The Belarusian antivirus has taken over Kaspersky. The Belarusian antivirus has been put into the hands of Kaspersky Vikoristan at the initial deposits

Thanks to the capabilities of the Vba32 antivirus, you can successfully resist computer viruses, ensure your browsing on the Internet and sending by e-mail.

Antivirus Vba32 Personal We have a powerful heuristic analyzer, so you will be protected from the influx of new viruses or modifications.

A large database of popular free programs, as well as anti-virus add-ons that are regularly released, will provide the best protection for your computer.

Basic functions of the Antivirus Vba32 Personal program

Anti-virus file protection

  • Vba32 Monitor implements permanent anti-virus protection for your computer.
  • Vba32 Scanner implements anti-virus processing for the user.
  • The Windows/DOS console scanner can be used to start anti-virus processing of files from the command line.

Antivirus protection mail
The use of Vba32 anti-virus software modules allows you to protect your computer from the penetration of malicious programs and viruses through the system. by e-mail. Vba32 Postal filter will ensure the protection of any postal clients, which accept information about the POP3 and IMAPv4 protocols (Outlook Express, The Bat!, MS Outlook and others).

Anti-virus protection for the Internet

  • Vba32 Script filter supports Microsoft anti-virus protection Internet Explorer, Microsoft Outlook Express, as well as any other programs that use technology for scripting Microsoft Windows Script Host(WSH). Vba32 Script filter sifts through scripts that are being compiled, and converts their anti-virus processing. If a bad scenario is detected, your account is blocked.
  • Vba32 Anti-dealer contains Vba32 antivirus and provides protection against unauthorized connection attempts remote access with unknown telephone numbers. Vba32 Anti-dealer blocks attempts of unauthorized installation of remote access to a “foreign” provider. Such rumors seem to be created by so-called porn dealers, as well as by Trojans and others discounted programs and may incur significant material costs for telephone calls.

Anti-virus quarantine

  • Anti-virus quarantine is a special device in which infected and suspicious files are saved. Placed files are saved in a special way and cannot be launched in the usual way, which guarantees the safety of your computer.

SendLogs utility

  • The SendLogs utility is designed to collect technical information and files from all Vba32 components with their further sending to the "VirusBlockAda" files or saving to disk. This information makes the process easier technical support This will speed up the reaction of the retailers to the brutalization of the korystuvachs.

Vba32 antivirus update

  • The company "VirusBlockAda" constantly monitors the emergence of new viruses and promptly releases additional anti-virus databases and updates software modules. To maintain a high level of protection for your computer from the influx of new harmful programs and computer viruses, it is recommended to periodically update Vba32. Vba32 updates are necessary to retrieve new anti-virus databases and new versions of Vba32 program modules.

Security of Vba32 antivirus

  • Security for the Vba32 robot complex is provided to vikristants password protection tune in and do it.

Note. To remove the identification key for 30 days, send a request in a free form to the post office [email protected] For the sheet topic, select Evaluation key for VBA32 Personal.

VBA32 is notable because it is still the only antivirus in Russia, besides Kaspersky Anti-Virus, and is certified by FSTEC (Federal Service for Technical and Export Control) for the absence of undeclared capabilities or software masonry This gives the “Virusblockade” products the ability to protect data and create sovereign dungeon Russia. Other antivirus vendors issue FSTEC certificates for compliance with technical minds, so that “there is evidence of those who stink of antiviruses,” as Denis Zenkin, marketing director of Perimetrix, explained to CNews.”

Belarusian antivirus has taken over Kaspersky

5% of the antivirus market in Russia would like to be conquered by the advancing fate of the Belarusian product distributor VBA32 “Virusblockade”.
Antivirus VBA32, also known as “Virus blockade”, is about to take 5% of the Russian antivirus market. About this year's development of the Russian project "Virus Blockade" Oleksandr Bagmet.
Bagmet knows that it is not immediately final hour to shock ambitious market plans and it seemed that it was inevitable that the hour of crisis had fallen. It is important to note that by the efforts of the government law enforcement system, there will be no catastrophic fall on a licensed security program during the crisis period:
VBA32 is notable because it is still the only antivirus in Russia, besides Kaspersky Anti-Virus, and is certified by FSTEC (Federal Service for Technical and Export Control) for the absence of undeclared capabilities or software masonry This gives the products of “Virusblockade” an important opportunity to steal data and become a state prison of Russia. Other antivirus vendors issue FSTEK certificates for compliance with technical minds, in order to “certify those who stink of antiviruses,” as explained Denis Zenkin, director of marketing at Perimetrix.

In addition, anti-virus analysts identified the nasty speed of the “Virusblockade” products - limiting their low influx for the hour of obsession. operating system and go to work office add-ons(“gold” awarded to the Anti-Malware portal in all categories in 2008)

The library of the same name “Virusblockade” was founded in 1997. Vyacheslav Koleda and Gennady Reznikov at Minsk. According to the words of Oleksandr Bagmet, the founders of the company are the leaders of the company. She employs about 30 employees.

It is important that the “Virusblockade” products have stolen the absolute majority (99%, as the company seems) of computers in the Belarusian government, including the Ministry of Defense and Internal Affairs and the payment systems of the National Bank. Speaking about this, the Russian representative of the company insists that the market campaign of “Virusblockade” is not subject to the same marketing preferences that Belarus gives to the national anti-virus company. In Russia, VBA32 is installed at the State Public Scientific and Technical Library.

In all countries of presence (Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, Latvia, Poland and Romania), the activity of the “Virus Blockade” was divided between the corporate and government segments. In Russia, at this time, “Virus blockade” plans to conquer divisions from the beginning. In this case, Russia is a first (“not liking the little news in Germany”) region, where “Virus Blockade” introduced its boxed products to the market for end users: VBA32 Personal and VBA32 Workstation.

To enter the market, the representative office has established a distribution model. In the European part of Russia, the distributor was the CPS company, in the Urals - the Yekaterinburg CIFT.

The current figures in the antivirus market were even skeptical about the Russian plans for the “Virus blockade”. Oleg Gudilin, a manager in the strategic marketing department of Kaspersky Lab (47% of the market in 2007), told CNews that “Vba32’s chances of conquering significant parts of the market are low. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that for new countries, to which the “Virus Blockade” can be applied, such a ban, as a rule, is not set.”

Goodlin usefully called the availability of the FSTEC certificate, which certifies the existence of undeclared capabilities, as a serious competitive advantage of anti-virus tools “Virus blockade”.

Without much optimism, the arrival of the Belarusian product manufacturer NOD32 began. Ganna Aleksandrova, director of marketing at ESET (14% of the market in 2007) appreciates that the “Virus blockade” has become “an unfavorable time to enter the market.” Infected by the situation, the leaders who compete with each other, “supervising the leaders of the “other echelon”” have all gone into the shadows. “It’s a good idea to bring one hundred percent to the market for a new vendor and create increased complexity,” she concluded.

A review of the antivirus market in Russia in 2007. becoming $127 million (for Anti-Malware versions) up to $135 million (behind Kaspersky Lab’s developments).

1. About the company

The “VirusBlokAda” enterprise was created in 1997 under the form of “Partnership with Intermediate Branch”, in 2000 it was re-registered under the form of “Partnership with Additional Branch”. Retailers have gone to this warehouse antivirus programs Vba32 (VirusBlockAda), which is a commercial product since 1994.

21st birth 2006 The company has received a certificate of quality management system for design, development and technical support software product in accordance with the Belarusian standard STB ISO 9001-2009 and the German DIN EN ISO 9001:2008.

TDV "VirusBlockAda" is the only antivirus distributor in the Republic of Belarus software security It continues its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

The main strategic method of TDV “VirusBlockAda” is the development and support of national software security against the influx of unprofitable programs.

Within the framework of the high-tech park, the method of TDV “VirusBlockAda” includes:

  • The Republic of Belarus has the development, development and operation of software designed to protect against the influx of wasteful programs from industrial and other organizations of the republic for the replacement of similar imported products;
  • The world exports a fragmented TDV “VirusBlockAda” of national software, designed to protect against the influx of wasteful programs, designed to compete with the closest world analogues.

Types of activities:

  • development and support of the Vba32 (“VirusBlockAda”) complex of software features to protect against the influx of corrupted programs;
  • development and support of security systems of organizations and enterprises against the influx of unwanted programs and computer viruses;

2. Product

Complex Vba32.

Enter this warehouse software features protection against the influx of unwanted programs and computer viruses, fragmentation and maintenance TDV "VirusBlokAda".ZOV "VirusBlokAda" issued certificates for compliance with the standards STB ISO 9001-2001, DIN EN ISO 9001. A set of certifications was carried out at the State Center for Information Security under the President of the Republic of Belarus Lorus (certificate of quality No. BY/112 002).

The Vba32 complex is used to protect a wide range of objects, divided into the following headings:

For a workstation at the edge
For file servers
Automated management and updating
Postal system protector
For terminal servers
Internet gateway protection

It is obvious that there are skin products for your range of work.

Well, the “BlockAda” antivirus is a product of the Belarusian brothers, judging by the articles in the articles, the antivirus is no more than a little less than Doctor Web or Avast. It is noticeable in this antivirus that it detected a virus, packaged by Armadillo, which was new. If you try third party supplement If you remove the antivirus from memory, the antivirus is actively running, causing the attacking process to be terminated (even though the antivirus is still running). This antivirus will detect viruses from the 90s, so the virus database will be large, and it will include all sorts of issues and activities of old viruses (all of which include, without a sense, there were previously viruses that simply floated around with the new era:). It was also clear that the antivirus is poorly designed to recognize new viruses.

3. Basic technologies to be researched

The antivirus kernel of the Vba32 complex effectively contains a powerful processor emulator and a high-precision expert analyzer. Features of the implementation of the emulator (including dynamic translation of the code) allow significantly different foreign analogues Increase the effectiveness of anti-virus processing. The two-step optimization system for scanning minimizes delays when working with files, which also improves the speed of anti-virus processing. The expert analyzer allows you to effectively identify new modifications of problematic programs based on characteristic code fragments. The MalwareScope technology found in VirusBlockAda improves the reliability of detection of unknown rogue programs and significantly reduces the burden of virus analysts. The novelty of the MalwareScope technology lies in the fact that it allows detection of unknown representatives of known families of malicious programs without updating anti-virus databases.

The activity of the enterprise is based on the unique evidence of combating unprofitable programs and computer viruses. A continuous analysis of everything new that appears on the virus and anti-virus scene allows us to fully understand the Vba32 Complex, which will protect reliable defender everyone who is vikorist.

4. Vikoristannya in initial mortgages

The fragments of the antivirus “VirusBlockAda” are a Belarusian product, subject to the laws of this country. install equipped with Belarusian products, since Belarus is given products of moisture production. And there are so many installations, including the initial ones, without cost, equipped with the “VirusBlockAda” antivirus.

In other countries, the products of this company are sold on a commercial basis, but I want to note that the price of their products is not so high. Having read a number of articles, I understand that the relative strength/price for this product is high level. Cheaper for Kaspersky, and gets the job done better per row Other good antiviruses.

5. Visnovki

As a bad antivirus, you can put it on a par with such antiviruses as Doctor Web and Avast, and Avast will also clearly demonstrate its free nature. Based on the antivirus, although it is a weak one, it is still a plus for the antivirus, until then, I think, the developers will further investigate this problem, and their agent will become even more reliable and more advantageous for clients.


Anti-virus protection for local personal computers running Windows

(price in US dollars)

Anti-virus protection for Windows-based workstations

(price in US dollars)

number of computers/triviality

1-3 computers

4-5 computers

6-10 computers

11-15 computers

16-20 computers

21-25 computers

26-50 computers

51-100 computers

101-150 computers

151-250 computers

251-500 computers

501-1000 computers

over 1000 computers