The image of the enemy of the history of mass information. Stereotypes of Svidomosti in the molded image of the “enemy” and “victim” “The enemy does not sleep!”

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Chapter I. Theoretical and methodological foundations for researching the formation of the image of the enemy.

1. The problem of the development of collective manifestations in modern sociology.

2. Social and socio-psychological foundations for the formation of the image of the “other”.

3. Current ways of infusing an ideological text.

Section II. Methods for constructing the image of the new enemy: analysis of the Radian press and official documents from the beginning of the Cold War (1946-1953) as a result of the fall.

1. Rethink the formation of the image of the enemy in the Radian war propaganda.

2. The place of the social image of the “other”.

4. Obvious and latent functions of the image of the “external enemy” during the Cold War period in the current Russian marriage.

Recommendations list of dissertations for the specialty “Political institutions, ethno-political conflictology, national and political processes and technologies”, 23.00.02 code VAK

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Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Constructing the image of the new enemy: investigation of Radyan’s snakes and official documents from the beginning of the Cold War: 1946-1953.”

The relevance of the study is determined by the failure to identify the role of constructing the image of the external enemy in the functioning of the central social mechanism of transformation of the Russian marriage in the context, on the one hand, of the historical Radyansky dove I am going, and from another - the ongoing process of changing the social nature of the Russian marriage, which is inevitably accompanied by a deep anomie, an increase in natural factors development It seems that the construction of the image of the external enemy flows into social re-creation, then. a change in the social nature of great groups of people. Naturally, these changes may threaten the weakening and disintegration of social structures and the disorganization of old city institutions. At the same time, marriage as the main reason for the social system to support one’s livelihood is important, in line with the theory of T. Parsons1, preservation of integrity, internal integration the basis of social elements.

The historical evidence of our region confirms that one of the significant mechanisms for the formation and promotion of integration and social identity of the marriage (as well as its rich social groups) is the construction bath to the image of the external enemy. In relation to the image of the new enemy, which is known as the “Stink-group”, it is possible to unite and mark one’s identity with the seemingly whole “Mi-group”. A similar mechanism for the formation of social integration, which leads to the consolidation of diverse social groups, classes, communities and solidarity, appears to be effective throughout history. This is humanity, the history of the USSR remains relevant today. It is important to immediately note that the image of the external enemy is most often a simulacrum: you will never run away from the real enemy and,

1 Parsons T. About social systems. - M.: Academic Project, 2002. As a rule, it is constructed by significant others (authoritative, charismatic leaders, ideological and religious values, etc.) and supported by a “chorus”. Thus, the political elite and serpents of the country Zakhad, retracing the meta-gurgation of a huge consortium before the threat of international terrorism, aim to directly form images of the “enemies of democracy”, “international terrorism”, “axis of evil”, “ "terrorists' corner" then. The national “Above-Self”, since narcissism dominates in the new world, also evokes enchantment, fears, and cultivates images of the enemy. These trends are emerging and are currently taking off. Confronted with instability, destructiveness, the insignificance of their future, non-adaptation to risks, social groups today both consciously and unconsciously construct images of an external enemy and, “strangers”, of all kinds, value their identity and form a rallying cry of solidarity3. It’s all about focusing on the mechanisms and methods of constructing the image of the external enemy, which is represented by the various political forces of Russia, especially relevant.

In addition, today it is possible to avoid the accumulation of images of the enemy from the era of the Cold War and in the wider global context, which also influences the nature of the married life of Russia. For political purposes, simulacra of a foreign enemy are created and planted (one can include, for example, the United States’ efforts to create the image of an enemy before the beginning of NATO’s war against Serbia, as well as before the beginning of the invasion of Iraq, Which Russian politicians should formulate the image of “witches”). group). Connected with this topical issue is the investigation of the hidden-meaning ways of forming the image of an external enemy, which have hitherto been insufficiently studied by sociologists.

2 Div: Berger P., Lukman T. Social construction of activity. Treatise on sociological knowledge. - M: Vidavnitstvo "Medum", 1995.

3 Div: Yanitskiy O.M. Rizik-solidarity: Russian version // Inter, 2004 No. 2-3.

For these purposes, we have used a case study method - conducting an analysis of the formation of the image of the enemy in the media and official documents from the beginning of the Cold War (1946-1953). This made it possible, on the one hand, to look at the fundamentally significant culprits and mechanisms of the creation of such an image on a specific historical application, and on the other hand, to identify the initial characteristics of that very image, which continues to flow into the current enormous knowledge and, by ourselves, on social and political processes . This period of reflection is due to the fact that after the victory of the Great Hungarian War, the marriage appeared, on the one hand, before a radical change in the foreign political situation, including Together with numerous allies, on the other hand, the political elite recognized the need for valuable unity and toughness of marriage. . To achieve these goals, low political and ideological approaches were taken, including efforts to construct a new image of the external enemy.

At this very hour, it is important to reveal the ambivalence of the image of the external enemy: the functional purpose for valuing internal integration and social identity of traditional marriage, where dysfunction appears Almighty for daily open marriage in order to set humanistic goals for the implementation of individual rights and freedom, tolerance towards cultural diversity.

The main hypothesis of the investigation is that the construction of the image of an external enemy occurs through the formation of enemy perceptions about the Stink Group and their emerging threats.

Additional hypotheses:

1. Warlike manifestations about They-groups, the necessary formation of the internal group identification of the Mi-group, that is, an invisible part of the national Over-Self, manifests itself in cultural narcissism, but also in the principle of their formation. There is management.

2. So that if the Vony group began to appear like an enemy, its image was complemented by statements about the threat directed at the Mi group. Such thoughts help preserve the social stability of marriage.

The level of scientific fragmentation by those

Investigations during the course of work on a dissertation can be divided into large groups. On the one hand, there are theoretical works that specifically look at the problem of forming the image of an enemy. On the other hand, this is an investigation that aims to trace the fruits of the robot and examines various aspects of the Radian ideology and the suspenseful evidence of the beginning period of the “Cold War”.

Theoretical research of methods for forming the image of a enemy takes its roots from the development of propaganda, created both by early authors (W. Lippman, P. Linebarger, G.S. Jowett, W. O'Donnell, J. Elul4), and by German authors (V. Artemov, L. Voytasik, V. Terin, O. Feofanov5).

Further investigation of the role of mass communication features in molded and replicated images, including the image of the enemy (works of M. McLuen, P. Hesse, J. Mack, J. Gerbner, J. Dauer6 etc.) shows how the phenomena about the modern world IT, unavailable to the utmost conscience

4 Div: Lippmann W. Stereotypes // Language in Uniform. A reader on Propaganda/Ed. N.A. Ford. New York, 1967; Linebarger P. Psychological war. - M., 1962; Jowett G.S., O'Donnell V. Propaganda and propaganda. - M., 1988; Ellul J. Propagandes. - P., 1962.

5 Div: Artemov V.L. Behind the forces of psychological war. - M., 1973; Wojtasik L. Psychology of political propaganda. - M., 1981; Terin V.P. Mass communication: socio-cultural aspects of political influx: Investigation before Zahodu-M., 1999; Feofanov O.A. Aggression of nonsense. – M., 1987.

6 Div: McLuhan M. Myth and Mass Media // Daedalus, 1959, Vol. 88, No. 2; Hesse P., Mack J. The World is a Dangerous Place: Images of Enemy on Children's Television // The Psychology of War and Peace. - New York, 1991; Gerbner G. "New Epoch" // Beyond the Cold War. Soviet and American Media Images. Newbury Park, 1991; Dower J. W. War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War. , Robust the process of designing the manifestation of a significant world of ceramics.

Workers dealing with the problems of making foreign political decisions (K. Boulding, R. Cottam, M. Cottam, R. Herrmann, 7) see the alternative characteristics of the image of an enemy, which is rightly insured to the most important determinants of foreign policy. domestic politics. Vivchenie image of the enemy as a socio-political phenomenon of the enemy is characteristic of the last descendants (S. Keene, S. Wunsch, B. McNair, about

R. Riber, R. Kelly). It is of particular interest to investigate the image of the enemy on the materials of the US anti-Rad propaganda during the investigation period (R. Robin, D. Kot9 and others).

In the ancient literature one can name a number of approaches to understanding the image of the enemy. A tradition has developed of viewing the phenomenon of the gate as an element of the archaic picture of the world within the framework of the “me-stench” dichotomy10. For the low pre-successors characteristic functional approach, the boundaries of any form of vicorization of the image of the enemy are seen as the features of political power (S. Chugrov, I. Morozov11), and thus its role as formed socially ї identity

7 Div: Boulding, K. The Image-Ann Arbor, 1956; Cottam R. Foreign Policy Motivation: A General Theory and a Case Study. - Pittsburgh, 1977; Herrmann R., Fischerkeller M. P. Beyond the Enemy Image and Spiral Model: Cognitive-Strategic Research After the Cold War // International Organization. No. 49, 1995; Cottam M. Foreign Policy Decision Making. – Boulder, 1986.

8Cm.: Keen S. Faces of the Enemy // Culture, Communication, and Conflict. - Massachusetts, 1998; Wunsch S. Image Research and Enemy Image: Soviet Union in Finnish Newspapers during the Winter War (November 30, 1939 - March 13, 1940) // Looking at Other - Historical Study of Images in Theory and Practice / Ed. by K. Alenius, O.K.Falt and S.Jalagin. Oulu, 2002; McNair B. Images of the Enemy. - New York, 1988; Rieber RW, Kelly RJ. Substance and Shadow: Images of Enemy if The Psychology of War and Peace. – New York, 1991.

9 Divas: Robin R. The Making of the Cold War Enemy. - Princeton, 2001; Caute D. The Great Fear. The Anti-Communist Purge by Truman and Eisenhower. - New York, 1978;

10 Porshnev B.F. Social psychology and history. M, 1979; Evgenieva T.B. Archaic mythology in modern political culture // Politics. 1998. No. 1 (11). P.33-47; Ioniv I.M. Myths in the political history of Russia and Polity. 1998. No. 1 (11). 5-32.

11 Div: Chugrov S. Ideologemy and foreign political knowledge // MEIMO. 1993. No. 2; Morozov I.L. Formation of the “image of an enemy” among the people’s information as a contribution to political mobilization in Russia // “Ours” and “aliens” in the Russian historical information: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. – St. Petersburg, 2001. l

JI. Gudkov) that navmisny character of its creation (V. Avchenko, G. Grachov, I. Melnik13).

The need to obtain interdisciplinary investigative tools to achieve the objectives has prompted the author of the dissertation to work on research studies from social and political psychology ( G. M. Andreeva, G. G. Diligentsky, L. P. Nazaretyan, E. B. Shestopal, V. A. .. Yadov, Yu. A. Sherkovin, B. S. Ageev14 and in), which are characterized by a tradition of looking at the enemy from the point of view of his role in the process of social identification of the individual. This approach is followed by conflictologists who trace the image of the enemy between the problems of group information (A. Melville, A. Zdravomislov15). This formation is associated with the emergence of a phenomenon about the “other” group, which evokes a genetically programmed fear and distrust.

The study of the image of the “other”, presented in contemporary sociological literature, and the broader problematic of the image of the enemy, allowed the author to focus on the molded structural characteristics of the image of the enemy in connection with the origins of these and other methods of cultivation in horny placement to the “alien” group. The dissertation student also receives work in ethnosociology and ethnopsychology, where the negative assessment of the “alien” group is examined within the framework of the problem of ethnocentrism (L.M. Drobizheva, A.G. Zdravomislov, V.A. Tishkov, T.G. Stefanenko, M. O Mnatsakanyan, V. F. Petrenko, O. V. Mitina, S. Mints,

12 Div: Gudkov L. Negative identity. Statistics 1997-2002 years. – M., 2004.

13 Div: Avchenko V. The theory and practice of political manipulation in modern Russia // Grachov G., Melnik I. Manipulation of a particularity: Organization, methods and technologies of information-psychological influx / RAS. Institute of Philosophy. – M., 1999.

14 Div: Nazaretyan L.P. Psychology of spontaneous mass behavior. lectures. - M., 2001; Andreeva G.M. Psychology of social knowledge. - M., 1997; Diligentsky G.G. Socio-political psychology. -M., 1994; Ageev B.S. Intergroup interaction: social and psychological problems. - M., 1990; Psychology of spirituality/Ed. E.B. Shestopal. - M., 2002; Otrut V.A. Social and socio-psychological mechanisms for the formation of social identity and particularity. // World of Russia, 1995 No. 3-4; Sherkovin Yu.A. Psychological problems of mass information processes. – M., 1973.

15 Divas: Melville ALO. “The image of the enemy” and the humanization of international wars / XX century and world. 1987, N 9; Zdravomislov A.G. Interethnic conflicts in the post-Soviet space. – M., 1997.

G.U. Ktsoeva16), and the image of the enemy is described through the concept of an ethnic stereotype17, with the help of which it is necessary to contrast one’s own and another group, which is necessary for understanding oneself as such an ethnic whole. So, O. Healthygosylov is in the mechanism of the virgin is a fucked up by the rank of rank: “In the National Self -Summosti“ mi ”is the struggle“ stink ”, I liche through

1 “My national self-identification awakens a singing sensation.”

This research is to be taken into account, in its own way, from the low historical research, which shows the importance of the “friend-foe” distinction at various stages of the development of Russian suspense knowledge (A.S. Akhiezer, A. I. Utkin, V. Achkasov, S. Lur'ie, A. B. Kvakin , A. M. Markevich, J. I. E. Morozova, S. B. Obolenska19). The basis for these dissertations was culturological research that considers the negative characteristics of the “alien” as part of

16 Div: Drobizheva L.M. Ethnic self-knowledge of Russians in modern minds: ideology and practice // Radyanska ethnography. 1991. No. 1; Stefanenko T.G. Social stereotypes and international conditions // Spraying and optimization of sleeping activity. - M., 1987; Mnatsakanyan M.O. Integralism and national cohesion: New ethnosociological theory. - M: Vidavnitstvo "Ankil", 2001. - 302 e.; Zdravomislov A.G. Ethnopolitical processes and dynamics of national self-esteem of Russians // Sociological Research. 1996. No. 12; Tishkov V.A. About nation and nationalism // Ethnicity and politics. -M: 2000; Ktsoeva G.U. Evidence of empirical research into ethnic stereotypes // Psychological Journal, 1986. No. 2; Mints S. Ethnic markers of sociocultural differences as a way of approximating the opposition “us” and “strangers” // “Ours” and “strangers” in the Russian historical record: Materials of science. Conf., May 24-25, 2001 - St. Petersburg, 2001; Petrenko V.F., Mitina O.V., Berdnikov K.V., Kravtsova O.R., Osipova V.S. Psychosemantic analysis of ethnic stereotypes: exposing tolerance and intolerance. – M., 2000.

17 Petrenko V.F., Mitina O.V., Berdnikov K.V., Kravtsova O.R., Osipova V.S. Psychosemantic analysis of ethnic stereotypes: exposing tolerance and intolerance. M., 2000; Stefanenko T.G. Social stereotypes and international conditions // Spraying and optimization of sleeping activity. M., 1987. P.242-250.

18Zdravomislov A.G. Interethnic conflicts in the post-Soviet space. M., 1997. P.117.

19 Div: Achkasov U. Zahid as the “significant other” of Russia // Akhiezer A.S. Criticism of the historical evidence of Russia. - M., 1997; Lotman Yu.M. History and typology of Russian culture. - St. Petersburg, 2002; Lury S. Metamorphoses of traditional knowledge. - St. Petersburg, 1997; Russia and Zahid: Interaction of cultures: Materials of the “round table” II Nutritional Philosophy. - M., 1992. N 6; Russia and Zakhid: Formation of foreign political stereotypes among the Svidomosti of the Russian consulate of the first half of the 20th century / Ved. ed. A.B. Golubev. M., 1998; Utkin A.I. Russia and Zahid: problems of mutual interaction and prospects for everyday life - M., 1995; Kvakin A.B. Archetype, mentality and opposition “ours” - “strangers” in the context of history // “Ours” and “strangers” in Russian historical information: Materials of Science. Conf., May 24-25, 2001 / For ed. S.P. Pivtaraka. St. Petersburg, 2001; Markevich A.M. “Mi” and “stench” in the soldiers’ service in 1917. (based on soldiers’ sheets to the central Councils) // “Ours” and “aliens” in the Russian historical information: Materials of Science. Conf., May 24-25, 2001 - St. Petersburg, 2001; Morozova L. E. The image of the “stranger” among the people of the Time of Troubles from the beginning of the 17th century. // Russia and the World: Dialogue of Cultures. Zb. articles. - M., 1997; Obolenska S.B. Germany and the German eyes of the Russians: (XIX century) / RAS. Institute of Foreign History. - M., 2000. Statement about the world, which is subject to abundance (Yu. Lotman, E. Levinas and DR-).

The research, dedicated to the period that is examined within the framework of the case study, draws on the great archival materials that have recently become available, revealing the peculiarities of the formation of the image of the enemy of the Cold War. In general, the problems of the wartime Russian-American wars were analyzed in the works of A. Chubar'yan, V. Batyuk, D. Evstaf'ev, V. Zubok, K. Pleshakov,

M. Narinsky and in.). The latest doctrinal provisions for the formation of the image of the foreign enemy and their pre-war characteristics are discussed in the research of L.M. Nizhinsky and H.A. Chelisheva,

A. Golubeva, V.A. Nevigla. Roboti A. Fateeva, ELO. Zubkovy,

V. Lelchuk and E. Pivovar, D. Najafov, A. Danilova, A. Pizhikova reveal the role of political leadership in the formed ideological picture of the world, based on the victorious image of the enemy. The image of the enemy of ideas in these works is as a legacy of the direct activity of the political elite, which is confirmed by the numerous archival materials obtained by the authors.

20 Divas: Levinas E. The Second Hour. The humanism of another people. - St. Petersburg, 1999; Lotman Yu. M. Culture and Vibukh. - M., 1992; Luchitska S.I. The image of another: the problems of investigation // Skhid - Zakhid: problems of interaction and translation of cultures: Collection of scientific works. Saratov, 2001; Lishaev S.A. Aesthetics of the Other. Samara, 2000; Rumyantsev O.K. The Secret of the Other // Culturology: from the vulgar to the future. M., 2002. P.138-143.

21 Div: Chubar'yan A.O. New history of the “Cold War” // NіНІ, 1996. No. 1; Batyuk V.I. Spills of the “Cold War”: Radian-American Wars of 1945-1950. - M., 1992; Batyuk V., Evstaf'ev D. First frosts. Radian-American newspapers 1945-1950. - M., 1995; Narinsky M.M. Increasing confrontation: the Marshall Plan, the Berlin crisis // Radyansky Suspilstvo: Viniknennya, development, historical finale. - M., 1997; Zubok V., Pleshakov S. In the Middle of the Kremlin "Zol's struggle: from Stalin to Khrushkov. Cambridge, London. 1996.

22 Nizhinsky L.M., Chelishev N.A. About the doctrinal ambushes of the Radian foreign policy at the rocks of the “Cold War” // Eastern History. 1995. No. 1; Golubev A.B. The decline of the eyes of the radyanskogo consulate (Main trends in the formation of foreign political stereotypes in the 30s) // Vitchiznyana history. 1996. No. 1. pp. 104-120; Nevezhin V.A. Offensive war syndrome. Radian propaganda ahead of the “sacred battles”, 1939-1941. - M., 1997.

23 Fatiev A. The image of the enemy in Radian propaganda. 1945-1954 pp. - M., 2000; Lelchuk V., Pivovar E. The mentality of the Radyan's supremacy and the “Cold War” (before the problem was raised) // Vitchiznyana istoriya. 1996. No. 6; Najaf D. Anti-American propaganda similarities to the Stalinist ceremonialism of the Stalinist ten-decade “Cold War”. - M., 1999; Zubkova E. Wartime Radyan's marriage: politics and everyday life. 1945-1953. - M., 2000; Danilov A.A., Pizhikov A.V. The birth of the superpower: the USSR's first wartime rocks. - M., 2001. ta

The method of dissertation research is the further formation of the image of the enemy and its elements, as well as the mechanisms of its implementation on the materials of the war Radyan propaganda.

To achieve the goal set, a number of mutually dependent tasks were seen:

Investigation of the importance of the image of the enemy for the construction of social identities and the formation of their identities;

Identification of social and socio-psychological characteristics of the formation of the image of the enemy in individual, group and family information;

Exploration of the methodology for analyzing an ideological text, directly shaping the image of the enemy;

Revealing the characteristics of the image of the external enemy as an element of a group picture of the world that is divided;

Visions of the peculiarities of the image of the external enemy in ideologically oriented texts (case study of the period 1946-1953);

Analysis of the influx of the image of the foreign enemy on the evidence of the current Ukrainian marriage.

The object of the investigation is the methods of constructing the image of the new enemy in the Radian press and official documents born in 1946-1953.

The subject of the analysis is the social and socio-psychological mechanisms of creation, expansion and rooting of the image of the external enemy with the help of initiated political-ideological discourse.

The method of investigation is the analysis of political-ideological discourse - a case study of how the image of the foreign enemy was formed in the world and official documents at the beginning of the “Cold War” (1946-1953), developments during with the help of theoretical and methodological tools of modern sociology .

p align="justify"> Using the method of analyzing empirical objects, a clear approach has emerged, disaggregated within the framework of the Chikaz school (F. Znnetsky, W. Thomas24) and is actively being researched to identify clear characteristics of the object under investigation . The vibration method was developed by the infusion of robot V.A. Yadov, V. Yakubovich, V.V. Semyonova and other sociologists.

The methodological basis of dissertation research is formed by a number of theoretical and methodological principles formulated in various sociological paradigms:

The principle of value neutrality of sociological science and sociological research, which goes to work Ege. Durkheim26, M. Weber and other classics of sociology, represent a valuable neutral approach to the analysis of political discourse.

Classical methodologies, first before the structural-functional analysis of social systems, the basis of which is laid down in the work of T. Parsons, G. Almond, D. Easton, allow us to analyze the image of the enemy as a systemically ordered response to calls from the side. What a middle ground that is changing dynamically. Rozblena R. Merton

24 Znaniecki F. The Method of Sociology. New York, 1934.

25 Otrut B.A. Strategy of sociological research. Description, explanation, understanding of social activity. - M: Dobrosvit, 1998; Vin. Strategy and methods for clear analysis of data // Sociology 4M. - T.1. - No. 1. – P. 14-31; Semenova V.V. Clear methods: promotion of humanistic sociology. - M: Dobrosvit, 1998; Yakubovich V. Clear methods and clear results? // Sociology 4M. 1995. No. 5-6. P.16-27; Klyushkina O. Pobudov’s theories based on clear data // Socs. – 2000. No. 10. P.92-101.

26 Durkheim Ege. Sociology. Its subject, method, purpose. - M: Kanon, 1995.

27 Weber M. Basic sociological concepts // Vibrations create. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1990. P. 602-643.

2S Parsons T. About social systems. - M: Academic project, 2002; Almond G. The Civic Culture. -Princeton (N.Y.): Princeton University Press, 1963; Easton D. System Analysis of Political Life. - N.Y.: Wiley, 1965.

29 Merton P. Explicit and latent functions // American Sociological Thought. Texts. - M.: MSU, 1994. The concept of explicit and latent functions made it possible to trace the ambivalence of the image of the enemy, the manifestation of its functionality and dysfunctionality. The structural-functional theory of social conflict by L. Coser makes it possible to trace the influx of intergroup tensions, including the construction of the image of an external enemy.

The non-classical methodology of interpretive sociological paradigms, first before the phenomenology of A. Schütz and the sociology of P. Berger and T. Luckman32, allowed us to study the mechanisms of constructing reality on the level of the intersubjective world social group, the infusion of particularities of knowledge into the ongoing They-group - Mi-group Theories, which come close to symbolic interactionism, provide theoretical and methodological frameworks for the analysis of the language as a symbolic system (E. Sapir, B. Whorf and in) and allow us to trace the nature of the discourse around the image of the enemy. The sociology of communication (J. Habermas, M. McLuen34 and others) provides a methodological basis for the analysis of the peculiarities of the influx of expanded images and meaning in current marriages.

Post-classical methodologies, which are developing in postmodern sociological theories, make it possible to explore the special role of signs and symbols in casual matrimony, their role in significant social

With identity and group affiliation (J. Baudrillard), specificity between signs and designations, illumination of simulacra

30 Koser L. Functions of social conflict. M., 1993.

31 Schütz A. Smislova structure of everyday life: drawings from phenomenological sociology. - M: Institute for the Hromadska Dumka Foundation, 2003; Schutz A. The structure of everyday thought // Sotsіs. No. 2, 1988. Z. 129-137.

32 Berger P., Lukman T. Social construction of activity. Treatise on sociological knowledge. - M: Medium, 1995.

33 Whorf B. Establishing norms of behavior and thinking before language // Foreign linguistics. VIP.1. M., 1999. Z. 58-92.

34 Habermas J. Moral Consciousness and Communication Action. - Cambridge, 1990; McLuhan M. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. – London., 1964.

35 Baudrillard J. In the shadow of social greatness, or the end of the social. - Yekaterinburg: University of Ural University, 2000. and processes of social construction and deconstruction (F. de Saussure, J. Derrida, R. Bart36 et al.).

In addition, the methodology of developing group information was developed, disaggregated within the framework of the theory of social identity (G. Teshfel, J. Turner). For this investigation, the provisions of this theory seem important, firstly, group affiliation is a product of similar phenomena, and in another way, in the molding process the phenomenon of excessive light The individual inevitably demonstrates his strength to others. This is how the terms “Mi-group” (^goir) and “They-group” (og^goir) arise, which signify, apparently, the group with which the subject identifies himself, and the group with which the statements about his/her self are formed. group.

For the most recent research, the theory of social phenomena of S. Moskovichi was obtained, which allows us to combine the phenomena of constructed social reality as a form of the formation of social groups and the analysis of the formation of images in human psyche, as well as the concept of “authoritarian word” by M. Bakhtin39, semiotic methodologies

T. Van Dyck40), theory of metaphor

36 Saussure F. de. Notes from foreign linguistics. - M., 1990; Derrida J. Predilections // Socio-Logos "96. - M., 1996; Barthes R. Vibrani robots: Semiotics: Poetics. M., 1989.

37 Tajfel H. Social Identity and Intergroup Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1982; Tajfel H., Turner J. The social identity theory of intergroup behavior//The psychology of intergroup relations. Chicago, 1986. P. 7-24; Hogg M., Terry D., White K. A Tale of 2 Theories: A Critical Comparison of Identity Theory with Social Identity Theory // Social Psychology Quarterly. 1995. Vol. 58. Issue 4. P. 255-269.

38 Moscovites Z. Type of collective phenomena - to social // Nutrition of Sociology. M., 1992. S. 83-96; Vin. Social phenomena: historical perspective // ​​Psychological journal. M., 1995. T. 16. No. 1. P. 3-18; Moscovici S. Press on the message on social representations // European Journal of Social Psychology. Chichester, 1988. Vol. 18, no. 3.

39 Bakhtin M.M. Nutrition of literature and aesthetics. - M., 1975; Voloshinov V.M. Marxism and philosophy of language: The main problems of the sociological method in the science of language. – M., 1993.

40 DijkT. van. Ideology: A Multidisciplinary Approach. - L., 1998; DijkT. van. Ideology and Discourse. A Multidisciplinary Introduction. Internet Course for the Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). - http://www.discourse-in-socicty.orp: Dake T.A. van. Language Rozuminnya. communication. - Blagovishchensk, 2000; Dake T.O. van. Racism is the language. -M., 1989.

J. Lakoff, M. Johnson41), statements about the formation of a picture of the world and images (including the image of the enemy) as elements (L.S. Vigotsky, A.N. Leontyev42 and others), as well as social-psychological research methodologies mechanisms of social categorization and stereotyping (U. Lippman, K. Cohen, S. Fiske, S. Neuberg43 et al.).

The empirical basis for the dissertation research was:

1) publications in the central newspapers “Pravda”, “Izvestia” and “Pratsia” for 1946-1953, which reflect the official political and ideological discourse;

2) official documents (promotional documents of the country, official statements, interview with I.V. Stalin), which were seen in the short collection “Foreign Policy of the Radyansky Union”;

3) Historical evidence “Falsifiers of history”;

4) the fortunes of Russian and American sovereigns. In addition, for the analysis of current forms of the development of the image of the foreign enemy as a dzherel, published speeches of political figures, statistics, interviews, as well as the results of sociological surveys were obtained.

When choosing the press, we mainly came out of statements about those who, within the framework of the great non-contact groups, discourse

41 Lakoff G. The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor // Metaphor and thought. - Cambridge, 1993; Lakoff G., Johnson M. Metaphors We Live By. - Chicago, 1980. Also: Chilton P. Security Metaphors: Cold War Discourse from Containment to Common House. - N.Y., 1996; Baranov A.N., Karaulov Yu.M. Russian political metaphor (materials up to the dictionary). – M., 1991.

42 Leontyev O.M. Image of the world // Vibran psychological works, M, 1983. P. 251-261; Vigotsky L.S. Myslennya and mov // Problems of spiritual psychology. - M., 1982; Smirnov S.D. The world is an image and an image of the world // Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 14. Psychology. 1981. No. 3. P.15-29; Petukhov V.V. Image of the world and psychological understanding of the world // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 14. Psychology, 1984 No. 4. Z. 13-20.

43 Lippmann W. Stereotypes // Language in Uniform. A reader on Propaganda/Ed. N.A. Ford. New York, 1967; Cohen C.E. Person categories and social perception: Testing some boundaries of processing effects of prior knowledge // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1981 No. 40, P. 441-452; Fiske S.T., Neuberg S.L. A continuum of impression formation, from category-based to individuating processes: Influences information and motivation on attention and interpretation // Advances in experimental social psychology / Ed. by M. P. Zanna. N.Y., 1990, Vol. 23, pp. 1-74. We are looking forward to the media for help44. Vikorist press, as a matter of fact, we deduce from the fact that during the period under investigation, the press itself was a kind of “show in the world” for most people45. Also, on the basis of other information, statements about the external world, inaccessible to special intelligence, were formed.

Select important newspapers based on their official character. Kozhne zvidan was the central organ of the most important institutions of the Radyan government, which were responsible for the ideology: the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) - the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Council of Working People's Deputies and the All-Russian Central Republican Party of Russia. Due to this status, these newspapers gained mass expansion, so that they most strongly infused the formation of a huge image into the world: they had the largest circulation, they themselves were then sent to other third-party publishers, and these newspapers were in all libraries of the country .

To identify the image of the modern enemy, we have reviewed editorials from other publications for the entire period under review, as well as materials devoted to the problems of foreign policy. Usyogo looked through 4,500 issues of newspapers. The study of these ideas made it possible to identify specific ways of constructing images within the boundaries of ideological discourse, and to reveal the characteristic features of the image of the modern enemy during the Cold War period.

Those who themselves are unlikely to bear the image of the external enemy in the masses confirm the coming fact. Concerned with party inscriptions, the Intercessor of the General Secretary of the Collection of Writers of the USSR K. Simonov was appointed on the 1st quarter of 1949. having presented to the propaganda and agitation departments of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) “Plan for approaching the strengthening of anti-American

44 McLuhan M. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. London., 1964; Van Dijk T. Ideology and Discourse.

45 Lippmann W. Stereotypes // Language in Uniform. A reader on Propaganda/Ed. N.A. Ford. New York, 1967; Wunsch S. Image Research and Enemy Image: Soviet Union in Finnish Newspapers during the Winter War (November 30, 1939 - March 13, 1940) // Looking at the Other. P. 75. Propaganda at the earliest opportunity”46. The plan allowed the activities of newspapers, radio, low-level agencies, ministries and departments to “contradict aggressive plans for the world war against American imperialism, the corruption of culture, and the welfare of modern America”47. Prominent newspapers (“Pravda”, “Izvestia”, “Pratsi”, “Literary Gazeta”, “Bilshovik” magazine) were ordered to “debunk the stories of American propaganda about the “prosperity” of America, show the deep super-eternalities of the US economy, the lies of the bourgeoisie new democracies. And it’s called modern America.” K. Simonov’s plan was reviewed and praised by the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks49. On this basis, draft resolutions of the Central Committee were prepared “On the approach of the Union of Radyansky Writers to strengthen anti-American propaganda” and “On the approach to strengthen anti-American propaganda along the line of mysticism”50.

Before the next group, official documents of the period were published, which were seen in the short collection “Foreign Policy of the Radyansky Union”. This collection includes collections of all government documents and materials from the foreign policy of the SRSR from 1945 to 1950, as well as from 1952-1953. in 8 volumes. The development of this group of dzherel made it possible to obtain statements about the official picture of the world in the interpretation of the political culture of the region.

The offensive group began to promote the leaders of the state, official statements, interviews51. Tsi dzherela was also removed

46 Russian State Archives of Social and Political History. F. 17. Op. 132. D.224. P.48-52/Cit. by: Nikolaeva N.I. Radian literature and mysticism in anti-American propaganda // New and new history: Interuniversity collection of scientific works. VIP. 19. Saratov, 2000. pp. 162-163.

47 Ibid. P. 48.

49 Ibid. P. 53.

50 Ibid. D. 234. P. 50.

51 Zhdanov A. About the international formation: Evidence compiled from the Information Society of representatives of various communist parties in Poland at the end of the spring of 1947. M., 1947; Molotov V.M. Nutrition of foreign policy: Promo and declare. Kviten 1945 - cherven 1948 M., 1948; The People's Assembly of the Information Bureau of the Communist Parties of the Ugorshchina at the other half of the leaf fall, 1949. M., 1949; Stalin I.V. There is a massive expansion (they were located in the central press, they were seen in the brochures, etc.), and their choice was dictated by the very same merchandising as in the times of other ZMIs.

Let’s say that to the next type of idea we can bring the historical account “Falsifiers of History”, which was published in 1948. and claims to be a scientific and historical analysis of the causes of the past war. The history of the creation of this document begins: in 1948. The US Department of State has seen a collection of captured documents about the Radian-German reports of the war ahead, including the texts of the secret protocols of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. In response to this “ideological sabotage” of the United States, at the request of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the SRSR Molotov, a historical report “Falsifier of History” was created, in which a Radian version of the reasons for the war was given and named the main culprits. This document also officially confirms the picture of the world, consecrating the image of the enemy. This choice meant that the richly fatal version published by “Falsifiers of History” became one of the phenomena constantly being created in ideological discourse.

Vikoristannya, as one of the groups of dzherel memoirs 52 of the current period followed by the robot, made it possible to clarify the statements about the directing nature of the formation of the image of the external enemy.

When choosing a chronological framework, the research revealed that in 1946-1953, at the beginning stage of the “Cold War”, a system was formed to reveal how, for several decades, the picture of the world of the whole marriage was formed, which means yak for the pre-election elections of the Stalin district of the Moscow metropolitan area 9 fierce 1946 fate. M., 1946; Foreign policy of the Radyansky Union: Documents and materials. U 8 t. M., 1952-1953.

52 Kornienko G.M. Cold War: identification of its participants. M., 1995; Zhukov G.K. God, think about it. U 2 t. M., 1971; Kisinger G. Diplomacy. M., 1997; Koval K.I. The remaining certificate. German map in the Cold War. M., 1997; Achcson D. Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department. New York, 1969; Off the Record: Private Papers of Harry S. Truman // Ed. by R.H. Ferrell. New York, 1980; Truman G. Memoirs of Harry S. Truman. Vol. 1-2. Bungay, 1955-1956. foreign and internal policies of the USSR, and also the underlying situation of the global economy. As the starting point for this hourly segment, we chose Stalin’s speech, seized from the Great Theater on July 9, 1946, in which there was a thought about those who still have imperialism in force, What led up to Another Light War can lead to a new one war. Stalin’s move turned the concept of “imperialism” around, so that, which is especially important for us, it set the stage for the formation of a new, post-war discourse. The leader guessed that, similar to Lenin’s theory, the very rubbish in the middle of the imperialist world would lead to war. In this case, he said that post-war imperialism will be even more unstable and more violent. This thesis has since become one of the central ones in Radyansky propaganda. With the end of Stalin's rule and the outbreak of the Korean War, the stage of formation of the picture of the Cold War in the world ended.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation research is due to what is in it: the open significance of constructing the image of the external enemy for the value of the identity of the social group in the minds of the transformation of the dowkill and the change in character Inter-group interactions; the systematized social and socio-psychological mechanisms that underlie the construction of politically significant images, including the image of the external enemy, have been revealed, a method has been identified and a hidden scheme for constructing the image of the external enemy has been shown ; shows the infusion of openness/closeness into society into ways of constructing a new social reality in the middle, behind the image of the enemy; zokrem, analyzed the specific mechanisms

53 Stalin I.V. Go to the pre-election elections of the Stalin district of Moscow on the 9th of 1946. M., 1946. construction of the image of a gate in a closed society (from the butt of the Radyansky marriage of 1946-1953); the explicit and latent functions of the image of the external enemy were analyzed, its ambivalence, functionality and dysfunctionality were revealed; It is shown that the dysfunctionality of the image of the external enemy manifests itself when it ceases to correspond to the final external definition and identity of the group; It is shown that when changing external minds through the mechanism of changing the setting to a social group, a new “obvious strength” is constructed, which shows the inconsistency and integrity of the picture of light (in the attached form bathing the image of an enemy with a great ally - the USA - after the end of the Other World War); shows the specificity of the formation of the image of the enemy as a simulacrum in the minds of the formation of daily open promises; An analysis of ideological texts from the beginning of the Cold War has been carried out using modern methods of indoctrination into discourse.

The following provisions must be applied:

1. The construction of the image of a foreign enemy is based on the mechanisms of social categorization and stereotyping, which make it possible to determine the parameters of the world on “our own” and “strangers” and consolidate in the common knowledge. the fortune-teller of the staging of the singing Voni-group. In this case, the functionality of the image of the external enemy as a factor in consolidating the solidarity and identity of the Mi-group is significantly related to the level of closedness/openness in society.

2. The construction of the image of the new enemy conveys the creation of the image of the “other” on the basis of a meaningful category and simultaneously manages such processes: a) emphasizing the insecurities that threaten this society; b) formulate a statement about a specific problem, either Skoda, Yakuza or may have been ordered; c) stereotyping of the “other” as the initiator and cause of this insecurity. In a formalized manner, this can be said as a step-by-step formula: “constructing the image of an external enemy conveys the unity of the enemy’s “other” and insecurity.”

3. The emergence of an adequate image of the foreign enemy as a harmonious social fact (E. Durkheim) promotes not only internal solidarity, but also the security of society, as a result of which closed and totalitarian partnerships have a structure This promotion of the image of an enemy among people is a broad element of the policy of the ruling elites, That in this way it is possible to increase power and preserve the social assets of society.

4. The characteristic features of the image of the foreign enemy during the “Cold War” period lie in the upcoming important moments. First of all, in order to see the “other”, it is necessary to highlight the class essence of the world, and first of all, American imperialism. In other words, the main method of constructing a statement about the external threat is the strong association with the Nazi regime, and the enemy that is about to change is more dangerous and approachable: the threat of atomic Yes, he is blamed for causing all the conflicts between peoples, including the end of the war. Thirdly, the statements about the enemy’s deception of any abilities and his masking of his enemy’s intentions conceal the security of the formed picture of the world from factual inconsistencies. Fourthly, a statement is formed about those who are the cause of “our” troubles in the past. The Great Patriotic War), the present (social problems) and the future (third world war). In the end, it is confirmed that there are no problems with which “we” would not run into, “we”, behind the meanings, better and stronger than “them”. This approach also makes it possible to strengthen narcissism and thereby emphasize in-group identity.

5. The development of the concept of “allies” from the discourse led to the emergence of this “significant other” from the subjective reality that occurred during the period of rethinking the image of the United States. It appears that radical change is required until another society can face the prospect of a created simulacrum with new features.

6. Once constructed, the image of the external enemy becomes a stable element of the picture of the world of a given society, allowing inertia and potential to be preserved in the future for a long time. However, in the current sociocultural dynamics, which assumes the character of a nonlinear, open-ended development, such an inert image quickly becomes old, becomes dysfunctional, contributes to the picture of the world, fuels the identity Identity ultimately plays a disorganizing and maladaptive role.

7. In these marriages, the difference between societies takes on not so much a real, but rather a symbolic character. Sign identities, which are based on constructed images of the enemy, are more “taken from signs, from a designated code of signs” (J. Baudrillard). As the beginning of the “Cold War”, the image of the new enemy is entirely geopolitically external and reinforced by the reality of the commonwealth in the minds of the closed marriage under the name Mitha Vo no group, then in open marriages the situation changes. There is no “arch” (T. Lukman), all-consuming identity “We”, the process of identity formation is implicit and pluralistic in nature. The image of the enemy also evokes a symbolic character that does not resemble real groups. This place fluctuates, so the image of the enemy appears more “obvious, simulative”, less real.

Scientific and practical significance of robots

The development of the problem explored in the dissertation and the results reveal a deep knowledge about the nature and methods of forming both the socio-political manifestations of the law and the image of the modern enemy of zokrem.

The methodological provisions of the research may be different due to the peculiarities of the current suspinal information, the work of the SMN, as well as during the development and implementation of campaigns from the formation of politically significant images. The material from this work may be used in the process of developing the sociology of politics.

Approbation of the main principles of dissertation research

The main focus and development of dissertation research took place at the meetings of the Department of Sociology MDIMV (University) of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Department of Foreign Political Science and Special Political Disciplines of the Russian State Humanities University, as well as at inter-university scientific conferences. They are also presented in the articles and abstracts of many conferences.

The structure of the dissertation research is based on the assigned tasks. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two sections (divided into paragraphs), a summary and a list of relevant items and literature.

Abstract of the dissertation on the topic “Political institutions, ethno-political conflictology, national and political processes and technologies”, Belokoneva, Ganna Sergievna

The revelation of an adequate image of the current enemy as a significant social fact was due to the emphasis on internal solidarity and the hardiness of the Radian society, and thus the construction and strengthening of people’s image of the enemy was important This is a major element of government policy aimed at preserving the uniformity of the radyan's succession and valuing the power of the current regime. Within the framework of the Radian ideology in the early period of the Cold War, the image of the enemy was officially assigned to the United States: as a matter of fact, which has a different class essence, the United States was seen as “other”, and in connection with the irreconcilable The presence of class protyrichs is like an enemy.

In the post-war period, Radian propaganda began to formulate a new reality, and ways of forming, similar to the underworld, to construct an image of the world. Based on the mechanisms of group categorization, identification and stereotyping, a statement is made about the Stink group, which is similar to the harmoniousness of all blood vessels,

337 Div, for example: Russia is threatened by an oligarchic coup. Confirmation for the sake of feeding the national strategy. - nizh “ours”. Categorization is carried out on the basis of an ideologically significant factor - class differences, as well as the sociocultural factor, which in this case lies in the history of the war, and behind the image of an abstract war, as a rule, there is an image of the Great War ї Cheese, with all the same connotations. Stereotyping allows for the creation and distortion of narrowed images of groups formed by categorization methods, which impart their characteristic characteristics.

Instead of these indicators, they-groups mean the final formation of a foreign enemy in the name of the United States. The image of the enemy of the “Cold War” is formed by the emergence of a phenomenon about the decline of current American imperialism with German fascism and the development of those about imperialism as a military force. A feature of the Radian propaganda is its own interpretation of such a rice image of the enemy, as the fault of all “our” troubles - which will arise only in the past and in the future, in the present day as the enemy of the country other groups are waiting, other than “our” strength. There is also a Radian interpretation of the demonic essence of the enemy - it is revealed through statements about the enemy as the center of light evil.

The construction of the image of the enemy consists of both obvious and latent functions. This victorious event brought the mobilization of the Radian society into the early historical minds, but then a great influx began to give latent functions to this image, which turned out to be dysfunctional in the minds of the world, which is dynamically changing I'm worried.


The purpose of this research was to formulate the image of the new enemy and its elements, and to base the mechanisms of its formation on the materials of the war Radyan propaganda. The main development of the work was the concept of the image of the enemy as an element of a complete system, the concept of the world - an image, or a picture of the world. In connection with this, the formation of the image of the enemy, we saw it as a process that takes place within the framework of the influx of a larger process - the formation of a picture of the world, including the socio-political world. During the initial period of the “Cold War” in the Radian political discourse, this process was reflected in the official division of the world into two anti-fighting camps of socialism and aggressive imperialism. The butt of the constant actual conceptual was the nobility of the cognition of the cognition to the Tsich Basovich categories, the yaki Viedenі, his own Chergo, with the postulative about the igsnuvannia of the Gromadsky classes that are half a forms.

The process of constructing the image of the external enemy is part of the process of shaping the image of the world. Another part of the image of the world, which is a structural element of individual information, may be related to the fact that the political struggle has control over mass information.

In the process of completing the first task, the significance of the image of a new enemy for the construction of social strengths and the formation of their identities was analyzed, including the basis for the formation of the image of an enemy in structure of individual and group information. Between the designated points, the following conclusions were drawn to the fact that these other manifestations of the social world, together with the external enemy, are being created due to the harmony of the singing tank of the world, the struggle of which is significant in the mass equals to the essence of political power. The manifestations of this struggle is ideology, which, in essence, is a model of the image of the world.

The manifestation of an adequate image of the current enemy as a harmonious social fact (E. Durkheim) promotes not only internal solidarity, but also the security of society, as a result of which in closed and totalitarian societies the construction Cultivating people's image of the enemy is an element of the ruling elite's policy to try to save social benefits to society.

The design process needs to be examined on two levels. As was shown in Chapter I, the structure of the image of light that is inherent in an individual's information, which is largely indicated by the characteristics of the individual information, and its replacement can be directly molded, and thus molded, tobto. propaganda is one of the main forms of political activity. This is related to us in advance about those who, whether a non-contact group, is politically significant, is also at the core of the members of the singing picture of the world.

Within the framework of the most advanced research to identify social and socio-psychological characteristics of the formation of the image of the enemy in individual, group and community intelligence, in the theoretical part of the research, the characteristics of the information that is relevant to the process of understanding reality (categorization, identification, group favoritism, group-based discrimination , stereotyping). It was discovered that these differences do not lie in the middle in which the individual is located, and are not due to changes in the social structure of the marriage. For the problems of this investigation, it is important that people’s need to stay until some kind of sleep, and also related to it, the desire to accept their group from a more friendly light in relation to the “Stink-group”, creates changes of mind for the view laziness to the image of the “other”, which Bi, having satisfied Qiu, I will demand. Based on the mechanisms of group categorization, identification with the Mi-group and stereotyping, statements about the “Stink-group” are created as about the strength of all people, including “ours.” Categorization is carried out on the basis of an ideologically significant factor - class differences, as well as a sociocultural factor, which leads to the emergence of the phenomenon of war in Wikoristan, and behind the image of an abstract war, as a rule, there is an image of The Great Patriotic War, with all the similar connotations. Stereotyping allows for the creation and distortion of narrowed images of groups formed by categorization methods, which impart their characteristic characteristics.

It has been established that the basis for the construction of the image of the external enemy lies in the mechanisms of social categorization and stereotyping, which allow the process of communication to determine the parameters of the world on “their own” and “strangers” and secure a position with Svidomosti to the singing They-groups. In this case, the functionality of the image of the external enemy as a factor in consolidating the solidarity and identity of the Mi-group is significantly related to the level of closedness/openness in society.

On the level of socio-political identification, these processes emerge in forms that are beyond the control of other levels of intergroup interaction. Indeed, the power that has a monopoly on violence, including symbolic violence, is capable of creating and translating formalized, coded, which claim to be universal and scientific categorization systems.

The form of an adequate picture of the world, which is shared with others, is discourse: for the construction and creation of diversity there are necessary conventional values ​​- favorable interpretation of these and other social Ektiv and go. The main source of images to which an individual can be oriented in the process of constructing socio-political reality is the sovereign ideology, which conveys its concept to the world, an invisible part of any image. enemy It is better to reveal the figurative place of ideological texts by allowing a complex methodological approach, which we have adopted from various scientific schools.

Within the framework of the development of the task of developing a methodology for analyzing the ideological text, direct molding of the image of the enemy, a scheme was created for the formation of the dzherel. When analyzing the images, we used the theoretical and methodological tools of the theory of social phenomena, the theory of discourse and the theory of metaphor. As a hypothesis, the formula for forming the image of the enemy “significance of importance + control of the threat” was confirmed both on the theoretical material presented in Chapter I, and on the empirical material of Chapter I. It has been divided into parts so that the methods of constructing the image of the external enemy can be divided into two groups. On one side, the formation of the image of the “other” on the base of the suspense-meaning category. On the other hand, a statement about a systemic threat may suddenly emerge, which does not guarantee all the strengths that control such processes convey: a) emphasizing the problems that threaten this society; b) a formulated statement about a specific problem that may or may not be applied; c) stereotyping of the “other” as the initiator and cause of this insecurity.

The investigation of the Dzherel using a similar, fragmented method allowed the development of the latest investigation to reveal the peculiarities of the real image of the new enemy in the Radyansky propaganda within the framework of a special study in the period 1946-1953. Specific patterns of this image have been identified, as well as underground characteristics pictures of the world, which served as the basis for the formation of politically significant images.

To see the “other”, the vikorists reveal the essence of the class essence of the world, and above all of American imperialism. The formation of a statement about the capitalist world, perceived by foreign powers, as about the “other”, is carried out in ideological texts as a way of direct opposition on the basis of various validly significant criteria (will get citizens, the level of culture, the for the world or war), so and for the framework of creation within one informational drive of protidal images Mi-group and Stink-group. Moreover, the distribution is stagnant in all areas of life. Any topic provides a basis for the development of a general bias towards the benefit of the “other”, and for inter-group discrimination. In this case, the construction of images is based on the method of objectivating abstract and unknown socio-political phenomena through images that are close to the point of view (for example, an aggressive militaristic policy is objectified through manifestations about the fears of war). Emotional depth to the image of the “other” is achieved through various ways of presenting ideological information - contrast, juxtaposition, exaggeration, distortion of metaphors. The negative image of the “other” becomes the basis for the further formation of the image of the external enemy.

In order to create not just an image of the “other”, but an image of the enemy, it is necessary to create a statement about the threat directed at the Mi-group. On an interstate level, the image of war is most suitable for these purposes, since war is the highest stage of threat to a power. In the Radian propaganda and analysis of our period, this method is actively supported by the fact that war at this time is not understood in abstract, but in concrete terms, in the sphere of everyday information.

During the hour of war, the image of the enemy is updated through the image of fascist Germany and especially Hitler. After the end of the war, there is no longer a threat of victory, but there is no other military aggressor, a new category appears, called “fires of war.” A new way of relating both to war and to capitalism - and which can be called a useful insight from the point of view of combining ideology and recent social research into one incongruous picture of the world. It is natural that the “burning war” (later, in connection with the escalating threat of a new war, the voice is transferred to it - this is the formulation of the “flaming new war”) are the main contenders for the image of a new foreign political enemy. In 1949, this category evolves into “American fighters of the war”, “the main fighters of the war – the American imperialists”.

Associations with the Hitlerite regime will be based on two main directions: firstly, by accusing the adherents of the Hitlerite regime of their aggressive aspirations, and in another way, the current policy of the powers is being established According to Hitler's policies, the rulers of the stake are called his attackers, who will defeat, impose fascism and commit the least greedy atrocities. Apparently, the expansionist policy of the advancing imperialists (with an emphasis on the United States) is also similar to the policy of Hitler. Moreover, Nazi Germany also, consistent with the official version, becomes a derivative of these forces. While laying all the blame for the outbreak of war on the distant powers, official propaganda here represents an extremely unsafe enemy, such as Hitler's Germany.

The enemy appears as a source of all kinds of troubles and values ​​that are similar to “ours”. Father, I am in the presence of evil. Within the framework of the Radian ideology, the images of the devil and universal Evil are not vindicated, but the demonization of the enemy can still be carried out in other ways. We were able to reveal the following phenomena that are formed using the designated method:

The statement about the gate as the center of all evil evils;

Statements about the purposeful growth of greedy, bestial evildoers;

Statements about the gate as the center of world fascism;

The misery of humanity;

Statements about the weakness of the enemy.

In this case, regardless of the manifestations of the addiction to imperialism, in the ideological discourse the song of tension is always saved, the call to call is not only the song of overcoming the enemy, but the fear of it.

The typical statement about the gates as the source of all “our” ills arises in the Radian propaganda of a kind of darkness, associated with the peculiarities of the picture of the world. Within the framework of further investigations, statements are being made about those that we, the Radian state, currently have no serious problems (not reflected in ideological discourse), so that the enemy is not the source of our troubles at the present time. “Stink” is the source of our troubles in the past (the Great Great War) and in the future (the Third World War). In reality, “we” have no serious external problems that “we” wouldn’t get into trouble with, and we can’t (in connection with this, “we”, for the meanings, is shorter and stronger for “them”). “Stinks” cannot convey real evil to “us”, wanting to gradually earn money. The victims of the imperialists are three groups, which are also the core parts of the ideological picture of the world: this - in the world distant from the center of the war camp - the workers of the capitalist camp, who were lost in its orbit that edge of the third world, and also the edge of people's democracy.

By dividing the camp into two parts (as is already evident in the title - “The USSR and the edges of people’s democracy”), a subordinate effect is achieved: to the Mi-group, which sounds like the Radyan power, the principle of superiority over the enemy and non-discord is established. . This approach also makes it possible to strengthen group narcissism and thereby emphasize in-group identity. Part of “our” camp, which was suddenly lost, becomes a victim of the approach of the enemy, which allows us to save ourselves from such a threat as “us”.

The problem of the rapid transformation of the United States from allies to enemies within the framework of the Radian ideological picture of the world was interpreted in addition to the theoretical framework, apparently to the extent that in social phenomena there is no reality as named. Since categorization and naming serve a special purpose, the development of the concept of “allies” in the discourse leads to the emergence of a clear connection with ideological reality. Between group boundaries there is a group of “allies”, and they can be an enemy for their goals, and there is the concept of “imperialism”, and therefore, what is different words, Behind them stand different images, and as a result they signify different groups, which in different ways lie down to “our” death. It turns out that “our American allies” and “American imperialists” are two independent images, one for friends, and the other for enemies. Thus, the introduction of a radical change to such a different society may well lead to the creation of a new obvious strength, a simulacrum with new features.

The analysis of materials from other propaganda of the early period of the Cold War allows us to detail the hidden scheme of constructing the image of the enemy by the way of seeing rice, powering the image of the new enemy as an element of the picture of the world.

Just as for the image of the “other” the important criteria for membership in a group of positions (at which stage it is important to emphasize the priority for everything with which the “stinks” arise from “us”), then for the image of the enemy, as the witching of the dzherel shows, the central criteria are ii goals and activities . In truth, the statement about the threat, which is confirmed by us, is the formation of the image of an enemy in one’s mind, conveys the purpose of direct action on the side of the enemy, which carries the insecurity of “our” strength: its values, This is vitality, this is life.

The goals of the enemy forces are characterized, firstly, by their direct alignment with our good goals, and, in another way, by their aggressive directness against us. The activity of the foreign enemy has two main characteristics. First of all, based on the theoretical characteristics of the image of the enemy discussed in Chapter I, everything that does not harm the enemy will harm us. In other words, judging by the materials of the Radian propaganda, the enemy is indiscriminate in the ways of achieving his “vile goals”, so he does not intend to harm “our” strength in any other way.

This installation helps to align the boundaries of the formed picture with the world: it allows one to interpret in a clear manner any actions of representatives of the warlike Vony group - both foreign and domestic. This guarantees intergroup discrimination and the threat that is accepted, necessary to promote the image of the “other” and the image of the enemy. The statement about the “victimization of all features” and “masking” of their essential intentions is another important discovery: they serve to support and create a shaped picture of light, ensuring their appearance threats of factual inconsistencies.

The results of the analysis of the image of the external enemy at the boundaries of the case study allowed us to suggest the possibility of infusing the image of the external enemy on the evidence of current Russian marriage.

Once constructed, the image of the external enemy becomes a stable element of the picture of the world of a given society, and inertia and potentiality can be preserved in the future for a long time. Prote in the current sociocultural dynamics, which reveals the nature of a non-linear, open-ended development, such an inert image quickly becomes outdated, becomes dysfunctional, contributes to the picture of the world, fuels the identity Identity ultimately plays a disorganizing and maladaptive role.

In these marriages, the difference between societies takes on not so much a real, but rather a symbolic character. Significant identities, which are based on constructed images of the enemy, will be recalled in some way depending on consumption. As the beginning of the “Cold War”, the image of the new enemy is entirely geopolitically external and reinforced by the reality of the commonwealth in the minds of the closed marriage under the name Mitha Vo no group, then in open marriages the situation changes. There is no all-pervasive identity “We”; the process of identity formation is implicit and pluralistic in nature. The image of the enemy also evokes a symbolic character that does not resemble real groups. This place fluctuates, so the image of the enemy appears more “obvious, simulative”, less real.

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The influx of mass information creates the image of the “enemy”

Construction of the image of the “victim” in socio-political trends……………………………………………………………………………………….

Stereotypes of Svidomosti in the molded image of “enemy” and “victim”….…………………………………………………………………………………

List of vikorista dzherel……………………………………….


1 The influx of ZMI into the creation of the image of the “enemy”.

2 The image of the “victim” in socio-political issues.
3 Stereotypes of Svidomosti.


The object of our work is the image of the “enemy” and the image of the “victim”. The subject is the creation of the image of the “enemy” and the image of the “victim” in social conflicts.

Meta robots - analyze the creation of images of the “enemy” and the “victim”.

On the road until you reach the set mark, complete the following instructions:

1 Find out more about the topic of investigation.

2 Look at the robot N.S. Minaeva, S.A. Rusinova “Assessment of the manipulative infusion of mass information in the hour of creating the “image of an enemy.”

3 Analyze the article by G. I. Kozireva “The enemy and the image of the “entry” in married and political marriages.”


The history of the development of manipulative processes, aligned with the history of this phenomenon, is still very short, and the amount of accumulated information and other information on this topic is small. This gives greater relevance to the manipulation of mass media. The current literature has a lot of information about this problem. L. Dotsenko and Yu. A. Ermakov.

The image of the enemy is a clear (evaluative) characteristic (image) of the “enemy”, formed by the spouse. When the “entry” and the statement about the “entry” are identified, their “entry” and “image” can really clash with each other, as a result of which they seem to separate both objective reality and evaluative inter- speech and emotional components of perception. In addition, stereotypes and attitudes, myths and concerns, and powerful mass media influence the formation of the image of the enemy. It is necessary to realize that the reactions of the “gate” are mediated by various sources of information, for example, snakes, which can directly shape your image. The various images of “enemies” give indications about those who are a threat to this or other social integrity at any given time, in a given situation, what are the parameters of this threat (strength, active is, inhumanity), which is necessary to develop for protection from " enemy." These images can be passed down from generation to generation, changed from era to era, diminished (smoothed and known) and reinvented. The remaining fates of Russia are once again reviving the search for internal and external enemies.
Using the varied and increased influence of manipulative infusion, three mutually reinforcing methods are used: the content analysis method, which allows a report to analyze the content of propaganda materials; The focused interview method showed how potential voters - a group of experts from six individuals - perceived and assessed the changes in these materials and the influx of materials on them, and, they decided, the questionnaire method allowed in mean the influx of manipulative influx on the representative audience of potential partners of propaganda information . The method of content analysis revealed signs of many manipulative techniques in the analysis of propaganda materials of both the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party, such as “pasting labels”, creating contrast, transferring (“transfer”), “adjusting cards”, Ideological stereotyping and others. Moreover, the political strategists of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation tried to create an “enemy image” with the United Russia party through the open labeling of labels (“two-parties”, “cynics”, etc.) and an obvious call to the official government, which became the object of “vikrity”.
The main idea of ​​the text lies in the present: power is against powerful giants, it is an enemy, such power is not needed for Russians (or residents of the Sverdlovsk region). In this case, the authors of the anthrox are not besotted by the fact that neither the regional nor the federal authorities praised the decision about the extension of the pension age and did not even look at the nutrition, and the proposal itself about the inevitability of such benefits was voiced ala zust of a sovereign official as much as not of the first rank. This text has such manipulative techniques: ideological stereotyping, brilliant insignificance, sensationalism, rigging of maps.
And the propaganda of the LDPR took the object of criticism not from power itself, but from their actions, and by sharply criticizing their actions, relying on stereotypes that exist in the marriage, they implicitly, implicitly created the image of a rather incompetent ї corrupt government. The number of explicit, direct assessments, as conceived by the political strategists of the LDPR, was responsible for generating in the audience who read a lot of negative attitudes, in addition to which the recipients themselves would continue to “work” from a residual impulse of a negative image .
The text of the Wikoristan has the following manipulative techniques: creative layout, manipulation of maps, sticking of labels, ideological stereotyping. The main message of the publication is derived from the context and subtext. The image of the political opponent will be formed with the help of implicit assessments, while supporting the spouse’s existing social stereotypes. Evaluative, emotionally negatively loaded words are placed not before the “party in power” itself, but before its decision and action. The reader himself, having worked out the residual drafts of those whose actions had received harsh criticism, for this reader, this “powerful” draft seemed to be richly valuable for the impositions of calls. Who has a sense of stagnation of manipulative techniques. Both parties - both the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party - in their critical materials did not name the same name of one or another representative of the “party in power”, giving the advantage to independent criticism, which deprived a wide scope for assumption, attitude And, few of the primed solids are mediated.

The image of the enemy is a clear (evaluative) characteristic (image) of the “enemy”, formed by the spouse. This is the case of the “entry” and the statements about the “entry”, in which the “entry” and its “image” can be seen as one and the same, since the perception reflects not only objective reality, but also an evaluative interpretation ii, and emotional components of perception. In addition, stereotypes and attitudes, myths and wisdom, and powerful mass media influence the formation of the image of the enemy. It is necessary to realize that the reactions of the “gate” are mediated by various sources of information, such as snakes, which can directly shape your image. The various images of “enemies” give indications about those who are a threat to this or other social integrity at any given time, in a given situation, what are the parameters of this threat (strength, active is, inhumanity), which must be developed to protect against " enemy." These images can be passed on from generation to generation, changed from era to era, reduced (smoothed and known) and revived again. The remaining fates of Russia are once again reviving the search for internal and external enemies. So, since 1989, in the course of the national investigations of the great public opinion, which was carried out by the All-Russian Central Military District, the question was asked: “What do you think are the enemies of our land today?” only 13% of respondents responded positively, and 47% chose the option “Are we looking for enemies, how do all things lie within ourselves?”, then in 2003. to the question “How do you care about the enemies of today’s Russia?” - “so” was answered by 77%, “not” - by 9% of respondents. Such significant changes in the husband's testimony are of a guilty mother's serious nature. It is necessary to realize that the current flow of people cannot radically change in a very short period of time, so as to directly actualize the problem of the “enemy”. Obviously, the Russian people have a significant historical background - evidence of an important negative (traditional) mobilization and self-identification. At the same time, traditional stereotypes are superimposed on the real risks of today and tomorrow. In our opinion, the problem of updating the “gateway” in mass media in Russia has the following reasons: 1. The minds of life in the country and in the world have become more unsafe; people have become less tolerant. 2. Regardless of the positive changes in the economy and equal life in the rest of the rocks, in general, the hopes of a significant part of Russians have not been realized, most people have become deeply disillusioned, and they feel guilty about food relatives: who is to blame? (who is the “enemy”? ) 3. Uncontrolled internal and external migration has blocked the international waterways at the edge. Ethnic groups, especially the titular or traditional ones, which are the most widely represented, often attribute the image of an enemy to the non-traditional ones who created This is especially true for foreign cultural social groups. Thus, according to the data of a sociological survey conducted by the Levada Center after the findings of Kondopozi (spring 2006), which supported the extinguishment of “Russia for Russians”, 54% appeared, according to this, that “the rich troubles of Russia and people of non-Russian nationalities" , 34%, represent the residence in the territory of the region of immigrants from the Caucasus 42%, Chinese – 41%, and immigrants from non-Asian republics – 23% of the population3. 4. The presence of a specific global national idea designed to unite the region and reduce social tension in the community; The gap in income and equal life between the poor and the rich of the population continues to grow, and at the same time we are wary of the growth of mutual witchcraft. 5. External calls also provide a stimulating influx to actualize the image of the “enemy” in the marriage. Lichas 4.5% of Rosiyan, they’re at those Kranens, the Shchiro Kho -Rosy, I hung up, the Voni Vyniye for Rahunov’s problems is 45% of the settlement, and 37.5% of the faculty to fade, and the NATO is an active opponent4 . 6. The advancement of the level of enemy is conflated and the purposeful formation of the image of an enemy by the unkind people of Russia. 7. It is also necessary to ensure that the image of the internal and external “enemy” - 161 - in the marriage is also completely straightened out. Some theorists and politicians appreciate that the traditional Russian method of negative mobilization aims to actualize the image of the “enemy” and not the only method of consolidating a partnership in the face of a modern threat and internal disorganization. Proteus, such “consolidation” is a threat to the traditional Russian authoritarianism with its harsh “friend-enemy” dichotomy and confrontation with too much international middle ground. All the listed reasons fell on the fertile ground of the traditional Russian mentality: in the husband's knowledge, the addiction to the search for the “enemy” disappears. Let's take a look at the mechanisms and ways of forming to understand the “enemy” and the “image of the enemy.” It is important for molded people to understand that they are a negative reaction to real and obvious insecurity as one of the forms of suspense. The development of witchcraft can go through a number of stages - from a unilateral unfriendly act to a bilateral large-scale witchcraft, from a mild negative hostility to rich hatred. Traditionally, the “image of a thief” is formed on the basis of unkind, hostile (witch) words and/or actions. Historical memory, stereotypes of any society, which are said to allow people to save and pass on from generation to generation the formed “images of enemies” and the mechanisms of their identification. Therefore, if the social population is faced with this kind of insecurity, the people’s memory “resurrects” the stereotype of the image of the enemy, which is indicative of the situation, and on this basis, the social media is formed new image enemy It is important to note that, under the influence of powerful forces, negative stereotypes are the main cause of negative problems. Ale stinks will quickly formulate the image of the enemy and some of the main evaluative characteristics.

11. Meals.

The history of mass Omani, the significance of mass Omani for the flow of information.

14. Propaganda functions:

1) Controlling the interpretation of the message based on the reconstitution of recipients in the directness of the communicator’s gaze.

2) Propaganda does not inform the recipient, but rather, in this way, restarts our relationship so that the output estimates and judgment of the communicator appear in competition. Control over information, which transforms propaganda into a tool of more than blatant political control. All this is intended for the purpose of obtaining the same and other ideas and to remove them from the subordinate position.

3) It is practical to activate the recipient, so that the transfer of these manifestations that have already been introduced into the sphere of behavioral motivation.

4) Fight against an ideological opponent

See the propaganda

From what emotions propaganda awakens in people, Russian sociologist A. Tsuladze distinguishes between positive and negative propaganda.

Positive (constructive) propaganda is to bring these and other changes to a reasonable form to the living. The meta of positive propaganda is the acceptance of social harmony, goodness, the indoctrination of people, similar to the universally accepted values. Positive propaganda has spiritual, informational, explanatory functions in a marriage. It is affected by the harm of those to whom it is addressed, and not by a limited number of people. Positive propaganda does not pursue manipulative goals and does not allow lies or misrepresentation of facts.

Negative (destructive) propaganda forces people to follow the principle of “meta-true interests”. The meta of negative propaganda is the disinflammation of the social warlock, the escalation of social conflicts, and the deepening of the marriage. This allows you to dissect people and make them listen to the will of the propagandist. The technology of creating the “image of the enemy” allows you to gather around the propagandist, to impose the same stereotypes on your eyes. The main function of negative propaganda is the creation of an illusory, parallel reality, visible to the propagandist, with an inverted system of values, distortions, and views. Negative propaganda actively exploits low criticality and influences the masses as a method of manipulating them for the benefit of a narrow group of individuals.

It is important to note that the very classification of propaganda based on emotions, proposed by A. Tsuladze, is entirely legitimate. However, his interpretation of positive and negative propaganda is not entirely grounded, since truly positive propaganda is distinguished from negative propaganda by the fact that it does not represent direct lies, but is also actively, like negative, manipulation There are many facts about it. For example, the propaganda of the Radian and American way of life evokes positive emotions and eliminates the problems that inevitably arise from the proliferated way of life in other countries. At the same time, the technology created by the “image of the enemy” has a positive function, since it is used to unite the general public about the sacred idea for the people (especially the Russians) of protecting their own vitality from the outside world. aggression.

According to the purposeful directness of the psychological influx of propaganda, mass publicity can be seen in the following forms: propaganda of creation, propaganda of resilience and heroism, propaganda of enlightenment, propaganda of ruination, propaganda of sex, propaganda of zalaku Bath and propaganda will be revealed.

Propaganda of resilience and heroism calls for courage to endure the costs of everyday life of a new type of marriage and wartime, demonstrates heroism and self-sacrifice of local individuals and in these ways preaches mass heroism.

Propaganda informs about both political leaders and political parties, about the economic and military power of these and other powers, advertising songs, for example, American, way of living, presents the system of values ​​of any marriage as uniformly correct.

The propaganda of the ruination works against the ideology of the warring power, which is transforming the population, that the value system of this power is deeply vile, and the canonized heroes are either sick people or, even worse, evildoers.

Propaganda inflames national, religious, social hatred, vikoryst rubbing between soldiers, officers and generals, and incites between various canopies of the enemy’s troops.

Propaganda smears the ceremonies and population of the enemy’s territory or the enemy’s military services with the economical and military power of their state. Sometimes the propaganda of slander, in addition to the psychological, is a physical influx.

Propaganda emphasizes the importance of the economic and social development of the enemy country, instilling in the population that there is no way to cope with their current needs, so that there is no way to improve the situation. In the hour of war, propaganda ultimately instills in the soldiers and officers of the enemy army that their situation is becoming hopeless (through withdrawal, food waste, etc.), and the rest of the war is hopeless.

Respectfully, the remaining five forms of propaganda influx can be fought not only against the population and military servicemen of the warring powers, but also against the population and military servicemen of the powerful land. So it was, for example, at the hour of “re-awakening” in our land, both foreign and foreign propaganda reminded us that the system of values ​​of our marriage is vicious and decided to move on to “foreign human” values, henceforth Why did the Radyansky Union fall apart?

According to the typology of information, propaganda is divided into white, gray and black.

White propaganda is sent to official channels (for example, information from local authorities). It is open, vikoryst’s re-interpretation of the data and does not mask its goals.

This propaganda never fails to display its contents of information, vikoryst both misinterpretation and misinterpretation of facts, and misrepresentation of facts and thoughts in order to impose its conclusions and assessments. Thus, one of the largest USIA leaders, Alvin Snyder (USA), guessed that after the death of the Korean Boeing 747, they were preparing a 5-year film based on the text of the conflict negotiations he presented and the SU-15 pilot from the ground. Vishov’s video showed that Major Yosipovich shot down the Boeing, knowing that it was a passenger plane and not having tried to contact it. This video was later shown at the UN Security Council. As a result of the light's enormity, the American side's interpretation of the death of the Korean Boeing was imposed.

Black propaganda will always use its necessary information to put mass information into deception. Like a butt, let’s look at the text of the leaflet, which showed little significant success among Russian soldiers in 1915, during the hour of the First World War, as the Germans expanded:

“This is an unfortunate war against my will: it is caused by the intrigues of the Grand Duke Mikoli Mikolayovich and his cronies, who are planning to push me so that I can take the throne myself...

Soldier! Be encouraged to reproach your treacherous generals, unleash your armor on everyone who threatens the life and freedom of your Tsar, without the care of dear fatherlandism! Your unfortunate Tsar Mikola II"

Propaganda awareness occupies the central place in propaganda - information is properly prepared to meet the needs of propaganda.

16. Bourdieu. About the TV station: criticism of daily journalism

Censorship is invisible. Access to TV channels is subject to heavy censorship and loss of independence, the reason being that the plot of the story is considered different, that in the minds of communication is considered different, and, most importantly, that the exchange of time ruins our in such a framework that it becomes difficult to say.

This censorship, which applies both to the requesters and to the journalists who accept it, may be of a political nature. There is political handing over, political control; Apart from the headache, in such periods as the current one, when there is a whole reserve army of unemployed people and there are daily guarantees of employment in the Galuz radio and television station, a tendency to political conformism appears especially strong. People themselves are exposed to obvious and uninformed censorship, so there is no need to call them to order.

You can also guess economical censorship. Honestly, we can say that the most economical factor matters everything in the TV station. And it’s not enough to say that those who appear on the TV station are considered to be their rulers, deputy leaders, who place their advertisements there, as well as the power that provides financial assistance: without knowing about those who are the rulers Both and other television companies, as part It is impossible for us to understand anything about its functioning, but it is not a sin to guess about it.

And the mechanisms whose action transforms television into a particularly pronounced form of symbolic aggression. Symbolic aggression is an aggression that is realized in every moment of those who understand it themselves, as well as those who give it to them, for the minds that they first and the rest do not understand. They hope that the stinks they smell or inflict.

butt. Chronicle of events that chase sensations. Sex and blood, drama and evil in the era of the persecution of the mass voyeur, they rose to the front pages of magazines, from which television news releases began.

Pragnennaya respectability, noun. The serious press was worried about depriving them of warehouses on another plan. The chronicle of this story is the facts that inspire and delight.

The symbolic action of the TV station is often - for example, for those who are in a hurry to release new products - and has the utmost respect for the potential for everyone, which can be described as an omnibus, for everyone.

These facts, which are omnibus, do not shock anyone, which do not interfere with anything, which do not influence the warring parties and call for a hidden consensus.

An hour is a rare blessing on a television station. ta Yakshcho tsinni hvilini ef.

It’s time to be victorious, so that we can say something like this, which means that the woman is not so foolish, since she follows herself more respectfully.

The television theater is more dramatic than the other meaning of the word: to bring to the stage, depicting another idea and greater significance, seriousness, its dramatic, tragic character.

On the outskirts of their villages, people's mischief looms. The word is too strong for the meaning of these ideas... (The same goes for the words. The original words cannot attack either the “inhabitants” or the “people”. It is necessary to vikorize words that go out of order.

Journalists should say the blame for them. Those that may seem completely banal to others, seem to them to be extraordinary, and at the same time.

This is a very important mind that is in a hurry to run around in search of sensation. In order to become the first ones, who, after drinking and showing their tsikava, are ready for anything in advance. Everyone copies the same thing, and as a result, it turns out that they all copy the same thing.

The political insecurity that arises from the extreme influences of the television station lies in the special nature of the image of the work of what literary critics call the effect of reality: the television station shows and it is hard to believe what it shows. Such a force of inspiration can give rise to a mobilization effect, creating ideas and manifestations, and creating real social groups.

Television means access to social and political life. Let us assume that I have achieved the goal of ending my retirement life in fifty years. For which it is enough for a mother to secretly radiate from large connections and communication, ask for PMI, for additional TB, the same effect is achieved that was demonstrated in 50 thousand. osib.

If competition exists between journalists, publications that work in the same minds, within the same rating, with the same advertising agents, it becomes a factor of homogeneity.

There is great concern among those that the rating mentality is taking hold in leading companies, and now they are starting to get involved in marketing.

Hurry up and fast-thinking. And connections between my thoughts and thoughts. One of the main problems of the TV station is food supply between meals and liquidity. How can you think about the speed? And I don’t blame myself for the TV station, giving my word to the thinkers, so that they can think at an accelerated pace, on those that I will ever have to deal with only “fast-thinkers”, “shvidkodums”, who will think in the dark...

The exchange of banalities, dirty places is communication, and in one place it is the fact of spelkuvaniya. The advantage of the “fucking places”, which play an important role in everyday smelling, is that all their creations can be perceived and absorbed by the mittevo: through their banality, the stench is as strong as for anyone to say, so to speak. for the hearing

Rub and rub. At the same time, the microcosm of journalists is increasingly showing friction between those who stand up for the protection of independent values, freedom in relation to commercial profit, to drink, the orders of their superiors, and those who are in line Necessities are forged and wines are clearly celebrated.

The moralism of television newsmen is a foul fodder for thought: often being cynics, they are caught in the spirit of absolutely astonishing moral conformism. Newsletters, TV debates, sports commentators take on the moral turmoil of marriage and without much effort become purveyors of typical bourgeois morality, saying, “what do you need to think about” about the so-called “problems of marriage”, aggression I’m on the outskirts of town and there’s violence in schools.

Others, less noticeable, have inherited an increase in the visibility of the TV station in the vastness of ZMI and the increased influx of commercialization on the TV station, which is now occupying a political position, becoming the transition from a policy of cultural influx to a kind of “spontaneous” demagoguery. It is especially noticeable on the TV station, but it is gradually conquering the so-called serious news, as they lead to more such headings as “reader lists”, “free tribune” or “free thought”.

But the most important thing is the fact that through the increase in the symbolic significance of the television channel, and among the competing television channels among them, who with the greatest cynicism and success will choose to benefit from sensational, visual material Well, to go beyond the boundaries of everyday life, the journalistic world is wary of a trend until now 'yazuvannya. a special statement about the information that until recently did not go beyond the boundaries of the so-called life press, which illuminates sports events and chronicles of events. And at the same time, there is a special category of journalists - those who are highly paid for their publications without any proof, they hardly follow the expectations of the most powerful public, the socially cynical and the deaf, absolutely of any deontology and we are more concerned about political problems - not to impose our “values”, advantages, style of life and language, their “human ideal” according to journalists. With the hectic competitive struggle for increasing their share of the market, television channels are increasingly reverting to the old tricks of the press, including Almost everything is chronicle and sports news.

Similar information.

It has already been said that the construction of the “victim” conveys and shapes the image of the “enemy”, which is either directly responsible for the “victim”, or may be indirectly related to this, or is seen as a potential insecurity. The indiscriminate or potential encroacher on the “victim” is identified as an “enemy” who must be resisted and defended.

“The enemy” as a concept and as a perception of the subject of the “other” is a deep root, as it relates to tribal spouses. This is due, firstly, to the need for self-identification of a social group and the division behind the principle of “friend or foe”, and, in another way, to the need to emphasize what becomes unsafe for the very life groupies.

For an archaic society, the world would be a witchcraft. Uncertainty lurked at the skin of people. Therefore, the “image of the enemy” among the spouses was formed as a complex concept, as a combined image that includes various negative phenomena. The “enemy” can be personified both by a real threat and by a mythological figure that “threatens” the very essence of social strength. “The danger that seems like a gate is deadly,” as L. Gudkov thought, “and is the most important sign of these semantic and rhetorical constructions. This time we are confronted with other, even close, characters of the symbolic theatre...”

Well, the most important sign of identifying an enemy is a mortal threat that emerges from a new person, group, or society.

The offensive sign of the enemy is his dehumanization - The enemy is endowed with various negative powers and viciousnesses. Thus, the leading researcher of the psychology of aggression L. Berkovets emphasizes the difference between instrumental aggression, in case of any attack it is planned mainly to attack before reaching the singing mark, that a witch of aggression, in which case the main method is the reduction of harm or deprivation of the victim. Well, the enemy is associated with evil, hatred, aggression, subjugation, violence, death and other negative things. Tom dehumanization the object of real and obvious insecurity is such a basic mental formation of the image of the enemy.

Otje, An enemy is an actor (appearance) that is a real or obvious threat to the very essence of an individual, group, society, bearing inhumane authorities and viciousness. An enemy can be associated with a specific feature (“special enemy of the Fuhrer”), with a tribe, ethnicity, nation, class, party, power (“evil empire”), with an ideology (fascism, nationalism, racism), with a suspenseful structure It (capitalism, socialism ) and in.

The concept of “enemy” (as well as marriage) goes through different stages of its development. In primitive primary groups, the sorcery of completely “strangers”, according to G. Zimmel, is a natural form, and war is not the only form of centuries from an alien group.

The image of the enemy is a clear (evaluative) characteristic (image) of the enemy, formed by Svidomosti. This is the secret about the enemy. In this case, this image can be quite contradictory to each other, and the fragments seem to be both objective reality and evaluative interpretations, and emotional components of perception. . In addition, stereotypes and attitudes, powerful mass media influence the formation of the image of the enemy. It is also necessary to embrace those who perceive the enemy indirectly by means of chanting elements of information, for example, serpents, which can purposefully formulate the chanting image of the enemy.

In social and political affairs there are various platforms for “searching” for real and obvious enemies. These actions are, from a glance, the most significant.

  • 1. Traditional foundations- as the mind needs for group self-identification. The external enemy emphasizes the importance of internal group connections and bonds, uniting all members of the group to fight the external threat.
  • 2. Social-psychological foundations blame the period of anomie (after Durkheim). Anomie brings with it increased social tension, a concentration of conflictual (aggressive) energy, as it searches for possible avenues for its exit. In our minds, the search for “enemy” is one of the simplest and most effective ways of channeling the energy of conflict into real and apparent enemies.
  • 3. Purposeful foundations A conflict situation arises due to the irrational interests of two or more political parties. For example, if two powers (people) lay claim to a disputed territory and do not agree to mutual actions, then one and the other can be treated as enemies.
  • 3. Valuable and rational foundations- a significant goal with the settlement of absurd values, for example, with differences in ideology, religion, culture, civilization and others. The remaining fates of the conflict were based on the issue of sexual minorities.
  • 4. Situational substitutes. Not a completely independent subject of politics may be in a situation where there is no temptation to take another subject as an enemy, which may be the basis for it. For example, under the pressure of the Second World War, the people of the land of Contiguous Europe (Romania, Ugorshchina, etc.), under the pressure of the German Empire, fought against the Radyansky Union in order to identify its to the enemy.
  • 5. Conjuncture fundamentals. Each subject of politics positions another subject as the “enemy” of the current world. For example, such countries as Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, with other fates periodically “reveal” the enemies of Moscow’s approach to themselves. Such a policy of discrediting Russia would be desirable by foreign patrons (especially the United States) and would bring political dividends to these countries (the ruling elite) both from the foreign and domestic politics. The leaders of the Zakhad region also do not waste the opportunity to call Russia on “witchcraft” ambassadors and actions. The essence of these, often unfounded, is to disturb Russia, to come to the truth with whomever it has robbed, and to sacrifice one’s interests to the benefit of the “accusers.”
  • 6. Manipulative basics. Manipulation transmits songs (system of inputs), which means that the object of manipulation is working on things that serve his interests. For example, the remaining fates were the objective bases for closer economic and political cooperation between Russia and the European Union. But such a procedure is not suitable for the United States. By manipulating the public information, the United States is trying to convey to the European Union that Russia is a potential insecurity, a potential enemy that is at fault for every step of the way. Manipulation of the enemy also allows certain countries to increase their military budget.
  • 7. Pragnenya lower the status (invade the rights) of the subject called an enemy. The very concept of “enemy” carries with it negative associations. Well, dear enemy, it’s impossible to pretend to be positive, and to set yourself up for lack of advance. So that the “enemy” is already placed in a position that is invisible to itself in advance. For example, the United States and its allies often coin the term “enemy of democracy” to political regimes and leaders that were disloyal to them, and thus try to invade them on their own.
  • 8. The warlock's friendship is mediated. Sometimes “enemy” and “friend” are designated by the principle: My friend's enemy is my enemy; The enemy of my enemy is my friend. This principle is most characteristic of political and military alliances, when two or more political actors enter into an agreement on the combined protection of interests and/or strong defense. For example, on such bases the European Union (the ultimate protection of the political and economic interests of the countries) and the military-political alliance NATO (the ultimate protection of the political and economic interests of the countries) were created. Having attempted to confirm their friendship with the United States, several European countries sent their troops to Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • 9. The joke of the “enemy” is a way to shift your guilt onto someone else, How to share your vadi, thoughts, bajan, deeds with others. This is based on the principle of “stop the villains”, if the villain himself, in order to raise suspicions about his theft, initiates the jokes of an obvious “villain”. For example, in order to justify their contradiction with fascist Germany and their evils during the hour of Another World War, pro-fascist forces in certain countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland) will reveal and Chervon Armiya not as a “willer”, but as a “conqueror”, like an enemy .
  • 10. Historical background associated with past images that took place among different subjects (countries, peoples, ethnicities, religions). The stench is necessarily preserved in the memory of this and other historical subjects on a similar level. The stench itself is, of course, the underlying causes of confrontation and warfare. Whenever a conflict is brewing or is in progress, then historical images are “pulled” into reality and become additional factors in its development.
  • 11. Stereotypes of Svidomosti. Decades of the “Cold War” and the global confrontation between two world systems have not passed without obscurity for rich people and entire nations. Therefore, if it’s true, political leaders can find a fertile ground for their development among the knowledgeable people – the bearers of the stereotypes of the past.