Beautifully write numbers online. Beautiful writing online

If you yourself act as a designer, then you sing-songly look at all sites with frequent criticism. You will forever appreciate that you sue those as a vikonano design. One of the most important aspects of design is the font! If you like the style of the font, then you, sing-song, want to vindicate the same for your future design. But in order to work it out, you will need to find out what kind of font is featured on the site. Due to the greatness of the number of fonts available on the Internet, as well as the protection of those new fonts, which appear today, it’s easy to finish recognize the font yakscho just marvel at the new one.

That's why I thought, scho varto popratsyuvati over dobirkoy 5 Online Font Recognition Tools. Tsі іnstrumenti owennі mother kozhen web designer. Give respect to their skin, and then you can choose which suits you best!

I would like to know your thoughts about these tools. Well, I’ve already mentioned some cool instruments, be kind, tell me about them in the comments.

1. What font is

This is a cost-free site, which gives you the opportunity to designate in the simplest way, which font is chosen on the side. If you rebuy on the site, on which you are worthy of that chie font, just create a screenshot of the page in such a rank, so that the text is on the image. However, the screenshot is not responsible for expanding 1.8 MB, and enough, there is only one row of text on the new one. Image format can be jpeg/jpg, gif chi png. Send a screenshot to Identify Fonts and the site will display the result for you. You can set a filter to display only free fonts, only paid fonts, or quiet and quiet.


Identifont will give you some simple information to help you choose which font you are looking for. On food, it’s just plain obvious, but to imagine the stench is like “What type of tail can Q have?”. You will be given different diagrams so that you can choose the answer. As soon as it is requested to type more characters in the font you need, then the supply can be without intermediary typing of characters.


WhatTheFont recognizes fonts in the same way as IdentifyFont. We can capture images in GIF, JPEG, TIFF or BMP formats, and can be no more than 25 characters. The shards of the symbols are scanned by the website, we will need to confirm the correct symbols. Let's analyze the site's skin symbol and know the font. .

4. Font Trainer

Font Trainer will help you look at fonts in different styles. The service acts as a blitz-opituvannya for a search for a font. You can practice recognizing a lot of popular fonts and not be able to take advantage of such services. What's more, knowing the names of a variety of fonts will help you wow your fellow designers. .

5. TypeNavigator

TypeNavigator is a font search tool that allows you to tweak the number of options to find the font you need. The options for looking for a font can guess the food that is set in Identifont. On the other hand, you can search for fonts for their names or designers.

More 3 additional tools you can ask for help -. Radimo so marvel.

I told about those, how to write garni for my leaflets on the site for the help of the photoshop program. Not with the skin program photoshop, that іt is not able to use the skin in it. What is work? Here, an online photo editor comes to the rescue, which even guesses the Photoshop program itself, although, of course, the ability of this program is equal to the help of the Photoshop program - there is no possibility of vikoristovuvaty garni styles. And your fonts will also be displayed in the same editor. It’s too much to give a little to the effect before writing, and your writing is foreseeing its own individuality and originality.

It is necessary to write the center for an additional tool for moving, choose the size and choose the color:

You can add volume to the text, duplicating and breaking the ball:

For the help of the moving tool, we destroy them one by one and give a different color or a look to the lower ball:

To edit the text, click on the letter A and click on the text:

Use the moving tool to move the ball in such a way that the volume effect will be:

You can cut a blank, having pressed the cutting tool and pressing the left button of the mouse, you can see that caravan. Whichever you want to delete by pressing "Enter":

Zavdyaki a beautiful font and color can be made in an original way. If it is necessary to save money, it is written on the computer. If you are planning to insert this writing into your leaflet, or be a one-sided site, give the name of your writing in the Latin alphabet and save it in the png format, which supports the vision of the body:

Axis subtraction result:

There is another option for using online services in order to create beautiful writing online without Photoshop. The service is out of the ordinary, that’s why there are more effects, like wines we hope - you can work on something new beautiful 3d writing, with different curls, but their fonts do not support the Russian language. This service is known for the help:

Choose the style that best suits you, effect:

Write the text you need, set the size:

Take away the result and transfer it to your computer:

І axis subtraction result:

Choosing a different style from the proponations, you can take it another way, for example, write on the cob of the article. If the Russian font is not supported by the program, then the numbers can be generated with the usual effects:

There is one more online service for making animations of brilliant writings.

Write the text you need, choose the font, the color of the background of the letters, the outline (border), shadow, display and axis, which you can choose as a result:

Chi don't know how to write a beautiful text? Todi vi spent for the address

Vlasniks of rich sites try to write a beautiful text, which is published on the sides of their resource, and there are other reasons for that.

Apparently, 80% of people's information is received through zorov's channels of communication, but with this simple text it's nasty to get lost in parallel with the splendid images.

1. Service Online Letters

One of the most popular sites on similar topics in Runet Vіn maє laconic, but at the same time zruchny design, which is hopeful basic functions the design of small letters.

  • on head side The site contains a list of categories of headsets, for example, leather ones and a small butt of a typical armchair for those of another group of headsets. For our butt, we choose a font that can be brought up to a group of smooth calligraphic ones.
  • Having clicked on the category, we will go to the next page, where it is necessary to enter our text in the field and click on the “Next” button.

  • They gave us the order to choose one of the hundreds of chairs for the additional choice of the checkbox icons. With which skin name the font is illustrated by the representations of the new letters.
  • At the rest of the stage, we will be asked to choose a color (unfortunately, there may be more than one wine) and resize the text. It is also possible to zastosuvannya encirclement. Then you can press the "Generate" button.

Please! The background for writing behind the inscription is white, and the color of the outline is black, it is not possible to change the parameters. Insure that the process is yours capital font.

  • After the generation of the koristuvach, I will take the picture with my own text PNG format, Yaku can be zavantazhiti or spread messages on her on any forum. At different needs, it can also be easily placed on the image.

2. Service EffectFree.Ru

If you need not just a beautifully written phrase, but an original signature before any picture, for example, you can send a friend a leaflet, then you can help the EffectFree online service.

On this site you can find anonymous tools for that image, but at the same time you can click on the signature itself.

  • Type the address into the address bar of your browser and top panel navigation select the function "Insert text".

  • If you need to send an image to the server, on which you want to post it. For whom you can copy the picture on a hard disk or enter the address of the image on the Internet.

  • As soon as the picture is taken over, the editing panel will become available to you, which includes such functions as:
  1. Input field, where you need to enter the required writing.
  2. The transfer joystick changes the retouching of the text on the image.
  3. Regulators rozmіru ta kuta bad font.
  4. Choose the type of headset (not enough for this service).
  5. A palette of colors that allows you to change the color of writing.
  6. Regulator for the expansion of thinness.

  • In order to complete the process, it is necessary to press the button "Insert text", as a result of which you will reject the message, you will be attracted to the site of the service. The reference to the image can be copied from the address row or from the field below.
    And if you want to save the image on your computer. Then press on new right button mouse, choose from the menu menu "Save the yak".

3. Service Cooltext

The English Internet appeared earlier, lower Runet. That's why there are a lot of ideas and services for English cheaper than its Russian counterparts.

If you want to see the point of dawn, then to create a text without programs, you can use the site, which has rich functionality.

  • By clicking on the address on the main page, you will have to choose one of the dozens of requested letters (logo).
    Such an assortment can be made small, but do not boast - at the next stage you can change all the parameters of your writing.

  • Selecting the star, you will spend on the side of editing, as you can have a few tabs from different functions. On the first tab under the name of the text, you will be asked to enter the author's writing, change the size and font type (1928 options).
    At the upper part you can edit the object, which can be changed in real time.

  • On the Logo tab, you can change the color of your writing, for an additional interactive palette, or by writing the code of the required color in 16-format.

  • On the next tab, there are tools for working with the tunnel that appear in your writing. Here you can choose the type of shade (reading, rosemary, etc.), directly falling shade horizontally and vertically, color and transparency.

  • Next, choose the colorization of the text of the lining (background), expand the format of the image file so that your writing will be saved.

  • In the end, you can add a new writing, so you yourself have created yoga, which will allow you to create a composition. To complete the editing process, press the Create Logo button (which you can do at any stage).
    Why can you save the picture on hard drive otherwise, get a message on it, having gone through a simple registration procedure on the site.

Nice fonts. Beautiful text online!

How to write a beautiful text: TOP-3 online services

I love all readers!

Dosit often less to ask for roses, as you can write a beautiful text without using any programs (such as Adobe Photoshop, ACDSee and in. editors, how to do it importantly and learn how to practice on a bigger or smaller "normal" equal).

I know that I myself am not too strong at Photoshop and I know, without a doubt, less than 1% of all the possibilities of the program. That th not zavzhdi really installed that nalashtuvannya of such programs. For more vipadkіv, schobiti garniy wrote on pictures or photographs, software is not needed in front - it's enough to speed up the number of services at the merezhі. Axis about such services we will talk about this article.

The best service for creating beautiful texts and logos

I do not pretend to be the truth in the rest of the instance, but in my opinion this service (regardless of those in English) is one of the best writings for creation.

First of all, there is a great number of effects here. Do you want beautiful "flaming" text? Please! If you want the text of the "broken skla" - be a weasel! In a different way, a large number of fonts check for you. And, thirdly, the service is cost-free and even quick!

It is shown from the butt of the creation of a fiery text.

Choose this effect on the back (div. screenshot below).

Different effects for writing a beautiful text.

Next, enter the required text in the "Logo Text" row, choose the font size, color, and then size. Before speech, your text is changed online, depending on how you set it up.

In the end, just press the "Create Logo" button.

Well, if you don't have enough, just download the picture. Axis yak vain viyshla me. Garnot?!

Russian services for writing text and creating photo frames

One of the best Russians online services at the fence GIF animations(since the pictures are collapsing one by one, you know that the mini-clip will be played). In addition, on which service you can easily write garny text on your photo chi little.

Sob tse robiti, it is necessary:

Select the button on the right, take the picture (for example, capture from the computer or capture from the webcam);

Then let's take one or the other image (our type needs to take one image);

Write editor Okremu vіknі. You can write your own text, choose the size of the font, the font itself (їх to speech, complete it richly) and the color of the font. Let's press the button to add and choose the place where your writing will be superimposed. An example of a signature div. below in the image.

After completing the work with the editor, you need to choose the quality, in which case you want to save the picture and, well, save it. Before we speak, the service will ask you a few options: give you a direct message for a signed picture (you can get it quickly) + send a picture for placement on other sites. Handy!


(Creation of photo frames)

And this service is more "cool" - here you can not only sign a picture or a photograph, but also place it in a frame! Such a leaflet will not be shameful and will be sent to someone sacredly.