Copy this happy woman's birthday. Well, how can I make a backup?

Backup copying is the process of creating a copy of data on a device intended for updating information when the original device is damaged. Today, people all over the world - system administrators, enikeyniks and simple traders - celebrate World Backup Day. The date is not valid - the days of viruses are activated for 1 quarter, excluding unprotected koristuvachs from fools on the Day of Fools.

How did bloggers define backup day?

1500py470 having recited the oath of the keeper of information:

International Day backup(ikh barbaric – ) carried out sharply 31 bereznia. A day of backup was created by the members of Reddit and because of the widely known episodes of wasting information on the 1st quarter (Such miles of “frying”. It’s just holy!) - this is the whole group of first-class viruses that are being activated on this day for joy on one of our main and beloved national saints, and this labor sacred on the Saturday subbotnik was assigned to the 31st week, and not the 22nd week (for the faint-hearted or those who, in their youth, did not stop - this is the day of the people of Illich and the Yuletide communist subbotnik on this occasion)

Get excited,
Back up your important information today!

“I unequivocally swear on the 31st of February to create a backup of all necessary documents and valuable information.”

In addition, I will let my friends and family know about International Backup Day - you can’t lose a friend without backup!

rhunwolf Having looked at some pictures and facts about backup:

The computer froze, the hard drive died, why bother? Have you tried the backup (and have you seen the new one)? What, can you vibrate?!!
Here's the word: backup - here's a backup, back up - come up.

We have backup copies of the data on papers to be glued. Bo stinks don't hang out.

I didn't make a backup...

I have a backup! How lucky it is that the data was saved on the main copy!

Jim simply scribbled on a backup copy of his PC.

Not much from the English Wikipedia:
May 5, 1996, near the hour of fire at the headquarters of Crédit Lyonnais, the largest bank in Paris, system administrators We ran into the alarm room to turn in backup copies of the magnetic strings, the remaining physical copies were in that very same alarm room. Data from computers was copied onto magnetic strips, which were saved there on the computers until the next backup. Backup was done today, after Friday, because Friday backup was done every week. And it’s bad luck, I’ll wait to take that meal on Saturday. - here Crédit Lyonnais claims are sorted out and efforts are made for backup.

Between 2005 and 2006, the legal rights organization Privacy Rights Clearinghouse recorded 16 cases of theft or loss backup copies. Among the affected organizations were identified: Bank of America, Ameritrade, Citigroup and Time Warner.

On September 3, 2008, the mail server of the largest Scandinavian provider, the telecommunications company TeliaSonera, crashed. To our great surprise, they happened to discover that the date on the remaining reference backup was: June 15, 2007. Tse was listed at 300,000 Koristuvalnitsky postal accounts.

February 27, 2011 due to a failure software security at Gmail, 0.02% of clients spent all their mail. After a few years, the data was updated from a backup copy, but the notifications did not disappear.

Discuss with the author

ammo1 having won the competition!

Today, March 31st, is International Backup Day. Backup day is uniquely scheduled for the 31st of February, and there is a whole group of coronavirus viruses that will take their toll on April Fool’s Day.

Reasons to spend important information may be faceless. According to the research data, 78% of the traffic accidents are due to industrial ownership, 11% are human, 7% are due to software, 2%. Computer viruses, 1% Natural disasters, 1% Other reasons.

Another confusing statistic. 5% hard disks exit from Lada into the first river. After 2-3 cycles, the stench continues to work steadily (the breakdown rate is 1.5%), and after the third cycle, the breakdown rate is already 11-12%.

Let's celebrate backup day by making copies of our important data today, instead of saving it “for tomorrow,” as in the past.

I wish you joy forever
And bad mood,
Never know the confusion
And all the best in life.
Don’t hesitate at all,
Don't spoil it,
And start my days with a laugh,
How is this National Day!

Happy birthday
The evidence is forthcoming,
Plani ta bazhannya
It is most common to end up
Happiness is given by yourself
Yaskravi miti -
Sun, miracles
Days and mood!

Be the most cheerful and the most happy,
Garna and tender and most beautiful
Be the most important, the most loved,
Forgive, endearing, unrepeatable,
And good, and bad, and weak, and strong,
Don’t hesitate to go off the road into powerlessness.
Let everything you want come to pass.
Your business, believe me, is good!

I wish you happy days,
I call upon your closest friends,
I pray for love for the whole river without ceasing,
I hope that there will be no troubles or troubles!
The robot has less success,
And in the house there is a burst of laughter,
Stop worrying about life, my dears!
And I wish you Happy Birthday!

Happy national day, programmer!
Turn on your Mac
Everyone's favorite coupletist
And greetings to you too!

Enjoy these programs
I want to give some time to the man -
Whole kilograms of burners
Let's accept it on your chest!

Without computer twists,
Zayvayu cibulea, lard,
Vip for the squad, children -
Our life is the most important!

Life goes along a spiral
I've been up there all hour.
The guests called to their friends,
Laughter will come, if you didn’t check,
I'll kill everyone!

All the joy that is on earth,
We pray for you with a big heart.
May spring always live in a wise heart,
Let the first flower come to you,
May you have success and accompany you in life -
I wish you great happiness.

We are flying, my love!
It’s best not to hesitate,
And at a glance I want one soul
Turn the girls around!
May your family be healthy,
May you be happy with the Ganka,
Stop peeing blue
Let's call it dad!
Let your rice be rounded up,
Let go of fate,
Let us not grow old, hi mrii,
To the people, my love!

Heaven forbid, angel, don’t let your eyes deceive you,
Let you see
May life save you all,
Hiding behind yourself.

Zirka, let go of your sleep,
The silence of the night is shining,
And the French sun rises,
The darkness of the night is clearing away.

Hail the gloomy wind, let us know,
What will be above you,
I'm going to a happy hour,
Having learned about the soul.

May God be merciful,
I will give you a life like this:
Children from a thousand roads
You'll find yours!

Alas, Paper’s message is not in fashion.
And the verses are often outdated.
I would like to say this more respectfully.
Oh, well! Well, of course, happiness!

Happy birthday to you
I wish you bright days and plenty of happiness,
May life have true friends,
After them all the troubles passed.
Shchob order bula kohana lyudina,
And the work brought more joy,
So that luck does not leave forever,
And I wouldn’t have tiredness in my soul!

Congratulations on your birthday!
Let life continue in a static way,
Let your mood sparkle with light,
And there will be eternal spring in my soul.
Let all your bastards die,
And success lies ahead everywhere.
Don’t stop your friends from waking up and starting to cry,
With your rocks you have blossomed even more!

I float before you with a big heart
One of the shortest dates in life.
I crave great love and joy,
Good luck to the well-deserved city.
Let all your dreams be happy,
May you be happy and blessed at the factory.
Believe me, it’s not good for you to mess around,
Aje is the best of everything in front!

You wish for a sea of ​​happiness
І good luck - waterfall,
May I be a success immediately,
A penny is a whole lot of money.
On the day of the people, let the sun shine
Shine brighter, never before,
Joy, let the stream flow
And there will be no end to it!

I commend you to this holy cheerful people,
Gifts, laughs and a sea of ​​warmth.
I wish you success, kohannya, nathnennya,
The words of wonderful goodness presented.
Let the joy go to your head,
And your life will be happy,
Mriya will hail, lead you along
And with the right stitches, don’t let it burn!

Stop flicking the candles, and the look is shining.
Don't worry, you can't turn back the hour!
It didn’t work out, it didn’t work out,
How long it came out, how long it went away!
I wish you a lot of warm words,
There was happiness, and there was food,
Joy flowed like a bubbling river,
The sun was shining everywhere above you!

Rushing through the hour without looking back,
And run after the fate of the river.
Well, these are the orders -
It is necessary to collapse forward.
Let me be healthy,
The joy of life is in full swing,
Let us be generous, let us lay it down,
All problems are useless.
Have a little money at your budinka,
There was plenty of light and warmth.
Keep your thoughts in order,
My heart has peace and kindness!

Happy birthday to you!
The soul is given these things.
Lots of joy, a lot of laughter,
I lived without confusion.
Let your little sunshine shine kindly on you
And it sparkles with warmth for an important time,
Let fate greet you with a kind look
And it will give you success more than once!

Health, joy, food
It’s your glorious National Day,
First days of miracles ahead,
І bubbly cheerful.

I hope everyone has the same idea,
May we have good health,
And the star shone pleasantly.

I wish you a happy birthday
I want to mean this clearly.
Accept my legacy,
And the place is ready for gifts.

Happy People's Day,
I wish you all the best in the world.
Let's make this day holy,
And I won’t forget anyone about you.

Sunshine and warmth on People's Day,
On this rainbow day I will tell you.
Whatever you're afraid of, don't hesitate to go in,
The silent melody flows gently.

Whose birthday is today?
Who has earned gifts at sea?
We hope you, without a doubt,
May you live your life well.

Let the sun shine only for you,
And you will walk through happiness and love.
I commend my life to you, my dear,
I am happy that I am with you.

May you live a beautiful life
I drink a lot of beer!
At the groups, at the banks and at the dances!
A case of beer in the freezer!
And so you ran after him,
We are already running towards you!

I drink Oceani beer,
And they contain rams and shrimps
You would become the greatest captain,
Without getting out of the way!

Know and come in handy
I'm looking forward to this day
For your favorite fifth point
If only you weren't so lazy.

You are a young woman,
And this is serious,
When you wave one wind,
People will fall like birds.

Black seam panties,
Give the men some food!
I began to sing - in cute outfits
Buy it from People's Day! I wish you good health,
Like a wonder wall in Asia,
I admire the half-brown man,
Kohanna for all hours.

I use emoticon faces
And many good wishes,
I rely on soldering every day,
And the night is hot!

I wish I could drive a sports car,
Hello buffalo dihati,
Be in the mood, on fire
Complete the Hercules feat!

It's not a man, it's a tiger!
All the food in the world
Get into the swing.
Just believe it!

Happy People's Day to you,
May you be happy on the river,
All dreams come true,
And today at the great kohanni!
Prosperity is great,
Without forgetting anyone,
And my soul was warm,
It's all the same!

I wish you simple happiness
And quiet earthly joy.
Let go of life's misfortunes
It will die down first.
As before, save carefully
The soul has a miracle of rice.
As before, generously give to everyone
A fire of spiritual warmth.

Helpful wife with great writers
Sweet, cheerful, with a kind soul.
How you love the leaves and flowers.
Helpful Woman means that!

The heart has not lost faith in beauty.
By cultivating the heights of your spirit.
Maybutné, past, everything in you is alive,
The craving for the unknown is your cry.

Oh, never know old age, be like this forever.
Don't be friends, be a caress with a tight bag.
Please, my dear son, make your friends happy.
It’s simply impossible for a woman to live any other way.

Happy National Day, sleepy exchanges,
And let the heart only beat more joyfully,
More kind, broad promotions,
May you not turn into a magnificent marvel!
The sacred worlds are ending,
And everything is rotten back from Mittevo,
Healthy, happy, rich family,
Life must be unforgettable!

I wish there was light and warmth,
Friends of kindness and kindness,
Happy days, blessed words,
Great hopes, intoxicating banquets.
Live well, cheerfully and mercifully,
I haven’t gotten any crazy.
Laugh, sing songs, fry,
And happiness, let's get to the bottom!

It doesn’t matter how many rocks you have,
Let this day be sweet,
Dear Svitanok for life,
With love, with great joy!
Sometimes the fairy tale arrives,
Your flower bed is growing,
I National Day means,
I bow to you greatly!

I wish you joy, good luck!
Health of the local population.
I wish the greatest-
great happiness on earth.

And the world has a lot of favors,
You can't overdo them.
I just love you,
I love the way he is.

Be beautiful all the time:
And with my soul.
Be a kohanoy all the time:
I winter, and spring.

I wish you all the best and bright thoughts
Let the images pass by
You can have a lot of fun with them
Vibrate and let go - not an easy task

Ale schoranku early for svitanka
Try to get someone to study
For those who make the sun shine brightly in the sky,
End your life

There she is giving you lessons,
So that you become smarter, wiser
And I sense more shaped docors,
Sometimes he has no pennies, sometimes he has no true friends

You live your life for everything
For those who do not know war,
For those who are sitting on the computer.
For those who you need

For those that you have a family and children,
Why not, ask her.
Even if she is not deaf, I tell you,
I forgive you for the extra cost

Do you want to be rich? Die!
The money will come to you on its own
Do you want to be happy? Have fun!
Count to trust, forgive, laugh

Live your life without fear,
Without fears, without arguments and image
To emerge from empty doubts,
Thank you, it’s lucky the roads are open

May you have peace of mind!
It's gone, there's no turning back
Think about your share today
And place a bright path in your thoughts

Don’t let the whole world be under one,
It is possible to awaken the light in the middle
And trust better, never disagree again
And better to know, less to know

Life gives you priceless joy
That which might not exist
Revealed? For the skin promіnchik light
Let's count our lives

Dance barefoot on the streets of the school,
Dance, hugging the slanted planks,
Dance so that your life is not in vain,
And sing in unison with the young winds.

Kohai! free ta hot kohai!
Love so that the heart in the middle burns everything,
I can’t feel the pain and fear in my blood,
Love, so that both of you get off your head!

Live! Break up and live again!
Take your wings from the wide road!
Don’t tear your soul apart with these words.
Look at the sky and think about God.

Dance! barefoot shoes on the streets of the warehouse.
Dance! under the cover of a stormy night.
Dance! There is absolutely no evil in life.
Dance! The whole world is bursting into pieces.

I'll laugh more often.
And grant us all your joy.
With a light smile, throw yourself away
Like happiness and gloomy couples.

And take care of the joy in your heart.
Don't let us give you a laugh,
Believe me, help me.

Mitty enjoy your skin,
Just look at this.
If it's bad, laugh,
And the joy will grow stronger at the door.

Just try and laugh.
Reveal to yourself the openness of your heart.
And try to be happy,
“I love your life,” say.

Life is so beautiful, laugh.
And the world will laugh because of you.
I'll laugh more often.
Brighten your day with a laugh.

Irina, who brings you happiness, calm,
I am writing from knowledge and friendship with you
And for the sake of the golden hour of autumn
Greetings to the people, be in order with you.

Goodness and a laugh will always be on your lips.
Find you in your thoughts, not in your dreams
We can often, but carefully:
It is impossible to destroy your peace!

Your delicacy and calmness are strength!
And it’s important to show that you asked for it.
You help others, my dears,
Having forgotten for an hour.

For this we especially value,
And on your day, the people want to impatiently
Sprinkle the drinks, check out the kohanna,
I want to give you a piece of my slain soul!

I wish the charming and wonderful zustrichs -
Everything for you, for the charming Irina!
So be all gentle khan,
Happy life never again!

Always be cheerful and turbo-free,
Tell your family,

Oh! The woman has gone!

Don't forget your makeup,
Tell me that you are going home,
Just thinking in passing the skin is pinched -
Oh! Yaka Dama - My God!

Let happiness be an angry avalanche,
Vir, vir, river.
What about happiness? -Be a kohanoi.
So be a kohanoy, like no one else!
Happy People's Day!

Happy birthday, Lyuba.
It flows from a wide heart.
Let's raise a toast to your happiness
We have been in a hurry for a long time now.
Don't stop walking in the middle of nowhere
And the sorrows will all fade away,
Just make you happy, (my name),
Let us not bear your fates.
Be cheerful and happy
And garna – like at once.
Let us guide you to success
Every day and every year.

To spite your enemies - live a miracle!
To spite the fates - be young!
Drive away all misfortunes from home
And everything will come by itself.
You will become prosperous by rapt,
Lucky, happy forever.
The city is counting on you, success!
I encourage you to be happy for everyone!

A lot of fates have passed since that hour.
When a miracle happened.
You appeared in the white light... unknown to the stars.
There are times in life when such a phenomenon occurs.
So let me greet you on National Day.

We ask you:
the robot has speed,
in health - good growth,
happiness is eternity,
in life - inconsistency.
under the sun - warmth,
kind of people are kind,
type of person - tenderness,
like friends - love and fidelity.

Come morning, and your
Mitty pelyustki dissolve the Trojan.
Let go of your lower eyes
I don’t know why I’m so sick,
Let everything be as you want,
Please don’t fool yourself,
And all the wonderful worlds
Your action will become!

Let surprises please you,
Laughter and peace
And sooner in life
Dream about it!
Don't stop coming soon
Let me give you happiness,
And in life there will be
Have a happy day ahead!

Today is your national day
I wish you happiness and goodness
And eternal youth color
Laugh, sunshine and warmth
Be young, always fresh,
Bazhanoy, good and simple,
Hello and sweet again
Let's go ahead, my love

May your life never be in turmoil,
Happiness to you, let me through the teeth,
Let the joy of your companion be lost forever,
I will entrust the Kohan of the people to the future

Let the sun shine brightly and brightly
At the white birch trees,
We wish you success and success,
Health, good health forever,
I wish you well in all the future.

I pray that your eyes
Like a hundred candles burned,
I am dumb at the nightingale's grass
The soul and heart sang.
Calm, warmth and kindness
They moved to your house,
And so that all your dreams
Transformed into reality!

May everyone be happy,
More gentle words and more smiles,
Life gives beautiful emotions,
And fill with the aroma of newness!
Complements, compliments, hoarding,
Vikonannya mriya, new zustrichs,
The skin has tension during the day
And take care of the warmth in your heart!

Like a Trojan in the specks of dew,
May you be happy to those below you,
Like the sky colors turquoise,
Boundless and boundless!
And life will be completely warmer,
Laugh, buried,
Enchanting, joyful, bright
Let's celebrate, it's National Day!

I want to please you, if everything was wonderful
Gamanets' miracle bag is ready
Dear colleagues on a wonderful robot
High five prefer work on Saturday
Various nutritional solutions
With a few of your proudest centurions
Health in everyday life, and in special life
May everything in you become less “excellent”!

“So how many are they?”
“It’s true how much. ",
And the woman wave her hand
And rinse thoroughly - light and hot:
- Is it important to respect it? Everything is mine",
And then we vip for the friends who came
І highly luminous
There are no more days of marriage among women.
Women do not suffer the fate of the people!

How much energy this woman has!
How many turbos are simple, people,
How much do you love and love -
To the people who knew her - don’t forget!
So we wish her eternal youth,
Great happiness and heartfelt friendship,
Decorate the family rot with kindness,
Move through life with a laugh!

The words of a miracle sound!
May you have everything you need in life,
I wish I could hear the happy morning -
Warmth of hearts and joy of friendship,
Well done, bastard!

May your life be a miracle,
Kvituchi, like a spring garden,
Charming, light, succulent
And bright, like the sky!

Laugh most often,
Give warmth to your soul, lovers!
Fill yourself with merry, bright sparkle!
All happiness to you!

I hope you don’t know grief,
Happily there was a sea,
If only I wouldn’t get sick,
Don't grow old for a long time
To your special one's life
Everything was going to be miraculous.

The aromas of oxamite trojans,
Light skin, miracle mitya,
Vikonannyam rayuzhnyh mrіy
Happy Birthday to the People's Day!

Warmth from the bottom and wide
May you play to the enchanting spirits,
Let the soul have happiness forever
And they got it right!

Live in it at once, all in one
I bitch with an angelic soul
and inaccessibility of the sea addiction
and a subtle mind with ungreedy power.
And her generosity is like inevitability
VONA - indescribable tenderness
Now it’s clear to me and to you?
It's too tough for everyone

May you bless the bright smuhas
There will be more, less sirikh,
Live near your heart
Hope and faith!

Let the sun shine
France brings joy more often,
Share gives friendship,
Success and happiness!

You know everything, dear, gentle,
You can fall in love if you want.
I want to please you
There is only so much joy in the world.

More than a dozen rocks
Bringing warmth and light to others.
You have become simpler before life.
Dream, work, have fun

Today is National Day
Family and friends have arrived
They said a lot of beautiful words,
Everyone drank wine for you.

Hair is a seamist! White teeth!
People are possible! Sponsors - lower ones!
Kokhantsiv - reasonable! Friendship is with the law!
Mother-in-law - why live in another region!

The daughter-in-law is in peace! Tarilok - mitih!
Cholovikiv - don’t lame and for the rest of the day!
Colleagues – don’t be too fixated on women!
Vorogiv - the weak! Vorogiv - even weaker!

Obidiv - it’s easy! The enemy is polar!
And, tsikh, well, that’s the goal of the regular ones!
Panchokha - no puffs! Have a nice day without new clothes!
Cholovikiv - already in trouble

So cute, fresh, young
I'll lose more, I don't know,
Dream, read, keep your soul calm,
And I'll come to you for a cup of tea.

And the world has a lot of favors,
You can't overdo them.
I just love you,
I love this one!

You deserve the joy of life
There are already many days ahead.
So be happy and healthy
And today, and soon!

Turbot people
І patient hands
Sin (daughter) is priced endlessly,
I love onuk.

We wish you everything
Live long, don't grow old
I, saving energy,
Don’t misbehave about the past!

Our wishes are short:
Healthy, happy, less troubles,
Everything would be fine for the family
And a life full of fates.

Like a Goddess, you are a miracle!
And you bloom every day!
Rich - plenty of happiness for you,
Joy, happiness, goodness!
Merry way through life,
Be gentle, be gentle!
Cry less and laugh more,
Forget about the bad guys!

31 Births are designated unofficially as sacred – Backup Day (World Backup Day). This day was established in order to pay respect to the population to ensure the safety of information and protect against wastage of data.

A backup is a backup copy of all the files you need, for example, electronic sheets, documents, videos, family photographs, etc. Instead, in order to save all the important information on one device, the reliability of which cannot be guaranteed, another copy is placed on an additional device.

To avoid wasting important information, it is enough to set up your backup once. As an additional storage device for backing up important data, you can use both a physical disk (external storage device) and hellish monster data from the Internet. If you have never made a backup before, the 31st of February is the best day to start doing it first. Kim and why was this date chosen?

Today there is no need for different approaches and programs to ensure competent system backup. How to organize this process is on the right side of the skin.

It’s not a good idea to let the situation go on its own and take into account that this problem won’t bother you at all. Everything is possible - from man-made problems, technical failures and equipment out of order to quick file deletion or failure bad virus.

To protect against force majeure, back up important information today!

World Backup Day or Backup Day is celebrated on the 31st of February.

Backup copy- a complete copy of the data on a storage device (hard disk, flash card, CD-ROM and other storage media), intended for updating data whenever it is corrupted or lost on the main storage device.

In our age of computers and electronics, the security of valuable information is becoming increasingly important more meaning. Waste of financial records, databases or information on the site can lead to great problems in the organization and even “hit the gambler”. Ta y kozhen okremiy koristuvach home computer, communicator or simple Stilnikov phone You can get rid of a lot of treasures by spending the necessary data such as favorite photographs, home videos or necessary articles to contact numbers and addresses.

Therefore, International Backup Day is an opportunity to increase public awareness of data security, as well as to expand awareness of the need for protection against data loss.

Backup day was established at the initiative of the community social news site Reddit and was assigned to the 31st week. In the computer environment, there are episodes of information loss in just one quarter (the axis of such “heat”), which is the result of a whole group of coronavirus viruses that are activated on this very day. The result of this merciless action is a crash in the robot system or loss of information.

Today there are no different approaches, features and programs to ensure a competent backup system. How to organize this process is on the right side of the skin. You can carry out all activities on your own or get ready to eat from this diet.

The statistics prepared by the online backup service Backblaze before such a significant date are simply astounding. It turns out that 35% of all accounts have NEVER backed up their data! 51% of clients use backup copies sooner or later! And only about 8% of business owners use backup every day, 15% - once a week, 30% - once a month! It’s good that over time, the hundreds of times the settings of the koristuvachs to remove backups do not change, then. people don’t want to start at all on their ceremonies. As it turns out, the need for a backup copy is understood by all the customers who may be aware of and have sufficient evidence of the work computer technology.

It’s not good to let the situation go on its own and assume that this problem won’t bother you at all. Everything is possible - from man-made problems, technical glitches, equipment failure, file deletion or the introduction of a nasty virus, and sometimes just losing your phone.

Business owners, and especially women, come to the idea of ​​reserving important data, as a rule, only after spending it. Let's not watch out for the great Russian tradition, if we have to lubricate the roots, and let's start backing up the most important data today. Therefore, today it is sacredly possible even more in a simple way- Create a backup copy of your data from your computer and save it on a reliable resource. And, of course, let all your friends know about this so that the stinks are also eliminated.

To protect yourself from force majeure, back up your important information today!

I urgently swear on the 31st of February to create a backup of all necessary documents and valuable information. In addition, I will let my friends and family know about International Backup Day - you can’t lose a friend without backup!


Most people choose one of two methods to back up their files: saving copies to external disk, or it’s like an Internet madness.
It’s really simple and you only need to fine-tune this process once!
DISCLAIMER: Regardless of the fact that this process is very simple, we are not responsible for wasting any data. Reconfigure that you have carefully read everything, and then everything can go out!

You will need externally harsh The disk, it is important to use the larger, lower hard disk of your computer.
It’s a good news for someone who can buy stink inexpensively!

Press the Start button.
Enter the word “backup” in the search bar.
Click on Backup and Restore.
Select “Set up Backup”.
When Windows finishes preparing, select your external drive and click Next.
Select “Let Windows Choose” and press Next.
If you want, you can get it from you Windows hour You will back up your files by clicking “Change Backup Schedule”. The more often, the better!
After this, click “Save settings and run backup”.
That's all! Now Windows automatically creates backups. Make sure that your hard drive is still connected, if you are using a laptop, then remind yourself about the need for periodic connection.

Open up start screen Please check “file history settings”.
In the results, search for "File History Settings".
Select “Select a drive”.
Select your current drive from the assigned list.
Click “Turn on”.
So everything is simple. Now Windows automatically performs backup. Make sure your hard drive doesn't get too dark, or plug it in more often.
Let's get started with your first backup!

To start, connect a USB drive. After that, follow the instructions below to start automatic backup of your Mac computer!
**UVAGA:** Check out the new USB drive for cleaning! Time Machine Please *clean disk*, be respectful. Yakshcho tse new disk Because this cleansing won’t make you feel bad, read on!
Open the menu (shown to the icon on the screen) and select System Preferences.
Click “Time Machine”.
Click “Select Disk”.
Select the USB disk from the assigned list and click “Use Disk”.
That's all! Your Mac is now vibrated backup data automatically. If you use a MacBook, don't forget to regularly connect your hard drive so you can save files!

Every Linux distribution offers a variety of tools to backup your data. We've posted the instructions for Ubuntu below.
Open the HUD (click the Ubuntu button in the Dash) and type “Backup”.
Click on the search result “Backup”.
Click on “Just show my backup settings”.
Activate “Automatic backups”.
Click on the place where you want to expand your backup on the tab “Storage” (your external drive).
Choose how often to backup on the “Schedule” tab. The more often, the better!
Click on “Back Up Now” on the “Overview” tab to start backing up.
That was easy. Ubuntu will backup all your files automatically now. Make sure you leave your hard drive plugged in - or at least plug it in often.
Congratulations on setting up your first backup!

An easy way to save your files on the Internet is to quickly use the OneDrive, Dropbox or Google Drive service to backup the most important data that you work on at a time.
These online services are not so difficult anymore, and you only need to back up one folder on your computer. This is a miraculous opportunity for students and workers who need to reliably steal important data.

If you want to make a backup purchase, Vzagali (bravo!) - take a look at this - we can help you choose the most suitable service for you.

Backup rule "3-2-1"

Please note that the backup rule “3-2-1” was first described by Peter Krogh in his book “Digital Asset Management for Photographers”. And it is not surprising that the loss of a special archive means another disaster for a professional photographer, and there is simply no need to adhere to such a backup strategy that guarantees protection against data loss.

Well, the “3-2-1” rule says that to ensure reliable data storage, it is necessary at a minimum:

  1. THREE backup copies,
  2. what are the responsibilities of saving in TWO saving in various physical formats,
  3. why ONE with a copy, may be transferred to the office for safekeeping
All three warehouse rules are based on the principle of ensuring transparency through the reliability of data conservation.

"Three copies" means "three copies stored in three physically separate places." (Two different folders located on the same physical disk must be expanded in the same place). I don’t worry about mathematics, but if you increase the number of copies, then (assuming that the physical characteristics of the devices are preserved, however, and the threats to these devices are statistically independent) the probability of failure increases It’s different, but reliability is preserved down to a step function. If you use three copies instead of one, you get a triple probability of failure for a given set of copies with a cubic increase in reliability. U real life You want to keep the data that is saved in triplicate copies practically “indestructible”, although you may end up replacing bad disks more often simply because there are more of them in the aggregate.

However, unfortunately, in real life there is often a statistical presence of threats. For example, if an electromagnetic pulse is generated in a living office, it flows onto all disks at once. I, if one disk comes out well, then, more than everything else, two others will come out in harmony (due to the homogeneous nature of the impulse injected into standard disks that are mass-produced, which present identical capabilities to the point of electrical life ).

Why are three copies needed and not two? Because in real life there is often a risk that two copies of data become statistically unused due to the logical organization of the backup procedure. For example, let's look at RAID1 (and the disk array from the “mirror”). When a virus infects a file on one disk of the array, it immediately infects another copy on the mirrored disk. Similarly, if replication is configured, then the Mittovo replica will also be infected with a virus. However, if you simply open a daily backup copy, it will also be infected if the administrator does not flag the infected output data in a day. Zagalom: two copies will not be enough to update information in all cases, if the time of the administrator’s reaction to the corruption of the original data moves the period between the same tasks copying/replicating nya/dzerkalyuvannya tsikh danikh.

In order to ensure even greater statistical independence of threats, it is recommended to record data in at least two different physical formats. For example, if you want to save the data on DVD ( optical recording information), it is not damaged by the previously described electromagnetic pulse. If you use a DVD-driver, optical data carriers will save your data. With other butts of a statistically persistent threat, there may be a critical increase in the temperature of the air conditioner in the server room, which is best, or if it burns in the office, it obviously flows absolutely uniformly onto everything ii, which are kept in the middle of the office.

Thus, saving copies in different physical formats can reduce the likelihood of overnight data loss of these copies due to one-time influx.

In fact, the third point is saving one copy of the data by the office, the same task (reducing the statistical significance of the threat to multiple copies of data) is achieved only through the geographical distribution of the place of saving. Theft or theft in the office can lead to the loss of all copies that were saved there, but theft in one office will not lead to theft or theft in another geographically located office, which will prevent These threats in various offices are statistically independent.

And what about saving data from Khmari? Can you get involved in replacing your backup? Obviously, no. This is simply an alternative place for saving data or their backup copies, and, frankly speaking, a good candidate for off-site saving of backup copies. However, you must always remember that data can be spent in the dark the same way as in any other place.

In this case, it is an absolute plus lousy providers And those that will significantly simplify the backup process. The administrator does not need to purchase and adjust the SRS system or “mess around” with changing the page. Often the gloomy monster sagaciously expands to the benefit of the client, so that it does not have any physical limitations beyond the size (the limitation for the client is more likely to be of a financial nature), which also has its advantages over the SRS, vilne misce on which ones the “rapto” can end.

In fact, a great storage of backup copies is an alternative to strings, since the data from the local disk storage is subject to a delay (which depends on the channel width and the provider’s tariff, depending on the lower tariff per varity, this will give you greater flexibility in obtaining data ).

Do you really need to get to grips with the “3-2-1” rule again? No, everything lies under the risk of your data, on the one hand, and the criticality (wart of potential harm) and the veracity of threats to the data, on the other side. Any defender is not guilty of over-pricing the object that is being protected. If you are saving data that is not particularly valuable, and the threats are low critical and low in threat, you can implement the “3-2-1” rule frequently. Golovne - still put together a matrix of threats to the data (to put together a list of all possible threats, evaluate their authenticity and criticality) and carry out the process of their de-actualization (to either write in the table or “de updated by such and such a technical approach” or “it’s impossible to know relevant in view of the nature of the company’s business”). Once the matrix of insecurities is cleared, it will be clear how the 3-2-1 rule will be followed, and what budget will be required as a result.