Dictionary of English movies with transcription from history. Online dictionary of English movies with transcription and wim

Which vocabulary is given Vimov's English word with transcription. When pressed on the button with the icon, the announcer will sound the word English. You can choose the way to pronounce the word English or English. Glossary with garniim yakіsnym voicings, zovsіm is not similar to Vimov's robot.

This is one of the best wordless dictionaries with voice acting and transcription, which is used by me on the Internet.

  1. Description
  2. Yak practice English online dictionary
  3. Visualization - a miraculous way to memorize a new word


WordReference - tse electronic version intestinal Oxford dictionary english movie(includes 210,000 words and phrases)

As if you learn a new English word that you don’t know, start to this dictionary, you don’t know how it is, but how to write a transcription of that word and put it into context. So you can easily make a translation from an English movie with vim and transcription and also a translation from a Russian movie into English. This dictionary translates words one at a time, as they say, more beautiful less that more beautiful. Natomist is given a sparse meaning of the word and is shown, as the same English word can get used to that situation. In such a manner, English glossy dictionary.

How to practice vocabulary:

At the end, we write a word, as we need to translate it, choose the language translation English-Russian (English-Russian) or Russian-English (Russian-English) and press Enter, or press the button at the sight of a fool.

To be an option to translate

Schob feel vimovu English word, click on the listen button (listen), instruct from the button to listen to the vimovi є select: the American version of vimovi English words– US and British version of the UK sound. Order from the sounding option can be improved transcription of an English word.

How do you remember new words now?

Our English teacher taught us the miraculous way of memorizing a new English word once and for all. Do not forget, how it was, and she said that we remember the price of a new word forever, so it’s out. We have adopted the method of memorizing the word visualization, so we take the word ogirok - cucumber and we use the word cucumber. Everything is simple! It is required to reveal a new word - in all details and remember, as a picture is presented in the brain, it is called English. Tsey method pratsyuє duzhe good!

Transcription of the English word vimoyu

Not everyone and did not understand, like, marveling at the transcription, correctly move the word. It is especially important for children to explain Vimov's word for transcription. And this dictionary gives us a miraculous year of almost the correct language of unknown English words. Simply click on the “listen” button and listen to the audio sound.

And for the sake of remembering the correct vimov new English words, you can listen to them once audio sound and whoever needs it, marvel at transcription. To speech, feeling right vim's words audio, you can remember how to correctly vimovlyat that sounds of transcription.

fun facts

Contrary to popular beliefs, chocolate does not cause acne.

Vimov's words, written in English, are rooted in the model of Vimov's and Russian. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet, of which there are 21 voices and 5 voices.

As a rule, all the voices of English language mean one sound, after the letter “X”, it means two sounds.

Vocal letters mean two sounds, like i, English, understand the "diphthong" - subvocal voice sound, more, in three vipads, understand the "triphthong" anger three voiced sounds for an hour of reading one.

Sound recording text look called transcription, it is necessary for a person who does not know English language to be able to read the words written in it without mercy.

What is transcription?

Transcription is a textual recording of sounds in singing characters in a letter. Transcription is based on two species - phonetic and phonemic.

Phonetic transcription is more powerful for robotic linguists, however, in English language, shards of one incorrect sound can change the true meaning of the word.

For people who speak English language with the method, in the most scientific ways, the phonemic transcription appears more in a coric way, as it conveys only the correct reading of the sung word, and not the sense that is put into the whole word.

For the recording of sounds, a special system of writing signs is used, as it is called the phonemic alphabet.

For the singing beginners of reading transcriptions, the same word, written in English, is no longer a problem for yogo readings.

Do you still need transcription?

Transcription helps to read words, if the exact words are not known. In any dictionary of English, before translating the word, the transcription is required.

You will always avenge yourself in square temples it is recorded with singing characters, the so-called, Latin transcription of the English movie. It's crazy, if a person starts to scribble signs, assigned to square arms, she gets drunk - “What is it like? What does it mean and how to read it?

Actually, there is nothing coherent in reading the transcription, it is only necessary to add an hour and read the rules for reading the transcription. For example, shower is a classic English word, and - ['ʃəʉə] is a yoga transcription.

Graphic symbols of English language transcription

As we said earlier, the transcription is written at the square bow with special characters. Fallen in recognition of dictionaries, transcription records are written with signs of mov, zgidno z kakoyu, spellings, let's say a dictionary.

If it’s going to be an English-Russian rozmovnik, then Russian word"Hello" will be written as . In English linguistics, it is customary to record the sounds of a movie by transcribing the classic characters of the International Phonetic Alphabet, with the improvement of some special characters, such as: ɞ, ɗ, ɵ, ɷ, ʊ, ɮ, ʂ.

On the basis of a similar way of recording the transmitted sounds, which are learned in English language, the correct language is learned, which, in a distant pull, is phonetically competent in spelling English language.

Features of English Wimovie

Representatives of all peoples and nationalities, voice organ and organ and movi power, however, have their own particularities, nuances and vignettes in the sound mode and type of sound and sound.

For example, in the Russian language of speech, in front of the deaf, it is practically necessary to be silent, for the very reason, all representatives of the Anglo-speaking peoples are forcibly given the vim of Russian words and phrases.

In English language, navpak, obov'yazkovaya є correct Vimov's "dzvіnkosti", or "deafness" of voice letters. It’s a kind of familiarity, in sense, which is embedded in a word, for example: had is a special form of the word of the past hour, which is translated like “mav”, and hat is the name “kapelyuh”.

In English language, deaf voices are adopted with special energy, in English language especially. At that hour, like a twinkle, it is accepted to sound like a video, less energetically, by this time the conciseness and melody of an English movie is achieved.

Yak one of key features English movie, you can say that it is suitable in English not to be confused in any way.

It’s easy to express your own imagery in vim voiced letters, and even with single voiced sounds, it’s easy to complete everything, then with diphthongs (voicing, which means two sounds), you can use deuce folds. Ale about everything in order.

Voice sounds of English movie and vim

A total of 6 voices of the English language means 22 sounds! And it's a pity, vim's tsikh vociferous voices look like vimovs of such vociferous Russians themselves. The most original vim of the voices, as a rule, is the accent.

People, for being native to my Russian language, it’s even more problematic to recognize the difference in the vowels of the English language, the shards in Russian do not have similar sounds and get used to yourself until the English language. For example, the word "sheep" is translated as "vіvtsya", and the word "ship" means a ship.

The current apparatus of the Russian people is simply not “instructed” to vim and similar sounds, for the correction of similar nuances in the everyday apparatus, additional training is needed for vim and voices.

To learn how to tease these sounds, nasampered, next learn how to play them. For correct speech and sound, the articulation of the organs of the movement is to blame.

Biggest dієviy sposіb the solution to the problem of vimovic sounds in English voices, є, listening to skin-enhanced voice sounds with yoga repetition exercises, doti, until vimov becomes a “reference”, such as in audio files.

Sounds of English movie and vimovu

In order to look at different light movies, you can make a single visnovka, which appropriate sounds convey the main meaning and meaning of the words, and the voices need only to add to the soundness and forgiveness of the speech.

As a proof to this firmness, you can just put a butt, take it, be it a sufficient phrase of the Russian language, and take away from it all the voices, write it better, better for everything, you will be wiser, it will not be easy for you to read it.

As it was appointed earlier, the vim of the voiced letters of the English language also has some special features.

At the vapadka with vocal sounds it is possible to harden, that the stench swells up the tone, settles down with the robotic vocal links and the articulation of the organs of the movement, the sound sounds are settled, the stinks of the noise and the tone, or the noise is less than the noise.

Muffled sounds create zavdyakovy noise. The vibrations of the vocal bells take part in the creation of twinkling sounds, in order to rob the tone and noise. Because of this, cause the sounds of all voices in the world to sound shorter and quieter.

Smart subdivision of English voiced sounds is divided into three categories and subcategories:

  1. Zmichnі voskolnі, approved through the opening by the organs of the movement of the crossing for the passage of the reverse flow with the advance passage of the crossing, to the warehouse of which to enter:
    • Vibukhov sounds; the sound of those, settling down at the last moment of the sharp passage of the passage made by the organs of cleansing, as if the name of the subcategory sounded. At your own place, fallow in the middle of the night, the sounds of the subgroup are divided into: back, front, and lips.
    • Sonorny (nasal) sounds; tsі sounds took away their name from the sv'azku z tim, scho, while part of the replacement of the bellows pass through the nis, in their line tsі sounds are divided into 4 subcategories: posterior nasals, anterior lateral (bіchni) sonatas, anterior nasal sonatas, labial nasal sonati .
  2. Shіlinnі prigosnі sounds, on the vіdmіnu, vіd michnyh zvіvіv, vimovі tsіkh zvіvіv іn't create a transition for passing through again, it's more than a transition (shіlina), which stunned the name of this category. This category includes:
    • humming sounds, made by the noise of the air, to pass through the transition, and fallow in the case of the creation of this transition, the subgroup includes: larynx, anterior-middle, anterior round-mouth, and labial-tooth type of sounds.
    • Sonorny (nasal) sounds; when vimovi yakah part of the povitrya to pass through nіs passing through the passage. This subcategory includes: mid-median, anterior-alveolar-median and labial-median type of sounds.
  3. Zmichno-schіlinnі, otherwise called Africans, sounds; when moving tsikh sounds, the passage of the transition is made step by step, translating the sound of z smichny into schіlinny. Such sounds include only one type: anterior and middle (subnebino-alveolar) stinging.


A diphthong is a combination (combination) of two voiced sounds in one warehouse, vimova, which sound at the same time.

Usy's English language uses 8 types of diphthongs:

  • - under the hour of reading, they become like “ay”; when writing, it is pronounced like the writing of voiced “y” and “i” in the spoken warehouse;
  • [ɔɪ] - it turns out like "oh" and gets settled with the combination of voices "oi" "oy";
  • - this diphthong slid like "їй", respect, not "gay". Utvoryuetsya vіn zavdyaki "a" at the open warehouse, or with combinations of letters: "ai", "ay", "ey", "ea", "ei";
  • - It sounds like "ou", but it is transmitted by the letters "ow" and "ou";
  • [əu]- It reads like “ey (ey)”, on the sheet it is pronounced: the letter “o” in shock warehouse;
  • [ɪə] - It is read like “ie”, it is set up with letters: “ear”, “eer”, “ere”;
  • [ɛə] - Becomes like "ea" or "her", is created by words: "are", "ear", "air";
  • - It turns out like "ue", and the zavdyaks are settled by the same: "ue", "ure";

English intonation

The skin of the people maє their own voice intonation, they move that accent of the movement. The English intonation manifests itself in the appearance of an increase and a decrease in the tone of the rose, most of all, in the skin language.

In this way, for the English, it is important for the cob of food to move the tone on the cob and the food to decrease to the end.

Lowering the tone in English language is observed in case of firm orders, in orders and orders, in case of viguku chi vimog uvagu. So in the English language, they understand the logical voice.

A logical voice is called on the contrary a vision of one number of specific words in a speech to accentuate the respect of a spy, a word, a word in a logical voice, one phrase ati.

English alphabet with transcription

V. F. Shpakovsky, I. V. Shpakivska

No cost. New version.

Information about the book:

Date of writing:2011 Global rozmir:3 MB Global number of sides: 449


V. Shpakovsky, I. Shpakovsky

Glossary of revenge 12 000 most lived
but bi tovih words and phrases. Vіn repayments on a wide colo
Russian audience, on the basis, as if they are learning English language,
Go beyond the cordon at business and tourist trips.
The uniqueness of the right vision of the one who is ahead of the English
words at once secure transcription and transliteration. For
damage to the part - English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries -
combined in one book.

About the vocabulary structure

In the dictionary above, transliteration is paralleled
based on the Russian alphabet and one
English transcription options, what does it mean
expanding the possibilities of yoga zastosuvannya.
For relief, the joke is the right one
information we recommend to read carefully
with the structure of the dictionary, starting with the list
umovnikh quickly, adopted from the newcomer.
Usі words in the vocabulary are sorted in alphabetical
order. To make it easier for them to joke around in English
Russian and Russian-English parts are presented
indicators of the post-story spreading of words that they repent
from one tієї zh letters. Cream of that
to the beast of the steam room, a word is given, from which
she starts, and on unpaired - a word, yakim
it will end.
The skin article of the dictionary starts from the word seen
in bold type.
For differentiation and clarification to understand one and the same
well words vikoristovuyutsya so razdіlovі signs
that mental meaning:
a) words close to the meanings are cremated one way
a friend with a coma, and more far away - with a speck of a coma;
b) explanatory words and phrases are written in italics;
c) lexical homonyms (these are words that sound the same
and tі, which are written, ale may have different meanings

roztashovani in okremi nests under the Roman
numbers, for example:
case I vypadok; on right
case II box, screen, box;
d) in the English-Russian part of the vocabulary of Arabic Black
a number with a dot - 1. ... 2. ... etc. - are designated
different parts of the movie;
numbers with a bow - 1) ... 2) ... etc. - water-creaming
different understanding of the word;
e) in the Russian-English part of the vocabulary of black Arabic
a number with a dot, different understandings are
guessing the meaning of the word.
Vocabulary is presented to the dictionary in the frame
Vimov's words are given at square temples,
in the middle of such a frail line […/…] in the Kremlin
one type of one transcription and transliteration. two
frail lines of transcription
and transliteration in quiet moods, if only one
words-synonyms were separated by a frail boundary
At round temples with vikoristanny transliteration
say those letters, as if they carry additional
arranging for the hour of sound transmission in English
move chi є facultative (neobov'yazkovimi).
Whenever you blame the need
zastosovuvat podvyny arches, for example:
at (the) latest itself
to go (with) pet (with) /
drink (together h).
For the correct reading of English words, it is important
umovoy є knowledge of the mission to the voice. Golovnya
voice at the globally accepted international transcription
signified by a sign to the voice of the beast in front of
with a stressed warehouse ('...), and another row of voice
- below in front of the strike warehouse (...). At the transliterator

8 Popular English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary.

tsії the main voice is placed above the voice letter
shock warehouse, but the other row is not most often indicated,
for example:
indirect [ .indi'rekt/indirect] indirect, manivtsі.
In English words, the voices are presented in foreign
worlds in transcription and transliteration. voicing
affixed i on all Russian words (crim
single warehouse).
Name the country, continents and the words that indicate
on national property, placed in
kintsі kozhnoї іz dvokh main parts of the dictionary.
At the final part of the dictionary, an appendix is ​​given,
what is the explanation for the drive of light and motion
English movie sounds. Special respect
attached to the most important sounds. Represented
lists of the main forms of some "wrong
» Dієslіv and іnshі most significant lexicogrammatic
At the dodatku, the hours of the day
great places and the capital of the powers of the world, as well as
name the main ones in the world, the difference in
standardization of clothes that vzutya.

9 Popular English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary.

English translations with transcription and Russian vim allow you to start transcribing English language without difficulty.

Constantly listening to the correct language of all the words and the clarity of their transcriptions are the first necessary aids for skin education, which starts from the level of the Basic Speaker (from the international classification, Basic Speaker - the category of the voice my English language).

Takozh good translation with additional functions of voicing the text and transcription, it will not only help to rozpochati independent development, but also necessary for translating the text.

In such a manner, to learn the English language without knowing it, you can take a closer look at the translation with the possibility of a detailed look.

Dekіlka of the main vimog before transferring:

  • The most accurate translation of the text;
  • Arrangement of the words of the speech in the correct order, according to the rules and norms of the language;
  • The ability to take a few options to translate one word.

Let's take a look at the most popular translation programs.


Without a doubt, you've been talking about this program more than once. Vaughn has been around for over 20 years. The Promt retailers constantly improve the software security, so that it is as easy as possible for the koristuvach. I will also translate the text.

Promt pratsyuє zgіdno z principially іnshoy scheme of translating, nіzh osnovnі services.

The program can be purchased at personal computer From the official site, as well as the online service, for the help of whichever you can, you can translate the text to any topic as accurately as possible.

Promtі є mozhlivіst otrimati translation slіv that speech with full transcription and detailed vim.

Please! Feature update milestones shvidkoy translation You can fix the robot with files without intermediary, so as not to copy the text from the text field of the program. Such a function is more convenient, as it is necessary to translate the volume of articles of that book.

The hybrid technology of translating, like a victorian Promt, does not affect the coristuvacha edition of an incorrectly translated text.

However, unfortunately, it is impossible to translate the text perfectly, so there may be some inaccuracies in the order of the placement of words (the stink cannot be added to the roman text).

To improve the transcription of the word, move the cursor and move one or two seconds.

Promt - tighter software security, which will help you to learn more English language. Zavdyaki youmu, you will be as smart as possible in your mind to read English and understand the basic constructions of the language.

Google translator

Denmark's online service does not require a special installation, hundreds of millions of people around the world work with it every day. Google Translator is a service of the Google company, a kind of building practice for the greater world.

Also, the program can generate the text and show the transcription of the necessary words. This online service is powered by a unique robot, which precisely renders the text.

To improve the transcription of the word that yogo mittevy translation, follow the address https://translate.google.com. Choose the language of the original and the translation of the language. Let's enter a word in the text field of the mov, mittevo will appear yogo translation of your needs.

Transcription text field movie.

To listen to the text, press the double key “Listen to the text”. If you want to select the textual and voice translation of the input words and programs, click on the button “Voice translation”, as shown in the small picture below.

So you can buti tsikavo:

I choose thematic additions of English words from which branch. Before the skin set, there will be submissions of a file from English cards, transcriptions and sending them to a crossword puzzle for re-verification of knowledge. Up to a lot of sets are sent on interactive illustration cards. Visually remember the English word - just do half of it, smut correctly yogo vimoviti! Before the skin English word, we represent the transcription.

Cards - all English words effectively!

Cards- tse, small klaptiki of a paper, from one side of which English words are written, from the other - their translations.

Tse ZIP archives, to remove these files:

  • flashcards_1.doc- the front side of the cards;
  • flashcards_2.doc- Zvorotniy bik;
  • Readme_flashcards.txt- Text file with instructions.

Vіdkrivaєmo that posilaєmo on another file flashcards_1.doc, then turn over paper and friend flashcards_2.doc. Virizaemo. Cards are ready! Cards are presented in a format available for viewing in programs MS Word, WordPad.

English words on topics

I will be vdyachny, so you can tell your friends about this article: