When iPhone 4 is turned on, the cord will light up and ask you to connect to iTunes. We update iPhone firmware on our own

The appearance of an iTunes cord and a service icon on a black iPhone screen usually indicates a software or hardware failure. Quite often, the cord appears after the user has tried to update the operating system or uninstall it, and at this point some fault occurs. Troubleshooting for self-flashing mobile phone- one of the most likely reasons for the connection cord to appear on the iPhone screen. If the problem is software, then you just have to deal with it on your own. All you have to do is download and install iTunes on your computer, connect your phone to your computer via a wire, and finally, what appears iTunes programs Press the “Update” button if it is available (updated data is not erased) or the “Renew” button (this procedure is used to complete all the necessary data for storing data on the device).

Another reason for the screensaver with a cord for connecting to iTunes has been expanded - it is a hardware malfunction. If you have downloaded everything described above and during the process of updating iTunes software, you see a notification about the cancellation, then in 95% of cases this indicates a hardware malfunction and it is necessary to return to. Axis short list pardons iTunes What stinks may be associated with:

Pomilka -1 or pomilka 50 - talk about problems with the modem part of the phone.

Pomilka 3194 - crashes when you try to update your phone with software old version, I have already stopped subscribing to iTunes.

Problem 9 is a very abstract problem and can arise from a wide range of reasons, starting with the front camera cable and ending with a faulty processor.

Failure 40 - most often indicates that the problem is related to NAND memory.

Pomilka 4005 - just as well as pomilka 9 may be due to many reasons.

Pomilka 4013 - there is a wide variety of reasons for guilt. Acceptable on iPhone 5s problem given blames itself through malfunction file system Flash memory, and on the iPhone 6s most often pardon given It is blamed on problems with the processor of the modem part.

Pomilka 4014 - the most common thing to talk about is problems with operational memory.

It's not latest list benefits that may expire if the P.O. is updated. The list is very wide and it is impossible to say with hundreds of hundreds of precision what went well. Professional and hardware diagnostics are required. (Ed. And not fortune telling on the grounds of cavoy :-))

So, from the update mode itself, since the system has not started up through a recent update, you can try to exit by rebooting the phone (press and hold the “Home” and “Power” buttons). If the cord is not recognized and after restarting, it is obvious that your iPhone has switched to Recovery Loop mode. In this case, the iTunes cord will appear on the screen after the hundredth reconnection. It’s very difficult to figure out such a problem without being a fakhivite. Better yet, don’t waste an hour, don’t risk your smartphone, and go to the service center, where the certified facists will help you for ten minutes.

For the sake of the fahivtsya:

The “fahivtsi” are happy to stand together to get out of the “loop” special programs, Such as TinyUmbrella and RecBoot. We are ahead of iPhone users that the use of any software to delete the data can lead to the repeated loss of data in the phone’s memory. Once again, after restarting operating system You download the iTunes splash screen again, the best solutions will be taken to a specialized workshop.

If your iPhone displays a black screen with the iTunes icon and a picture of a USB cable, it may be in either the update mode or the update loop. The first version of the iPhone will not require repair, but the other will not do without professional help.

What is the difference between update and loop mode?

Recovery Mode is an easy way to quickly restore the current version of the OS. For additional help, Recovery Mode can be completely reset iPhone settings and renew with backup copies, Previously saved on your computer or in iCloud. Koristuvach can independently enter the smartphone into Recovery Mode. To enter update mode, you need to:

  • Wimnuti iPhone
  • Connect the USB cable only to the computer
  • Press the Home button on your smartphone
  • Connect the USB cable to your smartphone and continue pressing the Home button
  • Click until the iTunes icon and cable icon appear.

If you do not have conclusive evidence, we strongly recommend that you do not use the update mode without the help of a proven master.

There are episodes if you go after all the necessary actions and restart after iPhone update However, you still continue to see the black screen with the iTunes icon. This is called a renewal loop - the smartphone constantly asks to connect iTunes, and re-installation does not help. In this situation, you need the help of a professional.

Why does iPhone ask to connect to iTunes?

You may have entered your iPhone into Recovery Mode. You can easily exit this by turning on your iPhone and turning it on again, pressing the Home button while pressing the power button.

Most often, the reason why after updating the iPhone you don’t want to return to normal operating mode is because the update may not be correct. There are often cases when it occurs when the iPhone is connected to the computer immediately, first, the lower firmware is downloaded and installed.

What do you need to do when a renewal loop appears?

If your iPhone constantly asks to connect to iTunes, then you need to go to the service center. Macsouls has confirmed that it is possible to quickly fix this problem by updating iPhone firmware.

We have successfully repaired iPhones of all generations and models - iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5c, 5s, 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus - we have done this over and over again and can guarantee you a satisfactory service robot iPhone after repairs at Macsouls. Before repairing the equipment, the service center will conduct a cost-free diagnostic of your device in order to accurately determine the cause of the problem.

It is not easy for you to enter Recovery Mode if you are not responsible for your actions.

In the meantime, more and more often I find myself struggling to update my iPhone with the help of iTunes. Most often, such an update will lead to a complete breakdown of the firmware and should not be carried out. The sufferers have nothing to lose but, having taken the phone and the hamman, go to the nearest service center, where, for a decent amount of money, we will carry out the “even folding” work on updating the iPhone firmware with a very thoughtful look. However, few people know that the constant transferability of Apple firmware updates can be done at home and the whole procedure can take quite a bit of time.

The iPhone firmware crashed or “Apple, USB cable and iTunes icon.”

There are three main signs that your phone’s firmware has crashed or been corrupted:
1. The iPhone does not turn on and all you see on the screen (unsurprisingly) is a black screen.
2. The phone can be turned on, but the screen only shows the Apple logo and does not respond to anything.
3. The phone turns on, and on the display screen there is a USB cable and the iTunes icon.

before further actions Look at your phone respectfully. It is possible that there is a problem with the physical equipment, in which case the firmware will not help you in any way. If your lover looks great, and there are no hidden treasures in him, you can connect him to your computer using an additional USB cable.

UVAGA! Please check that the program is installed on your computer iTunes remains versions. .

After connecting the cord, you need to simultaneously press the “Power” and “Home” buttons for 10 seconds. At the end of 10 seconds, release the “Power” button, and then continue to press the “Home” button.

Your computer must begin to identify the phone, which in turn means that the phone is alive and it is necessary to update the firmware.

iPhone firmware update

Before you begin the firmware procedure, you must make sure the phone is fully connected to your computer. After this, you need to launch iTunes, which will swear that the phone is in update mode.

All you have to do is press the “Renew” button and hang up.

After that, you will have to wait until the firmware downloads to the iPhone and the update process is completed, however, iTunes will periodically notify you about it. Finally, the progress of the firmware will be shown on the phone screen.

After completing the firmware, your phone will automatically turn on. After this, you need to go to “Adjustments” -\u003e “Basics” -\u003e “Skidannya” -\u003e “Discard all settings”.

Please add that since you are a proud owner of a phone that has been unlocked unofficially, then with high confidence you can cancel the notification:

Unfortunately, the tricks up our sleeves have run out, and the iPhone 4 / 4S with modems 4.12.01 / 2.0.12 is, in principle, impossible to unlock programmatically. You will be unable to either contact the operator for an official unlock, or quickly dial Gevey Sim, but that’s a different story.

Whether you're a gadget owner or not, Apple has dealt with the situation more than once when your iPhone 5 freezes. What does this mean? One of two things is that the screen is frozen and I don’t want to change it because the device does not respond to pressing the buttons. But the problem is completely different, if your iPhone is frozen, it just needs to be restarted. But you can earn money in ways described below.

Let's look at one of the most common situations when the iPhone 6 freezes. A similar situation can occur with smartphones of Apple and other versions, such as iPhone 4, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7 and others. As evidence shows, anyone with any iPhone model would like to deal with the problem if the device is malfunctioning and will not be able to update its robot for a long time.

So, if you don’t know what to do if your iPhone is frozen and glitching, and if you don’t want to turn it on, try Vikonati Primus re-enchantment. This procedure can be performed on any iPhone - either if the iPhone froze during the update, or in a situation where the iPhone froze when the settings were removed.

Primus's re-invitation with the coming rank is reflected:

  • First of all, we need to press the “Home” and “Power” buttons simultaneously and press for 8-12 seconds. The display of the gadget is guilty of going dark.
  • After pressing this, the logo will appear on the screen. If you didn’t see anything, you will need to briefly press the power button, and restarting in normal mode will begin.

In general, this method allows you to improve the operation of the system in extremely important situations, for example, when the iPhone 4 freezes after updating, or when the iPhone freezes when updating. Moreover, a lot of pressing on the buttons does not give the result, as if it touches the screen - the iPhone glitches and continues to hang, and does not respond to the instructions for the procedure, it works on its own.

In general, Primus re-engagement is a last resort option if nothing else helps. If you have other, less important problems on your iPhone, it’s better to know the ways to fix them.

How to re-engineer an iPhone without using the buttons

With the help of some of the most popular “Apple” gadgets, it is often so frustrating that the iPhone freezes, and you don’t know how to turn on the device, because the buttons don’t respond to pressure, so they simply don’t work. This is how he hooks up with models iPhone phones 5s, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7 and others. Most often, of course, with outdated versions. For example, if the iPhone 4s freezes, but the device does not turn off, the display works - the situation is greatly expanded.

So what should you do if the model 4 S is glitchy and doesn’t work on the buttons? There is only one way out - using the Assistive Touch function.

To enable this function, you need to:

  • Go to the main phone settings and go to the universal access section.
  • Find the item about physiology and motor skills (located at the very bottom of the menu) and click on “Assistive Touch”.
  • On the screen of the gadget version 5, 5 EU, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7 or other models you are using, there is no special button for the display bar.
  • Touch this button and the “Assistive Touch” menu will appear on the display.

That's it, the function is turned on, you can move on to another and most important stage of action by restarting the gadget in a situation where it is frozen and the buttons do not function.

Any current iOS device, be it the fifth or sixth version - for example, iPhone 6s, can be connected not by a mechanical means, but by using additional touch technologies. Try this way:

  • Click on the “Assistive Touch” icon on the device screen.
  • Click on the icon with the inscription “Device”, and then click on the “Screen lock” section. Buttons for clicking and tapping will appear on the display.
  • Further actions of the user are intuitively understood by the skin - you need to touch the “Enable” icon and the procedure will take place automatically.
  • To turn on the device, you need to connect it to your PC or laptop via a USB cable, and it will request in normal mode.

Thus, the re-installation of the device was carried out in 2 stages - through successive switching off and switching on. This is one of the most frequently used and easy ways to update the functionality of the iPhone 6s and other models of the Apple smartphone, if you decide to hang up.

What's wrong, the iPhone is stuck on the cord

This is the problem when the iTunes program icon appears on the display of the Apple mobile gadget and the cord comes out USB cable- this is common. Usually this situation is treated by starting the update mode. Ale tse is far from being like that.

In fact, with this display of iTunes programs, interaction with an iPhone can mean one of 3 things:

  • renewal procedure in normal mode;
  • update loop mode - rumors;
  • update loop mode - non-hearing.

What does it mean to understand the skin with guidance? In the first situation - if the procedure is carried out in normal mode - the device will do everything itself. You just need to leave the gadget for an hour, and the system will re-engage itself. If you need to completely destroy this mode, please re-engage the device in the Primus order.

It also happens that the iPhone does not respond when it is restarted normally and continues to display the iTunes logo on the screen. So another situation is to blame - the hearing mode of the update loop. It must be said that the reason for this mode to appear is often iTunes software glitches. Zokrema also often appears during the process of updating the operating system or firmware of the gadget. A loop can also appear as a result of simple everyday misunderstanding if the cable is abruptly connected during some activity.

Why was this regime called “hearsay”? To that which is brutal. The device can be restored to its usefulness while saving all the data that was originally in its memory. For this purpose, the investor is obliged to engage and install one of the numerous programs developed specifically for this purpose:

  • RecBoot;
  • TinyUmbrella;
  • iReb and many others.

And, I guess, the third mode is non-listening, which is due to problems with iTunes. This situation is complicated, because here the experts cannot be helped either by the special programs mentioned earlier, or by the procedure for re-engaging the system in the Primus order. In order for the smartphone's owner to remain intact, the cord and the iTunes logo will remain on the screen. Apparently, all the data that was saved on the gadget was irrevocably lost. It’s good if you transfer the situation from afar and create a backup. If it doesn’t, there’s no reason to worry about wasting your data.

Having caught such a loop, you will no longer be able to try flashing the device. This procedure is important, and you should never go back to the master the first time, otherwise it is entirely possible. Often the standard firmware scheme does not help and you have to install a special program - DFU. Information that was previously saved on the gadget is irrevocably deleted, and all data is updated from a backup copy, as such.

If you see a black string appearing on your screen and an iTunes icon at the top of the screen, it means that on your iPhone narazi launches in one of two modes - either Recovery Loop or Recovery Mode.

Recovery Mode- this is a special update mode on any iPhone, intended for emergency situations, if the smartphone cannot be used and find solutions in software-secured. If the phone, after checking, is re-enabled and again shows the cord and the iTunes icon, it means that the device has switched to Recovery Loop, Abo, as it is otherwise called “Loop of Renewal”.

To understand what mode your phone is currently in, you need to restart your smartphone. If, after re-backup, it works correctly, this means that the file update mode is in the first place (Recovery Mode). If your device still turns back to its original position after restarting, then the phone is in Recovery Loop mode. If you can’t get out of it using any buttons, you can use special programs or bring it to the service center so that the masters can take care of it.

How to exit Recovery Loop mode

For this purpose, specialized programs have been developed. This is TinyUmbrella, RecBoot and Redsn0w. All products can be purchased free of charge on official websites. Let's look at the skin behind them in detail.

TinyUmbrella. Connect your iPhone via USB after installing the program first. Launch it. Switch your device to DFU Mode. As soon as the phone is switched to this mode, the Fix Recovery tab will become active in the program window. Click and at the end that appears, confirm the action by clicking the “Yes” button. Over the course of several decades, your phone is liable to automatically re-engage and go back to work.

redsn0w. Please install the program from your computer. Connect your iPhone via a USB cable and launch the program. Click on the Extras tab. Finally, click on the Recovery Fix tab. Next, switch the smartphone to DFU Mode. The program will automatically determine DFU and correct all errors. Over the course of several decades, the phone will continue to work continuously.

RecBoot. If you can’t connect your iPhone to other programs described above, then use the little RecBoot utility. Download files from the official website and install them on your computer. Connect your phone via a USB cable and wait until the program detects the device. Then click on the Exit Recovery tab. Wait until the devices re-engage and return to their former position.

If you don't know how to put your smartphone into DFU mode, please read the instructions below carefully. DFU mode on all generations of iPhone is activated in the same way:

You need to connect your iPhone to your computer via a USB cable and press the Power and Home buttons for 10 seconds. Then release the Power button and continue pressing Home. Try until the phone starts the computer in DFU mode.

If you can't find your device for more information about these software features, go to iTunes. Please be assured that in this case all data from the iPhone will be deleted. Connect the device to DFU mode to the computer, open iTunes, wait until the device is identified by the system. Click the Update and Confirm tab, then check for the end of the procedure. Once the process is completed, your iPhone will be re-enabled and will function correctly. And you can’t remove cracks from the screen, only engineers can help service center. They will also help you update your iPhone and exit various update modes.