Emoji plugins for wordpress blog. Plugin wp-monalisa Plugin emoticons for wordpress

From the moment they appeared, emoticons became an invisible attribute of various Internet chats and instant messengers. The smells help convey a kind of emotion, which can replace other words in the text or add a melody to the spoken phrase. Posted before graphic elements It’s ambiguous - whoever loves emoticons, whoever respects their supernaturalism, the actions of koristuvach give preference to symbolic emoticons, for example :-) who seem to be more suited to graphic images. Even if it wasn’t there, wordpress still has the ability to vikorize emoticons at any time. If you want to use plugins, the basic options of the system can be expanded, so let’s get started.

Text emoticons can be used in any text file in word, html, internet site or wordpress, which does not require any special functionality. The benefit of this cms is also the ability to automatically convert them to graphic pictures. To do this, go to the “Options” menu - “Writing” and at the very top of the page in the “Format” section you will find a row - “Convert emoticons into pictures”:

If you check the box there, then all text emoticons in your publications will be replaced with graphic images. In this case, in the text editor itself, when written, the symbols that represent emoticons are lost, and on the site you can display more pictures. On the toolbar there is a block for easily adding emoticons, which provides the required character combinations in the post. The latest list of available codes can be found on the other page of the code.

Everything is good and fun, only the basic set of emoticons is far from complete. While working on one of the sites, it was possible to find additional solutions to expand the capabilities of the robot with emoticons - by adding a larger number of pictures. In principle, as far as I understand, the basic set of emoticons can be expanded manually, or it’s easier to still look for plugins. It should also be noted that in the bourgeoisie there are a couple of collections of obvious plugins, but having looked at them in more detail, most of the modules turned out to be either morally outdated or not working properly. I have only seen a couple that, in my opinion, could be tried further.

I’ll probably start with that emoji plugin that I chose for. The description of the plugin says that Speedy Smilies takes the capabilities of emoticons to a new level. According to the first implementation given allows them to be more attracted to the koristuvach blog, in other words, to the authors (not to push the vikorists through) text editors) If you add all the emoticons, a new element will appear on the page of the posting. In addition, this plugin allows you to quickly change sets of emoticons to be selected, with 4 different “palettes” in a new window

All sizes of emoticons are the same - 16x16 and 16x15 pixels, and there is a variety of icons in the sets. You can choose a minimum image, or a maximum - as appropriate. Installing the Speedy Smilies plugin is simple - download the plugin archive, unzip it and upload it to FTP in the wp-content/plugins/ directory. Afterwards, in the admin section of the Plugins section, activate it. At the menu " External look» open the Speedy Smilies item, then proceed to set up the module - select a set of emoticons that suits you. I would call the great advantage of the plugin its novelty, it officially supports WordPress versions from 3.0 to 3.2.1, although I think it’s also on older versions - and even there is simple functionality.

This plugin allows you to change the meaning of various emoticons in WordPress. The principle of operation is that you first place emoticons in a special directory, and then in the settings of the module you define them - set the type between the set of characters like “>,<» и картинками.

Installing the plugin is similar to the previous one - download the archives, unzip it and download it to FTP. In the “Plugins” section, activate the module, after which you will import your set of emoticons in the /wp-includes/images/smilies directory. The final touch - go to the "Options" section - "WP Smiley" and set the values ​​for these and other emoticons.

The official emoticon plugin WP Smiley works with WordPress older than 2.8. Before installing the module, you can add an easy process of adding emoticons, the ability to insert them not only in the graphic editor, but also in the form of commenting - for which WP Smiley has a special PHP code.

This plugin allows you to replace standard emoticons with images from Yahoo Messenger. Moreover, they can be summarized both in the text and in the comments. On the official WordPress website there is not much information about the module, and the developer’s website does not contain the English text. By the way, I know here on the Internet a picture of emoticons from this very messenger:

If all the stinks are removed, that’s good. The installation is classic - download the module archive, unpack it and download it to FTP in the wp-content/plugins/ directory. Next, in the administration, you need to go to the section “Customization” - “Writing” and uncheck the option “Convert emoticons into pictures”. Only after the plugin is activated – everything can be processed. For a description of the Yahoo Messenger Emoticons plugin, there is nothing to learn, official information is available up to Wordpress 3.0.5.

Smilies Themer Toolbar

Having lost this emoji plugin, the fragments behind the description at first glance all seemed to be confused - the toolbar, integration with another plugin, etc. After further analysis, it turned out that, as it seems, “the devil is not such a terrible thing.” The module is available in WordPress versions from 2.6 to 3.1.4 (and possibly higher). The main function of the Smilies Themer Toolbar is to add a toolbar with emoticons for the blog’s comment form. In this case, it also integrates with the tinyMCE text editor and allows you to use funny emoticons when writing posts. The axis looks like this in the blog: unzip it on your computer and add it to /wp-content/plugins/ on your FTP. Then simply activate the plugin in the selected menu item. Visually and behind the description, the module clicks on the reception, good additions can include the ability of easy and smooth value, such as emoticons themselves being displayed in the form for the drawer mechanism.

In principle, as I already said, I knew a lot of plugins for emoticons, but not all of them supported the remaining versions of WordPress. Data 4 plugins Speedy Smilies, WP Smiley, Yahoo Messenger Emoticons, Smilies Themer Toolbar can be enjoyed, protested and vikorized for your own purposes. There is no pretension to their functionality, in fact, there are options for all situations in life - from the simplest to the complex and customized, you only have to try and report back.

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Smileys are the expression of feelings and emotions on the Internet. You can make your blog fun by adding animated emoticons. Vzagali, there are different types of emoticons. If the attractiveness of WordPress-Soviet emoticons does not dominate you, then today you have the opportunity to become the master of new friendly faces.

This is what standard WordPress emoticons look like

In order to change the standard WordPress emoticons to your original one, go to the root of your blog and go to this path /wp-includes/images/smilies/. In the smilies folder, add new emoticons, the ones that suit you best, but remember,
The names of the new emoticons are similar to the names of the standard ones.

Oh, I’m giving you ready-made emoticons, you don’t need to change their names, just add them to the smilies folder and that’s it.

Mini koloboks


Scheme for adding emoticons on WordPress

You can add emoticons directly to the blog post, vikory and punctuation marks - (O8)-:|D; ta in.
Axis diagram of punctuation marks-emoticons.

Now there is one more food, how to add emoticons in comments above the text field?

How to add smileys in the comments.

If you have WordPress lower than 3.0, then in the theme template find the comments.php file, if you have WordPress 3.0 and higher, then go to the comments.php file in the root of the site.

your blog name\wp-includes\theme-compat\ comments.php

Find the following code in the comments.php file:

Add an axis above it with this code:

";)) echo"

"; ?>

The axis is like this:

$dm_smile) ( if (!in_array($dm_smile,$dm_smiled)) ( $dm_smiled = $dm_smile; $tag = str_replace(" ", "", $tag); $dm_showsmiles .= " ";)) echo"

"; ?>

That's all. We replaced the standard emoticons with ours, and also added a series of faces above the text field in the comments, with axles like our faces.

Hello friends. As you understand from the title of the article, today I will talk about how to add the ability to insert emoticons in comments on WordPress blogs without plugins.

For a long time there were no emoticons on my face, because I simply haven’t used them at all. Years ago, I caught myself thinking that emoticons add a kind of zest and emotion to the spirit. The standard emoticons that are built into the engine did not work for me, because they are so different and incongruous. I started to joke about a unique solution to the appearance of a special plugin, but I was only disappointed - either the plugin was full of cool functions, or it was working crookedly 🙂 .

I decided to rely quickly on the standard WordPress functionality, changing the emoticon icons themselves to their own.

If you want to be able to insert emoticons into comments on your blog, and don’t want to mess around with plugins, follow the instructions below.

For the cob you need download emoticons to replace the standard ones. Merezha has emoticons for any relish, but I, with plenty of money, need standard koloboks, which are now installed on my forehead. Below you can download it:

Koloboks mini ()

Koloboki ()

Also, after you have installed new icons, you need to replace the standard ones with them. Standard emoticons are found in the folder wp-includes/images/smilies/. Make sure that the names of the old icons match the names of the new ones, and also avoid replacing them.

Now, after you have replaced the icons, you need to add the ability to insert them into comments. In principle, if such functionality is enabled in the blog settings, the emoticons will also turn into pictures if you type them with their symbols.

To display a list of emoticons, there is a special function:

$dm_smile) ( if (!in_array($dm_smile,$dm_smiled)) ( $dm_smiled = $dm_smile; $tag = str_replace(" ", "", $tag); $dm_showsmiles .= " ";)) echo"

"; ?>

Smileys are best displayed above the comment entry field - it’s so much easier for the advertiser. The code from the form is in the file comments.php Your design theme. The display of the comment field is indicated by the tag ‹textarea›

Insert the code to display emoticons before the text form. After these actions, the following panel with emoticons may appear above the comment field:

Now let's figure out how to make sure that all the icons we need are displayed.

The list of emoticons can be found in the file wp-includes/functions.php. You can find this list in the area of ​​the 2880th row, and the axis looks like this:

":)" => "icon_smile.gif", ":smile:" => "icon_smile.gif", ":-)" => "icon_smile.gif", ":grin:" => "icon_smile.gif" , ":D" => "icon_smile.gif", ":-D" => "icon_smile.gif", ":sad:" => "icon_sad.gif", ":-(" => "icon_sad.gif ", ":(" => "icon_sad.gif", ":shock:" => "icon_eek.gif", "8-O" => "icon_eek.gif", "8O" => "icon_eek.gif" , ":eek:" => "icon_eek.gif", ":-o" => "icon_eek.gif", ":o" => "icon_eek.gif", ";-)" => "icon_wink.gif ", ":wink:" => "icon_wink.gif", ";)" => "icon_wink.gif", ":cool:" => "icon_cool.gif", "8-)" => "icon_cool. gif", "8)" => "icon_cool.gif", ":razz:" => "icon_razz.gif", ":-P" => "icon_razz.gif", ":P" => "icon_razz. gif", ":oops:" => "icon_redface.gif", ":?:" => "icon_question.gif", ":neutral:" => "icon_neutral.gif", ":-|" => "icon_neutral.gif", ":|" => "icon_neutral.gif", ":mrgreen:" => "icon_mrgreen.gif", ":mad:" => "icon_mad.gif", ":-x" => "icon_mad.gif", ":x " => "icon_mad.gif", // ":roll:" => "icon_rolleyes.gif", // ":cry:" => "icon_cry.gif", // ":lol:" => "icon_lol .gif", // ":!:" => "icon_exclaim.gif", //":twisted:" => "icon_twisted.gif", // ":???:" => "icon_confused.gif" , // ":-?" => "icon_confused.gif", // ":?" => "icon_confused.gif", // ":idea:" => "icon_idea.gif", // ":arrow:" => "icon_arrow.gif", // ":evil:" => "icon_evil. gif",

As you know, these emoticons are not needed by me (they are located below), I just clicked and commented out the rows behind them. Everything is very simple :)

It’s so simple, without vikorist plugins that set up the server, you can add emoticons to the blog.

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Hello, friends! I haven’t published new articles about WordPress for a long time. On the right, my blog is already up and running - the main plugins are installed and configured, here they are built purely in code, and there is no need to change or add anything new. You will no longer need to add any additional information that is important to the modern look of the blog. One of these little things WordPress emoticons. Let's talk about them today.

Smileys in WordPress are behind the scenes, but most people don’t know about them, because they can still be turned on in settings. Go to the "Options" - "Writing" section and enable the option:

A complete list of all available emoticons is not listed in the settings, but you can find it in the WordPress code. Axis:

Just before writing the article, select the symbols entered in the table. After publishing the post, the names will be automatically replaced with the accompanying picture. Placing your hand on your heart, you can say that Sayli is not very beautiful. Still, I called to the animated buns, which are used in Qip and so often communicate on various forums.

You can remember smileys manually, fortunately it’s not difficult.

  • With new emoticons, put it on your computer and unpack it.
  • All icons are located on the server in the directory /wp-includes/images/smilies. We need to manually replace the standard files with the new ones. WP is the same, just show the picture.
  • If you need to add a new emoticon, which WP has no analogue, then you need to add something else to the file /wp-includes/functions.php. To get started you can use the following code:
    function smilies_init() ( global $wpsmiliestrans , $wp_smiliessearch ; // don"t bother setting up smilies if they are disabled if (! get_option("use_smilies")) return; if ( ! isset ( $wpsmiliestrans ) ) ( $wpsmiliestrans = array ( ":mrgreen:" => "icon_mrgreen.gif" , ":neutral:" => "icon_neutral.gif" , ":twisted:" => "icon_twisted .gif" , ... ":!:" => "icon_exclaim.gif" , ":?:" => "icon_question.gif" , ) ; )

    Simply add a new row, in which you specify the key symbols and the corresponding icon. To delete an emoticon, look at the row to go to the next one and select the folder icon.

How to add smileys in WordPress comments manually

So that I can choose emoticons in WordPress comments, open the comments.php template with your WP themes and before the code (you can also change them further):

< textarea name= "comment" id= "comment" cols= "65" rows= "10" tabindex= "4" >

paste the script:

$dm_smile ) ( if ( ! in_array ( $dm_smile , $dm_smiled ) ) ) "
" . $dm_showsmiles . "
" ; ?>

I love you, dear friends, pre-payers and readers of my blog. In this article I will teach you how to use two simple plugins Qip smiles and Wp-smiley. The first plugin was created by the famous Beetle, which also created the social bookmarking program “Abstract”.

I bought this for my friend, whose benefits were such that the emoji plugin was not suitable for his needs. And then Zhuk simply created his own plugin, which, in my opinion, lost the most popular one, because beautiful, animated smileys with all the basic QIP (ICQ) are being vikorized.

Well, another plugin, which also works with smileys in comments, will be old, you can say one of the first ones, which was created for . There is nothing terrible about it, however, it has one good feature for the Qip smiles plugin.

They began to think: why do we need stinks in the world, why would life be miserable without them? In my opinion, smileys are a unique way of conveying a feeling of depression that cannot be conveyed in writing. They reflect almost all emotions and moods, which in their own way helps to understand better about another person. Whose emoticons convey their mojo, chewiness, playfulness, etc.

Come on, let’s get it over with, otherwise I’ve already worn you out with my babble ^_^ .

Installation and adjustment of the Qip smiles plugin.

Here everything is just downloading the Qip smiles plugin from Zhuchka. Then go to “outer view”, “editor”, “comments” (comments.php) and scroll down to the very end, and look at the very bottom for the name of your Russian button for submitting a comment.

Now we need to put this code The very same place where we have registered the shape of the button in my drop-down, as I already wrote “send”.

All plugins are working! There is no need to adjust anything else.

We put smileys in the comments using the additional plugin Wp-smiley.

As a matter of fact, there are already smileys for comments, but they look straight from the last century, so we’ll replace them with pretty gothic smileys. To get started, go to “Appearance”, “Writing” and check the box “Convert emoticons into pictures”. Then we download the plugin, install it, and activate it.

Now we need to change the original emoticons to gothic ones. For this reason, download gothic emoticons. Then open the program, enter your details and connect, go to the httpdocs folder (or public_html, www, domains,) => wp-includes => images, and delete the smilies folder.

Now we take the smilies folder from the archived folder and download it to the images folder, so that in the same place, the stars and the old smiles are removed. We're so glad we got these smileys.

If there are none, go to the comment (comments.php) using the Qip smiles plugin and insert this code under the comment form. Just like with the Qip smiles plugin, just change the code.

Ok, remember, I remember that the Wp-smiley plugin has an important function similar to Qip smiles. Well, on the right, in the article you need to put emoticons from the Qip smiles plugin, I manually write down the emoticon code, which is not easy to do, to be honest. And with the Wp-smiley plugin, when you write your article, a black smiley icon will appear when you press it, so you can immediately select the smiley you like, from this list you won’t be able to remember what the code is for them.

Also, if you don’t like black emoticons, you can download emoticons from Vkontakte. The installation is the same as with black emoticons.

Until then, if you change emoticons in the Wp-smiley plugin, no more, otherwise the black emoticons will disappear, and those old emoticons will take their place again. That's all, good luck (I think I've re-optimized for the word emoticon -_- ).