Addition of adaptive sliders. Applications of cost-free JQuery sliders for images Jquery full-page slider

Gallery images in the slider view. When I started preparing the material for this finalization, I thought that the clear material would simply have two inconsistencies, leaving the topic image galleries as old as the world and already in demand. My wonder was that there was no limit, if from the skin irritation it was possible to find out what decency was before my eyes. The result of this connection was not great, but, in my opinion, there will be enough copies. Among them is as adaptive gallery images so i galleries.
Before speaking, in the previous topic I have collected some gallery plugins for WordPress, so if you have a website on WordPress, I think you will be very happy.

1. Unite Gallery

Bezkoshtovna, adaptive photo and video gallery based on the JQuery library. When developing, the emphasis is on simplicity, vikoristanya and adjustment. It is important to have a large number of clear design themes, and also, what is important, the ability to write according to design themes.

2. Responsive Image Gallery with Thumbnail Carousel

Responsive image gallery with the function of enabling a preview carousel. The preloader adapts to the size of your screen and enhances the image size.

4. Full Page Image Gallery with jQuery

One more Full screen image gallery. This feature of the “rodzinka” is the displacement of a large full-screen image in a position relative to the position of the bear.
The thumbnail bar at the bottom of the screen scrolls automatically as the user moves the mouse.

5. Slider Gallery With jQuery

Ideal for dividing galleries into albums. When you select an album, thumbnails will be shown Use the slider to display.

6. Galleria

Well designed responsive image gallery, please show photos and video galleries from Flickr, Picasa, YouTube and others. mobile devices and the ability to work in full screen mode. The ability to display signatures. Є paid

This is an adaptive touch slider, written in jQuery. The engine of this plugin uses CSS3 animations, and at the same time transfers fallbacks for older versions of browsers. Glide.js is simple and easy to use.


1. Includes jQuery

The only content of the plugin is jQuery, which we must include first:

2. Connect Glide.js

3. Add html

Basic styles are included.

Nakataemo html structure slider.

4. Initialization

We launch the slider from adjustments after adjustments.

...or we’ll fix it for ourselves

Setting up

List of available parameters:

Parameter Significance for zamovchuvannyam Type Description
autoplay 4000 int/bool Autoscroll (false for disabled)
hoverpause true bool Reduce auto scrolling when hovering the mouse over the slider
animationTime 500 int !!! This option works because the browser does NOT support css3. Since CSS3 is supported by the browser, then Danish parameter You need to change the .css file!!!
arrows true bool/string Show/attach/attach arrows. True to display arrows in the slider container. False for reception. You can also enter a name for the class (example: ".class-name") to attach special HTML code
arrowsWrapperClass slider-arrows string The class that is assigned to the container with arrows
arrowMainClass slider-arrow string Main class for all arrows
arrowRightClass slider-arrow--right string Class for right arrow
arrowLeftClass slider-arrow - left string Class for left arrow
arrowRightText next string Text for the right arrow
arrowLeftText prev string Text for left arrow
nav true bool/string Show/attach/attach slide navigation. True for image. False for reception
navCenter true bool Navigation by the cent
navClass slider-nav string Class for navigation container
navItemClass slider-nav__item string Class for the navigation element
navCurrentItemClass slider-nav__item--current string Class for the navigation flow element
keyboard true bool Scroll the slide while pressing the left/right hand buttons
touchDistance 60 int/bool Encouragement for the dot (touch). False for implicability.
beforeInit function()() function A callback that will run before the plugin is initialized
afterInit function()() function The callback that will be launched after the plugin is initialized
before the transition function()() function The callback that will be launched before scrolling the slider
afterTransition function()() function The callback that will be launched after scrolling the slider


For the vikoristan API, write glide to the change.

Var glide = $(".slider").glide().data("api_glide");

API methods are now available to you.

Glide.jump(3, console.log("Wooo!"));

  • .current() - Turn the current side number
  • .play() - Start autoscrolling
  • .pause() - Zupinity autoscroll
  • .next(callback) - Move the slider forward
  • .prev(callback) - Move the slider back
  • .jump(distance, callback) - Jump to the previous slide
  • .nav(target) - Attach navigation to the song element (for example: "body", ".class", "#id")
  • .arrows(target) - Attach arrows to a single element (for example: "body", ".class", "#id")

1. Wonderful jQuery slideshow

Velike Slideshow does not work with Wikipedia jQuery technologies.

2. jQuery plugin "Scale Carousel"

Scaled slideshows using jQuery. You can set the dimensions for the slideshow to suit you best.

3. jQuery plugin "slideJS"

Slider display with text description.

4. Plugin "JSliderNews"

5. CSS3 jQuery slider

When you hover your cursor over the navigation arrows, a circular thumbnail of the next slide appears.

6. Nice jQuery “Presentation Cycle” slider

jQuery slider with an image availability indicator. The automatic change of slides has been transferred.

7. jQuery plugin “Parallax Slider”

Slider with a volumetric effect on the background. The rod of this slider is placed on a background that consists of several balls, each of which rotates with varying fluidity. The result is an imitation of a volumetric effect. It looks so beautiful, you can roll into it yourself. The effect appears more smoothly in browsers such as Opera, Google Chrome,IE.

8. Fresh, lightweight jQuery slider "bxSlider 3.0"

On the demo page in the “examples” section you can find instructions for everything Possible options Vikoristan of this plugin.

9. jQuery image slider, plugin "slideJS"

A stylish jQuery slider that can really brighten up your project.

10. jQuery slideshow plugin “Easy Slides” v1.1

I'm sorry jquery wiki plugin for creating slideshows.

11. “jQuery Slidy” plugin

Lightweight jQuery plugin for various applications. The automatic change of slides has been transferred.

12. jQuery CSS gallery with automatic slide change

As long as you don’t press the “Forward” or “Back” arrows, the gallery will scroll automatically.

13. jQuery slider "Nivo Slider"

A very professional, clear, lightweight plugin with valid code. Many different effects of changing slides have been transferred.

14. jQuery slider "MobilySlider"

Fresh slider. jQuery slider with various effects, change the image.

15. jQuery Plugin “Slider²”

Lightweight slider with automatic slide change.

16. Fresh javascript slider

Automatically change the slider to display.

Plugin for implementing slide shows with automatic change of slides. You can control the display of additional thumbnail images.

jQuery CSS slider Image from the NivoSlider plugin.

19. jQuery slider “jShowOff”

Plugin for rotating together. Three navigation options: without navigation (with automatic change in the slide show format), navigation in the button view, navigation in the image thumbnail view.

20. Plugin "Shutter Effect Portfolio"

Fresh jQuery plugin for designing a photographer's portfolio. The gallery has implemented a simple effect of changing the image. Photos change one by one with an effect similar to a lens shutter.

21. Lightweight javascript CSS slider "TinySlider 2"

The implementation of the image slider uses javascript and CSS.

22. Language slider “Tinycircleslider”

Stylish round slider. The transition between the images is made by dragging a circle along the stake, looking like a stake of hearts. It will fit perfectly into your website if you use round elements in the design.

23. Image slider using jQuery

Lightweight slider "Slider Kit". View slider for different Vikonanni: vertical and horizontal. There are also different types of navigation between images: using the “Forward” and “Back” buttons, using the mouse wheel, and clicking on the slide.

24. Gallery with miniatures "Slider Kit"

Gallery "Slider Kit". Scrolling of thumbnails works both vertically and horizontally. You can move between images by using the mouse wheel, pressing the mouse, or hovering the cursor over the thumbnail.

25. jQuery slider instead of "Slider Kit"

Vertical and horizontal content slider using jQuery.

26. jQuery slideshow "Slider Kit"

Slide show with automatic slide change.

27. Lightweight professional javascript CSS3 slider

A neat slider based on jQuery and CSS3, created in 2011.

jQuery slideshow with thumbnails.

29. Make jQuery slideshows easy

Slideshow with navigation buttons.

30. Neumovirn slideshow jQuery “Skitter”

jQuery plugin "Skitter" for creating a fancy slideshow. The plugin supports 22 (!) types of various animation effects when changing images. You can use two options for navigating through slides: using additional slide numbers and using additional thumbnails. It’s easy to marvel at the demonstration, it’s such a clear discovery. Technologies to be reviewed: CSS, HTML, jQuery, PHP.

31. Slideshow "Awkward"

Functional slide show. The slides may look like: simple images, images with captions, images with tips, videos. To navigate, you can use the arrows on the slide numbers and right-handed/left-handed keys on the keyboard. The slideshow comes in a number of options: with and without thumbnails. To review all the options, go through Demo #1 - Demo #6 and we will release it to the beast on the demo page.

The image of the slider has a very original design, as you can imagine. Slide changing has been animated. You can navigate between images using arrows. There is also an automatic change, where you can press and unmute the button using the Play/Pause button.

Animating jQuery slider. Background images automatically scale when changing the size of the browser window. For skin images, a block with a description is displayed.

34. "Flux Slider" slider using jQuery and CSS3

New jQuery slider. A number of cool animated effects when changing slides.

35. jQuery plugin “jSwitch”

Animated jQuery gallery.

Easier slideshow on jQuery with automatic change of slides.

37. New version of the plugin "SlideDeck 1.2.2"

Professional content slider. There are options for automatically changing the slide, as well as an option for using the mouse wheel to move between slides.

38. jQuery slider “Sudo Slider”

Lightweight image slider using jQuery. There are a lot of implementation options: horizontal and vertical change of the image, with and without instructions on the slide number, with and without captions, different effects of image change. Є function automatic change slides. Application instructions for implementation can be found on the demo page.

39. jQuery CSS3 slideshow

Slide shows with thumbnails support automatic slide changing mode.

40. jQuery Flux Slider

Display a slider with transparent effects.

41. Simple jQuery slider

Stylish image slider using jQuery.

An hour of not standing still, and with it progress. It came across the Internet. You can already learn how to change external look sites, especially due to their great popularity responsive design. And a lot of new ones appeared in the connection adaptive jquery sliders, galleries, carousels or similar plugins.
1. Responsive Horizontal Posts Slider

Adaptive horizontal carousel detailed instructions From installation. Vikonana has a simple style, but you can style it for yourself.

2. Slider on Glide.js

This slider is suitable for any site. Glide.js with open source code is reviewed here. The slider colors can be easily changed.

3. Tilted Content Slideshow

Adaptive slider with content. The main feature of this slider is a 3D effect, as well as various animations that appear in a random order.

4. Slider with Wikoristanny HTML5 canvas

A very beautiful and engaging slider with interactive parts. Vikonaniy for help HTML5 canvas,

5. Slider “Morphing image”

Slider with morphing effect (smooth transformation from one object to another). Which slider is best suited for the portfolio of a web developer or web studio that looks like a portfolio?

6. Circle slider

The slider on the view has the effect of flipping the image.

7. Slider with background

Adaptive slider with mix and match background.

8. Adaptive fashion slider

Simple, lightweight and adaptive slider for the site.

9. Slicebox - jQuery 3D image slider(UPDATES)

The version of Slicebox slider has been updated with corrections and new features.

10.Free Animated Responsive Image Grid

JQuery plugin for creating a flexible image grid, which allows you to remix photos, select various animations and timings. This can be seen as a background or decorative element on the site, so we can adjust the selective appearance of new images and their transitions. The wiki plugin has many variants.

11.Flex slider

A universal, cost-free plugin for your website. This plugin is available in many slider and carousel options.

12. Photo frame

Fotorama- tse universal plugin. It has a lot of customization, everything works quickly and easily, and you can view slides on the entire screen. The slider can be configured as either a fixed size or an adaptive one, with or without thumbnails, with circular scrolling or without, and much more.

P.S.Having placed the slider several times and I respect that it is one of the most

13. Cost-free and adaptive 3D slider gallery with thumbnails.

Experimental gallery slider 3DPanelLayout with a mesh central effects animations.

14. CSS3 Slider

Adaptive Wiconia slider for additional css3 help smoothly emerging content and light animation.

15. WOW Slider

WOW Slider- This slider is displayed with sophisticated visual effects.

17. Elastic

Elastic slider with full adaptability and slide thumbnails.

18. Slit

This is a full-screen adaptive slider using CSS3 animation. The Viconano slider has two options. The animation is designed to be unique and beautiful.

19. Adaptive photo gallery plus

A simple, cost-free gallery slider with unique images.

20. Responsive Slider for WordPress

Adaptive slider for WP.

21. Parallax Content Slider

Slider with the parallax effect and control of the skin element using additional CSS3.

22. Slider with a link to music

Slider from hidden content exit code JPlayer. This slider predicts a presentation with music.

23. Slider from jmpress.js

The adaptive slider is based on jmpress.js and allows you to apply 3D effects to slides.

24. Fast Hover Slideshow

Slide show Swedish mutterers slides. The slides blink as you hover over the cursor.

25. Image Accordion with CSS3

Accordion image using additional css3.

26. A Touch Optimized Gallery Plugin

This is an adaptive gallery, which is optimized for touch devices.

27. 3D Gallery

3D Wall Gallery- created for Safari browser, a 3D effect will be visible. If you use another browser, the functionality will be fine, but the 3D effect will not be visible.

28. Slider from pagination

Adaptive slider with side numbering behind the additional JQuery UI slider. The idea is to exploit the simple concept of navigation. It is possible to rewind all images or remix slides.

29.Image Montage with jQuery

Automatically expand the image to fit the width of the screen. It’s really cool when you develop a portfolio on the website.

30. 3D Gallery

Simple 3D circle slider using css3 and jQuery.

31. Full screen mode with 3D effect on css3 and jQuery

The slider allows full-screen viewing to display the front transition.