How can you earn money so that people follow you on VKontakte? How to make a lot of friends (prepayers) on VKontakte. Cost-free and paid method Kindly requested to the black list

The remaining global innovation for contact is changing the service for adding to friends. Now, when you submit a request to add friends, you automatically become a prepayer on this page.

After that, as the ruler of the story, he can either make you a full-fledged friend or deprive you of prepayments.

This option will save you from getting a lot of money from your friend and the same person.

Before that, you can find out who is on the list of your friends, and after deleting, you will lose your subscription to their page. To complete this, simply open the tab where you can see your output requests. A whole logical development of the previous function “Friends and idols”, with the addition of the ability to add a koristuvach to his idols.

Previously, you could make a person your idol, if the rating of your page exceeds 200 points, and stay up to date with the news and ideas that appear on the page. Now, by subscribing, you can keep track of all the interesting pages and people, regardless of the rating.

So how do you subscribe to the wrong website? Subscription is completed by simply typing “Add to friends” on the page. After clicking, you become a pre-payer for this page, and all updates will appear on your page. This works like this special sides koristuvachiv, and from different groups of contacts. Subscribing will help you find out about news and updates to pages that have privacy settings.

It is not possible to make an advance payment to your friends’ site, but you can find out about the new sites. After you have subscribed to your account, you will be prompted to appear in the special “Subscriptions” tab. This tab is below the Friends tab.

Also, in the main section, there is an applications tab, which is divided into two groups: input applications sent to you, and output applications sent by you.
In order to subscribe to the subscribed page, you need to go to your account and point to the area under your avatar “You are subscribed to”. After that, you will no longer have to click on “Save” and you will no longer pay for this page. You can also earn money in the outgoing and incoming orders tabs.

Now, if you add friends on your list, you will automatically transfer them to the list of prepayers on your page. To remove prepayers, you need to transfer them to the blacklist. From now on, you can encourage people to add friends and automatically become a pre-payer on your page.

Apparently, all the clients who send you friend requests will automatically become your overpayers. Until you praise the person’s request, it will remain on your list. If you want to clean up this kind of overflow, without giving people away to your friends with prepaid payers, but just by seeing them, read this article.

How to marvel at prepayers

We go to our page and in the left menu click on the “Friends” message:

We are opening a new page, in the right menu we click on the message “Requests from a friend”:

The “Vkhidni” tab itself contains all the people who have subscribed to you:

This does not transfer the function of removing people from prepayers. Of course, there is only one way: you can go to the page of the person you want to see and block him on that page. Ale is another sensible and most often used method, so let’s move on to the next one.

How to remove people from prepaid VKontakte in the latest version

Go to the main page of your cloud account, and under detailed information The number of people who have subscribed to you will appear. We are under pressure:

We immediately see a list. In order to see who you want to see, click on the cross at the top right corner of your avatar:

We are informed that in this manner we will give Denmark account have a black list. We wait here and click on the “Continue” button:

Axis and everything, this friend is from prepaid and wasted from your account account. Well, of course, we can stop there, but since you are not so controlled, then you can go further.

Don’t let this cloud record hang on your black list for a couple of days, and then you can delete it and uninstall it. If you find out earlier, then you may be able to show up again to prepayers. Yak tse robiti. Continue reading...

Click on the top menu in the upper right corner and from the menu select the “Adjustment” item:

At the next stage, from the right menu, select the “Black List” item:

The wine opens. We know what we need and, on the contrary, we have stamped on the message “See from the list”:

With such a rank, you will see a person who is an overpayer, without giving it to the black.

How to remove prepaid subscribers from contacts on the phone

And so, if you have a smartphone or tablet on the Android platform with installed mobile app VKontakte, then read the instructions.

We launch the program, and immediately on the main page you will see the number of people who are subscribed. We put pressure on someone:

Launched at the end of people who have subscribed to you. We know who we want to see and press on him:

Go to the people page and in the upper right corner you will find a menu that looks like three vertical buttons. We press on the new one and select the “Block” item from the menu:

How to remove prepayers from VK

Change in the friend system from a popular one social measures Vkontakte received a lot of negative comments from the side of the koristuvachs: now, since you raised people’s questions about adding friends, it will be taken away from your prepayers. Moreover, unknown people can simply overpay for your renewal without letting you know your friends. How can I remove prepayers from Contact?

When you subscribe to a person, their secretly available updates appear on your news page. So your most secretly available updates appear in the pages of new products that have subscribed to you. In addition to adding friends, subscribing is not a reciprocal process: people do not need your year to subscribe to your updates.

Many people like this right: not everyone is happy if their new items are signed by unknown people or those with whom you don’t want to cross paths (a big guy or a girl, a new passion of a big guy or a girl, a colleague, etc.). They were trying to add you to your friends and spammers on the list of prepayers are supposed to not please you. How can you delete from the list of prepaid payers on VK (at Kontakte) those you don’t like and how can you earn money?

1. Add prepayers to the blacklist

This method is the most effective, but also radical. Go to the page with your prepayers, point at the victim’s avatar and click on the cross in the upper right corner. Show up at the end of confirmation. If you sing, press and continue.

If you add a person to the black list, you will no longer be able to force you to inform you about your friend’s requests, and also look at your page. In this case, it is clear that you are familiar with the list of prepayers. It's not a big deal if you have to add each payer to the list manually, since you have a lot of them - the process will turn out to be quite laborious.

If you decide to pardon someone from the list, go to the Blacklist tab in the My Settings section and click on the message Remove from the list of the opposite person. Please be assured that the correspondent will again be on the list of your prepayers, since he did not manage to sign up himself.

2. Ask prepayers to sign out themselves

There is no real way to collect unknown prepayers from VK (in Contact) without adding them to the black list. You can also try different roundabout methods, which may help. Right now, you can ask the person to sign up for you in a kind way, by sending him or her a message. Or deprive yourself of a message on your wall to everyone who reads your wall with a message to subscribe: don’t forget to download it from your page of news.

There are no guarantees that people will voluntarily sign up for your updates. Not all of them are undercover, spammers are unlikely to want to read your notice, and you may not write to these prepayers yourself, because you don’t want to get involved with these people. Of course, since there are a lot of prepayers, writing to everyone in particular can be a tedious task.

3. Protect privacy on VK

Therefore, the third option is to deprive the prepayers, and thereby limit their access to your special information as much as possible. In the privacy settings (menu item My Settings, Privacy tab), you can set up so that most of your special information can only be seen by your friends - and who you add as friends is up to you.

There is no way to limit the access of unwanted guests to all information: some of your special information will be visible (for example, date of birth, place, Skype login, website), your posts on the wall, photographs, etc. what you posted on your wall , a list of your friends and subscriptions (you can add up to 15 of them), video and audio recording. So, you won’t be able to completely close yourself off from non-friends without adding them to the black list, as was possible before.

Well, the only sure way to get VK prepayers is not to add them to the blacklist. But this way to achieve it is radical (people who have fallen asleep will no longer be able to sleep with you) and laborious.

Good news, friends - you can become mega-popular on the social network VKontakte in just a few days or two =)

In this case, when there will be greater visibility, the triple-digit figure for Count Friends will be popular, it’s a pity not to earn money. However, for those who ask how to make a lot of friends and prepaid VKontakte, it is also a painless place in this situation.

For example, I quickly made a lot of friends for my fake on VK (). Ask, what do I need? It’s simple - for your help, I will freely promote my group, dedicated to computer games.

Wow, I need my money to earn money. Advance scheme:

  1. I am recruiting as many friends as possible for fake news.
  2. Then I begin to actively invite them to a specially created group.
  3. This group has a message on my website, it’s really exciting partner's efforts. Anyone who registers through such a message, or making purchases brings me a small sin.
  4. I periodically publish announcements and upcoming additional transitions in the group.
  5. I repost from the group to my fake page so that the new ones will be featured.

This is not the whole scheme, but simply this option, but we will report about this in other statistics. On the right, you can significantly speed up by investing pennies on advertising or by speeding up specials. service for making friends on VK.

However, this is far from the same meta.

I would like to soothe my vanity in such a manner) I would like to know that Vikorist is promoting fakes to make money on services, because he is massively selling advertising in his account, and in doing so, he is not hurting his real friends. Before speaking, on the forum you can buy cheap advertising, reposts, likes, etc. To promote my groups on VK or other sites, I decided to do something similar. If you don’t have a decent pack of fakes, then it’s much easier and easier to make money on freelancing exchanges if you want to work (painting, making up websites, programming, editing videos, groups in contact, etc.), This is one of the shortest exchange rates in my opinion and the minimum price is 500 rubles for 1 order.

I want to help pump up fakes by promoting groups, programs, for pennies and for pennies. Bloggers can use them for announcements of their articles - thousands of people of your prepayments can see your announcement on their news page, although you will take away a few transitions. Groups that sell goods on the Internet through prepayers Well, there are so many options.

Well, now let’s get closer to the point, how to cheat.

How to quickly recruit friends and prepayers on VKontakte

There are a number of options:

  1. Through the "Possible Friends" option.
  2. Through popular game programs.
  3. For further help third party programs and scripts.
  4. Become famous in any sphere and friends will flow like a river) At the very end, create a clear fake of a woman’s article, and add unique erotic photographs.

And one nasty new thing - VKontakte is exchanging 50 requests for friends for additional requests. Tobto. If you easily invite through “possible friends”, you will collect a maximum of 350 people per day, in addition, not all of them will accept the request, plus some will be valued over time.

Possible friends can be formed from the list of close friends

In short, the process will stretch out. And then on the right, it’s not tricky - you’ve collected as many people as possible, and then go to the list every day and click the Add button 50 times until the limit is reached, periodically entering the captcha.

The option is so famous (I can’t even describe it here). So the remaining method is lost:

Massive cheating of friends and prepayers from the VKontakte group for additional services

A method for those who don’t want to waste their time digging through software and manual additions - you can easily get a quick fix. There were a lot of services available today. It suits me better - in my opinion, this one has the best price and quality ratio. For a small sum, we can arrange for you to wind up friends on VKontakte (as well as prepaid members of the group, followers, etc.)

Prices for Narazi it's something like this:

I don’t want to get caught up in dubious programs, especially those that you have bought without cost on scammy sites. There are Trojans sitting there, trying to reveal your VK passwords. Good software for making friends on VKontakte is quite expensive and difficult to use, not for everyone.

Cheating friends on VK using programs

Suitable for those who need to make a few friends in a cost-free way, try this through numerous programs on VKontakte.

However, not everyone is suitable - we need gaming programs, for what we call frending - adding friends to win gaming benefits and bonuses. This is a popular marketing ploy among sellers of such games.

For example, I can name some of the most popular add-on groups for cheating friends - In the Okopi, Tyuryaga, Metro 2033, Rules of War, Dead Zone, etc. There are quite a lot of them, astonishingly, the cataloza has over 1 million participants.

As a rule, it contains a theme based on the theme “Looking for friends”, “Added as friends” or something similar.

Let’s go into it and you won’t have to submit your details, and you’ll immediately get rid of a bunch of queries) However, there are no such topics in official groups, so you can search for fan publics dedicated to your add-on, there will definitely be bna topic.

Why is this method good? Tim, it turns out that the highest limit is sent, you still increase the number of prepayers, for the cost of sending applications to you, you need to praise them only) In this way, having collected a couple of dozen groups Game add-ons and then, with all his might, he was aware of the look of “Add it!” you remove the burning rush of fresh blood)

We repeat the procedure every day, you can repeat it several times a day. In order not to go into the extensions every time and not to add bookmarks in groups to the browser, you can unhide My news -> Comments and you will see all those in the groups where you subscribed, here you can remove new comments ( All comments that appear can be filtered by clicking the cross)

In this way, you can add hundreds of friends to VKontakte every day, without any costs and in a very short time. And now the good news is that they are vikoristovvat to you =)

Before speaking, anyone who needs to make additional friends can Below in the VK comments sign up for mutual addition to friends + repost the post on the wall so that more people would come here and make more friends.

There are a lot of VK koristuvachs who don’t dream about thousands of prepayers. As a rule, the number of prepayments is large for watches, different models, for policies, etc. How can you make money so that people subscribe to your page themselves?

If you want people to subscribe to you themselves, you need to establish fatigue. For example, you can be a popular feature, and not necessarily in real life - it is enough to be popular on the Internet.

How can I reach whom? There will be a variety of paths. Some become a vlogger, some begin to sing, others become familiar with the peculiarities of singing colas... The main thing here is to light up. It is important, if you take the video bloggers themselves - many of them are so popular that today they are asked to be referred to the TV channel, although their activities have never been promoted by their channels on YouTube.

However, there is a simple method. Start marveling at all the photos on your page. So, if you have a model appearance, the number of prepayments increases every day. Moreover, it’s not just the girls who are bothered, but also the boys.

In a word, try, demonstrate something new and smart, and people will follow you.

Now let's talk a little about something else. In order for people to subscribe to you, you need to add a “Subscribe” button to your page instead of “Add to friends”. To start working on our site, we briefly remind you that you need to go to the settings on your page, select the “Privacy” tab and in the item “About what requests from a friend you will receive notifications” select “Among friends of friends.”

After this, the Subscribe button on your page will appear.

What should you do if no one subscribes?

If you still haven’t found a way to get people to follow you, you can cancel the request to add friends from groups. For this purpose, choose the appropriate specificity and write on the prompt “I add as friends to everyone”, after which you check for applications.

You will not add only friends to foreigners, but will remove ready-made prepayers. This method has two disadvantages. The first one is that you are telling yourself karma, actually deceiving other profiteers. On the other hand, you shouldn’t be surprised at the fact that crooks sign up for you without losing mutual friendship.

Before speaking, profiteers are trying to increase prepayments for the sake of even greater deception - they charge a sum of pennies for the prepayment. Obviously, prepayers won’t gain anything. Chi varto indulge in deception, the skin itself lies.