have not opened files and folders for several months, they will no longer be accessible online. To change the settings:

  1. Click the Dropbox icon in .
  2. Click your profile or initials on your photo.
  3. Click on the menu Parameters…
  4. Press Synchronization.
  5. Select your Dropbox account.
  6. Supply the peremikach ON/VIKL. in the section Save space on your hard drive automatically at the needy camp.

Restore your respect: This feature is available in Dropbox and account accounts. Dropbox Business admins can subscribe their workgroups to this feature through the customized section of the admin console.

What are the system benefits for Smart Synchronization?

Reasonable synchronization occurs in systems Microsoft Windows 7, Mac OSX 10.9 and later versions.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) support for file access does not support Smart Synchronization. Malfunctions may occur, and documents may be delivered empty if you try to open files, only available online.

How long does it take for Smart Sync to free up space on your hard drive?

Note that if you make song files available only online, the space on your hard drive will cost a lot (as long as your computer is connected before you can synchronize with Dropbox). However, this song is available for the macOS 10.13 operating system ( High Sierra):

The Apple MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra) operating system introduces a new type of file system called APFS. When APFS is enabled, the operating system takes snapshots of the file system and available hard disk space, and these snapshots may not be updated after you enable Smart Sync and create your ї Dropbox files only available online. Thus, if the current image has not been updated, it may not be immediately visible or accessible due to Smart Synchronization of the space on the hard drive.

Finally, the operating system changes place and over time. This is not achieved through the features of Dropbox, but through this specific feature of macOS.

Some of my folders have set up vibrate synchronization, how can I make sure that the files in such folders are also available online?

Follow these instructions to change your folders. Since these folders will no longer be subject to selective synchronization, they will automatically become available in online mode.

How can I make a file accessible online and out of Dropbox?

However, if you make a file accessible only in online mode, such a file will not leave your Dropbox. If you make a file that is only accessible online, the file will instead be deleted from your computer, otherwise Full version The file will still be available from your cloud account on the website and on your other devices.

Why occupy files that are only available online on your hard drive?

Files that are only available online take up a small amount of space on your hard drive: information about the file (for example, its name and size) is stored there. If such information takes up less space, I will include the file below.

Some of your programs may need to resynchronize files to your hard drive to work correctly (for example, programs that display the “Recently Viewed” menu). In some cases, Dropbox will try to make the file available online again as soon as possible to protect space on your hard drive.

Can I access files that are only available online if I don’t have an Internet connection?

No data that is otherwise available online will be saved offline on the computer’s hard drive. To deny access to them, you need to connect to Merezha.

How can I move files that are not available online to the middle of my Dropbox folder?

So, you can move files that are only available online to the middle of the Dropbox folder on your computer, and at the same time synchronize with your other devices. If you move data that is also available online between Dropbox folders, the data will be required to be re-routed.

What happens if you delete a file that is only available online or move it to Koshyk?

All changes made to a file that is not available online are synchronized with your Dropbox account and with the accounts of everyone who has access to such a file. The fragments of the file are not saved on the hard drive of the computer, and instead will not be accessible to the cat. Such deleted file You can update your Dropbox account on the website.

How can you find files that are also available online and perform searches instead of using the additional search function on your computer?

For the additional search function on your computer, you can find files and folders by name that are also available in online mode. If the files that are only available online are saved on your hard drive, then you will not be able to use them instead.

How can I set different Smart Sync settings on different devices?

Thus, the adjustment of intelligent synchronization is individual for the skin specific outbuilding, when you arrive at your Dropbox account.

How can I save files that are accessible in offline mode (saving on my computer entirely) in folders that are only accessible in online mode?

So, since the folder itself is only accessible in online mode, you can download it to your computer in addition to the files in the middle of it.

How can I completely delete data from the device without deleting it from my Dropbox?

So, if you don’t want the files to be stored on your device anyway, hurry up. By enabling selection synchronization, you can select which files appear on your computer and which will be available elsewhere on the site.

How can I use smart syncing in a specific Dropbox account?

Smart synchronization is available for Dropbox Plus, Professional and Dropbox Business users. If your Basic cloud recording is connected to a working cloud recording, Smart Sync will not be available from the Master cloud recording.

Do I need to install any driver to connect to Smart Synchronization?

So, for Smart synchronization you need to connect the latest driver (or system extension) to enable integration with file system your operating system.

On Mac computers Windows drivers invite you to sign up to interact with peripheral devices(for example, with a mouse and a printer). With the help of our driver, Dropbox can synchronize files with the file system when you open them (only available in online data mode). This driver was created in order to provide the integration necessary for Intelligent Synchronization. The driver only interacts with files in Dropbox.

Dropbox allows you to access up to one version of a file from any computer, phone or tablet that you connect to your account. We call this feature “synchronization” and that’s the essence of Dropbox. By synchronizing on all your devices, the latest versions of files are always available.

To synchronize files, you need to complete three simple steps:

  1. Install Dropbox on your own.
  2. On the skin of many devices go to the cloud record, using the same email address and password.
  3. I’ll add whatever it takes add files in the Dropbox program or on the website.

If you have already installed the program, it will simply sync with your Dropbox. The first synchronization of cloud recording can take up to an hour. Once the process is complete, your files will be available in the Dropbox program on the device you connected to your account.

What you need to know about synchronization

Vikorist the same Dropbox account on all your devices

About an hour Dropbox installations You are asked to log into your existing account or create a new one. No matter how many devices you have, you only need one cloud record to synchronize them all. Files will only be synced if you are in the same account, using the same email address and password, across all devices that you have accessed to your Dropbox account.

"Dropbox" folder on your computer's hard drive

Once you install Dropbox on your computer, select the folder on your hard drive Dropbox. This is the same folder as it is on your computer’s hard drive, but there is one more important thing: the files in this folder are synchronized with Dropbox, and, for example, the files in Dropbox are accessible. through the Qiu folder.

You won't be able to vandalize anything without manually vandalizing it

The Dropbox service places the Dropbox folder on your computer and in mobile applications. When a change is expected, for example, it appears new file Either a folder or an existing file or folder is changed, Dropbox automatically syncs the change. You don't need to enchant anything or manually enchant it. This means that synchronization occurs automatically as long as you are connected to the Internet, have the Dropbox program installed on your computer, and are logged in to your cloud account.

If you are not connected to the Internet, files are synchronized as soon as they are connected.

Computers, phones and tablets that are not connected to the network will not sync with Dropbox. As soon as the device regains access to the Internet, all file changes are automatically synchronized. In addition, all files that were changed on a device that is connected to the Internet will be synchronized with Dropbox as soon as you connect the device to the Internet.

Dropbox can be disabled if synchronization has not yet finished. Just get back to the same place as soon as you start the program again.

Dropbox syncs files by size

Dropbox syncs (and stores) files according to their size - starting with folders and the smallest files in them. In this way, you won’t have to worry about having small files “stuck” through the process of synchronizing the big ones.

Dropbox can't sync files that don't fit into the Dropbox folder

Dropbox only syncs files that your dad has Dropbox and Dropbox mobile apps. Once you move a file or folder to Dropbox, you can create a shortcut for it in the mailbox so you can access your files. This counterfeit action is not supported by Dropbox. It is not possible to create a shortcut to your Dropbox folder so that you can access a file that is located in another location through another one.

Synchronization via Wi-Fi mobile network

When synchronizing data through a mobile app, you are covered as long as your phone or tablet is connected.

When connected to Wi-Fi:

  • Mobile add-on automatically download updates when you launch it, open the file and go to the tab Offline mode
  • The camera will start or appear immediately after turning on the program.

When connected to a mobile network:

  • Only requested files are updated automatically
  • on Android devices Files available offline will be marked with a previous icon, indicating that they have been modified before being connected to the Internet. Such files need to be synchronized manually. To remove it yourself current version at the deposit Offline mode press Update everything.
  • However, the function will not activate or renew automatically.

If the files may be needed if the network is not available, the most important ones can be made available in .

Dropbox, a very useful service for saving and exchanging data, has one small, but very unpleasant drawback - it synchronizes files only in the middle of its home directory. Fortunately, you can easily get help from symbolic messages and we will also tell you how to synchronize any folder with Dropbox.

How to sync a folder with Dropbox on Mac OS X

For Mac OS X, as well as for Unix-like operating systems It is quite difficult to create a symbolic message and all you need to do is write two simple steps:

  1. Open the program.
  2. Viconti command: ln -s /path/to/folder-to-sync ~/Dropbox/folder-to-sync

Where /path/to is the path to the folder or file, and folder-to-sync is the name of the folder or file that we want to sync from Dropbox. Don’t forget to screen the clearings with a backslash: or lay the path at double legs"/way/with spaces" .

That's all. You will only have to wait until new files are stored in the dark and stored there for safety.

How to sync a folder from Dropbox on a Windows computer

On Windows, everything is a little more complicated, just like before. In Windows XP, symbolic messages are not transferred, but you need to use additional software, and you also need to use Junction to create symbolic messages.

Starting with Vista (if you have Windows 7, then all is well), Windows has its own command for creating symlinks: mklink.

The process looks like this:

  1. Run cmd.exe
  2. Viconti command: mklink /D "C:\Users\Username\Documents\Dropbox\Folder to Sync" "C:\Path\To\Folder to Sync"

A method for Mac I use to synchronize ~/Documents and ~/Pictures, and for months there have been no problems. For Windows, without testing, you can still try.