The meanings of emoticons, written in symbols, their decoding, meaning and types of emoticons. A guide to emoticons: how to get along with them and not get lost in an unmanageable situation

An emoticon is a set of symbols or an icon, which is a visual manifestation of the appearance or position of the body, in order to convey moods, attitudes or emotions, which are usually expressed in messages by e-mail and text information. The most popular one is the smiley face of a smiling face. chuckle - :-).

Let there be some clear and reliable evidence for the one who doesn’t have a smiley face. Of course, you can point to ancient excavations, discoveries of various inscriptions on rocks, etc., but this will be deprived of our knowledge.

Of course, they say in a sing-song voice, that the smiley is a real vinahid, a little bit wrong. You can search for emoticons in the 19th century. The images of their story can be found in a copy of the American magazine Puck dated 1881, div.

So, in the history of such applications there is a lot, but it is generally accepted that the first digital type of emoticon was awarded to a distinguished scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, Scott Fahlman. You can distinguish between serious messages and non-serious ones using the help of emoticons:-) and:-(. It dates back to June 19, 1982. This is especially bad if the mood of your message may be misinterpreted.



Tim is no less, emoticons did not become so popular, but revealed their potential after 14 years, especially for a Frenchman who lived near London. Nicolas Laufrani. The idea came earlier from Nicolas’s father, Franklin Laufran. He himself, being a journalist for the French newspaper “France Soir”, on 1 September 1972, wrote an article under the heading “Now is the time to smile!”, and added emoticons to see his article. Later he patented it trademark and created a selection of various goods from a vikoristan emoticon. Then a company was created under brand names Smiley, where father Franklin Laufrani became president, and son Nicholas Laufrani became general director.

Nikolya herself, noting the popularity of ASCII emoticons, which were already being used on mobile phones and starting the development of completely animated emoticons, which would resemble ASCII emoticons that are made up of simple symbols, then. what we are now blaspheming and called smiley. We created a catalog of emoticons, divided into the categories “Emotions”, “Saints”, “Hedgehog” and so on. І in 1997, this catalog was registered with the US Copyright Office.

Around the same time in Japan, Shigetaka Kurita started designing emoticons for I-mode. It’s a pity that the project never became widely popular. It may be that in 2001, Laufrana’s creation was licensed by Samsung, Nokia, Motorola and other manufacturers mobile phones, which they later began to preach to their friends. After this, the world was simply filled with different interpretations of emoticons and emoticons.

New variations of smiles and emoticons began to appear stickers born in 2011. The smell was created by a wired Internet company from Korea - Naver. The company has developed a message exchange platform under the name Line. A program similar to WhatsApp for exchanging messages. LINE Bugs fragmented over many months after the 2011 tsunami in Japan. From the very beginning, Line was created for the benefit of friends and relatives, and after natural disasters and during the first century, the number of customers grew to 50 million. Afterwards, from the sights of games and stickers, there were more w 400 million, which has now become one of the popular add-ons in Japan, zokrema, middle podlitkiv.

Smileys, emoticons and stickers today, More than 30 years later, they have definitely begun to occupy a place in the everyday roses and lists of people. Based on research conducted in the United States, it was found that 74 hundreds of people in the United States regularly buy stickers and emoticons from their online store, putting on average 96 emoticons or stickers per day. The reason for this vibuhu vikoristannya Emoji And those whose creative characters, divided into different companies, help to define our feelings, help to add humor, sum, and so on.

The emoticons in the tables will be updated step by step, so go to the site and find the meaning of the required emoticons.

A detailed look at the meaning of emoji and their features in various situations.

Smileys have become such an integral part of our lives that without them the alphabet looks incomprehensible, and messages seem dry and sideways. However, such a frivolous and childlike approach, like the placement of emoji, has its own subtleties.

What do carnage emoticons mean?

With emoticons-objects everything is simple: stinks mean those that they represent. A ball is a ball, an alarm clock is an alarm clock, and there’s nothing to think about. And the axis with special emoticons is becoming more complex. We are not always able to correctly guess the emotions from the faces of living people, and we are already talking about the physiognomy of koloboks. Є emoticons, the meaning of which is obvious:

Fun, laughter, joy, triumph.

Sum, sum, tightness, dissatisfaction.

Playful mood, teasing.

Zdivuvannya, wonder, shock, fear.

Anger, images, fierceness.

And a few more like them - that's all Possible options families and romantic splints.

Ale is among the emoticons and such, the meanings of which can be interpreted ambiguously, otherwise they are completely put in a blind corner:

This smiley is depicted in three - well, in two - a person's strumka, prote in the version for Apple devices Through raised eyebrows and not distorted water, the mouth of the veins is often squeezed as if smiling to the point of tears. Be careful with him: you want to make him feel bad, but you will be misunderstood.

Behind the idea, this smiley may represent a movement. The fatigue of the wines is simply baying to death.

Since everything is more and more clear with the evil devil (“evil is like the devil”), then the cheerful devil spends a little time. More than anything, you are not only fierce, but you also feel like you are dancing on the grave of your opponent. And you, perhaps, just wanted to show originality and an unusual smiley.

Undeterred by the fact that the three wise mapis did not understand anything, did not sense anything, and did not speak through their wisdom, their eyes, mouth and ears were full of rubbish, destruction and shock.

A set of kitty emoticons for those who value the original koloboks as insufficiently expressive and want to add some violence to their emotions.

Instead of “hello” and “bye” you can wave your hand.

Hands raised in the air, a gesture of joyful victory or triumph.

The splashes are both broad and sarcastic.

If you have your hands on your little one, folded in a prayer gesture, then for you the emoji can mean “thank you” or “I ask.” Well, if you know that there was a “high five!”, it means that you are a very lively person.

A raised, pointed finger can emphasize the importance of the notification or force you to interrupt your diet, or you can simply indicate a notification ahead of time in the chat.

Fingers crossed for success.

For some people it’s “stop”, and for others it’s “give me a high five!”

No, it's not a truffle. It's not a truffle at all.

Ogre and Japanese goblin. It seems that everyone doesn’t see the original devils.

Nonsense. Yogo nes growth, like Pinocchio, soon, if there is a gap.

These eyes are wide open, and the flickering eyes pass away, and give a cunning look. If you found such an emoticon in the comments before the photo, you can note that the photo is far away.

But this is just an eye, and it will follow you.

New month and new month. Nothing special, but these emoticons have their own jokes, which are valued for their motor expressions.

A girl who often appears in violet. These gestures mean OK (hands above your head), “ni” (crossed hands), “hello” or “I know the truth” (raised hand). This character has one more pose, like bagatoh put at the deaf kut - . behind official version, she symbolizes a practitioner pre-natal service. Obviously, she is showing with her hand how to get to the library.

Do you still have two tense individuals here who are interacting in an incredibly unfriendly manner? And they didn’t guess the axis: according to the version of Apple’s tips, there is more and more easy exposure. Who would have thought!

Before speech, hints and emoticons, you can see the notification window on , so you can open the emoji and hover over the emoticon you want. The axis is like this:

Another way to find out the meaning of an emoticon is to go to for help. On this page you will find not only a variety of emojis, but you will also be able to marvel at how the same emoticon looks on different platforms. There are a lot of unsatisfied critics coming at you.

Where are the smileys?

1. In an informal friendly meeting

Funny funny peaks from the river in a special chat, where you share not so much information as your mood. With the help of emoticons, you will laugh in the heat, keep up, and be alone. This is where emotions come into their own.

2. When emotions squish over the edge and there is no drainage

Sometimes, if something even more important is being done in our life, they feel like they are so re-invigorated that we become dimly lit. Then we write an emotional post on Facebook or post a random photo on Instagram and decorate it with a generous sprinkling of emoticons. Who, obviously, doesn’t deserve it, why now choke all the sparks in yourself? Heads up - don’t be offended by such a public display of turbulent emotions: this will put your adequacy in doubt.

3. For home ownership, for the purpose of seeing information, the worker has been listed

It's even simpler manual way Please note important messages that may require a proper response. For example, it is wonderfully suitable for these purposes. You also need to know ahead of time what kind of problems you have in your company, which terms are used and what kind of emoticon you have for this.

It is important not to overdo it: if you have one emoticon to inform you about an emergency situation, another for food terms, and a third for important news, then soon everything will quickly turn into a new garland, at which no one will be surprised.

If it’s better to do without emoticons

1. Business listing

Work is not a place for emotions. Here you will find the peace, security and professionalism you need. If you want to enhance your good nature or determine the situation, vikoryst for whom, and not emoticon.

2. When mixed with foreigners

Emoticons and gestures are especially valuable. For example, as you would like to express your praise, please give your good gifts to the people of Greece or Thailand. Another pak, even with this gesture you sent him to where he was sent.

If you do not have a deep knowledge of the peculiarities of the national culture of your spouse, do not take risks.

3. It’s not surprising if you talk about feeling the same emotions

It seems to be serious on the right. When you don’t just base your words, but open up your soul or share something meaningful, your words will convey your feelings and experiences much more accurately, without emoticons. “Those are the dearest in the world” means more than ten hearts in a row. By the way, you have only one heart, and give me the axis of it.

Remember that smileys are a seasoning, not the main ingredient. To add versatility to your message, there is very little of them required.

Language emoji

Considering those who today cannot do without emoticons in almost every day of leafing, we can happily talk about those that emoji have become an independent section of language. Sometimes they pretend to replace the language: you can write a complete message, complete with emoticons. The popular American TV show Ellen DeGeneres has a special section in which guests are asked to read a phrase, some of which are replaced with emoji:

And here the name of the film is encrypted, which we invite you to guess.

Give advice on 3 simple meals: Start
This emoticon can be sent using the following methods:
  1. Open the emoticon palette, find an emoticon and press it on it. The smiley image will appear in the input field and is now no longer required to send a notification.
  2. Type or copy one of the available codes into the entry field and send a notification:
  3. If you want to send you the “Happy Grandma” emoticon, see it, click right button Please select “Copy what you saw”. After this, right-click the mouse button in the input field and select “Insert as text”. Now you can send a message.
# Restore respect, that the "Cheerful Grandma" emoticon is not supported by all versions of Skype This emoticon has become available starting from Skype versions 7.6 for Windows.

# Entertain the "Happy Grandma" emoticon:
To capture this animated emoticon, right-click on the icon and select “Save.” You can also open this message in a new browser tab, and then press the key combination Ctrl + S

# Keywords:
mother's day, supergranny, superwoman, cheerful, chatty, woman, girl, dance, dancing, grandma, grandma, summer

Sometimes, in order to understand something, words alone are not enough. In such fits, falling asleep social measures, we are dying to emoji. “Smileys” that blink, and other symbols appeared back in 1999, thanks to the great love of the koristuvachs, the stinks were conquered only recently. Regardless of those who are practically skinned, the meaning of these pictures is not entirely clear.

For example, two folded legs can be interpreted in different ways - perhaps they symbolize prayer, but it is also possible that two people are talking to each other with the words “High five.” How can we understand the meaning of these and other emoji? We would like to present to your respects a number of suggestions that will help you independently install the most important emoticons on iPhone, iPad and macOS.

Apply the meaning of Emoji emoticons

Many of the Koristuvachs of Milkovo take this picture for exposing us to tears. In fact, a drop is not a tear, but a pit, which means relief after the experience of suffering.

Don’t let yourself be fooled, it’s not peas at all, but licorice-smeared potatoes.

What at first glance appears to be a pyramid of ping-pong balls is actually a “holy harvest leaf,” which symbolizes the Japanese traditional rite that takes place during the holy hour of Tsukimi.

As soon as you think it’s an acorn, you’ll have mercy. It's true, it's a chestnut.

It’s not good to treat this picture like a vital leaflet, since it’s nothing more than a bookmark for a book.

This gesture means OK and to talk about how everything is fine with you.

The raised valleys do not mean a cry to greater strength, but symbolize joy.

This “smile” means severely irritated and nervous. Richly koristuvachiv milkova vikoristuyut yogo, to catch the ignoramus.

Those that look like a black cube actually symbolize the Muslim shrine of the Kaaba, which is located in Mezza.

No, this girl doesn’t grow deer antlers on her head. Oh, just shy away from the massage.

Most often, people go to this picture if they want to figure out what is hidden, but in fact it symbolizes a person with an information desk.

This is not at all a dancing roc, as you might imagine, but stretched out arms.

This little boy didn’t partake and didn’t bother. Believe me, but he bows.

A “smiley” without a mouth symbolizes swearing. Tim is no less, often vikorist in order to discover involvement, instill fear, and sometimes he is vikorist like the character “Kolobok”.

You may wonder what it is, but it’s really not a name badge.

This sign is not at all a chimera depicting a booth, but a symbol of aggression.

Below is a picture of the release of iOS 10.2. I wish I could drink a flask of whiskey here, but it’s really just a flask.

This symbol does not mean extreme laughter, but hysterical laughter, since laughter literally rolls around on the floor.

This image can be interpreted as either a jellyfish or a parasol, but Apple remembers that it looks like a similar little furin that rattles in the wind.

Do not confuse this symbol with the panic button. It's actually a trackball.

It’s not good to joke about this sign of the arrival of zmіst, and even tse lishe dіra.

You might think that this guy is none other than the legendary Ziggy Stardust of the British artist David Bowie. Regardless of similar makeup, it’s just a symbol of some kind of spivak.

How to independently recognize the sense (meaning) of emoji on iPhone

Find out the meaning of emoji on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch really simple. For additional functions Promotion You can use iOS to explain out loud what this other picture means.

1 . Log in to iPhone, iPad or iPod touch " Setting up", select "About snovni» -> « Universal access» -> Language -> Promotion).

2 . Write a message and insert an emoji.

3 . Place the cursor next to the Emoji emoticon, the value of which must be recognized and pressed on the screen until a menu with actions appears.

Press " Vibrati", after which the emoticon will be seen, and then select the option " Talk» і voice assistant The Russian language reads out loud the meaning of the emoticon.

A database of emoticons that can be selected from various services for merging and on various web sites. You can copy any smiley and paste it into notification e-mail, VKontakte, Twitter or Facebook - will appear on all of these services and will be of the same importance. In this case, it does not matter how I will install the departments.

We appreciate your respect that the images shown in the pictographs remain in operating systems, browsers and storage services that you use. Read the report about this below.

Emoticon categories:

What are the differences between Emoji and the most popular emoticons?

Emoji (Emoji) is a general ideogram of emoticons that are displayed both in the accompanying text message and on the web page. Emoji is partly Unicode, which allows you to copy the emoticon code to the clipboard and paste it into a notification messenger or social media, into an e-mail list, or into a forum. In this case, the symbol will be visible through and have the same meaning. And it doesn’t matter what I will do with the departments.

Emoji will be available exclusively to smartphone users who live in Japan. They were seen by the Japanese programmer mobile operator NTT docomo Shigetaka Kurita. It is important that in order to express emotions, painters often paint peaks, extending to the arms, paws and marks, and decide to replace them with pictograms.

The coming world gained respect for Japanese icons for the first time in 2011 when Apple enabled them in the keyboard on devices running iOS 5. Emoji was also included before Unicode.

Problems with Emoji images

Available on operating systems, browsers and services for printing, emoji emoticons.

Most sites use UTF-8 encoding, which is not turned off, so instead of emoticons you will get empty squares. Browser vendors will continue to struggle with this problem. Emoji shows the most correctly old version web browser. Support for Japanese icons is also implemented in a new way. Most emoticons support , and . And we do not recommend that users of Internet navigators actively use Emoji - you will not receive, at a minimum, 60% of what you send or reject.

The OS version is also significant. Windows 10 displays more emojis than Windows 8, and version 7 has fewer. In XP, the stench is not noticeable. However, in versions 8 and 10 of the operating system from Microsoft, most of them are already integrated into the system, so they are not very easy to use.

Nepovne vprovadzhennya in messengers and social media

Many emoji emoticons are integrated into Hangouts, and VKontakte, but the integration is not complete - if you can insert such an icon in the VKontakte account, then the food about those