What is zennoposter

Recognition of captchas in the program can be organized in the following ways - manually, through the services of manual recognizing, or write your own module for recognizing captchas and recognizing through a new one.
If you want to win the recognition service, you need to enter the login-password in the configured programs, or the key to access the service in a specially entered field. Also, in the parameters for recognizing captchas, it is necessary to select the recognizing module, with which the project is practicable. See your project like that and show its power (with a click). Select the required module from the list.
As necessary, enter the parameters on the “additional” tab (mostly there are no parameters). Specify the parameters on the websites of the services. Parameters are needed then, if, for example, there is a mathematical captcha, then. it is necessary to enter not 7+5, but the amount 12, it is necessary to recaptcha or captcha with numbers, so if the captcha is registered, it is also necessary to specify in the parameters.
Buvay, that the captcha is made up of a number of pictures, then you can eat them, so that you don’t have to look at the recognition of other parts. To merge captchas, if you didn’t write the template for the first time, you need to set the flag “Glue captcha” at the top of the captcha element and in the rest of the captcha, if you need to glue it, put the flag “Stop captcha”.

Text captcha

Dosit often, especially on weakly stolen resources, the text captcha is compressed. It looks like a simple (graphical) captcha, which is not painted on the picture, but written in text. In principle, this captcha is not needed anywhere, you can take it (viparsuvati) directly from the text of the sidebar. To parse the captcha from the text of the sidebar, you need to take the text of the sidebar for the help of the "Data" category from the "Tabs" category, select the text of the sidebar i, indicating "parse the result", enter in the parameters regular viraz for side parsing.

Mathematical captchas

Mathematical text captcha is also processed. This is the text captcha itself, only call on it to write a mathematical script like 58 + 63. You can transform the text into an image and edit it for recognition, or you can twist JavaScript. To clear the captcha, you can quizze the "JavaScript" category from the "Own code" category. At the field for the code, you can insert a message to change, in which case you need to parse the virus, for example 58 + 63 and after that you turn the result 121.

Flash captcha and captcha of any other element

As soon as you receive a flash captcha, you can transform (render) it into a normal image and also edit it for recognition. Find the element in the element tree, right button Click to select the menu to select dії above this element. Select the item "Captcha" there ... that's it!

How to get pardons CAPTCHA recognition


I drink everything.
It's not a secret for anyone that Recaptcha 2 for the rest of the world has become more popular and practically there is no one who would not stick to it. Our difficult robot has to deal with it when creating projects: parsing, creating creators, bruters, checkers and other tasks. І special problem - writing a project (code / snippet) for captcha solving.
Well, recently I got involved in parsing data from one resource using an additional clumsy program. And everything went miraculously, until the site, from which the program does not parse, enter the protection from the bots - Recaptcha. I naturally found some solutions in order to add my bot, but for programmers who knew about the Recaptcha robot, it was not enough, and those who knew how to hack the program, propagated the correct solution from Imacros or PhantomJS or other proxies. But everything was made easier by the fact that my main method was stable that Recaptcha solution, when I changed the IP address of that proxy proxy, it was blocked.
Everything changed when I opened Zennoposter for myself. Having read the main functions and the principle of Zennoposter's work, I understand that I can make sure that Recaptcha takes the project I write for a person and achieves the most fluent captcha.

Selecting data for correction to the Rucaptcha recognition service
that emulation of pressing buttons

I have already proved that for a sane emulation of a person, it is necessary to simulate the correct pressing of the buttons "I'm not a robot", "Confirm" and "Update" and put the emulation on the level of "yak_st".
Then it was necessary to add an hour of delay after pressing the "I'm not a robot" button. I have tried the test version of Recaptcha for a long time ( www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo) and perekonavsya, which hour can kolivatsya from 1 to 2 s (racial option). To that, putting close 1 sec and then adding an action to re-verify the one that was taken by the image, or the solution is not needed and the captcha was solved, if the offense was not solved, then it will be cleared for 300 ms and the re-verification will start again.

The search for a task for the cherish appeared, we forgive and I pulled it out with the most splendid regular virazes.
Similarly, I solved the problem with this, to determine the type of Recaptcha, which can be solved:
1) with additional image selection;
2) no pictures to change.
The great problem was the removal of the image for the enforcement of the recognition service. On the back of my head, I zbiravsya vityaguvat self-confidence, save them and correct them for the solution. And if the captcha is trapping, in which the images are changing, then the stench went to the same files and gluing the image would be problematic. Therefore, I chose for myself the option with a screenshot of the side, correctly putting all the cordons and everything worked out, until I stopped the project on my own for parsing and as a result it turned out that the screenshot action sometimes incorrectly displayed between the sides captcha, yakscho won vide for the spat between the sides. As a result, I created the CaptchaSaver module for the main element of the page and became the image rank for powering the service.
The designation of captcha recognition (3*3.4*4 or 2*4) does not add up difficult and qi parameters will be required to send it to the Rucaptcha recognition service and the grid overlay.


Since the standard module like Zennoposter is not handy for setting up folding requests with editing files, saving you from the exact time between requests for the recognition service, I won the POST and GET requests actions. Also, you can use it to work with a POST request, so that you can increase the accuracy and the hour of recognition, which I will win in one of my templates.

Captcha solution with images that change

If the solution to this type of captcha ends up, so that the required images are not missing, then I searched the recognition service, which allowed me to implement this function in the template and clicked on Rucaptcha. I had a good chance to lighten my pattern in such a way that after the skin expansion, the image was restored anew, and with the attack of the expansion, it was allowed to attack only those images, which changed. In this order, a number of correctly completed captchas were moved.
And then I got in touch with the Rucaptcha team and suggested to them my own solution, which they implemented on their services. The essence of yoga taka: to enter additional parameter previousID, which closes the image, pushing the front worker on it. If there are no required images, then the practitioner edits a special parameter that the images are over and the template is pressed on the confirmation button.
Captcha solutions without changing images are not easy and correction is practically similar (previousID and can_no_answer parameters are not overpowered).

Reverse the additional pardon after the onslaught of "Confirmation"

Pardoning the solution can help the robot template or see the Bad end, then after pressing the "Confirm" button, a re-verification of the visibility of the text "Select all the images that are selected" and "Review also the new image" and at the same time the presence of the new image template is updated.

The result of the robotic template

Few people know that Recaptcha on May 2 is presented on side Demo version of Recaptcha 2 ( http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo). I've launched my template hundreds of times and saved it a lot of times. More often than not, before the skin launch of the Google template, I edited the captcha, so I didn’t have to complete the image. Kіlka razіv navit google skipping my project without any task.
Let me see that the hour has come to launch a project for the site, which is such a lousy data. Before that, I vouched for the Google post, which was positively indicated on my project. The result is not zmusiv itself checks and with infrequent recaptcha (once a couple of years Recaptcha 2) Google often skips me without asking or correcting me just pictures.

Thin work with a template and why I present 2 templates

Since it was necessary for the decision to be made, then I am correcting 5 POST requests on Rucaptcha. From them, the first 2 are chosen, and then we will get through the necessary day. If there are 2 options, there are no options, the project is selected and pressed on the image, as it was pushed 2 and more times. In such a rank, such tasks are violated:
1) the accuracy of the solution is increased;
2) increased swidkіst rozvyazannya;
3) minimize the option that it is necessary to update the captcha.
Of course, I present a variant with one POST request for those who have more descriptions in their own way.
To run the template, you need to enter your Rucaptcha key in the instructions for the project action with a note.
Sometimes you use resources, on which you happen to change the parameter of reverification of the captcha solution role="checkbox" aria-checked="false" on the role="checkbox" aria-checked="true" and remember the arrows with the help of the action, clear the action "(-Variable.proverka-)" == "" .I'm already sticking with both options, you can't think of a universal one here.
If you want to win the recaptcha option without an image that changes, then after a positive result, you need to add an update action (up to 3 times I recommend) and Bad end, if you try to end (you can win the action, use "0" == "1").
I am posting 2 template options:
1) with one POST entry;
2) with 5 POST requests for more swedish and exact solutions, like vicorous itself.

Visnovok and visnovki

In this rank, we have chosen the principle of working with the Zennoposter template for the Recaptcha 2 solution for the help of the Rucaptcha recognition service. Danish template for revenge apply robots with POST and GET, similar emulation of clicks, correct image savings and, more importantly, Recaptcha 2 solutions.
I think that this template will become useful for rich programs, and we are preparing solutions for Recaptcha 2 (you only need to insert a template and use it with your robot).

In some cases, captcha can cause a great number of problems. Especially, all SEO-fahivtsi may be aware, which captcha may be more important. Knowing this need, a few different software solutions have been created, which allow you to bypass the introduction of captcha, which allows you to automate a number of processes. One of the most popular such tools is the zennoposter program, as it is notable for its popularity, as well as among the Internet and among SEOs.

What is a zennoposter?

Zennoposter software complex, which allows you to automate a number of low processes, which are dependent on the help of a browser. Tobto given a program to create automatically register an account, engage in posting and logging a lot of others, how to set the required parameters for which.

What allows zennoposter to work?

This program may have more serious functionality, the axis of the main features:

  • automatic registration of accounts social measures, hosting and other Internet resources.
  • parsing of different sites and poke systems.
  • automatic creation and generation of profiles on the forums.
  • automatic refilling of blogs and other sites.
  • automatic domain registration.
  • richness.
  • This is anonymous, the program is victorious with any proxy, soxie and other solutions.
  • well and razumile apі, scho vіdkrivає great opportunities in front of the retailers.

In this way, marveling at the whole wide functionality, you can create visnovoks, which zennoposter allows you to see all those things, like sounding a person in the window of the browser.

Zennoposter as a program for recognizing and bypassing captcha

Qiu program you can wink for different events, for example, for help, you can automatically recall blogs and forums. duje core function she has, without a doubt, є captcha recognition. This function allows you to avoid problems when automating quiet or other processes.

What is the procedure for recognizing captcha in the zennoposter and how can it be organized? In order to organize the process of recognizing captchas, it is necessary to use a few methods, skin for some of their strengths.

One of the ways is to solve the captcha manually, so that it works through special services to solve the captcha, with which the zenposter is automatically integrated.

In this rank, in my opinion, nothing needs to be nailed, it is necessary to choose special function in the program. It is also possible to organize the recognition of captchas through the writing of the power module її recognition, the program must be able to, but it is necessary to know one of the programming steps, with which the program is given.

Video - Earnings on captcha. How to earn on the entered captcha:

How to win special services for recognizing captchas at zennoposter?

For those who have cracked the captcha for recognizing special services, it is necessary to connect it to the program.

In order for you to viconate, you need to enter a login and password for such a service in the settings of the program, in order to create a login and password, you can also enter a secret key for using the function of the service, which is the same for the skin koristuvach that is registered.

Of course, it is still necessary to select a module so that you can use the program in the process of captcha recognition, you can start working for an additional list of available modules that you see, which you can know in the process of captcha recognition.

Zennoposter allows you to recognize different captchas and work as efficiently and quickly as possible. The program copes with the following types of captchas:

  • captcha for viewing pictures.
  • text captcha.
  • mathematical captcha.
  • flash captcha.
  • CAPTCHA Cracked for help with more pictures

Crym usih tsikh vidiv captchas, whether any element of the web page can be presented as a captcha and add it to the special service recognizing captcha.

With a light hand, we transform Zennoposter DEMO into a practical, practical Zennoposter Lite​

Good day, shanovnі warehousemen,
The author's material with the expansion of the possibilities of Zennoposter DEMO is offered to your respect.

ZennoPoster tse program, which is recognized for automation of practically any kind on any Internet sites. Vaughn effectively zastosovuetsya for swedish folding different creators, parsers, posters, checkers and other speeches that surround your imagination.

As we know, the demo version of the zenoposter is obscured, the cost is not possible to beat the proxy, solve the captcha and the robot only in one go.
I had a lot of problems with proxies and captcha, as a result I can take zennoposter lite.
Why mayzhe?

That is why for using the proxy and the captcha, the mother needs the right to change the template in order to make the necessary changes.

If you have a purchased template, without binding, then you can easily use it for a short time (sound close pіvgodini) learn to practice on the demo version with the most common zennoposter light chip.

To whom will the tskava be given a purse?

  1. Skladchina razrakhovan in Persh Cherga on quiet, who write the templates yourself, or if you want to try it for yourself in your right hand, but in the next moment, how to practice without a proxy and captcha, then what kind of sense is messing around?
  2. So purveyance to the Vlasniks of the already purchased versions of the zenoposter, for some reason it is necessary to blame the existing templates in the okremі variant, to buy a light version for a mayzhe $ 90, IMHO, not an option.

Another option prompted me to start the demo)))
Let's look at one rich streaming version, I needed more pieces of 10 single streams in different versions on different machines, take 10 light versions for cієї to do it too expensive, and the ability of the demo is exchanged.

What do I preach myself?

I propagate your respect for my decision for Zennoposter DEMO, as I allow vicorist when working with him proxy, і services automatic recognition captcha.
It’s not a hack program, it’s an addition, it’s inserted into your own zeno poster template (otherwise, purchases can be edited), it’s possible to allow the realization of opportunities.

The implementation of these possibilities is different from the implementation in the zenposter itself, but everything works well, plus we are not tied to one computer.
Tell me, like people who buy zennoposter, you often need to run your own okremium instance in a okremy vmvar, buy for this light version for $ 87 a little bit too much.

For myself, I have expanded the addition to the template, which is allowed bypass, and now I can zavantazhit skolki required demo versions, put їх on sіlki mere required wares, trochy correct your templates, and my demo version working on full automatic through a proxy, you can change it yourself, plus you can solve captcha through the service of recognition (on Narazi implemented for antigate, you can expand the list).

Exchange in 1 pot is not going anywhere and the demo of the whole month (it can be changed by a simple reinstallation), but now in the demo version you can write complete scripts, with all the possibilities of the paid version of zeno.


What is included in the delivery set?
  1. A template with a code that allows you to use proxies and antigate services, which you can simply connect to your project.
  2. A third-party program for the realization of real possibilities (there, you can’t do without it).
  3. Instructions for choosing and implementing the code and programs for your template.
  4. All-round help and advice on how to introduce the code to your template, if necessary, modernize the code.
At the moment, a solution has been written for the ANTIGATE service, as a hoarding to be of interest, I’m looking for other services, which you can ask.

P.S. Demo version of the bug (but not obov'yazkovo) run on virtual machine, because For the work of this functional, it will be necessary for you to win a third-party program.
P.P.S. Leather vision template and instructions will be unique to the new, so that it will be quiet, who will try to anger the topic in public.