English-Russian dictionary of legal vocabulary. English-Russian dictionary of legal vocabulary How to translate file




1) tech. file

2) nail file ( for nails)

3) embellishment, polishing;

to need the file vimagati izdoblennya

4) shaft, dishlo

5) sl. spritny close file scanner;

old( or else deep) file is rough. blown beast, grated kalach

2. v

1) saw, file

2) obroblyat ( style etc. )

file away, file down, file off to spilt, to polish, to polish



1) card index

2) lined paper, on the right; dossier

3) inform. file

4) binding ( newspapers)

5) šwidkozšiwach ( for papers)

2. v

1) register and save ( documents) at yakom. singing order; file away (also file away)

2) American present, present document;

to file resignation

3) add to archives

4) send (material) to the newspaper ( about the reporter)


1. n military

1) cherga, tail

2) row, rank; column ( of people);

a file of men two fighters;

blank (full) file

to march in file to go (at the colony) in twos;

in single ( or else in Indian) file in single file, one at a time

3) shakhiv. vertical

4) attr. :

file leader head row, head column one at a time;

file closer flickering

2. v walk in single file; change hands in a column

file away = file off;

file in enter in a line;

file off go in single file, one at a time, two at a time;

file out go out in a line

FILETranslation and application of vikoristannya - propositions
Reports on the completion of the program of analysis and assessment of Arab power, as stated by the Consultation Commission in its twenty-other progress report, Official Records of General Assembly, Nineteenth Session, Annexes, Annex No.11, document A/5700. and fact that the Land Office had a schedule of Arab owners and file
1. Once this Convention has entered into force, the State Party may begin preparing file This is because the Secretaries-General of the United Nations, who are always placed before communication, encourage the approach to the powerful parties and to the Conference of the parties to the Convention in order to value and influence on the proponel. The conference of parties will change everything that flows into consensus on each amendment. As all the effects at the consensus are likely to be revealed and not reduced, they may be achieved, lower prices, like the rest of the climate, are expected to praise two-thirds of the majority of the ruling parties and go unnoticed at the end of the Conference with the party.1. After the completion of the five stages, after this Convention has come into force, a Party may propose an amendment and forward it to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall then enforce the request The amendment was renewed to the Participating Powers and the Conference of the Parties to the Convention in order to consider this proposal and reach a decision. Sorry for her. The Conference of Participants reports on all efforts to reach a consensus on skin changes. Since all efforts to reach a consensus have been reached and have not yet been achieved, then, as a last resort, for the amendment to be adopted, a majority of two-thirds of the votes of the participating powers present and take part in the vote for This Conference of Participants.
file 1. After five years of completion of this Protocol, a Power party to this Protocol may propose an amendment and send it to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, which shall then enforce the promulgation of the amendment. To the participants of the Conference of Parties to the Convention, in view of this proposal and acceptance no decision. The participating powers to this Protocol, which take part in the Conference of the Parties, shall report their efforts to reach a consensus on each amendment. Since all efforts to reach consensus have been reached and have not yet been achieved, then, as a last resort, for the amendment to be adopted, a majority of two-thirds of the votes of the Powers participating in the Protocol, present and take part, will be required from voting at the meeting of the Conference of Participants.
1. After the 5th anniversary of the entry into force of this Protocol, the State Party may agree to an amendment and file This is because the Secretaries-General of the United Nations, who are always placed before communication, encourage the approach to the powerful parties and to the Conference of the parties to the Convention in order to value and influence on the proponel. The statutes of the parties up to this protocol are held at the Conference of the Parties, so that everything can be done effectively to reach a consensus on everyone. Since all the effects of the consensus may be complete and not reduced, they may be achieved, reducing the severity, as the remaining resort, it is important for the praise of two or three majority to be taken from these power parties until this protocol knowledge and trust before the conference of the Parties.1. After five years of completion of this Protocol, a Power party to this Protocol may propose an amendment and send it to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, which shall then enforce the promulgation of the amendment. To the participants of the Conference of Parties to the Convention, in view of this proposal and acceptance no decision. The participating powers to this Protocol, which take part in the Conference of the Parties, shall report their efforts to reach a consensus on each amendment. Since all efforts to reach consensus have been reached and have not yet been achieved, then, as a last resort, for the amendment to be adopted, a majority of two-thirds of the votes of the Powers party to the Protocol present and take part in the vote will be required baths at the meeting of the Conference of Participants.
file documents that indicate the locality, region and other features of Arab property,It is clear that the program is focused on assessing the Arabic myna, as reported by the Pogodzhuvalny Commission in its twenty other periodic report of the Official News of the General Assembly, nineteenth session, Addendum, current No. 11, document A/5700., completed and what has been added to land power its orderly transfer of Arabic rulers with documentation, which includes local knowledge, area and other information about the Arabic mayno,
There is a lot of talk about the program of identification and evaluation of Arab property, as the Consultation Commission in its twenty-other progress report, Official Records of General Assembly, Nineteenth Session, Annexes, Annex No. 11, document A/5700. and fact that the Land Office had a schedule of Arab owners and file documents that indicate the locality, region and other features of Arab property,
1. Any State Party may agree to any protocol and amendment file it with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Secretaries-General is low on communication, which was sent to the conference of the powerful parties until the current protocol with the desired result, so that they will take part in the conference of the powerful parties in order to inform and about the proposal. At this time, since such a conference is being held in the remaining thirty powerful parties for the past few months, the Secretary-General cannot announce the conference under the auspices of the United Nations. Let there be a burst of praise for us in front of the two three powers of the parties that emerge and vote in conferences that are going to share the secretarial-general national people with all the power parties for the sake of harmony.1. Any power party to this Protocol may propose an amendment and send it to the Secretary General of the United Nations. The Secretary General then forces the amendment to be submitted to the participating powers of this Protocol with the intention of informing him that the participating powers have attended the conference regarding the consideration of this proposal and the holding of a vote. When, within a few months from the date of submission of such sheet, at least one third of the participating powers have signed up for such a conference, the Secretary-General calls the conference under the umbrella of the Organization of the United Nations. Any amendment accepted by a majority of two-thirds of the participating powers voting at this conference shall be requested by the Secretary General to all participating powers for acceptance.
There is a lot of talk about the program of identification and evaluation of Arab property, as the Consultation Commission in its twenty-other progress report, Official Records of General Assembly, Nineteenth Session, Annexes, Annex No. 11, document A/5700. and fact that the Land Office had a schedule of Arab owners and file documents that indicate the locality, region and other features of Arab property,It is clear that the program has been carried out to evaluate the Arabic mine, as reported by the Pogodzhuvalny Commission in its twenty other periodic report of the Official News of the General Assembly, nineteenth session, Addendum, current No. 11, document A/5700., completed and what has been added to land power its orderly transfer of Arabic rulers with documentation, which includes local knowledge, area and other information about the Arabic mayno,
There is a lot of talk about the program of identification and evaluation of Arab property, as the Consultation Commission in its twenty-other progress report, Official Records of General Assembly, Nineteenth Session, Annexes, Annex No. 11, document A/5700. and fact that the Land Office had a schedule of Arab owners and file documents that indicate the locality, region and other features of Arab property,It is clear that the program has been carried out to evaluate the Arabic mine, as reported by the Pogodzhuvalny Commission in its twenty other periodic report of the Official News of the General Assembly, nineteenth session, Addendum, current No. 11, document A/5700., completed and what has been added to land power its orderly transfer of Arabic rulers with documentation, which includes local knowledge, area and other information about the Arabic mayno,
There is a lot of talk about the program of identification and evaluation of Arab property, as the Consultation Commission in its twenty-other progress report, Official Records of General Assembly, Nineteenth Session, Annexes, Annex No. 11, document A/5700. and fact that the Land Office had a schedule of Arab owners and file documents that indicate the locality, region and other features of Arab property,It is clear that the program has been carried out to evaluate the Arabic mine, as reported by the Pogodzhuvalny Commission in its twenty other periodic report of the Official News of the General Assembly, nineteenth session, Addendum, current No. 11, document A/5700., completed and what has been added to land power its orderly transfer of Arabic rulers with documentation, which includes local knowledge, area and other information about the Arabic mayno,
(n) All staff members on D-1 or L-6 rivers and above shall be required to file financial evidence of income for the benefit and in the periods that are submitted as Secretaries-General, in lieu of their receipts and their dependent children, and in order to share with the Secretaries-General at work This information is signed if you have requested it. Financial disclosure statements shall include certification that the assets and economic activities of the staff members, their spouses and their dependent children do not posse a conflict of interest with their official duties or the interests of the United Nations. Financial disclosure statements will remain confidential and will not be confidential, as stated in the Secretary-General, in accordance with staff regulation 1.2 (m). The Secretary-General may require other staff to file Financial knowledge about the companies that are to be discovered is necessary in the interests of the organization.n) All students of level D-1 or M-6 and above are required to submit declarations of income and financial assets at the appropriate intervals established by the Secretary General for themselves, their friends and children who are in the morning, and greetings to the General the secretary will verify the accuracy of the information provided if asked. The declaration of income and financial assets includes information that confirms that the investment in assets and economic activity of athletes, their friends and children, remain in their current state, do not enter into conflict with their official obligations or the interests of the United Data Organization National Declarations of income and financial assets are confidential and will be subject to the procedure established by the Secretary General unless decided to comply with Regulation 1.2(m). The Secretary General may require other practitioners to file declarations of income and financial assets where deemed necessary in the interests of the Organization.
file documents that indicate the locality, region and other features of Arab property,It is clear that the program has been carried out to evaluate the Arabic mine, as reported by the Pogodzhuvalny Commission in its twenty other periodic report of the Official News of the General Assembly, nineteenth session, Addendum, current No. 11, document A/5700., completed and what has been added to land power its orderly transfer of Arabic rulers with documentation, which includes local knowledge, area and other information about the Arabic mayno,
1. Any State Party before this Convention can agree to an amendment and amendment file it with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Secretaries-General are under pressure to communicate with the major parties before this Convention, so that they will take part in the conference of the major parties in order to determine the outcome go about the proposal. At this time, since such a conference is being held in the remaining thirty powerful parties for the past few months, the Secretary-General cannot announce the conference under the auspices of the United Nations.1. Any power party to this Convention may propose amendments and submit them to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Secretary General forces the amendment to be submitted to the participating powers of this Convention with the intention of informing him that the results of the conference of the participating powers are due to review this proposal and conduct a vote. If, after the completion of four months and after such notification has been given, at least one third of the participating Powers have agreed to attend such a conference, the Secretary-General shall organize such conference under the authority of the Organization ii United Nations.
8. In addition, require the Secretary-General's efforts to ensure that all types of activities in the Secretariat are carried out in the process of activity, including at the senior level, file financial intelligence articles annually;8. also request the Secretary General to ensure that all security officers in the Secretariat who are engaged in procurement activities, including at senior levels, promptly submit declarations of income and financial assets;
There is a lot of talk about the program of identification and evaluation of Arab property, as the Consultation Commission in its twenty-other progress report, Official Records of General Assembly, Nineteenth Session, Annexes, Annex No. 11, document A/5700. and the fact that the Land Office had a schedule of Arab owners and a file documents that indicate the locality, region and other features of Arab property,It is clear that the program has been carried out to evaluate the Arabic mine, as reported by the Pogodzhuvalny Commission in its twenty other periodic report of the Official News of the General Assembly, nineteenth session, Addendum, current No. 11, document A/5700., completed and what has been added to land power its orderly transfer of Arabic rulers with documentation, which includes local knowledge, area and other information about the Arabic mayno,


1. (fail) n

1. 1) file, saw blade

to touch a piece up with a ~ - file away.

2) file ( for nails)

3) grinding, finishing ( esp. literary creation)

the story needs the ~ - the story requires further investigation /processing/

2. rod sly, pass the world

old /deep/~ - purged beast

to bite /to gnaw/ the ~ - try hopeless tests

2. (fail) v

1) sawing, filing; sand with a file

to ~ a saw - sharpen a file

to ~ an iron bar in two - (with a hacksaw) cut the bar into two parts

to ~ one's fingernails - file your nails

to ~ down /away, off/ - spilt

2) elaborate, further examine ( tvir then.)

every sentence has been carefully ~d - the skin proposition was resolutely fragmented


1. (fail) n

1. 1) shvidkozshivach, registrar ( for papers)

2) hairpin ( for paper cutting)

2. 1) signed documents, papers

do we have your application on ~? – Have you submitted your application yet?

2) binder (newspapers)

a ~ of the ❝Times❞ - “Times” set

3) on the right, dossier

here is our ~ on the Far East - the axis of our dossier on the Far East

to keep a ~ on smth., smb. - keep a file on smb., smb.

to be on ~ - a) but we will fix it up to date; b) be in the file, be at hand for follow-up

4. hf , information file, array

inverted ~ - inverted file, file with inverted organization

~ device - file device

~ locking - file locking

~ maintenance - file maintenance

~ store - file system/memory/

2. (fail) v

1. 1) save, add ( paper) in singing order ( etc.~ away)

to ~ letters in alphabetical order - arrange leaves in alphabetical order

2) hem ( newspapers)

3) save to archive

4) register ( documents)

2. Amer.

1) submit, submit documents

to ~ a petition (an application for a patent) - file a petition (Patent Application)

to ~ a resignation - apply for resignation

to ~ a charge against smb. - legal tax anyone. at the court

2) get rid of the statement, curse

to ~ for a civil-service job - apply for admission to government service

3. convey (message) by telephone, telegraph ( about the journalist)

4. accept ( agreement) to Vikonanny


1. (fail) n

1. row, rank; column ( of people)

full ~ - bottom row

blank ~ - blank row

in single /in Indian/ ~ - single file, snake

to march in (double) ~ - walk in a column of two

to close a ~ - close the row /line/

~ formation - sport. column

2. cherga, tail

3. check vertical

4. hare track

to run one "s ~ - loop, wander, follow

2. (fail) v

1) walk in single file; change hands in a column

to ~ in - enter in a line

to ~ out - go out in a line

2) defoliate, pass through the area cleanly

the stinks passed one by one, carrying the graves of their comrades.

Translation of words, what to take revenge FILE, from English language to Russian language

The new great English-Russian dictionary under the scientific knowledge of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan

English-Russian dictionary V.K. Mueller

oblikovy record wt. cloud file active file wt. open file archival quality file thu. archive file archive file thu. archived file archiving file backspace a file wt. rotate to one file backup file wt. backup file batch file wt. command file file military. row, rank; column (of people); a file of men two fighters; blank (full) file blank (full) row blocked file wt. blocking card index file wt. card index central information file wt. central file cabinet chained file wt. lanziug file chained file wt. Lanzyuzhkovy file change file wt. change file chapter file wt. file description chapter checkpoint file thur. checkpoint file circular file wt. circular file close a file thursday. close the file file sl spritnik; close file scanner; old (or deep) file is rough. blown beast, grated kalach command file wt. command file company file company file computer file vcht. machine configuration file wt. configuration file contiguous file wt. uninterrupted control file wt. crunchy file crunched file wt. style file customer file client file data base file wt. data file data base text file wt. file of text data types data file data card index data file vcht. array of data data file wt. data file data sensitive file wt. information-delayed file dead file wt. file that is not vikorized dead file wt. in the file default comment file wt. commentary file for design file vcht. project file destination file wt. output file destination file wt. result file detail file wt. stream file device independent file wt. machine-independent file differential file wt. Iteration index differential file wt. admin file direct access file wt. direct access file direct file hc. direct access file direct-access file wt. direct access file direftory file wt. prenatal disk file file wt. disk file display file wt. display file father file wt. out version file archives file archives court file military. check vertical file military attr.: file leader head row, head column one at a time; file closer fading file on the right file dossier file go single file; cross over in a column; file away = file off; file in enter in a row file file cabinet, binder, dossier, on the right file file cabinet file set file sl pritnik; close file scanner; old (or deep) file is rough. blown beast, grated kalach file tech. Drinks file will be collected from the application of the file will be created by the file of the shaft, it was necessary to file to register and save (documents) from (someone) in the prescribed order; hem to the right (also file away) file embellished, polished; to need the file vimagati obrobki file obroblyati (toscho style); file away, file down, file off cherga, tail file send a message by telegraph file send a message by phone file saw, file file nail file (for nails) file submit the document until the proper installation file submit the document file submit the document until the proper installation file bind the paper file binder (newspaper) file binder file p Send paper, right; dossier file amer. present, submit (any kind of) document; to file resignation submit an application for submission file submit a document file accept the request before the confirmation file accept the request before the confirmation file register the document file register and save the documents in the designated order file military. row, rank; column (of people); a file of men two fighters; blank (full) file not the first row file add to archives file add to archives file folder (for papers); pin (for cutting papers) file wt. file file saving documents in the first order file saving documents in the first order fill: fill dial. = file file a claim file a claim file a suit against file a suit against file activity ratio wt. the intensity of the flow on the file file goes in single file; cross over in a column; file away = file off; file in enter in a line file round up (toscho style); file away, file down, file off attr.: file leader head row, head column one at a time; file closer flickering file control block thu. block keruvannya file file description block thur. block describe the file file file (toscho style); file away, file down, file off file away, remove, remove file for bankruptcy declare about bankruptcy file for bankruptcy declare about impossibility file go in single file; cross over in a column; file away = file off; file in enter in a line file military. attr.: file leader head row, head column one at a time; file closer flickering file not found thu. file not found file of documents document archives file military. row, rank; column (of people); a file of men two fighters; blank (full) file blank (full) row file go single file; cross over in a column; file away = file off; file in enter in a line file round up (toscho style); file away, file down, file off file off, file off, one by one, two by two; file out go out in a line file off go out in single file, one at a time, two at a time; file out comes out in a line file amer. present, submit (any kind of) document; to file resignation submit a request for the insertion of a flat file on Thursday. two-dimensional flat file wt. flat follow-up file wt. stitch file format file wtch. file format zvitu fully inverted file vcht. I will begin converting the garbled file into the file. zip file help file wt. file dovidok hidden file wt. prikhovanov file immutable file vcht. permanent file to march in file to go (in a colony) in twos; in single (or in Indian) file in single file, one inactive file on Thursday. inactive file incomplete file wt. uncreased index file wt. Indexed file wt. indexing file indirect file wt. command file inmutable file vcht. permanent file input file wt. input file integrated data file wt. Single data file internal file wt. internal file inventory file card index of inventories inverted file vcht. Converts the file labeled file wt. notes file letter file stitcher for sheets link file wt. link file linked file vcht. tying file locked file wt. file main file main file main file main archive main file vcht. main file main file wt. file of regulatory and regulatory information many-reel file wt. rich-stitch file to march in file to go (at the colony) in twos; in single (or in Indian) file in single file, one at a time master file head file master file wt. main file master file wt. main file master file wt. file of regulatory and regulatory information memory file wt. memory dump file multireel file wt. multivolume file wt. multi-volume file file, polished, polished; to need the file vimagati obrobki negative file thursday. negative file object to file vcht. object library file vcht. object library file file sl friend; close file scanner; old (or deep) file is rough. purged beast, grated kalach permanent file file with permanent data perpetual inventory file card index for the uninterrupted supply of supplies private file wt. special file privileged file wt. privileged file problem file wt. problematic profile file wt. koristuvach parameter file program file hc. program file protected file wt. theft of the query file vcht. The form file will be filled in with a random file. direct access file random-access file wt. file with a sufficient selection rank and file rank and file rank and file rank and file representatives rank and file rank and file members rank: the ranks, the file and file private and sergeant's store of the army (as opposed to an officer) read-only file wt. file from protection recorder file wt. registration file regicter file wt. register file register file wt. array of registers relational file wt. relational file relative file wt. direct access file remote file wt. remote file response file wt. u vіdpovіd scratch file vcht. working file segment file vcht. segment file self-extracting file wt. file that self-archives shareable image file wt. insurance for a lot of koristuvachiv zavantazhuvalny shared file module vcht. collective file skip file wt. bypass the skip file on Thursday. bypass the son file on Thursday. new version of the source file hc. output file special file wt. special file spill file thu. dividing file spool file wt. buffer file squeezed file wt. style file stuffed file wt. archiving file swapping file wt. swap file system file wt. system file tagged file wt. values ​​tape file wt. line file temporary file wt. temporary working file thu. time work file Text File wthu. text file threaded file wt. lantsyuzhkovy transaction file wt. change file unlinked file wt. unknown file unnamed file wt. unnamed file unstuffed file wt. unzipping file update file wt. new user authorization file wt. file of information about employees vendor card file card file of postal employees view file vcht. virtual database file virtual file vcht. virtual file visible file vcht. The file that is being rendered is a volatile file. Minlivy file wallpaper file wt. registration file work file wt. working file working file wt. work file

  1. archives (file, folder, dossier, file)
  2. card index (binder)
  3. line (row)
  4. vertical
  5. column
  6. file

Plural number: files.


  1. file

Forms of words


old files
old archives

large file
great file

file of papers
folder with papers

complete file
outside the file

text file
text file

new file
nova on the right

wholesale file
a whole card index

file format
file format

file an application
Submit an application


When do you have to file your income tax returns?
When are you planning to submit a tax return?

I downloaded the file like Tom uploaded.
I have enchanted the file, like Tom has enchanted.

A TXT file is a text file.
TXT file is a text file.

The file cabinet drawers are open.
Open the card file drawers.

What is the file extension?
What is the file extension?

Nakido is a file sharing platform.
Nakido is a file sharing platform.

Please file a written request.
Be kind, submit a written application.

Do you have a file in the tool chest?
Does your toolbox have a file?

The information is stored in a file on my computer.
The information is saved in a file on my computer.

In short, this is "plan.doc" file I am pinned in the front electronic sheet infected with virus.
The bottom line is that the file “plan.doc”, which I sent last time, was infected with a virus.

It's getting easier to find audio files For a natural word for whatever language you may have, you can go to the studio.
It has become easier to find audio files, recorded videos, and everything else you might want to read.

The investigations began last year with the confiscation of computer files belonging to a man from Magdeburg, Germany.
The investigation stemmed from the confiscation of computer archives of people from the German city of Magdeburg.

I have to delete many files From a computer.
I am guilty of deleting a lot of files from my computer.

I haven't downloaded the files yet.
I haven't secured the files yet.

I can't figure out how to transfer MP3 files to my iPod.
I can't figure out how to download MP3 files from my iPod.

The hacker gained access to sensitive files at the company's database.
The hacker denied access to confidential files from the company's database.

The filesє in proper order.
Documents are put in the correct order.

No charges have been filed against suspect.
There were no calls made against the suspect.

I filed a patent
I have registered a patent.

How many staff members filed before the change of departments?
How many doctors have filed complaints about being transferred to another branch?

The correspondent filed a report from Moscow.
The correspondent reported from Moscow.

Tom filed for divorce.
Tom filed for separation.

He filed a complaint.
Vіn gave the skarga.

How good are the translated results?

As a result of the translation of documents, the machine was translated to the magic of Google Translate. We cannot offer any guarantees towards the quality of the translations, nor would we recommend using any of these translated documents in a professional context. All documents are written as substitutes for a professionally translated document without any guarantee of accuracy or correctness.

Why is it good for Doc Translator?

No. Doc Translator is a free service which is run by volunteers. We can speed up the mining operations to determine what your needs are generating in order to eliminate the appearance of people who feel that they are giving them a great price.

Which format are supported?

Be kind, support all major Office document formats in standard mode. This includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OpenOffice, text, and SRT formats. We also install support for the PDF file format in the nearest future.

- [fil] n. f. av. 1464; de filer 1 ♦ Suite (de personnes, de choses) don't los elements sont placés un par un et l un derrière l autre (à la difference du rang). File de gens. ⇒ colonne, procession. « Barca vit avancer un des miliciens, puis une...

file- file [fil] n. f. av. 1464; de filer 1 ♦ Suite (de personnes, de choses) don't los elements sont placés un par un et l un derrière l autre (à la difference du rang). File de gens. ⇒ colonne, procession. « Barca vit avancer un des miliciens, … …

File locking- is a mechanism that enforces access to a computer file only one user or process at any specific time. Nature locking is to prevent classic interceding update scenario. The interceding update problem may be illustrated as in the… … Wikipedia

File (Unix)- file is a standard Unix program for assigning the type of type that goes into a computer file. History Original version of the file, oriented to Unix Research Version 4 this copy of UNIX V4… … Wikipedia

File area network- File Area Networking refers to various methods of sharing files over network such as storage devices connected to a file server or network attached storage (NAS). Background Data storage technology over years has evolved from a direct... … Wikipedia

File- Aktuelle Version: 5.01 (30. April 2009) Betriebssystem: Multiplattform Category: Remote Access Lizenz: GPL … Deutsch Wikipedia

file- Aktuelle Version 5.09 (16. September 2011) Betriebssystem Multiplattform Category Remote Access Lizenz BSD Lizenz Deutschsprachig nein … Deutsch Wikipedia

File Transfer Protocol- (FTP) is a network protocol that is used to transfer data from one computer to another through a network on the Internet. An FTP client can connect to a … Wikipedia

file- 1 vb filed, fil·ing vt 1 a: before submit (a legal document) to the property office (as of office of clerk of court) for keeping on file against the records esp. as a procedural step in a legal transaction or proceeding filed a tax return a financing… … Law dictionary

File comparison- In computing is the automatic comparing of data between files on a file system. The result of comparisons is typically a breakdown of all aspects of the system, but may also be used to achieve better results in boundaries, file systems and the view of the system.

File transfer- this is a dirty term for working with transfer files via a computer network or the Internet. To discover numerical methods and protocols for transferring files through a network. Computers that represent the file to the service file, and the address of the names of the server files.


  • English File: Upper-intermediate: Teacher's Book with Test and Assessment, . . 70 photocopiable activities.