Introduce a beauty salon program. A program for a beauty salon – management, design and full automation. What to use in programs for registering clients for a beauty salon

A program for a beauty salon is not an accounting tool, but a software that helps the owner obtain new data about the processes that take place in the salon. In difficult situations, you will find acceptance effective solutions which are important in business management.

If you don’t need special software

  1. How do you plan to use it for accounting purposes? Suitable in order to promote the effectiveness of the treatment. It is used by employees of spa centers, cosmetology clinics and beauty salons, not accountants of these enterprises. Of course, it has accounting functions, but there is no sense in purchasing them directly for a beauty salon. Obvious accounting supplements are an addition to the main place, which is important for the work of the clerks themselves.
  2. It’s not good to spend pennies on buying security for these high-powered people whose salon is not a business. If the hall is not a source of income, but simply an excellent element of status or a non-core asset, then the program will not be given to you. In order for the company to generate significant profits, it is necessary to work hard, developing and improving its business. The myth about passive income has long been debunked.
  3. Also, there is no sense of purchase, as if you are vikoristovuete salon for rent masters.

What is the utility of CRM in programs for a beauty salon?

Ksenia Kurbetyeva, Director of the Center for External Marketers of the Business Compass company

It is important to understand the difference between the store's supplements, which are useful in managing transactions with customers, and those that contribute to the efficient conduct of business processes. To the rest, you can add the following systems: “1C”, “Arnika”, “Universoft” and others. And an even more important point: analyze what goals you set for yourself. To automate business processes, you need knowledge programs or similar to the same set of functions. Data on the client base, the breakdown of wages, and display of surplus in the warehouse can also be done perfectly well by Excel or CRM.

The actions of these systems. CRM can be used to automate certain processes. Example: we need to send an SMS to all clients to commemorate the national day. Our first application has 120 features specified in the client database. The administrator sees from the database of buyers who have the required dates in the “birth date” column, then the employee sends SMS messages to these candidates manually. For such a small number of clients, you can earn money yourself without having to pay for additional security. If the database contains five hundred or thousand individuals, without automation it will be difficult to lose control.

What functionality does the program have?

  1. It combines various functions of the robot with the company’s customer base.
  2. Generation of different sounds for ceramics.
  3. Creation and analysis of the value of sales (sales of cosmetic products are also covered), breakdown of bonuses and reductions.
  4. Maintaining personnel management, creating and maintaining a table of working hours, staff cards, salary schedules in accordance with various factors.
  5. It is possible to issue SMS and e-mail services to a large number of clients.
  6. The ability to exchange data between the program and the computer of the server, with which the user can be located at any location. There is also a benefit from the fact that you can synchronize information from all salons from one view. This allows you to carry out all types of business using additional programs.
  7. The intelligent interface allows the administrator to clearly define his functions.

How software can help you increase your profit

To figure out how much we need that coriander, let's take apart the butt. Well, you need to increase your business income. It is important to formulate the goal correctly: clearly define what you want to achieve, clearly and digitally equivalent to the world. The formula “increase income” is already a progressive option that will not lead you to the desired result. As it is written above, it is important to show the numerical indicators at the time of setting. For example, “The breast will increase its income from 200 thousand. up to 240 thousand rubles, then. for 40 thousand. rubles." This way the formulation will be clear and effective.

I have special respect for those who numerical values guilty will be presented in letter view. It is important that the purpose be done in person and on the paper or other device. This will make it easier to reach. Make it really clear what personnel can retire during the election period. To know which indicators will be real, it is important to objectively assess the situation on Narazi. To capture such new information, CRM security is essential.

After analyzing the data provided by the program, you can find out:

  • exactly the number of regular clients among all agents. For example, those who are two-three can be called permanent;
  • How much income was contributed by payments taken from permanent employees;
  • the number of advisors per hour who came for a recommendation;
  • how often regular clients leave the hall;
  • the most popular services presented in the hall;
  • the size of the average check;
  • Every age is respected for better profiting from the services of your enterprise;
  • There are a number of possible consultants who have been trained for specific masters and throughout the salon as a whole.

Analysis of this data will help you create the most effective plan for increasing your income. Perhaps, during the development of the plan, you will need to identify points of change that are already obvious or in progress new systems customer loyalty. The supplement copes with this miraculously. I don’t want to mention the vikory schemes that are on the Internet, because the brothers are the ones who taught you in some courses. These illegally accessible systems may or may not suit your business. You will spend a lot of energy during the rest of your life. It is important to consider your original diagram Looking at all the peculiarities of your enterprise itself.

Before you install any other program, you need to remember all the important steps to ensure that clients choose your room and recommend it to friends and relatives. This could include various competitions, prizes, a club of regular guides, etc.

The greatest expansion of such warehouses: discounts and bonuses. The amount that is hoped to be deposited is the amount that the client spent when purchasing the service. Moreover, the higher the payment, the more and less. Bonuses may have more of an individual connection, then. get smart specific person for the songs.

CRM security itself allows the manager to understand what his organization is producing for the desired results, since such data can be retrieved after analyzing customer behavior.

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Yak vibrate the program

To find out about your security, call any sound system“Additive for a beauty salon.” The first ten companies that you may be looking for are proven, reliable organizations that develop a variety of programs.

Analyze all the data about the skin company: what its specialization is, where it grows, how long it has been represented on the market, how current data is posted on the corporate website.

Try to marvel and download the demo version for free. We will allow you to get acquainted with the control interface, and you will be able to learn the entire arsenal without having practiced a few years. To do this, you need to enter your data, for example, product articles, quantity of goods in stock, enter a personnel database, enter salary information, enter client lists. At any time you will need to enter all your daily activities: register buyers, deal with write-offs of goods, etc. Then add the loudness. Upon completion of such an algorithm, the kerivnik can make decisions: buy or search for other options. Before you begin to master the demo version, it is important to read the user manual and, if possible, go through the tutorial to understand how to use it.

Conduct an analysis, collect information on how many businesses are already participating qiu program. You can often find such data on the winemaker’s website. Since such information is not available every day, and since you were able to acquire only a small number of salons, as a result of this exploration, then it is increasingly necessary to talk about new, not yet tried additives. It turns out that the company has reached the point of development and released a clear product, but most often, according to statistics, such a product is the best. In such a situation, you can face a lot of problems, most of which will require serious financial investments. The same can be said about cost-free software.

Which add-on should you choose? Arnica - a lot of stoneware is collected from him. According to statistics, qiu system recommend over 500 vlasniks to business. Others have never proven themselves so well. It takes an hour to identify their shortcomings and remove them.

What to gain respect when choosing

1. Functionality. For this reason, turn the trace forward to us. It is important that the system can include all the functions that you need to manage. Watch that the program includes functions that are necessary for management, which will help you control your business. These are the important data that the skin needs to be effectively managed.

2. Comparative price and functionality. Based on the evidence of rich people, we come to the following conclusion: since it has a high price and a decent set of functions, then it is easy to trust it. Analyze the benefits of virtual control of a beauty salon such as the structure and control of financial transactions, goods, suppliers, discount systems and bonuses. It is important that the beauty salon program be easily integrated into the control system. Check to see if warranty service or additional programs are included.

3. Simplicity in operation and the ability to scale the software that is purchased. As a beneficial addition to the salon's clientele, it is necessary to maintain its ability when planning to open several more areas, which will create a barrier in the near future. It is important that you are able to eliminate those functions that are needed during business expansion.

4. This was done for salon business. The installation may be adjusted to suit the specifics of business in the beauty industry. Often, the client database management program has access to a variety of functions, but in this case you don’t need any functions, but rather the most important ones.

It is important to understand that at the same time there are a lot of proposals for business automation, but the skin does not have a high development rate, and often does not support the specifics of this business. Find out how suitable the product is for a beauty salon, perhaps. To do this, you need to know what functions are available and what forms of information are used.

5. PZ is your instrument for increasing efficiency, so it is important not to compromise with your choice. To understand how competently and professionally the client base management program is structured, you need to work with representatives of the retailing company. During the hour of divorce, show respect as the consultant advises you: speaking in more than ignorant phrases is very useful in terminology, as far as it is accessible and clearly responds to your questions. You may be wary of the fact that at your supply you are removing single-warehouse, fuel and non-species items. In such a brewer, the entire product will be of low viscosity and will bring you more trouble, lower bark.

  • How to promote sales of services at a beauty salon using telephone calls

Brief for selection

It is often difficult for a director to make a choice on the benefits of this or other programs. Below the instructions, the algorithm will help you choose the one that suits your business. I’ll first analyze some of the parameters. Start smartly and find out what you need to develop your salon. Look at all the points below and write down the ones that are important to you as a potter. In this way, you yourself will create a title brief, so that the choice will be simpler.

1. What information about the job do you need?

  • size of income;
  • sum of money;
  • number of drivers;
  • number of service assignments;
  • how many products were sold;
  • how many goods were lost.

2. What operations would you like to automate?

  • registration of the customer base;
  • registration of the previous registration of the agents;
  • regulation of salaries for healthcare workers;
  • registration of a table of working hours for staff.

3. What type of information is required to provide this information?

  • the shape of financial flows;
  • type of service providers (number of services provided, required work, personal information);
  • the appearance of the assigned services;
  • sales of goods (cosmetics);
  • appearance and decommissioning expensive materials those cosmetics that are sold when given services;
  • appearance of the product (warehouse);
  • the appearance of advertising campaigns and the resulting results.

4. How many workers do you plan to provide with computers?

There is a lot of space to cover the number of practitioners who are involved in the area that requires a program for enrolling clients. The staff of the local enterprise includes such specialists:

  • administrator;
  • a specialist who is responsible for the warehouse of goods;
  • manager of the hall;
  • kerivnik;
  • Another hall (as you have a border).

At this stage it is important to decide which version is right for you. There are two options: for one operator or the number of working operators can be increased if necessary. If you are a sanitation worker for a number of businesses or are running a salon with the prospect of growth, then, of course, you will be better off with another option - in addition, where the administration functions can hire a number of people. It is also important to note that such a program can be used in the hedging business, running all servers from one computer.

Dumka practice

Sergey Bobin, potter of the Arnika service

Arnika is an online program, service, for the functioning of any required Internet. Of course, it is a great advantage to pay for those who will need an Internet connection for work. But this cannot be called a minus, even though at all enterprises the Internet is most often already connected before purchase. Otherwise, having the position of administrator is not difficult.

And yet, in the face of a temporary blackout of the Internet or any breakdowns, we are always ready to provide assistance to the enterprise so that malfunctions do not affect the high level of service of the service providers. We will help you until you get tired of your productivity. For example, we had a situation where, when the Internet connection was connected, we were transmitted to telephone service information to the administrator about making a contribution for that day.

In order to avoid insecurity due to problems with the Internet, we are releasing an offline version of Arnica. You can work with her to help resolve problems with your ligaments. When the Internet is connected, the information is saved on the client’s computer, and when functions are updated, the data is synchronized with the information on the server.

5. Are you a trader or vicorist and do you plan to become a vicorist?

  • kasovі aparati;
  • scanners for reading the article (barcode);
  • scanners for reading magnetic cards;
  • data collection terminals and etc.


There are three stages.

Stage 1. Existing goods, personnel and registered suppliers are entered into the database.

Stage 2. The software undergoes customization according to the specifics of your company itself.

Stage 3. Health care workers begin to use the supplement.

During the adaptation period, the sales company's managers conduct initial training and consultations for staff. During the entire process, which consists of these three stages, professionals accompany the work of the assistant, providing assistance if necessary.

Those, as soon as the program is delivered to the company, will remain with you, the particulars of the business and the team of your company. The procedure can take many hours, since your company has a large stock of goods and a very long list of services.

Typical amends at the hour of issue

It is not easy to guarantee that the future security will go smoothly and all health care workers will definitely appreciate such a decision. Please note that innovations are stress-free for staff. It is important not only to teach the administrator how to perform, but also to motivate him by showing his advantages this method. It won’t be easy, even administrators will now have to break more tasks, and the relaxed work will now become cumbersome. All Clerk programs can now always control work and ensure that the administrator spends his working hours effectively.

The motivation of volunteers is of great importance. When the adaptation period (the hour when a person starts and starts working on new skills) ends, give the administrator bonuses for well-organized work.

A simple interface will help staff quickly get up to speed on new requirements and make it easier for employees to use this add-on.

Program for a beauty salon Program for a salon, solarium, beauty studio

The program for a beauty salon makes it possible to organize the coordinated work of all managers in the beauty industry as a central, well-designed mechanism for interaction with the client at all stages of the service. Together with CRM for a beauty salon, managing a beauty salon is now easy to get in order and get through all the important operations! The administrator, to the area of ​​​​responsibility of which the first robot with skin drainers enters, opens the card for the skin drainer in the program and fixes the client’s record on singing hour to the singing master. You can add various services and products that are necessary for trade registration to your account. Next, the administrator-cashier in his program for the beauty salon can now automatically collect all clients and their orders and can accept payment. Program for a beauty salon Allows the administrator of the site to obtain any and all requests from the mayors and at any time promptly re-prompt the client.

There are plenty of beauty salons and beauty salons that operate without using a special program for beauty. You should go sewing, magazines, excel tables etc. In today's realities, it is possible to overcome competition without special programs impossible for a beauty studio! Internal organization Let the beauty salon move to a different level and allow the entire look to be taken under greater control! There are no shortcomings in switching to a daily program. The salon needs to put current computer h installed program, a printer and, if necessary, a barcode scanner, which will help speed up the search for clients in the database of programs for a beauty salon. You can use client cards to raise the profile of your salon - from the client’s side you will look even more reliable!

The program also encourages the issuance of gift certificates for services to your salon. Customer loyalty is significantly increasing, and even additional services will continue to increase sales at the salon. With additional programs for a beauty studio, you can set up and automate various business processes in the salon. The program can maintain a schedule of work of specialists, payout schedules, control of debts, other documents, analysis of service statistics, etc. All this can only work if you have a special program installed.

It is important to understand that the program is not completely complete. This is the same butt of a possible configuration. All organizations have their own specifics of information management and programs that can be modified according to the needs of a particular organization by adding unnecessary functionality or adding insufficient ones. You can change the type of table and card forms, add new indicators and tables, create other forms behind the cards, etc.


The main form of CRM for a beauty salon is the distribution of client records for masters.

Client visit card. During your visit you can insure sales of services, goods, subscriptions and certificates. When visiting, you can indicate a discount, a subscription and the amount of the certificate that is being validated.

Adviser of subscriptions for sale at visits.

Certificate of certificates for sale in foreign countries.

Adviser to the Bay Beauty Salon.

Distribution of sportswear at the beauty salon.

Svevrobitnik card. The card adjusts the base rate and the scale for the breakdown of salary.

Salary rate.

Keep a payment log. Positive payments are income, negative payments are expenses.

The business is about profit.

The form of the client’s business card is designed.

Drukovanova form "Pributkovy cash order" or PKO.

The first 60 launches of the program operate in demo mode without any restrictions. After 60 launches of the program, it will switch to the free version mode. Costless version You can paint without being limited by the hour.

To use the program, you need to select a license type.

Licenses are divided into a number of types depending on the maximum number of records on the Internet provider. There are a number of specialists in the organization, as well as a sales representative and a sales representative.

License Obmezhennya Price
Free 1 spivrobitnik at the "Spivrobitniki" distributor and 1 hall at the "Zali" distributor. 1 entry for the agent "Koristuvachi". It is not possible to create new columns in tables or rename existing ones. costless
Simple 3 spivrobitniki at the "Spivrobitniki" distributor and 1 hall at the "Zali" distributor. 3 entries from the agent "Koristuvachi". 5,000 UAH.
Extended 6 spіvrobitniki in the “Spіvrіbіtniki” adviser and 2 halls in the “Zalya” adviser. 6 entries from the agent "Koristuvachi". 8,000 UAH.
Professional 9 spіvrobіtniki in the “Spіvrіbіtniki” advisor and 3 halls in the “Zalya” dvdnik. 9 entries from the agent "Koristuvachi". 12,000 UAH.
Premium 12 spіvrobіtniki in the “Spіvrіbіtniki” adviser and 4 halls in the “Zalya” adviser. 12 entries from the agent "Koristuvachi". 15,000 UAH.
Unlimited without boundaries. 20,000 UAH.

The license must be paid only once. The license is not tied to the computer. The term “license” is not intended to be limited.

BeautyPlanner– a program for beauty salons, beauty salons, SPA salons, cosmetology salons, massage parlors – for any organizations that provide various services to clients, as well as carry out various trades.

The development and testing of the programs was carried out in close cooperation with a number of beauty salons, so the graphic and functional parts were maximally adapted to the realities of working organizations.

Main features of BeautyPlanner:

  • type of number of services and goods;
  • appearance of clothes;
  • statistics on sales, services and goods sold;
  • carefully plan to guide clients in a timely manner;
  • maintaining the client database and the database of service providers;
  • folding of the flexible schedule of the robots of the spivrobіtniks, zokrema automated;
  • the structure of the workers' commission and the regulation of wages and salaries.

If you can find something useful for yourself in this program, then I will not overindulge in its advantages or shortcomings, but I will give the opportunity to earn money for the profiteers themselves. Moreover, the program is cost-free and does not include common exchanges that are often avoided in similar programs (exchange by hour, exchange of a number of clients, and services, etc.). All you need is to install it on your computer and you can immediately start working with BeautyPlanner.

Below I will overexpose the skin tab and program with report description functionality so that beauty professionals can once again take advantage of the capabilities of BeautyPlanner.

Detailed description of BeautyPlanner

After the initial installation and launch of the program, you will need to complete a few steps to use the program. And to yourself:

  1. Add to the database the programs of the volunteers, and even the organization cannot carry out its activities without them;
  2. set the layout for the skin spirovotnik (robot mode);
  3. Add to the basis of services and (or) goods;
  4. After completing the assignment blocks, you can start the customer and product sales record.

All actions related to spivorbitniks are listed in the “Administrator” tab. I will start describing the program with her. The “Administrator” tab is protected by a password, which is required every time you go to this tab.

The initial password is 12345.

After your entry, the following sections will be available: “Safeguards”, “Customer Statistics”, “Service Statistics”, “Product Statistics”, “Cash Office, Settings”.

The “Dermatology Workers” tab is intended for managing the organization’s personnel, as well as for reviewing detailed statistics of skin diseases. If a student is hired for work on the first day of employment, that child must be added and placed in the program. Try to press the button of the same name in the “Sports” section and add the name of the plant in the window that has appeared.

Here you can use “hot keys”:

  • insert- Adds a new planting;
  • enter(or double-click on the name of the planting in the list) – edit the planting seen;
  • delete- A view of the planting seen in the distance.

Once the plantings have been added, you can begin to add the new plants themselves. After pressing the “Add” button in the “Add a new companion” section, the “Add a new companion” window will appear, where the following fields will be available for filling:

Nickname, Name, According to Father, Birthday date, Mobile and Mobile 2– This statement is completely understandable and does not require any comments.

Posada- This is the competence to which the activity of the specialist is based. Here from the list you can select one of these plantings that were developed at the advanced stage. If the necessary planting is not in the list, then you can quickly use the button to the right of the list that appears - “Edit planting”. After this pressure, a window will appear to edit the plantings, which you already know.

hiring date- A necessary field for further development of the salary of a professional worker, for the minds that he puts into the salary.

Salary- The amount that is expected to be paid to the military officer.

Hundreds of services, Hundreds of sales- say for yourself. The assigned hundreds are credited to the balance of the service provider whenever the client pays for the service or when a product is sold by the service provider.

After filling in the required fields and clicking on the “Add Alternator” button in the “Alternators” section, a table with a new Alternator will appear. Here you can see the completed data on the employee’s card, as well as the additional “Balance” field and the “View salary” button.

Balance consists of all warehouse income of the worker: hundreds of services provided, hundreds of sales, as well as salary. Whose salary is being insured from the past from the remaining type of salary days from the date of acceptance of the student to work (as the salary has never been seen again).

Also in the “Athletes” section there is a “Fine/bonus” button, which allows you to fine or give a bonus to the athlete seen in the table. Clicking on it will bring up a box with an input field in which you must enter the amount in which the police officer will be fined:

In this case, believe that a negative number means a fine, and a positive number means a bonus.

After pressing the "OK" button, the balance of the account will be changed according to the entered amount. Afterwards, you can now review the history of fines/bonuses for a specific driver. To do this, you need to right-click on the required equipment from the list and select the appropriate item.

The history of fines and bonuses of the police officer for the entire hour of work of the worker will appear.

Note: In all such tables of different histories of employees, clients, services or products, you can sort by any heading by clicking on its heading with the mouse button.

To change the satellite data, you can quickly press the “Edit” button or double-click on the satellite selected from the list. Also in the program you can call your companion by pressing the answer button. In this case, the wine is not completely removed from the BeautyPlanner database, but is moved to the list of current partners. This list is always available by clicking on the button “Added Alcoholics”.

After adding robots to the program, you need to set their robot mode. To be afraid at the “Rozklad” deposit.

Here the table displays all the organization’s military personnel. Each person can be given an individual work schedule. By double-clicking on the required middle of the table, you will be able to access the additional window “Discharge of a sportsbook”, where you can set the date, mode and year of operation of a particular laptop.

And after saving changes, the order that corresponds to a specific day and a specific holiday in the table in the “Arrangement” tab will be marked in writing and in color according to the selected mode.

If the student’s work schedule is stable, you can speed up the “Generate layout” button. Once pressed, the “Automatic layout generation” window will appear.

Here you can select a work day, set the date of the beginning and end of the layout that is generated, select the work mode with the required schedule, and also set the work day.

The “X working days, Y weekend days” mode means that the employee follows the work and weekend days specified in the “Schedule” section. For example, five working days separated by two days off.

The “Days of the Year” mode allows you to set specific days of the year for which the doctor will work.

And after pressing the “Create” button, the layout will be automatically generated for the selected date period.

By double-clicking on the required order, you can now change the schedule for a specific student for a specific day. Pressing the buttons Delete When selected, the robot mode clears settings for the day.

The calendar in the “Rozklad” tab allows you to view the schedule of the employees. When clicked on a specific day, you will be asked to set the calendar for the upcoming days based on the calendar date you clicked on. If you need to see the layout for the entire current month, you can quickly press the button – “Layout for the current month”.

Use the “Clear layout” button to quickly and carefully clear the layout for all students for the entire hour.

It’s time to add the services that the military personnel give. To be afraid at the “Services” tab. For the convenience of clients, all services are divided into types. Therefore, before adding them, it is necessary to formulate a list of service types. This is done in the same way as before by pressing the button – “Types of services”.

Here, too, hot keys work, just like in the security systems.

After adding service types, you can add the services themselves using the “Add” button.

After clicking on it, the “Add a new service” window will appear, in which you can enter the name of the service, the type of service, set the price for the service, its cost, and also add an explanation.

For the convenience of employees, next to the “Triality” column, a confirmation message has been added, in addition to which you can, with one click, set the type of service that is added or edited.

After filling in all the fields and pressing the “Add Service” button, the new service will appear in the table on the right side of the “Services” tab. All added services are grouped by service type and can be clicked on the minus icon in the table.

If there are a lot of services, you can also quickly navigate to the required category using the additional list “Types of services” on the left side of the “Services” tab.

Whether or not your service can be edited. To do this, just look in the table and click on the “Edit” button. A similar result is obtained by pressing the mouse for the required service, as well as by pressing the Enter key.

Remote service is accomplished by pressing the same button.

The “Products” tab is in many ways identical to the “Services” tab. Here it is necessary to immediately formulate the types of goods for which they will be grouped.

And then you can add the products themselves using the additional “Add” button. The “Adding a new product” window contains the same fields as the “Adding a new service” window, except that the tediousness of the service is replaced here by the brilliance.

Quantity- This is the surplus of goods that is in the organization (stores, warehouses, showrooms).

Products in the table are also grouped by product type, and so they can be displayed and pressed onto a corresponding symbol.

The editing of various products is carried out in absolutely the same way as the editing of certain services.

Since there can be a large number of goods, as well as services, then, in addition to their grouping, the same meaning is transferred. For a quick transition to the search, you can quickly press the single button “Poshuk” or press I heat the key F3, after which the sound panel will be displayed, when you enter text, those product items will be displayed to replace the text you are entering.

Products can be sold, but the “Sell Product” button will only be active if any product is selected in the right-hand table. After clicking on this button, a window will appear in which you will need to select a product that is making sales, as well as indicate the quantity of the product that is being sold and, hopefully, a discount to the buyer. The "Comment" field is not easy to fill out, but is in many forms.

By changing the quantity of the product, the buyer's discounts will change and the sale will be illegal. So, on the side of the screenshot taken above, the price can be set to 54 rubles.

After pressing the “Sell” button, a number of products in the table will change, and a commission will be added to the balance of the trader who sold it, if no one has 0 in their card.

If for some reason you need to return the product (the buyer changes his mind and wants to exchange the product), you can quickly press the “Return product” button on the “Products” tab.

By clicking on it, you will immediately see where you can quickly find the product that can be returned both by name and by date of sale.

After confirmation of the return, the amount of the surplus of the product that is being rotated will be increased, and the balance of the commission will be changed by the amount of the commission at the time when the sale of which product will be withdrawn by the commission.

The “Clients” tab allows you to add, edit, and also search for customer requests for any data.

The addition of a client to BeautyPlanner is required through an additional window that clicks on the “Add” button.

Almost all fields here are of an informative nature and do not require comments. Please set the “Discount” field, in which a percentage view is used to set the discount for the client, which is awarded on an ongoing basis.

Data for any client in the list can be edited using the “Edit” button, by double-clicking on the client or by pressing the Enter key. If any services have already been provided to the client, then the client card will be displayed in blue letters.

The “Records” tab is the main one for organizations that provide services.

For additional records, you can manually and simply monitor the available hours of work hours and control the progress of clients.

The tab contains the names of planners, the components of which are formed based on the schedule of the holidays, and the calendar of which is assigned to workers. In this case, the non-working hours of the workday will be indicated by the corresponding text in the color block.

To create a client record, you need to double-click on the selected client and the “Record Card” window will appear.

You will first need to select a client to whom the services will be provided. If the client has already been added to the program database, you can quickly access the “Select client” window by pressing the corresponding button. Key F3 allows you to go to the “Select client” window without the participation of the bear.

Here you can search for the client by name, nickname, father's name, email and phone number. If the search is successful, the searched client will be listed below. If the client who is searching is the same one and has a vision in the list below, then to select it you just need to press the Enter key. You can also select a client by double-clicking or by seeing the list and pressing the “Select” button.

If there is no client in the database, you can add a trace by pressing the “ button New client» or F4 keys. As a result, it is already possible to add a new client.

Note: If you are using an already completed program, I recommend searching for a client from existing ones first, so as not to waste an hour trying to add a new client. The program automatically searches for duplicates among clients by phone number, and if such are detected, it appears to be consistent.

After selecting an existing client or adding a new client, the client’s data will be displayed in the “Record Card”, and the service selection table and the lower “Service Selection” table will also become available. In this case, if the client has already visited the salon, you can review the history of his outlet by clicking on the blue inscription “Quickness of the outlet...”.

The addition of services before registration is completed by clicking on the selected service. The following number is displayed in the “Selected Services” table, and its value is added until the recording is completed.

In this way, you can understand the complexity of all procedures, such as client records and the master’s job.

If the client has a permanent discount installed in his card, it will appear in the “Selected Services” table. In this case, you can set the client's profile for a specific service manually by editing the field in the table.

In this table you can change the price of the service, its cost, quantity, and also add a large number of comments for different needs.

All added services are counted for gratuity and triviality, and the commission of the employee (who does not have 0 in his card) is immediately displayed under his PIB.

Selected services can be deleted from the list for further assistance. right button press or press the Delete key.

After selecting a client, adding the necessary services from their possible edits (customer profile, price, comment, value, quantity), the entry is added by clicking on the “Add entry” button. As a result of adding entries, the planner will appear in the “Records” tab.

Non-visibility and non-payment records are displayed with a green, dark cloud of evil. The height of the entry must be based on the total cost of carrying out the selected services. If for any reason the records of the findings were recorded at the wrong time or at the wrong hospital, then without any problems you can simply drag the bear in the right place, “saving” the record for the last time.

Entries can be edited to help with the pressure of the bear. When will you open up a record from someone you already know?

After the client has submitted and paid for the services, the appointment must be confirmed. To do this, you need to see the entry in the planner (in which case, change the color of the left brown to dark) and press the “Confirm entry” button.

As a result, the client’s payment for services will be transferred to the balance of the salon (before payment), and also, since the professional operator charges a commission for the payment of services, his balance will be increased according to the same value. The confirmation of the entry itself will be in a gray color and will be marked with the inscription “PAID”.

Once the total complexity of an hour in a recording allows you to download all the data about it from the planner - the recording block must be short in height. At this time, you can look at the data about the entry for additional hints that appear when you hover the cursor over the entry.

Payment records cannot be changed or destroyed. You can further admire these details by clicking on them.

If for any reason you need to change the payment for your appointment, click on the additional button “Pay for your appointment”, having previously seen the required block in the planner.

After which the entry will be edited again, and the overdrawn items will be written off back from the balance of the salon and the airline.

The “Administrator” tab allows you to view various statistics, manage the balance of the organization and its employees, and also manage the settings of programs. Let's take a look at the report of the skin sections of this tab.

In addition to the history of fines and bonuses reviewed in the “Safety Workers” section, it is also possible to determine the history of the services given to them, their salary history, and so on. This is the history of the sales of this company. Everyone is trying to get help context menu, which is clicked by pressing the right mouse button on a specific smartphone in the list.

The same statistics will appear in the selected item.

In this case, in various sections of statistics, you can select the period for which data is required, or display all statistics at once. You can sort by clicking on the heading of any table section.

Section “Customer Statistics” has more information detailed information about clients, which also includes the number of services provided to the client and the total amount of money spent by the client.

By each client, using the context menu, you can find out the detailed history of his work, in which it will be displayed, when the client arrives, who has left the service, which provider, how much what kindness and what kind of discount.

Similar statistics are displayed in the “Service Statistics” and “Product Statistics” sections.

In the section “Casa, customization” at the Casa block You can view the cash flow mill (the balance of the organization), the history of changes and review the cash flow mill by month.

more precise meaning consists of the total income from services rendered and income from sales.

Part of the Spіvrobitniki is the total income of all employees, which includes commission on services, commission on sales, as well as the amount of salary on the current day.

Net profit– more precisely the meaning of the case with the health care of the patients.

The “Reset cash register” button allows you to reset the exact cash register value.

The “Cash statistics by month” button displays the same window with the three indicators overhauled, and ordered by month.

Block “Change Administrator password” seemingly for himself. Here you can and will need to (especially after installing the program) change the access password to the Administrator tab.

Block “Backup copies of the database” Allows you to review and update the database from backup copies, which are created automatically.

All copies are saved in the “backup” folder of the folder with the installed program. The maximum number of copies is 10. When creating a new one backup copies the eldest appears.

Block "Rizne" It is possible to install the robotic data of the volunteers behind the washing process, so that you don’t have to manually insert them into the layout immediately. You can also check the box next to "Open the window for selecting a client when adding a record." This will be useful when a large customer base has already been formed during the registration process. When you add a new entry in the “Records” section, first open the window for selecting a client and then select the Entry Card.

Now we can finish our look at the BeautyPlanner program. The shortest method Find out the program - try it out from the right, which is what I recommend doing.

Update No. 1.

During the operation of the program, the following modifications were made.

In the “Clients” section, the “National Month” column was added to the list for manual sorting and searching for the closest birthday celebrants.

In the section “Customization” - “Casa, customization” the possibility of choosing a mask has been added telephone numbers: Belaruska, Russian and Ukrainian.

Also, this section has the ability to specify a number of bonus services for supporting the program. This function will not be needed by everyone, if it is already implemented, then please describe it. Any service from the same tab can be added to the list of so-called “Bonus Services”. Work by clicking the mouse's right button to do the job itself.

It is known that each N-n (skin heel, third, eighth, etc.) bonus service can be given to the client without cost. The program does not independently set the level to zero costless service, and it is also possible to find out which clients and how many received bonus services. That, in essence, is additional statistics. It looks something like this (on the “Clients” tab you click on the “Number of bonus services” button):

In this way, you can sort out the statistics according to the section “Costless” and request (by calling or writing) your favorite and loyal client for a gift service.

If any functions you need are included in the current version of the program, you can then individually and on a paid basis purchase the necessary additional processing. Contact us by mail, indicated in the contacts of the site.

Operating system: Windows all
Program category: Corisne

  1. On the website, the client himself selects the required specialist or service (manicurist, hairdresser, makeup artist, solarium, etc.), which is available at your salon.

  2. The client sets the date and hour for which he would like to sign up for the service, choosing from these intervals, if the specialist and the service are not occupied.

  3. Data about the record of additions must be entered not only manually, but also through other means: from Lida or Contact to CRM “Bitrix24”, telephone call of the patient or communication from “Hidden Lines”).

  4. The addition gives the opportunity to increase the popularity of the salon in terms of masters, services, salon in the corridor of dates (for a specific date, current, specified period).

  5. The additive is suitable not only for a reputable beauty salon, but also for a private trader (manicurist, hairdresser). It’s not obligatory to use your website to post the form for the first registration. The program generates public submissions to the form. You can simply send this message to your for regular clients through the messenger or install it on your profile in social networks.
  6. How to handle pre-application scenarios?

    There are 2 options for signing up for the service: client You can sign up for an additional form on the website or yours spivrobitnik(Administrator, registrar) registers a client through the Bitrix24 interface.

    ☞ The client signs up for the service himself

    Client data can be found in the Bitrix24 CRM of your company. You can select in the settings of the programs in order to be able to broadcast the data: Lid, Contact or Ugoda. Your assistant will add a new information, contact the client and confirm the appointment.

    If necessary, you can send a message to the client via SMS or mail about those who have not signed up for the service. The program automatically found a guess for your client for setting the interval of an hour before the assigned meeting (per day, per year).

    ☞ The phone number registers the client

    Please follow the procedure to find information about the client (telephone call, “Direct line” to “Bitrix24”, filled out form), the company’s telephone number can register the client while visiting “Bitrix24”, dekilcoma ways.

    ☎ Recording during telephone calls

    If you do not have IP telephony connected to Bitrix24, choose one of the following scenarios.

    📂 Record from CRM “Bitrix24”

    If the client is already in your client database, then the service provider finds the required activity in the CRM (Lead, Contact, Benefit) and opens the program directly from the activity card (in the Bitrix24 settings If the new CRM option is enabled):

    If the client is not in the database, then the server can create the required information either in CRM or with programs.

    📆 Recording from programs

    1. At Bitrix24, the server opens a program for advance recording.

    2. Go to the “Rozklad” tab and select the required service, specialist and date for which you need to register the client.

    3. To make a recording, the student clicks the bear on the appropriate hour (green color).

    4. Select from the menu required option Created record: “Select from CRM” (if the client is already in the database) or “New record” (for new clients).

    5. When choosing the option " Select from CRM", a window will open with a selection of entities that are in your Bitrix24 CRM. The specialist selects the required client from the Lead, Contact or Please dimensions.

      When a student chooses the option “ New entry", then a form will open until you can enter the client’s data. After saving the data, the next appointment will be made. In addition, your CRM “Bitrix24” will have a new entity created from data about the client. Depending on the settings you choose in the program, there will be Lead, Contact or Benefit.

      Managing the distribution of facists

      Immediately after installing the programs, you need to create a list of services that your salon provides and the agents that provide those services.

      Creation of a list of servants and masters

      How to install a program for online client registration at a Perukarsky salon?

      This program is, in essence, the integration of your website (or web form) with the Bitrix24 CRM. To install programs, you need to open the list of programs on the Bitrix24 website:

      On the page with a description of the programs, how to open, click " Install":

      « Bitrix24» is a service that provides a new set of tools for organizing comfortable work for both large and small companies: social boundary, appointments, calendars, online work with documents, group disk, video calls, chat, telephony, CRM and much more.

      CRM- This is a system for managing relationships with clients. CRM at Bitrix24 is a handy tool for collecting and saving data about clients, managing services, monitoring the work of managers, analytics and forecasting. It simplifies the routine, speeds up the making of the right decisions and eliminates complacency.

      It’s easy to start working with Bitrix24 - register your portal cost-free with one message:

      The program generates the code for a web form that needs to be installed on a website. Moreover, the platform on which the site operates does not matter; the form can easily be created in any place on the site.

      In addition to our integration, a two-way connection is established with the Bitrix24 website. On the one hand, the data collected in the form on the site is collected from the Bitrix24 CRM for further processing. On the other hand, the work schedules and employment schedules of the accountants that you entered into “Bitrix24”, the client can download on the site. In this way, your clients will enjoy the possibility of independent choice and appointment to the required master, based on their desire. Plus, in the middle of the program, you will see a schedule of the attraction of fakhivts and everything else to the salon. In and In fact, in real time you will learn what is most required from your services, and yaki – mensch.

      With the Vikorist program for online registration for service under Penol, you and your clients gain mobility, since you can download and lay out not only from a computer, but from any device that allows access to Internet.

      What for what? Monetization parameters

      You can costless Use the add-on if you are a client of the Pinol company or add functionality what's the addendum for 3, 6, 12 months.

      How do you become a Penol client?

      To discuss the possibility of becoming a Penol client, send us a request, in which enter the following data:

      1. Call it a program, whatever you want to remove (“Decision for making appointments in a salon/barbershop/barbershop”).

      2. Addresses of your Bitrix24.

      3. Tariff plan of your Bitrix24.

      4. Term dii tariff plan“Bitrix24” (you can find out the terms in the “My Bitrix24” section).

    Screenshots of the program.

AdminSalon - program a necessary tool for automation of a beauty salon Ideal for hair salon, massage room, SPA and beauty studio.

The software is one of the lowest among similar programs, with the addition of an intuitively intuitive interface and advanced functionality.

Insurance has been transferred to a wide range of customer access due to the assignment of access rights to the skin contextual user.

What does AdminSalon include?

The main module is the “Customer Registration”, which covers the date and hour of departure, the name of the master, the transfer and service of the given services, varity, individual remuneration and much more. Other modules:

  • Type of clients. The details of each client are recorded: personal data, phone number, e-mail, discount card number.
  • Salon staff. To get insurance: PIB, contact details of a professional worker, posada, a motivation system has been installed, a module for the breakdown of wages for the busy period, detailed information.
  • Warehouse appearance. Product nomenclature: product name, purchase and distribution prices, bar code, other labels and price tags, % of wages and much more.
  • Financial sound. The salon's earnings per day are insured, expenses are spent in connection with the articles, a surplus of expenses is maintained per day.

For complete business automation, you can use POS equipment: barcode scanners, thermal label printers, receipt printers. You can acquire AdminSalon without any costs by ordering below from the official website.