Mail is here bye. About the company. Updated adjustment of email programs and mobile devices

Belarusian portal encourages fast, cost-free mail from a domain located in the national zone of Belarus .by- and on this day cost-free service He is the leader among cost-free postal services in Belarus. Of course, it is important to note that the registration of koristuvachs with catless postal screens is open not only to the bastards of this wonderful land, but also to all koristuvachs on the Internet without limit. By registering on the portal, you not only deny the opportunity to create a free mail order, but you also deny the opportunity to take part in projects on the portal:, dating on, catalog of resources and forums TUT.B Y .

Create a cat-free "Beloruska" (.by) Postal screenshot:

Email addresses that will be created when the parameters become available:

  • from the beginning 50 MB, and then you can easily increase the size of the box according to your needs;
  • Maximum sheet size - 10 MB;
  • Email addresses in sight [email protected] ;
  • Encourages joy postal clients(Outlook, The Bat! and in.) for the protocols POP3, IMAP4, SMTP
  • web interface (Russian and Belarusian languages)
  • Possibility of access by mail mobile phone behind the WAP protocol.
  • Collecting mail from other mail servers,
  • Anti-virus and anti-spam protection
  • Rules for automatic processing of sheets (filters, auto-submission)
  • Spelling check.
  • And a lot more!

Adjusting the screenshots in Outlook Express and other email programs

When customizing special folders, it doesn’t matter, most of the parameters are lost by default, you just need to set the parameters correctly to access the mail server:

Input server notify POP3: 110)
Weekend server notify SMTP: or 2525)
Server IMAP4:
Client's name: Client's ID, which you entered at the time of registration
Password your password
SMTP authentication Enabled in the mode "As an input mail server"

The Belarusian portal TUT.BY is an information and service online portal for everyone who lives in Belarus and lives outside the border. Hooplenya - 62% of all Internet users of Belarus

Today the portal publishes over 200 new items about Belarusian and foreign countries, ready-made materials, analytical reviews, posts video reports, and conducts online broadcasts. The editors carefully ensure that the information is relevant, relevant, professionally created, multi-genre, and unbiased.

In addition to the new products, TUT.BY promotes to the audience specialized sections and manual services that satisfy their needs: from the weather forecast and the announcements of visits to the exchange rate. Specialized sections of TUT.BY are among the top 3 most popular resources in their field.

The portal carefully monitors the availability of services, gives everyone the opportunity to find and select information of interest, helps teachers to formulate their task before the process, smoothes the filling between koristuvachs.

The history of the Belarusian portal TUT.BY began in 2000 years. Starting from TUT.BY, having presented the koristuvachs with no-cost mail, news from the archive, weather, exchange rates, prices for fire and the guest book, forums and doctors in the area. More recently, online advertising sales services have become available. The portal has been replenished with new sections, projects and services.

For more than 17 years since the startup TUT.BY, a successful group of companies has been doing business in various directions and with a team of more than 350 professionals.

The company invests in a number of young, promising IT companies, consistently promotes meaningful initiatives and beneficial projects, and invests in startups.

Whole audience

The target audience for the TUT.BY portal is all the contributors to the Belarusian segment of the Internet (the population of the region, as well as those who live in Belarus). We have the greatest sense that people are on the Internet, we respect our target audience. on Narazi There are 5+ million Belarusian citizens who would like to access the Internet once every 3 months.


Our meta - be first in all senses of this word mass media in Belarus. This means realizing freedom of speech in the extreme and being deprived of an objective (without political or any biased bias) information and educational portal that conveys the current view, publishes different thoughts and views, and also provide effective and manual solutions for local customers and clients Internet services.


The mission of the TUT.BY portal is to give each person the opportunity to obtain objective information about their interests, expand their horizons and live new lives.


There are no companies, like people, without values. We have only three of them, but they permeate all our activities and are the measure of the origins of all coronaviruses. These values ​​are the guideline for forming bonds both at the heart of our company and in relationships with clients, partners, contractors, government agencies, etc.


Rozumina has independence, that is. freedom to choose, make decisions and decide on specific actions. Therefore, freedom necessarily respects the individual's responsibility for his thoughts and choices, and for the results of his decisions and actions. The company would like a particular type of reliability and initiative to ensure that it is the optimal way to improve the quality of life of migrant workers and marriage.

Right to pardons

We understand that the baggage of favors escorts us to the road of heaping up of information that will help us get through with such favors. If the excuse is evidence of incompetence, which is repeated, then our understanding of this concept is not correct.


The entire work process is based on trust. It is important to us that our clients trust us, so we are urgently concerned about publishing it and seeking home ownership. We trust our team members to deliver effective work and achieve our goals.

Corporate social awareness

In its activity, the Belarusian portal TUT.BY follows the principles of the development of corporate social responsibility.

In 2014, the Belarusian portal TUT.BY joined the voluntary initiative of the UN Global Compact. In our work, we adhere to the ten principles of the Global Compact on human rights, labor rights, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.

The result of the development of the Belarusian portal TUT.BY (2014-2015) is available per request, for 2016.

However, earlier, from the moment the company fell asleep, we decided to join the molding of the business environment and serve as a positive example of social relevance to business for the Belarusian community.

Respect of journalists to the portal social problems helps to unite people who are unaware of the problem throughout Belarus, gains the respect of the police officers of the police department and promotes their superiority.

Today, the Belarusian portal TUT.BY is destroying an order of magnitude of the day's gatherings with those. We take our part from various associations and support socially significant approaches on a republican scale, or improve the market, partnership, ecology, etc. Startup Rukh is also a priority for us.

The Belarusian portal TUT.BY itself establishes and organizes socially significant initiatives; for example, in 2006, the popular Galuzev international conference “Business Internet” became popular.

In 2007, the project was launched, dedicated to seriously ill children and adults who need help. There will be a collection of fathers and relatives to assist in the collection of funds for the treatment of the sick.

In 2010, the artist Gallery TUT.BY opened its doors, where public exhibitions and creative events are held.

The company also works closely with clients, offering internships for students.

Throughout the month, TUT.BY hosts excursions with a professional orientation for students and schoolchildren, as well as children from orphanages and children's villages.

Key persons

Yuriy Ziser

The head of the secret collections of the participants of the LLC “TUT BY MEDIA” (TUT.BY)

Founder of the Belarusian portal TUT.BY, professional programmer, systems analyst, mentor, philanthropist. Author of books, the first publications and hundreds of articles in the Belarusian and Russian period. Supports startups, social enterprise and music projects. Born 1960 Having graduated from the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Polytechnic Institute, St. Petersburg, with a specialty in “Electronic Computing Machines” with a specialization in biomedical cybernetics. Having worked in a number of industrial enterprises and in science. Spokesperson for LLC "TUT BY MEDIA" (TUT.BY), LLC "Nadіynі programs" (, a number of other Internet companies of various specializations. Working as an associate professor at the Belarusian University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Back in 2002 at the Fifth Belarusian Internet Forum, people’s fate was declared on the Belarusian Internet. In 2012, Rotsi lost the title “Mentor of Rock”. Author of the book “Marketing on-line”, together with the co-authors he published the first handbook on IT entrepreneurship for universities. In 2017, we were awarded the title “Leader of Advocacy-2016” by the Assembly of Business Groups for the most effective implementation of civilized and insightful methods of dialogue between business and power. Having won the title “Patron of Arts in the Sphere of Culture” for 2016 and 2017.

Hobbies: traveling, playing the organ.

Lyudmila Chekina
General Director of LLC "TUT BY MEDIA" (TUT.BY)

In 2008, LLC "Nadіynі programs" began to apply for the appointment of a legal consultant. In 2011, she became the intercessor of the general director of a legal nutrition company. From 2012 to 2017, she worked as the General Director of the Nadiyni Programs Unitary Enterprise; from 1 February 2017, she served as the General Director of TUT BY MEDIA LLC. In 2016, she completed the Executive MBA course at the IPM Business School. It’s a good time to do yoga and love to read.

Alla Lapatko
Chief engineer TUT.BY

Graduated from the Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College with a degree in mathematician-programmer, Gomel national university for the specialty "mathematics". The UE “Nadіynі programs” has been working since 1995. Keruvala has contributed to the development of banking technologies. Since 2006 – chief engineer of TUT.BY, since 2009 until 2017 – Director of RELSOFT LLC. Cares with timidity software security portal. Hoarding: work, literature.

Marina Zolotova

Chief editor of TUT.BY

Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the BDU, postgraduate studies at the Institute of Science of the National Academy of Sciences. This means it is an editorial policy. It's a great time to watch new things on TV and listen to the radio (and if you don't have any new things, you listen to Balkan music). She knows Bulgarian and loves this country. That son is friends and has a daughter.

Ksenia Ivanova

Advocate of the General Director for commercial nutrition and development TOV "TUT BY MEDIA" (TUT.BY)

In 2006, she graduated from the BDUIR with a specialty in " Information systems and technologies in economy”, began on the Business MaximuM program in the Mini-MBA format from the consulting group “Tut i Zaraz”. Advertising from 2006. Since 2010 commercial director of TUT.BY. Coordinates the work of all commercial affiliates of the portal, is involved in the development of advertising tools, takes part in the development of the main product and TUT.BY projects, including partner ones. He conducts negotiations masterfully and charges with energy.

Kirilo Voloshin

Founder of LLC "TUT BY MEDIA" (TUT.BY)

Having received economic education at the Institute of Current Knowledge. The author of a low publication, evidence and tales of Internet marketing. Reviewer of the newspaper “Computer News” with extensive experience; Published in the publications "Computerra On-line", "Hard&Soft", "Computer Newspaper" and others. Associate Professor at BDU, course presenter at the Institute of Civil Connections and the Academy of Postgraduate Studies. Hobbies: humor in all manifestations, mountain lizhi, hustle/wcs, not very important athletics, extreme water. From 2000 to 2012 keruvav operational robot TUT.BY. U 2004 r. at the VI Belarusian Internet Forum, people called the fate of the Belarusian Internet. Business-Yangol, at the current enterprise, received the title “Ment Rock 2019”. Spіvlshnik low Internet companies. Don't forget that son.

How is the company governed, and why do I need people?

Values ​​TUT.BY

Respect! You have JavaScript enabled, your browser does not support HTML5, or you have installed old version program Adobe Flash Player.

Dmitro Smirnov,

Already a few years ago the transfer of postal screenshots and all listings of TUT.BY customers to the Yandex.Post service. We would like to remind you that Google closes all services of its emails, which are located under the domain on the Google Apps Partner Edition service.

We have already responded to the most frequently asked questions of correspondents (we recommend that you read them again), as we move forward, new points will emerge that will require further clarification.

Deleting cookies

If, when authorizing on the site, a form on Yandex opens with the option to enter your login and password again, we recommend that you close the page, delete the cookies (through adjusting the browser) and try again to open the email screen and pages http: // Below we point out what is wrong with the most popular browsers: In addition, if you have previously used the same browser to log into mail, you can try logging into the mail screen for help, as it does not save old cookies.

Updated adjustment of email programs and mobile devices

If you have previously used the mail storage program or set up authorization on a mobile device, then after transferring the screenshot you will need to change the settings:
  • mobile devices (In the field "Name of the owner" enter, please, the mailing address in the format [email protected]).

If you were unable to save your Google account data before the transfer

Tim, who, after transferring the screenshot, needs immediate access to the old Google account to save files from Google Drive, contacts, etc., needs to:
  1. Login from to your account IM'Y_KORISTUVACH.moved with the first password;
  2. Quickly follow the instructions from Google to transfer the data (sent);
  3. The easiest way to save contacts is through export, and to add them to Yandex through import. The easiest way to save your Google Drive data is to use the Google Takeout service.
If these methods did not help you and you did not find any answer to your needs, then we recommend that you send report description problems on [email protected] (if the current screenshot does not open, you can register/victory a backup email). Fahivtsi will definitely help you.

In 2015, the popular Belarusian portal TYT.BY switched to the Yandex mail service, as a result of which owners of iOS devices began to experience some discomfort, so they had to re-set up the mail client.

It’s a pity that settings are not automatically added, like with Gmail. The problem is amplified by the fact that when setting up, you need to manually enter the POP addresses of SMPT servers, as well as go through the procedure of completing registration on the site. In this case, there is a lack of acceptance of all valuable resources, both existing and new. In the following instructions, we will describe the procedure for setting up TUT.BY mail on iPhone and iPad.

How to customize the TUT.BY postal screen on iPhone or iPad after switching to Yandex.Post

1 . Go to the TUT.BY website in a browser on your computer, smartphone or tablet, enter your login and password, click "Poshta".

The resource will automatically redirect you to the registration completion page, where you need to enter additional data about the cloud record. Fill in the required fields and click Complete registration.

2 . Go to the Yandex.Mail web interface, click on the gear icon in the right corner for the name regional registration and select a section from the drain window Others.

3 . Select section Postal programs at the evil column.

4 . Place checkmarks next to all items and press the button save your money.

Respect. Without vikonannya vyscheopisanichnykh dіy korktna robot poshti on iPhone and iPad may be impossible.

5 . On iPhone or iPad, go to section Setting up —> Posta —> Cloud records.

6 . On the next day, select " Add a regional record". Since the list of registered services does not have any, click “ otherwise«;

7 . Moved to division "New oblikovy record", enter cloud record details and press "Dali". The name of the client must be entered in full, for example [email protected]

Select protocol IMAP or else POP For further setup, please use your iPhone or iPad.

8 . Fill all the middles with the following order:

If you selected the IMAP protocol:

  • input mail server
  • output mail server
  • Enter Passwordі I'm a koristuvach. Important! Save in the upper right corner.

Yakshcho Vi vibrali POP:

  • input mail server
  • output mail server
  • Enter Passwordі I'm a koristuvach. Important! The name of the client must be entered in full, for example [email protected] Don't forget to confirm this button Save in the upper right corner.

If you have any problems, try manually registering ports for the input and output mail servers (in most cases this is not necessary):

Input mail (POP3):
Server name:;
Vikorystuvati SSL: So;
Port: 995.

Vikhidna posta (SMTP):
Server name:;
Vikorystuvati SSL: So;
Port: 465.

For clients who use IMAP4:
Server name:;
Vikorystuvati SSL: So;
Port: 993.

Finally, setting up TUT.BY on iPhone and iPad is complete.

TUT.BY- Belarusian information and service Internet portal, which belongs to TOV BY MEDIA LLC. The resource has high productivity and, according to data for 2016, consumes 2 million 355 thousand, or 46.42% of all Internet users in Belarus.

Encyclopedic YouTube

  • 1 / 5

    15 Bereznya - the news of journalist Sergiy Dmitriev, who was fired up with the idea of ​​​​creating a catastrophe postal service for Belarusians, with Yuri Ziser, journalists of the newspaper “Computer News” Andriy Kononovich and Kiril Voloshin and programmer Danila Rudenko.

    5th of the month – opens TUT.BY. A range of new products is presented on the website bezkoshtovna posta, weather forecast, exchange rates and prices on the floor.

    Finally, forums appear, sales of Internet advertising and hosting are abandoned, which are still deprived of the main sources of income for the company.

    Starting a job sound service According to the bynet, there is a directory of sites and the ability to publish cost-free votes.

    The TUT.BY Robot service is opening.

    An electronic business center TUT.BY has been created, which deals with paid and no-cost services for Belarusian enterprises, organization and installation (Internet advertising, hosting, domain registration).

    The postal service portal has registered its 100,000th customer.

    TUT.BY is the largest generator of Belarusian traffic*: a record of one terabyte recorded.

    *I mean part output traffic generating not only a portal and services, but also numerous sites hosted on a paid basis.

    Cherven - the number of registered mail screens reaches 300 thousand, the number of clients of the hosting company - 500 sites.

    Zhovten – the average volume of the head page exceeds 40 thousand, monthly audience – 530 thousand. osib.

    Access to email h old phonesі mobile devices via WAP protocol.

    Breast – the number of sites registered with Cataloza exceeds 6 thousand.

    On the Belarusian Internet forum TUT.BY becomes the “Roku Project”.

    Fully exploited Poshukova system on the Belarusian and Russian segments of the Internet. There are already over 20 thousand people joking around.

    A toolbar TUT.BAR has been created, which will essentially simplify access to the site’s resources, so it’s easy to connect to Internet browser Explorer.

    Cherven - TUT.BY Poster opens.

    on main page Today it is recorded above 80 thousand. lift.

    The Finance section of TUT.BY is opening.

    As a result of the partnership with the company ActiveUnit, the system is being launched electronic stores SHOP.TUT.BY.

    The number of registered merchants is 600 thousand.

    Travna has a registered postal service provider.

    At the 6th All-Russian open Internet competition “Golden Site – 2004” in the region “Zarubizhzhya” we beat the nomination “ Information portal» .

    Spring - opens IT.TUT.BY - section, dedications information technologies.

    Zhovten is a sponsor of the Center for Electronic Business TUT.BY, which deals with professional hosting and domain registration, and is affiliated with the brand.

    In the spring, the sanatorium "Zagir'ya" had its first profile International conference about business development in Merezhi “Business Internet”, organized by the portal team.

    Berezen - “Reliable Programs” officially begins the registration of domains of another level in the bannet, which have become so different after TOV “ Open contact current domain registrar in the .BY zone.

    Cherven - the TUT.BY platform is launched.

    Today Radio TUT.BY goes on air, and in collaboration with ITV.BY, videos appear on the portal.

    A million users have been registered, and over 400,000 visits have been recorded on the main page. Why is it that the 100,000th new product was published in the news column?

    Cherven - inherited from, the portal has a private website - IRR.TUT.BY.

    Zhovten is the third in the “Business Internet” segment, collecting nearly 1000 specialists from the National Library. In addition to leading Belarusian IT companies, representatives of Google in Ukraine, Yandex, Tabasco PR, Odnoklassniki, Arbat Capital and other international companies provide evidence to the public.

    23rd day TUT.BY suddenly becomes a winner of the professional competition “Brand Rock” as the most popular Internet portal in the region. There, the “100 Roads” project also received a city award in the “Social Support to Business” nomination.

    On the 19th, TUT.BY conveys its evidence to overseas partners - the Internet portal NUR.KZ, a division of the UE “Nadіynі programs”, is opening in Kazakhstan. Thus, our evidence, technologies and know-how are becoming in demand on the Internet markets of other countries, and business is becoming international in nature.

    Berezen - the project Drive TUT.BY is opening.

    Cherven - first in line with the active forum Your booth TUT.BY, and for the support of an interactive online map of Minsk is displayed.

    Veresen - the development is being launched within the portal - site for posting private announcements.

    Zhovten - the portal already has 2 million members.

    Breast – transition to postal order is expected Google service Apps. The total volume of information transferred from TUT.BY servers to Google servers is 22 terabytes (over 22,000 gigabytes). The most important mail screen takes up over 7 gigabytes, and the largest one can accommodate over 260 thousand sheets.

    On the basis of Radio TUT.BY, the Internet television station TUT.BY-TV is launched. The first author's video reports were organized from the Belarusian regions as part of the large-scale project “100 roads”.

    Lyutiy - TUT.BY was recognized as the leader behind the bags of the public thought of the national competition “Brand Rock - 2009” and was awarded a diploma for winning the second nomination in the category “Information Internet Portals”.

    At the same time, the thematic section Sports TUT.BY appears on the site.

    Kviten - TUT.BY is the choice of rock in the nomination “The most beautiful sound Internet portal of Belarus”.

    May 21 – cooperation with Yandex begins. TUT.BY becomes a single service center for the company's partners in Belarus.

    Worm - opens up hot line portal.

    Lipen - the TUT.BY art gallery has opened its doors, in which the exhibition is being updated, personal exhibitions and creative workshops, musical evenings and lectures are held. The entrance to the gallery is free, it is open every weekday from 9.00 to 18.00.

    Autumn - close interaction with Russian company HeadHunter, why is there a colossal update already? popular service according to the robot staff of TUT.BY Robot.

    Sichen – TUT.BY Gallery is a laureate of the national competition “Brand Rock” in the category “Socially Distinguished Brand”.

    14th - will hold a seminar “Hosting thefts for government agencies and organizations”, acting as a renewed provider of Internet services to government agencies and organizations that are victorious in their activities secret information.

    May - the mobile app TUT.BY for Android appears.

    Leaf fall - in private access The browser is "Chrome TUT".

    Breast – the number of national domains registered by exceeds 20,000.

    Chest – a direct SMS line opens.

    7th – ICANN praises the Belarusian side for recognizing the UE “Nadіynі programs” as the technical administrator of the zone. BY. The replacement of the technical administrator in Belarus is pending.

    Birch tree - the Lady is opening up. TUT.BY, section, appointments for current wives.

    From the 1st of November to the 25th November, a series of beneficial auctions will be held in Belarus for the sale of domains in the zone.BY, for these and other reasons, previously excluded from the domain name registry.

    20 leaf fall - TUT.BY, together with the National Legal Internet Portal PRAVO.BY, presents a new joint section of PRAVO.TUT.BY.

    appears trading maidanchik Buy TUT.BY.

    2nd quarter – the first conference about e-commerce – “eTrade” – will be held in Belarus, organized by Buy TUT.BY.

    Kviten - y Google Play is the TUT.BY Finance program for mobile Android platforms.

    A new round of development begins with the Catalog TUT.BY service.

    Veresen - the website about inviolability REALTY.TUT.BY is starting work.

    Leaf fall - a new addition to TUT.BY published in App Store.

    Lyutiy - launches a unique video streaming service for Belarus, which can now broadcast online any events in real time.

    Berezen - the company registers the 100,000th domain.

    Zhovten - no-cost supplement for iOS you can access the service “TUT.BY Catalog”.

    11 leaf fall - the IT.TUT.BY section is being rebranded, which is being transformed into a site about human interests 42 TUT.BY.

    Breast - a new program available on the Windows Market.

    Sichen – Viber messenger has our public chat TUT.BY

    There is a change in service provider: "Yandex" instead of Google.

    Lyuty – the “New TUT.BY” add-on is assigned one of the top positions on all mobile platforms.

    28th day - one of the first projects of the portal - TUT.BY Forums is opening under the new domain names is becoming an independent discussion platform.

    12th ICANN delegates the domain.BEL to the Operational and Analytical Center under the Presidential Unitary Enterprise “Nadіyni Programs” (

    17 chervenya - the portal appears in Cyrillic mirror image HERE.BIL.

    Serpen - The TUT.BY catalog announces rebranding and begins its development under the new brand TAM.BY.

    Sichen - TUT.BY becoming a winner in the successful nomination “Brand Leader” product group“Information Internet portals” at the anniversary, 15th Professional competition “BRAND OF ROCK OF BILORUS”.

    Lyutiy is a trading Maidan Buy TUT.BY becoming the first Belarusian agency certified by Yandex. Market.

    Also, the fierce koristuvacham TUT.BY have become available mobile transfers from card to card.

    Berezen - the mobile app Finance TUT.BY now has the function “Currency forecast for tomorrow”: euro, dollar and Russian ruble access the supplements immediately after trading on the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange.

    Kviten – the TUT.BY team takes part in the 2nd season of the social-illuminative project “My Business” on the ONT TV channel. Oleksandr Chekan acted as one of the project’s mentors.

    It was also announced about the sales of the resource to the Maidan Kufar.

    This month the TUT.BY brand book and corporate style guide have been developed.

    The Viber sticker store has launched a branded sticker pack for the Belarusian portal TUT.BY – “Sova the Owl”. TUT.BY became the first Belarusian media to release its branded stickers on the popular Viber messenger.

    Lipen – the launch has begun mobile add-on A.TUT.BY for Android.


    In 2007, the project “” was launched, dedicated to seriously ill children and adults who need help. There will be a collection of fathers and relatives to assist in the collection of funds for the treatment of the sick.

    In 2010, the artist opened its doors