Instructions for using jSQL Injection is a richly functional tool for investigating and exploiting SQL injection in Kali Linux. Instructions for using jSQL Injection - a richly functional tool for investigating and operating SQL injection in Kali Linux

Taking away private data does not always mean malice - sometimes stinks are published in open access. Knowing Google and a little bit of cunning allows you to know the mass of the cuckoo - from credit card numbers to FBI documents.


All information is given solely for your knowledge. Neither the editorial office nor the author bear responsibility for whether I can be at a loss, subjugated by the materials of this article.

Everyone connects to the Internet today, little talk about the exchange of access. That's why a lot of private data become a vidoboot of poke systems. Spider robots are no longer interspersed with web pages, but index all content available in Merezh and gradually add information that is not recognized for disclosure in their database. Finding out about these secrets is simple - you need to know more than to ask yourself about them.

Shukaemo files

In the smart hands of Google, you can quickly find out everything that is nasty to lie in Merezh, for example, special information and files for the service recorder. It is often hovayut, like a key under a doormat: there are no real borders for access, it’s just to lie on the back of the site, where you can’t lead by force. Google's standard web interface needs only basic customization of advanced search, but it will be enough to search them.

You can search for files in plain sight on Google with the help of two operators: filetype and ext. The first one sets the format, which kind of joker is assigned to the file header, the other one is the extension of the file, regardless of the internal one. When searching in both directions, the next step is to signify more expansion. On the other hand, the ext operator could be manually tweaked in quiet settings, if the specific signs of the file format were daily (for example, for searching for ini and cfg configuration files, in the middle of which you can use everything for sure). At the same time, Google's algorithms have changed, and there is no visible difference between operators - the results of this one seem to be the same.

Filtered to see

For the promotion of the word and whether or not the symbols are introduced, Google searches through all the files on the indexed pages. It is possible to surround the area by a joke behind the domain upper level, a specific site, or for the purpose of roztashuvannya shukanoї sequence in the files themselves. For the first two options, the site operator is chosen, if it is entered by the name of the domain or the selected site. In the third way, the whole set of operators allows shukat information in the service fields and metadata. For example, allinurl know the task in the text itself, allinanchor - in the text, with the tag , allintitle - for the titles of the pages, allintext - for the titles of the pages.

For the skin operator, the version with a short name has been improved (without the prefix all). The difference lies in the fact that allinurl knows the meaning of the words, and inurl - only the first of them. Otherwise, those offensive words from the request can be posted on the web pages, be it. The inurl operator can also be used to view another similar site - site. The first one also allows you to know whether the sequence of symbols sent to the document (for example, /cgi-bin/) is widely used to search for components with known inconsistencies.

Let's try it practical. We take the allintext filter and work in this way, after seeing the list of numbers and conversion codes of credit cards, the term for them will end in less than two years (otherwise, if they are smart enough to be happy with all of them).

Allintext: card number expiration date /2017 cvv

If you read about the news that a young hacker “hacked into the servers” of the Pentagon or NASA, having lied in secret information, then it’s better to go on your own about such an elementary technique of using Google. Let's say we have a list of NASA spies and their contact details. Surely, such a resemblance is in electronic form. For clarity or oversight, wines can also be found on the very site of the organization. It is logical, that in this occasion there will be no sending, shards of wines of appointments for internal victoria. What words can be in such a file? As a minimum - the "address" field. Perevіriti all tsі pripuschenna in the simplest way. filetype:xlsx "address"

Koristuesya bureaucracy

Similar knowledge - a receptionist. In a fair way, a solid catch ensures more detailed knowledge of Google operators for web hosts, the very Merezhya and features of the Google structure. Knowing the details, you can easily filter and clarify the authority of the files you need, so that you can take away the true value of the data. It's funny how the bureaucracy comes to the rescue here. It’s out to produce typical formulas, for which you slyly whisper secret messages that have leaked into Merezh.

For example, the obov'yazkovy at the office of the US Department of Defense stamp Distribution statement means standardized exchange of the document's width. The letter A stands for public releases, which have nothing secret; B - signs are less than internal victoria, C - strictly confidential only up to F. It is okay to stand for the letter X, which is especially important for the establishment of the sovereignty of the greater equal. Let these documents joke about who should be working on the language of service, and we will share files with the letter C. As a rule, with the DoDI 5230.24 directive, such marking is assigned to documents that avenge the descriptions of critically important technologies, like exercising export control. Reveal such a carefully protected information can be on the sites at the domain of the top, seen for the US Army.


It’s more convenient that in the .mil domain, there are no more sites from the US Department of Defense and other contracting organizations. Poshukov's vidach s obmezhennyam on the domain to come out all the way clean, and the headers - for themselves. Shukati similar to the rank of Russian secrets is practically marno: in the domain.

If you respectfully check any document from the site in the .mil domain, you can use other markers to clarify the request. For example, sent to the export exchange "Sec 2751", for which it is also necessary to manually search for technical information. Sometimes you get away from official sites, but once it was lit up, to those who, in search of a species, can’t go for cіkavim messages, hurry up with Google’s cache (cache operator) or the Internet Archive site.

We take away from the gloom

Let's look at the secrets of secret documents of government departments, at Google's cache for an hour to merge messages on special files from Dropbox and other data collection services, as if creating "private" messages on publicly published data. With alternative and self-contained services, they are even better. For example, the next step is to know the data of all Verizon clients, which have an FTP server installed on the router.


There were over forty thousand such wise men at one time, and in the spring of 2015 there were significantly more. Deputy can suggest the name of any other provider, and who will be known, they can get a bigger catch. Through the FTP server, you can see the files on the external storage device connected to the router. Call tse NAS for remote work, personal gloom, or as a peer-to-peer goydal file. All of these noses are indexed by Google and other search engines, so access to files that are saved on external disks can be done by direct request.

Looking at configs

Before the wholesale migration to the gloom, as far away as shovishch, simple FTP servers were cherished, in which there were also inconsistencies. Bagato who of them is up-to-date dosi. For example, in the popular WS_FTP Professional program, data about the configuration, record type, and passwords are saved from the ws_ftp.ini file. It's easy to know and read, all records are stored in text format, and passwords are encrypted using the Triple DES algorithm after minimal obfuscation. More versions can be downloaded simply by dropping the first byte.

Decrypting such passwords is easy with the help of the WS_FTP Password Decryptor utility or a non-cash web service.

Speaking about the evil of the site, call on the removal of the password from the logs and backups of the CMS configuration files or add-ons for electronic commerce. If you know the typical structure, you can easily enter keywords. Rows similar to ws_ftp.ini are wider. For example, Drupal and PrestaShop are bound by the language of the user identifier (UID) and the valid password (pwd), and all information is collected from files with Shukati їх can be done like this:

"pwd=" "UID=" ext:inc

Unlock passwords in DBMS

In the configuration files of SQL servers, the names and addresses of the e-mails are stored in the selected format, and the passwords are stored in their MD5 hashes. Decipher them, strictly seemingly, impossibly, the prote can know the validity of the middle pairs of the hash-password.

Dosi zustrіchayutsya DBMS, which do not vikoristovuєtsya navit hashed passwords. Configuration files, be it of them, can be simply looked through in the browser.

Intext:DB_PASSWORD filetype:env

With the appearance on Windows servers, the location of the configuration files is often occupied by the registry. Shukati on yoga gіlkah can be the same rank, vikoristovuyuchi reg as a file type. For example, the axis is:

Filetype:reg HKEY_CURRENT_USER "Password"=

Do not forget about the obvious

Some people get to the closed information and go for the help of vipadkovo vіdkritih data, which they spent in the field of Google's dawn. The ideal option is to know the list of passwords in some extended format. Save data from oblique records from a text file, Word documents or Excel spreadsheets can only be done by the most distinguished people, but you can always use them.

Filetype:xls inurl:password

From one side, there are a lot of koshtiv for the destruction of similar incidents. It is necessary to provide adequate access rights to htaccess, CMS patching, do not hack left scripts and curl other dirki. I also use a file with a list of faults in robots.txt, which is indexed by search engines in the new file and directories. On the other hand, as the structure of robots.txt on my server looks like a standard one, it becomes immediately clear that there are some tricks on the new one.

The list of directories and files on any site is presented with the standard index of. Shards for service purposes are guilty of being included in the title, then there is a sense of encirclement її search by the intitle operator. You can find speeches in the directories /admin/, /personal/, /etc/ and navigate /secret/.

Followed by updates

The relevance here is very important: the old inconsistencies are curtailed properly, but Google and that yogo Poshukov's vidach are constantly changing. In other words, navigate between the filter "in the remaining second" (&tbs=qdr:s, for example, the request URL) and "in real time" (&tbs=qdr:1).

The hourly interval for the date of the remaining update of the file from Google is also implicitly specified. Through the graphical web interface, you can select one of the typical periods (year, day, day, and so on) or set a range of dates, or this method is not suitable for automation.

Behind the type of the address row, you can only guess about the method of seeing the results for the additional construction &tbs=qdr: . The letter y after not set a limit of one time (&tbs=qdr:y), m shows the results for the rest of the month, w - for the week, d - for the last day, h - for the rest of the year, n - for the winter, and s - for give me a sec. The most recent results, which have become familiar to Google, are known for the additional filter &tbs=qdr:1 .

It is necessary to write a tricky script, if you know that the date range is set in Google in Julian format through the daterange operator. For example, this is how you can find the list of PDF files in the word confidential, from 1 September to 1 March 2015.

Confidential filetype:pdf daterange:2457024-2457205

The range is specified in the Julian date format without the correction of the fractional part. Translate them by hand from the Gregorian calendar without hand. It's easier to use a date converter.

Target and re-filter

Krіm vkazіvki dodatkovykh operіvі, poshkovomu їх їх it is possible nadsilati directly in tіlі silaannya. For example, the clarification of filetype:pdf includes the as_filetype=pdf construct. In such a rank, it’s easy to ask whether it’s clarified. It is permissible, when looking at the results only from the Republic of Honduras, it is asked to add to the search engine URL construction cr=countryHN , and only from the Bobruisk city - gcs=Bobruisk . You can find the full list at retailers.

Using Google automation can make life easier, but often cause more problems. For example, the IP of the koristuvach through WHOIS is assigned to the same place. On the submission of information to Google, the vanity between servers is not only balanced, but the results of search results are changed. It is good for the region, with the very same request, to squander different results on the first side, and some of them may turn out to be stuck. Be aware of the cosmopolitan that shukati information s be-yakoy kraїni її dvolіterny code after the directive gl=country. For example, the code of the Netherlands is NL, and the Vatican and Pivnichny Korea in Google did not put their code.

Often, Poshukov's vidach appears to be smitten after the victorious number of inserted filters. In such a time, it is easy to clarify the water supply by adding a turn-off switch to the new one (a minus is put in front of the skin one). For example, with the word Personal, banking, names and tutorial are often used. To that, pure search results will show not a textbook butt of inquiry, but clarifications:

Intitle:"Index of /Personal/" -names -tutorial -banking

Butt to the Rest

The information hacker is responsible for the fact that he takes care of everything he needs on his own. For example, a VPN is a handy thing, but it's expensive, otherwise it's timchasova and s obezhennyami. Making an advance payment for yourself alone is imperceptible. Good, what are group subscriptions, but help Google it is easy to become a part of a group. For whom it is sufficient to select the Cisco VPN configuration file, which has a non-standard extension PCF and vіdomy slyakh: Program Files Cisco Systems VPN Client Profiles. One request, and you join, for example, with the friendly team of Bonn University.

Filetype:pcf vpn OR Group


Google to know the configuration files with passwords, and a lot of them are written in encrypted form or replaced with hashes. As soon as you bachish rows of fixed documents, then just look at the decryption service.

Passwords are saved in encrypted form, and Maurice Massard has already written a program to decrypt them and hopefully be free of charge via

Hundreds of different types of attacks and penetration tests are waiting for Google's help. There are no options for popular programs, the main formats of databases, the numerical inconsistency of PHP, hell, and so on. To accurately reveal those who are whispering, it is necessary to ask for the necessary information (especially tієї, as they did not plan to work on the outrageous bathhouses). Not the only Shodan to live with ideas, but be a base for indexing merezhevyh resources!

Run the file by clicking on it (requires a virtual machine).

3. Anonymity for an hour of rechecking the site on SQL-іn'єktsії

Installing Tor and Privoxy on Kali Linux

[Distributed at the retailer]

Installing Tor and Privoxy on Windows

[Distributed at the retailer]

Setting up robots through proxies in jSQL Injection

[Distributed at the retailer]

4. Rechecking the site on SQL-іn'єktsії z jSQL Injection

Working with the program is very simple. It is enough to enter the site address and press ENTER.

On the next screenshot, you can see that the site is different for up to three types of SQL injections (information about them is shown in the lower right corner). By clicking on the name of the injection, you can switch the wicking method:

Also, we have already been shown the data base.

You can look through the skin table:

Sound the names of the administrator in the tables.

If you were lucky and you knew the administrator's data, then it's too early. It is also necessary to know the administrator, where to enter data.

5. Search Admin with jSQL Injection

For which, go to the next tab. Here we are told a possible address. You can choose one or more sides for revision:

The success of those who do not need to win other programs.

It's a pity, poor programmers, yak save passwords from an open-minded person, not too rich. Dosit often in a row of the password


Tse hash. Yogo can be decrypted by brute force. І… jSQL Injection can be brute-forced.

6. Bruteforcing hashes behind the help of jSQL Injection

Undoubtedly smart are those that are not necessary to use other programs. Here are a few of the most popular hashes.

Not the best option. In order to become a guru in deciphering hashes, we recommend the Book "" Russian mine.

But, obviously, if you don’t have a hand in the program, or don’t have time for training, jSQL Injection from the introduced brute-force function will be more childish.

Basic settings: you can set what characters and symbols to enter the password, the range of the password.

7. Operations with files after SQL-infections are detected

Crim operations with databases - their reading and modification, in case of SQL-infection, it is possible to perform such file operations:

  • reading files on the server
  • Vivantage of new files on the server
  • shell vivantage on the server

Everything is implemented with jSQL Injection!

Є obezhennya - the SQL server may have file privileges. The smart ones system administrators the stench is gone and access to the file system will not be allowed.

The presence of file privileges is easily misunderstood. Go to one of the tabs (reading files, creating a shell, loading a new file) and try one of the designated operations.

Even more important respect - we need to know the exact absolute path to the file with which we will work - otherwise we won’t see anything.

Look at the next screenshot:

On whether I try the operation with the file, we are told: No FILE privilege(No file privileges). And nothing can be done here.

How natomist you have another pardon:

Problem writing into [directory_name]

This means that you incorrectly entered the absolute path to which it is necessary to write the file.

In order to start an absolute path, it is necessary, as a minimum, to know the operating system on the same working server. For which, go to the Network tab.

Such a record (row Win64) give us a hint, what can be done on the right with Windows OS:

Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=99 Server: Apache/2.4.17 (Win64) PHP/7.0.0RC6 Connection: Keep-Alive Method: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 353 Date: Fri, 11 Dec 201 11:48:31 GMT X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.0RC6 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Here we have a version from Unix (*BSD, Linux):

Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 11:57:02 GMT Method: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Keep-Alive: timeout=3, max=100 Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/html X- Powered-By: PHP/5.3.29 Server: Apache/2.2.31 (Unix)

And here we have CentOS:

Method: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=9p60gtunrv7g41iurr814h9rd0; path=/ Connection: keep-alive X-Cache-Lookup: MISS like Server: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Content-Type: text/html; charset=WINDOWS-1251

Windows has a typical folder for sites C:\Server\data\htdocs\. But, really, if you “thinking” about running a server on Windows, then, perhaps, this person didn’t think anything about privileges. So try varto directly from the C:/Windows/ directory:

Yak bachimo, everything went miraculously the first time.

But the jSQL Injection shells themselves are calling me sumniv. If you have file privileges, then you can get anything with the web interface.

8. Bulk re-verification of sites on SQL-іn'єktsії

І Navigate this function for jSQL Injection. Everything is simpler - enter the list of sites (you can import it from a file), select it, if you want to change it and press the button for the start of the operation.

Wisnovok for jSQL Injection

jSQL Injection is a good, hard tool to poke around and find some of the sleazy stuff found on SQL injection sites. There are endless pluses: simplicity of choice, introduction of accompanying functions. jSQL Injection can be a beginner's best friend for website analysis.

From the shortcomings, I would have spoken out on the impossibility of editing databases (I don’t know which functionality I accept). Like all tools with a graphical interface, to a small extent, programs can be attributed to the impossibility of vikoristannya in scripts. Proteak automation is possible and in this program you can start the function of mass re-verification of sites.

The jSQL Injection program is significantly better than sqlmap. Ale sqlmap adds more types of SQL-in'actions, may have options for working with file firewalls and other functions.

Sub-bag: jSQL Injection is the hacker's best friend.

You can find a summary about this program in the Kali Linux Encyclopedia on this side:

Evil for help Google

Alexander Antipov

Poshukov system Google ( has a lot of opportunities for spoofing. All the possibilities are an inestimable tool for a joke for a koristuvach, having previously consumed the Internet and at the same time increased the intrusion and destruction in the hands of people with evil spirits, including not only hackers, but also non-computer evil-doers and terrorists.
(9475 visits in 1 day)

Denis Batrankov

Respect:Tsya stattya not є kerіvnitstvom to dії. This article was written for you, administrators of the WEB server, so that you have noticed that you are safe, and that you are aware of the accessibility of this method of taking away information and took up the defense of your site.


For example, I know 1670 sides in 0.14 seconds!

2. We introduce another row, for example:


a little less, a little bit more than enough for a free download and for picking passwords (for the help of John The Ripper). Below I will bring more low butts.

Also, you need to know that Google's search machine saw more of the sites on the Internet and saved information in the cache that it should be targeted at them. This cached information allows you to retrieve information about the site and to the site without a direct connection to the site, rather digging around with that information, as it is taken from the middle of Google. Moreover, even though the information on the site is no longer available, the information in the cache, perhaps, was saved. All that is needed for this method: know the correct Google keywords. This technique is called Google Hacking.

Previously, information about Google Hacking appeared on Bugtruck distribution three years ago. In 2001, the topic was changed by one French student. Axis mailing to the whole sheet The new one has the first examples of such requests:

1) Index of /admin
2) Index of /password
3) Index of /mail
4) Index of / +banques +filetype:xls (for france...)
5) Index of / +passwd
6) Index of/password.txt

This topic has made a lot of noise in the English-reading part of the Internet recently: after the article by Johnny Long, which was published on May 7, 2004. For a more complete Google Hacking experience, please visit this author's website At this article, I want to introduce you to the course of reference.

Kim tse mozhe buti vikoristano:
- Journalists, shpiguny and all those people who love the phati of the nose are not in their own right, can victorious for the sake of compromising evidence.
- Hackery, yakі rozshukuyut tsili for the evil one.

How does Google work.

For the continuation of the story, I will guess the deeds from the key words, like the victorious ones in Google searches.

Poshuk for help sign +

Google excludes from the joke unimportant words. For example, capital words, adjuncts and articles in English language: for example are, of, where. In Russian language Google, it seems, all words are important. Whenever a word is excluded for a joke, Google writes about it. If you want Google to open the sidebar with the words in front of them, you need to add a + sign without a space in front of the word. For example:

ace + of base

Search for an additional sign -

If Google knows a great number of sides, from which it is necessary to turn on sides with a singing theme, you can Google just a few sides, for which there are no songs. For which you need to indicate qi words, putting a sign in front of the skin sign without a space before the word. For example:


Ask for help sign ~

It is possible, if you want to know, not only the word is indicated, but also its synonyms. For which, enter the symbol ~ before the word.

Search for the exact phrase for the help of the instep paws

Google searched on the skin side of all the input words, yak you wrote in a row for information, moreover, I can’t have a meaning for each other, the words are singed on the side of the word at once (the price is for the mind). To know the exact phrase - you need to take it from the paw. For example:

"book stand"

If you wanted one of the assigned words, it is necessary to specify a logical operation explicitly: OR. For example:

safety book OR zahist

In addition, in a row, for a joke, you can win the sign * for the recognition of any word i. for the recognition of a symbol.

Search for help for additional operators

Use search operators, which are indicated in a row of searches in the format:


Progalini zaruch іz dvokrapkoy not prіbnі. If you insert a pass after the two-fold, then you will tell about the pardon, and before it, then Google will twist it like a perfect row for a joke.
Find groups of addendum operators in a search: move - specify which mine you want to show the result, date - interleave the results for the last three, six or 12 months, entry - specify the de document need to search the row: scroll, in the header, in the URL, domain - add the search behind the specified site, or, in turn, disable yoga from the search, safe search - block sites that remove the values ​​of the type of information and remove all three sides of the results of the search.
With this action, the operators do not require an additional parameter, for example, ask ""you can call out like a regular row for a joke, and deaky key words, on the other hand, emphasize the obviousness of a word for a joke, for example" help In the light of our subject, we marvel at the next operators:



Required additional parameter?

search only for instructions on the search_term site

Search less for documents with type search_term

know the sides, how to find search_term in the header

know the sides, how to find the words search_term in the title

know the sides, how to remove the word search_term from your address

know the sides, how to find the words search_term in your address

Operator site: intermediary search only for the specified site, and you can specify not only domain name, Ale y IP addresses. For example, enter:

Operator filetype: Intermediate search for files of the song type. For example:

As of the release date, Google articles can search in the middle of 13 different file formats:

  • Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf)
  • Adobe PostScript (ps)
  • Lotus 1-2-3 (wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku)
  • Lotus Word Pro (lwp)
  • MacWrite(mw)
  • Microsoft Excel (xls)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt)
  • Microsoft Word (doc)
  • Microsoft Works (wks, wps, wdb)
  • Microsoft Write (wri)
  • Rich Text Format (RTF)
  • Shockwave Flash (swf)
  • Text (ans, txt)

Operator link: Shows all sides, as if showing the right side.
Singing, start wondering, like a rich place on the Internet to know about you. Let's try:

Operator cache: show the version of the site in Google's cache, as if it looked like a won, if Google is back on the right side. Let's take a site that is often changed, and marvel:

Operator title: Shukaє the word is indicated at the header of the page. Operator allintitle:є extensions - vin shukayє all designations kіlka slіv at the header of the page. Level:

intitle:polit to mars
intitle:polіt intitle:on intitle:mars
allintitle: flight to mars

Operator inurl: zmushu Google show all the sides that should be checked in the URL of the row. allinurl operator: looks for all the words in a URL. For example:


This team is especially suitable for those who can't SNORT - they want to be able to marvel, like they're working on a real system.

Methodi evil for help Google

Later, we explained that, vikoristovuyuyuchi combination of enumerating more operators and key words, whether a person can be engaged in the collection of necessary information and a joke of quirks. These technical methods are often called Google Hacking.

Site map

You can twist the site operator: to look at all the posts, like Google knows on the site. Sound the sides, as they are dynamically created by scripts, they are not indexed for additional parameters, so the sites will win the ISAPI filters, so that the forces were not in sight /article.asp?num=10&dst=5, but with slashes /article/abc/num/10/dst/5. This was done in order for the site to be indexed by search engine systems.

Let's try: whitehouse

Google cares that the skin side of the site is to avenge the word whitehouse. Tsim mi koristuёmosya, schob otrimati all sides.
Є th forgiveness option:

The first thing is that the comrades from didn't recognize that they marveled at the structure of their site and looked into the cached side, as if they had taken over Google. Tse mozhe buti vikoristane for vyvchennya structure of sites and revisiting together, remaining unmarked until the singing hour.

Viewing the list of files in directories

WEB servers can show lists of server directories. HTML sides. Call to be afraid so that the coristuvachi choose and zavantazhu sing files. However, in case of rich vipadkah, administrators do not bother to show the directories instead. Tse vinikaє afterward incorrect configuration server chi availability head side at the directory. As a result, the hacker has a chance to find out the cicava in the directory and speed up the cims for his purposes. To know all the same sides, enough to remember that the stench of revenge on your title of the word: index of. And if the words of the index of words are not only written on such a side, then it is necessary to clarify the request and turn the key words on the side itself, then we need to ask:

intitle:index.of parent directory
intitle:index.of name size

Since the listings of the directories are mostly broken down, then it might be important for you to know the listings pardoned the first time. However, you can already win listings for a different version of the WEB server, as described below.

The original version of the WEB-server.

Knowing the version of the WEB server must be correct before the beginning of a hacker attack. Well, I know that Google can take away this information without connecting to the server. It is also respectful to look at the listing of the directory, you can check that the name of the WEB server of that version is displayed there.

Apache1.3.29 - ProXad Server on Port 80

The additional administrator can confirm this information, or speak out if it is true. In this manner, in order to take sufficient information to send a request:


To remove information for a specific server, specify:


Abo navpaki shukaєmo server, how to work on the new version of the server:

intitle:index.of Apache/2.0.40 Server at

This technique can be used as a hacker for a victim's joke. If, for example, the new one has an exploit for the first version of the WEB server, you can know it and try out a new exploit.

You can also check the version of the server, looking at the sides, as if behind the lock, the next time the new version of the WEB server is installed. For example, to get the test side of Apache 1.2.6, enough to type

intitle:Test.Page.for.Apache it.worked!

Not only that, when the operating system is installed, it should be installed and run the WEB server. With whom deyakі koristuvachі navіt about tse do not suspect. Zvichayno yakscho vybachit, scho hto not seeing the side for the locks, then it is logical to admit that the computer is inflamed, not poddavavsya be-like settings and, imovirno, vrazlivy for attacks.

Try to know the sides of IIS 5.0

allintitle:Welcome to Windows 2000 Internet Services

What is the cost of IIS can be assigned as the version of the server, and the version of Windows and Service Pack.

Another way to determine the version of the WEB server is to look for help (storinok podkazok) and applications, which can be installed on the site for default. Hackers knew a lot of ways to win over components to gain access privileges to a site. For this, it is necessary to see the components on the combat site. It doesn’t seem like it’s about those that, for revealing these components, you can take information about the type of server and that version. For example, we know a helper from apache:

inurl:manual apache directives modules

Google wiki is like a CGI scanner.

CGI scanner or WEB scanner is a utility for searching for different scripts and programs on the victim's server. These utilities are guilty of knowing what to shove, for which stink you can make a whole list of different files, for example:



We can know the skins of these files for the help of Google, vikoristovuyuchi dodatkovo s im'yam file in a row by looking for the word index of or inurl: we can know sites with intelligible scripts, for example:


With additional knowledge, a hacker can hack the script's inconsistency and, for additional help, infuriate the script to see if there is any file that is saved on the server. For example, a password file.

How to protect yourself from evil through Google

1. Do not upload important data to the WEB server.

Navіt yakscho you viklal data timchasovo, you can forget about it, or else you could find out and pick up your data until you erased it. Don't work like that. There are a lot of other ways of transmission that steal them from theft.

2. Rewrite your website.

Whip up the description of the methods for following your site. Periodically check your site with new methods, as they appear on the site Keep in mind that if you want to automate your business, you need to take a special permission from Google. Please read carefully, then you'll say: You can't automatically accept any requests in any sort to Google's system without express permission in advance from Google.

3. You probably don't need Google to index your site or just part of it.

Google allows you to see the message on your site or some part of your base, as well as to see the side of the cache. In addition, you can search for an image on your site, display short snippets of the sides of the search results For whom you are guilty, confirm that you are effectively the master of this site or insert the tags on the side

4. Link robots.txt

It seems that search engines look at the robots.txt file, which is located at the root of the site and do not index those parts, which are identified by the word Disallow. You can speed up the cim, so that part of the site is not indexed. For example, in order not to index the entire site, create a robots.txt file, which will sweep two rows:

User-agent: *
disallow: /

What else is going on

So that life didn’t give you honey, I’ll tell you how to develop sites, how to follow these people, how, victorious, higher-value methods, how to crack holes in scripts and WEB servers. The butt of such a side


Trochs of licorice. Try it yourself from the following list:

1. #mysql dump filetype:sql - search dump of mySQL databases
2. Host Vulnerability Summary Report - show you what vulnerabilities other people know
3. phpMyAdmin running on inurl:main.php
4. Not for distribution confidential
5. Request Details Control Tree Server Variables
6. Running in child mode
7. Tsei report was generated by WebLog
8. intitle:index.of cgiirc.config
9. filetype:conf inurl:firewall -intitle:cvs - can anyone need firewall configuration files? :)
10. intitle:index.of finances.xls - well.
11. intitle:Index of dbconvert.exe chats – icq chat log
12. intext:Tobias Oetiker traffic analysis
13. intitle:Usage Statistics for Generated by Webalizer
14. intitle:statistics of advanced web statistics
15. intitle:index.of ws_ftp.ini - ws ftp config
16. inurl:ipsec.secrets holds shared secrets - secret key– harna znahidka
17. inurl:main.php Welcome to phpMyAdmin
18. inurl:server-info Apache Server Information
19. site:edu admin grades
20. ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL command
21. intitle:index.of trillian.ini
22. intitle:Index of pwd.db
23. intitle:index.of people.lst
24. intitle:index.of master.passwd
26. intitle:Index of .mysql_history
27. intitle:index of
28. intitle:index.of administrators.pwd
29. intitle:Index.of etc shadow
30. intitle:index.of secring.pgp
31. inurl:config.php dbuname dbpass
32. inurl:perform filetype:ini

  • "Hacking mit Google"
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    Messages updated during the month of Jan 2020


    Condolence message

    SNEA Expresses Deep Sorrow for the Demise of

    Veteran leader

    Com K. Viswanathan

    CHQ Treasurer of JETA/JTOA (3 Times)

    19/11, D block Nandhini flats church road, Chrompet Chennai 44,




    A Vital Breakthrough for Triple Play FTTH Service via BSNL:

    Open Policy for Provision of IPTV: The Policy for Provision of IPTV Services via BSNL FTTH is subject to disclosure of the Policy for Provision of IPTV Services through BSNL CO.

    This article is Touched as BSNLs answer to major Private Players providing Triple Play Services--

    By this project, BSNL is going to provide Real Triple Play Service customers because here Watching TV is not going to consume Internet Data.

    It is one of the largest Lifelines for BSNL revival.

    This article can be successfully developed and implemented by hand at LCO/TIP in Thrissur BA in Kerala with technical assistance from BSNL to booth talents led by Com Anoop K J, JTO OMCR, Ernakulam.

    The stench can be stuck to App make/receive landphone calls for help mobile phone for help WiFi.

    This project will showcase the last day of the CWC Meet of SNEA in Bangalore in Augusts, 2019.

    Various proposals may be removed from various circulations for the implementation of IPTV through the BSNL Network.

    The presence of IPTV (or TV broadcasting) can be identified as one of the largest resonances for a lacofarb signal to BSNL FTTH connections from multi operator LCOs across the country.

    SNEA have been pursuing the project in all levels and we are happy to see light at the end of the tunnel.

    We congratulate in the in-house talents at BSNL.

    SNEA can be used by all officers who are responsible for the implementation of the project in BSNL CO and all Office Offices and especially Com. P Padmanabha Rao, our AGS & DGM, BSNL CO.

    IPTV Open Policy


    Organizational Restructuring: Merger of Non-Territorial Circles.

    Maintenance and Project Circles merged and renamed as Core Network-Transmission (East/West/North/South). Separate Circle for North East namely Core Network-Transmission NE Region covering AS, NE I and NE II Circles. Effective from 04/01/2020.

    Telecom Factories merged with respective Territorial Circles yak BA head w.e.f 02/01/2020.

    NCNGN Circle merged with BBNW Circle.

    Nodal Center Chandigarh merged with Punjab Circle.

    There is only one trainer from HQ in ALTTC, Gaziabad. ALTTC, NATFM and BRBRAITT will work as BA Heads. Only zonal RTTCs in the future.

    Cover letterAnnexure



    GS write to Shri P K Purwar, CMD/BSNL:

    Kindly so immediate action for Regular promotion instead of Look after arrangement in different Grades from among the Executives already working in higher scales by mere design change to fill up the huge vacuum created in the field units by VRS 2019 and for motivation the Executives to take extra work load:

    Yak for Danish available, on 02/01/2020,

    i) Less than 57 DGM(T) will be possible after the changed end of 1481.

    ii) Less than 32 DGM(Fin) will be possible with the last end of 402.

    iii) Only 1746 AGM(T) will be available in BSNL instead of 6500 AGMs working one year back. On the DGM promotion, the number of AGMs will be about 1200, less than 20%. SDEs with 15 years service waiting for promotion.

    iv) Less than 70 CAOs will be possible for validity until the end of 1347.

    v) Thousands of executives at high borders, applicable to JTO, SDE, similar levels for 5 to 30 dates and follow-up for the banquet. JTOs recruited since 1988 waiting for promotion in Arch wing. Thousands of JTOs from 1999, 2001 to 2008, 2010, 2013, etc. JTO(Civil/Elect/TF) wing status is equally bad.

    We total object to the prevalent look after arrangement being followed by the management instead of regular promotion. Executives are everything that works in the highlands and can be given great graduations on a regular basis only for design changes included prior to the LA arrangement.

    GS letter to CMD


    Meeting with Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, DIR(HR) on 01/09/2020: GS, President and both AGSs met DIR(HR) in the presence of Sr GM(Pers & Estt), GM(SR), GM(Restg), GM(Admn) and GMs(Pers)

    Staffing norms and Restructuring of BSNL: We considered temporary staffing norm issued by Restg cell is not at all workable as the field realities are no considered by the management. By the temp norms, some SSAs headed by GMs has to be headed an SDE in the future. There will be great numbers of small SSAs in great geographic areas, one or two executives will be saved. Practically, it will be impossible for you to serve in these areas. For vinatkomsuringu, roll and performance executives will not be mainly in the CFA segment. Regional areas, clubbing all works of Transmission, BTS mtce, EB, Cable maintenance with SDE(Group) with vast areas will defeat the very purpose. Similar to the Moscow districts, the norm is also stringent. Linked to current norms are to be reworked immediately. Other people can't go to work in the external plant and trans mtce and thos, so they did the same to access the program in Indoor, mobile etc. Similar to substitutes are not included in the SSAs for a pleasant life as of 01/31/2020. Director and GM(Restg) are subject to some current standards, which can be reviewed. We requested to review immediately.

    We opined on the fact that the availability of incoming cables is also to blame but included in the tender for outsourcing. Behind the current TTs, it's good to know that cable jointing and the stench isn't enough for mains cables at all Primary Cables. Other considerations for Indoor/MDF/Power Plant maintenance. In fact, it is possible to work out of DIR (CFA), but not in a friendly way to go far. DIR(HR) is important, what is the most important value, to remember what DIR(CFA) is.

    Promotions in post VRS scenario and need for Regular Promotion instead of Lookafter arrangement: We strongly protested against the ruhu pіd poddnya pіslya arrangement instead of Regular promotion. More DGM(T/Fin) positions and AGM/CAO/EE grades will be called after VRS on 01/31/2020 and a new decision in order to accept, to be signed. Without great numbers executives with sufficient experiences working in high hers, they can be simply given promotion by designation change, we pointed out. It is similar to quiet, who may be in different kinchiks, it is insured in a high-yield framework and can be directed to modernization. Even DPC is not required. LA arrangement is against the interest of the Executives as they lose the service and future promotional avenues. Management is making LA years together and denying regular promotions. Ensure the movement of this mechanism and ensure regular rights for all elite executives.

    on DGM promotions,SNEA talking about the secretariat, DoT on 01/01/2020 and another positive choice for the help of DGM promotions. Even DoT given promotion to Sr DDG (CGM) date on 12/30/2019 for those who are expected to be on 12/31/2019 but BSNL does not have such a skin disease to pleasantly close to vacant posts until їх retirement. Following discussion, DIR(HR) is being considered for discussion with the Secretary/DoT and CMD/BSNL and is required for DGM promotions.

    Reversion of 2001 Rect JTOs passed the LDCE -2007: At the link with thought about matir and Assn, their eligibility to appear in the LDCE-2007 was noted. At the same time, they are reviewed on the basis of clarifications issued in 2012 for LDCE 2010. It may be written, which is based on clarifications, which were installed for LDCE 2007, and will be confirmed. Undoubtedly stinks take part in SDEs, stinks cannot take until respect the coming DCE in 2012 and 2015. We demanded to stop the reversion process till the matter is decided based on the facts placed before the management. We suggested to form a Committee to examine the matter. For example DIR(HR) directed the concerned Officers to bring all the related files the next day itself for taking an appropriate decision.




    Proceedings from Sri P. K. Purwar, CMD BSNL as of 10.01.2020: General Secretaries and AGSs of AIBSNLEA and SNEA met CMD BSNL indefinitely and May discussions on the following issues:

    DGM(T) Promotions:Decrease in the interval from DT to DGM (T), we paid for those who pass from the Secretaries (T) DoT on 01 Jan. not creating any Additional Financial Implications. CMD BSNL informing you that you want to look at the Secretaries (T) in order to help you and ask for help.

    Clearing of pending dos of recoveries from Salary of the employees: CMD has advised that the GPF fee for VRS optees, about Rs.710 Crore, will be charged on Monday. Other dos will also be cleared at the earliest.

    Promotions to fill up vacant posts after VRS: Regarding Promotions, CMD is a warning that practitioners are guilty of forget promotions for hard for Revival of BSNL. It is also understood that more merit is to be introduced in promotions in the future. We explained the ground realities. Most of all DGM updates in Telecom & Finance Wings will be good as AGM & CAOs will be updated after 01/31/2020 and will be impossible to expand BSNL thereafter bez filling up qiu vacant posts on an immediate basis. There є jto і sde і їх are not allowed to be vikonanі. At the time of promotion JTOs & JAOs are good, like promotions from JTO to SDE, competitive examination is obvious and practical 50% Executives eligible at the time of promotion are from competitive quota only, we explained. CMD BSNL is going short in AGM, CAO and DGM posts after post-VRS 2019.

    Farewell to the retiring employees: On the occasion of the service to be quiet, what to do to get rid of the accounts Rs 3001/- as it is just a token of appreciation of their past services in BSNL and honor for them. CMD told about her nezdatnіst before financial establishment in BSNL. In that case, if we know others are able to, change the purchase equivalent to the sum. CMD recognized our respect and closeness to admittance to the Cash Award Scholarship Institute.

    Nadanny USOF Projects to BSNL on Nomination Basis: We appraised CMD BSNL regarding the lot of USOF Projects to BSNL on Nomination Basis. CMD BSNL mentioned that we have to do all the Govt. Projects/ USOF Projects and our performance during previous years was very good and we have completed the Govt. Projects within time frame. However, as far as it goes on Nomination Basis, it would be good for BSNL otherwise, as far as we can see, we can't be good for BSNL.

    Maintenance of Primary Cables: All CMD difficilties in executives and divers circles in Post-VRS Scenario in maintaining the Primary Cables since orders for maintenance of Primary Cable for outsourcing has no been issued by the Corporate Office. CMD BSNL is respectful that it is leading to the development of walking in different countries, in the first part of the year, in order to be relocated / maintained frequently by taking the permission from different Local State Govt. Bodies/ Highway Authorities for which the Tenderer may not be taken to credit and our maintenance work will be suffered badly.

    Maintenance of MDF:It's up to the BSNL CMD that control of the MDF is the responsibility of the BSNL Staff. CMD BSNL mentioned those that our young people are responsible for more, get important jobs and accept responsibility. CMD is transferred to shorten the lane in post VRS engraving but can't maintain MDF for about a year before BSNL Staff. Following a detailed discussion, CMD assure to review the situation after three months.



    SNEA extends solidarity and moral support to the General Strike by the Central Trade Unions on 01/08/2020 in support of Privatization of Public Sector and other demands



    Circle Executive Committee, which is elected to the Assam Circle, after applying to Guwahati on 01/04/2020. GS and Jt Sec(East) addressed extended CEC meeting. CHQ leaders recollected the contribution of senior leaders and the activists taken the VRS. The stench will lead the Association for the development of different super-children and their contribution will be remembered for ever. All the dos will be settled by 31.01.2020 and their parting with BSNL will be smooth.

    The best of our stroggle for rock and roll strong good results for BSNL. Management and Govt tried to suppress our buggy planing, pay for cuts, fancy studs, show cause notices etc etc but we never compromised. For example, our brukivka go beyond the 4G spectrum of a free term, as my responsibilities, the territory was transferred, the expanditure of VRS borne by the Govt, 8500 Cr bond with suvereign guarantee approved to give financial support etc.

    The main focus is on changing BSNL. 4G launching is planned for 03/01/2020. The news is great, but it's a good signal for the BSNL industry. Likewise, management is able to implement a good mechanismus taking the employees into confidence, Revival is very much possible. Rich depends on the management.

    At Corporate level, BSNL restructuring is going on. In changed scenarios, guidelines are recognized for outsourcing of CFA work. However we are afraid that due to the stringent conditions, it mai fail in many places and BSNL will be in big trouble in maintaining the services after 02/01/2020, we informed the management. Experimental laboratories cannot be participants in tenders. Similar work goes in other verticals as well.

    As we turn, in HR vertically, the number of upgrades will flare up drastically by restructuring. VRS is thrown into different Challenges and post reduction and promotion is one among them. Threat post post reduction letter for the future and anticipation of that, the Association worked out non-post based promotion policy well in advance. Our our focus is for your front viscon w.e.f from 07/01/2018.

    Unfortunately, Executive Assn is still demanding post based promotion from a prospective date(for specific vacancies) and the adoption of management to change the implementation of the new support policy. There is no control if the prototype is based on the name of contempt and restructuring and at the time not implementing the new policy. Everything is indispensable for the final date on 07/01/18, you just don’t care for the final prospective date! Possibility will be a rest r_k for SDE in full for all SDE podomleny, directing to those, schob mother great respect for the importance of the pet and for the specialty of CMD and GM(Pers) in CAT/Ernakulam.

    The new transfer will be fought by a team of executives, leading to their career progression to the AGM Grade. All JTOs before 2014 can become SDEs and all SDEs before 2016 can become Sr SDE/Sr AO or AGM/CAO as of now. Past service weightage is provided in the new policy. However, SDE/AO in Sr SDE/Sr AO Grade will be introduced in 3 years and SDE/AO in AGM/CAO will be introduced in 8 years, which may be due to the changed scenario. After VRS, the number of increments in all fonts will be trimmed correctly.

    The concessions are strict and continus persuation, we could settle many issues in the past. In 2018, we could remember the entry number of the interval, the unknown list in the history of BSNL or DoT. Special exemptions from BSNL direct practitioners like i) EPF contribution without ceiling, ii) 5% Superannuation benefit etc could settle. We will continue our efforts to resolve the remaining issues with the support of all.


    Circle Executive Committee, which is elected to the Assam Circle, after applying to Guwahati on 01/04/2020. GS and Jt Sec(East) attended and addressed the meeting. The CEC unanimously co-opted the following Circle Office bearers:

    Circle President: Com Suresh Bora, AGM.

    Circle Secretary: Com Borun Baruah, JTO.

    Treasurer: Com Allauddin Ahmed, AO.

    Cooption become necessary as the earlier OBs opted for VRS 2019. SNEA recognizes their contribution to rich rock and wish them all the best.

    SNEA CHQ virіс all the success for newly elected young team.


    View Media Reports:

    State-controlled Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) continues to take on a plethora of creative interests channeled into the Erusium Potential Income Rs 20,000 crore-strong.



    Interaction with the Consultant M/s Deloitte:

    BSNL management arranged a meeting with the Consultant M/s Deloitte appointed for giving recommendations on continuity in BSNL Services in posts VRS scenario and the short term measures on 01/02/2020.

    GS, President and bot AGSs detailed discussion with consulting for two hours from 1600 Hrs to 1800 Hrs focussing on all the issues that may crop up in the post VRS scenario. Zahisnik identified acute shortage in DGM, AGM and TT(TM) cadres that will impact after the VRS.

    Immediate measures before impact, custommer relation in post VRS scenario, merger of SSA and Circle, drawback of present BA structure, manpower requirement, motivation of staff etc.



    GS, President and AGSs met Secretary/DoT, Member(T)/DoT, Addl Secretary/DoT, CMD, DIR(HR), DIR(Fin), Jt Sec/DoT and other top Officers of DoT on 01.01.2020, the New Year and held brief discussions. Negotiation with CMD and DIR(HR) on important issues like restructuring and thoroughly fixed for next week due to the busy schedule.

    DGM(T) promotion which is stopped due to reply given Secretary/DoT in the meeting with Parliamentary Committee that DGM promotion can be issued on after completion of restructur. VRS). You will know that all elastic DES are additional assistance and there is no reservation involved in DE prior to DGM matching and all 287 DEs belong to the SC/ST category as well as getting covered. Monthly DES, more than 500 DES zastosovanny to VRS and will be subject to the interim, which will be after 31.01.2020. We further bring to his notice that on 12/30/2019, see CGM rank officers retiring on 12/31/2019 є given promotion and allowed to avail the promotion. Ale in vipadku BSNL Executives just reverse happening.

    After the discussion, the Secretaries noted that we are very friendly to the DGM: 1) it is not possible to have financial opportunities only after VRS and 2) it is not possible to create a way in such addresses. Obviously, there are no financial successes and everything works at great points and things will not be done in similar promotions like DGM promotion is held up after 2017 due to litigations.

    The stench is clear, schob perekonatisya, scho discussions of CMD and if the information is correct, you will be responsible for the DGM stimulation.




    2019: Turbulent period in the history of BSNL. We successfully overcome it with unprecedented Unity and Solidarity

    New Year unfolds New Hopes with New Challenges

    In 2019, the rotations, which were known through turbulent times, are not yet seen in the history of BSNL with campaigns one after another in the Revival of BSNL. Vaughn was defiantly in a combat or child for BSNL practitioners. Today and all marked members of the SNEA are insured for one year by the BSNL editorial staff, as if the BSNL Executive is right in thinking that the BSNL Executive is right in the future. Namely, for a long period of time, also some sections of practitioners, especially executives kept away from mainstream stroggles as collapse of BSNL, are not for them. They can implement links and take the main end, innovate to establish the basis for the main stream, directing to negative forces.

    Yes, we had witnessed Repressive measures unleashed by management and Govt against the Associations and Unions to compel them to stop agitations and struggles, allowing BSNL for its natural death by accepting defeat. Ale, be some kind of zvіlneny, as we were zroblenі from different speeches, ready to be-yakoy vіri and ready to fight to the end, to the fact that the whiskers of our result. Yes, it was a do or die battle for all of us which we have to win at any cost.

    Initially, Vlad didn't get skin serious at Revival of BSNL. All Ministries have adopted the Revival Plan. Govt wait waiting for the natural death of BSNL. Finance Ministry bu z hostile, occupied by any type of package editing and filing for BSNL and MTNL closures. Strugach, side by side with the successful effects of BSNL workers, create a huge and medical idea in the fight against BSNL Revival really worked wonders. SNEA buv u protilezhnomu vіd usіh such activities. The compulsion created by us for political intervention finally worked. Primary effects from Hon MoC and some effects before the GoM form from Home Minister like a boy's boy with small effects from Secretaries/DoT and both CMDs/BSNL broken things happen. Our effects for intervention hon prime ministries and the end of the call hon prime ministries of yogis revival package that will really help revival of BSNL was the most decisive factor.

    Finally the BSNL and MTNL revival package was accepted into the Union Cabinet on 10/23/2019, including a new life list in BSNL and MTNL. package is have real real potential for Revival of BSNL. 4G spectrum charges of Rs 14,155 Crores plus 18% GST will fight for Govt as demanded by us. In the beginning, AUAB goiter that Govt is responsible for all 4G spectrums to BSNL. Land monetization for clearing the liabilities and meeting the CAPEX also got the Cabinet approval. Your assistance for financial assistance is also materialized in a seemingly trivial term for 10 years for 15,000 Cr for BSNL and MTNL with the power of song guarantee. Our understanding for merger of MTNL with BSNL, i.e. great financial capacity, status as a company and complex HR issues, gettting addressed before merger takes place. It is clear that the exchange of 15,000 Crores for VRS is due to the power of the people, and yakbee figured out whether there was any other financial tractor on BSNL in the name of VRS. The creation of the 5G spectrum is onether favorable decision in offing.

    Today and a few workers from BSNL, especially Comrades of SNEA, can work on this enchanting activity, creating other stories in Trade Union ruh. Yes Comrades, we have created history on a strict hairpin for sharing with other workers, for the transfer of the company, setting an example for other sectors. I am very proud and fortunate to be part of such a struggle and lead Association of committed members by spearheading the struggle in the banner of AUAB, in the most difficult period. stink є memorable moments in life.

    Ninі, mi є on the courses of 2020 rock with no hopes and expectations. You can count on positivity in BSNL. BSNL revival is the first among them.

    4G launching on pan India basis on alotted spectrum People є good stained at that moment. Equally BSNL answerable to the Govt as after the allotment of free 4G spectrum. Modernization of the network is to be expedited. Operational issues and clearing outstanding dos to labors, contractors, vendors, land owners etc are the immediate challenges to make any outsourcing model successful. BSNL may show confidence among them by clearing their dos which will open the road for the future. Zdіysnyuyuchi pennies for the help of svіdomih bond and land monetization є two important go directly into that. We can manage VRS syndrome and run the robot on these robots in order to create BSNL sufficient for the implementation of unresolved services after 01/31/2020. A large number of loyal customers are really worried about the massive vіlniy vіdpochinok i vіn є vlasnoy vіdpovidnostyu vіdpovіdі їх confidence in the post VRS scenario. In which regime, management decisions will be very crucial.

    At the top of the agenda, how management is going to motivate the remaining 47% of employees to create a working space in the post VRS situation, how stench filling up the vacuum created in the area units which is generating revenue etc will have huge effects on transferring BSNL. Shorting executives to highher level can be easily met by promotion which can be done within a couple of days by new policy, simply by taking VC.

    DoT/Government and BSNL management in name of employee cost as more than 50% employees took VRS, exceeding their target. We have superior management, which unprofessional and drastic reduction in executive strength will have an adverse impact on BSNL revisits and good employees to get appointments at BSNL. Everything depends on how management is utilizing the remaining employees gainfully in the post VRS scenario. A professional approach and quick policy decisions can once again bring BSNL back on track.

    Let us hope that 2020 will bring good news for BSNL and the entire nation.