Catalog of programs VKontakte updated! Grati in igri Vkontakte free of charge online. How to add, see from my side

Bagato coristuvachiv VKontakte - zatyati gamers. The stench spend a lot of time for online games. It's easy and simple to take advantage of playing VKontakte, but it's richer from playing with them. But why wouldn't one get up?

In order to know such programs, it is sufficient to see at the top menu of "Igri" - you will see a sea of ​​propositions. Here there are two pіdrozdіli: the novelties are popular, the choice is majestic. So that you don’t stain the rocks for poshuk and testing the fresh gris, we made a sprat of small tops from the most popular igors social measures.

About the changes associated with the transition to new design Vkontaktі rozkaznaprikіntsi statti.

At the moment, the most popular 5 looks like this:

TOP - 5

  1. Wormix - 16 million participants.
  2. Tyuryaga - 12 million.
  3. Zombie Farm - 10 million
  4. Bіy іz tіnnu – 10 mln.
  5. Street hauls – 9.1 million

VKontakte is constantly posting new additions to games, so it’s completely imaginative that in a certain hour the audience of the social network will become the favorites of other games. Okremo is significant three groups igor fallow in the audience, wanting to do such a classification є umovnoy.

VKontakte games for girls

  1. Mysterious booth - 8.1 million participants.
  2. Avataria - 5.4 million
  3. Fashionistas. New season - 5.3 million participants.
  4. Pharmania - the most important land of farms - 5.3 million
  5. Girl beauty - 3 million.

VKontakte games for boys

  1. Kopach online - 8 million participants.
  2. Treasures of pirates - 6.8 million.
  3. Swedish League - 6.5 million
  4. Contract Wars online shooter - 6.2 million
  5. At the trench - 4.9 million.

Universal games

At the center of the game, they play like boys, so the girl, and grow older aunts and uncles.

  1. India Kit: Three in a row - 7.9 million participants.
  2. Zaporozhye - 7.4 million
  3. Nanofarm - 5.9 million
  4. Father's daughters 4.5 million
  5. What a word - 4.2 million.

Games for two

  1. Wormix
  2. Bіy z tіnnu
  3. Super Ping Pong
  4. Play in "Poker" (there are a lot of such programs).
  5. Sea battle
What is bad for gamers to know?
  • Sob to start playing in the game, it’s enough to type the name in per row at the “Games” distribution, click on the preview image and press the “Start the game” button. Gave to follow the instructions.
  • As a rule, you will want to reset all your successes at the grit and almost s clean slate, then from the first equal, then it is possible to work, only having registered new account. This is the situation with more games, if you can try to write a tech support for a retailer. If you have such a possibility, then there is a "Start again" button.
  • It’s easy to see it, it’s easy to see it - press the message “Additions” in the menu of evil, open “My programs” and press a cross at the kutka on the opposite side of the uncommon grill.

Why not zavantazhuyutsya games

I live! Today, we are re-entering the chergovy manual of robotics from social networks. merezhey "Vkontakte", and today's topic - how to know the supplement "Vkontakte". Dosvіdchenim koristuvacham soc. merezhi tsya statya can be given inappropriate, but at the rich novice they blame the deacons of nutrition, and the same їх mi and razberemo in tsіy statti!

Otzhe, how to know the program "Vkonakti"?

For the first time, you should go to the “Igri” section, spreading at the very top of the template. Vіdkryєtsya storіnka іz sami popular games. There will also be information about the activity of your friends, about those who play the stench in the game and what success the stench has achieved.

There will be a small block in which you can choose the categories you need. In order to select more programs, you need to click on the “more” button and select the “additional” category. After that you will be shown more programs.

Right-handed in the first block you will find “Poshuk”, de vie you can know the program or the game by typing in the name. On the screenshots below you can watch all the vicons.

"Igri" VK

How to install the program or the VKontakte program to yourself?

In order to install the game or the program, you first need to know for everything, for which you can download the instructions above. Then you need to click on the program icon or click on the “Start the game” button.

On why our today's manual has reached the end, I agree everything was simple and clear! If you have run out of food or problems - you can ask them in the comments. On the site, I am practically free of charge and depend on your needs!

all branches Skype Google+ Twitter Facebook Miy Svit Odnoklassniki VKontakte

Games at Contact

For the tribute of social services, more 40 million people are going to spend an hour at the games on. You can find vkontakte games on the sides of numerical thematic conferences, on the individual sides of colleagues, friends and classmates, as well as on the official side of supplements.

Games on, as a rule, are adapted for other outbuildings. You can play in the VKontakte games without cost and vote, you can play on VKontakte in the online game (want to play - more, if you want to promote the group and start playing on VKontakte without the cost of the game).

Igor VK bezlich. At tsіy statti mi rozpovіmo, yakі є variants and de їх to know.

Game programs for everyone

Search for items

Strictly kazhuchi, tse not one program, but the whole class of programs that are subdivided into arcades, puzzles and puzzles are useful - this is the main classification. Hurry up by clicking on the side of the social media programs, and choose the one that suits you:

It doesn't matter if you guess that there are plenty of various supplements dedicated to poker. Try a sprat of them, you will surely know the format and variety that suits you:

Grati in a fool to love usi, i, since you don’t have a living partner, try one of the programs. Like a bachite, deyak from them to propagate a whole collection of decking igor, and not just one:

Gra "Kulki"

So-so, you can play in bags and VK! In rich situations, you won’t be able to launch it on purpose: you can start zooming out at once by choosing one of the options:

Vesela farm (Five worlds and others)

Sims-3 and Sims-4, legendary simulators, are not vivantage in the social sector. If you want to propagate them without cost, then only on your own resources. Then є is similar to . VKontakte won is represented by an official group and is available for launch on:

Shooting games

Participate in shooting games on VKontakte and you can also win skils for free. Їx anonymous, different resources navit add up their ratings:

The distribution of VK supplements has one, but also a large collection:
Others can be found in thematic groups.

Gra "Mafia"

Mafia is immortal, and the number of її options of VK will please you:

The skin has its own peculiarities, and in the skin secret of "Mafia" they can be disturbed. You've only practiced it with your friends before, try it online - take away a lot of new enemies!

This zombie apocalypse can be launched without problems from the official side:

Line of fire

Yak do not guess "Pokemon"? Be a caress, come on, run it and enjoy it.

Don't buy a good bagato

VK can boast of a majestic number of additions, today the number has long exceeded hundreds of sprats, or maybe even a million, but, as often happens, really good, hoarse, hooting mountains near the galniy kіlnіy kupі not more than rich, but enough. Everything is on the top of such additions: graphics, musical support, plot, task, fences, bonuses, hints. As already mentioned, the most popular genres are all kinds of beats, fast driving on cars, bicycles, motorcycles, life simulators, farming for business, magic and war strategies. The stench of a sprig of dozens of equals, a faceless leader and cicka heroes: from practical farmers to powerful magicians.

For a long time, the farm simulator has been on the first place for popularity, in which the skin of a hunter can reconcile a work overall, take a shovel in your hands or destroy the shkidniks. You can simply dig in the beds or develop the farm on a large scale, step by step transforming it into a progressive agricultural plant. Grow fruits and vegetables, plant crops, harvest crops at once and do not allow the reproduction of shkidniks. Introduce new creatures, resolutely stitch and keep an eye on them, be corrals and shelters, cages for rabbits and booths for dogs. Yearn the creatures with the best food. Sell ​​gifts of farms - products of that creature - in the markets, and spend the earned pennies on development.

In another place, there is a simulator for popularity, but once again you will be transferred not to a farm, but to a place where you can never sleep. With this simulator, you can create a character, like the Sims, so you can live your life. Choose a reason for that call, dress up a character, like a fool, give you a name, settle an apartment near a booth, rule over a job, look after your needs - wait for the hour, put to bed, cheer up, don’t sumuvay, know about others characters that earn pennies.

Find a place for everyone

As you can see, the lads and the girl give priority different games, lads are better suited for swedes and dynamics, with a house of biyok, war and chase. And the girl loves quiet fun - those are simulators, rosemary, quilts, walkers. Vtіm, nothing can be left out, the genres and propositions of the flooring are rich, so, sing-song, you can pick up a sprat of igor, like to become loved. Deyakі programs are suitable for lads, and for girls, for example, singly and tі, th іnshі not be inspired by the vigor of a high-handed dragon or navit not one.

If such an idea suits you already, then go to the dragon farm, but remember that it’s just an ear. If you get something special for yourself, fight against monsters and other enemies, you will win different tasks under your ceremonies and earn points. Rest in the spirit of one dragon, and then let us grow a little more.

If the dragons do not oppose you, then the most important way to have fun is street beaters! Moreover, it’s ridiculous and not peredbachuvani. Your hero will fight not with monsters and aliens, but with the great inhabitants of the place, who can not sleep at night. For example, your first opponent in the street arena will be a biker, all in tattoos, from the top to the ankles with frills, looking dirty, but like a cicavo, on the right? Get in the ring and you'll soon find out. Try to get rid of the skin bully, what a smear drink on you, like a tank!

Zagalom, as if they hadn’t taken a group, you will need to vikonat all the tasks - fight, shoot, pick up items, be a farm in that place, breed dragons and other comedy istots, ride cars, fly on planes, roam zombies, feed new ones planets. Then you earn points and you can upgrade the hero to become a leader in the rating - to give you additional advantages and rewards.