My courses are programmed. Dodatkova osvita. 07. JAVA Rozrobnik – stuck in rhubarb

IT-center MAI announces enrollment for training courses for facists in the industry information technologies. The project is based on innovative programs of additional professional education. Exceptional peculiarity italics – practical directness of the program. Hearers who have undergone training acquire the necessary skills and knowledge that can safely be used in their professional activities.

The programs are primarily aimed at those who want to supplement the basic knowledge with the applied competencies required of job providers.

The beginning takes place on weekdays in the evening and on Saturday. Audiences are equipped with their own today's owners to carry out theoretical and practical work.

After completion of the process, all rumors, such as a diploma in search of education at the level of “bachelor”, and above all, will be based on advanced qualifications of the established MAI designation. Students will receive a certificate once they enroll in the affiliate program.

Kursi - unique ability For students still in the process of obtaining basic training, go through an advanced qualification program and, after completing the bachelor's program, withdraw from the advanced qualification program.

Start of program: leaf fall. Duration: 2.5 months.

For MAI students, when registering for programs 01 and 02, there is a payment system, a loyalty program and a 10% discount.


(100 ac. godins, 40,000 rub.)

01. LINUX – rhubarb

Qia program prepares fakivts to serve as administrators information systems based on the Debian and Ubuntu (GNU/Linux) kernels. The listener will learn practical skills in installing, setting up and configuring Linux-class operating systems. The peculiarity of the programs is important for practical ones to take over theoretical, individual robots and studies. Once you have completed your listening training, it may become difficult to put your skills into practice.

02. IT Project Risk Management

The program begins to develop business plans, a risk management strategy, identify and analyze risks, plan to respond to risks, and also control and minimize risks in an IT project. For students, startupers, technologists. After completing the listening course, we will be able to identify and evaluate the risks of the project and the company, find the correct management decisions and effectively distribute resources.


(128 ac. years, 70,000 rub.)

03. Business data analytics specialist: Big Data & BI Business Intelligence

The program is aimed at the formation and development of hearing skills necessary for the daily activities of mid-level police officers who are engaged in the analysis of the great duties of data and data. behind-the-scenes access until the results on Microsoft database SQL Server.

04. Administrator of IT systems based on the free Linux software

The program is focused on training facists based on the architecture of Linux systems, which allows for a thorough and professional understanding of the functioning of the main internal mechanisms, as well as the competencies required, Not for installation, administration or maintenance of Linux systems.

05. Java developer. From the basics to Prof Software Development

The goals of the program are the formation and development of theoretical and practical listening skills necessary for writing, improvement, verification of the effectiveness and modification of add-ons, application programs for Java programming by front-line and middle-level specialists.

06. IT manager. Kerivnik of IT projects and processes (based on PMBok and ITIL).

The program allows you to develop theoretical knowledge in the field of project management and practical skills, as well as extensive knowledge during the course of work with specialized software, to develop competencies necessary for managing IT services in Similar to ITIL and PMBok.


(76 academic years, 70,000 rub.)

07. JAVA Rozrobnik – stuck in rhubarb

While taking the course, you will learn about the features of your programming and the Java platform, become familiar with the Java library, and master approaches to designing add-ons and implementing modules for working with databases, files, web frontend, and other programs.

The Moscow Aviation Institute (national advanced university) organizes additional education for school schools in Moscow. To register for additional enrollment in the guidance programs below, you must register on the portal.

Obsyag programs - 24 academic years.

Navigation terms – 12 years.

List of programs additional education views below. To register, you must register on the portal.

New dial: breast 2019 – lute 2020.
Cob navchannya: From February 17, 2020 (the world group recruitment date will be confirmed).

P.P. Name of program (BEFORE)
Short program instructions (BEFORE) Student class
Century of study Child welfare code
1 Applied programming using Python (for 10th and 11th grades) We look at the power of programming in Python, including ways to represent data structures such as graphs and trees, the implementation of classic sorting and search algorithms, and the nutritional organization of the user interface. Insurance course for students familiar with programs
10-11 grade
15-18 rocks
2 Introduction to Python programming (for 9th, 10th and 11th grades) A comprehensive course on programming in Python. The basic structure of the language, the middle of development and the main methods of programming are clearly examined.
9-11 grade
14-18 rocks
3 Mathematics. Rozvyazannya geometrical commands using different methods(Vector method for planimetry problems). The variety of non-standard levels and inequalities that need to be adjusted (for 10th grade)
Rozvyazannya geometrical commands in different ways. Respect is given to the vector method as one of the effective methods the unraveling of geometric orders. Linking tasks from parameters using different methods. Trigonometric functions and parameters. Module. Geometric interpretations of the given parameters. Parameter in the EDI settings. 10th grade 15-18 rocks 724808
4 Mathematics. Connection of geometric problems using different methods (vector method for problems of planimetry and stereometry). The variety of non-standard levels and inequalities that need to be adjusted (for 11th grade)
Unraveling geometric orders in different ways. Respect is given to the vector method as one of the most effective methods for developing geometric tasks. Introduction to the course "Verification of problems with parameters". A look at quadratic equations and inequalities based on parameters. Updated function schedules with latest research Graphic methods the connection between the level and the inequalities from the parameters. 11th grade 16-18 rocks 724925
5 Development of a power quadcopter (for 8 – 11 grades)
As part of the program, participants learn about the principles of flying UAVs and the basics of their control. Carry out pre-field preparation and post-field preparation yourself. Most programs are dedicated to the automatic programming of the autonomous flight, and also take away the piloting skill from the manual mode.
After completing the program, participants will begin to pilot copters, evaluate meteorological equipment, and complete paperwork for military operations.
8-11 grade 14-18 rocks 729539
6 Programming using C++ (for grades 8-11)
Fundamentals of Programming in C++ C++ allows you to write addendums in an object-oriented style, representing the program as a collection of mutually interacting classes of objects that facilitate the creation of great addendums.
During the course, students begin to learn the basics of functional programming in C++, the development of games using console add-ons, the main task that most developers are exposed to.
IT engineering is one of the most in-demand and highly paid professions at the moment. After completing the course, you will learn the basic skills of work with the integration of the core of development, so that you can thoroughly understand and find a managerial job in the company, where you work with the same fakhivs in one team.
9-11 grade 14-19 rocks 729542
7 Engineering physics (for 10th and 11th grades)
The basic provisions of classical theories from the main branches of physics and the necessary mathematical apparatus are examined. The course of insurance for students who have well mastered the school course of mathematics and the importance of physics in engineering practice 10-11 grade 15-18 rocks 724931
8 Methods piece intelligence in senior engineering and social departments (for 10th and 11th grades) The program appears to be stagnant current methods from the technology of artificial intelligence to the latest model engineering and social tasks. Great respect is given to the practical aspects of the development of public cognitive services, including those provided by Microsoft, such as person recognition, ects in the image, supporting the dialogue using human intelligence (chatbots). 10-11 grade 15-18 rocks 1006594

Instructions for registering for additional programs before MAI:

  1. Proceed for the opportunity;
  2. In the Search field, enter the code or name the program. For example: Code – 521947, program name “Relationship of problems of advanced complexity in physics. Physics workshop";
  3. After you have entered the code in the field, press “Find” in other programs and click the “Select” button. Next, enter the necessary data about the student (to remember what is in this section of SNILS - this is SNILS study);
  1. Visit the website;
  2. Next, click on the “Services” tab, and then on the “Lighting” tab on the left side menu;
  3. Next, select the “Addatkove” item.
  4. Then from the list, select the item “Registration at the camp, sports sections, creativity booths”;
  5. Next, press the right-hand red button “Cancel service”, a field appears for entering a code or name a program. For example: Code – 521947, program name “Resolution of advanced complexity from physics. Physics workshop"
  6. After you have entered the code in the field, press “Find” in other programs and click the “Select” button. Next, enter the necessary data about the student (to remember what is in this section of SNILS - this is SNILS study)
  7. Next, click the “Submit Application” button (the name of the button is periodically changed by the site’s technical service).

Respect! It is necessary to register for the skin program first.

Promising Profession of the future

A programmer is a specialist who is engaged in the development of program algorithms. The writing is based on mathematical calculations. Current programming is a laborious process. With a wide range of activities, the profession of medicine can be divided into three main areas:

  • Applied directly. These are the fakhivtsi who are engaged in growth and advancement software security necessary for the normal functioning of the organization. Call the stench of highly specialized, for example, 1C fakers. The range of their responsibilities includes updating, adjusting and refining programs to suit the individual needs of healthcare workers and the specifics of the company.
  • Systemic directly. Tse fakhіvtsі, yak robroblyat Operating systems, interfaces that distribute databases that control the work of the network. This is a rare type of programming and the most complex. Systemic agents will always be needed.
  • Web. These traders who work with global measures, For example, the Internet. Development of interfaces, dynamic sites, their element. This specialization is especially popular in the recent times – the era of Internet development.